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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-03-30, Page 2
Two ■ S ■ (■JU. ■ The Win.gh.ani Advice-Times, Wednesday, March. M, 1>55 Charles E. Brown S^as Former Resident 5 for SI lb. $1 4 lbs. SI 4- lb. pail SI 2 for 39c 3 boxes 25c 4S <tX 7 lbs. 55c 2 for 45c Mission Band Meets At United Church Th.? United Church hSsrim Band > msf cm March 22nd- with 23 members and 1 visitor present, The meeting ' epened by singing a hymn -and re peating the Mission Band Purpose fa mism. The offering was taken up , by Peter Callan and Donald Rintofa. and the offertory prayer was given, by Carol Crawford, 1 1 6 for SI S for SI 3 for SI 4 for SI lb. 17c 2 lbs. 35c lb. 20c 2 for 55c 2 for 21c lb. 49c lb. 25c lb. 35clb. lie 2 for 19c of Courtesy Women The Decane Toward I I•* I I Bulk 7 it onWHITE BEANS ~ LD!s’ Stakefy’s -Cream Style- CORN - 15 oe. Monsmh CAKE MIX White cr 'Chaeeaate cmFancy Pink - T^-s SALMON Bulk PITTED DATES- Bmk Seedless RAISINS lEfci’k COCKING FIGS I resh PINEAPPLE Suae IPs New C ABBOTS S3 ox. Cello Green - Base 4*s CELERY STALKS Steed DEVON BACON sso*a BOLOGNA WIENERS -W- Red Front Grocery 5.0 *• SEE STAN PERSONAL SERVICE PRICES RIGHT WINGHAM i i1 ■ ■ ■ 1 1 •lj > SEALS continued to rise until it was at Miss Zelma Btamper, of EASTER; Around Winners of 1954-55 Season \ EXCLUSIVE WITH Callan ShoesIf; . m ... . . ij Aa'-&S whs?***. St 20?? tin tmnnwtb «w *4^ fcr reIugei .a»» swyx the S—-S- and «*, CTtrie5 . wed-aressed -toes peeptoi tetow them a<5- .enveloping folds fee lames were not meeting of so maependentite y.-u mtagme ho^p J Turnberry gr£up e smms moummga stage cdaeh un-. he ass^ted? The^. my.es enangeu and fccme cf stem dresses hrengm Gedern cf The groan held movement. So, the La;es _ no longer at hGme lart Moi requires as much mascuiine assist-s Church -services had smt mme. Men don't feel toaz granny is Sunday, owfag to , Te,?a^ea °f :-aera th*Ir bad .storms of the season, queen scmnit.es into -toeir and drifting snow. iifty-fpur model. But then rms same vivacious creature .skips into yards of ;i Greig, daughter o: billowing net, and becomes a floating : Mrs. Gordon Greig had ti goddess, a mist of helplessness. The j tune to ^bone Jn transformation overwhelms he bows to zraditirn. Oi fammsty, he exceeds the of Sir Walter Raleigh. Yes,St- Jo ABE 5arcj«r jilsxSfsj: tiacs. If « —3 T«?S£i£b3 Bs.'lsy Brertb - i H.&.S lltT.tj. £tr EZULT ®r£srs. _“•'Best Qr&EJr CslT” ■CHINESE EUA—T.r Fsstsst ■. GrKJriBS—-8-isidt s-is. ’ ©0 S2.S9> err.- 103 S4.SOs 15-lxcaj. "sess. JDS ffir S.S.SO: lS-i=eh suxa, 103 lfer SS.S5: 2-ti. sirs. '25 for S3..3S ’sis.00 per 1D3; 3-fi. 2S -£t>- iSSZ^S tr £23-00 J® 1OX ----- -XTr.rr^.q-" T * ?U< J. .'.dEEiEn: f-L-srih—ti? wr£r tsjiy l$-xa, 55 fer SS.S'S. xr SIS,0-0 -par ROSA MULTI FLO AL— Hears- «sf HtsSy Eases’’—1 e-ix-. YysiJ. - ■fcrxaEy^a.T.tetL 25 t«r 5-S.4-9 er S-Xi~..S ,?er 1OX - RFD EARBERRY ~VT-.->r.a - r*i £E ..103 -i'Cjr 51X.2.9.5,. 12.-—" —<•, 25 for S-5-.98 or SZ2.O0 per 109- PAEONY,^RC-OTY—tiat) f®r SL*t> WWk Stcj CK-£«eFREE. .T5t*rt CaJarai G*.ri*a GsSda Broek&te-KsgHKf farsaia BOWMANVIIXl, OXTAKOD« «e 'KW3 lUrt* >444* nor Mrs. James Johnston to Holmes* school in Turnterry, It was n very stormy week. "Old Time Winter**— we’ve had, during the month of March, Mr, and Mrs. L3oyd Newman, of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Darling. of Tomorrow GRAND AWARD BROADCAST THIS SUNDAY AT 9 p.m. STATION CKNX CANADIAN INDUSTRIES (1954) LIMITED Serving Canadians Through Chemistry Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc Where Better Bulls Are Used” Earl Trelford, Tara, with his 4H Club Calf, sired by Braedoon Lancer, This calf was champion. 4H Club calf at the Walkerton. Christmas Fair. There were 74 entries out of 4 counties from 25 calf clubs. It is interesting to note that the next two calves were also by Waterloo bulls and were shown by the Schmidt family of Mildmay. The use of our services will give you calves capable of win ning honours similar to those won by Earl Trelford if fed. and cared for in the right way. Use our hulls to get good breeding in your livestock and then feed and care for them for efficient production. The cost of our service is modest. We are a co-operative non-profit organization. Life membership $5.00 per cow for members $5.00 per cow for non-members FOB, SERVICE CALL CLINTON 242 OR MILDMAY lS0rl2- between 7JS9 & IfLW am. weak days 7-30 & 9.80 am. Sundays & Holi&svs —For further information, send in. the -coupon below. Please call at my farm to give further information on your Artificial m service. This will not obligate me in any way. Lot No Ae slip. no gap- no pmcti ever! the shoe with the Beautiful Fit featuring combination lasts, with the heel two widths narrower You’ll become a Naturahzer fan hx> when you learn the wonderful feeling accurate fit Naturalizes can provide. Sizes to fit ever>* foot, styles to please every taste. Soft, supple leathers. Truly /Vni erica’s ouhtanding shoe value.