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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-05-11, Page 10
Page Tea The Wingluuu Advance-Times^ Wednesday, May JU,. 1955 Wingham District High School Report of Easter Examinations Tile following is the report of Easter examinations at the Wingham District High School: GRADE IX °A” Standing (75% and over): Mari anne McKibbon, Marilyn Rome, Claudia Haselgrove, Marjorie Moffat, Dorothy Chamney, Linda Todd, Elean or Walsh, Betty Anne Stobo, Ian Howes, Everdina Exel, Ian Mundell, Margaret Machan, Barbara Coultes (equal); Richard King, Ronald Farb er, Elizabeth McKinney, Merle Gowdy, Ivan Walsh, Muriel Gowdy, Ronald Lane, Dale Cardiff, Larry Durst, Claire Chamney, Kenneth Coultes, Peter Hemingway, Marion Robinson, Helen Ellacott, Ruth Thompson, Mar ian Hoover, John Moffat. “B” Standing (66 to 74%): Brenda Breckenridge, Glenn Coultes, Peter Nasmith, Catherine Leach, Dorothy Toner, Ruth Fryfogle, Elizabeth Pipe, (equal); Marykae Newman, Wilma ■ 1■ i i i s■ Waterloo Gattie Breeding; Association “Where Better Bulls Are Used” At the end of April, this organization composed of 4583 members. „ 485 of these joined during 1955. In the first four months of 1955, 13453 cows were inseminated by this Organization. This is an increase of 1928 cows over the same period S of 1954. 1■ For those not using our services now, you would be § helping yourself while making an even stronger | farmer-owned and controlled co-operative by using g our good bulls. ® COST OF SERVICE IS NOMINAL | $5.00 for life time membership $5.00 per cow for members $6.00 per cow for non-members 4 services without extra charge are given if = needed to obtain conception. = If you wish to use a desirably proven bull or a prom- = ising young bull, the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- = sociation has the answer with the bulls in the Unit, g awTMam. aaai-t 'i*» t-iKi .wwwwww— PLANT A HED6E °'5P.dN“.r.Z proper planting time. EC? ZE ”~3 Perennial Baby Breath rlaEE Plants for EARLY orders. “Best Quality Only” CHINESE ELM—r,.nRlest and jFastest MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINES TRACK-TESTED for DURABILITY FIELD-TESTED for EFFICIENCY assembly and run-off tests on pro duction machines. Field testing is a constant year round activity of the engineering divisions of Massey-Harris- Ferguson. Machines are sent south in the winter time and follow the harvest north until freeze-up to give new models as much Work in the field as possible. Machines are tested under many varied con ditions for ability to do their work well, for ease of handling, for economy of operation, and for capacity to dp a good job. Well designed, well built and thoroughly tested Massey-Harris and Ferguson machines offer outstanding features in modern equipment. Your local dealer will be glad to give you full particulars. g For service or information, phone collect—Clinton 242; Mildmay 130rl2. B ■ 7.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. WEEK DAYS ■ ■ 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS g i.niHiMiiinimiiniHiiniiniiniiinimiiaiiHiiHiiHiiniiHiiniMHniiniiMDmmiwi? Growing—94nsh size. 100 for $2.89; 12-inch size. 100 for $4.50; *5-inch size, 100 for $5.50; 18-inch size, 100 for $6.95; 2-ft. size, 25 for $3.98 or $15.00 per 100; 3-ft. site, 25 <•* $6.98 or $25.00 per 100. “Amurense” s • r i • < 7, 'medium growth—the only hardykind; 18-in., 25 for $3.98 or $18.00 P«* 100. ROSA MULTI FLOR A-— Hedge of hardy Boses"—J,8-ln.. bythy, transplanted, 25 for $3.49 or $11.** per 100. RED BARBERRY—^Maroon - rod *n season—4-ln., IfiHor $12.*8» U-l*^ 25 tor $8.98 or $22.00 per 100. .PAEONY ROOTS-,.,h,tlu„ Bed, white or pink, > foe *1.**. FnFP With Mrery OrderFREE ©a*ads’s Finest CttoMd ■ Gardea OaMe Brookdale-IQngswaj Niirseria BOWMANVILU, ONTABIO „Ifc—e Pay *r Mlthla Market Midi ■ TESTING — TESTING - TESTING — Testing is never-ending at Massey- Harris. Track testing goes on day and night, winter and summer at the Massey-Harris-Ferguson Test Track. Tractors and implements are checked with electronic equip ment for stress and strain analysis. They are endurance tested for ability to stand-up under long usage and are given severe shake-down tests over the bumps to check resistance to breakages. Steel, paint and other materials are analyzed and tested in the factory laboratory to insure that they meet requirements and speci fications—careful check is kept on foundry castings—inspection departments make constant Haskins, Marjorie Timm, Mary Schar- bach, Helen Whithead, Barbara Lin ton, Mary Elliott, George Armstrong, Elaine Statia, Marlene Mahood, Lor- een Wray, Jean Harkness. “C” Standing (60 to 65%); Eldon Byer, Evelyn Mathers, Patricia Platt (equal); David Kennedy, Chris Nor minton, Sharon Guy (equal); Robert Ste Marie, Ann Smith, Joan Dever eaux, Arnold Davison, Jamie Sander son, Larry Snell (equal); Charlene Deyell, John Mundell, Annie Nesbit, Don Pengelly, Murray Johnston, Lois Noble. Pass (50 to 59%;: Verne Vanstone, David Marks, Kenneth Ste Marie (equal); Rae Hetherington, Joyce Haugh, George Naylor, Kathleen Fish er, Bruce Richmond, Mary Skinn, Marilyn Fear, Wilfred Pocock, (equal); John Newans, Donald Jack- lin, Kenneth Dawson (equal); Anna- lisa Anstrop, Joan ♦ Arthur, Gwen ■ ■ Brown (equal); Genevieve Lovett, John Coultes, Lois Baker, Murray Gampbell, Murray Davison (equal); Lynn O’Malley, Murray MacFarlane, Mary Gibbons. Below the line: Lionel Gertie, Dor een Cherrpy, Francis O'Malley, Dale McTaggart, Beda Miller, Mary Helen MacDonald, George Chettelburgh, George Metcalfe, Kenneth Gilkinson, George Oster, Harold Ferguson (equal); Frank Wilson, Lynn Freude- map, Lois Button, Ardelle Westlake, Frank Gibbons, Darlene Fierce, Barry Gibson, Wayne Brown, Don Gray, Donald Haines (equal); Thomas Wilk- inson, Frank. Houghton, Norma Park er (equal); Beverley Dickinson, Wil liam MacIntyre, Vernon Redman, Mary Alice Armstrong, Edith Smith, Henry Skinn, Douglas Fischer, Edyfhe Walker, Stephen Rooney, William Hotchkiss, Norma McArthur, Betty Stone, Alvin Gamble, Barry Watson, John Hall, Gerald Downey, Howard McKay, William McQuarrie, John Cronyn, Gordon Bateman, David Templeman, Bette McIntosh, Charlie Scott. 0-0-0 GRADE X "A” Standing (75% or over): Bever-‘ ley Stewart, Barry McQuillin, Vera Sharpe, James Inglis, Velma 'Staple ton, William Kennedy, Tom Brydges, Deanne Allan, Joan Lamont (equal); Alison Webb, LaVonne Ballagh, Betty Thompson, Donald Jefferson. “B" Standing (66 to 74%): Gwen Walsh, Lois Goll, Mary Ross, Murray Hoover, Beverley McDonald, Beverley Nethery, Joyce Moffat, Anne Behrns, Bonnie Edgar, Mary Lou Dunlop, Stewart McGill, Betty Devereaux, Faye Jack, Marie Hastie, Bruce Mc- Tavish. “C” Standing (60 to 65%); John Wild, Gail Colvin, Isabella Willie, Shirley McNeil, Robert Higgins, Mur iel Whytock, Dennis Smith, Elaine Worrall, Madeline MacKinnon, James Newman (equal); Gail Shaw, Roy Pennington (equal); Lucille Dawson, Douglas Dogan, Marilyn Morrison (equal). Pass (50 to 59%): Dorothy Sullivan, William Clark, William Hettinger (equal); Ronald Kennedy, Shirley Reidt, John King, Colleen Donnelly, Shirley Boyd, Douglas Carr, Albert Smyth, Fred Lewis, Lenora Guy, Ethel Breen (equal); James Goultes, Mar- lene Waxman, Nancy Carter, Wayne Woods, Vernon Inglis, Joan Wilson, Hilara Bruder, Ray Murray, Barjy Fryfogle, William. Rintoul, Isabel Scott, Earl Fitch, Michael Hallahan, Donald McLean (equal); Grace Paul in, Earl Jenkins, David Cameron, Blaine McKee, James Lockridge, Wil liam Newman, Marilyn Widdis, Nancy Hutchesop, Helen Wilson (equal); Betty Foxton, Doris Machan (equal). Below the line; William Reavie, Margaret Martin, Lillian Campbell, Mary Harman, Grant MacIntyre, Jane Rann, Duncan Moffat (equal); John Edgar, Gordon Fisher, Jean Rintoul (equal); Ray Pennington, Wayne Day, Phyllis Fear, John Wright, Thomas Burrell, Richard Newman (equal); Eldon Lincoln, Marlene Smith, Ivan Daw, James Bain, Stuart Smith, James Edgar, John Higgins, Dawn Moffat, David Scott, Eleanor Horton, James Keyes, Eric West, Waverley Douglas. 0-0-0 GRADE XI “A” Standing: John Hoover, Gordon Smith, Helen- Haines, Ruth Sharpe, Agnes Lane, Maxine Fitch, Alan Scott, Danny Stuckey, Helen Ford, Marion Chittick, George Webster, Gloria Stobo. “B” Standing: Carol Derbecker, Robert Thacker, Isobel McDonald, Thelma Simmons, Margaret Perrie, Shirley Bennett, William Austin, Ila Pengelly (equal); Robert Peel, Esther Smith, Bessie Campbell, Sandra Rath. “C” Standing: Robert Black, David Slosser (equal); .Elaine Bolt, Kenneth Crawford, Ian Hetherington, Arnold Mathers, Donald Thompson (equal); James Campbell. Pass: Lois Crawford, Arthur Burg ers, William Martin, Etoiie Moffat, Ruth Procter (equal); Robert Thomp son, Lillian Smyth, Mary Currie, Bruce Lott, Reta Bruce, Paul Gros- korth, Joyce Hoffman, Alice Hayden, Jean Smith, William Foster, Glenn Dickison, James Spivey, Maitland Button, Joyce Jacklin, Barbara Mer rick, Ian Gibbons, Barbara Byer, John Grewar, Sandra Smith, James Demer- ling. Below the line: Cavell Ruttan, Mari lyn Timm, Patsy Bender, William Connell, Donelda Howe, Joan Mar shall, Margaret King, Murray Shiell, Betty Henry, Edith Marks, Kenneth MacKenzie, Ruby MacLean, Shirley McBurney, Eugene Devereaux, Mary Stapleton, James Foxton, Allan Nich ol, Beverley Brooks, John Horton, Harry MacKenzie, Marlene Stainton, William Zimmerman, Erwin Ste Marie, 0-0-0 GRADE XHAB "A” Standing: Sally Slosser, Joan Wightman, Ivan McQuillin. “B” Standing: Audrey Gilmour, Bar bara Edwards, Janet Deitner, Sheila Laidlaw, Doreen Machan, Gail Pur- don, Louise Jefferson, John Congram, George Procter, Douglas Leach. “C’ Standing: Winifred Munro, Lois Walker (equal); Bruce Robertson, Sheila Porter, Joan Armitage, Ruth Toner. Pass: Eleanor Smith, John Elliott, Douglas Murray (equal); Louise Campbell, Ronald Higgins, Donald Biggs, Don MacKinnon, Marlene Ste Marie, Ronald Lamont, Grace Thomp son, William Henning, Betty Hallahan, John Duffy, Frances Hettinger, Sheila Black, Patricia Carmichael (equal); Ivan Dow, Mary Hotchkiss. Below the line: Winona Wright, Gladys Guy, Allan Nicholson, Wendell Alton; Bernice McDonald, Marjorie Coultes, James Platt (equal). 0-0-0 GRADE XHC “A” Standing: Joan Thomas, ®Fran- ces Merkley, Mary Ellen Cummins. “B” Standing: Marjorie Browns word, Jean Currie, Irene Pennington. “C” Standing: Mary Scott, Margaret Heibein, Mary Lou. Hallahan, Anne Todd, Doris Doubledee, Shirley Chet- tleburgh, Donna Hutchison. Pass: Florence Dawson, Rita Deit ner, Donna McLean. Below the line: Wealthie Murray. GRADE XIII (Figure in brackets indicates the number of papers written) "A” Standing: Kenneth Holmes, (11); William Laidlaw, (11). “B” Standing: Janice McKee (9), John Freudeman (4), Ruth Webb (9). “C” Standing: Neil Eadie (8), Donna Coupland (8), Thelma Bennett (8). Pass: Donalda MacDonald (9), Mar guerite Ford (8), Neil Stainton (5). Below the line; Avis McKee (9), Douglas Widdis (9), Donald McKague (7), Ivan McKague (5), Reg McElrea (6). Absence through illness: Berva Gal laher. Reports showing marks Jh each subject have beei/glven to each pupil to take home to parents. PLANT 2,400 TREES IN MCGILLIVRAY McGillivray Township School pupils planted 2,400 trees on the farm of Earl Lewis, at the annual tfeb plant ing day sponsored by Ausable River Conservation Authority in co-opera tion with the Department of Lands and Forests. The planting was part of the auth ority’s program to plant about 17,000 trees this spring. Another 90,()00 will be planted in the fait A Variety of trees wore planted by the pupils. They included white ana Norway spruce, Carolina poplar, white ash, White cedar and black idcust, A tred used in erosion work. HOUSE RAZED AT SHAKESPEARE With no water available, a three- room frame, one-storey house, owned by Clarence Scheerer, Shakespeare, but unoccupied for six months was destroyed by fire last week, The blaze was spotted by Edward Roth who notified telephone switch board operator, Winnifred Kreugev, who in turn alerted neighbours. No estimates of damage was given. SEE CAMERON’S BILLIARDS DOON BALER TWINE All Canadian Twine Manufactured in Kitchener GUARANTEED 225 FEET PER POUND ReguUr Price $8.50 In Lots of 10 Bags or over WE HAVE A CARLOAD IN STOCK I CHARLES HODGINS I YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER s 8 for guaranteed BUILDERS! ■ v JS* . / Whether you are building one home or a hundred, you’ll find it well worth your while to drop in and have a talk with the manager of your nearest branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. He will be glad to discuss your mortgage requirements under the National Housing Act 1954. Mortgage Loans are only one of the many services we offer our customers. Ask about our facilities at any of our branches—we have more than 680 to serve you. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE WINGHAM BRANCH — R. R. HOBDEN, Manager N-265 WHITE ROSE ULTRA GIVES YOUR CAR • GREATER POWER • INCREASED MILEAGE ,• INSTANT STARTING • FASTER PICK UP • HIGHEST ANTI-KNOCK QUALITY • GREATER ENGINE PROTECTION ULTRP thisirrsale •AUOiif GHSOLinE ULTRA MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON LIMITED Makers of High Qualify Farm Implements Since 1847 cflnRDinri oil componiES.LimiTEO ■' W-l