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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-4-9, Page 1
$I101tt188 �Dircdorg. r !� ITHE� GRAVE 3NEPHERUI A Tat'N .TORY 09 T■■ Ata7"LIAs 81-bd,' WDr. Y. H M FOR C Some years ■ o two ase,, Char 4s Storey tett o u AT HUloc FOR CONSUL ` and Edward [efhury, had charge u( an ust- W des an to 11 tenet ou a. ter Very 4 IyioS ■ward adbu, Mad chassis t0 Mr. Juga ofdlstsityuiest••t any hoar aterwartte,aig� D 77 stall, a wealth, Awtraiuu puauer, The 4e. p.N4wanoa,M.D., fir.,lnamed wastheshspbstthe dse,nJ e PHY8ICIANtBUBULrUN,tu.,ac.,ODU hutkeeper. their but stood its the Rod,r„f sues, C.M. 17:40-1y a scene of private nature. Except the ,o'd, DY. IKeLtAltl, - - ) )' for the dutka jhere were no utcluwresof.0 PHYSICIAN, SUROEON. CORONBN AND H IT R. U N AND I31L U C E �iD V E R T I S E �ti 4 D. p�, The country aces I.n open ` it !e. Odoeted acw4rOeatsvddooreaslul -;cis -- -�,_. w, r o u • w t u est s t Cantrellle►ooh _r��--c�s.:_-;= - - :��,•;,,,�- `-----_-�__--_.V..�____.--.-_�;_.._z__c_:__...-.-...�-_-aq,-^--------�-�_-_ =--= =�-=r= �-� aparerl]with evergreen treer, mostly of tFe ---- -. __- . _. -------_ otriniy.4ark species. The stall. of the L,t Mt>titosl. W T. COY, Editor and Proprietor. 1 "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number," wort built of rough stakes with mud and reeds between them i other tong Poles form ad the roof, which was covered with ru.F•, t. PHY8ICIAN Swiftest ted Accoucliear, I'be fire -place wait counts acted of Ilona tol- 'Mao beer sty C. W. $2.50 PER ANN. IN AD t GODSRICH C.W. TUEsn Y AI)I f. 9, 1SGS i'VOL. 5: -NO. 64. Leld lhn a.tgLlxa Load, and in iF Fabtwary 7th, 1167. w3rr ' • the men b-ktd ILcir d•i!3 dunppe , c. mp1., d of dour and tattler orf stilt, at. d b,)ilyd Meir e4tawbtsq, kettleof It+ "bt . !'Y RADII.\TE ter the Medical 0. nmmt of 'DUSlrit88 �. 1Ttlt0rll. ---_ - _ -`_-- _ .,I II �.,g L),f( V bet. .d put k, C u. u,.Ju ic, it,ruiated of eel{ \l i1S1tIC�S' tCt[tOrl_1 I ?Bllt� t t 111. H B n u-,nle�a cl a; Yw,ters Lh sere tY, •row o, sed leu uit►e _ It l ,1'l� ji L 11 It I G J1 L �� . f/os�ul a.J U•Iwesa ,Her York. R.wd..e. __ _ NORTH R T BRITISH TI S H of t..N atone ,Ii.r t Suit rrle,tA, a. a few O. W=If's (Hahe) BgM4. W49 4=00 �7►trl°elm 2Yleholeon. FIRE - � ---_-- _-- - s - A Nit other articles, T.n entY a, d phtoo, and two BUIlU1CA1.ANDMECHA91l/AhUENTIST, r n &MARINE 1 11. `+I til -IL1'. HERCINTILE Flitl'. ,\D LIFE or three knlvesand furkafOraltheir diner err Luwrlw and I. a tic, i ice ' a Leak and wu:e w BARRISTSR AHUA!tTOSNP.Y-AT FLECfItuPATH1efT,Ya. OF -- r p: sad D -. P h t7 P 0. .nslirance Co. s b&ron were their c6i,f teo!•iul Du eai4 L Law, end Sonsiot-m-Choo County TEETH in either I.v>LiU];. �QE• - BOO O T s AND SHOES I SItIt�ICALi\11:CfIlHll.\L .owe ,m:Jh alrbe of for strq,Jyb•rk trios ,Crowe Auoresy,Ouder",^, aadaWest VSee Una, ()(Ad. Silver, or Vulcan B u-STI..T,'itwaneli.V. W. tt1TA,PLIaskY 180% un Irr.se!s, tick nes fi It ailh wood, a couple a Constitutional v14a40 fired Ru obs, oo reasonable term. PH.ENIX FIRF. A961 MANCE Company of --- u(b!Yuketa, an 1 r kuu aruoa'tiu re� r Kea 11 to.. over the Post dljlw. west Street Iliurl.ntr. esalJ,.krd to l7re, uta cr Ready-made Clothing �rey Cottons Room$ over !Kr. F. fold in's Dr-ig Store CAVII AL 1.',one,1,00,STi::RiANI). f°reed tl. tit lf,ds. l piece, BARRIM. Q. QwmlrOa, COderich. w Inc u:Jea, la sty fit enJ bra odlrr. ,e C.n.d.. , , ffr Tmh frm. teal without pail, Ly uta tet I Such a li r as they led, ill /pile of its Sane• STEtt, ATTORNEY, CONVEY H03ACE HORTON, ♦ e xoea.re.,Citrcatonarest,UoNrie►,C,W�The Liverpool and Loudon and Clobe _-_ s rat __ ffertrxieeynv. ?Iii I'epartmtLt• nett in suliluJJ, es.d da s;,r, lsra its ehatwo Prints, Flannel Shirtin Jaeurrvllth.f ao .wriylY TNSURANCEYeffe•l-d un all cl:svc lornav mora. T!, rrrcunlen, minek"rAb Walker, ltuVlN(fl tl. 1NpL'RANCE Cornpsny r /per • i 7 I ed• May INSURANCE COMPANY. Y c..ad., HerJLtkee Iuroa,. Wal take g Vac. _ - _- _ -- rietaat moderate trtts. 1.mo,a prompt. be Ih,•irea-1 d, s had. ,ant w cert Q ARRISTER3, SOLICITORS, CON -I naw on Country .W City Progeny. Manse T it 4'4>i144{a Y. yield. 1 r J 7 V• �7ssvawesa, ,se. Oliver over the Store of oak+taken al a�huwrue. esu tLtr/rtechar + UE\1' tel t to '. W. Ir,e.uurr Mutual Nu and gannet oto some CrO.doJ ei'y, awirj Invssted Feuds, 115,000,000 y o Ariz 1 )O U�LAls': A .+utak (%u „ 1 uodt.•e,1 % W . Ol O Do.. n,. a .. •. UeUwAc Su■,LLodeheh, � ul/ce, •' in ri,hrr u,th«titler ""es of pndidncy. r}a.,rJrr. aLds..AkArts. 250 000 O. Pursea, L •t t ,, Cou 3, .11urrm Iia«r n•• a ,iff be their Invested in Canada, , HORACE HORTON, wive U a[l, 1' U large sl.. H•tre they el, rayed pare air, • ream sky, nlad { 1 act um .Ivied profiis, 11 is � J uhn Dwrpow .1 y}e01. A� the Rnhsetiher is gi•iug up the .bore portion u( bu bossiness, De has determined to sell _ - _ -__ _ _ __ C„glyi, can ,d�.pt rare I•wer tlu.0 tare rbundrgae t.f east, w,d pas re tr ov d (role 13"RI3TSR ATTORNEY,SOLICiTOR FIRE DEPARTMENT. __ the whole off, at and under cwt. � � the 11 mi lttious aL'cL had once bteet then. -w tr raetia le LI maty utlxr otacts. Tho o abo have once sect td tial Ability u Ch.acery, ecu O,i,:e, Market S sere iNRURAN('ES Ar T CE -JA ON ALL TCS. an or MONEY TO LOAN GREAT BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN srov_� s t f;Y�S ! To Farmer J• siti,.a to life Still he fund Ymuaj t1• she Cevanrot[iagatoaSlreet,Uodeneh. 9:41 a pp� p• PaorxaTr •r Ceaeear ltATs.. _ s C Rperial ince rets 4rvt IN • ° made ler farm herds and I a,-krepea of Australia- brought John H. t':brdow FARM RISKS a7 Seso-I.tLLY R[DrCID RATtl be gtiodfara..scarilyp. hit. �r tri witdints and n4bor MaN w: risks. W .JTTORVBY-AT•LAW, SULIbITOR iN $20 r• �( O ponnr either others. Vice, , kik owe spiny 1•r Ctr..Oery1 Notary Pwblie uosysrr•ever, f uomasetutwelreyeare. N., .iqY' CALL AZVL1 i3�7�7- H ,• , 3. $T RY 00 fir f.h. stlnw hrvt-a bora appointed eke ftulU if os. Few like to ak u '•., ere., Goder,ob, Unmade West. Viee-o0 LIFE DEPANTMEAT. iatere raNAucdrn sivilera. _ L>i •tent of •w« r.!):•re r,,,,,�,a•,v f••r f)oderieh HOBACB HOSTO)A, %� bd ► tl:eirr,try Rtes. Wk.aler bad tx'Pen rl.e 'N 8oethewle of West ffire•t,t►trddoorfrom tse G R U V E R I^ E S F'j wn'l lurnwnllin f eunutry, well he glad to to. position of Storer said Lidbu•J, the errs V fort-HoesoSgeae. NO i6�'Rd Chayge f r IKtht 1b. Agent. 'tip seive ropwtl• for iiiiiii e, its both braneb•t now cloudily rfurwia iheirdut uyi 110) feaoi Q4 Oed■•ua.Cltarck3tn.lb6s. ew7o I P° g J 1 t)• eJlude (ioexllnr. _�a Of the ConnV oe, will .Iwa�e Ix MRdv Au Kite iufurma• uespad had thane a..r:) bttakfir, rhe two wen In all their Teriety. Nine-, Brandies, dtc., an Cheap as the Cheapest. Ri Q ileo w portio s stYrhing to loran . e mol rod as trained the sheep as they oon.e ;AARfSTBit. ATTONW SOLICIT Life l - thiM for the benefit of WiPRINCE OF OBAMGE HOTEL ^^� � cl (J Wm. RICH 41tUttUN, Atrrest out ofthe f,M, and pieleJ oat the+e rerpi�rt,W -br areae Up eChri011dTOn tLi'O NoaO from wjg1TO Ga1121rto21 Bra�Par Fs N+nk tet MunUi'al Waal Bt. t!!t•iro WateoR's tlla+k, Want St.f satruee _ tors, ■Q OrOaZn Ale q i� r 'tag tu] particular lrea.m PL More, tktw First Door west of UlwOur Iin - DIINOANNON. vu Oodarich, hl.v tat, I itiu. e.70 stArted with th, fl,.ck to a d.etant ,ever. wT A POLt(:Y Joe SIOW, by the Ownna«ed in wood rod bottle. TMs sr(,cl« is ritual if eaperior W any other west of k)ontreal. An {tf j 11 .\ ]/LAC'I/, inspection of his stock and prices is respectfully requested, �} - -- - Ladbur] Lad no lack of duti a. There Tum. r>r Moore• Ibnw Brn.m lows y eye 30, 6 Van", (/,�_ t.t A GOD ERlUtt was the ,old to rep:.ir herr and Inr,r, some iTORNiER, SUI L.ITURS Ae., (iod0 ye.r. FhuuW n hwt•o■,. payable •nr b ►eon, I--prietor. ,OH N DOUGLAS. O' w asck cheap to docwr, the roof tel' the fit.% to i rack, C. W. Uaee-CI(AtlB8 NEW °••-t"•nh Of the Pro,u,um• aro nwr..b.mij, roaA > b WA "ON "• �ARiriYGE 11 0(K the Bum aural ; tester 20 lean, orae -hall t• l q Ample seer-nttd.tmos. ►x paUh, A:.d a ¢lett of golden grnmid, which Murnwl ; sArr 30 scan, tLrre•luunM ; utrr hs had wifely begets to cultivate, 1., alters I v ur.rss•• Lswuc.rooan. ,torr hy,u. s«i lo,.d c- Goderich, 14rb Jany 1.67. w30 b bl, the Sum Assured a Jou Wrtl, soy rhv hens to. Hu diuutr w„s yoick;y desp..tch• d. H:e Uwlenes.Ansua 17th. IBa4. ew103w31 tes,ttas«.. _ may clam iJ000 t ! I b �'+ A,T- r. wuAl cfmi•suiun, • It.vouriu du bad d.aa ,- )Valtlrm T I-lw e, rr Cutin• Payable ooe month alter Proel U.,.s.wru,, alt ?I, 1ttr1 r c4ds.th. is Nv b ,Aj I 1- -i;,;, ,red i he could out toll how, but he mutlb t\ TTURYEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN U. P.C. S11I111, Re•,Jsnl Rrrrrray, - t I py _ -_ flared t bad been M Mn by aec..;m and Lrl , Chataeryy,Vduyl'udir,Ctroveyetrer,.Yc, M"•r•••r': �1IT1/►lfll HOTEL, 60DEBIOH r C- A did in the bwb. He til hr pijro, u.d awe's•• U tette►, C. W.-OMce, oyer C. 6. Arvh,IsaP• A. M. RVYty. AR -rat f••r U„lenrb; B. V. ( + •d and thowght•while. Again Ice bucad etore,Crehis Illuek. •1607! Elbert, for Exeter W. N. Watson, forSeah,nit.(its. t MeasY to Lend on RealProlkert Uodench.N.Y. slbst. 041 j; HUS6Elt, PROPRiETON. THE /■lam Ii)ri� IIf■i■ I s I/�A11 fd hNMI:out ofdoorsraldoeNmore mtsmed Y ¢ _ E. al ave n muarplearntrr utuaed a a■ � � 7 to � � � j alj:/ J � ja Im � � � ��j� � t r , ►+ to that but to pret aro the erewu j meal Ibr Dorso• emne11" If01ee1 bills. userloukul the Htrbor 'ti himself and h a compaction. He las about BA R R [ $ T E It, Ac., Uouxale[, C. W. DRUGS DRUGS i tad L,kr Home; --,ow' (Nebard■. Uardeef and Tri Ir�.Iz fit bunk the frestily-m-de dAmpers out of the Rural Wafwattererd. fl ardilped•r;unSlt PLA IN .1L.V U 1'.\..\•L 1' r.L when be h, and a lar moan• He IL•t. ----- FORUNE 1�t0'�T TH, o p° nz A n u t d. o t o r p, e+r U►rtoa-9oOose'l New B(oet. � _ yNlnrNede.fieear. s11aCOvly � ,teed-thesusoiJ was repeaMl. He hutntd J. Y. IClwood. i T = N �% 11 �� E.It.utte, nhrrwuu,J...c 1be tt the nhWM out ted looked about hiss. It marl ltaoe CANADIAN IiOTEL, AT THE -"-- I ,.t „u any Ht sire 1;, ,1 be L.. un hand borw 4nc], he thought, and tau about to r, . BARRISTER, AT.fjiNEY -AT •LAW, P,^ I, T O�T r I:u�lwuImakernunlrrt:•rrurr%, Waror. Ho• Cw v,q.wrsr, at.. U.IIa-Slake•. &"k, V V UL L tP�,rwta. P,rt eta. e, LLuJ•nch, CLINTON, C. W. •,Sc., ythwu uvl�he •o,d rhea aur,• re ter faro to the but, when the•a•ne bound can't JYeatY 3, to". sw379 .pnro. eJcn•du. ,�" Mn.l an.l for .a ler!rs11 roneke'd hr OsuD. It ame from a efaster of _ W. TI!D1lBt It]' Pro ritter. ' Wfll)1.E� 1 .}; :1\U .. S.lUR7., pr p EMP OR] UM E RETAIL. I JUf"t Y 1N 1 butes at •Int!. dto th a wL With stn J. P'rwpe/• Cr Ilrldwn �• . trT O � IJ El N IIE ,arrbl„hmen, �. r.. nu.hed will all the � mal Oil l,amryt. `�,(,'• kc. '014 jMn• VI+IWuillreet .R,>,A•ru t ►nttow keit he nn to the place, and them TTORN Y•AT•LAW, 8ULICITOR-IN 4 Imremanu a.•cr,tur to the • oun„„r C••pper. I%--, Wool P,rk, a Awtllel las[ w44 am found his tom Ion 1 stn un the grooud, a fe' • lwlto so o"boure. •l•- ••'I • �'•P.�knn. _ bleedmg fleas r� berous rounds, ted with a ifeA uh+cur Conseyanrer, dre.. &e ,Older- 1(SueeeseonoR.tl.Reytol l.) geraU. w31U J. 4: J. STULV. _ _ _ sp,•u bead sti,l sticking in his body. Lillis , III C. q e .w -Kest st eejBlock. roresr Court - - - - -- - "-""-" + n �-i i ow Silts of the L•irge Coal Uil Hine)• -.r- irony in hie arms, he carried hills to the Is, , H, y,t toe ernHil on reeel Propert M©.IIe.n I �; I,�NORTH A�I��R1CRN HOTEL - LL.r4rrieh. Y.reht.t, 16.7. - - .rad 1.id him un hill Lid. G R E A T R EDUCTION TILT P R I C E " It'. the w tl rat these black fdlowt," Titko quieted under the new Act. s#w Cew•a>florfr9yw-•,Oa4n,a , Ndf Jt. GrdericA - -- William R. Bain, B. A. OH A N a D P. AND LAW OFFICE Cabe', Ns► BUILDINGS. KINGSTON STIt 00DEItICH. N. B.-Conveyancial. motley lent reasonable term•. Disputed and defect titles to real estate Quieted. O elerich, DN. 34, Ilii. was C. IPr. Clarice, - - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Ch erre, Notary Public. Conveyancer, t Chet", C. W. wf A. Mwlcom•on, I]ARRISTEK Attur•ey, Solicitor, see D Chaos. C.W wJ MONEY To LEND. tVlltot.n 11•'rw•er, .1 rrr,RYEY-AT•LAW,80LiI Ll oh.n■.ry, t:Oa"y000 r.'e. sOr, cel Bruce. - -rlaomw. AVewthers, 'CIVIL CIVI , EYGiNEEIt AND PR( IIJJ Land 9.rvtv,tt. ToruttuS.rw utd LadbuLy, I )ktaq o,,t a:uued the ha. - DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST ANDREW LONOOH, Propnetor, • 01 JLUCtion & CCi�i sion None aero in el hL He came back, &.A IiE ser MCritter begs to anuuunce to his old - .v warming acme water, bathed poor Stores . Y Oealene,awdliaporievol ,. T friends end the public goner.Uv that be T V I)1:I(lC�I1 & <JI.I N'I'ON t -w '« w,wud•; then be carefully cul out the bar tied, has Opened the North American Hotel, She • �� ��. '4, lscad u( the .pees, a d wati.,ued bathin l d iN N U TN ZJ D It U t3 s he intends to offer good accommodation, and 3 r t 1 L'(;Luhli»11C4i 1L•l.j� :d �, v f� t wound, tier t fur a short 6mc riot when L•t A H U T U I iJ RS poured Aetna warm lea down the �su&mr'a • OAssessfl,lwJhnw the beat brauds of hquuu' A ``AI,E+ t•f M,,,•rua"a..u• Property m Co liar•, U ry rr vlord.y, ■rad ,u C Ibt" eery Wad- , '_� " `! threat. Eery moment wads lhN imlJorrd ssT ' 7. DO NUG 4tH. 4� ' he especvd be •.tire, to attack the hut. He IFlwlr A'aoth, land N•tl DrwerfOw_ Goderich, !!arch 25, 1867. wf'41 �o1R.7f.e Os.lrafe.-- ,sSt4y. Worry a ivamed .rat 1 tbpeny f. r immerhstr had on lunger Rorer to give him Staining of ►AUTs.oa u,COLoan,erUTurn, ------ - - r'e and lw,•mpt retcrus ms,lr. the approach of • foe. 7Lere sat h,. • on "I"HE BALANCE OF OUR IYINTER STOCK WILL BE OFFERED AT F■res;e.k.ndut6'rrSillewpunetua.ly.ticad- ROYAL OAH HOTEL, 11 doubt flirt but, pour dug slsu Led Loan rp,r,• tea IIO[tSEJeCATTLE,3NE.& CINES LUCKNOW. dtelLn•ughorJrhefoANI -- _ ___ ed. The pain beingwuthed,SLurtyatItu,;t , V.Y.IKUENAN'+Anw•oenMen. w Lrdbur 4 OARO[wf[[Ot, aC.,aC. AR, V E L D �T S L Y ]� 0 W P h I C E S! `'1 hitrker • ur.,ta.dcnch p L, tL • , y', greatjoy,mturntd to conciuu.. q _ i�� LX�iZ L` b� orw, sold ezpiaiutd that he had been Attack. Odennom Medias!men punrau■llruleedo4o HAKES CAMPGBLL, Praprietera t NOney to Loan on Ual iEst:tte, ed a -til y in the d►, by Deuce•. He had_1 at /.B.- 7re4 Pr,rsf. ` PPKAIyEN ll, the Trull a■d L•au C.,m p■n) _ Irom them after receiving several wotmds,b..t �•°' V.B.-P6yeteta.•. r'ro•rnpuoo ra•frltydto• '] ter Upyer Lartda. had Leen apt:atrod Affair, bait a mile 'r w ' P•"••(• BEST OF R I\ES A LIQUOR -4. u. M.'1'R('EMAN, from the hut, and bad errw,l•d the r%m of ±4110j"' "°' CLOTHS AND TWEEDS AT COST 1 Market Nqu re, Cridertch. Good Accommodation for Trarrlkrs, - - - -- - - - - -- ---- - the distance, till he fainted from iu.a of bo,od 4 LIG ! LIGHT iicaT 1 _ DRESS GOODS AT COST. Lind o>$e� are., • v r �, uiJ the Oris M tats wfiferiuK. L Said indeed was the condition of these lw J ti0(IU xTAxt lSO Atte A'ITh:HTIVt: u()e'1'IF.Rtr \ poor fellows, tills no white man nearer rban I It lar F: alai! Lupr..raJ Flrrw■,Dd odd - p - ROCK hS►r, COAL OILS, Lucknu., 5tb gar Ill 146. %Stf SHAWLS AT COST. tJ Y.Tllt'BMAN.hftk twenty milia tad no surgeon wituiu, pnban I htJerxh, M.nh 1, tar7. Aurart Square. bly, two buudred. Nlgbt a length c.me o:., IN Rnratngl?1nid,Latep UiL• J. 0. CAMERON, MANTLES AT COST. when, es ihT urtives acre, mese ahuet a fl.o Por Rale by aA.RasnvtsroomTurbeguvaia.to . r desk, they knew they were safe. Rut they IY F. JORDAN, h SKIRTING A T COST. `r 4Gth tale curtain tLerurck woaW 1)e reneSel 0)e/wMb.lan.l7.lttaf DO The B$ eId HUtdI ) r r `-rr�a� �j'',1J� `u Li �1� - •� by d•y-light, Rod toe ureut proved they wt;e Ii OOP SKIRTS A r COST Iright. �L SET WAREliOilSE Torr k. by 6 RESH OYSTEB,S I ( 7 M 1'7) been alter dawn LtJbuq who startled by lith feeling haul dosed oor,' tau earthed b 6 UN BTA NTLY ons head, he beta Of Liquor ��. vino Lssal.t hNO a[TAtty 1 �.r ten sound of r a C Glen, and .n row h pe L. mors" aj poser being forced tkroua a L. n. isrmnn r 0) : _ Ip Mro t a,IrnlLm t•. I,,,.,ne.• hopes te merit . STErhyENs & 110B ERTS BY THE KEG, CAN OR COU the reed male door of tLe but. Another hod COViL, BNOINSSR AND 4URVSTOR awn„' p IJu• p.tr.,nere. �l • L03STERS. SARDINES ftho'thul followed through tLe slightly f,rua I MRA AgeRla■d Coeseyeaees,Ctsoarirw wy/cid, March b, IYl 7. w7 em r J i�plendld Bargains in Boots and Shoes? AN1)!'LAMS. well.. ''WeaLLIIbe mtolloed, mate, if I Ila ARRESTED. FRESH LEMONS ORANGES DATES, dud& put them to fisdht,' he eacl.imed, t•..• Dr)Matate e/ tie Qwlglfltate.a r -- - l 1 , Toff his poekeakmfe an.] Di:fhuuk, the esu: America. 1� MONEY TO LOAN AND Cocoanut$, Figs, Crapes. raPoa6ep0eatmrd,the firatinhis lett ban ff the other partly covered by hu .fat, so that ee ho R tC t! j, �\ * ,, (+ nI &C., &0., (SLC., at it loukd like r pistol. '• ,111 ;lady. We Odle. bnanfrom 9 o'clock, a. i., to 3 (THF. OL.DiST IN TiIE rot -NTT. IftEADY w PIADL CLOT 11I G , The are sent to Canada F'- � I TT Ci �3 A M'.9, m,y never meet a,,r,u in this tanto, eo.,00d- • clock, P. M. THE COLONIAL DON. ENC A C . Wrist slide ,f 31,,rke: Nvwnres bre Charley; but I'll cbw,Ige it." Suddenly -- D. GORDON, UP LONDON. ENGLAND, Y f AVE a large amount of iNonew to Loan Uorlis,xh, t u .3u, Let,. Riess be w ren 11 r NOBLE ACTION OF PRES. JOHNSON. P i tbearly the of whoin h eSaw ,e open the Security of lm ,r°•M Farms for _ the LIs1•ka, nearly flay tel whom he Saw bee e -�>,;ice >t : r aA fo l :li NEW PHOTOGRAPH G1L[•E$I lure him, t!i.tt he woald at no, if they didn't ARCHITECT, - Fi.r ye.rS, np nn the most f.•nr■hle relea PLAINS ANU ,1•t,,1FICATiu1'la al Build AND UNDERTAKER, For terms.nd.0 other information, apply to Wishing to have our Mock greatly re(luced before, the aerie al Of our lie dent-rve• I xnadn's thanks for Arresting reo. They, scarcely dosing to look .t what is p� 3:0., got upp in a sea andcorrecbtyle filenutaew,e. ani ties now nn be.,, • complete Spring Gooti[, we are now giving Ik.•eided Bar nes, ihex Or1x the believ,d W er We ithe IloroO Auction Mart Yaw s wurtment rat Furnnur ,uhu Warr"me, WILLIAM DC RNIN, o � 7 he kis pteu,l, Altera:c►tog- stka/a1Ne,e.(loderxb. Isw sb'%Ifly Trea,urer, Towmhi Wawanoah t' FENIAN 0 HIMP4 - y ID,{ a few words with e.ch other, to Li acre _ WEST STREET, G}ODEBICH, p s ] J wa7x ALL Lid 1I�j// rj crit tack to their'hrwlw'd rr beshoatod otld• at•rs err Dungannon. P. U. aT �•i. D�� TI V.� �"+(�. V ` reef be f )). McUonf[rJ1 Softs, Rnreiti., T■hie., Bedsteads, Rair, °r to CRAR HiDOUT. Clintou. GUDERICH, February 15th, 1867, J� J1 D a (res• 1) J l c O �',\� C3 L[-rCRNSEDAUCrio.,AN',RAYFFRLD ' CHAR WiDUSRr wlfi P t - /� We are Raved Charlryr" be excltimeJ, C.wr in Ilnrttn. xuu a •rlr.ge orsorns Cane and Wail Gilt lloo)dinp A. LEI BUY, Goderich. g I d `` ��� p almost bnrth,em with rxcut,ueut. " ieut Rarintl•.nr•d.dno. via -err, and Looking(Haues,inemnety,ot A.LE ROY, CK. dingle. S Swords, Bayonets, Rine$ Y the niargwa will be beck .[p%KJ■m• L)o you Herne �IafiardClnrd and Im rted •And all the moll, kinds of arms sold user r� thin. you eould move along it ( were to fillip BSNJ ELLIUTf, Feeler. .form OwmpDetr. D. G.hRS AIwRZZson hand a complete as N. R.-Depcei•a received on .recent of r.terials collected is 'n I. t;8mp!h II, coo Toil oro. Mrd, that I enulbn' GR C4 g R A L COMMISSION AGENT ortment of COMES. Alto, IiF.ARSE; prioeipal a any time and interest allowed '1' I I I; (' A 11) A T ANIMAN Y i TALL r I>0 4" .n,pred Cemrouwonenn QueeR', Brnrh,torukm` TO RiRF. the rat•• of 5 per rent per annum. tltor'sy. r Bat du yw get ■w. h d _ Permanent Building & Savin °° 'es" n'rL 'e t°nn D i Wave "i foi l afa/.eiu.0"severe c. fire. Oaeene Broe Comber and Cordwood lakes In t• 7a■ua :Ito, 1867. wS1m g5 SUClet� MUFFA•I'A�IA�I'+llf)N ! C stud if you can Ann hep 1 kn,iw, you will I waT.YrllateofKieoe ies.(:.W. q0f ebRAl�[eforFurniture. � ry � � W 9d ifoot �wh y t P 6 For the Iest three venrn, together with e y m 0'e j is pretty wolf ono out u Uldpies.thhUet..lbs IS PR[PA RLP To s,ARt large' of still- OI,d'• will tsei don•." Pater,t•Rwe. 'vf ;� stab FGAW.ARDF.It A N U COYY75910N �u3h. Of thtN Neroh.nt,lessas,so., C. W. Marvelled o T ter ADVANCES OF� A��OV Yankee, Gorm.t O n n s n 1'". '• of douar, Cbsaid I-th.la u fi mly. I Large Padlock ED REAL ESTATE I n. French 6@IIa100 LtONi Alt (bTA6T[IVRRaOae. Mink a you earl Llditur,, firwl p audio udi a•,•,.Ibeta1. Hunner of f en kind ea- G > _ � q I•• a Ptdtt•Rts boon in ever sl I! AnA in all " R hila loo bora hie l'll lar., by ynm, end r,tatoNmwillreceivePrumpioltenUon. • $ o" f English Notions and NiiJe-NHa J I w40-I,gosa 3 �': ^i O SITUATE IN WE3 rEkiN CANADA, kind•ol wealber. PotTr1 10 or OfolOtyPI bad you AS *W bel uaa; 4o that mai er AS q'i Q ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS : An of wh rh have horn cant t�, pictures, and seulo hours .red .total h GEO//����//�� D �TT TT /� Amount r•gntred to redeem e■ch If 100 advenrrd is ............. ales". to esO . 15 n. 1t THE IiELIOARISTOTYPIA, cooked their hr -A aid trent l A,e m.+dbursy . RUMBALJI & CO -9 o e qC` v y 1fps,eNe pelf-yrerly.... ........... ............. jlf.fo �Gf Bba ]BUTLER rr '.•.' s M Y t:' If par■hk ye., y..... .. .. fiat Ie.43 13,34 Olt BEST 81rX PI�Tl1g E;' tenUy y R woe,.n could- have du„s. Nigh game, slid a length Uta huth ale, 1 y ,3 I•I • a orf I,r.e■a a Irroynntowua nu 1 fox f, 4, i. R a If seen. vies awoke b, ■ call L um Settee . r�r Ta4en in various stales from =1 50 to 1J2P K 3 1 �dhm FC) It kV A I� I)1:It 3, F (p n t7 I The abo•e msulmrnum, Inde a N,ntmg Fund, :b,•h r.in nR the principal, es wall esths lnterr.t By A. JOUNAToN, (0nlored in Wnter colaits or oil. y Q v - IS Y k•I of the bon, sol tiont a the esp,nu m of the o,nn ,r nvl np,m, Iwo .kM ie •orrery• w,pal nut. 'he AJI when the aro open for Cat soliRna . 1,ifr•Niv.Phubr re ha Lkrn oereuaOnahl« " Ned, Weep ban ,lune est flood ; I think [ AaJ !�M JI 13 310 N Merehasts v [ �/ H w am,mm of the Inn t, advanced, and no p. y,nrnl ur,qu.-f heG,re the ad of be hall -year ., Year. I p• yo ft ail R P f'Oald U.rd i} I were u0t» on m le neat Ra, ,. AL,, RINDS nr a o' ,,,, IrR Payment. may b• ma.I, m ■drenoer ■nil mt.•rrat a ,Iluwed there( or the m°n me he rdleem- their eye npnn, Imy cheap, slid farm.-r.M,.r aloin M CrllOted. , gD," he dw ��s0ggee 77 keg t as Wic, at the PRICSB COW Ki. {Arse •;Nwhere in ••d' PRUDUCB, C U A L , s A I.T, WATER H. 04RDINER & Co., ;� a • W w ed m full at any ume the b.rniwr errs, nneq•tn.blr irnoa B t`6.Y1&3 STR1ll TLr AruD I Z}' > Bill For fonhr information, ■ .d to Canada. I L■dban edenll� mode oP their etddinff LIM , All., weoLas•l.c axes asvn, a �' -! W I>My (pr.p ) F e n i a A C O 1 1 a p s e. I D. C.0NI'BELL. I and the taw hlnnae old wn,clts ober power --4 Hardware Merchants F� PO H O R A O E J1 O Ft T o ho E 8 Q, mM w hun,lr, which he hoisted on W he �} .'.{gnu Lir first clean Dluiue and Fire > [">. D 6ppre,rr to N,gociet nrasce Companies. b• = a F% J. RERRERT MARON, J, uotk►nch. �i. (� Y Ooderick•June 1, llfii. sw'LT b rod sbnuldif". 11 11AR AOR V UA r, G.4m,4. C. R Market SDuare, Coderieh, d �_ ?' y H«cretary and Treasurer, Toronto. Of all kinds ham a Silt lil,fek to R Nsehlne '' NOM, ma'e, eowre alongy" he .slid, lifting TJAVE Dow nn b■nd a comp enud well err ! H 1� Ooderich, 16th Oct., 1866. for Thrraline Ns►dl". �tor ey sp, aid making hien reat on hu arm, a •-- Il Sorted nock of Holdovers, 0..natng in X� F/ '� w38sSt14 A qty Iwrgwttoth of Iireariful my Books, ------ It wr•twu hut,■ Prst m0night, end they R7 per of �y krtNcelaneoot Nook■ for Presents I AOPrd to gat a gn1,d er,n rat the blacks. Brat Brand Axes, ' a• b W BIBLE 8 ALBUMS lbe1 hwd rant pm,erded mRry, Fundrtd aril Cheap •t r aC•' Ero�erl and Fmision Steel hxlre 86xe� found h, bad nssmW his Fire, Marine and Life Instnnees Chop peg Aa-■, n Ti $ strength, err, s.uk to fit. ground, Aupus. ruches, Ronlot a BUTLER'S r ■rreuTsn ox naAeOauLa rasa.. r Y L� WsggoO N„Rea,uued. Plues, �'+ � Q 1.O �Qt. >[iV i` Irf�ts•�ilat>!f6 �rt-IClO Of � '' Now Nrdr n Chiles, Uurry-Coatis, Cordage, Dung ae on , I a menet g hes .his red. (Mea -J. F. C. R.Idan'a fear Chae.herw, Furkf,H■ PrfS,rilegtiltw!, lJt.r, P.0 I b - `� 0 • Sege only lose, ; 1 own but dm cess, asp I[a Y inoek, corner Conal Floaae sae d y rape 4 B Ooderich, Drr. 21, 1 F, f,. ti 48 AMNO rented and fiord up the slnn yOa'll oo!y lox your h/'e ,l Cram Tin, U in4s.Iron, Powder. itis 4 (a WINTER CLOTH I N(�• -- -- --- --. -. - ----- H i P 71 ere ,Neerr tel. ks4r. tenni D,eeL, Oprris, Nlr.d, y o-;� y laelr Occupied by A. F. bosh, for 1 u meso ,w estop to hal WN. St.. Ofiderich, C. W. EfuM, B kn, end (tent tl1u/, Bar iyi • I Rbara If SImre• 1 am now prepared to furni.h "Wbat I've rid I'll dn, i A JUHNHALDAN,JR.• Ivied Lnmyolares,L.nok,ng spd New MarblaWorks f. n71. r oli•tnejebM" I' (iU TO answered Ladbory, Still NIrn/ urged his, A enc. OteSsr., Iwr,king- OLas o to ceratin tee his journey aline, Ned wade rq Oederich, 371h Sop1.,18N. w8�tr Plate, Her" heil, f Pollock'. Block Crocerles and Provisions L ogan s Woolen Facto Store t s whit•k I Shall sell it the Lowest Ca.h ,oe•.I replybat .uddrntls ranted at • quirk C.t Nal■, 4 w rr o r,3 JU�,175i�7• -- R. w t► -. itis y Q,�� f'Ji;Jd, !) f } L l I" pace.' had Indeed se.st A.sw herr PoOI And 1biMd Ihl,r+•nedienl%neIOJ,Msl,hr w Where °° will find a large andsariedeOck Of Veiled CIo160 and :SwUnrtu, T.eeds in not Store 'a twines .bra he saw him u4e) Iii:NIiY (71tItiT. Ii660 Od,Vsrmsh, Poor• sod Cols,Oent `j Wlifvariet 3 I r F1our and Feed y draype0r J• m the gloom of w(tht. DrRibltw■e coksin Uil I..I.;. rho h Moulds I kept constantly on hand. narw snrs rh. As a■dy he npen0,id of hseini, Drpartml'ntnl, Ndrll3ml'lltary' MeM A.w.,1�tMc.t � . � �••/� White, Plain, Grey, Striped and Chocked Wlnoa s, 11 V� Mf P Y A shwa of ynnr Pitrnnwq• will hes thank'' urged bie friend to 6y. DAybest wu rN dkr- AND PATENT ACENT, `�' "ais, flood r : T A great variety of all wool home-made ebeckatl flannels, nae yard wide; lilrewim fully received and faithfully attended in. !Over AirR hr the blank. end they tawld finish /1 O T T A W A. llr• r r i in WHITE GREY SCARLET their wnrh in Irsrugr for the eses of his Traiwr•ta his a- with rhe frown L.n"• and tr Ths■l,ov , will btanl4 nlae.pto, (%a.h, f , C RLET QZ FANCY FLANNELS. N'taPR any LlgaarR, Cnckt•rI I companion, fdwMonly a fom0,ep WN, wNa. A i,r)T OF FIRST CLASS BLANKETS, FIGHT TO NiNF PO(TNDR PER PAiR I L■dbary . M and alaRRwafr,Fallf tr00JR. appeared without his readla. chert.tn•erw,3-Dr shy[ .; T.kf sone (}1LLI1POand3TIIBdEON $tOCI[iIIg Yaint file Oatmeal C Pal -to 16,ln-rnoonr•I,M•msln.or,n- TWIN 3a Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and _ •r , •rameal, in A7W be asked, in think 1 rally , T sO_ Mica tar'an, Rod fa by Letters Pu- -.._- ---._ -_ [ t Mw vO1ee, TM'y cwt r lathe roA take• nhergr est FOR SALE D H E A P , Berlin Wools, all in endless vane' Buckwheat Fleur, ant beg me to lase■ In .(t in, ant♦, come Pnvst• Rin. during theest- - T' �ONBY TO LEND • ., SLC too m, ehoDl4eta, w: i11 Ne what I own . ■iemdee.,l p.n,r r+ Ai,esluor Commerosl t,+inn Arnrue•Ce,, TO ethar with a choice Assortment of Ae Me J"hnsetclin �,. efd,ar eA• K 0. of )wedOn,l nglelM. + g W MONITYRNTR, HRAi 41VNER, Tthl, o O A L O I L I I Ladbony plked as with the waewde6 wan $'iLs$HxdHId: IceRrmN.i •••' w4t- ONiMPnt)VftDFARMR' fade Cottons Hollands Prints Moms, Impoited incieS Ill "„� y AND enher bar itfor ►Ufa.lkserwNno, rNOw Ifsa.A.Cumu,Cnm- W. Y. W,uus,l!wi W■ Me GAVACE, AT 8 PEh CENT I (� , I 1 to Style.so,Tamha,ert..r d.lisdan wlew"wer ofCroww Rlmrox. 1 tion • style of wmkm■nship, fwrni,brd M sir dove ►oro, eel i'll bank for the hRw- BUTS and sella New York Drafts- Oreen--AIAO•- I short notion and at the (Owes rie", I,ihe. COAL OIL LAMPS. H P 8. w" he rid, ) A Lash. Hew. ).UAaLrwe,Lw2- f)rer OOrwq, RnaA mode RhiMs and Drewen i Me"' arae! Childress' Sorb Rel 9tnckiege nl ndel%tifm ma11e Ina ewrhr All neaten p ashi Is l -a le tshA t•1' . 7-' teff, Sone to invest Is TOW! Pro rtl n greN s►riery. } A all is sOl:cibd. D. FRRRtTAON. I bot averse Ion he A.lOseR.Ep., aamrt- den. ►Rohs-Nainnatcwerrne 9ra►nO pc tea. .Rm.l, Rsq.,la0,ee and anearreat money, al norrent rat of I J. R.GORDOI�, THOMAS LIC pO e'"olly attended In. )MS,rns of Mona. T, S. -Goode will be delivered in an •( ArtrwlM mold beve/Ooy his Stay we L.A. Ys.wS N Lewis* BO•, ornf Astwriwa,Cnlewsl eark`1sn nariet/r, ir.,0^4ff irh wowlnw F.Mo Mon, RRa(Rtrer ) • sMnb Ae., m■s be Sinn at the sAnwn. r Mr) did. Re soon Rgwio pwrrd arowwy StiJ Ter"l•- L,h Aewree,vC•• I I!th Kc., 1865 4'.I r I ry i w13 l (ie6encA, Dre. l!• 1865. P wf7 1 yr Pa" r eh. Feb. tad, iP IL s tsar b wdl• on his s►nOlAat� Nd ewe q■,o N J til Gofkrieb,Seol.13,lA61, ,SS II IOtk 9epbwbsr, 1866. I(leased for bass. Tbu ,hey )Am AA, w