HomeMy WebLinkAboutSample Copy, The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-03-02, Page 11e1
: Subscription $3.00 per year, 7c per copy
With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
By The Pedestrian
SPRING’S COMING!-—And so is the
season for farm machinery. Check
your spring needs in cultivators, discs
and tractors’ with Charlie Hodgins,
your Massey-Harris dealer.
HARD TO FIT?—You., can get
clothes tailored to your measure by
the'House of Stone at Earl’s Men’s
and Boy’s Wear. Guaranteed to fit.
Lockridge’s ad this week and every
week for Saturday specials in meats.
Your chance to buy quality meats at
prices that are easy on your pocket
rare and exotic dishes? Visit Mundys’
during Bargain Spree days and see
the fine array of foods that are
“different”. Check Mundys’ ad every
week for “Taste Treats”.
cause there is such a grand assort
ment of kiddies’ things there. Special
reductions for Bargain Spree days on
winter lines, too. And new spring
stock arriving every day.
it a special occasion with a Laidlaw
oven-ready turkey. Special Bargain
Spree prices in this week’s ad.
why not take in a show at the
Lyceum? Laugh riot "Doctor in the
House” on tonight, Western musical
"Calamity Jane” rest of week. See
theatre calendar in this paper.
ed-to-measure suits now showing at
Armitage’s. Get measured for that
iiew Easter suit now,
98c SPECIAL—Three pounds is a lot
of meat for less than a dollar these
days, and Perc Deyeli is continuing
his 98c special for the Bargain Spree,
See the ad in this issue.
LIKE GRANDMA’S—Like real, old-
style home baking? Try bread, pastry
or cakes from MacIntyre’s bakery.
fine Bargain Spree buys in men’s
clothing at Hanna’s Men’s Wear. And
on top of that new spring merchan
dise is coming these days. While
you’re looking at the bargains, how
about getting measured for a new
spring suit?
Shoes ad features some terrific buys:
in ladies’ dress shoes — some at less
than half price. Girls’ saddle shoes
are also on sale at special prices.
Check ad for details.
EASY WASHING—Cal Burke has
some real bargains in Easy Washers
and Shelvador refrigerators in this
issue. It will pay you to see his Bar
gain Spree ad.
You don’t get much for free nowa
days, but Jack McKibbon’s drug store
has lined up some free offers for
Wingham’s Bargain Spree.
Take Dolcin. tahlets for instance.
Buy one hundred tablets of this
famous rheumatic remedy at the reg
ular’price 4 aftd* ydu ^et' Mother fifty'
free—saving yourself $1.20.
Jack has some other free offers, too.
There’s a free deal on Super Plena-
mins, one on' Richard,. Hudnut ^ham-
poo, a free offer ^lths Trushay, hand
lotion, Stopette deoderant, Yardley's
hand lotion and Johnston baby pow
der. See McKibbon’s ad for further
On top of all this there are some
very good specials on other drug
items which will save you money
when you shop’ at McKlbbonSi
* Incidentally, did you know that Mc-
Klbbons can get your electric shaver
repaired for yoii? This and other ser
vices Available to you are listed in
McKibbon’s Bargain Spree ad.
New Meteors and Mercurys Bring
Smiles, Problems at Crossett's
Getting married this spring? Or do
you need some new furniture around
the house? You can save money dur
ing Bargain Spree week at the Walk
er Home Furnishings store.
Jack Walker is offering three
3-piece bedroom suites for sale at
substantial reductions. And if rou
buy one this week you can get 'the
bed complete with spring and mat
tress at just one dollar more than
you would ordinarily pay for the
bedroom suite alone. It’s like getting,
a spring and mattress both for $1.00.
Besides this Jack has box springs
and mattresses at substantial reduc
tions as well as 2-piece chesterfield
suite and a couple of kitchen suites,
one of them in the new wrought iron
style, at a very great saving.
Jack has what must be the biggest
assortment of table lamps in this
part of the country, and he has put
a special price of $8.95 on many of
them. This is your chance to get the
best possible selection in lamps at a
real, down-to-earth price. Drop in
this week!
Ed Edighoffer and Lloyd Ellacott,
of Edighoffer's have cooked up some
fine bargains for the Bargain Spree
and they have them all neatly divided
into men's, boys1, ladiCs’ and child
ren’s wear departments in their ad,
for your reading convenience.
One of the big attractions for the
men will be the 17 only, men’s suits,
offered at half price—a value you
rarely see nowadays. There’s plenty
of other items to interest the men,
including shirts, jackets, trousers and
other items of apparel. In the boys’
department there are lots of values
which will appeal to thrifty mothers.
Ladies and children aren’t left out.
Of special interest to women will be
the nylon special and the items going
at half price in the children’s wear
department. The time to stock up on
these items is now.
, Don’t forget the dry goods and
house furnishings department. There
are plenty of fine values for everybody
at Edighoffers.
Used Cars Ready
At Wingham Motors
Jim Carr and Wilf Congram up at
Wingham Motors have been pretty
busy since the new Chevrolets and
Oldsmobiles came in two or three
months ago. There’s been a lot of ac
tivity around the Wingham Motors
garage in the past little while.
With spring coming and more
people getting out in their cars, a
busier season still’ is in prospect.
And the boys at Wingham Motors are
getting ready for it by getting their
used cars in shape for summer driv
If you’re thinking of trading cars
this spring, why not get on the ball
now and start shopping. , Visit the
Wihgham Motors lot, Where there is
a good ' selection of used cat’s on
hand. They've Been checked over by
the mehcanics and put in shape where
needed and. are ready to go. You'll
find that today’s “off season” prices*
will suit your pocketbook, too.
Five Star Specials
Keep IGA Staff Busy
Comparative newcomers in town,
but already finding their way around
are Harold Reihington and Laurie
Slade, at ’ Remington’s IGrA t store.
Teamed tip With Lloyd Smith at the
meat counter, they keep a running line
of 5-star specials which liven the
shopper’s buying, -every week.
Last week one of their prices was
so low people thought there was a
mistake In the paper. "That was &
hot one,” said Laurie, when asked
about the price In question.
Things are starting to hum around
Crossett Motors these days, after three
lean months during the big strike at
the Ford Motor plants in Windsor and
Oakville. You can see the smiling
faces around the place since the first
models, of the new Meteors, Lincolns
‘and Mercurys came into the shop dur
ing the past week or so.
Manager Lome McDonald and his
staff are ready to go out and sell the
new 1955 models, which, they feel are
the finest the company has ever put
out. But once they start selling they
figure they’ll^ need room on the lot
for trade-in% which will be dealt on
the new models. Clearly a special ef
fort on the used cars now on hand
was indicated. *
And so, in conjunction with the pro
motions of the rest of Wingham’s
merchants, Crossett's are holding a
Bargain Spree all their own up in the
north end of town. They’ve chosen a
number of the best used cars they
have, and made up an advertisement
on the fine values now on sale at the
Crossett used car lot. And those cars
are particularly good value now, when
they have to clear the lot for the
trade-ins which will arrive during the
next few weeks.
Notice that there are no prices in
Crossett's ad. But go in, talk it over
with Lome McDonald or Harjry Fry,
and we have a very strong hunch
you’ll come out with the type of deal
you^like. As the ad says, it’s “your
deal at Crossett’s.”
Special Bargain Spree savings on
drug items are, being featured this
week at Kerr’s Drug Store, and it
•represents an opportunity for you to
effect substantial savings on .many
drug items.
Reduced to half price are such
items as hand lotion, home perm re
fills, cleansing cream, bronchitis mix
ture, poultry tonic, animal tonics,
mineral tonics and several others.
Substantial reductions have also been
made on many other lines of nation
ally-advertised drug needs.
A special feature of Kerr’s Bargain
Spree sale is the table of items clear
ing at 10c. You never know what you
may find on this table, but you may
be sure there will be some real bar
gains at this one low price.
Ken Kerr has just finished his
stocktaking, hence the many bargains.
Read his ad over carefully and you’re
sure to find something your household
has been needing for the past little
while. . 0
Stan and Jack Can
Help With Building
Thinking of building a house this
spring? Now’s the time to get on
the ball and see Campbell and Gor-
butt about building materials, a
Stan and Jack have a complete line
of building materials, in fact “every
thing you need to build a house, right
from the footings to the gables, if
any. They can give you a pretty good
price on anything you need in that
line, because their overhead is low,
enabling them to pass on substantial
savings to you.
As soon as you decide to build, see
Stan and Jack. They’ll give you a
complete estimate of costs from your
list of building materials-
Carmichaers Feature
Special on Nylons
Billed as the “biggest value in ny?
Ions we have ever offered” Carmich
ael’s ate advertising nylon substand
ards in all the exciting new spring
shades at a if action of their regular
value. They are also featuring first
quality nylons at prices away below
Mike Carmichael has been getting
himself a reputation for being the
"nylon king” in Wingham, and we
hear that his source of supply at
these prices, is a deep, dark secret.
Another interesting feature at Car
michael’s is the Clearance Table,
where fend-of-the-line and ohe-of-a-
kind merchandise is displayed
Biggest selection of used washing
machines and electric ranges you ever
saw in Wingham is now on display
in Pattison Electric’s basement show
room. There’s a rumor around that
John Pattison Jias been hoarding
Truth of the matter is that John has
been selling new washing machines,
and, being a busy man, he hasn’t had
much time to put the trade-ins in
shape and he doesn’t like to sell used
washers without going over them
thoroughly and replacing all the worn
out parts.
Lately things have changed, During
the past month or two John got
cracking and completely recondition
ed a bunch of washers—fixed them
up almost like new, even to the paint
job—especially for Bargain Spree
If you’re in the market for a real
good washer, or need an extra for
the cottage, here’s your opportunity.
Choose one from the biggest stock of
used appliances in town—values you
won't be able to duplicate anywhere
else in the district.
Drop in and see John’s basement
showroom- See the great selection of
used washers and- choose yours—to
Spring isn’t too far away, and Vern
Dunlop, of Dunlop’s Shoe Store, can
help you anticipate the weather. He
says he can’t even remember When
you could buy rubbei’ boots for as
little as he is asking in Bargain
Spree week. In his ad you’ll find
men’s, boys’ .and youths’ red-and-
black soled rubber boots at real
down-to-earth prices. Spring -and mud
are coming and now is the time to
get rubber boots at these special low
Another item that caught our eye In
the, Dunlop ad was men's shoes at
a. special low price we haven’t seen
for a long time. They’re broken lines
in various sizes, but if you’re lucky
and can find a pair to fit, you stand
to save a lot of money.
For ladies with cold feet Vern has
an extra special in shearling lined
rubber flight boots, guaranteed to
keep your feet warm under just about
any conditions. The price is just
about a third of what you’d expect to
pay ordinarily.
Many Old-Fashioned Bargains
At Welwood’s Store This Week
Chick Mortality Loss
Less with Shur=Gain
Faster-growing and earlier maturing
chicks with lower mortality losses are
promised in an ad for Canada Pack
ers' Shur-Gain Chick Starter, for sale
at the Canada Packers plant in Wing
ham. Chicks actually grow faster,
feather out sooner and mature earlier
when fed with Shur-Gain, tests at the
Shur-Gain demonstration farm have
For vigorous, healthy, fast-growing
chicks, visit Canada Packers during
Bargain Spree days and lay in a sup
ply of ShUr-Gain Chick Starter.
Painting Troubles?
See 'Wallpaper Shop
Ever wish you could get just the
right shade in paint? It’s a lot easier
than you think at the Wallpaper Shop.
/The famous Flo-Glaze colprizer ser
vice is designed to help you get ex
actly the shade you want,; a!rid boasts
ho fewer than 1,322 colors plus many
deep shades. You pick out the shade
you 'waht from the book of many
colors and with the exclusive colorizer
system your paint is mixed to ’ rigid
cOlOtizer specifications. All colors are
gldss finishes, which means that you
have a far greater choice of colors
available in enamel, flat, velvet seml-
and finishes than would bo possible
Drdp into the Wallpaper Shop for
help with your paint problems today!
The south end of town has been
considerably livened up of late since
Hugh Allan arrived from Toronto to
take over what used to be Reavie
Motor Sales. Now Hugh and Jack
Reavie have teamed up in the busi
ness of supplying Buicks, Pontiacs
and GMC trucks to the ‘people of
Wingham and district, and from the
number of cars seen going in ■ and
out of the show room and lot, it
looks as if they’re making a pretty
good job of it.
The new 1955 Pontiac has had a
lot tb do with all the activity around
the Hugh Allan establishment. Fea
turing 8 great power teams, the
“high-priced” wrap-around wind
shield, new ball-type steering, 4-way
balanced ride and all-new glamoramic
interiors, the new Pontiac is proving
to be a popular favorite with the
Drop in to Hugh Allan Motors and
see the new Pontiac today. Or, if
you’re looking for a good used car,
stop in and have a look at the selec
tion of A-l reconditioned used cars
with a 90-day, 50-50 used car war
ranty. Check the prices—and the
the cars at Hugh Allan Motor Sales.
Purdon’s Ladies’ and Children’s
Wear is featuring a, store-wide clear
ance of winter wear for Wingham’s
Bargain Spree this week, with re
ductions on regular prices of up to
50 per cent.
All ladies’ hats and coats, including
all-weather coats are selling at half
price, with a third off on blouses,
blazers, sweaters, skirts, slacks, dress
es and suits. The store is also offering
one-third off on all children’s winter
Athol Purdon has taken no halfway
measures when it comes to .offering
values for the Bargain Spree. He is
slicing off a straight 20 per cent on
all other items in the store with the
exception of yardage and rugs, which
have been reduced by 10 per cent.
If you’ve ever wanted an Axmin-
ster rug, the Bargain Spree presents
your opportunity of getting one at.
substantial savings. Purdon’s have
three on sale at very special prices.
Check their ad for further details and
other specials for the value-conscious
Activity around Welwood’s Variety
Store has been feverish for the past
month or so with everybody getting
ready for the big store-wide stock re
duction sale advertised in this week’s
Bargain Spree edition of the Advance-
Times. When you have a look at Wel
wood’s ad, you’ll see why. At last
count we tallied over fifty items in
the full-page spread, and Norm as
sures us that these are only some of
the many special values throughout
the store, got together for this
special event.
This year’s sale promises to be even
bigger than the great event which
set the town on its ear last year. Ac
cording to Norm there is a larger
stock on hand in the store now than
before and some of the bargains are
even' bigger. Many articles are marked
down to half their original price and
less, at both Welwood stores In
Wingham and Lucknow.
There’s a lot of reading material
in the Welwood ad this week, but it
makes good reading to value-cons
cious shoppers. For the ladies there
are lace-trimmed slips, kitchenware,
full-fashioned hose at less than half
their regular price, and a grab-bag
deal on clothespins—all you can grab
with one hand for 7c. Men will be
Interested in the dress shirts, tops and
briefs and hocks, at greatly reduced
prices. There’s a big stock of toys
on hand for the children at special
sale prices. In fact there’s something
for the whole family at special prices'
this week at Welwood’s.
In addition to the bargains, any
one is eligible for a free draw on
a 20-piece Swinnerton china set. Drop
in, get in on the bargains and free
draw at Welwood’s.
Something New Has Been Added
For Stainton's Bargain Spree
Don Robertson, out at the Bluevale
Creamery, is one of the latest entries
in the television field. Don has the
agency for the famous Emerson tele
vision, and he is stocking a set es
pecially designed for fringe area re
If you haven’t yet bought a tele
vision set it would. appear a good
idea to drop in at the Bluevale Crea
mery and look over the new Emerson,
compare its features before you buy
any kind of TV. Don can install
you antenna for you and guarantees
service on the set,
If you’re in the market for a refrig
erator, Don has a 1954 model Deep
freeze which will probably interest
you. It’s a big 10 cubic foot deluxe
model, regularly valued at away above
the price he’s asking.
Beaver Offers Plans
For Plywood Use
Farmers with building problems can
save on their repair bills by using
fir ply sheathing, according to an
ad for Beaver Lumber Company, in
this week’s Bargain Spree edition.
Advantages of plywood sheathing are
that it can be used inside or out,
it’s waterproof, easy to handle and
economical. No doubt about it, ply
wood can save a lot of work, com
pared with the old-fashioned method.
If you need ideas on how best to
use plywood, Beaver has a host of
free plans, pamphlets and instruction
books which will help you on the
way and give you some ideas of what
can be done in this line.
Manager Bob Rowsell will be glad
to give you any help he can in this
Probably the busiest store in town
for its size is Harry Merkley’s Red
Front Grocery. “Through these doors
pass — or try to pass — the finest
people in the world — my customers,”
says Harry.
Fact of the matter is most of Har
ry’s customers don’t seem to mind the
crowded quarters in the corner store.
And the ones that do just phone in
their orders and never go near the
place. Harry says he’s had one cus
tomer for nine years and he wouldn’t
know the lady if he met her on the
street. How can you recognize a tele
phone voice on the street?
Seriously, though, Harry’s pretty
proud of his long-term customers and
he’s just as proud of the fact that he
tries to keep his prices as low as pos
Harry has an ad in this Bargain
Spree edition. Look it up and see if
there aren’t some real bargains there
this week. If you’ve never dealt at
the Red Front, why not give it a try
this week?
If you can’t get in, you can always
phone your order.
A real deal on Coffield washers is
offered by Thomson Appliances as a
Bargain Spree attraction during this
week. Extra high trade-in allowance
on your old washer, plus a low, low
price on the new Coffield makes a
very attractive offer to housewives
who need a new, fully modern wash
ing machine. See Tommy’s nd for de
tails. 0
Tommy also has a deal on the fa
mous. Scrvel refrigerators which
should interest those who would like
a refrigerator with no running parts,
and no noise. And, of course he has
the regular line of Frigidaire appli
ances, including refrigerators, ranges,
freezers and Automatic washers.
Incidentally Tommy has the full
est line of home freezers in town, If
you’re in the market for a home
freezer, it will be to your advantage to
drop in and see ihis fine selection,
An innovation in Advance-Times
advertising for this special Bargain
Spree issue is the full-page ad with
color for Stainton’s Hardware. Not
for a long time, if ever, has color
been used in advertising in this
paper, and only in comparatively
recent years, in fact has color been
used to any extent in daily newspaper
Stainton’s ad has a lot to recom
mend it, apart from the color angle,
too. For Perc and Murray Stainton
have gathered together a collection
of hardware values which would do
justice to any hardware store, even
in the big city. Check over the list
and you will agree.
In laying out one of Perc Stainton’s
ads, we’re always reminded of the
old expression, "everything but the
kitchen sink”. Someday he’ll prob
ably fool us and include that too.
But the great diversity in the num
ber of items advertised makes pretty
good reading, especially with the
values that Perc advertises.
In this ad you’ll find a host of
bargains, most of them in seasonal
goods which can be bought now to
good advantage. Syrup-making sup
plies, paint specials, brooders and
equipment, cooking ware, electrical
appliances, combination doors, storm
windows—all are items which can be
used now and are featured as special
Check over the Stainton ad and
see what there is in it that you need.
If you’re planning on buying a used
car this spring, check the Len Craw
ford Motors advertisement’ in this
Bargain Spree edition,. Len has a fine
selection of used cars on his lot right
now, and chances are he may have
just what you want, at the price you
want to pay.
New Dodges and DeSotos, with their
motion-design and the new forward
look, are moving fast at Len Craw
ford’s, and a goodly number of trade-
ins have arrived during the past few
weeks. Len has sharpened up hi.®
pencil for Bargain Spree days, and is
prepared to make a* real deal on any
of the cars now standing on the lot.
If you’re in the market for a new
car, take a good look at the 1955
Dodge, the biggest car in the low-price
field, and the most car for your mon
ey. Big-car size, big-car style, big
car comfort and big-car power — all
in the biggest, sweetest-looking car
that Dodge has ever put out!
Alexander’s Offers
Special Discounts
A flat 10% pn all cash sales of $1.00
or over has been offered by Alex
ander’s Hardware during the three
days of the Bargain Spree this week.
In addition Jack has listed some
special values on electric appliances
and other items which are well worth
looking into.
Mindful of the fact that spring is
on its way, Jack has made a timely
offer of 10% off on all cash sales of
paint and Kem products, and sug
gests that now is the time to buy and
save, before the spring season arrives
and spring house cleaning is upon us.
Save yourself a solid 10% by shopp
ing at Alexander’s Hardware during
the Bargain Spree days this week.
You’ll be money in pocket.
Dollar Buys a Lot
At Walker Store
The Bargain Spree is just like Dol
lar Day at Walker Stores, with a
number of real hot items going at a
There’s pure linen dish towels at
four for a dollar or three for a dol
lar, according to size, kitchen towels
at three for a dollar and dish cloths
at six for a dollar, to mention a few.
SnOw suits are less than half price
ahd ladies’ dresses are marked down
to exactly half. Famous Kenwood
blankets are selling at 10% off ahd
this will be the last chance to buy
them on the lay-away plan at these
Read through the Walker Store ad
and see What your dollars will buy
there this week.