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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-06-08, Page 3
■ 1 ■ ♦ . 4 i ■ IP ■ i * i ■ 8 \ TRADE IN OUT *U’ TIBES... WORRY LESS • / For safe, trouble-free motor ing, drive up and “shoe-up” anew! High trade-in allow ance on your old tires . . . changeover while you wait! WJNfiHAM MOTORS Phone 139 Wingham d ■ ■ FORMER LUCKNOW WOMAN WINS $28,000 IN EPSOM DERBY Mrs. Minnie Horne of Toronto, the winner of $28,000 in the Epsom Derby, is a former resident of Lucknow, Mrs. Hprne had a ticket on Acro polis, which finished third in the face. Her many friends jn this district were delighted to hear of her good fortune, and a telephone call was put through to Toronto that some of them to extend ations. Mrs. Horne operated a in Lucknow, and was highly respect ed. News of Wroxeter night by congratul- restaurant - Huron County Health Unit IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Another in a series of Preschool Immunization Clinics for Wingham and District will be held in the Public School, Wingham, entrance off Jolm Street, on * TUESDAY, JUNE 14th from 8.30 p.m. to 430 pan. Children 3 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive immuni zation for Diphtheria, Whoop ing Cough, Tetanus and Small pox. 0 YOUR FJNGtRTIPS? LA5TIC ffflri THSfj !'E\ HOME DECORATOR FINISHES rOOONTO f1 CANADIAN TIRE SAVES YOU 18.50 a gallon 9 ■ SUPER-LASTIC ODOURLESS-ALKYD HOME DECORATOR " HB FINISHES are “colour-controlled” for perfect match—You get exactly the same shade of colour in Odourless Alkyd Flat, Somi-Gloss or Fast-Drying Enamel. Of course, you can also “mix-match” or harmonize your home colour-scheme readily because you choose from 72 exciting new shades ■ ■ . and they’re so easy to use. Super-Lastic Odourless Alkyd Finer Finishes SUPER-LASTIC "HOME DECORATOR" INTERIOR GLOSS—A sanitary, easy to apply gloss finish for walls and wood work, especially in kitchens and bath rooms—ideal for any. Interior trim. One coat ample for most jobs. Odourless alkyd. 72 attractive colours. Tinting Base— 1.45 Finishing White— Qt. 1.59 Gal. 5.05 Gal. 5.65 SUPER-LASTIC "HOME DECORATOR" QUICK-DRYING. ENAMEL — Odourless Alkyd. Durable waterproof beauty for furniture, woodwork, wicker and metal surfaces—in your home. Self-levelling— flows smoothly and leaves no brush marks. 72 exciting colours. Tinting Base— * ■ ’/2-pt. .52 Qt. 1.69 Gal. 5.98 Finishing White, Chinese Red, Black y2-pt. *59 Qt. 1.85 Gal. 6.75 SUPER-LASTIC "HOME DECORATOR'" SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL—Use this odour less alkyd soft-sheen finish on walls, woodwork and furniture. Finger marks, dirt wash right off. Made in 72 desir able colours. Tinting Base— 1.45 Gai. 5.05 Finishing White— Qt. 1.59 Gal. 5.65 r cTc ‘V I • j! •J ’ 3 \”/a V .. | Phone 184 ^PER^LASTK I GLOSS enamel \Y ^uper-lastK rFLAT > WALL FINISH SUPER-LASTIC "HOME DECORATOR" FLAT WALL FINISH—Now you can paint your walls in odourless alkyd "Flat'1 to perfectly match Semi-Gloss or High Gloss trim and furniture. 72 wonderful colours. Tinting Base, (and Finishing White) QL 1.45 Gal., 5.05 UNDERCOATING—Combination Primer, Interior and Exterior Tinting Base. ’/2-pt. .45 Qt. 1.45 Gal. 5.05 ODOURLESS PAINT THINNER PL .59 QL .75 Gai. 1.98 "HOME DECORATOR" PAINT COLOUR ANT TINTING TUBES— For l/2pt.— ................................13 to .28 For Quart— .....................13 to .38 For Gallon— .................. .14 to .78 WperjlASTK on I rubber BASE . SATIN SUPER-LASTIC HOME DECORATOR RUBBER BASE "SATIN" No paint odour. The "Scrubbable" paint that dries in minutes. Contains R-U-B-B-E-R to provide an extra-, scrub-tough surface that can be washed and washed again. Apply with roller or brush—over wallpaper, plaster, wallboards and most other Interior surfaces. Gives a soft sheen tn lovely decorator-endorsed dramatic colours. Gal. 4.80 TINTING BASE 1.39 QT. A I WINGHAM; ONT. ftohinE.Compb.il g SPECIAL 50 ft. good quality plastic GARDEN HOSE Complete with couplings. Wroxeter United Church Votes To Join Gorrie The United Church congregation of Wroxeter, at a rneeting following the morning service, unanimously accept ed the plans made to join with Gorrie United Church, with one minister ser ving both churches, The congregation of Salem United Church, Wroxeter North, will close its church. Rev. Mr. Buchanan, of Gorrie, who has been in Gorrie charge for three years, will continue as minister and will continue to live in Gorrie manse. Rev. E. W. Todd, who has spent four successful years as minister of Wrox eter and Salem Churches, has accept ed a call to Inglewood, which charge he will assume on July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Todd, during their time in this village, have made many friends. They not only gave their best to the church but were good citizens in every sense of the word. The good wishes of all go with them to their new charge in Inglewood. W.I. District Annual Ten senior branches and one junior branch were represented when East Huron W.I. held its district annual at Cranbrook on Thursday. Presiding for the morning and afternoon ses sions was Mrs. • Stanley Bride. Mrs. C. Salbern gave the secretary's re port. Miss Eleanore Kidd of the Women’s Institute Branch and Home Econom ics Service, outlined the extensioh work and met with the district direc tors in a special meeting to determine their choice for the coming year. Wroxeter group will have salads for a project, with second choice, sand wiches. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, board director, gave a report of the F.W.I.O. and brought greetings from that body. Guest speaker was Mrs. S. Geoghagen, of Listowel, who in an interesting and amusing address, told of some of her experiences as district president of North Perth. She said she had been in Institute work for over forty years and from that long experience, which she said had been a very happy one, she inspired her listeners to keep up the good work which brought its re ward in so many ways. Luncheon was served' in the United Church base ment. The reports of standing committees were excellent with almost 100 per cent reporting. Lovely flowers and streamers in the W.I. colors of blue and gold gave the community hall an attractive -setting. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Glenn Johnston. Tuesday Starlight Meeting The regular meeting of the Tues day Starlight Group, United Church, was held at the home of Mrs. Ruth MacDonald, on May 31st. Eighteen members and 1 visitor were in attend ance. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn. Mrs. R. Flett read an account of the life of the compos er Charlotte Elliott. Catharine Mac Donald, Gwen Gibson/Fay Smith ahd. Nancy Newton sang a quartette ac companied at the piano by Jean Dob son. Everyone enjoyed the music very much including a piano duet by Cath arine MacDonald and Bernice Grain ger. Mrs. Ira MacLean gave a very in teresting reading entitled “Sermon on the Mount,” an interpretation by April Oursler Armstrong. A contest was conducted. Winners were Mrs. Ted Smith and Mrs. Ira McLean. Lucky draw for the evening was won by Mrs. Harvey Reidt. President Mrs. G. L. Dobson was in , charge of the business. Arrangements for meeting and refershments were in charge of Mrs. Jack Gibson, Mrs. Harvey Reidt and Mrs. D. Statia. " Arranges WJMUS. Meeting Mrs. Harvey Timm is arranging the June meetipg of the Woman’s Mis sionary Society which will be held on Friday evening of this week, June 10th, at the home of Mrs. James San derson, Wroxeter South. Time of meeting 8.30 p.m. The theme “To Live Is to Give,” is under Christian Stew ardship. Mrs. Gilbert Howes will give the address. Several others will assist in the worship period. ’ Hear Women’s Editor Miss Margaret Brophy, women’s editor of CKNX, was guest speaker at the June meeting of Wroxeter In stitute. Her topic was “Radio and Television for Your Child.” She said the best programs should be selected for children and they should not be allowed to listen to a succession of unsuitable programmes. The speaker gave many interesting side lights from the view of the broadcaster and hints as to how a listener can help those in charge. Miss Brophy spoke briefly on the value of good publicity, and advised “Let the people know you are active by personal word, press, radio or any other means.” The speaker was introduced by Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and thanked by vice- president, Mrs. W. T. MacLean, who presented a small gift in appreciation of her visit. The motto, "Feed your family what they require, rather than what they desire” Was prepared by Mrs. Les Douglas and presented by Mrs. Wil liam Hart. A report of the recent president’s conference was read by Miss K. Hazelwood and prepared by the delegate, Mrs. Herb Patterson, It was a colorful description of two days at the O.A.C. Mrs. John •-Lane took charge of the extension course plans, and salads were chosen as first choice with sandwiches as second choice, with the fall season preferable in which to hold the course. The roll call, "How to Freshen a Room” brought an inter esting response. A display of home made cookies was admired, then they were later auctioned off to bring the sum of $8.00. Four visitors signed the guest book. Mrs. Charles Cathers brought to the meeting a rug which she has designed for the competition of the W.I. The much admired rug ' will be ready by August 1st Mrs. J. ' H, Wylie gave the courtesy remarks, hostesses were Mrs. Harvey Keidt, Mrs. Carl Smith and Miss K. Hazeb wood. Congregation Ken Orr, of Byron, has returned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Rae and son, Douglas, of Hanover, visited on Sun day with Mrs. D, W. Rae. Mrs. Wm. Montgomery and son, Bruce, spent Sunday at Walkerton. Mrs. Montgomery's daughter, Mrs, Bowles, has had a major operation in Hanover Hospital, Don Gibson, of Port Dover, spent the week-end at his home in town. Mrs. Fred Davy has been in poor health for the past week. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Attending the district annual meet ing of the W.I. on • Thursday last, were Mrs, Wm. Hart, Mrs. Thomas Burke, Miss K. Hazelwood, Mrs. Charles Cathers, Mrs. W. T. Mc Laughlin and Mrs. D. S. MacNaugh- ton. Dr. George Brown, of Selby, visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, Dr. Brown was taking a special course at the Ontario Veterinary College, at, Guelph, He re turned to Selby on Friday. It is six teen years since George left his home town. Old friends were pleased to see him back. Dr. George Allen spent part of last week in Montreal/ His mother, Mrs. Mac Allen, is a patient in the hospital, having undergone surgery. We ^re pleased to know Mrs. Allen is making a good recovery and extend best wishes for a speedy recovery to good health. Rev. E. W. Todd was in charge of the Church of the Air on Wednesday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCutcheon were guests at the Ruhke - Pocock wedding at ‘ “ Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Montgomery, Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Sunday visitors with Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bell, all of Atwood, also Mrs. Frank Forster, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Neil White, Toronto, spent the week-end at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Sherris Gibson, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, visited with friends in town over the week-end and attended the Gibson-Tait wedd ing. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Refell, also Miss Bonny Gib son, all of London. Mr. Bill Durst has been in Wingham Hosiptal for the past few days. Bill suffered painful injury to his foot. He had taken the power mower from the local cemetery to Carson’s Hardware, Gorrie, for repairs and while trying it out in some manner caught his shoe in the knives with the result of badly injured toes requiring many stitches. Eleanore Wearring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wearring, Toronto, formerly of Wroxeter, graduated from WeStern^University on Saturday. Miss Wearring plans to be with the Vic torian Order of Nurses. She is a graduate of Hamilton General Hospi tal where she won a prize for pro ficiency in bedside nursing. Wingham Baptist ■ With the Community Players There are only six more rehearsals of “Life With Father” excluding dress and make-up rehearsals. The director, Lillian Overend, reports that the play is taking shape nicely. She said they have reached and passed the point where everyone connected with the production feels there will never be a play, (which seems to hap pen in every play.) The cast is now at the stage where the director can sit back and the players are on their own to portray their characterizations as them. Personals Mr. George Lackie, who has speht the winter with his daughter, Mrs. The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, June 8th, 1955 Fag© TkMt -t—...... ----- SUMMER SCHOOL SET FOR SKATERS Stratford Curling Club has leased its premises to Ross Smith, for the last five years professional skating instructor in Stratford, who will hold an eight-week figure skating school opening m July, The school has been sanctioned by the Canadian Figure Skating Associ ation in Ottawa. G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. W. R. HAMILTON, R.O THE WALLPAPER SHOP When Glasses Are Not Needed . . . Hamiltons will tell you so. If glasses are needed you are sure of top quality and expert service. Complete Visual Examination” PAINT SALE CLEARING ALL “KEM” COLOURS Kem Tone Reg. Qt. $1.69 Sale 98c Gals. $3.50 Kem Gio Reg. Qt. $3.05 Super Kem Tone Sale $2.25 Gals. $8.50 Reg. Qt. $2.25 Sale $1.50 Gals $5.50 Buy now while stock is complete. SPECIAL Outside White $3.49 Gal. Wingham The Wallpaper Shop MEATS SWIFTS PREMIUM - CRYOVAC WRAP SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS .... 69c they see 0-0-0 The wardrobe rehearsal week was successful, with quite well out-fitted except for shoes. If anyone has any old-fashioned shoes the club could borrow, they would be very welcome. The wardrobe seamstresses, Jean Lunn and Micky Ross are awaiting an 1&80 dress pattern to start work on a couple of dresses for Raye Mc- Knight who plays the female load, Mrs. Day. held last everyone H SWIFT’S PREMIUM - BONELESS VEAL FRONT ROLLS .. SWIFTS BREAKFAST SAUSAGE EVERSWEET BACON Visitors rehearsals to having 0-0-0 are welcome to come to to help the actors get used an audience. 0 - 0 - e The furniture situation is shaping up very well. All that is needed now are six old-fashioned oak dining-room chairs. 0-0-0 Here is some information about the’’ director: Lillian started taking an active in terest in drama when she was living in St. Marys in 1949. She attended a course given by Roy Irving, a well- known &ctor from Dublin Theatre, in Ireland. Her main interests were make-up and set decoration. She also wrote th© little theatre column for the St. Marys Journal-Argus. Since coming to Wingham she has attended all the courses in drama in the district, given by Mr, Mieklejohn, Eric Christmas and a series given by Don Sinclair. In the spring of 1954 she directed a play called “Sunday Costs Five Pesos,” and this season played the part of an Inmate of an old ladies’ home in "Joint Owners in Spain.” In addition to the federal govern ment’s National Film Board there are more than thirty private companies making motion pictures in Canada. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 i ■ LB. .. 43c 1 LB. . 39c 54 IB. CBLLO BACH ............... 29c SWIFTS PREMIUM - SLICED LB. FAVORITE LUNCHEON MEAT .... 59c ★ ★ * * * 5 STAR SPEGIALS AYLMER BOSTON BAKED BEANS IGA CHOICE CREAM CORN .. SIIERRIFF’S WHITE CAKE MIX .. , 15 OZ. ... 2 for 29c 20 025. 8 for $1.00 16 025. . 29c QUAKER MUFFETS.......................2 for 29c RINSO *Large Giant .. 31c .. 61c REMINGTON’S WE DELIVER d %