HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-04-27, Page 4Page Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, April 27, 1955 — I is e tlie £ * 1 1st oC \\\\ hl vV •»/, /'// ’ fl wk* V * Mly. FOR SALE FOR RENT ACOUSTICON HEARING AID. lor, W space in front of the office of Drs, Corrin and Palmer. Alterations may be made to suit tenant with lease, Call 32 for appointment, after 4.30 p.m. 27b sale, used for short time. Apply to | Box 34, Advance-Times. 27* ; ONE 1943 HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycle Model 45, for sale. Apply to Lloyd Armstrong, R.R. No. 4, Brussels, 27* IN MEMQRIAM McLENNAN—In loving memory of a dear husband and fathei* David McLennan, who passed away 4 years ago, April 26, 1951. Memory is a gift of God That death cannot destroy. —Sadly missed and ever remembered by his wife Reta and family. 27b —Miss Lois Walker had her appen­ dix removed at the Wingham General Hospital last Friday, and is making a favorable recovery. —Mr. and Mrs. J, W, Maize of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. G. H, Ross, IS YOUR T.V. INSURED for Damage to Television apparatus, Loss or Damage, or Theft of Television re­ ceiver? Are you insured for Public Liability, Property Damage, includ­ ing damage to your own property? For further information apply to Stewart A. Scott or phone 293. 5rrb SMALL SERVICE STATION in good town for rent immediately, If in­ terested contact A. J. Lunn or R. E. McKinney, Supertest, Wingham. 20:27b GARDEN TO RENT, good size. Also three rooms to rent. Call Miss E. Bowden, 391M. 27* IN MEMORIAM LINCOLN—In loving memory of our father, Arthui* W. Lincoln, who passed away April 26th, 1954. We sigh, sometimes, to see your face, But since this cannot be, We’ll leave you to the care of Him Who watcheth you and me. —Ever remembered by the family. 27* AVAILABLE MAY 1st, three room self-contained apartment, residen- tial, Phone 160.27b CABIN TRAILER for sale. Approx. 19’ long, sleeps four and wired for hydro with 670-15 tires. Phone 461. 27b ! STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale, Dunlop and Harvest King. l%c each, $6.00 for 500 or $10.00 -for 1,000, Phone Sam Martin, 50R13, Ford­ wich. 27b i I TWO ELECTRIC FENCERS for sale; also pair hip rubber boots. Apply to Harry McClenaghan, phone 540J. 27* ICE BOX for sale. Large size; good condition, reasonable. Also two­ wheeled trailer in good condition. Apply to C. H. Coultes, Bluevale, Ont. 27* WANTED TEN OR TWELVE YEAR-OLD cattle wanted for grass. Apply to Bob Moffat, phone 632J2. 27b ....... -.....a -............— ---- —— CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the neighbours and friends who so kindly remember­ ed me during my recent illness also Dr. McKibbon and the nurses at the hospital. Special thanks to Mr. Beattie and my classmates. —Emerson Hick­ ey. ' 27* KENNEDY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, April 19, 1955, I to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kennedy, | R.R. 2, Teeswater, a daughter. TIFFIN—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Thursday, April 21st, 1955-, to Mr. and Mrs, John Tiffin, Wing­ ham, a son, SHIER—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Thursday, April 21st,, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shier, R.R. 2, Harriston, a daughter. MALCOLM—At Taipeh, Formosa, on Friday, April 22nd., 1955, to the Rev. and Mrs. George • Malcolm (nee Margaret Nimmo), a son, McLAUGHLIN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, April 24th, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLau­ ghlin, a son. On Parade! £i£cmc, CUSTOM PLOUGHING, harrowing and cultivating wanted. Apply to Harold Dennis, phone 658J1. 20:27:4* WANTED: Dead or disabled farm animals. Removed promptly and ef­ ficiently in clean sanitary trucks. Phone WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMIT­ ED, Ingersoll, Ontario. 13rrl5:6* collect Wingham 561 J. HELP WANTED—FEMALE CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere appreciation to our friends, neigh­ bours and relatives, for their many kindnesses, also the lovely floral tri­ butes, extended to us during our recent sad bereavement. Many thanks for the lovely boxes sent to the hos­ pital; to the staff of. the hospital and Dr. McKibbon, •—Mrs. Chamney, Vil- letta, Mel and boys. 27* “T~ LADIES, earn extra money. Take 27^ ; orders for reliable clothing firm. NoCEDAR POSTS for sale. Apply John Brewer, phone Brussels 71rl7. 2, ' > . . . .__1 y ._______; experience necessary; training free. GRAVEL FOR SALE, suitable for* Write Box 89, Mitchell. 20:27:4b cementing, fill and lanes. Sand for all purposes. Apply to Addison M. Bauman, R.R. 2, Bluevale, phone Brussels 44r6. 6:13:30:27* WORK WANTED by the week. Apply to Margaret Lazet c/o John van den Assem, R.R. 3, Walton, phone Blyth 15rl5. 27* CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all the friends and relatives for their kindness who visit­ ed me and for cards, fruit and flowers while in the hospital and at home. Thanks to Dr. Crawford and all the nurses. Mrs. Robt. Ross. 27* NOTICE. TO CREDITORS ■All persons having claims against the estate of KENNETH G. KERR late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Druggist, who died on or about the fifth day of April A.D. 1955, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the four­ teenth day of May A.D. 1955, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourteenth day of May the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administratrix^shall then have notice. DATED this 26th day of April, A.D. 1955 CRAWFORD . & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors fox* the Administratrix 27:4:11b by “Windy” The RHQ and 99th Battery of the 21st Fd. Regt., RCA, held their regular training night on Monday, 25 April and was in very good attendance. Es­ pecially from.the gunners view point, as we were loaded with gunners and not the gunners loaded. 0-0-0 The gun crews were very active last training night in preparation for Meaford this week-end, and should be right on the bit. At least Sgt. “Wild Will” Wells, said they will be as he was one that was training the gunner types. Ir Sgts., “Buck” Sinnamon and Bill Wells do as well at Meaford as they did on the regimental competi­ tion there should be some fancy shoot­ ing this week-end. If not, we better let all the farmers in that area know so they can have their cattle and horses hid safely away. 0-0-0 The signal section was preparing the wireless sets for this coming event, and Lt, Vogan and his boys had parts and pieces the floor, I made asking them why clock torn apart, Stapleton assured of the set. You could have fooled me.‘ .........................’ ; the sets Pineapples for Canning | Garden Seeds j Dutch Sets , I Housecleaning Supplies i Week-end | Grocery Specials I Aylmer Choice Cream Style | CORN - 20 oz. tin ................ ISc I Aylmer Choice f PEACHES - 20 oz. tin ........ 23c I BLUE SURF, I Large package ................... 27c | CRISCO, pound ................... 35c j MOTORS REPAIRS REWINDING up to 100 H.P. NEW MOTOR GUARANTEE on All complete RE-WINDS. . LELAND & GE . MOTOR DISTRIBUTOR WE SPECIALIZE IN PORTABLE TOOL REPAIRS all scattered over the big mistake of they had the town but Bdr. “Mighty” me it was all part I won’t believe it till I see operate. 0-0-0 The MT section was kept evening doing maintenance busy all on MUNDYS’ 40 YEARS IN WINGHAM PHONE 82 FOR FREE DELIVERY BURKE ELECTRIC WINGHAM PHONE «< FRESH MEAT for sale. Beef by the quarter or half quarter. Also do custom butchering and wrapping. Apply to R. J. MacLennan & Son, Bluevale, R.R. 2, phone 10r9, Brus­ sels. ' 13:20:27* HELP WANTED—MALE USED FURNITURE CLEARING— used kitchen table and chairs, kit­ chen cupboard, dining room tables and oak buffet. R. A. Currie & Sons. 20:27b INTERESTED IN BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN? Join now a 25 year old Canadian firm with 1,000 deal­ ers. Openings in your surroundings. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 2, Montreal. 27* TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY TEACHERS WANTED TOP SOIL for sale, 2% yard loads, delivered ”$3.00 per load. Apply to Bill Wells, phone 654wl. 20rrb TWO BICYCLES for sale, one boy’s one girl's, full size, good condition. $15 each. Call 254W evenings. 27* TEACHER WANTED—Bruce County Protestant teacher wantgd for S.S. No. 9, Kinloss. School on County road and hydro in school. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected. Enrollment about 22. Applications close May 7. Apply to Russell Gaunt, Sec.-Treas., R.R. No. 5, Lucknow. 27b Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon on Monday, May 2nd, for the con­ struction and repair of the Elliott Municipal Drain. This includes 17,600 lineal feet of open drain to be cleaned out, estimated yardage 12,500 cu. yds., also 450 lineal feet of 10” tile. The Township will supply the tile. A marked cheque for $300 to accompany the tenders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk. 20:27b TENDERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of WILLIAM ELLIOTT, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the twelfth day of April A.D. 1955, are notified to send to the undersigned on-or before the fourteenth day of May, A.D. 1955 full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourteenth day of May the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. DATED this 26th day*of April, A.D. 1955. CRAWFORD. & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for- the Administrator. 27:4:11b TYPEWRITER for sale; also baby crib, and equipment for developing your own photographs. All in good shape. Phone 532R. 27* MISCELLANEOUS POULTRY FOR SALE ONE THOUSAND SUSSEX RED pullets, eight weeks old, for sale. Fred Doubledee, Wroxeter, phone 7R12. 27b McKAY’S REST HOME for the aged, Wingham, Ont., has accommodation for invalid or semi-invalid patients, private and semi-private rooms, tray service. Excellent surroundings. Mo­ dern conveniences. Excellent nurs­ ing care. Phone 103 Wingham. 20: 27* Sealed tenders is called for the sale of Fordwich Union scales and build­ ing. Tenders must be in hands of secretary by May 6, 1955. If removed base will have to be filled, and* all material removed satisfactory to dir­ ectors. Secretary Robert Connell, Fordwich, Ont.20:27b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LAWN MOWERS reparied and sharpened. Used mowers for sale. Jenkens’ * Repair Service, Minnie Street, phone 276w. 20:27b TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY ONE HOLSTEIN COW for sale; 6 yrs. old; due in two weeks. One Jamesway Electric Brooder, 1000 chick size, nearly new. Also sever­ al chicken shelters. Harry Rhame, R.R. 1, Gorrie, phone Fordwich 26r21. 27* FOR EAVESTROUGHING and spray­ painting, call Earl Edgar, Tees- water, phone 124r4 or write Box 405. Discount given on eavestroughing for limited time. 20:27* DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN bull for sale. Registered; three years old. Apply to Chester Gilkin- son, phone 600W2. 27:4* FOUR HOLSTEIN HEIFERS for sale; vaccinated, bred Hereford, due to freshen. Apply to Harry Bateman. 27* PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL for sale. Three years old. Apply Glen VanCamp, R.R. 4, Brussels, phone 33r7. 27* SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc. pumped and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply to Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 16rr25myb DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. Irrb Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon on Monday, May 2nd, for the con­ struction of the Grant Municipal Drain, consisting of 729 lineal feet of 10” tile and 828 lineal feet of open drain. The Township will supply the tile. A marked cheque for $100 to accompany tenders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk. 20:27b s NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 1 p.m., May 2, 1955 for the contract of building three cement culverts ^in the Township of Morris. For particulars see the Road Super­ intendent, Ivan McArter, R.R, 4, Brussels. A certified cheque for 10 per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessar­ ily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk.27b T SIX ANGUS GRASS CATTLE for sale. Phone 640w4. 27b 24 HOUR SERVICE on all furnaces and oil burners. Apply. Hiseler & Son, phone 426. 15rrb SEED FOR SALE BARLEY GROWN FROM registered seed for sale* also a few bushels of Timothy seed. Apply to George Kennedy, Lucknow, seven miles west of Wingham on Highway 86. 20:27* IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, May 2nd., for the con­ struction of the Willits Municipal Drain, consisting of 2008 feet of 6” tile, 634 feet of 10” tile, 786 feet of 12” tile, 234 feet of 14” tile, 14 feet of 12” corrugated pipe, 46 feet of 15” corrugated pipe. The Town­ ship will supply the tile. The portion of, drain that is on the C.P.R. will be done by the Company. A marked cheque for $200. to accompany tenders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk 20:27b I CARS FOR SALE 1950 STUDEBAKER Star Light Coupe for sale; overdrive, custom radio and new nylon tires. Phone 461. 27b 49 METEOR DE LUXE 4 door for sale, 2 tone. Will trade on older model. Apply to Keith Dunbar, phone 451M. 27* WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or in­ formation phone Clinton 242 may 130rl2, collect, between 10.00 a.m. on week days and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. MEN ONE 1946 PONTIAC CAR for sale, price reasonable. Apply to Box 35, Advance-Times. 27* LOST LADIES’ GOLD WRIST WATCH in Wingham on Saturday afternoon, Reward given, Mrs. Howard Walk­ er, phone 719W12. 27* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM BRICK DWELLING and two lots of land In the village of Gorrie, nicely situated. For fur­ ther particulars, apply to Mrs. Carl Jacklin, R.R. 1, Ethel, Ont. Tele­ phone Brussels 21r9, 20:27b 1% STOREY CEMENT HOUSE in Wroxeter, on Queen Street, for sale, also approximately % acre of land. Possession immediately. Apply to Les. Douglas, Wroxeter. 27:4:11b STABL& for sale, 16’ x 22’ with loft, double boarded, W, R, FarrieT, Whitechurch. Phone 7ilwl. 27b or Mild- 7.30 and 7.30 and 9rrb DRAIN TENDERS ' Tenders plainly marked as to con-, tents will be received by the under­ signed up to 12 o’clock noon, May 4th, 1955 for the construction of the Wm. Kreller Drain in the Township of Howick, Plans and specifications may be ob­ tained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted, J. Harold Pollock, Clerk Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. 13:20:27b TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the Undersigned up to May 14th for the transportation of pupils from S.S. No, 3 to S.S. No. 2 school, Culross- Teeswater school area. Vehicles must comply with Department of Highways regulations. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Envelopes should be plainly marked Transporta­ tion Tender. James. M, Reid, Secretary-Treasurer ■ Cui ross-Tees water School Area. 20:27b The Canadian Army offers you A Steady Job with Good Pay Excellent Pension Plan and Opportunities for Promotion, Learning a Useful Trade, and Overseas Service See your local Recruiting Officer, Wingham Armoury every Thursday 10 a.m. 6.45 p.m. OR l Apply direct to No. 7 Personnel Depot LONDON, Ontario Bring proof of age and edu­ cation. _____„ „ _____ ___ _ the two trucks that will be used this week-end. They just happened to have a radio handy and there just happen­ ed to be a final hockey game on. The boys would be working away when suddenly the radio would announce, “he shoots, he scores,” then a head would appear out of the engine com­ partment and say “who for?” Bdr. Wilf Arthur had a tough job keeping them working. Sgt. Dinny Montgom­ ery didn’t worry. He was busy with the paper work end of things and painting. He is an artist you know, he draws flies. 0-0-0 Nearly all the band members were out last evening marching up and down the road. They really sounded good, and I might add at this time that a new membei* was added to the band in the person of "Red” Hough­ ton. It seems that more and more members of the juvenile softball team are joining the battery. I wonder why? But Sgt. Harry Newell and Bdr. “Lucky Bob” Hickey are more than happy to have young fellows in the band. Who’s next? 0-0-0 The QM stores were very quiet during the evening as Sgt. Lloyd Daw­ son is in London all this week on a course. Lloyd should come back with his little brain just busting with knowledge, or at least we hope so. S/Sgt Lloyd Casemore held down the fort, and will be on his own for awhile as Capt. Hall the Quartermas­ ter, was appointed personnel select­ ion officer for this unit.’ So any of you high school students who hope to join the battery soon, won’t be able to pull any fast ones, as he will know all, see all and tell nothing..0-0-0 Until next week* this is old Windy saying so-long. And remember, it used to take two to make a quarrel; now it takes two to make a living. —Mr.1 and Mrs. J. H. Gannett, of Toronto, spent the week-eiid with Lucknow and Wingham friends. ANNOUNCEMENT New Dental Office Opens Thursday, May 7th Dr. A. W. Irwin wishes to announce that he is changing the location of his Dental Office presently situated in the Hydro Block to a new location in his residence, at the corner of Patrick arid Centre Streets. Office entrance on Patrick St., two doors in 1st block east of Main St., at the Wingham Motors Chev. Garage and Sunoco gas station comer. The phone numbers remain the same, office • 416, residence 288. SA VE MONEY by PREPA YING Town of Wingham Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1955 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1954 taxes. Interest at the rate of Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer’s Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham This story was not written ...it was uved/ * Fitatd iKe lackdrop of *• feUkw LOHPON CRUIADI YOU'LL REMEMBER ITS MESSAGE LONG AFTER YOU'VE FORGOTTEN ITS NAMEl HiUtj (jMharn u Souls in Confuct GORGEOUS MWRAL COLORI Mil WIIMIll • BRIC MICHEWOOO • CNARIH 1110j rtt Off •HCW KrtUT uu. MUH1 mi M NM kXMlf. rot S«rr«. rm HMM (WARM jSJ’* I I A HI PHOT ■ AN ACTRESS* Wingham District High School on May 1st, 8.15 p.m. Because you can trust this dealer— ^MERCURY You can trust his USED CARS & TRUCKS marked with the seal of SAFE BUY Behind every Safe Buy Used Car and Truck stands the name of a reputable here-to-stay businessman—your Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer. That’s your assurance of a “Safe Buy” —a dependable car or truck that’s been thoroughly checked and reconditioned— that’s guaranteed.