HomeMy WebLinkAboutSample Copy, The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-03-02, Page 6f r»ge Six The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, March 2nd, 1955 ■l!F-r" ..........................................................................."W! -——I——■ —«. u SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE IN THRIVING TOWN Good location — Good gallonage * Easy Terms —- Possession March 15 Apply Box 329, Clinton sam McDonald Around School Highlights REEVE HONORED AT WALKERTON Walkerton paid tribute to its Reeve, William Winter, who was recently wardens cemniittee, town council and elected warden of Bruce County, Quests included members of the municipal and county officials. representatives from service clubs, ....................................................................................................................... <11 till 111 lltH'I linUHIIUIIIHIMIIll J* Your Last Chance “There is no more noble and humanitarian organization in the whole world than the, Red Cross” GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Your donation to the Red Cross helps provide: •Preparedness for Disaster • Outpost Hospitals • War Veteran Services •Free Blood Transfusion Sendee «Nursing and Health Services BH'E to the BED CBDSS Cheerfully... Gratefully... Generously I $5,494,100 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR ,, Now that all the students and staff are moved to the new school and sett­ led comfortably, the classes are more regular. \ Miss Thompson, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Heney had quite a time trying to decide what periods each would have the gymnasium. Now that the prob­ lem is settled and the teams are get­ ting more practice there have been great hopes of bringing home the basketball championship. There is plenty of room in the show-case of the new school to put trophies; so let’s work hard, students. There has been some discussion about having a year book made this year. This is a big project and if it is to come to pass every student must be behind it A year book for 1954-55 would be a worthwhile keepsake in I years to come and it is hoped that a. year book Mull be made. Don McKague brought a pigeon to school for Grade 13 to dissect in zool­ ogy class. The pigeon was so pretty and such a loveable creature that they just couldn’t kill it Don put a band around its leg to see if it would return to Teeswater. The pigeon has now re­ turned to Teeswater and is enjoying a happy home life. Mr. Jackson has been working hard all winter and has produced some very pretty potted flowers. These haye been placed in every room. The students have seen Miss Comber walking about in the corridor with a yellow tea-pot Could it be that Sir. Jackson has hired Miss Comber aa official flower-water- er? . Mr. Hall needed a chestnut branch for Botany class and he asked for volunteers to obtain one. Some of the boys boosted Ivan McKague up in the tree and handed him a saw. Ivan re­ turned safe and sound with almost half a tree, Donalda MacDonald 0-0-0 Basketball last inter-school basketballThe games for the year 1955 were played on Wednesday in Seaforth and Wing­ ham gymnasiums. In Seaforth the senior and junior girls played. Seaforth was victorious 1 in both games, by seven points. The scores were: Seaforth Juniors, 13, Wingham Juniors 6; Seaforth Seniors 1'6, Wingham Seniors 9. In Wingham gymnasium the senior and junior boys from Seaforth were victorious only once. Although the boys from Wingham played very hard: the score read: Seaforth Seniors 25,1 Wingham Seniors 37; Seaforth Jun- | iors 34, Wingham Juniors 25. FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 29S Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN - Representing; Dudley E. Holmes Listowel TO SAVE REAL MONEY During Our Three-Day Spring Clearance Men’s Heavy Tractor Parkas ONLY 2 LEFT Sizes 40 and 42 Regular $16.95 NOW $13.95 All Boys’ and Children’s Corvettes and Jackets Cut up to 30% Here is a sample 3 Only Corvette Coats Navy - Sizes 10 & 12 Yes, only $6.95 NYLON NEWS ♦ Yes ladies, this is the biggest value in Nylons we have every offered for 3 days only 60-15 or 51-30 Weldrest subs in all the exciting new spring shades 69c Pair 3 Pairs $1.99 also First Quality 54-15 A real buy for spring days just ahead 89c B air 3 Pairs for $2.59 You always buy the best and get the best, buy in Weldrest. BLANKETS 70 x 90 IBEX Subs A Real Value $5.39 Pair HEAVY WORK SOX Wool and Nylon 3 pairs for $2.00 CLEARANCE TABLE For real value look over our bargain tables. Priced at 39c & 79c THESE AND MANY OTHER BARGAINS AWAIT YOU AT CARMICHAEL’S “Your Family Store” EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR WELDREST NYLONS. I * Famous Trichologist Tells Truth About Saving And Improving Hair Demonstration To Be Held Here This new method of home treat­ ment of saving and growing thicker hair will be demonstrated in Wing­ ham, Ont., Thurs. ONLY March 3. These private individual demonstra­ tions will be held at the Brunswick Hotel, on Thurs., ONLY March 3, 12 noon to 9 pan. Halifax, Feb. 16—In an inter­ view here today, William L. Keele, internationally famous trichologist and director of the Keele Hair Ex­ perts, said “There are 18 different scalp disorders that cause most men and women to lose hair. Using com- man sense, a person must realize no one tonic or so-called cure-all could correct all the disorders,” he ex­ plained. GUARANTEED “The Keele firm, recognizing that most people are skeptical of claims that hair can be grown on balding heads offer a guarantee,’’ Keele said. Once a person avails himself to the Keele treatment his skep­ ticism immediately disappears. To insure this, we offer this guaran­ tee. “If you are not completely satisfied with your hair progress at the end of 30 days your money will be returned.” HOPELESS CASES DISCOURAGED First the Trichologist is quick to tell hopeless cases that they can­ not be helped. But the “helpless” cases are few. Only if a man is completely, shiny bald is he in the lost category. If jthere is fuzz no matter how light, thin, or colorless, the Keele treatment can perform wonders. A .complete private examination Is given by a Trichologist to de­ termine the condition of his scalp, and cause for his hair trouble. FREE EXAMINATION This examination Is very thorough and highly technical. It requires 20 to 30 minutes, The Trichologist makes no charge for this examination and no appointment is necessary. After the examination the person is told the„ required length of treat­ ment and how much it will cost After starting treatment, the person makes regular reports to the Keele firm in Halifax to check the progress of the home treatment. To spread the opportunity of norm­ al, healthy hair, to the thousands who are desperately looking for help, independent Trichologists are visiting various cities throughout Canada to conduct examinations and start home treatment. NO CURE-ALL “We have no cure-all for slick, shiny baldness,” Keele emphasizes. “If there is fuzz, the root is still capable of creating hair and we can perform what seems to be a miracle.” There is one thing Keele wants to be certain every man and woman knows. If a recession appears at the temples or a spot begins to show up on the crown of the head there is something wrong and It should be given immediate attention. HAIR FOR LIFETIME “If clients follow our directions dur­ ing treatment, and after they finish the course there is no reason why they will not have hair all the rest of their lives," Keele said, “Our firm is definitely behind this treatment, it all depends On the individual client’s faithful observation of a few_simple rules.” WOW’S YOUR HAIR? If it worries you call Trichologist A. E. De Wees, at' the Brunswick Hotel in Wingham, Ont., on Thurs., ONLY March 3, 12 noon to 9 p.m. The public is invited* You do not need an appointment. The examinations are private and you will not be embarrassed or obligated in any way, Legion Ladies To Make Drapes Twenty-four members attended the regular February meeting’ of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to Branch 180 of the Canadian Legion at Wmghp-m, held Wednesday at the Legion home, with president Mrs. Stewart Forsyth in charge. The meeting opened with the standard bearer Mrs. Harry Browne Sr. depositing and with the singing of O Canada. The secretary Mrs. Ted Gauley read the roll call and minutes from the previous meeting. Past President Mrs. Ernest Lewis presided for the installation of two officers of the auxiliary who had been absent from the ceremonies held in January. They are: Treasurer Mrs. Lloyd Dawson and Second Vice- president Mrs. Joseph King. Two applications for membership from Mrs. Donald Adams and Mrs. Ted English were accepted by the meeting. The treasurer’s report show­ ed a balance on hand of $222.98, Mrs. Harry Towne reported for the house committee, and asked all mem­ bers to be at the Legion Home on Thursday evening, March 3rd to help make drapes for the meeting room. The sick and visiting committee re­ ported numerous visitations during the past month. The Auxiliary will ask the ladies of the Goderich Auxiliary to attend the meeting at Wingham in March, at which time the Zone Commander Mrs. L. Hall will install the new members. A telephone committee was formed to include Mrs. Lloyd Carter, Mrs, Harold Ross, Mrs. V, Ducharme, Mrs, John Strong and Mrs. Scdtt Reid. It was decided that each member will raise talent money to be used for the relief fund, Mrs. Ernie Lewis re­ ceived her past-president’s pin from Mrs. W. Sanderson. The Wingham Auxiliary will attend a social evening in Seaforth on Wednesday, March 16. The meeting closed with “God Save the Queen”. Canada’s motor vehicle industry cut July shipments 46 per cent in 1954, as the drop in dealer sales increased. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody get# a bit run-down now arid then, tired-out, heavy-headed, arid maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic Condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That’s the time to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills, Dodd’s stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better* sleep better, work better. Get . Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend an Dodd's. 52 How many “horses would you like? EVERY DRIVER HAS DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS. Chevrolet, with three ultra-efficient new en­ gines, offers the widest range in the entire industry. Powerglide — Synchro-Mesh or Over­ drive in allf models and with all horsepowers. Whatever you want-—commanding acceleration, thrifty town driving, effortless highway cruis­ ing, lowest initial cost, brilliant performance with minimum upkeep — you'll find it here in a valve-in-head engine built by the valve-in-head leader! . fExcopt "150" Station Wagon. “Super TUrbo-Fire V8” has all the ad­ vanced engineering features of Chevrolet’s V8 design .. . but multiplied by the free- breathing of a dual exhaust system and a four-barrel carburetor. Optional at extra cost. “Turbo-Fire V8” has an amazingly short piston stroke that cuts friction losses ’way down. Lighter, more compact than other V8’s, with a superb new compression ratio of 8 to 1, and a better, surer 12-volt electrical system. ^Optional at extra cost. The “Blue-Flame 136” with Powerglide* gives the case of automatic shifting at lowest price — with Synchro-Mesh and Touch-Down Overdrive it sets new stan­ dards of six-cylinder valve-in-hea4 effici­ ency. And hydtaulic valve-lifters give super-quiet performance. All with the style that's stealing the thunder from the high-priced cars No matter which engine you choose, you get Chevrolet’s sparkling „^new body design, the sleekest styling on the road. You get that ’"'commanding view through the Sweep-Sight windshield, You get a “big-car” way of going that stems from the flexing ease of Glide- Ride front suspension, the stability of Outrigger rear springs. You get your pick of three modern drives, a full range of power assists . and.you get all this with the savings of Canada’s lowest-priced line of cars.ACome drive a Chevrolet and discover the whole story! motoramic Stealing the Thunder from the High-PHeed. Cars! "• ‘‘MM Mi W *• w *»' •* W w «■ «M Mi MI riw- MMIMM M. MM «M»' ma MM '«•' M M* M MM '« M M Mt’'M»' *M M M 'M m M M M M • • ' ' MW W .MM IMI MM M 'MM *. MM Um 111 '-‘L| '«Mt' M*> 'Ml W «• W M I Wingham Motors Phone 139 Wingham A Gonoral Motors Value -C-I45SC