HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-02-09, Page 2Two The Wisigham Advanee-Thues, Wednesday, February Sth, 1955 | £***''^'*!<^,**I,*'’*V*I>***<*^A’fifKS OF WROXETER Reminiscing &Mrs. J. H. Wylie Hostess for Women’s Institute Meeting STILL WORK TO DO At the annual meeting of the Wingham General Hos-1 pita! last week, Chainnan H. C. MacLean had kind words Ssdctf years ago to say of the hospitaFs puhhchy committee, which. wasj> Mr. x f of town, has pm* largely responsible for raising nearly necessary ^Ccbtoted tectung hato-e, ior the bunding oi the ^new wmg. * lhe commntee nasi^^ CLma, w th© of indeed done a wonderful job, even though the objective efij Th© assailant j^tbej^tor cf the §200,000 has not ye: been quite attained. ’’ During the past year, and. since the money was promis­ ed under the pro-rata scheme by the participating muni­ cipalities, the committee has 'been inactive, due to the feeling on the part of its members that their work had been completed. At the annual meeting last week however it appeared that there is still work for the committee to do.. . . . 'j Thursday mornings, but all other Although the task of raising money for the new wing J trams went through, most of them, ’ “ • * * .’ ' ” . The main street of theThZ ■W!ra’ ..^ P°^on, is cn rad.o evaluation and said this, _ drifted full, the snow banks in front s^yyey ©anttoued for another( c.________ _ ________ _ olrw©>’ ecep. At ibis writing, the streets and national .flower’1 brought an interest- nGcxterteh “'Siguai'' has been ftoed $19 j’and easts for ssssuSl, ■i This section wss visited by the > watst assyw storm for years, cm Tues- ! day sad Wednesday cf this vreek. The I roads were blocked with snrnv several i feet deep and there has been but |little traffic for the past three days. iiThe early train from Kincardine vras i; cancelled on Tuesday, Wednesday and i) Thursday mornings, Mrs, J, H. Wylie opened her home on Wednesday aftercwsn for the Feb­ ruary meeting of the Wrcxeter W©- men's Institute. The president, Mrs; Herb Patterson presided and secre­ tary, Mrs. Tam Burke presented the minutes and correspondence whieh. included many thank you notes in ap­ preciation of treats, and gifts, Mrs.. Alvin Moffat gave some fine thoughts on the motto '‘'Invest your to live with her sister. Mr. Lovell died in 1942. Surviving are a sister, Miss Anna B. Fraser, of La Rivere, Manitoba* three brothers, Peter and Gordon, ©f Pilot Mound, :i and Will of Ridge town. Three brc-jj there, Sandy, John .and Douglas, pre-j deceased her. « For many years Mrs. Lovell taught S school. She was. active in the United Church and a member of the Women’s time instead of spending iti” *Thej Missionary Society also the Women's rsi-rsTO ;« h« institute. Her wide circles- of friends here were grieved to learn of her passing -and extend deepest sympathy to relatives. Funeral services were held .in Pilot Gypsy in the Parlour’ by Marjorie Sharp was the book chosen to review by Mrs. Frank. Haris. Mbs. Earls said. . this writer was a favorite of the Duke cf Edinburgh. She has written several iilu.v boons andyThe Gypsy in .the Parlour7’ Mound cn Friday afternoon, with keeps 'up mterest to the last. terment .in Pilot Mound cemetery. Mrs. D. S» MacNaughton read a re- *has been iust about completed, there still remains the job 3^ <M lurmshmg the various wards m tne new bmldmg. ----u committee has again vohmteered to take on this job and-of .some of the Stores being five feet year. The rea call “A country and its to contact service ctabs and other organizations; asti.*, Xj for their support in this work. itown vris goon present its usual app The thanks. 01 the entire community wth go out to the ;day 9 o-ciocK having lasted ,j committee for their work in the past and the best wishes, from 7 ©-dock Monday night. j for their fetore endeavors. al * ' * ’i McDonald, dentist, of this town after i an illness extending ©ver .several- menths, from lung tocnhle. The sad; event occurred cn Wednesday even-1 iCS to 'the S3to. year of his age, Thej 115 , tie-ceased has been a reridear of theg town for many years, ■and was smiver- 3 ssliy esteemed. He leaves & wife andg ------ —--------; two children, who have Use sympathy :l :n the Mascm j - «■, Z? - - ;iFriaay mg'ht In c. Dieris were earemenz Charles Gathers er mg response. __ _ ___,,____ _______ _________Mrs. Gilbert Howes spoke words of ;;©earai;ce. The storm abated totThurs-^PP^a^oan to all who bad taken - ■ part and to the hostesses, Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. John. Lane and Miss Margaret Jardine. - W, M. -S. The Women's Missionary Society. GUILT BY ASSOCIATION A recent editorial in one of our daily contemporan. suggests that in these days of rhe tmwritten law of git: bv association. Christ would be known as a fellow-trav eller. because He consorted wmh publicans and sinner? The Russians, of coarse, have long believed that am. one who consorted with West enters was subject to sus ptcion., and an iron curtain has been thrown around th- country prevent just such contingencies. e. of th Western world, sometimes seem to he m danger or ertmlai ing the Russians. Arlee's recent trips - Russia red rhe ire of many Westerners, anything which might ?e even "o ing favorable tc the Soviet wori communist stooge, or worse. Guilt by association is just a today as it was tn the time c-f Chr .c For Him Valentine CANDIES All beautifully wrapped for Valentine’s Day For Her Perfumes, Colognes, Hand Lotions, Sachets, Talcums, Compacts, Quality Soaps, Photo Albums, Stationery, Pen and Pencil Sets Kodaks, Cameras. Shaving Bowls, Hair Brushes, Shaving Sets, Hold All Kits, Pipes, / Lighters, Playing Cards, Shaving Brushes, Leather Billfolds, Electric Razors. COUTTS VALENTINE CARDS 5c 10c 15c 25c 35c 50c $1.00 everCue of the >:< winter is the ph.mgc the complaint is .-.hi' Ciriaen Joe De ioh o>: shoveFsng o street ph w and fibs cartoons, bm Joe isr, of the sitmation. While •the com.plam£ is patural enongK a solution ss pretty hard to find. In fact we can only think of two ways ©£ euim<iuaring the trouble. Perhaps somebody wi’Z invent a plow which will scoop out the driveways as h goes along. Or failing that per­ haps the tewm council will send a crew of workmen along after the plow’ to dig out al the driveways. We doubt if either possibility is vein’ likely. And furthermore, faced with the prospect of a higher militate to cover costs of being dug out. we imagine that most of the citizens will continue to vdeLi the shovel them­ selves—even though they co complam. 'st 3 >*L ££" Special Feature I On all RINGBINDERS, BILLFOLDS, BIBLES, ($2.00 and up) purchased in our store, we will stamp your name or initials in GOLD LEAF letters FREE. .tor* Weigsv fetKbris, fehLsMM, W. ferny Wedges, feStoe* Mstita feteam ^t&£^xs A.utbori:®»n .» S&toaS C&aw ICC Btet OfEre feft* — fee 'fear S&x Micrite fe atoe S« S. JL, yiesr yuKr F" fetes «tt I I OF 3n«JLKD> US' CANADA.} s=s== (EHingfjatn ■■ Sexagerima. O® a-m.—CfeEsmamfia H.W am—Mortfmg Prayer Serasoa 2L3B pum—Church Sdbo»al ZOG p^-^vemsg Prayer & Sense®,.-l. ,<££. WefL Feb. 9fh—-Vmemme Tea.. W7r. Feb, <3® pm.c-ADm.r Chid bfeeriug at the Rettery ?ek 1 Sfh—S. ?r Guild Meeting in the Parish Room.. 3 Mfchg.. fete wre tea* ftd keep Vhscls e&atf ’tel feq spsat. bf feMsy ssS;' S'gm, ea Mteaiy S® fete jfteS? is write utetisssQfe the g3as® -was®' u^u. fia e» sshfc etmua ©£• Bern. ♦ & , AT 6 WEEKS OF AGE, IT’S EASY TO PICK THE CHICK FED CHICK STARTER 23% FASTER GfOWTW EAwa MATwwrr Yes, it just takes a quick glance to tell which chicks have been given a SHUR-GAIN start. They stand out every time—because after six weeks on SHUR- GAIN Chick Starter, they’ve made 25 per cent faster growth, they’re more completely feathered and they’re more mature. This extra-fast growth means fust one thing to you. Your birds will be fitted to start producing eggs and meat sooner—which means you start getting a return on your investment sooner. SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is economical to feed, too. It’s a high efficiency feed—extra^concentrated so that three pounds of SHUR-GAIN produces as much growth as four pounds of ordinary starter. Get YOUR Chicks off to a flying start this year— with SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter. a i S 1 i s |i i g ■ I ! > hi H