HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-05-11, Page 11I
Automatic re-wind starter.
Fully adjustable to suit operator.
Single knob “magic touch’” controls,
starts, stops, speeds up, slows down.
Same Mower with 1% h.p. Engine
2^4 h.p.’’“4 “cycle, easy 'starting engine,
uses regular gas.
Reo Engine Silencer.
Direct vertical drive, no belts or pulleys.
Adjustable cutting height 1” - 3”
Leaf mulcher attachment included.
The REO Holi
day rotary
Whips through
tall grass and
weeds or cuts q
Velvety 18-inch
path on your lawn.
Trhns within an inch
of walis, trees,
fences. Easy to handle
— actually weighs less
than most hand mow
ers, yet the sturdy iy2
h.p. easy-starting en
gine does all the hard
work for you. All .the
famous REO features
at unheard-of low
Built to sell at $8995
The budget-priced champ of the rotary
power mower field,
18” cutting width.
Sturdy 2% h.p., easy starting, 4 cycle Reo
engine, uses regular gas—no smelly,
smoky fumes.
One knob handle throttle-control adjusts
engine speed.
Leaf mulcher attachment included at
no extra cost.
Model WJ-18
• The only mower In this price range with
enclosed drive and clutch!
• 18” cutting width.
Big 2% h.p., 4 cycle easy starting, Reo
engine, with new “Quiet” muffler.
Uses regular gas, no mixing with oil, no
smoky fumes.
The undisputed champion of the rotary field
18” cutting width
Automatic re-wind starter
These are only four of the eleven types of power
mowers we have in stock. Amongst our selection
there are mowers to suit every purpose or pocket
book^— all famous makes and guaranteed values.
Drop in today and see the biggest display of power
mowers in town!
We service any Power Mower we sell!
QIV Hand Mower Models
61A Fine English Makes - from
Hardware and Farmers’ Supply House
Phone 30 Wingham
Mr. and Mrs, Tobi Jantzi and fam
ily of Milverton, Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
Fisher of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Lougheed and baby, Carol
Ann, of London, visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. George Fisher. The
Fisher families attended a Carruthers
family gathering at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Eldon Lowry of Lurgan, in
the afternoon.
Children Baptized
Preparatory service will be held in
the Presbyterian Church here this
Friday evening, when the following
elders will be inducted:—Jas. Mcll-
rath, Andrew Gaunt, Walter Elliott,
Johnston Conn, Jas. Laidlaw, Jas.
Wilson aifd Ira Wall. Anniversary ser
vices will be held on Sunday, May 29,
With Rev. Colvin of Brussels, as spec
ial minister for the day. Communion
service will be held this Sunday. At
the Christian Family Sunday service
here on Sunday nine children were
baptized: Robert Bruce and Cameron
Clark, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clark
McGregor; Doris Louise, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher; Mary
Ruth, daughter of Mr. „and Mrs.
Walter Elliott; Mary Lou, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wall; Gayle Arlene,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rin-
toul; Janet Christina, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Dirk De Boor; John Albert,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Pieter De Boor
and Simon John, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John De Boor. Rev. N. Caswell, also
baptized five children, at the Lang
side service, Garry and Ruth, child
ren of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whytock*;
Douglas Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Wall, and Kenneth Alan, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott. The
flowers at the altar of the Presbyter
ian Church here, wefe placed there
by the .Gillies families, in memory of
their parents, the late Mr. and Mrs.
David Gillies.
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kruger, of De
troit, spent the week-end at the home
of her brother, Mr. John Gillies.
Couple Honored
Neighbours and friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Currie gathered last
Tuesday evening in Langside Hall,
and during the evening, Graham Mof
fatt read an address and Bert Moffatt
presented the couple with a trilite
lamp and Archie McKinnon present
ed them with a purse of money. Mr.
and Mrs. Currie thanked their friends,
among whom they have resided for
many years. Tiffin Bros, provided
music for dancing.
Ivtr. and Mrs. Bert Dixon of Harris
ton, visited on Sunday with her uncle,
Mr. Wm. Forster of W. W^wanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson and
James Martin were at Watford on
Friday to visit their cousin, Mrs. Fred
Wight, who is seriously ill in the
hospital at Watford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie spent
the week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Gillespie of Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shoebottom, of
London, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Montgomery, of E.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inglis and Mr.
and Mrs. Roderick Inglis and family,
of Forest, visited on Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis,
and with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams.
Mrs. Duncan Kennedy, of Wing-,
ham, Mrs. Harry Tichbourne, Goder
ich, and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Dutnin,
of St. Helens, visited on Sunday with
their mother, Mrs. David Kennedy.
Mrs. Harold Sparling, of Wingham,
and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Barger, of
Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, of
Waterloo, visited on Sunday with his
brother, Mr. Carl Weber.
Mr. Roy McGee, of Kitchener, spent
the week-end with his brother, Mr.
Gordon McGee.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnston and
daughters of Clinton, and -Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Robinson and sons, of St.
Augustine, spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gershom John
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Scott of E. Wa
wanosh, visited on Sunday with Mr.
apd Mrs. Gordon Robb, of Amberley.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bee'croft and
family, visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson,
of Brucefield. Mr, Watson has been
ill over the week-end.
Miss Winnifred Farrier, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mr. Ken McAllister, of S.S. No. 10,
Kinloss, was in charge of the moving
pictures in the Memorial Hall here
last Wednesday evening. An interest
ing reel of life in Iceland was shown,
and the reel showing, Jennie, the
trained Kelpie dog, used in herding
sheep on the plains of Australia, with
the “Lets All Sing” were very inter
Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Mrs. Jos. Tiffin
and Miss Gladys Giousher spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif
fin of Langside.
The opening meeting of the "Lang
side Mission Band was held on Sat
urday at the home of the loader, Mrs.
Chas. Tiffin with 24 children present,
Prayers were offered by Cecelia
Crowston, Audrey Young, and Marion
Scott. The Senior girls will preside
alternately for the meetings. Marion
Scott and Cecelia Crowston were ap
pointed secretaries, and Doris Mof
fatt treasurer. Mrs. Tiffin had charge
of the chapter from the study book,
“Fig Tree Village,” and Rev. N. Cas
well gave an interesting talk on the
leper colonies on Formosa Island.
N”'cy Soott t110 wlth
$1.15 Qua
Sunday Schoo)
Fencing Needs
Jamieson, and
Mr. and Mrs.
—Ont. Dept of Lands and Forests Photo
well as forest wealth and beauty spots all suffer when fire engulfs Ontario
woodlands. April 1 to October 31, official forest fire season, is.time of
highest hazard. Be careful, everybody!
Bang proof!
prayer .and all joined in the Lord's
prayer. Lunch was served and the
next meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Bert Moffatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin and
family spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnston, of Holy
Mr. and Mrs. James Ste. Marie of
Kitchener, spent a few days last week
at the htfrhe of their son, Myles Ste.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley French, of
Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Beadle,
of Auburn, visited on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Inglis and
George of Walkerton, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman.
Neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Eckenswiller, were busy with tractors
and other' farm machinery getting
fields ready for sowing and sowing
them on Saturday. Mr. Eckenswiller
returned home from the hospital on
Rev. C. D. Cox baptized three child
ren at the Family Sunday service in
Brick United Church on Sunday:
Gerry Thomas and Brian John, sons
of Mr. and Mrs. John
Robert Harry, son of
Ray White, of: Morris.
Mr. Robert Laidlaw,
superintendent conducted the Christ
ian Family service in the United
Church here. Jean Martin, gave the
reading, “The Boy Isaac,” and Janet
Gaunt gave the reading “Prayers in
the Moonlight,” and the Junior choir
sang “Father We Thank Thee.” The
choir sang, “If I Could Hear My
Mother Pray Again,” and Rev. R. A.
Brook gave the sermon on the differ
ent ways that families can honour and
worship God together. Two children
were baptized, John Donald, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin, and
Thelma Maudene, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Purdon. The beauti
ful basket of white and red snap
dragons were from the family of Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker and fam
ily, of Brucefield, and Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin McClenaghan and Michael, of
Kitchener, visited on
their parents, Mr. and
Fordyce pupils have
a bus trip to Detroit '
Sunday with
Mrs. Ben Mc-
aluminum combination
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Small, of Tor
onto, are visiting with their nephew,
Ross McGregor.
SOZONCHUK—In Windsor General
Hospital, on Saturday, April 30, 1955,
to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sozonchuk,
(nee Eleanor Taylor) a daughter.
eral Hospital, on Sunday, May 8,
1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleight
holm, a daughter.
Howick Township
Council Meets
The Howick Township Council met
in the clerk’s office on May 5th. All
members were present and Reeve H.
Gowdy in the chair.
The minutes of the last regular
meeting were read and on motion of
McMichael and Gibson were adopted
as read. Carried.
Allan - Haskins—That we provis
ionally adopt the Engineer’s report on
the Dahms Municipal Drain and in
struct the Clerk to prepare a By-law
on the said drain. Carried.
McMichael - Allan—-That we join
the Huron County Municipal Officers’
Association. Carried.
Gibson -, McMichael—That H. C.
Dane be a delegate to the Association
of Assessing Officers of Ontario with
expenses up to $30.00. Carried.
Allan - Haskins—That we join the
Association of Ontario Mayors and
Reeves and that H. Gowdy be ap
pointed to represent Howick with ex
penses to be paid. Carried.
Haskins - Allan—That we rebate
Wm. H. Pike the sum of three dollars
and twenty-^ix cents re-error on 1954
taxes. Carried.
Gibson - Haskins—That we give, ap
proval to the Fordwich Cemetery
Board on their recommendation to
raise the rates on lots in the Fordwich
Cemetery under the new regulations
of the Department of Health of Ont
ario. Carried.
Haskins - Allan—That we accept the
tender of ,Carl E. Willis for the con
struction of the Wm. Kreller Drain.
McMichael - Gibson—That by-law
No. 6 for the Township of Howick for
the year 1955 as read a first and sec
ond time be passed. Carried.
Gibson - McMichael—That by-law
No. 7 of the Township of Howick for
the year 1955 as read a first and sec
ond time be passed. Carried.
Allan - Haskins—That we re-ap
point the members of the Wroxeter
Community Centre. Carried.
McMichael - Allan—That we in
struct the road superintendent to
make application to the engineer re
bridge on B. Line. Carried.
Gibson - Haskins—That the treas
urer return the tax roll to the County
by June 1st., 1955. Carried.
Gibson - McMichael—That the road
accounts as approved be paid. Carried.
Haskins - Allan.—That the following
accounts be paid. Carried.
Membership Huron County Muni
cipal Officers’ Association, $15.00; J.
A. Wood Co., assessor’ supplies, $113.-
Blake, spraying re warble fly, $736.23;
Municipal World Office supplies,
$5.18; R. A. Currie & Sons, ambulance
re-Mrs. Sanderson, $4.50; County of
Huron, hospitalization re- C. Pierce
and baby Robert Charles, $90.00; Lis-
towel Area Fire Truck to Wroxeter
Fire, $25.00; Harriston Fire Truck to
Wroxeter fire, $125.00; T, Whillier &
Sons, office supplies, $17.95; Wingham
Advance-Times, advertising Kreller
Drain, $3.38; W. E. Austin, inspecting
1st. warble spray, $153.75,* Alex Petrie,
inspecting 1st warble spray, $145.00;
Partridge Grocery, relief re N. Weiler,
C. Harper, $17.04; Ross Hanna, drain
construction $1760.00; Levy re-Saug-
een Valley Conservation Authority,
$121.90; Wm, H, Pike, rebate on error
1954 taxes, $3.26; H. Lohr, material re
Fordwich shed repair, $1.26; H. C.
Dane, expenses to zone assessor’s
meeting, $10.00; J. A. Johnston, print
ing Dahms Drain report, $10.00; Road
account transfer, $3677.82; Member
ship Association Mayors and Reeves,
$10.00; N. Wade, premium on treas
urer’s policy, $12.50.
McMichael - Haskins—That we do
now adjourn to moot again on Juno
6th, 'or nt the call of the Reeve. Car*
been planning
to the zoo and
tb the Ford plant, and the pupils of
S.S. No. 9, Kinloss are holding a var
iety concert at Langside hall this
Friday evening to gather funds for a
similar bus trip on May 31.
Many of the young people of this
district availed themselves of the
school bus trip to Goderich on Satur
day to attend the temperance rally
held in the district collegiate there.
Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer and
Brian, of Sarnia, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Falconer and Wingham relatives.
Mr. Wm. Adams, of London, spent
the week-end at the home of his son, 110; Gestetner Supplies,, $14.64;
Mr. Robert Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Majury and
family and her father, Mr. Thos.
Kerry, all of Paisley, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
and Marjorie Coultes visited with
Crrace Thompson at Donnybrook on
Mrs. Alvin Orvis, of Wingham, spent
a few days last week at the home of
her niece, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse.
Mrs. George Dickson of Ripley, is
Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Sleightholm, for this week.
Leaving for Germany
LAC Jack Huffman, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Roy Huffman, of Kinloss, spent
two weeks embarkation leave at his
home, coming here from Rivers, Man.,
Where he has been for the past eight
teen months. He and one other from
the No. 3 Fighter Squadron, left Cri
Friday from Quebec City to spend two
years in Germany. The young people
of that district gathered on Thursday
evening in the Langsidc Hall, and
during the evening, Clarence Crow-
stan read an address and Gordon
Fisher presented him with a purse of
money from his friends. Tiffin broth
ers provided music for dancing, and
all enjoyed the evening together.
★ Laminated for double
★ 100% finest extruded
★ Won’t bow, twist,
warp, rust
★ Permanent trouble
free fit
★ 2 glass inserts, 2 screen
inserts; easily interchanged
White, White Undercoat, Light Ivory,
Primrose Yellow, Plantation Green,
French Blue, Coral Rose, Dark Grey.
Same colors as Enamel.
Ivory, Cream, Dublin Green,
Terra Cotta, French Grey, Gloss
White, Flat While.
Light Grey, Medium Grey, Gold
en Tan, Tile Red, Yellow.
S3.89 Galion
842 (8 wires, 42” high) $1.25
740 (7 wires, 40”
high) Heavy gauge........ $1.00
2060L (20 wires, 60” high) Light weight . . . . $1.45
1848H (18 wires, 48” high) Heavy gauge . ... $1.95
Each .
1036 (10 wires, 36”
high) per rod.....
93c each
100 lb.
7-foot Red T Bar
80 Rod Spools
1214 Gauge
Swift’s VIGORO
Sheep Manure
10 lb.
25 lb.
$2.95 $4.85
PETE MOSS pkg. 69c Bus. $1.39
NATIONAL 4-12-10 45c
.. .. $4.35
2 Bus. $2.15
80 lbs. $3.00
2 Bus. $2.00
Hardware and Farmers* Supply House
Phone 30 Whigham