HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-03-02, Page 2Tliq WIlittaL 4dVMK»inTh.M»» M*rol» W r*A IEDITORIALS r~r~- ------1*Reminis<:in3 * I SIXTY YWAMS AGO BARGAIN SPREE WEEK Thin in ilie Atlv.uu e Tinies' Mirjiain Spree edilinn, itnd we hope cyuii will like n We hope, loo, tluii you will read the adveiuseiiivni * raiviidlv and benvlil hum the many apeeial values mieird h\ \\ inpham merchants during Bar ppun Spier week. ITepaiaimn im this issue, twice the usual si/e of the paper* lias mkrn a vmifiideiable amount of extra lime on the pail oi the stall, and nut a .small amount of midnight oil has hern hm ned m I he publishing of it. The mechanical slnl’I ol the papei m paiticular have had to .spend extra time, liTa m immmu the culm*, ami secondly in run mu,u additional »opivs which aie bemg scut as sample copies to those who air nol icy.ulai subscribers, We hope (hat (his issue will help maintain (hat lively, personal imeicM in the “hometown paper” wdiich makes it such an excellent meelinp; place for merchants and (heir cuslomets ❖* YOUNG IN MIND “Nothing is old hut (be mind,” said Kmeixson, and we were reminded ol (he suxiup last ITTlay night on the oc cmumi of (he °0(h bii thdax olWb.l “Bill” Fleuty, Despite lib ninety veins Bill still has an active mind which, ac coidinp, to Fmerson, would pm him in a class with com pmativolv xomig people. (hi b'tidax's memoiable occasion it xxas remarked that Bill lias seen a complete rexohttion in pi luting methods since he hi m set a stick ot t\ pc xxhen his father was editoi ol The Wmy.ham \dxauce. oxer eight\ years ago. Vp un til that dme the essentials of piiming had changed xcvx little Hom the daxx m Ca\(ou ami (hueubevg Since then eompleieh new (celum|ues bare superceded those which Bill learned as a box m his imhei's shop Dingiess moves taptdlx these daxs, and Mr b'lemx. with eight\ reais ol priming hehrnd him, has eenainh seen a lot oi it Max he hxe to see much mote* ** WEEKLIES AND HISTORY ot aux small the • M 1 s «H 4 *4 * t .tn loixtfs xveekh ion. peit’As rnv Tim mdn throughout tho country, copwktlly those which uro much twi* veiled, arc In very bad condition. Numoroua plteh’hulos uro met with and in ninny ensoa travelling' is done for a conuldorublo rtiatunco through thy Helds. An alarm of fire waa Bounded on Monday afternoon, a ohhnnoy on Mr. W, IX. Green's vouldeneo being on lire. No damage kwtm done. The editor of the Timos, who him boon Hl and confined to the house for the vast throe weeks Is now nicely the mend, and It Is expected that will soon bo able to bo around again usual. on ho am 0-0*0 M>RTV YXSiUJiS AGO Thu Wiughum branch of tho Wo* men's InstituW 1ms this wook made n jfurUmr shipment of nine quilts for the llvlghum :m well us lit pnlrs of Bookg, gnd imlv of wrhtloU and two tlmmel jshlrts for tlm Canadian sol- dlors. This shipment mnkos a total of 1 W quilts which havo boon sent for­ ward fur tho iklgkam, During tho past wvvk two tratvsfovs in property wove made, Mr. VW VanStmm has sold Ids form on the Uluwalv Ihmd to Mr, VShn, XHold and Mr. b\ J. lull has sold tho portion of Ids farm north of the GTR tracks to Mr. U. T. Thomson. The officers of the Huron County branch of the l\>mtnion Alliance have issued a. call for a eon\*ontlun to bo vailed tn the Proshytcvlan Church, Clinl on. on Thursday, March idth. commencing at IPSO a.m, "As the b.iqnov laws of the country will, on the 1st. day of May, pass from under Drov»ncml to Federal legislation, mat­ ters of vital importance, affecting I the sobriety of the country, will have | to be considered." I twenty people, bound for a prayer | meeting at the home of Mr. C Vhiip* j pen m tower Wingham. on Fridiiy ^evening last, were thrown from the| sleigh and badly shaken up when thei| J sleigh ovetturmxi fkvme of the people | ’weno pretty badly injured IJeuten«nt«Governor directing* the yo- movul ftoirt the cemetery of the bodies burled, there, o * « - o FUOTISN years ago The three lloutoiuuite, George King, Howard Bedford and Blmer Boll, of the 90th Whigham Battery, R. c, A>, xvho took a courwu here toxvmrds the oud of last year, luwo received xvord that they Huccessfully passed the ex* amhuvtlous. Mnchun Bros, have been awarded the contract for the installation of the heating system at the Armouries. This will bo a steam system and the Steam will bo supplied from the Town Hall, tho Government and the Council having completed an agreement. Many have been wondering xvliy tho evergreen trees alongside of St. Paul's Church xvero cut down, The reason for romdxdng these trees Is that tho roots wore damaging tho foundations of the church to such an extent that an engineer was asked for advice and it xvay found necessary to cut them down, Tho two maple trees in front of the church xvero removed as they, xvere dead, Tho ski bug continues to take its toll in this town, Bart Smith was a recent addition to the injured list xvhen he dislocated his shoulder when he did an unexpected dix'o while ski­ ing, B&rt is one of the stars of the infield of our baseball club mid it Is tho hope of tho fans that the injury heals quickly* and xvell. It xxms his left Shoulder, Bart is at. present at his home In Toronto, ^HpiHilitiaiai^HHM|.!iii^f«|MMM<ki«luui«iH.MMH|MiHil!Uiiiiit>i!iiuiitiiii<i>itt*iiuiiHHuiiH>hliiii^u*iU|*iHauiniii>iiiitii)iii»iii>iiuii>i«iii>ti*<iiiiii«iiiiitiiiii>lMiiii,iiHi<aia<iaHUHii<a| 2 3 s | E = sI is X £ Stock Taking Clearance Sale! WASH CLOTHS (Extra Heavy) / Reg. 20c Special 2 for 25c Hudnut’s EGG CREME SHAMPOO Reg. 2.00 - 75c Rinse FREE Dorothy Gray HAND LOTION Half price ............... $1.25 Helen Curtis SPRAY NET Reg. $1.75 - 75c Egg Shampoo FREE NOXEMA, 6 oz. Special Jar .... 98c (Save 33%)' Hudnut’s (Children’s HOME PERM Refills (Half Price)........97c Men’s HAIR BRUSH & COMB Reg. $1.50 Special....................98c Henley’s BATH POWDER Reg. $1.50 (Clearing) ...........$1.00 VITA-RAY HAND LOTION, 16 oz. (Clearing Half Price) ............$1.25 59c c s s Sidil JdxHVl tuio thv kw; ddwu centre athl xeifU nexxcp.U'e? I'dex ih-e besi the b'indnet.H h max be the Txxdhng.ue -K\tkD Sv.n \&l\k > Mdod <xi one ef the xnhev AXx\xJ4 xxeekltes -dero*S|TM^rv-b'tvB Ytk-VRS ago the .win h> she .tbsenee e: h^eueU s.wtie.-yr s.;wssfa5 J ol these p,ipe?s hd\e the x^ihx seeovo ot u^eecs v.dppei’Cd'^s sd:sixxsa'igof txxv psx'ivftkxa nmneSy^ With thik m mmd a MU hds hee« prekenuM so the U.S bho McxXcmei ecttagxv to Mr K VintJ Sen,ax' “to promote the preservation of the history of the|^ Uw farm c-f Mrs. in Gul-’ IhnuM Sbues as rvexnxieS pnmeer weekh newspApers jWstk jSS5^- oh ns eunendx pnHsshe^ ” ' ' the wi^hsm' „ In this eounttA. tor sowte nnte. sexet.il ot the ts„ ths t«t viiteml gtAerntwiiis have been eoheewtg-,».? nh»g itemsL» ,itsR jaa^-ss its >»«« sswtiiehsst. of hlAbMk'M UH eves: AS Uus\ Appear in *OCM papers, hs doriwd by an. sew^no ®ropoS«|{ In the short life of this eovaurw the emphasis has beeni«ttncho.i to the crankswx. thmbyaing a&ssxy on the uuuve with peibdos too Bule interest m pAAt w^dspoed mtako oi the Meho-vt e - o * e List Five Rules to Avoid Heart Trouble Mxxs rules for postponing tho de- gvneratWe process of heart disease are offered in the current, issue of Health mmkmhux official organ of tho Health League of Canada. The article is by D. 1\ Mumnghan, M, D„ Clinical teacher st the University* of Toronto, and assistant physician of the Wellokley Division of Toronto General Hospital. The rules ate as follows: 1, IXeriodiy health examination in| middle life and proper medical rare I when, indicated. *” I 5. A moderate junonnt of exercise-M leentinxsaK net sporadic. It is not ad-a b'i^hle to take part in sporadic, vig-| [i crons exercise if one xxdshes to Iix*e^ tlong-. Other kinds of activity aren't - | too good either, such as building in^ xveck; smnmer hchday*s only, er homo build-1 iug after long hears at office work, » Sufficient rest mad r^&xstiou, i •k Some aoBve hobbies- rather than 0 ; sportster sports sSl the thus or .hxri5y| watehbag teiex^sSoa everdng after >! munehSng salted nuts, snj_ i’ashtray: full of buris beside the arm- I : i 5 S on the tmwvo with perhaps too lit penurg's. Disn-un papers can m., Cxxmvihu«ton to then" eomttxun^-cs xmtaVJeh tocordmg exems and -a bt tv.os: cases «•* MVt tv (Clearing Half Price) .......... JERGENS LOTION .......... (Dispenser Pump FREE) PACKARD & SCHICK Electric Razors 25% discount Gift Stationery, Reg. $1.10 Clearing ..................................... KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE (2 Giant Tubes) Both for .... TRUSHAY Hand Lotion. Reg. 99c Dispenser Pump FREE > A,S.A, TABLETS, 5 Grain 100’s ...,. 29c 300’s ..... 69c : HALIBUT OIL CAPSULES 500’s Reg. $4.79 Special..................$3.98 : GREETING CARD 21 Assortment in Box Special ............. 98c : DUBarry Face Powder and Found­ ation Lotion Reg. $3.75 Special $2.50 : LEATHER BILLFOLDS Zippered Reg. $1.50 Special............. $1.00 : LADIES’ (Nylon) HAIR BRUSHES Reg. $1.50 Special............. .. $1.00 : VITA-RAY DEODORANT CREAM Reg. $1.25, 2 oz. Special........ : MOTH KILL (Fine Crystals) 2 lb* Bag. Special . .*.................. VACUUM BOTTLES (British Made) Pint size Special........ ; HUBBARD AYER (Cleansing ; Cream) Clearing HALF PRICE $1.00 : Jergens Lotion SOAP Clearing 4 cakes For ;................25c Men’s Gift Stationery, Reg. 75c Clearing ................. 49c I.D.A. Idaphos or Idafer Liquid Reg. $1.50 Special........... . $1.19 GILLETTE RAZOR and 100 Klasse Blades all for . .*........................$1.25 89c 59c 89c E 89c 89c Clear-Out Items SHADOW WAVE Home Perm Re­ fills Reg. $1.50 Clearing .... 75c Nyal CREOPHOS Reg. $1.25 . . 79c NYAL BRONCHITIS MIXTURE Reg. 60c Clearing ......................29c Be sure to see the table of items clearing at..............10c Dr. Bell’s POULTRY TONIC Reg. $1.00 Clearing.......... HESS & PRATT’S ANIMAL TONICS Clearing at Half Price R/7-11 Vitamin-& Mineral Tonic Reg. $2.79 .... Clearing Half Price 50c V’ERR’S DRUG STORE1 JL SAVES YOU MONEY *a a A* OC sLgb O5St& ltara& UCsbOd s»i®t 2m- pornO -kG rioths £xri> the SSXSwsS ■‘’spo^x.3 braricrt ^bssshy Sssy sririr 'I ■, •■ <4 - .< V*" N V SVC he s; OACx ,V,\ d.\e xx x ^la, A . > S.rjK*, a* X !> 1 UMV.C <V \v.wbw'kj:Xs8 Mri Wgk-MVi JSxwcMn? xst wvmaxwutg. ,v. -4 rw.iada bv ae | » x *■ * »■ s ,:,.S.X ,r s <• 'D~y.es as St g have .gxF\ic mKx a b.gA?:x. X 'A>NA£k\ x.ygvgg. HM1* -Vu*!.;;■ > A»Vjr»« V i’.v W**!b *?K3s‘s tww d.<1o%\V4 ’**.♦<4. '4^X3-dvwr*.!. j >a with !,x\! to & Improved bc-a-tb. habits, IneSed- ef'the WA m I FOOD FANCIES ,og xx c ba\x> ne-xCb' b - e me.s \x hx exswx '.eg or \\ o?o.-\' r- o COCX x" W ex e *./ *’x daxs a>>. "g> rassdoe. ax B-.ecd xx a < ■; ecu No dX -A XX .V ’ ■■u . b*.ss purchased the Gurriy &tsm. jusLj ^* Mcrnaghan jwSnrod the lew- .{xxc^ cd WTngbam. aud teri&ncc esnsumy besxt dis- and rcs^c cci compared with rSy; |Gurr^ ptscs. {"W hscrc&s?^ bampa e*.: H WUh the cwnriWsd warm spdb Soft*;- & SJfe?* ba Sam, ""is <sm- ; ’■ csxn^'srcd Sy warm w&x, she snew,;^5^^ T-W trnpansmt ?s« ®n; ?‘hs»s fast dissy-pesred. The rwS 'disssaa. The Ssssaer cw Saboser-- liL^ckncw 5$ bc.w CTen Sc aaifecsr traffic pb.er^phscsny sccs-jcs bSs pass- s ’’and there nnue S& the tries ba a* cash Ws ureafc j - X e^scsssaS than is snppcced. wt'4 rinpacxe Striving fta bsst Tbs predur-^ **'* W reads are ^eduh? aamsh. vrixs eats. !• *2h’s$: ■■■• **■** .&**& i Khm yw.5 fesrm St ®S2!S . e\ < . <x?-cy' .bNss sad saape fca^. xx >*■ hK£rsss vAh A-bha ’’S&iTa- hKfth-sr m-2k> ,x"“' ‘wrc: Te 5X* ‘Arwh's ewa IT STOP? vnSw? wf.' fe'J u: b->a U it to ^ni ’fe- wit' xy.t B « fe? ^4- WHERE WU.I. T^XPixel’S who W’OU.PC: A* ihe e *• 11 K. m WjSsafe, WtfiSsm WbxWhm, Ww Wsft- Ww- WWs W'-b <=*• Wib W fen 4u I |.|h ys; .. .