HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-4-9, Page 2\,
- . - I ___ - I - ------- ,_--_.__.___ I .- . -1 __ - I— -1 ___ - - - - I - - - I
-------- . - - _ _____ --.-- — _ , __ - - XNTMOUOL(Jtllt .LIU UE -111 Tomato has ill contemplation the forms.
. tiara ullotwu now Us" lit rowilway, Gem mfmall d
ban, they touched a Material It it true Mr. Itital bag no *one, but it, G ode& IV U woo I - (A"rggls NOCI-L'$Y- rue Cup Initiation Its Turkey. ca,sulay of a rho". Juspersoult Dectoloo. I "ll"11111111T.
VI the our% r-ww- ' " , — — . - I t1eT.iento, Grey and Bruce Railway Coal.
will, 6,1--y - 11 k.vow, Is.,vind; t,.,011Od .6 at - - me ,o Now York April 6, laillil.-In ill, labotiall- —
seven mail, 6.0 Lanka, y, however, a. a. to Just a& certain that if be k ad, ally The annual mosetini; took place on The fc Ilowil'A is a 4"Pateb from Le -4 A L11111.9 r(WO-TNAK 01 V 110y "KI'Va . IAIIY &.kid tits other the Turosau &-ad Nipiou
U911H By His AuOPT&II, FAT11113a. rt.r Court in the Cow of Moore Strusbur,ror r,qmrmd1w Am Mriald 4 Joulax ol't-dalloods, Almlyt ni4 li
- 050e in this County itao 'ALiub lie usightl Lilian m#'WeL ... 1, ooforsat, and smamw&A to( — against the %i eaters, torsion 'reteirraph Colo. __ thread" (Astoree, .8 God.r.4. fraud Company. I he couni" to be
satemplotety exhausted by his exerivins %list he Friday, the 5th iust. ell, 41.a,A, I.. 'I',, key : - it - - " up,bT robak; are selling tilt be., ma,d
so carry kit %vs. burden$. will t ,.n. The jury returned a verdict for Plain- tiny 1 1 - I . I"at tit be rrairmes.
lotto notable to crawl auutnot mile, usuch Lea wish to get them, if too counts, tempted, Flootal th, (A-ansoll C..uw."t party for damages for men delivery of a tells- --- -- -- core
sto'ey bad :a Ito; James Dickson, is. already filled. Tito orreasoreor's report wait read, allow- . (.o-,.s-,rAAliyurLK, Murals 30, At Warone, Indiana, 11bellill six weeks &90, 9 a Il'o' cc .- - I r,c
bircumor so ill, and has wounds were a - pionful, I log a stuall balance Ili hatkJ, after speui- My L,rd,-I limit, -a this 3rJ Instant. a fur $66,655. Tile piva by the defendants .. I V .; . * 10 . J.
I Inn, and me, ,.rum couverampti,on with the Gr@Dd oil* lAwrOncts liars took from the poor house to ' ? - I
that it seemed doubtful that he %oul4 suroorloe: BoAdovs, lie ltarg,ts that a large majority I wan, that a @turns load prostrated lit,- wl-041 Tons, 7 a. th 'S u4i 1. I Am Adversisirmals
it moved twill,r. Though the al was Of`41106lo okilh W1111111 110 WOMIJ Lave to lag a considerable amount for charitalle o V z 11 ,-. Ash flesh*, on tLe ioteuded condition I r bill War YL -Did ubl, [rallied 'Viat Vld 'Ilia#* is"d ally were Urml,le to tur.mord the lho C1 2 1i - 16 - I i) I
pr rpnIlLs during the past, year. ill .io I"alpile. I lam000tills afterwards the cill,d 01-1--i"ll- --- -, - ____ -
grOal I LiAboij, m-sullo,citu cunip wineretlicy, I lit mother inside inquiry as to what had 114- Patel" Imit,71 -
were fur a low d.kj a, till Storey bad pit- tly tar I asoodwi4to its I'Arliatuent, if clectva, Tito fullostiog g,:ntlenten were elected ilia highintis assurovOl mat that the 4ultrain', COU14 of it, a-ld Was I.Id Ont it bad to.eu Mo. ,N.,. 25 IS 41,18 31.4 W. 0110
,ill. A% last be tothou.11t, are"U'lilily men, slid not at all afthatuca , t lilig:sjula wale fully detl-rinlatod to C44tiery Explistrallo". Tuv*. 126 29 o13 I 31.4 To I
cvvesed his suv,,. , I office bearer* fo,r rite cut rent year : rot- 'Zo U.aor to a wall Irving ill ubio. Not W.I. - '27 .479 22.0 .4. E ' -MC3' *1_10
him, that il-ough Stoney roloa:ol is t -,ilk and' 111 11.6 117" .1welhiji as po'.1410, inspoinflant , -d with this, *lit, Suce'.-I'd in interval. corer Hill coal )tits Tome. -- 2h .46.1 431 S - "I ".
61,outd of the fact. It id, p,rhaps, well for Mr. F. - . . . Ali *xplo,oilln ill Ill. 42I - 'I Free and Indepeadeal Elftlors
jair cmU;y him on Los . I i John Davison. President ; Peter li.,rokro. Or&* at ToIw mam objects of these to . ""fi,
1.0 ,l,uld .0 Ion ,1AJ pruailut,ut C,toavu.i 1.1 tits matter. Cheaerfield countl, Vs. occurre-11 on id ad I sort., is 29 i " 33 6 d. 10
or*, he might drug Lim slool, shoo A,ill toro,,4 vw,ould tin to mi,prove tht, condition o: "'a' " .1 31 9 S. 01 3 I
d %6. i Ilitchie that there are -' 110 lead ... 9 'in' i Walker, Ist vice,preosileit ; h itulnotiviftnt.luales mulialoo, illation, where , fw ,,t livewhilomoudlitty colour. tl ,___ " 30 _'1W I 0 - OF T11j:
t 110 ac 1 tioui before the public," for he tutd;ht be I the Ch: 161":" oullie"s ')' tile "up's ; I'a else" upon, lfsrt having tied, &fire a long soartelk c outlay *
bloo, -a toot have adicad them Out. M ed annular. Wore Uled. 0 The to vView say at Itio Wind or 44 expressed
koodf.'Igi), with tire .ad tit dome Atwood cut Cliffird, '2wl vioc-prebideat ; G. I . so %Item a career I she ,11m alic as, ,,ive, unit t .. waol ,le( buiv of the child waA found lit a! ,,.ell sll ib`.Ulr: 1,o=d ap 441.1). toy . ...... llood, thus: U. Claim i NORTH RIDING OF HURON
filial tin. bustalmouill datir bvild-og, Iolured a I culivil uloun to state Ili* view of " eouno-, ",I, Were atill burnin_ but t) 11, =
'fluctoan, Skeretary, i Francis Jordall, is 41 a"'al' wltol one ""'ell 'i's belwor" &,I old well. At-ttle coroner's inquest Ilart'd . t mr. til.l.;1111 Vr,y=Tne.urA,.
sleigh, which, w 'th,,ut much diffl,,ulty be I Illy " ,1 t1lonna-4k arfliciency " would ad- I U, to extiuXulob the fire. Viviouty of the bodies Two,..rsi ,Ji "I .17.6ye it exogumed
. i I wasitaut secretary ; Them is Ali Irews, them and 'Ile .14"s,oullawna, .16A, tit th no .lie t,stitio,ol, &old othe,* tesitified, that, Irons esa 110 -. be recovered. I by numbers, from M ,,, 0; thus: 10. am" UZXTLEME14 :-
could drrog al"u'r. 0.1 law lie Ill., oi,il the I a %!real mo asure already 0416:loid toy I -is, the " ry 6.61, ilart's ticaturpaint of th-- child Later di -patches state that three explobiolus hat the mky us ct-overcd with clouds, 5. that it as
k . "I. wit or, al"I big "lea as to *bat directiop , Treasu r, r. still sub,istatil .0 past.ticu,-taid kel,t UP fe"'i"" not bi,tral slid cruel it, Ilia extreme, that he West r1aviltz Lee" nutuitiated V the ]to,
wounded oq worth sucl , nil excide I ' sill T. J. ofill-edl and -t, -live Wore heard. After tit. first -ne all attempt 'ball ,.voted ; aw,10 It ,. lottleotly .1.4',
mumtl`Uc 4 tolaill, ': j.,." I is alter,tious it. the custours a Killer
is kill .it -0. N. DIvii, angureut. M"a, is Almost, Was To KA uJANIXIL. form Conventions held at Clinton on the 4th
entitled, &.ad me " AUDITOKA: hiiiin., I and beat it without WerTY, ads to descend Iobs ithaft, but tire burns. I t Paronartri, provisions dura% the *oOk of this month, Am & candidate for the Rept.,
wey .vv, tile gm -A. It. c,.Uid move I'll% duties " would have to take ilk order to % if ", , every day, slid that oil oat* oc- ing out of tire nalwas preaeuted it. Nothing .1 -4, k,swin.ua 'alinesday
, loofisoUne. time in co..mentrob.amo (or facilitating this am fl glies
slowly. ..,it Own hod to took" a Will,, circuit I liniment .1 1,,_,,oIn.au eapiLal In the couUtry, ,Ato, " W'. 9.479 at 7 v *
i I isaiLlutain the public credit " under cal -E. 11 motors Jain.,s Sit, - " atol the rittom ef fi., little, . 'at"oll'oent nea,,lor a wh,,Ie dAy in tortur- is k;1owo of what occurrA in the Ilia. I bar Low, %I Bannumarit, preatainedorop the week wait sentalium of your R&dio4 it, it&" Local U bit ..
to avoid &toy copi ,or recky i:r,,6,,d w la"ll STILWARDS: Is inrilitu I'vill'ooreute . - Ing it in every way .,Ili Site unit% harl;,ell ty white naiaoir-4 sod thirty nints blacl,3 were fllbitlia .a 9 ."ekork to ilk. slas Moialmy. Imature or Ontario, and havlas received Am.
lay in Ili* c,.U,., Eler, ...., I ..... thvy were I tain eircuinstanetni. Ile him received tit--- I hard, RL'I J. J. t"'right- wozmrj aa . a love all, rot proui.wk. education. snownt-me. 11'st will, , it %iih a leather
Ilia Ili.,hriesol observed to we that . ithi . .11 -Mg ail a; work in Ible usitte at the tin"! Of the am. Tho, .hootrou batuaLetric pressure fur the week unnoticed ufoupport from many friends, oiler,
*as sale, for tile blacko, fio,lic'. ilia bat unanimous n0ai in3t i,)n of tile COnst:Tvstivs I J11ANAUINU COMMITTICIC : -J,)IkG Ilull- The J,.1 1e.j ,lay@ JrfVe hear Ch.i.ki,ld lateral ,air&,, :!:via with ast,ilb of board until it woo . was "J.W41. the whole ccustituency, I bows accepted the
empty, might pai-ione and overtake thew.- Convention, sit I as a Con,ervatiye of tile I act all - to wa;K, ItiliJ,then Jout it duwu in the I lemon. __ _____ TITIH-MONKIRA1. nomination then model and lit doin, a. I
litill the briov, Lodaury I nio-d oil : It a Olin ' ter, Wur. Swil,:Ii, JOha, Mitchell, Janie$ be,@ bad likes udd0d to the G"'n'l Coastal ; (1:1111) and chilly air or off went to sicep. Thep - eat. (Boom olf tillserval'oons ?a.m., I P.m., 9 Pon..) hope to receive a Ourdial atial generous esp.
wrongib w.& _Ilopy glv, way. oute usurt, purest vr,tter, lie would be expected t" (Ijurge ..fj"lice ; anA tbat a Christian. 9. At istido lo, Terallible 11111111 -Ally Acui4
; Shephard, Guor,,-i Itutubull, I I r,Loove,i it 1,,I,n ,I ... cellars 1.1 is no, Highest I ........ . warn durni, ,har *,,I, Wait U 4 istar, team ,on, to whom I, en,,alsacd ,6 pit.
. 1101mosta. bat bostal appoalted A'anotant 1.) tLo ' at I ,,,, look, ,-a oil Titured4y,
of 'he d ... Lit said pluo.ted its bead into cold water Thq recent acci-le bo,odea,t *I',,a;.,.tU,o, d.,,.,l the week was 28.3 Illy principles &TO
its was .bli,,,ed to hAt tn a -Istam. vote fo ruch measures ail conservatives Cattle, air I Abraii Ito Smith I J-'i,r.n;e Sln,.*ler, at,d 0ov,rnor 0 ,at Of the railway from allege uf the franchise.
1* We latest camp I -re to-niorill, loat-." he MiAlit intro,luee. 11ii fact Al,uld INAW CH.tRITABLZ COMMITrill Cria ab, Book. aild cowloe led it to remain out ut dours until Moscow to Itimartu *.., of' a terrible 'nallare. as 9 o"I'lo, it P. in. ..I F . .r. .of sucl, #,a to satisfy
said to Stvy. 4- I'loiL,lis I, morrow in: its toot were frozen. lie then 'toork " 'rite A carriage got off tile rails, &I'll, dralggl:i. I ,.,%Ivan 'I'vinpoinaun. I," Ile we, it -air 36.93. cvc"y shade or political ol,i,.ii,u ; They, am
I.,,& Wall W ab,. w ainsTO ; I,, d,,y they car. d,, roornattry of South Ilaron 1. be on 4111'ess sold, a comments- Is
I tire lo John Morosely, John Silkelol, Horace 1'4it win, W Ili the houilo, builg it lit, by the stairway by several , t.e-s after it, ro load over hit c I ooll arnierall day duriog rise Week wait on Tburroday, bovever, as is well known, it maintain wh.;
in .0, and it ulj be fullorre.1 by fortlair tn1.VlS of a .trAp paa,,,d 11roun,f the bell,, &,,it the mcan rvialsorature tsiin,or. C,.43 is Woud-to reform what a corrupt sod ubso.
a.. More." I he night I-w,s.1 4A&v a " :11ls,I:ei`; tit, it guard, in4 beware of spacious Vro- I Hcorton, j. j. Wl.irl I bankmout tbirly-five feet deep. In one tl,lrtl
- , ,,it, an,, E Hooker. i;oli ... istruents of Ch6i,ijora to Islonourakemord Culdpon day durnte the week woo on Fraley, late, endeavoring to secure right govern.
%h. In, ,,Ill., wasuiliered in .till all,- r. ago, . . he:d c nmo's offire oil a shovel under its feet. Islas carriage seven poiritons were killed 0
mises, come front what quarter they izviy. ' of It WAS, aromaver, b- told hill nonuser for a while, C *
& land. ,4 the A";rah.n Ltoih, all-] thg- bull 'It was ,&ci,led that the me,saii . vol-ottant p row. After torturing it in t The clarrimi.ts contained a castle filled With 'be '%'d&' re"':wlatur' Lmmoc 32.1 - scroll lit as economical a insurer as is con-
s4sj in extent the system of wi:myOto ' AM N H A LDA rof, J is.
a.*.- less Ing . fiery be.% 'IT.. Th. plain. St"no., 000 ooadwio _ - the Soci .1y and their friewis shoul I dine an " ill I ell' .or, he took it down and wade it walk on the pa.mius weighing motue, 2oi0 Ito. Dosed t ha fit Is day of Apr., 1 h6l. ,mletit -ith safety.
lbad not MotOd. "ll'sly 1".L,j .1 I,iu;, A -u., is clu.sued gar .Mr. Car . t -cr'd Ilutd, on the forth- (t Is 11 14 . thogymto,u ufuoitna,l; miner- ,Joe, , backward will foritard, ovemionally "leg =nIsich mccum to have beau hurl There are mc questions before the public
aagether at flusL .Us I'salliallits into a large PlOViOLrr u I ter a (orl-1:111op"L -
Anxioull'A exill-tt ... ilt to i ... it hou no kv,ge, 11111g. col,wing St. GLorge's day, the 23rd inst. (;,,v,,roUr.G#11,.rAj) proviA.,ons small Ill stri6ill, It uit'i A !)!44Ld leather ho, -o Whit-, ed with crushing effvct to, onfl fie wo,,ii,j tho- I of great importance. Confederation hawng
a I'd. a ,otosslod up, 1.,,wever, solid Oto — ail it fell at last exiadisted stal sousul.so "" anh.r,ir passengers. The budici well.. at) .ce:y- The portrait (of tile Queen to ba pre- abouilied all others, it is ally desire Ant if
some breakfast. .4,un IA,ft,,.ty haroettud For the tire of us we cannot do,termine Tit Lets$ 1.00 each. mAe far air etTactual repremn1460111i 01 the U' nted it) Mr. I'volautiv, 11" just betU tiocined
I __- 0000pps— sires or Cuts,.. file fl ur. f.,;ihtfully well L'W:11 that %he peasants train shou!d receive it fair first, treating that it
Ituall.1110theSkilikillArd Moved Or-- Ulle" U . C at ommus m tire vial ion* Ni,,Ijl:, of amillied is elmaned, and I* all will be the woman of allaying the sectional
. I plan what grounds 31r. Carling is put ajor- There will be Devine Service in St. ,,Is in the w1layeo,' and tile "eutelooloL . It funher looppeamd olo.it the d,y tire child tloc iierathbuurill, lum;,'. %h0 hurriud W ill" its loandon. It is p
a - was chi kg' of t - I isIt . 6 nitiow., I he O,U , died Hurt -hiolaid it Tot, out of dow., wen* or the aimatter, too -le for Now* time oval witsiature reorients inches 61 ten. Th* jamIjulnes that bill's so long distracted the
- Andrvwo Chu -ch, on Sunday first, I 41th (;uvercons in Christian districts wouA be wit
or , we only a few lauslothed va,lls at a flat- ; a firward six a fit ar l prop,r person to re wr for a stock of *owe Lind, Until it -as so eat- alladrij it) toicluch them. A mi,st rendered etiamol id oti a minor gold plate, And Toper. , osntrl.
to. an,, utus, r"t "'A bled isna 11, 91) on.- preaenLS.uth liuron in the liens, Of i-ilat., at It 3. tit. 2041 6 P. to , When the Chri.stimins. It had a;mmdIjr,tIreQraa id Via' I hatited that it fell Asleep at tile table wLile vAluilb:e and elisrutiul services, wait In& lay of so,, -is tile Queen seated, half length, the wrins flaviag boon actively engaged for tire hist
Still tilt %tagils b .eve BIT.., ter ot..d the real& It, T. bir. Gor ton of Iyorcheikter, will 1 a,!da,J, been deterini led to propose at Once ,
A.Amocuilarly, b,yon I tho fact that he is ell, I offic,ste On the MuGslay following, of to they were tatiog breakladiso. 17pon this Usti the lossa.,to beba,,d -all. Others, h,,w Ter. and hands thrown nut admirably from %be fee years in our municipal affairs, the or
lonzer at The evening &I-pris, lard. lie fell the "P`111"i"" of fure'gft Po'"i fl,vt into rugro, A.tid " D -n you, I will sea if piunderv-d the wuunded Woo camil tul:owers black od-wisr. Ifer Majesty weam %he blue patience I have gained way, ir you an* fit 1.
I O:ul. to an undoilatisinl4l., on, %I,- 11ticull'011 .
that be somid not exis t arnal'ber -ii4bi is' ill, tirely unknown as a public mat). - fho--4 I I I .. m. tile mod. . ration of' tire Call, to ., 1 M't keep y, -u avoilior", A'A thersuloo-n oil a fivid of battle. 'I bus utility I or,iou., ribbon of lohe Gartor ard the George ; tile to Cect too, prove Useful in further improving
bank. The station cou!d not tali* lie far -111 b . of the tit,lis in tie liouti Ilourmayouft at stized a herso whip Slid mabippot t tie c hilti Who had suslotinel grave inju, " a f,und, tin represented Ili a Mary Stuart cap, aurcuount our municipal &aid manteloominat laws. Tit might
A faintness wood creelliar ov,-r hill.. )0. ,a'. W 0 enjOy Did a..qu31ntaoc- ill tire neigh- ' the li.,- Mao Causelon will take place. 36, cuncedin. to foreigners tire ri4bli to fur s -ane time, manfl i 1!y strucii rt-torning, to conscioamu,soo, that th,y had ed by a coronet. and her black
I . I All fri"wl 'er'the ci)ngrtog ttion am re-rect- "I " bit a AV 'Ole "an In we not serve oily orsel-il purpose to go into an
he %eas., At it in adreaus. Seve1 ,.uai hoo bor'vlod of Mileter, say that lie is a quiet, I e a, hold ro-al prolmrty. Ili wal, be Asia 1. Col. earlier with is fiL,t or liftion depri,ed of' Ova viatch,s end loo,seii. loved 4T ,a trimm'uA()feminO. It Is It 9,,0ol immediate personal canvass, but I hoope wheat
1,s , I.uti fully requestaral to attend. olu,si,is occuried. in conjunction with Fuft I blo- -is thi tecople,
stumsiled mid could me trce:y recover brinoroill Ill niam-neither tuore or t he buttafthe whip, word knocked its Lead A grout deal of lu.,jaje, too %as loot, and Learas of the Qu,en, and very hatialsomelY 1heic.l.ttat fairly cotilitietic-,6. to meet you it%
A mount] reached his tore ; it aw a ll,q'. that,! who know him Lent are well aware ____ Ito atil Ilia other co! eaguea, in devising polainAt a stalituar, cair,,opf toot move sevW,e -ep Martino, velvel, ornamented on, ous plac,m over the Riding. to make ex.
11111 AV. - !Ara ter eloill more extenttore ret.rms, w:,ich the -indoor Itimils -1 one the a,c,)nd-,I"s framed lit tit .
bark. With tire ar,niviction that he p coulo — a would croinsumuicate to we as 40,00 sper they linuisx on the bulk of tire bead. . tore Away Lor a thref. F.Ity . th ir eormulu. Above the portrait are [&nations, and set fortle my views at greater
not now be far off. Lit stric, -tit olee,m,ij t that Ile is An liLL110 acquipitatCd -ilia PUL- Tire Council of this Township met put- 9 lie their allowtoll Ilia alife to loot tile ri,ild ,,1ri,."T,,p7"h*.`P,.. 1, vand it.we of then, - Or - 1. riyliall areas, at each side the thistle Amid relolith, and until th t time, I would ask you
relue". I'll. roufd of tile wood Noted, a -K! Ile iiff,,r, a.; to be illcdpa"le Of aoldres were matured. w tied, 4,11 she states that site tried to re,tnre hed too It, cc.. , I lie number of % round- shaturock. and beneath tire ,natription, which it) Terrain front pledging your influence And
to - . oulol'ble A ...... Eir, . sil to adjurifuctitat 1.1 the Town Units Oil I INTO, &C., j mmouns, to mal y fit(, if .ham I y are was given by the Queen herself,', 1'rescuted gupport son &try of my opponents, so that you
ham appeared. No ,,,I, ' , - I oyoN& it, but it died that night, when Ilart 1w)k the : "as I I ,
glass lie and 1. as In nd mr,lat portal; it Into it oil to, ti.e smallest tue,!tin-,, in a doz. n con Tuesday, the 26th of February, 1867. . . boir must. oiji.rel very sestormily. Seven lusirsen,fer.,, 1 by tire Queen to Gers. ]'embody, Zoort., Ili* relay he in a position &a judge for yourselves
n"t 'go a'.. I he to I, at tire sadiattrou sjuk-tice.q. Thit is no disgrace 'fee 'I:oeve in the chair, "it s fall Coune' TIE RRII.,1C __Zi llqUAIILE AT There i -i great exciteme,11 in the reqliti were killed no the spu-t, and one outride I bervolfactor of tire prior of London." an to on, respecti'a wer'ni,
' was ' Pu%.er nearrer .ad to him, for Ilo-re are thouliands of ,.,,oil present. Maruteri of last mueting were read 13,1VTCLENE. hood. A pub ic -id, and Atoll *cut, after lit* rtin,val to The bus I Am. gentlemen,
Tax.1mu. Un in- intooll -.I"" mectin. Ila# been lit mail
6 , a I'll a conidifitee Appointed tit secure Ill" street Intill. The paccid.-Tit m .Ltrlbut,ld to the to, I (,or obedient servant,
Arlarer, .twnphn, and panvug. so door ,,I
the chi. -f hut wild reached, will be sank Ctint Mae ,I who are in the a title category, and and approved. — I The 4- licionscol virtuallers " of Torta,to in-
J,miy attention, yet it does most assure,fly di3qualify him Resolved, thilt Mr. Wi1iamr Reorno'dit re ( .11yielene Cerrepilondent Levant fler,dd of the orlemon. The County, Commiessioners KrCAt rapidity of The pace. and it is mind that, , nil otsrtia- as paler to adirricate their hater. THOMAS 018SON.
Ing Across rho. threahn:d. ceivo a certificate, to) ohmor a tavern 1,ce.iae, .111arch 6.) have Offe.ed a reward of SLOO fur Lim fil,pte tire, two stokers were Loth tit sn.k ; but tile eats in Cau 1.1,eivick, April 6th, 1867. WII1f
WAS Paid to the two Mort. I.daribary notion I, for the discharge of the ilia portent dutl s .,t havinZ complit-d with the requi,ements Or, Thursday, the Glh, the Too ki offiVi&A inquiry has net y,t V-kro place. 'I Ile I ;J___ ___ __ __
covered. l'oor Storey vorms conveyed t" tiry Manzi, lit, 01ii i 31.srch 20.- A Ilarl. who tight of upwards of 100 dead and wounded — — - _____ --- —
.FA t h which will devolve upon a member of the of the by law lit such cams. Also, that Mr. Ur, to _,
h.spiml Not Alban), but a. ig.etst been c:,owe had unwhAo-s.alarly hot ; b ., - j I murder" his adopted -on, a little chi 11 four I bl,vdwo, oil the mail. rairl"lleir. .
To, r. David SIxericer reo,eive a shop license. 'y the Came WILL the sJuth stroll . t pavatiol"A'ri kiAtil ' Is
V this 0 general& It arm of a.Te, near Wormers, 1111hATIA, on 6, to ile cril,orl low a allec.&I correspoildvat
shock In hi. notation, that, torl short in,-, lit Assembly. It cannot be clAirned f,r , moved by William Carrick, s'econ-1.4 by Which hall been blowing fir so.ne time, tie 0 Jbihere is it gill shout worldly .2acco,s A=L I
We oral of I t Hart sell of nor A thlie 7 el 2tth of February !ant, was Arrested to day at of he ll, age w* Otautle as occultation, a& , do lie is very stlot to dazzle tuen a eyt a
sank un&r It; vifects. Calling that, however dcuirouti lie they Wi'lism Turnbull, That the Clork draft , I tliinl: -as th,uzht a( if, least ofall wait ill", , kd,peiltlonee, near 11junt To ,-rnvn Oil;,), by pull t it, . I C
lit, fie has tile njullicipal petitiur, tothe County Judge and Justices ill Say tear of what followed. Thouith volcanic, I Ofli mr Jackie& C,iorLil-T Of Warsaw. I When we rao e a loan ristrag in tile world, thti. I
, , I
wool sailors in t to race of *,I enemy, but 14 be of doin" rig Dffi,.i,,nt ad. I Quarter Solutions, playing tb.!m to estabol,olo Sruved by the train -rootis but sl,,iugs, the . __ — Z _____ _w__ I ving in business, SUCCTI31ul in '111;4. Is. *=
J a Ifiviston Court in the Village of Zurich, Ind"' ,!*Ca APPREHENSION
them not also herantut Ili the character ot experie,jee so ainituti-il to an i [,ad u.t darin - tire 1, . r)Lsga rED HIS PoST.-The Kingston ll'Air I lie . . I "
is Au4tralian obelh,rd - Ii od hich -in ,, rescot geuetatwn .h,., .,, .,, fleco.,,. ,.:,, on, or .or Ilia .
11 TO:acy or tire interexts efthe County of ant thei the Council all,)w the use nfibe '41' General Grant, it is sai-I, anticipated trou- says :-It was reported it, tbo city that nue o' .to cuumpartition with tin
.....-IlL cover tiny* been suipecwd hail out cif i I,af, for the liu,pose of holdol.! it,. I beilu vi itvojl by air earthquake ; it was now, 1 Cir
evoutane.-a answered to des. it out ? Huron. It' we are wrong iff, our caltitsialo Tenn oflic,sIly I however, in have a terrible experience of the bit i a Cie attempt to govern the South he of thii Guards ofthe 1'rusinend VellAtiltialY so tax to make us joilous of Itim, we are tile
. I court, and that the tt,wve an I Clurk r bronomerion. About G p. . an. a sharp shock, ilitarf ru:,, and ham rec )mmoeirled An exti-is had alldlielily left la,.ij, at. currying will. kinn apt to loom a I..I,Ihly iligh opinion of "" DESERTERS,
-, - , - I of la'.3 caltabiliti'-s' he wi:l flare all atnp!O , ".I .... .. I Congioe.. w 6io held in Mtry, June, t'. the States, it is , A , ]oil Alviarl, slid "hoot m,,;u. Isk, ,To Apt tossay stid.o. i,anselvems,
JqJign tire petm.on in Lcisaii .fLhi&Couucal.- Irot;ng a line ii.'tdn ortighteson do,conds,vibrat. I
____;.1IFi_,JiFA1FII_Lo ,,41i.-T. 19. opportunity this week of snectio., his oy , Carri-d. I I irlivinhor anil Nowetaloser. It the' South plans ,if Tile IndtilUtirmoo and I'll ' as Unk, IA I W hat a wonderful main th in inn it tie to rite 4 . .
,011,11, Iloal J AND (A)DERICK UltaTITI-7-F, ad throughout the town, siod'LOtolo the fact doe4w,t ,five tire North trouble its PecP:e .. keys. We kh..:d be hapi J' the fololift A) ra1c,d1,,1.Iforqett'n, that duq, sod miraw
R patient face to Ifice, nud disproving What M"ve'l lay %viiham Tumbell. s,conded tow was sell reahzed sas fu1tasted by a accui.d, re- things with nrither we
Lie 1.1-f
raist. 77 tits. . -.1, road that the Recore take chAri. penood at tire niument to be d ,wit at to . value in ihem-ri,e the tootiest still the
we as,,ert. Soine way 2r,;UU t'13t he will be all . I"nirer and much sour a violect One. I hap- . 10 9V I - 40 V,
A RIVIII. WiaismCarrick,Tbat tire Treuurer*ala,ud have B,4d!y do.enerated front a clivAtia, race of flat good iodine the Mlizeos of if c I'lisull ,ma i, lit .., W f
Owsocritation off 1 till mews spirited com, and their reputation for hold at the prent time. to lit, a -le Ili Coll.
Aceonvochatints ................... I 1:30 a.rn soon .,iia experience, if elected, but it ofthe sime.-Carried. 1 hocinic I,rA,,,v mi,quired urin_,!_ Ili" late war trzoliet 6-- rep,ri, ;&;ill 1,xii,ve public .&%,- easiest. In like manner, it am $.at the truly 18 HEREBY GIVEN,
A tile A 3 triA 1,1,,yd*o' agency. a ill n,-&,Iy war _111
Expre,oa usail. .................. . 3:00 P-lu ill bectinne 4dewo-,I. The North wi:l have pi i n it it be ground.cii. C, a I &rot tf-tit .,in _mindly xr,o,ski ,.-, WIT HAT the Iullag nowarda will be I-d for
rarely happena that a utm who cuts a poor Mov,d by William Carnei. sec,,nd.id by half a mintatti before, ilia ah,lock was feit oil ' I 0 T It'. .roprvis...".or .f
Mixed ......... .................. 10;50 to William Turnbull, That 31r. Vautione, lots- ,flare saw the min Leave and foam out in tire quite oneugl. o!, iti li iadai if it shall altorow:4 I The L'u.ted Stites rao,-orrs at,- by no means ns -
DEPART. fiolure bifore hil coal tituents, can present 'forImsurer, be in-tructedto haul o%or all portissifasu!,marare 4.xplusiva had tit'itui to carry (in the liberation of Can" wall Ilre. in mpt ure* v ve r t w prop, ads I , on to acqua. 0 - A ?.ut h `Jnlouynllu --slipt rJoy &I Icittinv*wq*mulitchk,&nddexi'tuetriocues NAVAL DESERTERS,
r):00 0.1u. a oveditablo mpp._ mranco whe M."'Ies books, papers, and other docurn nits It", ard the ll,emati on or Nrinals Am -ricass It ,,,..,,I A in,!, im I Lee say its at they bit' or - c awang ; he may be ever on the urnich file
o n he takes his , place. 1. It e time, Is )*ever, w:Ls left fur ,or f 1. all$ parl '4C...j.. ...I (..f'n(n.1k,. 6.&
Mixed .............................. connected with ilia Treasurer's offico, I,) I Confederation, and the aahj"tin, arif the
g1prens mail ..................... I():t)() ti. place within tire hall I I pni-o. lit Ili ucA.;eii time this, I take to write , territory eu0000;h-,rnwe*tna i Lary call ,,,a- i opportunai,s to I a,h his fortunes ; a man a too, a,; I,,. -a- noon o jivrouns rtow,tr.oag d.s,,t.
3 (of legi,lation. The I William Wilson. the present'l rea,urer.-Car. it this d,ub.0 tliri:l quiverottl through tile town t foi nathern Stairs to unhtiory territorlos ly 111111.d'le. srA that this acli,n of Ill. thho kind can hardly tali of getting on in the I Is. I
AcompLaoilaLion ................... 1:30 p.m. I;, ratleman sEuded to is so careful L) be ried I and. rtoeho;i, ;ire dru-ik,,i I (*law I Citizens. 1`oo I ,.oy to attach panic : w,,rld ; yet, with ail tl,,o, he rflay, not have a
,,7,.,,n.AaWriho' 'cc" - --- - ------ .,led is intended or. I.- Flay, %pfri,herstal-n ,it low, It domonorio. Iduoug
'I d' (7"uncil onlereod ilia or f -Tali Cl real lerwe -,h Of Lim. To may Ile ill, ., ash 1. 41 to, on .4-Imen, a,, or.rionoroi.
- ___ - , ___ _ - perfosetly tion-cossituittal in Ilia addressi ; sum ofil:; 1 00 to of soft I $ton. h.)Us,a coil , leh,'y bad S ccs it) ilia LoMe. .
I he refund,-4to Mr. Vauthier Am excess of REVOLLNION Ill IJAYCI. .11 we flame oihsc;.bed, .nil boost- 111. old no .,-;.I ,N--, a further ,Word p..,f
N to i been clard Iii,itairs. The udiet-o of the a.Icitcy — a Y ')lit. Ile ,.I .rw,Cnkl ar"'.."'Atirivits.
. the-. we call :ascertain nothing beyon,l the taxes. lit.w; also o'd ired that Th. serv,evs .1 , &:,,] te-axly .%It tile str1j"Itling, toeildings, iuclu'l. I vircintrair's of mi,d. I- gm.vles .7.
1705 full. t y --Advicros from Port an 11I.-Pirromby Coe porrounid,o, ;,w..todr .,
I- 1 0 I r t h 11 01,9i ipa I foot that a nutuber of gentLinen of both he Cc it Engiu"r be procured to survey roston, A,)ril ,G. I1l1,TOG3AllIV Arrl.ILD To WAR. -A car , way be utterly devoid ofall true wisdi-m ; he
k ; i,ij, the ca,ownr he sue; the light boom 01i evil 1. rance, Ma4h 14, conlirin the overthrow of ,v.pundent. Asian,( from Woelleforto France, I MAT be with( or rosily and a thou't charity, maP"o'r,,rly national InUal,or.. ki.'O. slosir-Loit W
_.- ____ - __ parties (in his own vicinity) besides the I the side ilia* frout Z,jrich to the Inuas * ' I .
— — I and tile largoo, wl will, v us I an, the the late government in ilarts. Two natempui I ail, Into— of that when the Emperor I without Io-, tli.it is. either for (;ad or man. I"' on , Tito,,.
.... .' ;u..I',,L lary. ,
I Laos, and that tire said portion of side road own entri-estr"tArimilairly c I C -_ . Isayt tie 2-1 totally I- m Wag, .-Ah.;,b.,t.,.,-
(X)1)Ey11'H, C. W., April 9. 1867. Clintun Convention, have invit-A him to be graded this summer. 1he Cstimcil itnt . ofthe oreir,iluti,in.Avy Irony were male -the J entries down I;vr,! darin. the cowinz slimmer ! I -----.---- -
io#g the inlishatanour Ill hundreds in the ruins. first. on . .,, r O,,.p!,,y.,,, ,I—rie. ro, 130. rclar-laidill 1. it'.
Wi____ ____ , , - , ___ I n4litiopers, st ' the 22nd .f FOhra;,ry at the calla 1, I some very int,,thal c,z,pent-usm Are to L.: i Useful Receipts. ... t .,n,,r.
. milit,cifIE9d cll, Jlw allow hiniscirtobeconseacAndidate. Ivel-1111;Dt"I P1-111-ute", P113 11 jl'u. ,in, u d ,,,,,,,-, ,as. cmah d..I, ,one foyer .wLich aw or tuporrsocol. I tie leado-r of Lim- irl.ida ii a ire. syV ,r isio. plet'litiors of , —
IL lonce viewers for ilia current year. "n 4.- In 011(1311,1" to arh.ra j..roral yoaharu,
. — shall, however, shortly flare air opportuni. nor*s kiosk, the prrion,flie ruowl i,-@. and I Ile- ilosu,g,nts And hid suit Were killed. Ithe harls"rt, slid in whic's the oo,liuwy ca:n, rit ! To Far ToutTOLS.-SECor them, Prison pr-o $.,.,a nal.rimal-a litinfi.g 1. Th.
Moved by AVIlition Carrick, aeocond- ,l by here all tile consular maii.oces, more or Ition occur . , , ,na-t, ,-I any per.-. por,mo,a. pi,swaralrox,
The claims of Mr. Ritchie, file City- ty of hearing what he hall to any for James sraiiiie, rhat a.e (,unit ofitevi,,iun be ad Attempt a few data after was micteall- I ot-scurs call-loyel by plaotuZraphi-not is t,, ! viiih rit-ppetrand net(. drill try or hot butter - '"y
yie!d.4 to than. violenroos of the all wk. end are Jul. Promeallcrit (sefirstrilif finding that bil ic p':jPs,4,n,iuliZt:nt pairt. As I LradelstAild it, I f thry li; c gr n, ol p them vo 11 ,or after oioi,mag, ,., rn,,not,rosr el --n to w,:I ,-Io. a
gervative candidate for the Commons himidr, slid in the meantime We ask ill@ hold ,,, the Town list[ on Tuesday, the '.all f 'r tile ,,I eat pa? I moral hemps of ruirid. "'a feallinj was tuo strj:i, sairainst him, X i " ill to mployed here. is this I -0p t bring sesawntod. To ('or* lth4matism.- f,rtl,at iit war,f .1 A:;U.
day of May next,, asid that the Real awl very ra):o1ity %ill, ullich tilt- town was tons t his itrailsiation, and tilt tile l3th of' ,3 posito the mouth of lohe Charente,
ofCanads, on tilt ratepayers of South election to considur the Auperior claims of Council compose the Court., Carried. . %lit river Ilaille t4ie p,ort4 affi-etord freely %ilia -, Conn. A. F. R. Dell(AISEV.
has ag4ravatiod the ditastrovia ,flects ,if The e. harlivol with In: family on board a t upon ostrich tire port of Xwtiefort is Madill is 1 illitri plain lJoestrisver." (to be had at any o,arn C416".
Huron, are so few that he will have t.o such a eLauucli old Servant of tile public Mortd by WiEtains, Carrick, secoviled lay ea!atnity 4 hund-ed I'lld, both as rV,;3rdS the I 'till droltor e temospnon
. -war for of notice. A tit* P,esidrlut i a little iA;ai,d caLed floe ls:e it Aix. Violin severe cases take or (in .,at. Laweristre still L.Lool. .f Canada.
and al-ortruct on of I roPeltv. The W,,e!d shortly be lelectod. this the camera is to be placed, slid brouglit I Jul. in Unloose., morniny, noun, and n.;bI , If. M. I.R, ,,A uir," .I Quelove.
jifficulty in stating them concisely at as Robert Gibbons. James Sovilie, That ilia Covulml adjonurn I,,58 at life rwua t
every meeting he may be called fr) attend. ______ until called to,r,ther by the Braere.-W. most co,ol lew ruin has fillen upon t6 lower I - — to bear upon the spot upon the enter where a, it is &ilia frond 1 ,r coazhot, to.'di,, tore threat,
IN THE FIELDI tied. part ,,file tow;o, Where t:4 earth literally Ropyril Ailment oll,fivent tip Ike Con. 'I M each 23. 16 67. Wit.
According to his publitalied addr sq, lie — WiLL1.01 111-11,qOlf, .,perwd suJ oviriallosol a bro-A In -It of bda:d- Icalleraillhists Hill. to' Fedoisplisced. A teiwl in Puilin4over burna,sprain., oke. :lloicrooriperbottle. . _. ____. —
Torenabip Cork. I
has been a resid,nt of the County for a Mex-ro. Cam,cron ani Gibbons are, this 's, ri -tat up from the a a to t6c s*o,d& i,.Iand. — t ;is mpot to ruld be instrovivoul!y exhibited in 8: . 'I'be arilicracy, of Bryan's I'ultnoni- TOWNSHIP NOTICE-
. , a call said at tliii moment, by rmaw, Wabors in curinz 'ilogglim, j!obllso land It
- - - At 11 14 poila a I'lorm Irl"llt subsidence of %be I he Pravrmcial'.5orcretary h4s te:eg; a:obed or a galvanic at it e, tLe torpe,ho is to be was, Bronchial mall ,nil. on -I cheering tit Ill; ( orit r oF 11P.,vislarlN foot, atat To".
period ofthirty-two YeBrA. The know- week, making a touroftheSouth Ri-ling. OTTAWA, Ararl. G. ground hall trillion placo-. a'! I tile sea bail ac- to the lion .%Jr. 1, air. that the Vill gustran- idej. ofcou-so in pracLic,! there would : T .
ledge of thin t*act is asserui only in so far They feel no doubt they are prepared to Pi ter I?Am,-'Y is 1cm-)Ted fr om that ('am- I corningly loncroachl-d t.,r it to what on rher,a. i Afflicted, loss inswed* .,Ito a proverb. In ill .!;,p or To irril,, wall be horse at IN-
. kitinst the lawi f,)r the Introtar,honial Rail- &,!vcrall f.,ri,tol .a, -Ali is cinicita, brought Vaited Siat,lo. where theme marve.11 juir `lN stern h,,,,- , .%fr. % 1-. Ill', Illnontro, L. -i 1 1, r~
as it proves that lie am a local saian, for meet the electors and state their views in `0 i ... I of thti 1'.Ace I— the late Unittool day atturnoon Was one of the buo,wat Paris lot alloy has pas," through V,ovarwittee by a to bear Llik)n each one ill Clear. are-kil'i,awn, they lbar;or do,sn nil "r,o"1t;o.n 7,,,n Tile lf,th day or May oniont, at ill, how as
Countilon of Huron and Bruce. Myte!eze. , lit fact to sent up tli--disasoler, lisr,!v mbi-aity,and Got tire (Joern has , i _. __ - ____ I and v0;p.e all ;ivalry ; th,- demand f..i th--m ,ran Wrh. it, a.n...$ fit, puritift of be.1roir
there are ut,dutilizo, ily miny p,rsonto, hi4 the tn,),t op, it mann.-r. We $11311 furnish Irarliant,tat is furthi,r proro;ve,I f.,om to tn:jro- Man half of nor IscalatOul on -4 --the 1i 11-A Ihe Itrituill No'rth Amr-ricun Act. I pollou EiLtIcon i4eill to fallberia. t ill - ploe.:o, .A."no A_- I. ivv '.,.
1 — 1, also far If,@ imat twew.y a I JAM.8 JOHN%il
contemporaries in the curly settlement or repo.ts of tire procce,lin.i tit their meet. day 'Until tire 141h %lay next. rmtivivt snS wom'. &ely, porbs;S, '01 all tile I'll* I rovincrs are therefo m Confederated , . 1 TV': M"U'U"'Ino"w"ttloo salci average over one T.Aurillaw r:,1,,;k.
thitodi4foriet, who would be cofu%ide,ablofo ing-, 13 , udi ,XASee,s Will aseemble at Monitrilsoll flevant-is a desert of run a. 1 fie worst pun all remains but to Put I Acc,onlin; tu a manit'itsta i_ sueol for and I hundr,od thocoutad Is -tes a wear. Eminent Tr,lierry, April Ulf, 147. wit X
(lielaco, hin.%ion, Toronto, &,all 11,ndon, on of ill! c %hi-nill, I%, of Course, tile Ioss n( lirk 'an ion. After ,h, ,-,'-,r.ii,.-,ri.-.- .1fi.,,.,r. , probably by Otiortiov,crattic "p" trtuli I
surprised to learn that they ha -I a claim, 11 Monday, tire 22,0 i,,st., for tho exAtairusti,11 At vOt us can on;y grue4s ottlonext"t raftrllk It"irmerrit we" ineinbers (if thoo ns dicul pr,;Ieaiion W.1'11)Lt --- - --- -------- - -
FOU I'll But'C_ ,)- (;Ors ravfi flat- present Ailminstrati.)n I of I1.,Iw,d, %Le number of I'"les o"" In ; number &.1 -nit that they kc,,w of no prei,ara- N A Y. '
on nociount of long residence, to tire our- (if such officers at Ou v,o'u,t-rr force, all May bul"t is tki that from 00 w 1,030 liars wi;l croon 10 ,x;st, ,111 & new (I ure-unwo t Siberia, sir;cc January, 146.3, nqi,)u,itA to, ! - I I:, inich b^rreficiii rf-su If —
, Inn, Prot ,$ell Its as theme
— do iire to base their pr fivilincy, in drill an I . Litd, wlii;e am wany, wore base been Will be lormled. Thil; tev,00r done, a policy 14,tis2, artiong *home IC I are wo,j,en, art it Wuferm. %%*be,. takes, in scassin they ,tffl-art a T .hop .1 llity wit. Toe I'lil I. it.. 'I ,own H.A.
- 7 per$ F C0I'KT (IF HFVI",,.N for the T.wlm-
frages of their foillow-clectors. U hilo we At the Reform c-mvention held 3at I ilia( ipli,,te t-sted &,lot certified by such Boards m.K11 I a"I w w de I in ca,l,'y way. L, p 'tit I .,,I be f ,rnraed, th2 cl,cti( ... # %i.1 take plisce. 114 inilmns. All were Im-looll-O-Wil rote I)')' perma,mut care.. StOdbyliterydru'419tILTI(I
reuuldnotwhimpertlic first wordr , on To--d-v, the 71h ,1-% ill NI -Y no It - I 1 1114
,ainst nivers-lale of th,oi ' 4th hist., Polar rd I The soertificm,-s which the Bomi-dia wiil be t,.,i.y 1.:o b, - ;., . hw, I hear, b(ion dog out :ad ttLo, .NI iuistry, il bt,fotv, tile tie v!, 6tical delin1w,naiieo, and accol-Lag ,to I he , in , oat of ilia respoctable nations thruvighout , , Ila at 10 uYll, Is, a
: twits ; I tit I,— in o"y May be fee ell milrt*eutativea in tire Corri 4 ro-nee introlostrol, mors, mortitenared L fo %'nfl,LtAlosl W I UW) -4.
Alr. Ritchic'e.claistraoter as ail hone,,t mat,, Mallet Eaq., of rurontra, still William ! "thor;" A to ,miarro wi'l be of two al :- ot it,,. oo; fee " other " "' 11 , , I-o-oorri,v, at 25cts per box. .
I at, For such officers as pill'[ harn pved buried son ter %lif-is rd hich tore! too dau.iaoroLra Canarl will atahrl or fill in miccdatoce with c,d labor in the wicl-It, ac Aonizatioro in tho, , T,,w,.si,.p CleA.
We think lie brings the statement reg4rd- Rant Ill, F,q., It,rove of Kincardine village, i theinability to hat4o, a batualion at Wttalion to be pproal can only be a irmis-A. Saclo the fA,,)r Jh ir acti in JoAts. This ui.1 colum, v.:logim, for were residence air vi::oio.;cq or - - T,,wasto-p 11artV. (AT-, 16y,
ing the 6- highly responsible offices " he were unanimously nominated to repr.-Scut I drill. 2A. Far *,tell ONcers as shall have, of theahoum tie am still stalolial. Live 'ill i "' r I
this disruption of the add party lines, unit io,ans In oddition to ilitt.e, 33.7 -0 persr-lis I I 111-1, INIAlIKETS. 3nl llaporil,-1167. on Ilid
base filled, and his to wouetdry " indepct;- thi .'L.0 It iii-iing or Brune in tile It I proved thria, alnioy to drill a company lot beat ub,nd,r ed, and tire rabo:e surviisitir puldt,o Lot lay the f"ul,dAti,,n t,,r I,,!. I ... liti. were hanilit, 4 to tire otel-paii of tire Coal, as I ---. - — - ___ __ - -
— I
nnpanysiri:1,and tocurninarril a compaiii, ympul ,11 on is or"r scattered over ill" lullsid.s I .1 st"'i", tu ,pto,!i,ros present thrmse!vvs. sevol,re a puh;?hm,tot At to ao wal - o Sitlerim, - ' C - 01,92.117111, Arril, 9, 1867. TS fp"171,11L.; 11.1.
I t U.r -C, I eat battalion drill. So charge for trarellin,; %,oil an ... n , th, ,raidlenot outside tile t wi,-ft _. I f of nenroor home. Fuithloriurare, 12;t."#6 ring without ............ 1:50 (oil IAO __
dence, into too cl,,sa a juits-popiti ,n to (it Cotuninis and tile Loe.il ,gitl. 0 1 , ,
escape the at tention of a majority of the allowing [lie gentlenten themnelves to tie- experescs %all be admitted. f:w of them unIersuch covers Ad they Lave Ira to Yealian , Ila New Vork. Ito so an F, Timing tln-m 21 o, women and 143 I P. T1119 is in certify that I the Co-partrolsollifin
*Iectorm of tire riding. AnalyzeJ, tile side fur which Ilotau each will run. A very rich specimen ofguld in yliartz hat b an too a So mi 9, and tt.o reit . " I 11 do ............ V : *.'a w, 1:92
. — I,tiatvff, over. i.re;l,,v aside an louvre their heretofore existing between finite Dolo
,withoutolielterufamorkind. Any . i (lots ............. 0: "' 0 .,in A; Seem. Was %bia day dissolved by musical
rFecatly ))cell brought train the Madavinalia bivouackin, * .-A. a i. I . ......... 41146 (i
third F4r&i,r,iph of' hill address may be rivc,. e would lie we T e \cwTork Tribune or WiAn"dity bum I accept a 'cumpu:A ,ry shade in Flatly ............ 7:00 (,* M;50 corsocia. All debts due sold firm nut be
attempt to desclobt. the see" the int-.ri,ir at Europerion l'u-sia ; 2,416 I 1;&rll.y ...... ..... _.. 0:30 ( i 0:57
(711AXIIERS'S JOUR -1m.. -This Illarch 'file ranada, Gazette contains a great num 1,,id. Ilemortsoeuding g-ief, pao.ic still con pays : - The I vision s r ate ill still in ",ion, ,
read, leptimately, As follows : -1 hare I macre I faced in the rni, A f ,he -y, 31. ro ..................... 0: 55 ; 0:65 paid in laterite & Sto dol.ard J. Dolition, who
officts ,, of a I on u ... her of this Fiterlin-, periodical h 1, her ar f military appointments. . (tionon meet the evor - oil every si4c. Already and Jwi'l Ivbably remain Sri for a few tlaya ( t 14 greatvr part S . ill conticup the wrinufacture of tlroams of
Add " higisly nVow,risible u r00 in housei of c,)rr1cti'mr:" . lareft .................. 4:(4 1
I . ( (L r,: 00
. Ilisc,-stat lot% Am-ric,n invoices, 25 plot the warat of wivisi-ma is slairawating ill,- nil this bushitis of the campaign which of Ili ,were Subsequently removed to -e (wt ..... ...... fi.?o , & .'to a!I deacnitiolls.
toliso,itive Fitilure.-Having " none (1t1wn,1- I been liawled in by 31r. Mucarboune. Its calls. it m -re -fir. slid 'ou!y a mpsedy su,,p:y from I . "y p,,,p late t.) inaugurate @hrall bar e bern Sibul,sh) rod G,10 in the C;.wrclq To near, , :.,O 1, 000 I S A A C DO D90 N.
I .'rlt.m, having it C4 bcl', e vial. 15i'mor ................. 0:14 (-,4 0: 15
aa,ir,d vp I ollitews are varied and unusually inter- smircia Or tile CAI intl can aveA gre it addi travisicird. A eervtary a: War liars twen a a 14 Of Willis (green) .......... .. (" .
ital (in mcfior succor," I h,tre . divets penitenti S. T. 1)(111191N,
flinsal ion of lit*. Una of tits Austrian I :Ppointed. it is said, in secret session. and - I 7 I ROLERT LK)USON.
en,mugh ns,,* j to retailer me independ,nt O*ting. It nairithins its popularity rc- News by 111antle Cable. , hou4h h'sivilarso,o is *;Ihf:t-!d lit present, On the battle fields Of the rebellion, war 144 Vctatoep ....... ........ 0:60 (, 0.- Godef,ch. )[&Tell let, I 67.
Lloyd's stoameri. and a French gutilat I I ere I also cnmpulAtiutas 0 0 do 3-,ii(v0 Were buried 9 oil Itt
fi,r life -and In ... ar ank you to creation Ill, , g3rdk*p (if its many younger coullactitors, . is runro,": I that he S'Am I ;.,h I:iarnk fit the I lf,,nid .................. 2:00 Ozo 3:00 .
— A.nvrtoa, have IaLded it (luarwy of Lis--iiii It I Ai 1,4ill mate we,ra blinz or pin -t toy the [I Ry, now 1A ton ........ 10:00 (,4 12:00 ------- — ------- -
by sending me to Parliament Jr That For sale at tire Signal Office Book Store. , London. April 6. 2 It. in,- rh.-,-o ii ral land sonic ,ither soreit, but in all not poet harn a ... y of the Vnitel S,sl.x. Iliepailationa -martial, and 7,0GO fircaltif to seek F firm ..... IrOUNDO
general di,trust in political and financial more than Ili day's Foo,4 for the place. it is ,ire heinir intalle ill sa1 tile d.tfaorat cii .6 courts ; .......... .. 0: I 0 OA 0:00
I I 1,01tom will at the Uni,.n to ansor,or tits coil or th* asionnotl refu,e'l, froarriin mmi,p, the wind .I tie Chicimalls .............. 0:20 (,A 0: 25
Mr. Ititchi. was a good rervant of tile i rMITIR Unit REVILW.-We have reepioreall untitteis all over Europ,i. earnest;y to be hoped I Is It ilia e I anarn or .rotiley. A%11 lidalNglll a ,
prabilits, in the capacity of CI -rk (if the of has, harq-io Nicollnool, wli,: It recently lert 0111"' 9, nil flown Ientq, bi4voil4. &nil whatever , slid Vmqdtont of the F.-taran 1!rot`Te..ho.d AS welai.e' olv 4.t o swelled to.141j'462. With-, T.wheys ..... _ , _ _ _ 0:30 ,,, CA, A 11 RD
is I the January Number of this able Quarterly ,j I $"onn.(Ee mii:nry .-anismiti,n rccuivegi ant vouti;ii-sir for the a,curAry (of thes, Pork .................. 4:00 (ill 4:60 G,Ae-. i, It, April It, 1847, v I lc:,
Counties' Council and or the 71h I)ivi.,i,,n from the L. Scott publiAhing Co., N. Y. . "Wes"Ite for New lJoIrlon, I so bleen lost :,I otherstore can ' a 1welrelot got tollicher.- 1 Ordo-,a fr..tn lr-afi artr,rs. In the tarearitime fi,turep, I may sAy that catroop6tir llar,pis slain - -
, sea. Norlase or father particulars tits nut wit the t.,wn (.1' %Iy(c!,-- aloits has on! battle, certain'y ovvres:nnut, 1, ti.ere is ______ -.-- __ ___ - __
Court, few will deny, but am, on Ilk own They am leri#A and iiterritin.&, as will be Ili ve a. fored from till@ ge"at calamity ; It haas scat great s.atub,,ra of horeech-t,tarl are lao In
I ;n,onlfaTrtnr,,I for the Fenian Army " We nothing to exclus surprise lit the numbers THE TREASURER, JAME' S JOHNSTONI,
- - J'aris, April 6 -Notwitlixta-Ming it b.na tered tilt% on,11 death throw,hout the wholn "" oples thc4e, I,olw.all, ties firnished
alindid oJiniassion, he line grown rich in s.en frt m the following table or contents : monnouncoold th,it thi neg(itiationq 1twiling I() nwilsolin part of the islAnd. ll.r,l:y swillage re from (he main. pallor Tyra at 4 -tinmo eltatt"d. Be
the mo, rNiceo he cannot reasonably claim I oreign I'tilicy of Sir John Loveencos, it Hrook'ya on TueAday ni4lit 'Trearlent" -1wo Per c"I't Of her male "in'slivil as
I ' , the acquisition of Luxemburg by France had ban Paranoid, ard not merely property but lit,o In Acoouat with the Kdniaipality ofthe Town'p of Turnberry.
that &try furbloor reward a? honor in due Adam Parguara", the rivets f1withiels of lasten suspended, it ad known that the Emp-r. hit b, -en 41royed it. nearly Ila. wh,,le Sloliv,w M)hoers inwin a sivech in which he dliti,nor r"Clulm.
him, Sir. Ititchie will always receive tile Part imarro,ont, Itsourlinit,ni's Ancient Monarchies, or hesitates to release IIu!Iaud from tar on. has Lo,000n all loot entirialy derno, i,:,. -d, and Coll for precipivating a fight in Ito — == _ - ---------- _____
, .- - -------.- __=..
",tintiog, Toltrani Compondid mrni,1111,11 11'01: the people toraire ready %,ad At liolador.,niarif,buil,lings -ire gc,inog up. lar6fi. DR. 18*76. C111. .
Who Lave N A, 0 at, I - gacement. otv,ral hundreds ofits G,000 or 7.ioin) oiihn;, Oil a m,A, r om oc. a ation tl.ere cunn,,t be
respect meted out to men Iran in I:entiid, E-wity Enirlt4h Testa, Male. Florviore, April 1111aron Ratrazzi, tire ito,is loa,,e it ,a &&ill, ped,lo, 4 ,,I tire ruillol. 'hinted at an early ennqnr-t (of (olarro,da."
lolenty of money in &I air pockets, but the oric Showers, l'umition slid Prospects of president of tire Council of Minioc." .ill It I. i . fact, till exaggeration to) my that Int!l An attraction of the triticusix -as tire prooieoc F1.11hriv, 3 400 oolrsu,j, rm in the 1,,cafily aI To hit!. on hand I earn lait year. . . . $5.4. i R By ami paid par Posall Improve1. . 1111514.3
. 'en. Spear and st.017, ,ta'i,,n ,if 3ilwoevillage slid Eldurad.,. Fire pingrai Anit received from Colleclor ... 4199.62 11 " is " Salorles ...... 291.73
wotki"K men or South Huron will Ask, Parties. imm-liately form a new cabinet for the the Ili ,A hasheen laill warno, withasterifire of(i -,Ili a I)& left ittoliville yestior-lay morning all fell inside " 11 Fave.rts License ... 0195.00 .. 11 I Itithardavot for road .... I 35.00
I Italian Gove,rnment. of human life tit it in ty toe reckoned by thonis `O:diers ofthe army of Ireland, uniformed I 11 .1 -Park Taxes ....... 71.14 11 1, for chari,t $6.00
What has he ,lone with W money lo n as ,6 iodc No ,such theater has ever be"alles, and equipped in accordance with tire role at and oat, act,] arrived here yocateid oy noon. ,. so 'a " Shef- p ki red, 1by1A*TJle. 1, 6.00
There's many a it'llp,t) &e. ____ - one .1 ilia. mtostiros had a loss ... I luflownig air a Clorirt, R-wrvo Fa'd IfUl.03 "
I)CAT11-TON If,,,, 'I).,,,— the coritalozation in this country." ,, ,, 11
he sought to develop the ressoureelf of the — us na, grain from Port I or iNu.-A talle- 11)tchlno. WA,7 'no arial tire entry itito th,! vilings loro Nmt.11oel. loan I 'real 2011.1 t Stalio-noiry. pintinit, ke. .12.01 23.01
country ? flas he, as Providence lit% ()a I(11 1-1 IAst we find a fresh ill I ) erstat-s ilia&, on Smut. -------- --- - .1 11 Ile. Shriorly for rent 1 00 :: AiTt paA C, -o. 'I roamarer ...... 265962
7 an rntug, a mail granted Jaryw& I'Allin'r.'r, The Cbolera IN Ireland. alsoldrors iZ'cannalms. chiced it par. If.utioll sensation, the crowd turn. Calais from R. ii. N,). 2 55-00 VA13 11 Rehool stractions ...... 1485.04
(In .
fivoied him, dispensed " monetary " tion of the ,)tit ads,-, 11 there's many a slip" wan found derd I,, I I. treet, near Mr. Smithl. — tot ilia courst, of (lortai V.-ei'll jilterelt. i ig, oat g,,norally in grreso them. Tile leve.
New Y,,rk quarantine iog sliesich oil In* army eftlimatirs, he fluid : , Preto (It fi,ding go, it in payinz ritiant16-n rve -- " so " Auditorm . ........... A 0
f.vore upon the poor and nm,l ,-making twixt the loup w.d the !if). A joring man of hotel. Dr. Walloorow.1mmonotall a jury. alld The ationti,or of tlie , I "
j Goodetich lownrohip having worrard and t1lom#1 the jury entered a post morleas exanon.tior. artbo,;iie, Iran reepot!y been exiled by the "There iii A rreat des] of dartere ne rathfr improrinat Than ollif-lowital . It is to Iss 1 15435.63 11 11molance on hand .......... 324.31
glad many a horrowful heart li 11.8 he *led kiroug,litirl-a verdict that dircemsed d,eo! press Of Tftth i ty, to the fact that ef ... horial is bet.Coell r1perionelltil carried nor by Island IsOr. .1 That tire gi-rat'st Tin Ito ortstin'"s MINT I.- — -
won is fair darniall toi.lid a onm of 'non'y from explionre, and tit* too frequent use a reporied a two mail,- its appearance a!raouarly I&bour ll:ldc.r the in,)% realized, ai -ilia ,rich at backbone to the To [Isalan" on hand Lrought down ..32lot.31 0,436.0
soultrit, by furthering tire enterprises of wish which to met tip house -keel, i ng on the alcoholic liquors. -6144. at the village a! Whitegste, oil Que.enItOrion ataliCe .t fAv,,UrxbI9 ar:rctim. c,,on, ry, ('anada must become loan of flia, ------- . _;,,__
, aml those petformed by machwn,,y d
thas day, from time to time, to give al j vint itock piritioriple. Ile and hiq iniended ____ __ harbor,Tralland. A larliv number of 4-mittilporda upon a forgp scallow. My intention therofor, " ira6le plAces for allarmigration on tie We do hereby certify that we have examine I tboto above account, with the vouchers, ando
ployment to Lit* b3rd-working wan, or I eansoe to, town &nil being, sup:Aiell with it L'UROPEAN ITEM.A. hAve that port weekly for the I;nited Stable ; .iot that 1111 Roon AN % sufficient . I L'imoricurt Voutinent-Wr this drass (it coun. have found the same correct.
u ill of try slittends over is wide rittont of territory,
a) on .ia
us add to the material prosperity of those portion of his funds Amid intended hod Out — and they rally at any time introduce the convort-I rifles could a , hm,t THOMAS FARIIOW, I Aladill,rs.
New York, April 6. _rilb, nalichinK from Georgina tiny to the re,ionn i THOXASI
"' York, whOince at osv th m to the only read %Wly. to furnish at Ottawa.
If tho answer in, Nol onomlin,rfaingtoor. As fatewriall have it Ifersold's I'arim I orholotormi into New JTZ, olar
around him ? I special,,corroospondent soya : - 11 Tito Is -olth Premed over the %11(ole c,intintolit. It is to Orm t, ilk , troops. (IleAr.) But wit(ortuti.
Money has been added to money, by bo, - "Ise fell to with an all[ flame, slid, instio of 4 ,- -.—. -- - Turnh,r T, Nfqrcl, 27ih, li-r.7. .11 It
. of the riner Imr.ral of France ban onAtAlkl, fmet$ toot thott emigrants from that p art Atr!y C -more ormw. from the 0,varnor of Con lrnp"), mosnu in , mowgrai'l M r. I
Ing lent out at l,i,,h town of i ri,erest the smarrptiz No. I stailroo-Aing to programme, oil a severe attack by lira recent ii1noorme And his .1;,ing the suniturr come to thii count,v, a,la a dismarill for of, instnut supply of Claidet line coo -ive4 a" Rproarstope 7"r -vary
I she at on ce damappearett with No. 2, whose general deli(sey of constitution givios am, Is I hxtw&Y Of Qnehcr , lortice, as P ... or a, ni;i brelorchl,iders, limia,( that touch oat, it., ing the local plane during rho net of tnitirip ABSTRACT OF TREASURER'S REPORT
verdict of The People will be, You hold a arguments pr,), -d irie,nwible. No. I I poor of air early death, It is thought he Will m,,J 9 inn opens on tho st. Linorenore, it will Ili 1-1 eff"t uron men when coming in con- phot.graplic f'ortrait, woo an to Roften tire , For the Township of Grey for the ynar 1866.
Aino talet with of,o,r .rmed with breech leaders 4 *rot luirs, Rrd "*ten the strals of blurred
- if ineeed be is not copMed off by dimsome be Quarantine slothorities should be on the look the
p3rhmost right do &or you TIM, but we hare fellow, wast alrainat heartbroken at has dissol rarwi,e him fistheir far Any lengthened petio,,I, I of the almost impontartere thatt the (;&no U I
Jim as sonorl a rischt to throw our sovs poii,toont. t, he calle UPC" no "O' only 10 $utility stittace in it porture. Somarthing lest, hern I ==ir ___=M -________J
10 ir he has tore him ; R111 arter ill* ef,mime of the father I out for tho Rrip,ararree of 0e -litti,lits ,,, The Iritilth army in Canada, but aloo tire lone before, We. Sri t , !do toy other inoo;enirius DR. . C It.
&aid influence for a man sit I and tora, the mucceminor, to the Bonaparte tow,"ta coming from Ireland fr) Quebec unit volatilities. At thp time thin van a pirfoict I
. TnL BRITlint AmmvSn Charles rroveiv I or, ue, shrould it Tormnin, will rest in J,. ince' Mortroo ; and thivt ournple. preoparrit",r's So, Is to,,ral,hers I,) remove these evils ; put Tit to-Idelo in hand at fail Ind,l .... $3631.30 lly "A flood i., (,,,. I ,stories ... 1622-7b
=ilia money has spent it in (natering I An, in a pliffirohlitt ,in rho Ilr,t,-b Army, says MAM Till 4"ralbihly, ror ,,e did no'. pr.fv%o to dolive, Iro Clauol, t .ould oppressor to have treattal 11 Cwoh reeld Irorn A, ,11 * It,," ,,,,,,,,,,, Flood. . a 1 It, al", .. ........ IM .0
Napoleon.,, rho, rornistannollent go" ,in of, MIA R11,0111 :ItriY 4RT to Mort Ili$ 4 th commorstruld rdles bay.,re the wo of the' der,ru ocle"tificiLily, an I to hlkvm Tow loan rot 'to, -1 '06 760.74
every enterprise calculated to benefit tile hat the true character of the rswTuit',ng slit a% ow how, he might borome see t lit I, ill l.revent to plead, 0-14 it unforlunavoily 0ctolass". Ao dew,minorool wan I fr) prevent " as a fAersialry. S.-hool (Jin't ."I I .", '. .. Co,,nowns, warbonis ......... Is
ho poret tied to be understood. F., rich motion, atmirolistandonget a 'k' 0 site its applia,mance. ()or Railintifles should, Rritish lepq armf,,f only with mw.tl(-'o.,t co and (*,,. -+n,-1I ... 700 fit) .. 1. "
b. it rem Moist I in,. them, at trait in port, by coortati, Will
numerical and will," hand is prover in y fie pays :- 11 At pno,,ernt men are xroor into it ac now- in J'i,nx. @ratio ... If ,V r1loar-
InIfel shoorl'ornin,,'. &tolo, take that rso.rfle t I 'two f r tilt- d,rp f,J bri,.g Inionallit I If iiinarstr tneianoo. tits Invention loondo in -,: :: Slink M,Inlrrsl I*, .Ill, W,th -1 1074 N3 .1 .. A. If, Ror,oN Con
thorough reomotat so , T .1 effan from tr,o nto collision will, the p 111,11,wr ... ,polav Food (C, H ). . . solf."an I ,sas ,,Ill ,*I' -
the army by R ayqtrm of orrintl5n., and it is. - correspron-hout says : .,;* larristA Wall branch lostshoont, thai I seat Got .., ,,A. . . . "ISA
sit liberal as he declares his poll itioll prin ' I be, I f .It 'T'"'., hg oirt'lit at softneas And . it lorril of "" ,
, It. mid's V. no I
siplem to be. it iss quealionable whio I .fe,,oo, extr,m ly difficult to keep ran army I -11 The most Mai k`,nd nfb,,al motionii ... it are I our strestat, whore it bus accuina!msed dii-i'llil' A -i nAerlo Arn,irwx foOL(ItI 96 a piece; tritivi. hithoirto iniplaw,ti to be unittiniusible 1 as I. A.M-Kodu6,un-htry L. apprel.
. which has belon got In.lother by passortic,as of. liall-glawdlilthoolt.li.. Minister. winethe the w*ator. by this proction of trtroscriptiA. print ... no .14, - . . . 237.517 - I, Charity still ,ohe, 0,M -I
the fiessit of Mr. Ritchie's having no ' me _ _ ___ _ ft'.4 Woo wrorke'l "I thor gun loselort do? erA - - --- as as Ill fr ..... . ..... Ito, pe, n. - .. 42"In all-notor ........ W7.11111
, tonly interstitial. In It'llift. twilirty-nial, per etolawas olli Oilseeds the Prussia, r., I . I as as Ta -,A and ah,,p ho,arntori . . . 205.76 '- Aher-has, liall, for 'liS ;-if 'Gin, -%a
I i
: I
I i
do-pervalling on him, is Is qlt&li%atiuu for -I. o( the &,nil at hisearni-20,M41, nadow" (ant I presentative wait jost an decided. It is thoa ht Cable to Cuba. i4b - A44 1 Am $"Try to Nil sometimes on h 1. Arrals, fliouney I" assid %let. ()'Fin (a Y.er at Is T 9,,arA,n(.,1r, ,.r--t, taxes Coont . .Tratoorair, - IF314
of 70,000 -had their names instartiod in the th%t the AustriAn I-ompirs, will to to a .,-(it Ths Interriltional (seems Telegraph rem An Wolter Thor, 'stei,liratioft C?Csesto Ivory 90%MW nil thii right of St. ['attack's door, not z . . . . .%:17 IR i I 161an- an hand ... ........ 1416 "
pearliansdamt. I,ord Boom mayor, or A man i I Sillin,dily, in nmkr to senall act the sisinvertod
who clarrinag gives brief" In fortimalos, I use tied rry as a,,m,,r%*rm. of those Ift.21 I a and complete shmmuslosion,lobsould it not be in) ". as his 4611blo-4 ifito th,o d,tolwav I 1, I t, —
or th,rt) theme Pre owes, of its strength, wore puny wday sent oat I,) Florida till 4
gAvoa British RATer in C.nodist. I 11 A"ah, Itarrivy, now aren*t yo, ash ' S I OLVio.sil , slasocil-all
0 moral m.doately knit jeffether by a sb&rp war ash, another and the lea installations of T at,
bernoods, as bl(em,i little raimp-mvibiloism from the tin-. Is order it) prevent ib with either Real& or Formula. A contest 0. " yoursolf Ila be coming hoinsits said A brick in '—
spring up aronar-I his t4blp, he to* tit@ I from d4loanding, Arititing Was tweron.brii I.' the eastern frostier being thill, most likely. Material the rho "no-umieft (or the lariat Gain. L" hill mo,nt look choorla for $3." to your bat Is' ,- Oeb I durn't rather to nowl" Flamincil the frorwing account, sod roualson belonging thereto, and found in
t be Ili Am of ; S-1- 1, and the istanishosiont — - It,," through Flooritit. It is e",sfidroncy oat ill, J,Adi"' Nfalmorhal Almanciletton of Proton. ally% 116"Way, to it's 'tot a brick thtl'4 it, mY correct.
,olonowity of Anorg fie action in 'a * knowdu on I brAmeling" *an directed to be ,,. DRATH OF FR 4;KVATOR FTANO.-PlIrtlind, per 't.'Jo." 1164 I ... ar, will ball hailt, the collie harsh, its a oarnit'linali"n- In "Inrohr' his Is, hat attall at -all, hut it - a hit of a sham r -,.k !
litrai, &Ad or an hudintrohli, public ,'rom',. dwc, *,Ili, 11.11t.w.,i lowtivalmotitli. Th," Mr., April 4-ilran. Gri-orgoo Front of Is 1. ( b id, and weate. from I I alsora I a iranze. I' in Aid of thoorror pi.vurr work f,,r the hall I "."if WAN tAh-kMOd 01, Alth.1121% I TO AI,F,X. NrNAIR,
I .. 111
I. .r4hor that Ilia children rn v not bal "V I set& 4-m-rall,oll thow-t.,ro, but 111,1. fa,w,ly looked Starom Senator (,.an - 4 'o Y,wkbotrxms,nitt.dnnorbrl )r4the ]an r,r,.rrati1n.,,,jp,aI,ctiOn of thp, grav" of ,flion o1hrowited it in 0 11olifforty's '.h-, tZ,whis. ALEX. STEWART, I - Auditors-
Ithos'to, also A-4" rtnituaing. ' lilmi-no. died this ustarrainit, aged ". 0 yoo.'s. If June. the CoWederat, dolarlI icy. '. I Grey, I-2 March, 186i. wit It
ppillmejto ,,meet the enemy in thearoltic. ' J , in I IT