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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-02-09, Page 4
\\\\ ' V 4 a Hl i Page Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, February 9th, 1955 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE COMING EVENTS RUST CRAFT VALENTINES are SUCKLING PIGS for sale. Apply now on display at McKibbons.—See'! Harris Campbell, Brussels, phone them today. 2b I 53r8, 9* ISYOUR T.V. INSURED~for Damage to Television apparatus, Loss or Damage, or Theft of Television re ceiver? Are you insured for Public Liability, Property Damage, includ ing damage to your own property? For further information apply to Stewart A. Scott or phone 293. 5rrb FIVE CHUNKS of pigs for sale. Mrs. Loretta Ste, Marie, phone 725J1. 9b WANTED USED ANNEX WANTED, good con dition. Phone 717W4 Wingham. 9* HELP WANTED THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE will hold "Family Night” on Thursday, February 17th, with a pot luck sup per at 6.30 p.m., and entertainment after. All members with their fam ilies and friends are expected to be present, CE9b FESS SPACE HEATER and 200 gal. tank, nearly new for sale. Reason able price. Phone 38J. 12rrb PAINT NOW ON SALE. Flo Glaze regular colours, Kem products and discontinued colours. Be sure and see the Wallpaper Shop ad. 9b WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH to send the very best, why not choose a "VALENTINE” greeting by “Coutts” from the large selection at Kerr’s Drug Store. 9b FRIGID AIRE UPRIGHT home free- zer for sale, brand new. 12.5 cubic ' feet capacity. Away below regular price. Phone 29. 9b LADIES - MEN - AGENTS—Earn Big Money in spare or full time with our fabulous Chain Reaction Sales Plan. Free particulars, gifts, bonuses. Write International Wholesalers Reg’d Dept. 109, 1980 Barclay Ave, Montreal, PQ. 19:26:2:9* HELP WANTED—MALE BE SURE TO ASK about the new PROPIONEX (Liquid), treatment for Acetonemia in dairy cows, now on sale at Kerr’s Drug Store in Wingham. 9b OWN AND OPERATE your own business without capital investment. Big earnings right from the start selling nationally advertised Wat kins Products in nearby rural area. No selling experience necessary. Men between 25 and 55 years pre ferred. If you want a higher than average income, act quickly. Write today, Dept. O-W-2, The J. R. Wat kins Co., 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. 2:9:16:23b EMPLOYMENT WANTED METAL BED and springs for sale. Double size, in good condition. Also large bookcase. Phone 359 evenings. 9b PART TIME work of any kind want ed for week-ends. Phone 334J. 9* COCKSHUTT TRACTOR DISC and power De Laval Cream Separator for sale, practically new. Phone 610- W-ll. 9:16* GIRL EXPERIENCED IN Cashier ing, clerking and also trained prac tical nurse, desires position, part- time or full time, anything consid ered. Phone 410-W. 9* SALESMAN WANTED BIRTHS HENDERSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, February 3, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hen derson, Wingham, a son. DAHMER—In Wingham General Hos pital, on Sunday, February 6, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dahmer, R. R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter. VANDERKOLK—In Wingham Gen eral Hospital, on Sunday, February 6th, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vanderkolk, Wingham, a daughter. NORMAN—In Wingham General Hos pital, on Sunday, February 6, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John Norman, R. rR. 3, Wingham, a daughter. APPLEBY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, February 7, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Apple by, Glenannan, a son. MAIZE—In Wingham General Hos pital, on Monday, February 7, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maize, R. R. 1, Dungannon, a daughter. JENKINS—In Clinton General Hos pital, on Monday, February 7, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins, a daughter. PURDON—In Wingham General Hos pital, on Tuesday, February 8, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Purdon, R. R. 3, Wingham, a daughter. LOCAL AND PERSONAE —Dr. B. N, apd Mrs. Corrin and two daughters, are spending a few weeks at Fort Myers, Florida. —Master Jimmie Ritchie of Blue vale, spent a few days in Wingham, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tyndal Ritchie. —Mr. A. R. DuVal spent the past week in Montreal attending the Hud son’s Bay Company’s fur auction sale and visiting the O’Regan Mink Ranch,, at Sutton, Quebec. at his a Short retired was and the son, THE RUST CRAFT VALENTINES are on display, get yours early this year at McKibbons. 2b CABS FOR SALE AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN wanted. Be in business for yourself full or part time, selling daily necessities. Wherever you may live there’s an opening for you. FAMILEX, Mont real 24. 9* ATTENTION - VETERANS —The Women’s Institute tea and sale of home baking was a decided success on Saturday last, in the council cham bers in spite of the stormy weather. —Mrs. John McLeod of Guelph, and Mrs. Carl Clark, of Detroit, Michigan, were called home owing to the illness of their mother, Mrs. Janet Buchanan. —Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin are leav ing this week on a trip to Florida. They will be’ accompanied by Mrs. Irwin's mother, Mrs. George Gardner, of Port Colborne. —Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stainton, Miss Barbara Stainton and Maurice Stainton spent Tuesday and Wednes day. in Toronto where they are at tending the 50th annual Canadian Hardware and Housewares Exhibition and Convention. Mrs. Earl Hamilton Heads Cub Auxiliary The February meeting of the Cub held' in the United twenty-one of officers members was held chairman. MY MECHANICAL MIRACLE is for sale. It’s a 1952 Pontiac Deluxe coach, like new, lovely motor, new tires, sunvisor, seat covers and all the accessories going except radio. See it and you’ll like the price. Terms can be arranged. Phone 75 daytime, 683 J evenings. 9b 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN for sale, best offer for a good, reliable clean car. Phone 254W for demonstration. 9:16:23* PERSONAL HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP, Vim? Ostrex Tonic Tablets revital ize iron-deficient body increase vigor. "Get-acquainted” size only 6Qc. All druggists. APPLICATIONS for Secretary-Treasurer Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m. February 11th, 1955, for the position of secre tary-treasurer for West Howick Township School Area, applicant to- state qualifications and salary ex- -pected. Particulars and duties can be secured from the undersigned. Morley McMichael, chairman, West Howick Township School Area Board, rr 2, Wroxeter, Ontario. 2:9b Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents. The Canadian Legion Provincial Service Bureau Officer, Mr. A. M. Forbes, London, Ontario, will be visit ing Branch No. 180, Wingham, on February 11th, in the forenoon. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding War Disabil ity Pensions, Treatment, Allowances, etc., is requested to contact the Ser vice Officer of the local Branch, whose name appears below, to arrange an interview. George Williams, John St.,9b BABY CHICKS MISCELLANEOUS 9:16b BRAY CHICKS. From Canada’s larg est Hatchery. Canadian Approved. Standard breeds and crosses, includ ing some popular U. S. Hybrids. Write for fiill information and prices. Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. (We are in terested in a good agent in this dis trict—liberal commission.) 3:10:17:24b DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR DON YOUNG LIMITED. ' lrrb 24 HOUR SERVICE on all furnaces and oil burners. Apply Hiseler &. Son, phone 426. 15rrb CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank friends and neighbors kindness, cards, treats while I was a patient General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Mills, Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses. "Vyesley Gallaway my relatives, for acts of and visits, in Wingham 9* —Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin also Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon, Mrs. Stew art Forsyth and Robert and John Sinnamon were at Stratford on Friday evening and attended the annual At Home in the Normal School. Miss Jean Irwin, normal student, is prac tice teaching at Belgrave this week, and Hugh Sinnamon is at Bluevale School, BABY CHICKS > ARB A BIG INVESTMENT Protect i+at investment By Feeding The Best Chick Starter Available QUAKER Full-o-pep Chick Starter John Bumstead & Son Wingham 1 MEN The Canadian Army offers you A Steady Job with Good Pay Excellent Pension Plan and Opportunities for Promotion, Learning a Useful Trade, and Overseas Service See your local Recruiting Officer, Wingham Armoury every Thursday 10 a.m. 6.45 p.m. OR Apply direct to No. 7 Personnel Depot LONDON, Ontario Bring proof of age and edu cation. IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb WAT§Rto6 CATTLE ASSCdfATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or in formation phone Clinton 242 may 130rl2, collect, between 10.00 a.m. on week days and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays.- or Mild- 7.30 and 7.30 and 9rrb CARD OF THANKS I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with cards, letters, flowers ana* visits while I was in the hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Buchanan, Dr. Mills, Mrs. Morrey and her staff.— Mrs. Anson Ruttan. 9b CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sin cere thanks and appreciation to our friends and neighbors for the kind ness shown to Mr. A. Law while a patient in Wingham General Hosp’ts’. Special thanks to Morrey and her staff of nurses and Captain Bel anger of the Salvation Army and Drs. Corrin and Palmer, Mrs. Mary Roberts, Mr. Henry Oakes William McGregor Dies William Roy McGregor died in the Wingham General Hospital on Wed nesday, January 26th, in his 81st. year, after a short illness. He was born September 9, 1874, in East Wawanosh township, and was a son of the late John McGregor and Jane McDougall. In 1901 he ,, j married Janet Skinn, and farmed on the 6th concession of Morris Township. He was the last surviving member of a family of 7. Mr. McGregor was a member of Knox United Church, Belgrave, and the Canadian Order of Foresters. Be sides his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Leslie (Hazel) Reid, Hullett township and Mrs., Roy (Lue- ella) Noble of East Wawanosh. One son, Clayton, is at home and two grandchildren. The funeral was held from Tasker Memorial Chapel, Queen St., Blyth. Rev, C, D. Cox officiated. Flower bearers were two sons-in- law, Leslie Reid and Roy Noble. Pallbearers were.:. John Johnston, Alex Nethery, Sam Fear, Martin Grasby, Harry Grasby, Archie Montgomery. Burial was made in Brandon Ceme tery, Belgrave, 9* NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE O. THORNTON, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of George O. Thornton, late of the Village of Bluevale, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of December, 1954, are re quired to file full particulars of their claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executrix, on or before the 15th day of February, 1955, duly veri fied by Statutary Declaration. Im mediately after the said date, the assets of the estate will be distribut ed, having regard only to the claims of which the Executrix shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, 24th day of January, A. D., 1955. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q. C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. ' 26:2:9b CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, treats, visits and kindness shown me while a patient in Wingham General Hospital. Special thanks to Mrs. Mor rey and her staff of nurses and to Drs. Mills, McKibbon and Palmers. Mrs. Jennie Harris 9* IN MEMORIAM RINTOUL—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Jean Rintoul, who passed away two years ago, February 10, 1953. Dear mother you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. —Lovingly remembered by the fam ily, 9* | Omitted in Report Omitted in a report on the death of William A. Sanderson, in the Ad vance-Times of two weeks ago, was the fact that Mr. Sanderson was sur vived by three sisters and a brother. They are as follows: Elizabeth A. (Mrs. Isaac Davidson) Lakeland, Flor ida; Margaret (Mrs. L D. McClellan), Frances (Mrs. E. H. Smith) and J. W. Sanderson, all of Orangeville. We are indebted to Mrs. Isaac Dav idson of Lakeland, Florida, for draw ing this to our attention. * this for Cottages - Cabins - Motels Homes Toilets * Basins - Bathtubs Showers - Sinks - Pressure Systems Sump Pumps - Copper & Galvanized Pipe Fittings. Etc. "YOU PAY NO FREIGHT’ Write for free catalogue S. V. JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies STREETSVILLE ONTARIO Open Mon. Wed. & Fri. evenings till 9.30 p.m. and all day Saturday, 2,9,16,23b ONE FOR THE ROAD The origin of this veiled reference to drinking and driving is obscure. Probably it came down from Old Dob bin days in England. If this last one for the road topped off several prev ious drinks, it didn’t matter much in those days. Horse sense would very probably carry the maudlin driver safely home. How different today. The “one for the road’’ might so eas ily be on© for the ditch, the hospital or the morgue—perhaps all three. Conclusive scientific prdof has shown that a. driver having 1% pints of 6% beer will be affected as follows: 1. Selective reactions e. g- making decisions, slow down 10%. 2 Muscular reactions e.g. moving hands and feet, slow down 7%%. 3 Mental concentration e.g. Watch ing his driving, loss up to 35%, The problem fact is that the “one for the road’’ Is fraught with tragedy, —Advt. 9b United Church Young People Meet The meeting opened with a song led by Margaret Machan. | The worship service in charge of Lois Walker opened with a hymn. The Scripture was read by Isabel Scott. The offering was then received. A short drama on the Jones family was followed by a discussion And prayer. A hymn was then sung. Mary Haines conducted the business. The minutes were read and approved, followed by the roll call. Bev. Brooks was in charge of re creation. The meeting closed taps. CARD OF THANKS sing- with 3 Week-end Specials Weston’s Chooolate Marsh mallow BISCUITS ........lb. 85c Royal York Peanut Butter.......16 oz. jar 35c Aylmer Fancy, Cream Style Com ............. 20 oz. 17c Libby’s Cooked Spaghetti...........2-20 oz. tins 35c Auxiliary was Church with present. An election with Mrs. George Scott as Past president, Mrs. Michael Mc Phail was thanked for her efforts during the past year, and it was moved that a letter be sent to the board of management thanking them for the use of the church. The new officers are: President, Mrs. Earl Hamilton; first vice-presi dent, Mrs. Wilf Congram; second vice-president, Mrs. Guy; secretary, Mrs. Frank 'Madill; treasurer, Mrs. John Strong. Committees are: Sewing, Mrs. Nor man Cameron; social, Mrs. Gordon Davidson; visiting, Mrs. Michael Mc Phail; program, Mrs. John Bateson; Overend; Mrs. Jim af Mundys* ............. "■■■'■."."■■T"-1"".1 Blue Water Fish Sticks 10 oz. pkg. John Howard Sloan Former Toronto Man John Howard Sloan, former well- known Toronto druggist anti a former Wingham businessman, died home in Wingham, following illness. A r native of Brantford, he from business five years ago and came to Wingham nine months ago. He a member of the United Church the Masonic Order, Surviving besides his wife, former Ethel Greenwood, are a John Sloan, of St. John, N. B.; a dau ghter, Mrs. Bruce Younge, of Tor onto and step children, Mrs. Joseph Masters and Ross Thompson, both of Brantford. A brother Gordon and two sisters, Mrs. Cora Green and ’Mrs. Albert Crysler, all of Toronto, also survive. Service will be held today (Wed nesday) at 2 p. m.,'from the Wright, and Taylor funeral home, Richmond j press reporter, Mrs. Miles Hill. Rev, D. J. MacRae, of the Wing ham with tery. United Church, will officiate, burial in Richmond Hill ceme- Service Saturday For Arthur Law Service for Arthur Law, 78, was held on Saturday afternoon, from the Sal vation Army conducted by Captain Belanger, with interment in Wingham cemetery. A native of England,. Mr. Law came to Canada 45 years ago. He was a member of the Salvation Army, a former bandsman, and for many years operated a grocery store in Lower Wingham. His only survivors are two nephews and one niece, Harry Oaks, Welland; Donald Law, England and Mrs. Mary Roberts, Wingham. His wife, the former Alice Oaks, died in 1954. Wingham Oddfellows Visited by DDGM District Deputy Grand Master, Hartley Fisher, was guest speaker at the Wingham Oddfellows on Thursday evening, the occasion of his official visit. Being introduced by our Past Dist rict Deputy Grand Master Roy Man uel, the Grand Master gave a very interesting and informative address. The appreciation of the members was expressed to the District Deputy Grand Master by Noble Grand, Roy Bennett, Mr. A. D. Smith remarked that a considerable sum of money had been raised to buy new collars but still more was needed. Donations would be very much appreciated. • A social evening which consisted of cards, films and a very tasty lunch was enjoyed by everyone. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Stewart Beattie for showing the films. On Friday evening last two carloads of brothers attended Hanover Lodge to see Stratford brothers put on a 3rd. degree, in which 50 brothers took part. Hospital Auxiliary Busy 'in January At the meeting of the Ladies' Aux iliary to Wingham Hospital, which was held in the Council Chamber on Friday, it was found that the cutting and sewing groups had been busy. During January more than 100 art icles were made, including sheets and pillow covers, bed spreads, towels, and adult patients’ gowns. In .addition, all mending was done. Bills to the amount of $479.00 were presented and prdered paid. These bills covered 169 yards of flannelette and 236 yards of sheeting, as well as other supplies. A donation of $86.53 was received from the local churches participating in the week of prayer and represented the offerings taken at those services. The president, Mrs. R. E. McKinney, presided at the meeting. £ ■ of ap- I wish to take this opportunity expressing my sirtdere thanks and i preciation for the kindness, cards and treats given to me while I was a pat ient in the Wihghhm General Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Palmer, Mc Kibben arid Leahy and td Mrs. Morrey and het staff of nurses, Lois Gilklnson CAR-PASSENGER FERRY PLANNED Tentative plans for a dual-purpose, auto-foot passenger ferry to operate between Courtright and St. Clair Michigan, on the St. Clair River now jammed with ice, were announced last week. Sherwood Anderson, of St. Clair, who holds the franchise, has been running one ferry back and forth un der normal conditions. Passengers have been carried on the ferry, and the. cars towed behind by a scow. A company spokesman said that the fares would not be increased. Fares for adults are now 20 cents, 10 cents An rher, fares for children. increase Was granted last sum- Under terms of the franchise cannot be raised without per mission from the Federal Govern ment. j British Columbia fishermen landed 9* 514 whales In 1954. I nominating, Mrs. Carr and Hardy. It was suggested that meeting be held of the of the Brownie Group with Kim as guest speaker. The committee which freshments to the cubs toboggan party last week John Donaldson, Mrs. George Scott, Mrs. Gordon Davidson, Brooks and Mrs. Thompson. A tentative date the first day in March, was set an open mothers Mrs. Mc- served re- after their were: Mrs. Mrs.H. Wednes- for the Fathers and Sons banquet. Mrs. George Scott was named ’convener. Her committee will be: Mrs. Garniss, Mrs. Guy, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Cam eron, Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Madill, Mrs. Spry, Mrs. Bateson, Mrs. Overend, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Donald son and Mrs. Carr. Lunch was served following the meeting. Credit Union Reports Successful Year At the annual meeting of Belgrave District Credit. Union held recently a three percent dividend was declared on the members’ shares for the past year. The officers for the new year are as follows: directors, Henry Pat tison, Albert E. Coultes, Herman Nethery, Les Bolt, Charlie Smith, Mel Bradburn, Ken Wheeler; credit com mittee, Charlie Coultes, Mason Robin son, Martin Grasby; supervisory com mittee, Clarence Wade, Abner Neth ery, Simon Hallahan; treas., George Michie. .. ^Uraninum depdftts have beer!* un covered in widely separated parts in New Brunswick. MUNDYS’ ■40 YEARS IN WINGHAM PHONE 82 FOR FREE DELIVERY gw ■tfn’r’Trm || MOTORS . fa and R E P AIR S COMPLETE MOTOR REWINDING up to 100 H.P. NEW MOTOR GUARANTEE on All complete RE-WINDS. . LELAND & GE . MOTOR DISTRIBUTOR BURKE s s a a S ELECTRIC WINGHAM PHONE 474 ______________________________________________I COME AND SEE SOME REAL Intermediate A HOCKEY W I N G H A M MOHAWKS VS. MOUNT FOREST REDMEN Saturday, February 12th 9 p.m. WINGHAM ARENA - - .. The Mohawks lost out to Mount Forest in their game with them last week. But they’ll be back to even the'score on Saturday! COME OUT AND SUPPORT YOUR TEAM! SA VE MONEY by PREPA YING | WING HAM AV 4 Town of Wingham 1955 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1955 taxes up to 80 per cent of 1954 taxes- ¥ Interest at the rate of Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer’s Office, Town Hall. . W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham ........ , . , .... ... .... , , ................. f