HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-4-23, Page 4I _ ��,• • -�•e.+ .•r..".i.�! .. _.-.i:.1.� `•. ..w�. .may. "' V I .. l •:`'s , r. r _ •• .......•• _1• -..w....r, a,.... a..••�••aw.a.,..-'afr!ln!t-r,N •.1.►M•aa�' wr...�w.Mi+•tl'.•e.aa■__.-- .+rw••• - a - . . • .. ,t . eras, a .r..., 'vw r,ry� rs was (rrrbc.: ,�r+rt_. _ .. �,.•e."" �"'rr'. �f �Tti\RTLI\u Nh��'S� ALLJ3N P. i� ACLEAN, THE RIDGE PROPER`IY . _�__ _____- . _-- - SHERIFF'S sALE OF LARDS' i nAA N it] Ir C9. DAVIS AN D ALYK 1N SALT TERRITORY, Cow.ly air Hurva, Y van" W . Writ art ,4a.r<s 1'i.0 hs.uJ l'Nuu ail ave aM- ACRES ON sA LT TEKILITU$fl ST PiiF.It D lk B BE8T8 .6 t t'- n FOS ti A L D. r. Wit: B rots east., r.rla 1 t e $• a 20 '' r COLONIAL HOUSEIII1r' 'he ,un i--- D . s aShirt oar W area to INN, nd, &ai uj s td L ret 1w THE KEsIU}:NCR OF 1 HE LAi R JUAN of Her M. ,s a C'.urty Court uI toeUn,arJ I v rw' Jt.e.lr 0UuualNul Yurk aid teal a.J w u+e d.rw'leJ tk, ■rNldwrr Le,wl, Mail,4yww, UuN- 166 River Maitland, and jot eke of The �R.( UAI: r, Ery l rl•h. Uod.rich Hallway Motion, and touting oft A' R ■. E S T E D J ., = - i.M akar L.ad. aid C e a-.I.4 W Drvd • J ,t =_ rruia rt is be•ut,Uly a,tualeJ o I///�/II/ Cork •.d J.mo CLrk, a UI. su4 0l the Beark O O A L O = L O. T. Maio It.. y-ver, �outouiout fur •siding 1 P r PPu dMwtnr,,l N•e Rou" •aid taken w';'_ uua rl Into mala line. Q lIki.,4' s{t/ t►a Town of uodenoL, oo the tbefolklw,..gpropWy,nt:.ar.d a.gulat1,.t USALE AND RETAIL. They aro sent to Canada ~ _ North Bank of the Tailoring Outfitting Department ! renals yan'N or 1nkt.dlanJsndpreru.wrt .,. �VHOL Appy to, / I\IpMM•YWtel.glalhel' w.4,palt•Ylbwa•aa l;J•CoaOilLamps, tc.,lfe. Dtdlro•,Cop- 7'. N'l:A'h111•:ItALD, I, A� Jul, r im F.ivl:n A LACGE 111�VER MAITLAN D A -� �-- tic l'uun"y W 1f•ron and rronwa W CaaWa p•r.arass, set• WWooleiukigs&adsalsov M Gudrrt.k. NOBLE ACTION OF PRES. JOHNSON, ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS artd an the Rarka of (mike Huron. It sun- tjtllG Sub•criberl eg■ to inform his man, ciatomers and the public generally that he keeps ...tenting by adme•s■rert.l.ge hanJrsda•a. okra a sae►rage• _ tl _-- New. 10.1888. .est( Le In. ram. wore w ler, being aallpo•eal or lot _.�.--- lard 31 7-10 rule of Laud mon Or less run■Wltlr tail hand the largest vrnrly rod Lesl tw:ecliuu of nu.hrr moa n, the nudh roles elan, Wr•er. Ile dvsrvrs Cauada's thanks for Ar,tetin[ Courrniee.n fatal of West or F.nal..d nrrW witk Dwelling Outlets, uuthuuaee, Slablcs, it Va.., ofth. said t•.wnwori, which Lad...it ELL NEIGHBOR, butt' IMPROVED (ARMS for SALE. I ano a ssdko, ae»vers, IF$d••ev., a.anklaa, Por English, Scotch, French, Swiss German Tweeds, Test ... I .hall ufie, xl tt.I.. N .; ofir•a•, is W AEI FENIAIIT 08IEF8 y Ae•, with d Li Garde., Vpro and Utcb.,d g lnrbi :+rwaa,..rJFd'nca'fw.d•tCaehorrrtr, file p'ad lama constaU pnori, all of llrk 1N 'fIIE CVL'N 1'IEY.. ALSO A L.111G}: \'.1RlK"fY Uh' lila Cutin li..u.e, w dv 'fuwu ,d OuJrock.u. d0 yUa get along N'llh F i It olio, eW a Yrtr4v of CN•dwa Ckal,e, '1'uralav Ih. twenty hllb Jay .1 June next." the ihara. Basle, tied Flown." Vrsna . tibul., and for noreriug Irutlrn, ('Ler r,, 3 epic, AO. l "�n�tdian Manufactured �oods hour ul'tw.lve art the cluck..-.I. Y p .1111 ♦LL e . V UUl IU1VIng ltlltl Wet Weatlh'I OT l4, tine 4, llueick, 100 acne, 60 O N J� \ Gwrcr,Co r, hr..blr. l htl Groaaa 4ru it very gaud edea. There ! JOHN MAC NALD. v 1 1 T ( F BhenQit. Wh I have t11rotarn aside acre, 200 acres also tile tt con 14, wr GJ/ � .7 0'I H "lay la olid»ne at trl.g .ai•r.rn.nl..l An lh,ue olle-q ljlT a tn„gs of airs watt ENGLISH FRENCH tSlr GERMAN BROADCLOTHS, Y/ wanoa}, zo0.ere. ail the Lt"er Ino or et)o who wsy btoN,iw wail U,ear untnw• on the Prn,ar•Iy The olwtiva for r private Sherid'•uBice GoJerio►, jj good ' 8N'or�is, Bayonetla, RIAes '� resider ce cannot be sorte eased tit the Prot (%A `dpi I NI hese ale 1)U:kaSK I N 5. 'r8th Marels, Itt67., , wa a good IalOW that Cl/st t dollars, acres to Nit purchasers. Terme liberal •ltd TWEED WITS (ell wool)t12 %Lda ards � - -- - -- IL war like plowing witli a IU r reasonable credit given oil a lie went Juno, And all the n.,:lg knids of ar:,s said war "`e"' WNGLISII A N D FRENC II BE A N D PILOT OV 1 - u,.teli.lb tulleated ail aw N. $.-Cutting done to order. ,W Fur teras applj to , i H t" TitksiudupubDle. Apply to 'ral�lJla a Y I tALI, I Godaritb. Sea t 25th. 1886, ter 0 1HU$, GAIT, Esq , OVERCOATINGS OF ALL OTHER DESC. IPTIONS. SHERIFFS SALE or Lima and "tent to Searle & Davis' B.FHALiCa, __ _. _. ____ _.__ __- __._ marrwoljoaronte Hgiu;; oecored lbs .',vices of CountT ail Huruo+T7Y rr,tue of • Wril ,✓ gyld 11UU (lt a Biet.'l lUW tUr Dingle. Ash ar n.suaDEcoGDtN,; (1) ^n, tf jJ N.y3irl,Tr6a. wt MUI'FAT \iA\ATO\ 1 ilarr,aar,Goderich. aT R• 4A1�ZIX , E18 C7TJWIMI VI w ray: )Court of he 1.7 _ _- GODERICii , W Nur Mnjr.tye (`/aiwy Court d sur United I sixteen Bullata ; ItUW I (lave IU For 11th• lift three ye.ra, tangel6er with a Goderit•h. 6th Ju1T. I"6. aw9ol he in prepared to execute all orders with proropUtudr, en.l In r elite un.u,purard b, air C,xlnl,r. ail Huwn •„d Hfwl..n:y w wr J,n rlyd I Balt Territory j Isage We,icty .f _ �: -WA �T- _ - --gT- 11A\G}'AC1'CNEK In this PROVINCE, fart fit Citie�,sitr, 1 excepted Try Lim and satisfy lour• i±� uu~u.'k Land* And of ! nail a ualie bayIt trouble iU Blowing ; "my borsch _ 'T !4i-� WHO WA1rTT'ISA$OKE sflvn A, right IIs illUll , it cleans s0 "lice; 7vHE Subscriber wren to any perwa or Yalal[Del +� ltL-.4'I LATEST STYLES •e'a..lu,Juk.n ,u taerwwn the wllow,.r o Gorlrii+Il. Fronoh1.'L" �5: r Conatwtll on hand the LARGEST STUCK anJ pruten,•. via : •b elle hyla r tlr r.J tulrrrw ail i� o c campers for r royalty of ene.Lflreot4 11 Itotlous and TT�is-Riaz, 'k !..* I -- nit F01.1.u.ING VALUABLE FROF9117T w the ,..d le'e.Jrnt u. s J Lol amlibet wit the are real thistle cutters I of the production, one half acro of lead. wick Y � f �;. , •' ,.,:• . T Gentleman s Outflttings o t Every Descrlptlon I „ren Jar,,. - ry.y,w a, VdLgr-1 `c-,. -0, u I Y about our hundred fuel (rout. land alta•. All'uf aVch Lire Sten .'r l to +•'..(�!;K`ret f't 4+ AMI:k{iCAy1 MONEY taken a the Ljght et rata. the uunly,x H. NL, wt. rn Icn.b Ynd tette- I led about eighty yards hosn the rtteup +.._, - anal; r: 41 ";.::.� Iii tLe Town tied 'CuWasbip of GOdrtlfb! mane. I . •II nlrr Lw ole, a m u0 cry o, the P Chas E. Archibald- ,,j A I_Iaae Atauurrrxr or G(alericb Salt W.rka �•� ■ a uttered fur sale on the most reasonable �. Court kl, uw, m the 'fuwu W ( inch, .n Tura B U �.L� t•{t� str'p/�,�ti rr !R/4�w !� ' - Uoderic August.Iild,lsta. •w103 Jay thetwrutyfithday..1Juneneat,attualluur IS T Q �% .M 93 ! Fur further particular@ apply by letter of +� P,I� �'at�a�+v ��KS "erne, wilt: + of twelve . f the ck,e•k, soon. personally to /-li S CCC YYY ECRU; 1. Lot 9C,., North street, rdjpioing th � , JUH:1 MAUMNALD, OVER 30 KINDS. / UO E. CAUPAIGNE, . ac A. JwIS(Toi, W W. C. T RE LEAVEN. W.sIcyan AIethcdia Church, in IioJa,ieh. a JA.rlf, Hurer-. Keeper of County Gaof. when, ih, y a,c o1 er f,r ('..1 z,Etnx i. feast) ---_ 2. 'l ms 1. end 13 on the corner of tfctt Cherie' Office,Ottdericb, l A LUGE STOCK OF TIM" Goderich, Dec. lith. 1866. r461f and Wellin,d,n ,l'trcela. Un LS there is a March 5th, 1667. i Wit "hair ern npnn, bur rhr:tpr old / ,o,d Ir,rme hunx and baker -- -- _ - --- - OR band. Sia of Lon[ Tea Kettle, -- �' v ` keel N rel:cs .1 4br •y p _� r FOR ! (f'iilbun.)nls,Headst es,lumbs, tr}'fbetrl.tetdrm.necencntsitefora TIiO� GIDI� ITH CO• SHERIFFSSALEOFLANDS. a (vol, SALE. Fenian Collapse. hdle,l -- BASE LINE, CLINTON. Tabl^t8 Talble•TV s. &e. 3. Lot lla on Li hthoure street a County art Huron, Y t the of a -dour ,EXARLR t DAVIS. f1111F.ubeerib•r offere for sale in the Vil. r�� 1' ' P rbirh "hero is a largeframeh, use, so ear' UAYiNG OPENED NEU 'fHlall{ WHOLESALE tYAREUUG 3E, w wn : I� L rr (.salla. t.w.d out L 9( all kinds from •Yale Rlnek to • )[scilla! t hio Frio Stowe kept tin (rand rot Build . t ar t TORONTO, \ r j ail Hrr Alayr.Iy'. ('.,.rt ail Clinton, SavvL 20. 1866. w29 I•ge of Belfast, 14 (riles from Godericb, ranged es 4, accommodate three fnmilieR. ! ( . " I�O Queen•e Ren, h. ea w nye Inr,'trJ ',1$:a.oa the _ _ _ and J:j mjles from I,uckaow, on the North- for pnrpaeea anrk is (�rpa, silt., Be. N O. 3J FRON 1 STREE STREET, 1 O RO>. , y ern Gravel !lord, fur'rhrer.ltt,r Naid:ra. n 4. Lal 191 oaoke turner of Essex an L.sis•nd'1'ruru:rno.M Mar Itu.•rll, •' 'bei COLONIAL 11lJIISE ! A eery lar} • stork of He.utifal fay Books, seg &c. Cho for Cash. 0 W 0 F F 8 R F 0 R SALE s.n W Hsmurlt ndl. 1 bay. -..ad said ".lr. a - I P Elgin hot upon ood o (here u • amat I A GOOD BLACKSMITH SITUP % fnr, ltireow Roots for 1'rraenu OODERICH C. W. arms hot se and a good orchard. Ell-rat wl an hdro-aIt . pr.,,•ny, va:.a0 "►r a � � nghl u,.n ■..J ,mrrra ail u,« w.J ,kknJ.nt lis to which them is attached •good Into• BIBLES, A L B U M t• & C - - -- - --- ` . - S. Park Int 14, cos. C „ in the Town , i 1� t, . , IID 6LA�ES HID 6L01E8 R I r ` r •r ship of Goderich, Cuutainitg 10 acres of ex• ■ tonsw to uo,a• crrr•o� pxr..•i. xwl oY. a 1 of Alt- i house i • good garden, of on acre of land Cheap At cadent land, Upon this 1„t theta is an ta• Chess, I ys,30, »ala and Cxd.1i:•s, Young 11ys.o., (iunpn.dru, lmpeko`.a, and Scented Japer 111611', or lh � �ots"ll , I Israa•,,o"l e WIN, o ng by1 J- R g Q!i .� w 1 { Tuatlg U,soo, l ,IC01.I1'd JMpYnt. Carneous• 5uuchuuga, Ursa,gc fe4ur and Scerted Caper measoretaent Iw., h.odnJ are. ,.f Nod la I6. l Joespbine'a, AI•:ander's, Jou•io's, Ditches. anJ • nod wefts water. This a one of Y Y ` �j `. .- ^ : crllenl 'rw3 Rory Brick )louse, Fmm� Barn I lac. backs A .Uexrndnas in white, black and Ili' beat openings for a blacksmith in the Y ` Pekoe. ..nnr noire ar ,«.,., La•:ug cuiul. a.vl of Luis now Cunntr cf llurun. All of which will be ter sad outl,ui.dm,a. .Also, a �ucd betuing pert3t.ml3s, ,J aunh ,,-,-'.a,'n• !-n.lart colon. Thelarreet Stook in the Cuuairr. Gulorieh, De ..1. 136b. .w48 �, t irchard .f ehuice fruit. :3UtCi 1.1IZtJ ! ln« Iter, It .1 u„ .h�rr•.,J t.wx,nq. M Ana I CHAS. K. ARCHIBALD. wW cheap, N the subscriber is about to go -- - ---f 1 (} Phis is one of tilt ben situations for • Hhib Porto 14i:c, Ifrls. Nus. 2, : l.2 and 1 Yellow ikliued, Crushekand A, Dr, Crwbe warlr, whxa, L.nJs.m1 I rnrl:,enl- 1 sL.0 oY.rr Goderich. Aagwst 22nd. 1865. aw10 on a farm. 'rnr ms 8r0u, Galt darn, tM f c `'c / ;,fat I "dilctlitll' ansae, r.-tidcncr in me t o.n. '' b.,. a( u,v uIF- I Ina. t'.un Roos. ,n the --- - -- ren it one year, if to aril purchasers. For C�N�WAREHOUSE OVYE said Ground. I sawn oft:alrrich .x Su-l.v the liwineenrk particular• appy on the premises, or by M V I, 1^RICxaAT Tag S. Ali EX('EI.LFNTFAHN-117 acres. C(>I.•L•t-1)L i d.Y1.1Juurneit,•t tuenuur.t '1-eivu u1 that IeLLer postpaid to Lots and13, ndnL,inaluu one fronting HEMLO'K BARK WQN�'ED P• Yat!-Z, 'i aIUUTII 1 ' g sag. La Uuyn, ala. )err Ari Yoeba, .1•n. Kwstcd..d UrouW. I dua•k nous I Nk:IL CAIIPBFLL, )o the Huron [load, said the other on file . JOHN Alcor„\ALD. ,/ 1 . _A r IIOOT A SUM' vtentk eoelfaniga, in the Towbship a ']l`�I'IteLCJCt7tL•'t3 [ ('bend.IH„ro., _- llel(astp.o.'1',.rwhipofAshaddr -•+•� � 'a f( ' " '•I S'fUl{B. (;odrrleh. 40 acre.eletirrdand underculti- suite.loo.Cadhesdolace,Twist,sW Lark sad Onghtl':IW.,Bnds Old Virgitia very light•,ad L:.trllmun&tirura HEsubeerib.rwants IOno cords cf.nem Carenty of Huron. ' - ,ebony u ou •Lich then is a Lrick dwailiu ed..o. `hr Gib )dow , U,askll. , 1 ,I luck Balk, for which the highest marker Janwry 3l, iN61. wY-6m- �' - .. -y_.� hat F N �, . - uIh Man•b, It✓.7. ( w7 -- t'. ' �',jIn . __1 ' : ilE ender.irr d t„• hoot-', frame bar a and I• ILU t 1 N ! _ _ . _ _--____ __ pot va 1 b mJ r cash on da. r, t bit -"' ••' ��,.,' T n„- nn a.'ad • hugs / t `l Sox,. nal' tallauxes, New ane "al Valehvis Raisins, H„a, P, I Hose., snd•i fluxes New Lever and re I I e p 'n •f era a V 1 l lard at the Duck, '� .iiia./� •lark of 0-tia and Sho.. r� IJA It,l7 �i V lll.ill:� ll. �. stall. Itr,Ani•. flu:r. i aeJ t Lo.d�e tater.. U,wbtea town l.ar.n. WrN L'nJ L•yrrY, (vary pnu,r) $HI•' RIFFS SALFi OF I., D$. W. al. SAVAGE. FOR BALE. 4 ,/ . .•i UP be-I mann Let... this fart. is Ittudtd:, miles fru. Goderich. K". and I Kegs Sensor mewatnis. I Kegs 8xu Marne Barrels Petro Currants. (new and old) !' I.,kd'ect'. 1•s .-I. alb .end 7 from Clinton. It is ood.rollin laud, Flv,ne Fig., rioves in keg•,c.rl„ons aaA all." 1aro, OraiYre, lsut.a ■uJ Crrgt Peels, IbttleJ said Collet of Huros, )Y virtue o1 two write W I OT No. 16, aid coo. Wawaaosh, tom is• (TIIV u!.11t'S'I" IN THE fnl-N1'1. +i.n'kl.araa F [ Vr'.ahad Flutu(an Fancy il„xrs). K-1-and 'Irum. Itina Raci asp and ausua Jordan, B� I flood [ sit early Y,ud Valencia Almonds. W•luuio and Fdorra. 'fru wn : ) we..laoal Expo,as. and W E u l WOOL pre l WOOL I Laing ed •cars. 1s acres shared. The laid aro aid"' d, and has • noel road on ,� ) i [ r 'Its'/IBEIta, iGC. ern sidrr,,f it. - ) twuwnuadF,cn Fares HE aubaCnbrr is prepared to pa, the ,soilualed 12 miles from ",rich, and will D. GORDaii J' 111 of won. h wdI NV I :v U, k4 ! intend "I of Hrr Ma ter'. Cou!t of Co•nmoa ',' baa Foirterms and cdnditinc4nf Nle apyl to 1 Y i highest market rice rurally nano o Queen'. Krm�b, .ad t. aw [ P quantity he old oa re.wuablrter GORDON, for cN►. Apply • uta'roti C'a. n. ; U.,rd Illadia.Co l., C..rlt•aeJ era%- U , ..m irmac',, or.htm•s. said 0,14 4 Pons, remartm4. Dur. d, .rd vagi-art ,woes. .ILt to .I. CAMPIGN ESQ LJ��ltl\l:'1' .r1_k1♦ I:It GEUI{(:k MGAIAIII/\, O..,JMttCUr,C,a+,Ip,NalrrYCe:.. 1,•irshl'o'P. ('ale .o listill thrrnr•, DurgueJy.W J,rrrlrJ slam." Ib. LrYL■nJ rreemruu W;C_. __r 1 to!11 I/I1N('AN. G�dleriCb, 17th Ju1V; 141;6. r25t1 trench Purli of various grassyI:htmpaaua•., CI.rrI+, Alue:ur uaJ Ilua l' Hrn rvCj( .,b,e,J.ha tl.lt,'rnJ Ira eros, "anon s.F'a $ALL of LIANDs or F. CAII1'AiGNE AND UNDERTAKER, r; utrhr,afi, Lee. is, lmw .1 the •uga.I M.by.lw Marler. m, The 1'.m- f7 LAYi Now. 25, 1866. w44rG as the Goat. M•nutari ores ano n.. now "" ,_if a ru..pleoe I Is Ile _` -N 1) 1 1.� 4 ! lo-AA, Bank ail Canado, CayrEe F. Moors. and t t w47; p.o. .s•.nu.rnf or Farmturr, air bis Wrren.,ao, - IILd., 1-Ire.b an I ('air•, !llanrll's, Ilenn.t•Y'h nodi Dupuv dt Co'•, lulu Ru4a .Y Cohr V "rhe a+ail of Alonlrri• 1 h.n-r vurJ end I,.kea � ('••-"IY ^f llurun, 1 r)Y villus of • sant u" - s SALE. A C ODER i�C II f:haivapm A•.('..Is,■ nJgiha•rbrard.. in'arrulu,n rbstern•i. wrca•1air erns ail Ism! lis wn: ( li V,.J,t. ^. Fli -nNanJ FOX SALne-• WEST STREET, GODERICH, rpMarrs- . a JiJ .1� TT pt lauoC pert W 110 •+ 11 •' �'olrn Dwunor u(Ibe Fier. Frrnr f n rraalrl', ,rurJ nut ail He, M.,ea ■r1'II ar I XA X Q tJ 0 XX 19 ! •1'uwuah'p rl C,,ll».rnt, awl Iunrr p.nirnl.rly I,1'• taint .4 (tai. x•, rrnrh. •,YI ,,. w Mr'ri•d Pt1A0/qM rw,.a,•n. Ja,r.rr. ¢yams Hh b and CA + I,rku,,»• . 11..1'Aml u J &oath . 111J Tom rm,Dunntrllers .M.rnla,l nt Iw.. dee L Iru.n R.'Grn l:relu,n .rain., M• L,al. u.n`.n cornu .a Anhui i..Mwr».. (li7 a and 1, range a, In Ike lett•aalp • Sofas, Bureaus, 'Gehl,•., Ifodeteads, Asir, -� -= •A]Q� I,ar..n.4annoa).,ha-,:,.I u,nA.0»atr,uwmu•xry ,i r »._-.� a !" InA,,,4.•w.,rt's fuJ ll.. n'ay's S.vlch Ww,►nes,l-unJ,rn UtJ Nrr, Al ail, Alurt.n's 1'dJyNJ Cum- Dun!.q.b,D.r,J Lawry"and Walter Law•un, L•t.I.•Bark. ',o.Jsm... N,t.,•h. d-isk,a..I M•• 11131ankr alWW rNrei lNlt/erase olaw,l► Cane .,itL,00tsratedl'hu 1; Gi t Moulding � J Nd• weer lot! a farmlhbrw.. W.D. f, . � u.0 \t u..l u•.. ar,J Larry lLe he to ray ,d the Iatr J..4n l:xlf, ...a.J mal won.. , Eu,w....d rh• opo. Irl" .Id H!y, and i," o'.ing levee(, u: vnriel ,ot __ _____ _..y-- - ogreher w til Ira to l.,rcr, u•r4 , dd,mg tri. I x.,.-I .f Ina ..d AM,ar J.4.un.m x. .W . k u A nerd e1 per acro; .b 90 T.wn l.M• to Home ,ldn,irdctufe and imported AT-T3S IPO3EX"Mj WLS6 ettro., pboe k . w .rw mal, .,x . the boder, roams ■W •Ihef I Jar. N. tau U. an. gl .o-1 yS.... til ..k d stn.,► Uarknrh,pan'. 670.Ig1 arta axe ■swards. Ap D. G. ham alwarr on hand a com ,late to 1 y / . Ili,[. 1:...nefes' boner, Bar' and Youroer'. Al C'alaa len il.alliog (:re's Alb land Porter, Caw P'a, hinny c 1111".'IrJ, Ib.' qg gh1 saw. and also 11 •a' ""hu Plan,., The \ loser'.( kurardase a'"""- pi) 1. I t� T the n,-to..'ry...•nnerhd -n1, the eueula, saw, r. Will-,,.: ureh m.h, a ,.,.;�p .d u,xre,r,» iix...F", rUOS WlEATHFILALI1, ortm^ret of txx/DEnICH t ANNI210 X.L1 �+- 1/_rorrd•s Darer Wine. YcllanlYm:k•hoep{r', lfreneh l,lgwurs. Cordal,, kv.. Ata P4.^r..."r.-,..". s••.f a n.0 s'r.. ,w.r.... 1.... COFFINS. Alan, HEARSES KYEY -qxs� .yr h.l..,.I. n»I l.,.....nn-Irw..•". a. r.1....v • cud d•r sad a=t Il.#. slanary a ■Iv, rte Ion• w I Oeder TO HIRE. AND TUGFTHRtt 1VITII A L.1RliE STUCK (SF ,,a hesw"be Nd n.d1, Ibe rn. n .t mel, Z t►ill] ) . [LCt01ry to 1 4E„ m hr c1�,.n h a•, . wr d wi .i c..lrra'h ., (••� 1, 1•.hr, and r; orJwOad taken in X. I J F fTy t��ti i Rhv. levrrpnrl Ri.wp, "salmon" nnJ Frrnrh C.n.11r•. Itan•nn Mur, Ftix tical ln.bgo lilac, Purrh u ••.J 1. 4n Bala• wL1c6 INu. and trnrn,am. 1 �'Ib.L.. n,. a,.n..q d•r � AprJ w'a, rr ,b kw ,I �t �j cban:P:•nr!:nroilure. AXE i 11CTORY. rar.��n•1,:...!..�1,...r.. .Nu�a..e.,ay.,lr•.t'.,Lror1 a:1.i Ira..:..np :uJae, Erg:ish a.Jl'.u.,L•n Cheesr, •b.JI.list t.,r ••le .t my edirs, .n alr ('nnrt I T(rrhr..f ,h, Naw k,....x. SALT TERRITORY THef4''n �Tnn}:1{BF:(IS TO INFOR., Hua-, o, the Iowa w1 Ih.l. dch, are Tat.Lv, JOHN JaACIAsNALO li.dwdcb.27th lh•I..1 h1 w! - Pot n"I F. i,. toga, .�.. eha•iNs(llwr•e. fh.nth■nle.nP art l he r'^untie..•1'H..,r t the reacath day of May set,, a tb• boor ail al- �id fir nret hal he.o•d11 NI.unfr.lu, ;,,tad h..�TDEInub•cr Lo rhavm; rec.•m:nenr edthv Ax, Grosse and Biackwell's Pickles and Sauces, l P`^.z. K•^„,;;_,"M, I w. FOR SALE OR' LEASE. . Nu..nr'• TwrRc uttl.r c,., k, n.»n. - .0hxnda.u�nbcrrtl. -Al in"I.- Jan'. M.rraioni n,.I Vwmf•-wilt, Lqo. '.r,, N'hd-nw, ('und'.'ek, anw,m., Wrapping l . 1011\1ISC DU NA LD, --____ -. -.. -_._ .__ - _ 9%3L XX Of ti-x" r, • ar, Enah-h, Fronch and Canadian Votr•wr, P,:.• .,, (lar . ail Wine. C.as, Bungs, 9ait ,eter,cieam BA"rai J1. ITH:N I3O ard..4 the reacal Oudene4 Large h a CI I OCIC. SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. j AT THE oLn STAND, I k � l SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. "' T / I,( un lhr C-rie-I Ceti ter, falls, Ideal Corals, Day .ad Martin'. null Lung'. a!alilcg, are. Aar. : hrne•.fl.g ry,uAa icb, 1 salt N'inI At., s He would particularly draw .if t^ ni ti A L 8 O �'i•h JY..0 rya, Ik47. 1 sal iCuaTo n(fiuron. f By ml'" of • Wn: no F A It �I I �t (i L A N D 3 ! Mdfs.a.►ewdlwarr.alhex, lutiret\ot@ltron,IlVater!00 std Light-Ilouhe Streets. ) �� To Nn: tD Fxn F.ru• r••owd rex, ., f _ MI•,ea•kie• cheer, .kc. 1'uwy mWrty nailer Hb.. Salmon. N... 1 R..,,J and Labrid- Spl t Hearing., Wife and Kits Mackerel, Table Codfish, or Nrr Al.yr.te4 ..w.ty Coun .d for l'nnel e.nvra.rt Ir tile Imldl. A�y n Y wwdJ ora to inhmalr b, his ail.: tr�.•n,l a, rnJ n• eoun For o, Haran end :rl,re•..I,, m,• J,rrrled JON. RC L I+VRl70!L tied warrented. D,,:Ly lirrr.ags air lame and •mall Warr, Liverf-.l Cassa and Flair Salt. I a,...y n. w ant. x. ti, •uia fou. woo. . call ■xd , ties .art Ibr 1 and. raid] Teurmem. M J.•egl, V.'e,tur• busier" .1i' cs:�;.'P.rfor+•,e Ve6..w era, APtwea F.essnorrte tn,i, that air wr-1 pr..dorr arid-11 ■ Sole Agents in Toronto, fur James k Son'■ I'dubrated Dome Blacklead. $HF.$IFF S $ALE OF LARD$• I Mam-,,,.k, arh, loo, ,d Arthur Martell, 1 h... l).ylenth,_to Dee., If ". wells'�"� 4'P rust C.wd,a Br..d. The6Mve wall be found on oI.1-4:nn lb bast w.wrted `tuck aver u7rrrJ .. 'ruroato, aW wd14 re.■"d and elan m F:uruooe •II the nap" d'k i - -- » R;;�f „ WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE. CHEAP saw I.wiur l sera of .r1 rebel ala Lpe slit eppfuvtJ (•per. q coolly of Marna• �)Y v.ri000i Iwo sanest 1 •W ,.tall." cl the .a.f d,.rn. •ail J..eph H..n• 1 .I, At..-o,.$cntiorths--air of Moraras'a premmm alsu,JJ uur>juuyw•d at a•ma:l co.1.1•clis,Sa•., �1 ` to wf.: �13 Fnn Fee— i....J:.eak an .nd Ia Ian Dan,l.er Fat �a11 an sM LANDS FO ft SALE' ddRQ ail. p.l.n„'11 :rIVA Cott, whine n'ar I,,.rer yet 1Kallt.nd sba.peard ra short notoe 1.1100.. GRIFFITHR1( & .�ll l nut ^I t'" .1 j^Nr4I wk in f nth t• i -.on .al the 'fst 1-1, ( slow. 1 r a., (v.-give ¢rnr ru.saUslaclmatul.r,(an who N•(1•-Also s a...:.lar of Nei.h+rn hand. , • and H.Count(hart rt) the Pnnwl ! ..mde• ail Ilan.., wk r. ,he I ,hall I for.. A wham .ands sad , lave as re am. JOHN )icl'UElt3UN. 31 FL{serf STREET, TORONTO. and Hrure. Nd to naw. d.r'rI'l.r.ma aka lanJ•I lenen:rntsl.A•IIoMr (air A64, at my rKre. in HENRY DODD. Toronto, Nuveonb•r 22, Ib6fi. -A and tenewciam ur'oMr'i6-t'I,niter and Ororge I la' r.rtm house, in .be i. "ail tiod.rtrh, ae THF Subscriber overs the fullowr• land I.H. GFARDINER & Co. .Fad-. A7.iltto•, .I... ' a i.:o.krleh.Om. 3016, ING. I-y40-t- Couher.I tbe.u,.a or rh.mn lb Latin, Kar, Tua day The hmah day of Jely heat, at The hear s )for &.ler tit : - ,. John Ild.wn and ttllh.m orair. Mxrr.y, and utlwehe.'atoc■ .a.... A Farm in Tuckersmith, wn01.xRA1.E A. RLTAIL _ -- _. Fk JI YO SYii� LL�iV, exero u. hnrLnd+l have at'.1tnd oaten ,e, JOHN AIAC f1nNALD. Hardware �Arehants, eAOn�R �_= sandman6hthen 1a,.tlil aW ail !.at of the 3hend Huron. i y w iJeih Int 22, eon. 2, [!air^• S•rve 100 &.,J J«k•rJ'ms do ■eJ w 11a wmL !.all of lot! Phe.6'. t/r»•r, CnJer.ck, � ern; Ti of which are ander cultivation. r BROOK FACTORY ...-.1 Ic -f n Thr flue n ­,111:11 ar ^ m of the 11 1 Aped, _ _ -- _ - w! ► r.. -.1 of M.rrr.in the r, .... , .1 "lull., I ___._ The land is of excellent quality, well walee- ffiarl(etSauarefi0Qe:1Ch 1 bc1�i�1iv.1 i1ZI� wh o1•.ds and Ir-riew. I,b.11, er lor'Nlr ����� ed, and with hardwood limb''. Ike l'IIwF I to L',se at reasonable r etc HHAVE naw on hu.J . , om eve anJ well u •t way ."erase m tLe Ginn H.n,r, in for Tuwa of eLi is know o to W ow of the beer bit I' r doled suck .f HrrJware, eug•sawg m 1 iulrn, 1 ,.n 'I ur.J.v,.hr .".rail JaT W Atap Apply to • (nada for fuming. On the lot there a Pat of p� Son. D L L E "l H E C 0 �I TSI E R C I A L UNI 0 N vi.xt aI the hour uf'1 wr!vr orlhe I'I... I mh,n, am. C. CAMERON. goad fn me h,oure, from^ barn, and est. 'Adie., Isaac Dobson t.7t. kion• - '1„tjN UAC()+N YLD, Goderich butidings to emn.ponJ. Also a grad or. . - Bn.d As...,A% IN ASSURANCE COMPANY. � '"eft" -_- -. 'Lard, of 50 hearing tree.. Clop pm� Aa••, RLrnTv O16rc,0ndench, [ Augur. Ilrwhrr. l;, �r.v, p 7 1 '1611, Jarman•, IF67, sal rr �+A MONEY TO LEND W"s... M..'., 47'. rLtr., N\\-I Nri lisTatl)LiaH}a)APACTUItY LEST ���. 1d,��J , i - --- - •+ .FARMS IN MORRId ■1'hams, Curry•('a'lw, I!, rJ.ge. flung •� fur flip malwf,talum of Broo els in God 19 AND 20. COF.NHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND, r ar..se. SHERIF) $ BALL' OF.LARML LIGHT 1'EIL CEN ' lesion S:,u stirs, roma rw•J of S. a and 4, MorkP,H■vF.wk.,lII t 4iln«,I+:..P,P.lay, each, the sulseribeto are ptppared to attend IN arms o/ t Unlit 'Lw, (innd.wurs, 1bwJrr, ,41,10, U-Iis to all•orale•e ill tbrir line of business from 1 - eon. 5,200 ecma ; 25 acres order ru!tigr H,e ee al. ku„I.. I..,., `teal, �,,r.,g Sl. 1, G7 QDERIGH, C. RI . CAPITAL, (Fully - Subm rilred - - - X'!,500,000 SterlirR town" o! Huron, Y •,nN car • writ of One HoWred Dollars aid tipwards. tie". The land being of first quality th.s is • not ; •art „i ('a,.aJ+ . ith I t,rni,tnr;s j '- .,1 ,esti, as J:a,ra, and Nr :t ` ufi, err ^' a sass Flrn Far... I-*- out � to inept desirable farm. Also S. 19 ton 3, I_*d. Lsm.. "baso•, l.wkmp febrlrar►' 12, Ih65. "'7 INVESTED OVER, 6'3,000,1000 - DEPOSIT FUIiD IN CANADA, 850,000. of If,, Mtya'tys C„nmy INl '"r1mb A MOORE, ' I" arm. no ,'cum ar tv ; AT WHOLESALE ONLY- , g d Ser Y.;IN, Ul.s•n, Iwa,kn.$.1H.P. - - -'- - - Court.ftbe rnllcdC.unnr• I'llu... :.alBnrx "a•aw• Plate, Han N I•, l h .r I't"ii'lo, Ina mn.0 Laclu a •will, Ili' ■aid to me dor -ld age," the land. nn.y lane- con 3, 50 titres, ■II hart q,:a1.Iv n( land. (:.. N.:., Rintoul Brothers FIRE DEPARTMENT. ,ens W F...... 31C t,.1 , .t , he roil of R. CRARd'M rEw a1LACK Te,ms r,xaan.ble. (,.div ,utabio tiara. eor 'a-'I eau ':b'.L 1 r.b10 them to Compels rill, . T 1 Br "' C fI AN T S Thrdilarsinghn Ir P11awlm vi rno rl n:l me hr. t i,, the r't.buPbnmat of an eyui"ade rIN..M Parl rnJ (,ashy , hese ,rre"d .aid ask, ,.( m nrA. • •Ba. ,rt.IpN. 6311 particular and terms'"' to n ekWbli,6mr..l of tLu kind in lila co C O JI JI I5Y I U N �I }: It ♦•d HuileL fill, nen a,Gne.l'.at Oda Marhmsey ' l nava, rh.rgm$mullres.ea rrr.mum n..note a,•the ark, rxhrnt...n r!I ooh nine. tdl earl m"'«••t ,.(the -r----- ----�- ALF.. .('.1 i. 1'RF.LIy pr,,l OJ, Yrn 1... {'ane. anJ 1'al.n, l'WI y• NT A 993T.MONTREAL. O NT R E AveeR STtL$T rh• ......-I w lush Aar aandrd a .• t., r, LJ 1-il nmh .b fusty In nose The ••hl Jrka .Boa m ..J au l.a n.m!xr nmr, nt the !til Ia..er, rlon,, tl.fade, .1'""'' "I<' lot 22. 2nd con. Tuckenmrlk. r} Fnrtory oo F n¢(toa filrlllr oppoai to a C a T R C A I . »bun. ulna ecpeclxt salla ol',I c fiver L, w h"ahxte d , tel to a•x,rnJ bile lu•.neN more w Jely. Innnh r.,ncr..orn Wthe Townaa.l / Aah6eIJ, Al Reafonk o. Mach 22, 1F67• w Met" .w•,1'r.a..-fol Ilutun (lutul. Ad-It'..., dad now„n.rt..t,n:('u+n,Lnnlxhlir. tealemJ.vi-an. in the(:ouotyuf Huron, coo. _ P• r �y�� art his. 1Sawr, IIarJ land. d i Centered acre.. more air lea• which SPECIAL CIA 1 NOTICE ICE Advancer made un cons.gnmrnto of Pr, PERFECT SZOURITY uaranteed b large Subscribed Capital. and Invested iciollT fieri CIfC�TT . tl,w., ;ISAAC DOBSON k YON, B 7 P INd• on tenrmenla I f,,u nesse for ale a my Tent on Mortgage. doer In IJrerp.ul, Gla',;ow and other port Funds. JJ hr. Uuderirb, C. W. I.derw for r...e fL.he s ,n .h. Town W in GrNI 11f1I1a, rr.mpi,4,nkmrttofClaims. The Dinrtma said Ornrral AernV. Ix•wz Rea!emN I•rorlr en. C„Jen:'h. un'fuar'„ lila seventh d• fMa r} The +beve will be Bald rhe•p1orCN►, December i 1, IS($. w4alf pirrilm Cudmnerce, will take a liberld.ad buane -bye new of •b qor. o,n• z 11,ng Lever. thaw. T' y Y a�11 Consignments of Asher, nutter, At., re next, rt obs huur of lochs." lb !n k, m arta 't{'Pis •t O l . C►THFgIIiES AOASEBIF8 n - �- --- , spectfun�,nr^iced. - LIFE DEPARTMENT. JOIIN 3LtCUO.NALD, W.Nf. R. RA:N's _ GILLING and oTMIGEON TWINE ISAAC FREDERICK Srpt•• • I!!C•S. sw2 Tit, C•ompan •.�eers term. 1. lhose• dednnr L,f" Aauroore .-I tv *or 1,11,0111­ Liber,rH Ch n cry and raw Officer Crabby block INASMUCH a, crrl.m root. are Ili 1 rShen A'. 0111,ir.(Wer.ch. M wr u� FOR SALE CHEAP, - - ,_____---____ N.»kala P".."... o,.1-PertrelaPr•nIy-Fw..,Otertwt.1 ,fil.aindmgan increase Igo Bnw t God.':ch. r• !b J•nnuY, If+67. ` sal orae m lbs Co.ntka o(Htiroti and 13 1113 _ - .�}...,4""�'�, ,.,fill,- .n parn.'ip•I.nr .,a k, e,nnnc wham �p per cent ail prW:U •r. divisible. f. r.drrioh, March Ath, I-67. sw55 '.:der the fn!sr, fart ernes that they an OD A ran i. b.r Commersaal U+ion .\runneelb., , - r,..G+•^ : 4 Chains ra d unr, month at- pr• hf of d-th. _ - - ---_ - _ - _ _-__ of L........ F:.wland. ' --,y'�a_ �' And oth-advanaree, wall, h nary Lc.cen In the Comp.ny4 Prrspam".. $HERLc F'S SALE l%I' LANDS. �p,m,IserelmlQmtel.T[IteAell tL'.fY !rm"d from the St. Catberiee Nurse. ire, lkia I•. •,"1­1- ' • wt.! . __� , alae<�sa0 .SASH AND DOOR , •t is In c-lift• that Mes.n. James Stewart ••d ____ Morland Wattaon t& Co Countyof Hurn., Y yPaee W a writ ail"am 1:,1­1 r(inrdrn err the only persons now NORTH R♦J( T -'■l R //'•�( T � - v , Gewerur A ente ar Crtnadti. Iu R'n : i Fit•n Fnrwt, -.1rd oar" gull orin(I to at I I )ren from m, narserias • • O R a I ■ ✓ e \ G I t,� ■ ■ I •�+ A�/ O�� FBrn. r`nr t, - B .f Hrr Al aeras y'a f.'.unlY ,'.0 rl al :hr 1'uunty W - i1 Wlay,Mej-dome d.•r,•trd x➢a,..., t,�-," Jl1HN IftCKS, Proprietor. This is th in those Colin 8[t rt(d rg' and 7b"""t, fArthor M,10-I the hiradrN I•rresr.arl ben Country Ilolei in Weser D. W. BF.ADi.Ff,. ` r t t THF,nnderr,rapdhavingpnn-l~llaw)`kin- 0FFICE,-345AND317.NT.PAUL SI'NEET,MONTnlAL• .Cohe.aidail?torn.C.1,012and J.mr. f'..No Ckq..!.l.ad-rharxts as moleretes•AnTHina 1'roprielet. A \ I, `� ATC 1 1:1 KhH k [JF.IPRLER, 1 Ina Mdl n.d ,4•ab r4el.ry owra+I, and ,r n. n, uell. Yore pro t1.,d1 a'ada fa 1 imrrrynr. Jinappra•fnrnJAlrrnries, "heP!aom .1ba•r.es.da,J,al"n.nk:xer„n,.n d / 25Ats, 1866. will1 r MERE 1 1 l l.l: i I ICF Ali) .IFI; NEST u T.. (}ODEIIICII, rnpwt bT Donald Cnnnno.r, aro u.w r>"pare,: I(. MUNRU, MaaTRItAL. T. C. LIYI? (iS'fUN, p. L. N, ,:Il that axnum pare....r tall . I I.u.d A. pn•,n- W N1 reeP. H.ne,an CArn•aea for Hne. ea 1 y 1- •nary .., rh, bis. .r ..l nolow during 'se..Junte Irin11 .nil bass,as m Il.e Tawn .d Hu-1-iNonrr 14.v :assurance los NEAR THE POST OFFYCL a If 0ARDINF.R A CO.,A enter r (7„d neh and Luokaow t Wm. Rawail, Kiacer ins J .bus Fo:d•s icb the row.mora ail N.wmk in Ibe HE undersigned, Agents for the above Bash, doors, Blinds, g a i ('am,lyufflunmrunlsinmr rPnten,w••me.I FARM FOR SALE. T r r tat -'-' lam,es.n, \Vatarlon and - Saltness. sw74 Nurseries, are n ..rrd to fill a1F order EST,APLtE061, 1. ;19. A Goor, AaPORTmxxT Or Mouldings, Flooring � T1,1ny Emhla,• . wore or lora 1 ,ms r.nr. i in their line, and R• they make their selfa ail all ileal part ,vlhe Ldt Prte .all M.11 pr.gan •, liaise "sands 1 7 l pow cArr1AL a2000.000,STFRLING• (cold and Plated Jewelry on Hand, Siding,--_____ - ___'_ � Waak.1 .wa.irreh.Thr Iown, I F,.dw"k. CONTAINING 50 set" org,)odFarming personally, their ,atrnnsms rel and all kinds of •Ni rarl lux. Ili" .,In tip the lnnhl..•z. ,",I,"] land abut 35 acres, of which are clear• dtbot no pains will be spared to give Nur WATCHES CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES ihemon. Wh. t: Lrw,. mail T.sfmratr I .hai ad. it it well watered, log house and bars, uctlon. Fire Deportment. s C i Et, C I . ,,, ,%V O 112. I(, my ( R, r, m the f•..urt afoo , situated 21 miles from elle village of 'fees. 81 EW ART A GORDON. I riq'i t pica hal to riat ,in all classes of Ill GaCAT V.t'.IETI � U 1■ I `� FOUNDRY!"I"'e"Iin ffie'I uwn ts,a, ,be .,or of,.letDe ol.clh Jue Lt.1Ruch a. Circle eo4 11.41., Hash •nJ Farmer. 111 ` ��//11 1 water ,in Ina gntel told, will be sold. A ria' . at mo trate role.. l.osaca prompt• i day Jtnr nen al lbs boor ail Twelve W the `•Thry (link from (her •■ a•nencr m F•rlor, kar/fin 1 k'Of C•I•re • i t0 - �y�--- i 171'aid• RFPA*Ir.INO TN ALI, BRANCIiES N'u,k.that they rA. � row Ila •xis.. JOHN* IIACIN)N,11,D, � JUiIN i'O(IAN, NOT -lay.-- --- a,va•.nrLctwnlis •II wa. Life Department• rax "erne "Erin wnlpa atilt. in virfu! oflhe ,:v.ranter ,:lorded by th,i, 'lone on sheirl notice. in Food style said war• a.-A hL,nl dwvont to the "reds. d� d[�I Jai �1. II1Q .tiZ Q �� • SnrnR Ilutun. fanwatrr p o. la, a CRpit-0 anal mr,htnaletrif profits, th s rented act'onding to agreement, Yherill'o Office, ({u,lerich, I ' , Colross. March 10, 1967. w8 TTIF, undersigned having purchased eke If to JAS HITCHANAN, �__ _. _ _ - . -- large stock of Saddler and entire C,mpen)J ern +dais." die. Inwe� til.• are 1)%Vln LAWSON, 22nd 1'elnvar, In67, w.t f 1 nrae(ictblo b, manyMhrr oflires. I ' lled!linit RiR.'i 81Wa 4011 b1a8d - _- -_. - ------- " H A IZ N E 8 IS f J.N ALEXANDIat, , Horses for Sale• To Farmers. J.>xl lett unr'a,mrd In my hands will be O,akrlrh. March 4th, Ie61 sw55 - SHERIFFS SALE Ve LANDS - Sprcial Iain ran hero hien mode for farm sold at elle expiration of three months to do -"--____._ - i -- re tart Y■la raw il,e. Snbarriher a Input of good si'din and other isnl•ttd risks, env rx!'^nrrs County ntllnron, + I) Y now nl a Ivan M l soul Fann Har.'•• r JS- p L To Vi o : ( )) Al.0 Fiev, Feera.,.e+ar.l FREDERICK WILSON,J. TI+e •tderoi,(red having br^n •ppn°ret l [} VI articles wrn.nled as re�.reafnled Take Notice eat d Her Majnf,'a C-iny Uoun of Ibe nrtro,t J . •,(earl of•thr above Cuwpn•.y for lilrl.:ri, L I D}•TLe Lett quality of CWeL• Ui al 2b rV • ,.,,rl.,a ail Noma •aI fku... and 1. n,^ .I nasal- In.,n.Ifiell Farm. .1.I .lw..- - -.-4 3oa'k .h T'p. A far, let, IN17 low,) and surrounding ecuntry, will he glad r• co. • k.ttle, ?/tlr!Q,uMa-. - f' rJ asmxn the Lands sal INemret. of ( beat,. ----- -- - ..- __ Nivco n ill Alia for insurance roads,in bock tara.^L_ I GodeoicL, Now, 14, 1588. w16 677--­'7-7-:.`r~i , - t Hm,•u, »a tt"sot aJWm 1. Me i. all t 1 high•lJL i r rr.anl snJ t.k n moo ear. att.n, al the orb. la..fL loo,en .ill al wn ya ere MAdr to ;ire iafocmbl __ - - STEA't ENCI'Jr Y'OAKoS -' : ..'.1 ' I I U, end mlrr'aa M Ihr"AJrf�nd.nt, mall t. 4 ' t:wa la ;mal i-4 wishing fn ingn.. "�- th, N. -Ili hilt of I,na Nnn,h•r 'twenty is the Aft Wm.RICt1AR(JynN,A elle, p tilt R R U N C 1 M A N & C U Bn":,.;. ."'•"f,hrTr n'mp'a Mamemthe OR TO RENT R U S 1 NESS I IYIODC to Lend, 1MCF1. Pt/LLOCF, Log., lar nepnh Cohn) fHur.,.r.,nam,nA.•nr han»(real tier•. B nk o' Mottreal, w(alst. ! Y " Goderi.6. Ilse 1st,1966, ow". 11 Yherir hAa Aron nppontet nRiriRl Aa iR. mor" air Ian, wh„h I..aJ1 and 1`.w'Ioen,s 1 •hall • of Mr. TImaM Horton, who hav been so Inri� ��Y very reasonable terms. Artily to ff under the insolernt Act of IN6t for the .Ike lar eek. u, m d' ', in the ('.,,art flower. IIIF WELI, KNotVN and fAvorably known in that rApuctty, Mg A P r ITo led Counties of Huron and Rrure, Ranufactu ,ors of Grist and Flouring MW8 :,,t"', TotarNy the I,mnh s Hate that we are preppaRred to tonlinRr than, B. 1. U')1'LF:, era Office in Camcr.n's Blocks King- day M Jon" ora, .l .he hoar W' twelve d tIk Maltlandville Hotel hwtnres or lila ume favorable terms to per --- - --- _ -"- rh..l, o..."• chusoro as they have hitherto enjnyod. SR•R,(P'enow H1nek, $ton street. Circular, XalaV and Sash Saw-Mills. JJHN MACf>nNAi.D, rrcATF:D on the r..nr..( the Nooh.r-, FIRE & ii�I A R i N E d Ich, 9th Jan. 1863. - ir w.',0 tar /el►rov► i0ah, 1866. w50 e� Thr Ma4tarket Squaersre, have very hand at lkrt SlAefr frwrwa. (•roves Rnad t, ,,,,, w, ane mda tram .shop, Marks{ Sgnarc • wee large Assort' T `, ` - - 37 �•Xf �, }t f t t, , ;Z',.1,1,., . , "367. yar , o h, amt Jerwh ane T WO anJ .var r [ 3r Lj+I I r r �t , \ ;Q; � � ��n 94ud rclwnr), ,�Y1, sal y6n1> of the ri rr.krirh YAI: r W nNKt1 now an 'sent of I_ P3UIfA1�C.Us IT A I � RI •*,�t� � JNVEiS33 e{.'I: SO��ill+lt�� __ ryerot.an, Th„pr.pert,ishe.,nrlxil,..,ran'd ED��13dJ13 ��Ri19�� O _N A 1 MONEW I'O 1,END. : kir..1.11 Welt, c.maai. air one acre nor '.$bre. of lams, with . [afar• two-story "t" k IN 11TERT ATYLe, >f)If rNlx Flue AsaiRArllicemp.eT et, _ - 'CIITtAtolIII1�TGl� 1�1C C��Ii1�TEt�1, f{,A,4.gtlr.aby trnr„x, sail •Lara. H.1! saddles Trunks ValilleAl, SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. ai.rhel thrr.•tn wn,h g,,W Fielling.ad .,her r I"lest, 11-tA nA,fa1RM,okeJ to Ilk. 44. ,rl �• AD AL � THE HURON 1& ERIE Uul•hmklm$a, 'I1,cre,r AarvetrA.hhr'prmaa he., Ar., which I boy aro prepared to nrerto lhrn;Ar+i, hereat and sites olAr'P.s CNde. IV:" aiIt\R III�AIUS'1 .�ISI'kr N'1'HANKlA -- p foril •r,v4siirv.. pnr...a SAVINGS AriD LOAN SOCIETY. poripwrt� rr r ikr pnAlh al gaiety ndacrd prirr6, elle cask. r rrmpar he hu Cmtn•, ret /b,rnn S 7�Y rine(M Par Wr.H of "M tear or obi aullkrenl la s. I •II faozAea NORTON, At.1g. .et•e,vrd.,ec• y+er.. cm ,tai beams•. ,. (utile- The shove N lr a prepare( anrnaka SEPERATORS AND HORSE POWERS, T " tt':t : 1 MI'. Fen FAr,a. i.sn.A On wet., req, rr�r ,rent a Sat McIf. Farmed will do wall la call and ie.�.,r� rich, not being able to eve.te over nee-hale A T•}�1 .t�� �SeCa .td.,llrr,%Njnty•. (Coos, Court ail the I'maid ^I^" P011VINCIAI, IN+IrRAIs('R Co,n..oT Wl sh cutder.hr..... ht 1n Ann lasts,..+. lhr,agl �L`VAl�aQiJJS Cmim.r. of llarnn and ltnrrr, tied t. art Atrerted Also for Bale, Lot To. 71o,I their stock and prices fore parrhxatna Pt" GA.d., Heald (., I.mnb., . .N ubl fey ,scored f.a 4li", for - UN IMPROVED Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood .Saws, ap.rr. U,r !,nmL unit T-rmmnu of W.n,r In Ills Town of l;nh•nrh, rnn.1^d on the Rent where, Ynuch a chant@ is seldom nflored• r.•ka on Connelly An.I C,"y Vior.wN•. \1Rnua , �a=r� =m2t`O O2{•t Al, ervlrr, a ihr note of A.Lm W IV. R exlr of Vn•e,na ns-t. a r.rner 1.4 PAI. ,rang aha am&-taken-Iaslowan1es..ar.,Wo,rAntclaw p pt 1'^• H.AW.MARTIN. Carrliqu �siress Exte�snely !"resile E.I. n..l ►;car•, 1 Arta w•ianf •n,d rr...na Y.rlh, wi,h • Mnrk Il.ur snA •Aar. I AN (11UrtT ADVANTAl+F0119 TltftM:.. C717LTIVATOR�, t3lrli�T6 pLIrJtJf[�}$Sv taken m Fxernm•n thrf..11ow..r p.opert air : trona•,4uMr th,nnn I Godeticb, Oct. 16th, 1886. w!s HORACE HORTON. The rr.s, of elrc•ti.g a Los• will I► fonnd brasea'.etingamadr,a•,d WraekamilhR'work d.,nr in An^atandaubaantialmaney allthr ri$hl tole NA fot*",,f til. tial fpaA i<O. 1017, • a6A rm 1. ,rte ,ells- 661 Ara-,a.. radesmes meth goer site iu .t her Wawllla ie • ..mita 1 tlAnd tlso Lot fig,-T,. Agent. �� Casingsofanydr.rripttonmadetonrdvr. Alan, All kindsofmachiner ant,man.Ifo lan.rlt.,-,,-,athenrth"on- ONIAL tF0_ -_ a rdr• . beltpyrh ,ova" Amy s t ('trier 1a -,ante, The Pta a vaol aw tr also 11w«r a. rotlera14 r (,1.1,,11 of tM rnw.•kt M 0-T a the Count of 1. til' Fast M o.alhrir r ill- on she Nnnh hm,vo -tow "Iy rrmo.rp,Mc..rrafr!fAn• 'o Ih• alt. that k will o,alucti the Iidlawoanl W rfnai red on short notair. A 1ef�rfloCk of pp 1' sole M F... Mare., near the RabrwM YUn.m, Iw.meP. ) haraf.,el andsa.•ce•flkll a vinic It(m, 1e Lr+a wRhwlt an MMkm bran mak for Hseon root■. ,airt, L "start one' Beth" ume yyrr T R y �• Y •'^ f m. •, air Ir.a, wA1,�h far oda rnA Trne.RNL 1 Pkall ^til .rood ellen• Haan tied Lrre rtt.blf there �i� ■ 0 �V p"Itdo1 (",elft-Iain, •uelofieI I; h.vinr ),era oarrnl m p•limrm.w s,ea•.t. COOKING' PARLOUR AND BOX «• air: 9o}serib•r alwayskre the I• t _ ��t nlrrr f6r Yaq At my,•tll.r, m ohr Coen H.A,w, M ager o Cotten. one of , ar, 1. he fo I katal)*• at@* ... 4dvanaw mw Re olds t r . 4m oa Y,a lv.len 1 of v �+or/ in t►r T, wn ^I Uulnach, on 'r.-day Cw G>ur A else'til1. rue M rnsA kr Bhp whole. T variety avid hest Stock of kAp/) /1/Vl nn gnarl f•rA.'«•tntT Mra NeI K•IIeM11•ah, `+rotknd, he (rul'Nly.tas6 to $ anentYng over 6 nerrgal of fr..w ,me an kAer. '11ways an Ir•nd, tl�af Krtltlra, Wrgaq,.$rd Pipe BnxK As oar peuerne of t1r! •Moa an I(wlh day of Nay Rett.•t the h.rr oftwelra g( The.hme property will La..h o, re..ne•hu y, �p PD Tr\ ,tll4ofted .nr,olwelrrywn. N.don!rrn.n publii,Ihat yNn of the meatapprnvtd-knd, we wodJ solicit so insptctirmofoar*trickbefore aeration !tat.,lock,"I'm. to'..in•a.1;,o+eP'n. Fmpn"t..apoy HOISERY & GLOQJ[SI f * JOHN MaUONAI.11, '^ H L. IN. Lf;, IMr"rater, tier., Ci.dP,r h, air instill "drastic IAEA nen tILOT{ n CAN DE 1tfADR fUR FULL rARTICULAaY Afl'Lr TO elm+where, N we •re of r the akoff Re the lbwosl remtnenfit, riles for rash, or for tp O. M. . rKI L (4, amaweeh,ert A• s,t.rr, . HORACE HOIT079 r sher:[Her.vi. IN 'fHR ('01JNTiRA. • .n •.t nae sh.A" egnra a he •'sot IAlalrie►. proved Credit. Ob ltT. ,RIS Copper, and a!1 kinds of rndoN taken it exehan e, theri!'a(161rP,0(vkrh,h, A.M.l. .•n,ItlTow.w„a w*klntlr,.t1. 1. POL�OCKf P '` '� pe r [ I, c.aHANNUN. AppM'eaAVs alarfnrlM alwlyslU,d.rrh fioderiek,UCtobei iaJt, } M.,i]r.d,,14,T' fC hasuge, 3ed•rfea, Narefllat.IrN, aw70. C•Wmk.Ah•t Jv tie/ ewl7-I, rrM Ua.kln h.r,w., leas, t roll ' w� its+urn•. Mil tin17. w1 Tarim CHAS. R. ARCHIBALD. F.II-111 Ivth, IA.: I,w4 a i1oderich. A•7.st 22nd. 1R64. 1-103 46