HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-05-18, Page 11I YOUR CHOICE OF OVER 200 SUITS MEN! Buy Your Suit NOW I at Astounding Reductions • GABARDINES • FLANNELS Over 200 men will get a first quality suit and7 save as much as $15.00 to $25.00 on the original price. All the new cloths and patterns are represented with shades for spring and year round wear .... GROUP 1------- Values to $55.00 Young Men’s Suits, Double and Single- Breasted, Gabardine, Worsteds, Yarn Dyes, and Flannels. PRICED 3 • PIC and PICS • YARN DYED WORSTED The fine styling and tailoring you’ll appreciate . . . The low prices you’ll marvel at . . . the double and single with. breasted models you’ll be delighted X ■ ■ tg g ■ New Low Prices Men’s Topcoats Value $59.50 Top favourites with men every­ where ! Still the favourite in the topcoat line . . Gabardine1. . The miracle cloth that spells dress prefection. Also Scotch and Knglish Imported Tweeds mas­ terfully tailored to the tune of higher quality and style . . . Buy where quality is assured and style is a MUST at these low prices. $ *44.95 Si Student’s and Men’s JACKET OPPORTUNITIES Regular Values $16.50 Here’s real jacket news for the (P£ AA handyman — the^ sportsman t or for any man with an eye for real values . . . Waist and CJQ QQ finger-tip length. J a * MEN’S SPORT JACKETS So Rich Colour Choice Cut from smart, new patterns typifying yi QC the latest sportswear trend. •Beautifully ’P XI tailored from all wool sport coatings. Jml"! Styled to perfection . . . One Low Price SPECIAL MEN’S “T” SHIRTS Values to $3.95 Several dozen T-Shirts, not complete in all colors or sizes. • Priced to save you money . . . Plain and fancy weaves. Sizes S-M-L $1.4999c $1.99 Prices -------GROUP 2—----- Reg. $69.50 Here is Value in its Truest Sense, West of . England Yarn Dyed Gabardines, English Hairlines, English Yarn-Dye Worsteds and Sharkskins. PRICED TO CLEAR -----GROUP 3- Values to $75.00 This selection of suits includes all the year around staple cloths, in your favorite dress shades . . . Every suit Guaranteed All Wool. LArge Representation of Imported Cloths. $59.95 MEN'S TWEED PANTS Values to $9.95 Sizes 28 to 34 only $2.99 MBITS WORK PANTS Values to $5.50 $2.99 $3.49 jjQYg* DRESS PANTS- Gabs and Novelty Patterns Values to $7.95 $3.99 MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Values to $3.19 $1.99 $2.49 BOYS’ DENIM JEANS Reg. $2.98 value $2.49 BOYS’ DRESS SHIRTS Sanforized Shrank Reg. $2.35 value $1.49 10% REDUCTION 10% ENTIRE STOCK Boys’ Wear Work Clothing BUY AND SAVE 1 150 pair Odd Pants Regular Values to $17.50 Here’s Exceptional Value! Buy to-day for Spring and Summer. The selection is exceptional - tropicals, worsteds,, tweeds, gabardines and flannels - Sizes 28 to 42 . . . Match up or contrast with that odd jacket at prices that can’t be matched. ’ $7.99 $9.99 $11.99 SPORT SHIRTS value* to $8.95 A Large Selection — Your Holiday Favorites Get better-than-average value at these lower than average prices . . . Many styles cut to less than half their value . . . colours and styles to suit every taste . . . plains and checks . . . (bn 4 A (b 4 At?HOLIDAY SALE SPECIALS $4.43 to <ML33 MEN’S Broadcloth SHIRTS Clear Stripes! Rich Plain Shades! *3.79 Values to $5.95 Reduced to One Low Price Stock up when the price is down ... all shirts are from our regular stock . . . full cut, sanforized and tailored to per­ fection. Sizes 14 to 17. BOYS’ SUITS Reg. to $22.50 All Wool, Fine Tweeds Double and Single Breasted Fancy Worsteds $9.95 BOYS’ WINDBREAKER REDUCTIONS Corduroys, Gabardines Values to $8.50 $3.99. $4.99 many other items DRESS SOCK SPECIAL Nylon, All Wool, Nylon & Wool VALUES TO $1.49 CLEARING 89c Buy Your Holiday Toggery Now HANNA MEN’S WEAR I Don* STUDENTS’ SUITS Regular to $35.00 Better Quality Gabs, Pic & Pics, Double-breasted stylings Sizes 83 to 37 $19.95 0 t Pay More