The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-05-25, Page 6Ji e HI I Page Six The Winghani Advance^Times, Wednesday, May 25, 1955 _________ FOR SALE__________ S YOUR WrS^URED for Damage to Television apparatus, Loss or Damage, or Theft of Television re­ ceiver? Are you insured for Public Liability, Property Damage, includ­ ing damage to your own property? For further information apply to Stewart A. Scott or phone 293. 5rrb HELP WANTED-^IALE EXPERIENCED MECHANIC want­ ed, to work in a Chevrolet and Olds­ mobile Dealers garage. Excellent working conditions, clean shop, good wages. Apply to Box 38 in care of the Wingham Advance-Times. ___________________________18,25 b ~deadst6gkvvanted" i POTATOES for sale. Apply Roy Noble, Blyth, phone 35r23 Blyth. 18* SPECIAL! Spring filled mattresses, 210 coil flex-o-lator, taped rolled edge. White layer felt. Only $29.75. R. A. Currie & Sons. 25:1b PIANQ for sale. Phone 185. 25:1* THREE PAIRS OF WINE, lined drapes for sale. Three yards long, phone 312. 25b BOXER PUPS for sale, registered. Phone 415 or apply Cameron’s Billiards. 25b WOODEN CRIB 27” x 51” for sale,1 also high chair. In good condition. Priced right. Phone 51. 26b OARS FOR SALE 51 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH for sale. Apply to Cameron’s Bil­ liards. 18b 49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN for sale, ex­ cellent condition. Phone 245J. 25* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS for sale, 5 chunks, 4 weaners. Apply to George Fisher, White­ church. Phone 747wll, Wingham. 25b 17 WEANLINGS for sale, _also 9 chunks. Apply to Allan Wingham, phone 622J12. Dunbar, 25* TWO HOLSTEIN COWS, just fresh, for sale, also one Jersey cow with two calves. Apply Omar Stokes, phone Wroxeter 20r5, 25b REGISTERED SHORTHORN BULL for sale, 18 months old, from ac­ credited herd. Also part Jersey cow, 3 years old, vaccinated, due to fresh­ en in June. Apply to Edgar Wight­ man, Belgrave. 25* POULTRY FOR SALE RAISE NEUHAUSER CHICKS These famous chicks now available' for immediate shipment. Hatched from the best production strains in the U.S.A. * ’ chicks breeds from. Shipping twice weekly, guarantee with every dollar. No order too large, none too small. If it is chicks—we have them. Write to-day. NEUHAUSER HATCHER­ IES, ESSEX ONTARIO.25b and Canada. High quality at new low prices. 20 pure and 15 crossbreds to choose Also special broiler strains. Livability MISCELLANEOUS SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc. pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply to Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 16rr25myb DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb 24 HOUR SERVICE on all furnaces and oil burners. Apply Hiseler & Son, phone 426. 15rrb IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A Scott, .Phone 293. rrb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or in­ formation phone Clinton 242 may 130rl2, collect, between 10.00 a.m. on week days and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. or Mild- 7.30 and 7.30 and 9rrb SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and^ poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash dividend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the Co­ operatives in Wingham. 18rrb CUSTOM PLOUGHING, harrowing and cultivating wanted. Apply to Harold Dennis, phone 658J1. 11:18:25b WANTED WANTED—Flocks to supply a large Canadian Approved Hatchery with hatching eggs. Premium up to 33c per dozen over the market price of eggs. Eggs taken every week in the year. Write for full details. Apply Box No. 37, Advance-Times. 18:25:1:8b WANTED TO BUY red clover and timothy mixed hay, loose or 3 wire bales, No. 1 quality. Apply to George Johnson, R.R. 1, Wilsonville, Ont., phone Brantford 32762. 25:1b In a tight traffic situation would your car hold up? Don’t wait for a crisis to find out. The Ontario Safety League says check your car and check accidents. ,\w S' 9. HORN should be working prop­ erly. 10. REAR-VIEW MIRROR should give a clear view of the road behind. WANTED: Dead or disabled farm animals. Removed promptly and ef­ ficiently in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect Wingham 561J. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMIT­ ED, Ingersoll, Ontario. 13rrl5:6* EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAPABLE GIRL desires work. Would go to cottage, as helper. Phone 632J2. ,25b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1% STOREY HOUSE for sale, located on Maitland River between Gorrie and Wroxeter; 3-piece bath, heavy duty hydro. Apply to F. B. Mill­ ward, R.R. 1, Gorrie, phone llr6 Wroxeter. 25:1* 7 ROOM HOUSE for sale on Francis St. Oil heating, heavy wiring, all modern conveniences. Apply Box 41 Advance-Times. 25:4* HOUSE FOR SALE on Diagonal Rd., across from Arena. Apply to Charles E. Smith. 25* FOR RENT THREE-ROOM APARTMENT to rent. Residential. Apply Box 42. 25b WANTED TO RENT WANTED IMMEDLATELY 3 room apartment or small house for young couple. Phone 651vz.25b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINESS for sale. Will take an exchange. No agents please. Phone Fordwich 60rll. 25:11:8:15 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon on Mon­ day, June 6th, for spraying the road­ sides for weeds. The township will supply the materials. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George Thomson, Clerk. 18:25b TENDERS WANTED Grey Twp. School Board will receive Tenders, until June 13th for painting S.S. No. 7, two classrooms and ex­ terior, must be completed by July 2nd, S.S. No. 8, one classroom and terior, S.S. No. 11, exterior to completed by August 15. J. Carl Hemingway, Sec.-Treas. R.R. 3, Brussels, Phone 25-5, Brus­ sels. 18:25b ex- be TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon, June 15th, for 12 tons more or less of No. 1 furnace coal for schools in Turnberry Township School Area. Lowest -or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. 25:4b MEN The Canadian Army offers you A Steady Job -A with Good Pay Excellent Pension Plan and Opportunities for Promotion, Learning Useful Trade, and Overseas Service See your local Recruiting Officer, Wingham Armoury every Thursday 10 a.m. 6.45 p.m. a OR Apply direct to No. 7 Personnel Depot LONDON, Ontario Bring proof of age and edu cation. Here’s the life-line cf the month from the Ontario Safety League. When driving, be sure you can see, steer and stop, safely. Check your car to check accidents. LODGE PRESENTS 50-YEAR JEWEL At the meeting of Western Star L<?dge, IOOF on Thursday night last, James Clark, of concession 5, Morris, a member of Brussels Lodge, was pre­ sented with a 50-year jewel. District Grand Master Harrison of Kincardine lodge made the presenta­ tion. Other grand lodge officers present were District Deputy Grand Master Hartley Fischer, Brussels, and Dis­ trict Deputy Grand Master Kenneth Wilson, Teeswater. —Miss Toronto, week with Mr. and Mrs. j7a’ Wilson' —Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon spent the holiday week-end with friends in Detroit. —Rev. and Mrs, John Morris of Elmwood, were guests of Mrs. Hab- kirk, of John St. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider spent the week-end with friends in Detroit, —Mrs. Ethel Stewart was in Tor­ onto over the week-end and attended the Greenwood-Grainger wedding, —Miss Norma Coutts, of West Lome, spent the- holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Coutts, —Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard McGowan, of Oakville, were holiday visitors with the formers auqt, Mrs. Jas. Taylor, on Patrick Street. —Mi‘, and Mrs. Harry Bates and daughter, Marjorie Ste Marie, of De­ troit, were visitors with Mrs. Bates’ mother, Mrs. F. Angus. —Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Coutts and two sons, Donald and Peter, of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts. —Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fensham and daughter, Linda, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of Mrs. Fen- sham’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith, Carling Terrace. —Mr. Isaac Stokes, who has been a patien^ in Wingham Hospital *101 the past few months, was able to return to his home in Turnberry • on Thurs­ day lash —Mrs. Charles Brown, and • daugh­ ter, Anne and son Richard, of Wind­ sor, were holiday visitors1 with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston, Minnie Street. —Mr. Roy Adair and daughter, Mrs. William Hilbert, left Sunday by plane from Malton Airport to attend the funeral of Mr. Adair’s sister, Mrs. James Beckwith, of Glendora, Cali­ fornia, the former Ida Adair. —Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Haney, Laurie and Carman, of Brantford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haney, who celebrated their forty-eigtth wedding anniversary quietly on Sunday, May 22nd. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Fleuty, of Niagara Falls, Ontario, were week­ end visitors of the former’s father, Mr. W. J. Fleuty, and his aunt, Mrs. Maude Dodd, at the latter’s residence, on Shuter Street. Jessie Wilson, Reg. N., of has been visiting the past /should operate properly. Directional signals should also be checked, wear and proper inflation. 5. WHEEL ALIGNMENT should be checked. 6. EXHAUST SYSTEM AND MUF­ FLER should be completely checked by a qualified mechanic, 7. WINDSHIELD WIPERS should be operating with blades checked to see if they are “live” and clean, 8. GLASS should be clear, free of cracks or discoloration. BIRTHSCARD OF THANKS . 1 wish to thank all those who sent | _eards and boxes. Special thanks ’ ' nurses at ’ RAMAGE- pital, on Mr. and R.R. 2, Lucknow, a son. I me to Dr. McKibben and th the -time of my operation in Wing- ’ ham Hospital.—Doug. Campbell. 25* < iCARD 2a’ Til Wingham General Hos- Friday, May 20, 1955, to Mrs. MacKinley Ramage, OF THANKS to thank the doctors their kindness to me z stay in the Wingham Also for Jhe flowers, gifts They I would like and nurses for during my Hospital, j and cards which I received, were very much appreciated.—Mrs. Lloyd Simmermaker, Fordwich, Ont. 25b jjt’TTON—In Wingham General pjtal, on Sunday, May 22nd., to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Button, 3. Lucknow, a son. Hos- 1955, R.R. Hos- 1955, HENEY—-In Wingham General pital, on Sunday, May 22nd., to Air. and Mrs. John Heney, Wing­ ham, a daughter. CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our rela­ tives, neighbors and friends for the kindness shown us, messages of sym­ pathy and floral tributes or help in any way following the death of our brother Earles. Special thanks to Dr. R. B. Palmer and to the Rev. E. W. Todd for his comforting message. —The Ball Family. 25* CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks for the fruit, flowers, cards and remembrances sent to me by my friends during my recent stay in hospital. The tokens of sympathy will be gratefully remembered.—Wil­ bert Hodgkinson. 25b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS THE ESTATE OF MELISSAIn DICKSON, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Melissa Dickson, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of October, 1954, are requested to file full particu­ lars of their claims with the under­ signed Solicitor for the Executor on or before the 30th day of May, 1955. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the deceased will be distri­ buted, having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, seventh day of May, A.D., 1955. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 11:18:25b NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF MORRIS TOWNSHIP this A meeting of the residents of Morris Township -will be held in the Town­ ship Hall on Monday, May 30 at 8.30 p.m. to make further arrangements for the Centennial to be held in 1956. Everyone come and help to make the Centennial a real success. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk.25b NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received for the contract of digging, supplying and laying tile and backfilling on the Sawyer Drain in Morris Township. Tenders will also be received for the contract of cleaning and repair­ ing the Robertson-Mathers Drain in Morris Township. The plans, profiles and specifications on these drains may be seen at the Clerk’s office. All tenders must be in by 12 o^clock noon, June 6, 1955. A certified cheque for ten per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessar­ ily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, Morris Township. 25:1b TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS— PROVINCE OF ONTARIO e EALED TENDERS addressed to o the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received until 3.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob­ tained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Ar­ chitect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered un­ less made on or according to the printed forms supplied by the Depart­ ment and in accordance with condi­ tions set forth therein. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful tend­ erer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque drawn on a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent of the amount of tender, in accordance with the Government Contracts Regulations now in force, or Bearer Bonds, with un matured coupons attached, of the Government of Canada or of the Canadian Nation­ al Railway Company and its constitu­ ent companies, unconditionally guar­ anteed as to principal and interest by the Government of Canada. The lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 10, 1955, Former Bluevale Man Dies in Hamilton At the Hamilton General Hospital, on May 20th, the death occurred of Henry Clifford Pugh, B.A., B. Sc. He was born in Bluevale, the son of the late Joseph Pugh and Sabina Paul. He taught in Hamilton second­ ary schools for many years. He is survived by his wife, formerly Maybelle E. MacGregor, Port Nelson, two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Gemmill, of Winnipeg, and Margaret, of Port Nelson. Two brothers also survive: Chester Pugh, of Dorchester and Paul in the Canadian West. One brother, Fred died several years ago. The funeral service was held in the Dodsworth and Brown funeral home, Hamilton, on May 24th. Interment was in Woodland cemetery. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the un­ dersigned until 12 o’clock noon, June 15th for the re-decorating of No. 6 (Holmes’) School, interior and exter­ ior. Desks to be sanded and varnished. All woodwork inside aand out, ridge boards and toilet pipes and woodshed to be painted, storm windows and school windows to be puttyed and painted. Walls and ceilings to be washed and 2 coats of paint applied. Board will supply paint. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. 25:1b BELMORE i NOTICE TO CREDITORS AIL PERSONS having claims against the estate of William G. Keith, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 29th day of March A.D. 1955, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, A.D. 1955, full particu­ lars of their claims in writing. Im­ mediately after the said 28th day of May the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to claims of which the executors then have notice. DATED this 7th day of May, 1955. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 11:18:25b only shall A.D. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having .claims against the estate of Andrew Jack, late of the Village of Lakelet in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on or about the-29th day of November A.D. 1954, are notified to send to the under­ signed on or before the twenty-eighth day of May, AD, 1955, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate­ ly after the said twenty-eighth day of May the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the par­ ties entitled thereto, having regard bnly to claims of which' the admini­ stratrix shall then have notice. Dated this 9th day of May, A.D. 1955. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix 11:18:25b Mrs. John Harper spent the week­ end with Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mrs. Kidd and her daughter, of Peterborough, visited Miss Nellie and Mr. John Doig last week. His many friends are very much pleased that Mr. Isaac Stokes was able to come home last Friday, after spending several months in Wingham Hospital. The United Church Mission Band met at the manse after school last Tuesday and the Presbyterian Mission Band met in the church on Saturday afternoon. The Friendship Circle of McIntosh church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Darling last Tuesday night. After a short devotional period the evening was spent in games and con­ tests. Rev Harold and Mrs. West assisted with the social activities and the refreshments. Mrs. Harvey Ballagh, Mrs. Ross McKague, Mrs. Glenn Appleby, Mrs. Doug McPherson, Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Mrs. Will Darling, Mrs. James Dick­ son, Miss Mae Johann and Mrs. Elmer Zinn attended the meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial in Luck­ now last Tuesday afternoon, some remaining for the evening service. Mrs. McPherson and ‘Mrs. Appleby sang a duet. Miss Helen Bricker, of Toronto and Miss Marion Williamson proved to be very interesting guest speakers. SAFETY CHECK OF CAR ADVISED BY LEAGUE COCKTAILERS-TAILENDERS Stanley Jones tells of being on a plane en route to Europe. A team of U.S. skaters was on board on the way to compete in the Olympics. “When the steward of the plane passed out cocktails—a vicious cus­ tom where the non-drinkers pay for the drinks of the drinkers—he came to this Olympic team and remarked, 'Of course these will not take any,’ and the coach nodded agreement. If they had they would automatically have ruled themselves out of the severe competition. Pruning away handicaps is a “must” for Olympic competitors—indeed for all who strive in sports to reach the top. Surely in the severe competition of modem living this “stumbling block” should be avoided by all youth. Very often the one who begins as a cocktailer only, becomes one of life's tailenders. —Advertisement 25b Australia, with about half the popu­ lation of Canada, has since the Second World War accepted just about the same number of immigrants. 0-0-0 From the 15 per cent special tax on radio and television sets and parts the CBC received $22 million last year. “In a tight traffic situation, your life may depend on the efficiency of your car. Don’t delay—have your car safety checked today!” This advice was given to Ontario motorists today by Lieut. Colonel W. B. G. Reynolds, General Manager of the Ontario Safety League as he urged all civic-minded citizens to partici­ pate in the May vehicle safety check program. “It’s foolish to trust to luck when it’s so simple to find out the true condition of your car,” Colonel Rey­ nolds said. “No motorist has any excuse for driving a car that has not been check­ ed for safety,” says Colonel Reynolds. ‘Tn some Ontario communities, spec­ ial “check lanes” are set up for the local community’s vehicle safety check program. But the final answer rests with the individual driver. I am tak­ ing this opportunity of appealing to every driver in every Ontario com­ munity to accept his responsibility for public safety and to1 do his duty as a public spirited citizen.” He reminded drivers that neglect of even one of the ten safety check points can cause a serious accident and urged them not to take a chance by driving an unchecked car. These points are: brakes, headlights, rear and stop lights, tires, steering, ex­ haust system and muffler, windshield wipers, windshield and windows, horn and rear view mirror. 1. BRAKES should take hold even­ ly on all wheels. The hand brake should be able to hold the car on any hill. Brake fluid should be clean and at the proper level. 2. HEADLIGHTS should be at the proper level for maximum, road illum- ination and minimum glare. Lenses I should be Clean and reflectors bright3. REAR AND STOP LIGHTS I ■ Trips - Weddings - Funerals CHUCK’S TAXI Insured while you ride. Phone 185 Winghani COURTEOUS DRIVERS 24 hours service Charlie Lee, Owner LEE’S DRIVING SCHOOL HERE Every Mon. & Sat. APPOINTMENTS FROM 9 a.m. to 9 pjn. "Contact Charles Lee or Phone 185 Notice to Water Consumers The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service, will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. Shera, Superintendent Looking for top value in a USED CAR OR TRUCK? Look for this "Safe Buy" seal SAFE 0 8 UY where you see this sign of a dependable dealer rffl€RCURYq YOU CAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE BECAUSE your Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer is in business to stay... interested la earning your goodwill with an eye to future patronage. It’ll pay you to remember that a used car b only as good as the dealer behind it And you buy—choose a “Safe Buy”—thoroughly checked, reconditioned and guaranteed by your Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer. * I B 9