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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-04-27, Page 2
The Wingham Advauoe-Times, Wednesday, April 27, 1555 EDITORIALS UK <3 IT’S WORTH IT In thv words of die poet, the melmicholy days liere, the saddest of the year. April m ......................... for the tiling of income tax returns. 3'ortunateh for wage earners, the government has made the matter comparatively painless by deducting a greater per cent of the tax at the source. In this way it is only at the end of the year, when the employee receives an accounting from his employer, that he realises how .great his loss has been. By April 301 h he has sufficiently recovered to count himself thankful that only the remain- ing five per cent is due and payable. Income tax is an infuriating thing when the full ac count is tallied. But after if s,paid, and a more philoso phic outlook is possible, only a very stubborn person would fail to admit that, for the privilege ot living in a country like Canada, it's well worth it. NOT STEREOTYPED All across Canada our small towns are flourishing, jersom each with an individual and distinctive j rialires the Newmarket Era and Express. This retention of individuality is all to the good since it means that one small town is not a stereotyped copy of its neighbor but retains with which it started. Nothing than an array of small towns that having sprung up in obedience designer. So long as this spirit maintained in the small towns claim of the historian will remain of a nation is best expressed thro ities. ; are df'th is the deadline News o/ Wroxeter Woman’s Missionary Society Holds Easter Thankoffering .. T‘ie Woman’s Missionary Society., work for the late John Douglas. Later held its he bought the store and has through Thankoffering service on Sun-; the years built a successful hardware ; day evening in the church. The meet- , and furniture business. Mr. Chambers ! The April meeting of the A.Y.P.A. ,cf Trinity Anglican church, was held I at the home 01 Alex Nethery, on Tues-1 day evening, April 19th. The vice-1 president, Alex Nethery presided and I ■ all jeaned in .singing a hyxnn. This was i ! followed by prayer and a -Scripture reading by -George Bacon. Mrs. Jack VanCamp was asked to take charge Einred Church, of a table at the annual bazaar for I Faster Thankoffering servi The meeting closed with prayer and i'mg was eonduct^baFKev.'R WT^ tlie an<3 Suest speaker was Miss Grace s some rime linemen for the local tele- , Patterson, who returned in November j from India to her homo in Thames- J a, _____ _ hostess, Mrs. Herman Nethery. Personals A sister of Mrs. Gordon .Stonehouse, Mrs. O. M. Sanford, of Vancouver, who is B.C representative to the Board of Missionary Educator of the United church in Toronto, recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonohouse and family. Miss Mildred Thornton, of London, spent the week-end with Miss Joan Bridges. ElyriaFohio, spent thTweek4md "wito 1 became Christians. Plans,are made to Patterson, who returned in November phone company, from India to her home in Thames- ford, From -her thirty-seven years’ service in that country she gave an inspiring message when she spoke on •'Growing Up In India.” Miss Patterson gave the life history of many personalities, most of whom were victims of the famine in 1900. x>i' uSvs>. 845,3 great -contribution they have Mr. Tom Hayes and friends of ?5ade rV.th.e work 851106 : El.vria. Ohio, spent the week-end with I became Christians. Plans are made to Mrs. Thomas Brydges, and other 1 a governing body in India full relatives, Mrs. Louis Hayes, who haslchar^o of the work there. Following been spending the paat two weeks , the service the speaker showed many with relatives here, returned to Elyria •] dolls wearing the native dress, with her son. | The choir sang an anthem "O ZionI Haste” and a -double duet by Mrs. hHS? Grasbv 2d MiS Lois GrAhv Charies McCutcheon, Mrs. Ruth Mac- Mn 2JHMrs Pieter Ind gona3d> Vm Hupfer and Gilbert Cameron, of Burlington, scent the'Howes- Lovely .spring flowers in week-end with the former’s' parents, j basket arrangement added to the Mr. 'and Mrs. Stewart Procter. j service, .. Keith Anderson, of St. Thomas, and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bunking, -of Auburn. Womerfs Instore visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl And-! ''NewProducts by New Canadians" ' will belthe subject discussed by Mrs, ID. Statia when Wroxeter Women’s ] Institute -holds, its regular meeting on i May 4th„ .at 2.30 p.m. in the Masonic ? Club rooms. Mrs. Charles Gathers will have -charge of -the motto. ■“■Cultivaton does as much, for my soul, ns for the soil.” The roll -call will be "Name a vegetable -and its food value.” Mem bers are asked to note they are liable to a fine if the roll call is not answer ed. Hostesses, k£rs. H, Patterson, Mrs. Frank Baris, Airs. V. Brothers. Business Changes Hands Mr. Alvin Moffat has disposed of his hardware business to Bruce Chambers, local lineman of the Wrox- L Mr.- ar-^ Mrs> Alton Baj-nes and tul.O- .family, -of Belton, visited on 'Sunday '.with the latter’s parents, Mr. and ’Mrs. Richard Chamney. , Mrs. Cora McGill visited on Sunday ; with her sister, Mrs. Margaret Dowry, .at Dundas, ONTARIO WEDDINGS the maior characteristics , «• . , - • - . - ONTARIO WEDDINGS. coma be *vs> rmpnmy sharblv reduced give the impression Ou There were nearly 1&00 fewer mar- 10 the dictates of a model riages in Ontario in March than in of individuality can be throughout Canada the true’ - that the spirit :gh i;s small commun- the same month in 1954, j Marriages totalled 2.497 in March • last year, the registrar’s department said. This year there were only 1.499 marriages. s.s. The choir sang an anthem "O Zion r°and a double duet by Mrs. Woniaii’s Association The April meeting of the Woman’s Association was arranged by Mrs. E. W. Todd and .Mrs. Hany Adams and was held in the church school room on Tuesday afternoon with four teen members present who answered the roll call by naming a book of the Bible. The president, Mrs. W. T. Mac- Lean, presided over the worship and business session and opened the meet ing with a hymn, Mrs. Todd read a \ poem with the thought of spring. Rev. E. W. Todd chose the Scripture lesson from St Matthew’s gospel and Mrs. Todd led in prayer. A discussion was i held on the buying of new tables and a catering committee was named with . Mrs. Snell convener, Mrs, Adams and Mrs, George Gibson. Receive Invitations Woman’s Missionary Society mem- - bers have received an invitation to -attend Easter Thankoffering services ' in Corrie United Church next -Sunday i evening at S o’clock, when Bev. Anne • Graham, of London, will be guest ■ speaker. Conclude Meetings Starring in November 1954, the boys* and girls’ groups -of the United Church have concluded their meetings ! of the season. During that time some \ seventeen meetings were held. A var ied programme was arranged, consist ing of games, group singing, devot ions, stories, contests, crafts and pic- ' tunes. The craft work included the making of a disc throwing game, transformed weed floral decoration, toy spectacles, s. a sn. -Veu's of Bluevale NOT ONLY Surveying the sad stale o- we often dad x.trschvs sr.eakirj: neighbors and uondtriug if eve: balanced as ours. Mtsen Lxes it heps : ” ....... "■* ’ load of f bank loa1 Far the comfort those v.kt- stiffs.:- f”m: ills, (and who doesn’t F> we car envoys finf amount of comfort in the yttlxtshed accounts ot publ ’ c era erp rises. Finance Minister Abbot is apparent^ expecting a de ficit. even as you or L and although it isn't mentioned too often nowadays, we have a nasty suspicion that th? mtional debt is still big enough to give a mechanical brain a headache. The prosperity of the provincial government is marred by the high cost of education. Closer to home, the Town of Wing-ham. having plung ed somewhat on a couple of schools and a hospital during the past few years, is paying for them on the budget plan. Furthermore, it's questionable whether the town can attord to pave some ot the streets or mstai a new sewage wMteohnrch Halted Church, oa April Dian*, anv more than we can afford to trade the tainilv srhose were: s«r. at , t i “A. Brook ana Mrs. Brook. Mrs. jos.JalOpX tlUS year. Hortoa. Mrs. -Stsaley Dsrimg. Mrs. Kconomic ills are relative, apoarentlv. At least we're -<5?o^e Thoraton. miss Hmm?, john- ■* ,>, , ‘ ‘ ' ’stou. Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Mrs. Jos.Ill tlie -oest Lit company, <-Curtis. Mrs. Jas. Kirton, Miss Mar- . garet Curtis. Mrs. W. J. Peacock, Mrs. •<Jss. Peacock. Mrs. Edward Johnston, Mrs.. Owens. Mrs. W. J. Johnston, 'Mrs. Wm; Nicholson. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Newton of Clifford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos Horton, on Sunday. Us.\ A.t a ceTI;*li,''. vari ous they visited Mr. Frank Green, who is very ill there following an operation in the Hamilton General Hospital. They were accompanied by Mr. ana Mrs. Nelson Bender, of Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley, Bong Branch, spent the week-end with J. H. and Mrs. Wylie.A number from here attended the opening of the Wingham District High School last week and were fav ourably impressed with the beauty of the new building. „ xMrs. Stewart, of Detroit, spent the week with friends here. Mrs, Stewart, eter Telephone .System. Mr. Moffat weed floral decoration, toy spectacles, came to Wroxeter from Harriston -to . Paper elephanm, Easter .candy has- .SA ManHaehern. of Clifford. who h^sp^t ‘72 *Ve T-s^.ed her mother, Mrs. R. F. Gamiss, ?the winter season with members of p'O • im- M-.xy Day’- ur.cer the at the week-end. 'her family!, has again taken up resi- .eaacrshm of Miss Ruby Duff ami ’ Visitors on Sunday with Mrs.. dance in her home in the village. Mrs Stratify Darling have finished' George Tho-i-nfon were'her daughter,Miss Grace Patterson, of Thames- thi;r .curst' It xr&s sponsored by Mm/Neil MaeLean and Mr and” Mrs J ford, who was guest speaker at 'the the Bk’f-vale V.’umen's Institute. ■ George Patterson, ah of Toronto ; Easter Thankoffering service on -Sun- Dr. Saturday the girls entertained1 vT A.L L.._ - ! day evening in the United -Church was t!>«r xNCIrere k a Mm si the ’ TU'TX’f-li !a «w« ot Mrs. D. S. MaeNa-ughton, ot Mia Ruby T*st by i^Mle here. Other visitors during the-ng asS serving the lunrheon The ttDirf Iweek-enS at the MaeKaughton home tobs.- was sgtos- With a floreS- ' iSSJTS.S'ti’ah 2?- ■ were Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilfred Leeson, pat-erned cloth and centred with —&bje& ® Sew . of-Oakville; Mrs. F. Forster, Toronto, golden daffodils. ' Mr. Howard Black, of Toronto. - and Mrs, X -J. Gamble, Fordwich. Mrs. _ Tbe invited guests were- Mrs. -O. B. the^heme of his daughter, i'w, s. Hainstock -of Shaunavon, Sask atchewan, was a Monday visitor. Miss Selma Stamper, Dondon, spent the week-end at her home on the 2nd. line -of Turriberry. Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and sons, spent Sunday in Hamilton where ; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis -CaUfus, of 1 i Kitehener spent Sunday with Mt. and J ‘i Mrs. C. B. Hoffman. Mr. dare Hoff- I man. of Hxeter. was also a visitor on ' ; Monday. WATCH THE FIRECRACKERS Firecracker days are here again and already the kids. are setting oft their squibs and little pyrotechnic displays in the back alleys of town. May 24th seems to come earlv these years, Without wishing to be spoibspons in any way, „ j™, ± would like to point out to parents- that firecrackers in the tea hands of unattended young children can result in serious - P lr3LS. Synodical ■damage. A good deal of property has been destroyed by ;■ Mrs. Arthur Hamilton. Atwood, was fire through the careless use of firecrackers. re-eicsted Hsmiitcn-Landon> synodic^ Parents Ot young children addicted to the use Ot tire-1 meeting of the Presbyterian Women’s ■crackers should realize the danger, and should see that Society. The Rev. _ John thex are used only under supervision and only xvnere no ji&tion &t mormng sessions m Knox .fire damage can result. ’ ;pre^3torian Church. St.JThomas. st. s: I Other synodical orncers elected j were: Honorary presidents, Mrs. J. M. I irtV"n Trp PliPPTr'T A I iDickson. St. David’s: Mrs. X A. Hi-L.IXL O U UrrlbLAL iliott, Ailsa Craig: Mrs. James Erskine, ■ a___*i- ton: Mrs. R~ C, Campbell. Woodstock; Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, Goderich; Mrs. 5 a niece of the late Mrs. A. J, Sander son, came to attend her funeral. Mr, Gilbert Howes, who has spent the past two weeks at St. Marys, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and Mrs. John Lane will attend, the executive meeting of East Huron District Wo men’s Institute to be held at the home of Mrs. George MacDonald, Moles- worth, on Friday afternoon. The meet ing is held to arrange for the annual meeting to be held in Moncrieff on June 2nd. SPRING NEEDS mOTH KILLER BOTS KILLED Crystals Rubber Gloves, all types pr. 49c, 69c, 98c Lined Gloves pr. $1.29 j We hear that there are approximate]v twentv mHlion ^Monktom Mrs.R. a. Bateson. Hama- anglers in the Irmed Mates, and that more money is ~ A. “ rA '* spent on fishing equipment than on all other sports com- >i>onajd Munro. Hamilton. __ _ , oiuccL We can well believe it. According to our figuring the entire male population can be roughly divided into two categories—-those who fish and those who would like to Ssh»- That takes in -quite a chunk of the population, when you consider that some of the ladies are involved, too. j Executive members are: First vice- J president, Mrs. W. C. Wheaton, Pori ? Stanley; second vice-president, Mrs. s-Fred Gallie. Forest; third vice-presi- i-dent. Mrs. E. P. Winhold, Brantford; ..recording secretary. Mrs. S. -X Gros- i ven or, .London: -corresponding secre- ■itsry, Mrs. D. Mactnnes. Ridgetown; • treasurer, Mrs. John Bell, Kincardine. Denarimentsl secretaries are: 'EVerk- , . ‘‘^hg, Mrs. W. H. Adamson, London; lt*S about time some Oificial recogaitton was made of senior, Mrs. Dean Johnston, Brant- Shis feet. After ail, fehfeg is a fine -booster of public morale and ait -effective antidote to the thermo-uudear i^osseii, seMorfh; chaaren, Mrs. John nerves arid atomic headaches of the world today. Coinciding with the first days of Spring and the open- 'Leslie Fortune, Wlngham; literature, rng of the trout season, we’d like to see May 1st set aside as a national holiday-—a dav when everv man and bovj^samiiton; supply, Mrs. l. h. Sinclair, ‘ • - .tSanjia; life membership. Mrs. George ’ 5 Bowman, JvTaierdown; Glad Tidings, P” .. .. “ Hamilton; press, ,‘Miss Florence Baxter. Chippawa; his- Jtoriim, Mrs. D. R. McLaren, Highgate, i Members vriihotit portfolio include: Mrs. Donald NtecLean, Southampton; Mte. O. X PovzeX Ridgetown; Mrs. A. ■McAuley Ripley; Mts. J. X McLean, hSt. Cfitiiarines. ■i Devotions were conducted by 'the .Rev. William Barclay, Corresponding "and recording -seeteteries presented their reports and Miss bterion Still presented the registration figures, :W& 'Fred Galli© closed the meeting? ;wlth prayer. _ F The synoditea inedting in W1H f be held in Niagara Presbyterj-. I evemhing to g-o fishing. A good imuv of fheui do. aavbow. so whv not make -Ss. xJ2s' ami, ItofifichU ’ " * Pcibltehed at Wingham, Ontario Wenger Brothers, Pnbllshers, W. Barry Wenger Editor Member Atidlt Bureau of Circulation Anthoriaed -as 'Second CHass Mall post 'Office Dept •Ftabsorijitioa Rato — thte Year WOO, She Mrnjfhs -in advjmee apait 3^ Fbtelgb Ms Hi» ymf ASVcaSbidiiig "Rates 'MjjpUcRtion Protect Your Winter Clothes from the Ravages of Moths 1 Pound Tins ..... 59c ( P ara-dichlor-benzene) 2 lb. bag Special 59c Larvex ...... 93c $1.43 Wood’s Blockettes ...................15c 25c Moth Bombs .... $1.39 Moth Spray 34c 60c 90c Moth Balls ... bags 15c Moth Flakes . bags 15c Rex-Eq 53c (Rinse) 75c Cleaners Nyal Kle-Nem........35c Energine........35c, 60c Carbon Tetra Chlor ide 1 lb. bottle .. 50c LD.A. Cleaning Fluid, 1 Gal... $1.19 Antiseptics Creolin ... 30c, 55c, 95c Izal .... 55c, 90c, $4.50 Dettol 63c, $1.10, $1.90 Gal.........$10.50 Lysol .. 43c, 79c, $1.50 Deodorants Air Wick 60c, 99c, $1.59 Air Wick Bombs .. 99c Rex Bombs ...... $1.25 Fumigants Formaldehyde . . lb. 35e Ceresan M...............$1.20 * 3 lbs...........$3.30 Arasan C.I.L. ... $1.40 Benesan Dual Purpose 2 lbs. .... $14.00 Cyanogas............$1.70 Black Leaf 40 .... 39c, $1.19, $2.75 Rodents Warfarin Mixed 1 lb. 90c 5 lbs. $3.50 Poultry Needs COXINE, SULMET, SULFAMETHAZINE, SULFA-QUINOXALINE, 16 Ounce or Gallons. Pellagrex Tablets 2 for 85c, 10 for $4.00, 25 for $9.50 Mr. Guest, pharmacist of Toronto, is charge of the dispensary. *** Needs WE HAVE IN STOCK HARRIS FARMERS! .s DealerWingham T'hurs.. April 28th—3.00 p.m.—-Ladies’ Guild Meeting in the Parish Room. NOW IS THE TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT YOUR Farm Machinery I 1 ■ i ALL WAYS AT YOUR SERVICEAT YOUR SERVICE Disc Harrows, Hydraulic Lift Cultivators, Spring Tooth Cultivator®, Drag Harrows, Eroe Flow Fertilteer Spreaders TRACTORS-ALL SIZES DROr IN - LOOK THEM OVER See what kind of a deal you can make! Up” USED MACHINERY 1—Used IHO Trsotor Spreader, one year old I—THO One-Way Disc, 6 ft, Horn Fronl*15nd to ftt (We DC «r DO-4 tractor — camptoto with hydmnMo system, 1—Used Ontlward Motor, 5 H.I\ Cheap S—Used Kubbor-Tirod Wagons Wingbain iiinimwni i g f ■I i I i s i i i i i i