HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-04-06, Page 6ige Six The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, April 6th, 1850 BLUEVALE Church News Preparatory service was held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday even­ ing, April 1st., with the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, Palm Sunday,was observed in United Church on Sunday and of the Lord’squarterly observance Supper. On Wednesday of WMS. will hold its the the this week, the spring Thank’- In your last loving tribute, you will want a service of quiet dignity to remain fovever with you as a cher­ ished memory. This quality is our primary concern. . J. Walker jftmeral Home Patrick St. Wingham Phones 106, 189 Carmichael's offering meeting in the United Church, Mrs, Gilbert Howes, of Wrox-’ eter, being the guest speaker, On Good Friday a union service for the Presbyterian and United Church congregations will be held in the United Church at eleven a.m. Rev. Maurice McNabb, of the Presbyter­ ian Church, will preach, Explorer’s Group The April meeting of the ^Explorer’s Group was held on Saturday, April 2nd., in the Presbyterian Church with 15 present, The business part of the meeting was conducted by president Karen Greenaway. The secretary’s report was given and Gerald Thomas gave the treasurer’s report. The leader discussed the third chapter of “Chand of India” and the discussion on the Lord’s Prayer was continued. A hymn was sung and the meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the leaders. Presbyterian Mission Band The April meeting of the Presby­ terian Mission Band was held in the schoolroom on Saturday. Following the opening hymn all re­ peated the Lord's Prayer. Eleven members answered the roll call. Elaine Snell, treasurer, collected the offering with “Francis Paulin giving the offertory prayer. Mrs. Glen continued the study book “Fig Village.” Following the story children coloured and pictures on their India The Games lunch. meeting closed were enjoyed for THE EASTER PARADE ! ALL PURPOSE COATS Your choice of style and colour. Sizes 6-11. HAT TO MATCH $14-95 Sub-teen sizes 10 - 14x. Smart spring styles and shades, $17.95 LADIES — here is your chance to step out In style for Easter in Lovely Sheer 75 Gauge, 10 Denier WELDREST NYLONS Special Easter Price «59 Pair ★★★ 3 star special *** First quality lovely sheer 54-15 NYLONS 89C Pair 3 Pairs $2*59 Shop and Save at Your Family Store Carmichael's Phone lw Wingham I$ I aw »KI few1 ':9 ■ $ pi bw Ox gi;.. Snell Tree the theirpasted map, with prayer, followed by Personals Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMurray and Gordon, spent Saturday in Brantford. Mrs. W. J. Johnston was a visitor in Gorrie last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer, of Toronto, visited relatives here at the week-end. Mrs. Harold Speir of Brussels, visit­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mundell on Friday, and attended the Turnberry music festival. Miss Ethel Beattie, of Seaforth, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. R. F. Garniss, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crawford, who have lived in Bluevale since fire de­ stroyed their home some weeks ago, have gone to British Columbia to live. The annual meeting of the Bluevale Women’s Institute will be held in the schoolroom of the United Church on Thursday, April 14th. Officers will be elected. There will be a demonstra­ tion, a motto by Mrs. Jas. Johnston, and current events by Mrs. Raymond Henning. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barry, Paula and Stephen, of Sarnia, spent week-end at the home of Mr. Mrs. George Thomson. the and TIED AT POLLS, BOTH TO SERVE The Kitchener zone of the Ontario Urban and Rural School Trustees As­ sociation held an election last week where both candidates for chairman polled the same number of votes. RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Residence: Rattenbury St Phone* 561 A 456 CUNTON - ONTARIO at tai pr.g b I Wingham I fo, and qualify for the National Prize "A HONEYMOON AT THE WALDORF-ASTORIA” »!♦] See the glamorous fl Diamond Rings by A $i5o.« IwE >*$18,75 u- Hl I Your friendly Jeweller is conducting a gigantic Essay Contest It’s fun to enter and easy to win, Our prize to the local winner is a beautiful Bridal Bell Diamond Ring. And you also have a chance at the National Prize offered by the Manufacturers of Bridal Bell Diamond Rings . . . “A Honeymoon at the Waldorf-’ Astoria” , . . seven glorious days in New York City, with all expenses paid. Come in today . . . we^ll show you hotf you cam win, If you live out of town, just write us and we will send you fin entry form and com­ plete details. VISIT TO VARIETY VILLAGE Iw DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH/ Members of Gamma Sigma fraternity of Mimico High School visit students at Variety Village which is operated for the Variety Club of Greater Toronto by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. Each year the Ontario Society for Crippled Children conducts the annual Easter Seal Campaign in Associ­ ation with more than 200 service clubs throughout the province. Campaign which runs until April 10th has an objective of $550,000. - ' News of Gorrie Many Enjoy Variety Program By Lakelet Women’s Institute Quite a number enjoyed the hum­ orous program put on by Lakelet Women’s Institute members and resi­ dents of that community on Friday night in the Gorrie hall and sponsored by Gorrie W. I. Miss Winona Wright was accompanist and Mr. Jack Fer­ guson was chairman for an enter­ tainment which included a pantomine, a monologue, a reading, a trio, step dances, dialogues, a play and songs, concluding with a Minstrel Show. W.M.S. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Gorrie United Church April meet­ ing is postponed until April 14th, ow­ ing to the Presbyterial being held in Wingham on the usual date. United Church News On Palm Sunday morning the Rev. W. J. V. Buchanan spoke on “What Church Membership Means.” The choir sang the anthem “With Palms and Praises.” The following members of the Sun­ day School were received into church membershjp. on profession of faith, Colleen Donnelly, Barbara Linton, Karen Michel, Dorothy Toner, Larry Durst, Gerald Downey, John Toner and Bruce Grainger. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was partaken of. Hockey The second game in the best of seven finals with Breslau' resulted in a score of Breslau 5, Gorrie 2, on Wednesday night in the game at Hes- peler. Third game was in Wingham on Saturday night, when Gorrie really came back again with a score of Gor­ rie 7, Breslau 4, Breslau has two games, Gorrie 1. Fourth game is being played in Wingham on Monday night. Personals Mrs. Vera Gregg arrived at Malton airport Saturday from Phoenix, Ari­ zona, having made the trip by plane in 7% hours. She was met by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thornton and her son George Gregg., Mrs. Gregg spent the winter months In Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin; Underwood, of Saskatoon, are visiting with the form­ er's brother, Mr. Earl Underwood and Mrs. Underwood. Messrs. Justin Wills, T. L. Mclnnes, ’John Dinsmore and Allan Watson were in Blyth Friday night for the annual county meeting of the Black Knights. Officers were returned for another year. Robert Hibberd, Ford- wich, is Perceptor; Wm. Deans, Gode­ rich is Vico Perceptor; Wm. Camp­ bell, Fordwich is secretary and Cal­ vin Falconer, Blyth is treasurer. Mrs, Margaret Thompson, of Regina, Sask., has been visiting in the com­ munity and Spent several days last week visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchison and Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Harold Hyndman and David Neilson attended the hockey game in Kitchen­ er, last Thursday night between K.W. Dutchmen and Sault Ste’. Marie. Mrs. Jas Shera visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Fitch Sr., at Bel­ lmore. Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Brown, Jean and Mrs. J. McCreary were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Neill, Salem. Mr. ano Mrs. David Weir and Miss Fannie Belle v Weir, Winghiam, called at the same home. Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and Cathar­ ine, of WroxOter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecli Grainger. The Rev. G. D. Vogan, of Thames- ville, was in town on Tuesday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Fear of Blyth, visited the latter’s cousin, -Mrs. Jas. Arm­ strong, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Win, * Finlay has returned to his home oh eoh. 10, much, improved, after his recent illness. Mrs. Elmer Farrish and Mr. and Mrs. Hilt AShton, Spent art afternoon last week with relatives, in Lucknow*. Mrs. Harry Ferguson spent a few days with Mr. and" Mrs. Don Ireland, in Teeswater. Mr. Gordon Brown had a success­ ful auction sale of farm stock and implements on Friday. Mrs. W. C. King spent several days visiting in Hamilton and attended the 92nd birthday party of her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton, return­ ed on Saturday, from Tuscan, Arizona, where they spent the winter. They made the trip by motor. EASTER SEALS (RIPPLE DjQ CHILDREN) ,V “I know whac I’m talking about. No wise man or woman would be without the services of a trust company in matters concerning their estate—it’s far too important. So, take my advice, write- for the free booklet, “Blueprint For Your Family.” It will tell you a lot you should know about estate administration.” THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronto 1-3* Dunlop St., Barrie a fallen wire! , One reason why electricity serves us so well is . that it can be delivered wherever wires will carry it. Ontario Hydro exerts every effort to keep safe the wires that carry this important commodity, but in spite of all precautions, lines occasionally’ break. A fallen wire is dangerous ... it may be a ’'live wire”. Never touch a fallen wire under any circumstances! Warn children not to go near them. If you find an electric wire on the ground, or dangerously low, please notify the nearest Hydro office and endeavour to keep Others away until service men arrive. Your co-operation may be instrumental in saving a (ONTARIO HYDRO