HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-04-13, Page 8Page Eight The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, April 13, 1955 News of Wroxeter Women’s Institute Votes $500 For Community Centre Fund Mrs^, Thomas Burke opened her home on Wednesday afternoon for the April meeting of the Women’s Institute. Mrs. Stanley Bride, of Ford­ wich, district president, paid her of­ ficial, visit and gave an interesting ad­ dress on the aims of the W. I. The speaker likened the W. I. to a bridge which present day members are building to link the traditions of the past with the bright hopes of the future and closed her remarks with the reading of “The Bridge Builder." district secretary, Mrs. Crosby Soth- em also spoke briefly. Both were in­ troduced by Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Mrs, James Doig dealt with the motto “You Don’t Find Time for Com­ munity Activities, You Make It.” She said too few people live with zest or genuine enjoyment. They are regret­ ting the errors of yesterday or worry­ ing about the problems of tomorrow. The only moment we have to live is this one. Suggestion was made that by planning and forethought you can learn how to get the most out of 24 hours without exhaustion and con­ fusion that comes from trying to do too much in too little time. One of the greatest of all qualities is that of concentration, having a purpose and pursuing it without let up and finally having as a motto “This is One Thing I Do.” This has been the plan of any­ one who achieved anything notable. President, Mrs. Herb Patterson pre­ sided and several notes of apprecia­ tion were read from the sick who had been remembered. Members volunteer­ ed to serve refreshments on the even­ ing of the 15th following the Tees- water Minstrel Show which will be presented in aid of the Community Centre Fund. Members voted to donate $500.00 to bread 1 1 L FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holmes Listowel NOTICE The Kinsmen Club of Wingham will hold a PAPER DRIVE Wednesday, May 4 ■ Watch for further g ■ i the community centre fund. Mrs. Herb Patterson and Mrs. Thos. Burke were added to the building committee. Mrs. W. T. MacLean, Mrs. Allen Mun­ ro and Mrs. Wm. Hart were named a committee to make a quilt. Mrs. Charles Cathers is in charge of the rug to be made for the W. I. contest. The president thanked the members for electing her to office and asked for co-operation in carrying out the work. A motion to. send the president to the conference in May was passed unanimously. Mrs. Wm. Hart gave the courtesy remarks and refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Munro. Special Services at United Church “The Call of Easter” was the sub­ ject of the sermon at special Easter services in the United Church on Sunday morning. The minister, Rev. E. W. Todd, spoke from the text “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.” The choir, under the directoon of Mr, Gilbert Howes with Miss Berva Gallaher organist, sang “Easter Morn" by Lane. Lovely spring flowers were placed in the church in memory of Mr. and1 Mrs. George Allen for many years faithful members of the Church. On Good Friday a service was held at 11 a.m. when Rev. E. W. Todd spoke from the text “Is It Nothing to You?" Both services were well attended. Easter Thankoffering The Easter Thankoffering meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society, United Church, will be held on Sun­ day, April 24th., at 7.30 p.m. Special speaker will be Miss Grace Patterson, of Thamesford, who is home on fur­ lough from India. Everyone is cord­ ially invited to this special service. Personals Mr, and Mrs. Charles -McCutcheon attended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Wm. Ringler, of " church on Saturday. Other from a distance who came funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Hupfer, Mr. and Mrs. Blair and son, John, all of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. T. Stull, of Belleville, Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. A. Tennant, Dear­ born, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Riley and dau­ ghter, Elva Doreen, of Brussels, and Mrs. Dick Griffith and son, Allen, were Sunday guests at the McCut­ cheon home. Mr. and Mrs. John Barlow and fam­ ily, werefc week-end visitors with Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and daughter, Cath­ arine. Mrs, J. H. Wylie and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton attended the Presby- terial meeting held in Wingham on furlough from Africa, was the guest Thursday last. Miss K. Rutherford, on speaker at the afternoon session, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir, of Tor­ onto, spent the holiday with Mrs. W. E. Wier and Miss Gerty Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Moffat and daughters, of Toronto, also Mr, and Mrs, George Seegmillar and son, of Kitchener, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Brandon, Toronto, also Mrs. Lloyd North, Donna and Sylvia, London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm. Mr. Arthur Green, Hamilton, was a holiday visitor with his sister, Mrs. George Harris. Mr. and Mrs. John Howes, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howes. Miss Elva Hupfer, Sudbury, is holi­ daying with her mother, Mrs. Robert Hupfer. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart, Toronto, were week-end visitors with their families here. Mr. Al Schott, Cleveland, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mun­ ro. Miss K. Hazelwood spent the week­ end in Toronto. Mrs. F. Forster, Toronto, and Mrs. I. J. Gamble, Fordwich, spent Sunday with Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. White­ friends for the Harry Sharpe announcements. g| For information phone E = G. Nelson Canningham, B = Committee Chairman. ■ READ FOR RESULTS BUSINESS and CRAWFORD S PROFESSIONAL HETHERINGTON DIRECTORY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. IL CRAWFORD, Q.O. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. A. H. M'TAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC ONTARIO Teeswater Wednesday p.m., or J. W. BUSHFIEID, Q.C. TEESWATER Telephone 23 WROXETER—Every afternoon, 2—4 by appointment. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs* Viola H. Homuth R.0. OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company - Est, 1848 An all Canadian Cbihjpany which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office ■— Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham Chosen Queen Gorrie residents were proud to learn that Marguerite Ford, student of the Wingham District High School, had been chosen "queen" by the school. Although residing in Wroxeter for the past year, she attended public school here and was known as a fine stu­ dent. She is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ford, of Gorrie and Hanover. We would join in con­ gratulations to Marguerite for the honor bestowed on her. Hockey ' Fifth game in the best-of-seven W.O.A.A. Intermediate ‘D’ series fin­ als at Wingham on Thursday night gave Breslau 4 and Gorrie 1. Breslau is now the winner, having taken the series in four straight games. Al­ though not victorious in the finals, Gorrie made a splendid showing dur­ ing the season. L.O.L. The last of the parties sponsored the winter was held on Wednesday night. High lady for the evening, was Mrs. Delbert Clegg; second high, Mrs. Ivan Haskins; high gent, Chas. Cath­ ers; second high, Ivan Haskins. High­ est score for the season was Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Mr. Wm. Tavlor. Shower for Bride-Elect Mrs. Gordon Edgar entertained in honor of Miss Jean Potts of Listowel, whose marriage to Donald Edgar, Gorrie, takes place on Saturday, at a miscellaneous shower on Monday eve­ ning. More than 35 ladies attended and many lovely and useful gifts were presented in a box in the form of a wedding cake. The chair for the bride-to-be was beautifully decorated. Contests were enjoyed during the eve­ ning. Euchre progressive ‘euchre by the L.O.L. for Roy Lambkin Nelson Leroy Lambkin passed away suddenly at his home, lot 13, con. 3, Howick Township, on Tuesday of last week in his 67th year. He was a son of the late William Lambkin and the former Mary Jane Bulmur. Born in Howick, he resided on the third concession all his life. He attended Harriston High {School. He was a member of the Jehovah Witnesses. His wife, the former Flora McNeil, survives with four sons, William, To­ ronto; Jason, Daniel and David at home; four daughters, Naomi, of Wingham; Beulah, Daisy and Ella at home. A sister, Della (Mrs. Norman Tackaberry) predeceased him. Funeral was on Thursday at 2.30 p.m. at the Edgar funeral home in Gorrie. Mr. Harold Bauer was the speaker. Interment was in the Ford­ wich cemetery and pallbearers were Charles Kreller, . Roy Gedcke, Jack Jarvis, John Gedcke, Norman Gedcke and Stewart Lovell. Flower bearers were Yvonne Sparling, Roger Gedcke, Irma Klink and Donald Lambkin. Church News Easter services at the three church­ es on Sunday were well attended with special music and Easter lilies fea­ tured. A service was held in St. Stephen’s Church at 8 p.m. on Good Friday with Mr. F. E. Russell in charge. The Rev. Dr. Harrison, of Huron College, Lon­ don, will be celebrant next Sunday for the service of Holy Communion at the regular hour of 2.30 p.m. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Gorrie United Church will hold their April meeting at the home of Mrs. W. C. King on Thursday eve­ ning, this week. Program committee is Mrs. T. Edgar, Mrs. Gordon Edgar and Mrs. E. Bradnock. Guild of St. Martha The regular meeting of the of St. Martha was held at the of Mrs. Harold David with 13 bers and two visitors present, sident Mrs. Bill Bennett was in the chair and opened the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Minutes were read by Mrs. William Austin, the secretary. Business period followed with discussion on frontal for the church. Other samples have been sent for. A sale of old Easter bonnets conducted by the president, brought a lot of laughs as well as helping the treasury. A delicious lunch was serv­ ed by the hostess and committee. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bruce Bennett. Women’s Auxiliary Mrs. George Beattie opened her home for the April meeting of the W.A. of St. Stephen’s Church. The ladies worked at quilt blocks. Mrs. Harry King, the president, opened the business and devotional period with the member’s prayer and the Litany. Mrs. Vittie read the lesson and the theme for the roll call was "The Re­ surrection,’’ Correspondence was read including letters of thanks from shut- ins and an invitation from the Clin­ ton W.A. to attend a meeting there to be addressed by Mrs. Stark, on furlough from Obuse, Japan. The secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Geo. King, gave a report of the financial returns from the recent bazaar and dinner. The packing of the annual bale was discussed. Mrs. George King brought a splen­ did message for Easter, saying that Easter is eternal. No other time is so inspiring. It is a challenge to our faith. It should give us hope and con­ fidence and the assurance of Christ’s coming. again to judge the world. The hostess was assisted by Mrs, Norman Wade in serving refresh­ ments. Womens Institute "Look backward with gratitude, look upward with confidence, look forward with hope," was the motto discussed by Miss Margaret Dane at the April meeting of the Gorrie W,I. at the home of Mrs. Norman Wade on Tuesday evening. It could be ap­ plied to the Women's Institute. In­ dividually we live a day at a time; yesterday is beyond recall; tomorrow hasn’t even happened. Prayer gives confidence to face the future and to make each day the very best you can, President Mrs. Cecil Wilson was in the chair. The roll call "t)id yob know?’’ brought a good resp&hso. The auditors’ report was given by Mrs. W, C. King. A report of the meet­ ing to arrange for Howick’s Centen­ nial in 1956 wo also heard. Mrs. Andy Edgar gave current events, Mrs. Morley Johnston conducted a con­ test,. Mrs. W. C. King being the win* Guild home mem- Pre- ner. Three new members, Mrs. Stew­ art Strong, Mrs. Harold Keil and Mrs. Harry Rhames were welcomed. In the Dutch auction Mrs. Harold Keil and Mrs, Harry Rhames’ numbers were drawn. Mrs. E. H. Strong and Mrs. Morley Johnston served refresh­ ments, assisted by the hostess. PersonalsMr. and Mrs. E, J. Farrish have re­ ceived word that their son, Able Sea­ man Johnstone Farrish, has returned to Victoria, B,C., after spending the last three months in New Zealand and Australia. Qn April 25th he will sail fop Great Britain and expects to be abroad until August. He is with the cruiser '“Ontario.” Tom Newton, of Wroxeter, is also on the same ship. Friends of Mr, and Mrs. Ed Welling­ ton will be interested to know that Mr. Wellington, who has been station ■agent at Chatsworth, is retiring and that they will make their home at Gravenhurst. Mr. Wellington was C.P.R. agent at Gorrie for a number of years. We extend congratulations and best wishes lo Mr.. Donald Edgar and his bride, the former' Jean Potts, of Lis- ’towel, who were married in Listowel on Saturday. Mr. George Gregg of Drayton is spending the Easter vacation with his mother. Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Gott and Wendie, of Newmarket spent the holi­ day week-end with Mrs. Gott’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Little Stephen Gott, who spent the past week with his grandparents, returned home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bender at Gowanstown. Bower Farrish suffered a broken bone between wrist and thumb in his right 'hand while playing hockey. , , Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jardine were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins and David, Chatham? Glenn. Jardine,- Nigara Falls. Sunday visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald and family of Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Mc­ Donald, Brussels and Miss Thelma Jardine, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dane Jr., were guests at the Thomas-Irwin wedding in Byron United. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King were in London on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Gilpin, spent a day last week visiting friends in Stratford, Seaforth and Brussels. Mr. Harvey Wright, con. 15, who underwent a major operation in Vic­ toria Hospital, 'London recently, is getting along as well as can be ex­ pected and may be able to return home, the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Erling Arthurs of Drew, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Strong, on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evers, Toronto, spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Emma Irwin. Miss Marlene Feigel, was a holiday visitor in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Plant, London, visited the former’s mother, Mrs. Ber­ tha Plant, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eastman of- Parry Sound, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar over the week-end and attended the Edgar-Potts wed­ ding, in Listowel on Saturday. Those ' in attendance at the wedding, from | this district were Mr. and Mrs. Gord- | on Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Edgar, | Mr. and Mrs. Murray Edgar, Mrs. | Bertha Plant, Mr. and Mrs. John | Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Strong and | 'Miss Marlene Feigel who was soloist. | Mr. Geo. Dane, Sr., is confined to | bed suffering from a heart condition. | Mr. and Mrs. John Marks and | family, of Cookstown were Easter j visitors with Mrs. Marks’ parents, j Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Strong. | Attending the W.M.S. Presbyterial I at Wingham, on Thursday, were Mrs. | V. Buchanan, Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes, | Mrs. Wes Tremble, Mrs. Harold Rob- 1 TALLY' HO A) A' i SWINGTIME w». inson, Mrs. E. Whitfield, Mrs. Irving Toner, Mrs, W. C. King and Mrs. Hany Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Spotton, of Wingham, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E.»H. Strong. Holiday visitors with friends were: Miss Edna Lawrence, Toronto; Miss Beryl Bennett, Kitchener; Mrs. F. E. Russell and Donald, Sarnia; Mr. Jas. Graham and son Alec of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spalling, Newmark­ et; Miss Kay Cathers, Toronto; Mac Hutchison, Newtonbrook and Roy Bridge, Brampton; Tom Hastie, Port Credit; Donald Hastie, Toronto; Jim Walker and Gordon Tull, London; Patricia Strong, Sarnia.' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Musselman, Kitchener, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Cloyne Michel. Miss Marie Harris left last Thurs­ day, by train, for a three week vaca- tiin in New York City. She is with a conducted party. . Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bridge, at Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferguson of Windsor, were holiday visitors with Dr. and Mrs. L. N. Whitley and with Mr. Robt. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Whitley of Toronto, were also visitors at the Whitley home, at the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, W, G. Mcln- nes and Bob of Walkerton were Easter Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes. BELGRAVE Miss Donna Anderson, of London, and Lloyd Anderson, Toronto, visited their parents for the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. and Mrs Carman Farrier and family, of Toronto visited with rela­ tives here. , Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Ansley and grand­ daughter, Kathy Ansley, all of Thes- salon, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell and fam­ ily and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and son Brian, of Ingersoll, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter, over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Procter and Cameron, of Burlington, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Procter. Mr. Clayton Procter of Fort Fran­ ces, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs., Carl Procter. Mrs. Alice Johnston and Miss Iris Johnston, of London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Proc­ ter. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong and Gail, of London, visited oh Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, Reta and Kenneth, of Thorndale, visited with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Styles and family of Mimico, spent the week-end' with Mrs. Cora McGill. Mr. Russell Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rae and Susanne, of Brantford, visit- ed on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wightman and family, Keith Anderson, St. Thomas and James Anderson, O.A.C., Guelph, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and family, London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. J. E. McCallum for the week-end. Mrs. Wm. Wade and Miss Beatrice Wade, of Fordwich, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cruikshank,' Mary Anne and Ellen,, of** Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wade and Rhonda, of Wingham, visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs* Clarence Wade^ Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, Eleanor and Marlene, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black and Charlie, at Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walsh,. Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, Mrs. George Jordan and Mr. Jack Johnston,, at­ tended the funeral of Mr.- Will Walsh In Ailsa Craig, on Saturday. W. I. Meeting .... % The Women’s Institue will hold t its Easter meeting in the, Belgrave'' Com­ munity Centre, on Tuesday afternoon, April 9th. Conveners will hie Mrs, H. Wheeler and Mrs. Carl Procter. Roll call will, be answered by payment <)f fees. Music will be in charge of.,Mrs. W. Pocock,. motto by Mrs. E; Wight­ man. The address will be ,given by Rev. D. J. MacRae of Wingham. A report of the standing committes will be given. Lunch committee is Mrs. C. McGill, Mrs. J. Coultes and Mrs. K. Wheeler. hl r /; 4 4 ALL II Our complete range of building material includes everything you need from cellar to the roof. Our low overhead allows us to pass on sub* stantial savings to you in all types of build­ ing materials. We give you a complete estimate of cost on your own requirements, without placing you under obligation. • See us before you buy. SEE STAN AND JACK FOR BUILDING MATERIALS PERSONAL SERVICE PRICES RIGHT s BUILDING SUPPLIES | 3aaaBanannManMnunnaaan>HMnnnnaBumnamn0 WINGHAM Breezeway Pump /7' 7^ SUBURBAN • Cush-N-Flex* foam construction • Solid leather walking heels • The softest of boxglove leathers • A choice of appealing colours • Shoe bags fo protect your Stroller ’S $995 “Swingtime Strap” ( Breezeway Strap Red, Blue, Black or Brown. Black or Copper.“Tally Ho” “Suburban” — Blue, Black, Red or Copper, “Breezeway Pump’*Black, Cbppertone or Blue. Basketweave vamp. “Breezeway Strap” — Blue or Coppertone with basketweave vamp. All styles in sizes 5 to'10, A A or B widths.