HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-05-11, Page 9KOIUIO 0. M'CANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Residence: Rattenbury St. Phone* 561 & 455 CLINTON - ONTARIO Sarne JMill Rate for Turnberry Schools The regular meeting of Turnberry Township School Area was held at No. 6 School recently. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and on motion by Kir- ton and Holmes were adopted. The secretary-treasurer was in­ structed to have the music festival cup engraved. Powell -Holmes—That No. 11 Softool receive $8,00 to pay for transportation for bus re music festival. Hardie - Kirton—That no action be taken re-paying for bus. Curried.” The following communications were read: Huron Co. Health Unit, Grolier Society, Department of Education, Kirton - Hardie-r-That mill rate re­ main the same as 1954, Carried. Holmes - Powell—-That the follow­ ing be paid: Teachers’ salaries, trans­ portation and caretakers; Hugh Gil­ mour, labour, $21,50; Beaver Lumber $14.86: B.A. fuel oil, $22.91; Wingham Advance, $7.20. Hardie - Holmes—That the meeting be adjourned, next meeting to be on May 19th, at No. 4 school, at 8.30 p.m, Hugh Mundell, chairman Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas, Money in the bank ■Millions of Canadians know the value of a bank account—the security and comfort it brings, the peace of mind it assures, the enterprise it makes possible. When you keep your money in a chartered bang you Jznow it is safe. And you are dealing with friendly, experienced people, skilled in the management of money and anxious tn share their knowledge with you. There is a type of account to suit your purpose, some designed to help you accumulate funds, others featuring the convenience of chequing. Your local branch bank provides these and many other services. It is much more than a handy, safe place to keep money. It is a banking service-centre where you can count on prompt and courteous attention to all your banking needs. Only a chartered bank offers a 'full range of banking services, including: Howick 4»H,Calf Club Holds May Meeting The regular meeting of (the Howick 4-H Calf Club was held at the home of the club leader, John Strong. Twenty members answered the roll call, The meeting was opened by the president, Stanley Zurbrigg with the 4-H pledge. A class of mature Ayr­ shire cows was judged and reasons were given by all the dub members. A quiz was answered by the mem­ bers-and the answers were discussed by the assistant agricultural repre­ sentative. The meeting was brought to a close by lunch which was served in the house. ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and stamp pads sold at The Wingham Advance-Times. G. ALAN WILLIAMS | Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham j PhonT 770 | Evening* by appointment. | Walker Home Furnishings The Wingljam Advance-Times, Wednesday, May 11,1855 page Ntaa Presbyterian Moderator Visits Huron-Maitland Presbytery Representatives of the various Its objective the doubling of its mem-* churches of Huron-Maitland Presby- [ oership in tfte next ten years, Not only tery met in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian pastors and elders, but individual Church, Wingham, on Wednesday I members are working toward that end evening, May 4th, on the occasion of j by their witness to the power pf the thp visit of the moderator of the' gospel and the peace of Christ which general assembly of the Presbyterian pervades the Formosan Church in the Church in Canada, the Right Reverend midst of difficulties and problems. J, Lewis W. McLean, D.D., of St. 1 On many occasions, Formosan Christ- Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Vic­ toria, B.C. The meeting was in charge of Rev. J. R. McDonald of Ripley, moderator of Huron-Maitland Presbytery, Rev. John Pollock extended a welcome on behalf of Rev. Alex. Nimmo and the session of St. Andrew's, Wingham. Dr. McLean read the Scripture and Rev. D. J. Lane, of Clinton, offered prayer. D.D.. THE CHARTERED BANKS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Keep your money safe; pay you steady interest; encour­ age the habit of thrift. CURRENT ACCOUNTS For individuals and companies who pay by cheque; your can­ celled cheques serve as receipts. BANKING BY MAIL Convenient, and saves time. All your routine banking can be handled in this way. JOINT ACCOUNTS Savings or Current; for two or more people, any of whom can make deposits or withdrawals. SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Dr. McLean’s message was an in­ spiration and a challenge to all who heard him. He chose as his text, Matthew 16:18, “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I willX build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The Church of Christ was to be biult not only upon Peter’s confession of faith, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God,” but also upon Peter’s vision that the gospel was not to be preached to the Hebrew people alone, but to the Gentiles also. He stressed the need for every church member to be a witness for Christ in his daily walk and conversation. ians expressed to Dr. McLean their warm regard for the “Mother Church” in, Canada, and he brought this mes­ sage from them; “Please convey to the Mother Church our love. Tell the Presbyterians in Canada that we are praying for them. Ask them to keep praying for us.” The choir under the leadership of Harold Victor Pym led in the service of praise, and presented two select tions, ‘The Lord’s My Shepherd,” and My Faith Looks Up to Thee.’ At the close of the meeting, a re­ ception was held in the Sunday School room when those present had the pleasure of meeting Dr. McLean. S. J. Walker Phone 106 Wingham During his moderatorial year, Dr,1 McLean has visited Japan and For­ mosa as a representative of the Pres­ byterian Church in Canada. He • brought a most encouraging report of; the church in Formosa, that island so close to the threat of communism. He recalled that eighty-three years ago, the country was pagan and its aborigines were cannibals. Due to the coming of English missionaries to the south part of the island and the pio­ neer work of Dr. George Leslie Mac­ Kay of Canada in the north, the Pres­ byterian Church in Formosa to-day has four hundred churches with a communicant membership of approxi­ mately twenty-five thousand. It is a strong, vital fellowship with a clear vision of the world’s need of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It has set as PAIL FED CALVES For maximum growth and built- in natural resistance against in­ fections such as scours, pneu­ monia, diphtheria and other calf diseases, pail fed calves should receive suplementary amounts of vitamins and minerals daily. These important nutrients are all supplied in Nixon’s Preven tex Powder which is easy to use and quite inexpensive costing only 3 cents per calf per day. One teaspoon of Preventex Powder sprinkled on top of the feed daily helps to protect your calves against de­ ficiency or infectious diseases and assures you healthy, fast growing calves. „ Try Preventex Powder this year and avoid losses in time, trouble and money. KibBonsJ PHONE 53 WINGHAM Have you driven a FORD ..lately? It’s a totally new experience YOU’LL THRILL TO THUNDERBIRD STYLING Only Ford has it—the slim, sleek style-beauty of the famous Ford Thunderbird —Canada’s most exciting personal car. And Thunderbird styling is yours in every model, matched on the inside, too, by quality and beauty you’ve never seen before in arty car! YOU LL FEEL THE SURGE OF TRIGGER-TORQUE POWER First thing you’ll feel behind the wheel of a Ford V-8 is the split-second safety-response you get from Trigger-Torque V-8 power—that whisks you in a wink from standstill to legal limit. And what a reassuring feeling it gives you jto know that the power’s there when you need it! Trigger-Torque’s like nothing you ever felt before—because there’s never been perfor­ mance to match what you get from Ford’s brand-new overhead-valve V-8 engines (162- Hp. or 182-Hp.)—each one the smoothest, most eager V-8 in its class! Your Ford Dealer invites you to try this totally new experience now! Certain features illustrated or mentioned are “Standard” on some models, optional at extra cost on others,) Be up to date with a totally new overhead-valve F8 standard equipment in every model YOU’LL ENJOY ANGLE-POISED RIDE You’ll marvel at the way Ford’s new ball-joint front suspension smooths out all the rough spots, on every kind of road—makes smooth roads seem even smoother! You’ll enjoy mile after mile of easier steering, steadier road-holding, more relaxed driving! MAY IS SAFETY MONTH Check your car... check accidents at no extra cost • Ford offers you 15 glamorous models in four great series. You can be sure there’s a model to suit yowl- tastes, with all the things you want most! • Ford’s Speed-Trigger Fordo- matic brings you tne swiftest getaway you’ve ever known. With automatic low-gear starts, it’s the most versatile Ford’s Speed-Trigger Fordo- matic brings you the swiftest getaway you’ve ever known. With automatic low-gear starts, it’s the most versatile automatic drive in any car! • Ford’s modern power assists make driving almost effort­ less—they include famous “Master-Guide” Power Steering, “Swift-Sure” Power Brakes, 4-way Power Seat and Power Window Lifts. • And dozens more “worth more” features are yours in Ford V-8—discover them yourself behind the wheel! SEE YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER 1 Huron Motors Limited Ford and Monarch * Ford Trucks * Telephone 237 A. D. MacWilliam Wingham, Ont. East Wawanosh Council Meets I The East Wawanosh council met | May 3rd., with all the members pre­ sent, the reeve presiding. The minutes j of the meeting held April 5th and j special meeting held April 21st., were read and adopted on motion by Pur- don seconded by Hanna. Buchanan - McGowan—That ' the road superintendent sign the Plaetzer municipal drain petition for the town­ ship roads. Carried. Hanna- Purdon—That the road and general accounts as presented be pass­ ed and paid. Carried. The Engineer’s report on the Plaet­ zer Municipal Drain was read by the clerk at two o’clock. McGowan - Buchanan—That the engineer’s report on the Plaetzer Municipal Drain be provisionally adopted and the court of revision on Same be held June 7th, at three o’clock. Carried. * Road Cheques—Stuart McBurney, salary, $175.00, less income tax, $174, add bills paid, $1.50, $175.50; Ernest Walker, wages, $140.40, less income tax $9.20, U. I. deduction, $1.60, total $129.60; Geo. Currie, brushing and snow fence, $56.25; R. Leslie Buch­ anan, checking gravel, $29.25; Frank Cooper, bill paid, $1.35; Frank Cooper, bill paid, $1.35; Wingham Tire Service, I 30 grader tire repair, $3.00; Reavie’s Service Station, 5 gals, oil, $5.15; Bel­ grave Co.-Op., screwdriver, $1.00; re­ pairs, ,80c, $1.80; Doherty Bros., truck repairs, $4.00; Can. Oil Co., gasoline oil and fuel oil, $197.37; Thos. T. Mor­ rison, cutting steel culvert, $3.00; Al­ mond Jamieson, 24 hours loading fill, at $7.50, $180.00; W. A. Purdon, 310 yards of gravel, at 5c, $15.50; Gordon Kerr, 6 hours trucking gravel, at $3.00, $18.00; Ross Jamieson, 24 hours truck­ ing gravel, at $3.00, $72.00; Ernest Beecroft, 24 hours trucking snowfence and posts, at $2.00, $60.00; Treasurer of Ontario, tax on 250 gallons fuel oil, $27.50; Can.-General of Canada, in­ come tax deducted, $10.20. General cheques:—Donald McKen­ zie, W. F. Inspector, 138 hours at $1.10, $151.80; Frank Cooper, warble fly spraying, $143.25; Wm. T. Irwin, warble fly helper, $124.25; Rec.-Gen. of Canada, income tax deducted, $19.25; Road Cr. use of truck and sprayer for warble fly spraying, $140.00; Clarence Daer, assistance on survey-Plaetzer, $2.00, Lawrence Plaetzer, assistance on survey, Plaetzer, $2.00; Oliver An­ derson, assistance on survey-Plaetzer, $6.00; Wilfred Plunkett, assistance on survey, Plaetzer, $5.00; Henry Mc- Clinchcy, assistance on survey-Pleat- zer, $3.00; County of Huron, hospital account, No. 303, 55, $9.00, 304, 55, $13.50, $22.50; Huron Co. Municipal Officers’ Association fees, 1955, $15.00, W. R. Chapman, relief account, $25.85. Purdon - Hanna—That council ad­ journ to meet June 7th, at one o’clock and Court of Revision on the Plaetzer Municipal Drain By-Law be hold at three o’clock at the Belgrave Com­ munity Centre. Carried. ! i Orval E. Taylor, Refeve R. H, Thompson, Clerk (service) AS YOU LIKE IT Prompt to respond to your call . . . Expert in restoring your set to peak perform­ ance . . . Reasonable in cost McGill Radio & Television Phone 380 Building Supplies Tongue and Groove Ceiling Tile Gyproc Products Panelyte Full line of Trim and Molding Asphalt and Cedar Shingles Insulation Twindow, Pattern and Penvernon window glass Sash and Doors 2x4 to 2x10 all lengths Plywood products Plywood Sheeting Sash and Frames Pittsburgh Paints CAMPBELL ----and---- - GORBUTT Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Res. 310M Phono 1-J Res. 481