The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-12-22, Page 2■ •*:EDITORIALS *< V£;rs OF CORRIE Tour Is Feature [Women’s Institute Meeting | *The Rev, R, J, Beggs was guest ~ — speaker at the Chrtstmes meeting cf jUhe Gorrte WX at the some cf Mrs. ii'Andy Edgar on Tuesday evening. The S words cf the shepherds, *’Let us- now .fgo even unfo BetnJefeem, to see this i tiring that, has come to pass'; were jebpsen by Mr. Boggs as he tock his gram cc.mmit£&^ Mrs. W» Kfog, Mrs, W. THmhX Mrs. Buchanan; press seeretasy, Mrs. Geo. Brown., Bfoamaal reports of the 4 groups were road, al% treasurer’s report ©E the W- A, which was very gratifying. Refreshments were served by ’the h©s- foss and- eammittro. United Chnreh News ' o Christmas Party The Sunday School children having a Ghristmas party in 5! ... . _ „ . -v .ehuroh hall ©n Wednesday, DecemberssoMfors who fell m Fa’estine .m the '29th, .at X3Q p.-m, InRsnsueh as life itself is all a matter of getting Ths .people of the church for an indeterminate conclusion, it is natural enough that jot jesas^ birth; m the fields whero of' die instinct far preparation lies deep-rooted within evepd5,^S^.1g^^lch One OI US. e Way not &now whltner, nor why, but tne^dgrims would be traveBhxg the road': White Gift -Serriee | mysterious life which we receive and transmit makes usT" *K*” daridy suspicious of those who would assert that human-1 ity is merely a chemical reaction. And the more we ponder j the profound mysteries of the breath of existence, the birth. | fruition and decay of all nature, the more we incline to^ suspect, with such little wit as we possess, that somewhere! ON GETTING READY It dots seem that thrGUgiwm and from the most foggy da vs of ch2ldho.&< we have been geumg ready.. --. get ready to go places and do things, or to meet situations, - or to perform tasks, or even to go- to bed and get up again, jgte shepherds cn the first Christmas.1 Humanity, if it participates at aH in the affairs of life, is|§^churoh’S^jera- always girting ready, I*53!®?1 -Sccssish Hold Christmas Party ! At St PauEs Church j A record gathering ©f ^hOdren and parents packed the parish room cf St! Fam’s Anglican -Churoh last Friday'' , evening for toe -annual Christmas ■ party. The girls and hoys gathered for a cafeteria style supper end then at W pvrire joined by the adsdt members ©f the congregation. I^ate^mers found .= that there was standing man only.' The Hector, the .Rev. H. U Parker, acted as chairman and welecnred 'the large gathering before introdneing the tnwnbers. Recitations were given. by the members cf Mrs. H. Jensen’s class, Mrs. H. Fester’s class, ifrs. N. Cronk- . wright’s class and Miss J. .Armitages class. Miss Armitage’s class also sang a Christmas Caro! while Janet Saint played a piano selection. The Junior Auxiliary, under Mrs. H. !«, Parker presented the play ‘The Grossing Sweeper11 while the pupils of Mrs. J. McKay's class, assisted 'by same from, the Reckons class present­ ed the play *Tn. Came Santa dans’. ‘"The remainder of toff BecWrii OlW presented & mock radio interview by tape recording the voice# Of flOWO <X the children and playing the recording 'for all to hear. The programme WM br<W#M to A elose with the arrival of ttota f’MUH. The ©id gent waa In a boldlwcw mood mid diw w laughs from thow piwnt tota'Ml of receiving and exchanging (d/to Um M and Wx brought a Urge rnimbm.’# of"White Gift#” which WM’O $ym to tho Children’# Aid Moly for dtotdhwtlon throughout the imimty* - - - White Gift Service■at tods Gmtistmas seatom He .showed'; At the r^nr^fog service in toe Ciptomg v.'orr^ by to© women. _^«£r.; United-Church, tinting toe procession-,■> :B©ggsyr2s^ with toe British, figi hymn, toe choir followed, by toe j Grainger and Sandra : Army ro Paletome. In etosmg oe earn SjaidBy emMron presented was served fey Ruth to keep Cmymoas as a robgwns fes- their white gift tocks which were 'noc; _ 1 placed -on a lighted Christmas tree, j ■^*arSle Hastie. The president, Mrs. Ceesl » ,jpfe.e chair ^a-ng the antoems *W<m«s Personals presided for the meeting, Sirs. Glad tirons Story-’ and ’The Way of the I Mr. and Mrs. Everett -- x - - , i^ogar presented mmntes ana iman- aGs3 Mariene Feigel sang a Luting in that profoimd finnament there is some destiny which, SaX^S=“ $ “te „ , - . , . . . - -rjOjg t-gy w 4 v w^nanaw toQK’i *‘~55 ^"t Strong of the Sarnia Gen­ in effect, can be scarcely less than a degree or immortality. ,raH call was answered with a Christ- for his good gift andArel Hospital staff, spent the W&ek- So, doubting or coniident, we get reauv, .. .Il is our abiding1^f/®I5t^3^ ^^ ®“®5*5Jrv’^!evezy gift .is’trom ehwe" and end at her home._ - -.1- „.anara Eagar sang ri^ar or .he Eaot -; told tog story -of ^The gift of a new - - - - - - lgrftxx»>wsxr4Mii»<f>croaw««'M«4Mi5i'KMUm£MFsn»ftUt^ £ ♦ First Sunday after Christinas are ■the WISHES AND THE NEW YEAR Christmas Eve ■s ** f s «MmrMmm i 5 f 8 «■ X -old yet is the tradition of rpreajin^ Cbriftmaa cheer. In this spirit we extend our best wishes lor your jfoocl health and happiness. habit XVegetready fortheday orfortheevem^rfGr^^ King have the incalculable future. But alwavs we get readv. -Lh ‘s..st gmng seis the soul aligns, witn a u nous, At the moment we are getting ready for Christmas,lola.install officers the mOSt beauthul and one Gt the most significant fes-jshut-ins. There was an exchange Ofu At their Christmas meeting on. rivals of the Christian rear. Christmas, however, has be-.;Christmas gifts and donations were; Wednesday night, toe Gcrrie LOSA . .- . . received for ths Christmas boxes. ? • - - ’ ....come more than a Cnnstian least; it has blended itseli * A was by toe J with oagan ceremonv and is, in its essence a colorful cere- ^nymtroe in ch&^‘ ,J^SE mony or rememoranee. Above all other cavs m the year,?jJhn Bayfor, by the hast^ it is at Christmas that we remember the past—all of it, * c.gxt. Vesper Service good or baa, mends or roes, mistaxes and tnumphs, cnila- Canadian Giris in Training was held hood, adolescence, adulthood, parenthood—evervthing-on sAd^\ evea“= in Gorne united cro-was back to the neanh on this or all beautnul days. jship of sirs. Bower Fatrish and MteS . iFem Cooke, presented a very inspir-Perhaps there is something more beauniui in hie than National candie lighting service, featur- remembrance. Possibly fairh is lovelier: possibly assur-’jg^g'Vi^ bl; ance of immortality has more grandeur. But who among Airs. Glad. Edgar and Mrs. Fartish. s as dare W be so sure. Bur as human befogs, remembrance 25 . .. . is onlv a litde Step from conscience, and if we can remem-sintraSucmg the theme of the service.ituena Sanfcnson; Jr. deputy mis-jmovri to their hew hone, ber truly, tasth ana even greater things are not so ianstory from new viewpoints". _____-- -h - awav. For. In remembering-, already ----1.., ~ it needs little imagination to recognize wnhin our mward .'Helen Adams with an appropriate 4Tonjer? guardian, Mrs. Annie Toner:; brated his Wh birthday, when 23 sat vision, those who are now far of A h h. h—I-----2.---------f_ - _ - - -n -- - — - ^--- ourselves that on this dav of -fovs—Christmas—there arel?®" ^gh5? »» the home of u. daughter, jta. lonely men and women m remote pans oz the giobe whose "Brotherhood*’ by Ruth Grainger, a eyts turn wistfully as,i rememberir.gly toward that fireside which was. the companion OI their childhood, JYvmme Sparling and Diane Irwin ^read the Scripture, taken from Lukeq The Wise Men got ready. And thet’ followed the star. Matthew’s version of the Christ- g What appeared to them at first as the. goal and consum- and ae-| ation of their pilgrimage later revealed itself as onlv the '’enmpamed the choir of the c.gxt.1 starting point oi a tar greater and more glorious phgnm- jXigh£i Hoiy Night". The offertory andl age. The Three Wise Men still follow the star; thev re-iP^^e added much to the service. ».*'*' “j l?TXTH ei, ** *TTtV<b e* »vr*side within us. and year alter year renew the pledge ox the little disregarded manger, so that our footsteps may start in the right direction, and in time, that the quest may end •in our personal fulfilment. Vrie get ready; we travel our days, which are always ehalien.ging us in that preparation for tomorrow. - ■■ The fact is 'that on Christmas day we are willing not. only to remember, but to forget. We have no enemies on! that morning. The beggar could come to our dOors a,nd| would not go away empty handed. In fact, the trifle wej dropped in the Salvation Army bucket or handed to the8 cheerful collector of our favorite service dub suddenly takes on new significance, and we yield to a moment of gratification that somewhere some desperate man or j enter 35 years. He was born m Eng* ■ aau jt,irs. .Airman oros-gm me - rignt am 'Lhe n. t-eacnere ana < . . ... - . o.v- . -. thoughts on the motto, “The spirit of C.GXT. were in. charge of deeora-'] “OTfe“ ~e former Robmscn resi- - '■-s—’-'‘-t ^.sw. ■■ dense at toe north of toe village, Mr. Blake MdMillan is planning to move his family from, their home in Lis- ] towel, to toe farm home of Sir. and , > bfrs. Ernest King, jwmlira bad aa e^haage oi Sifts.osa$£&3, q,. p. g_ v.„, j During the business period donationsEd«mr jof -?-35 to the True Blue and Orange jj ° yOrphanage at Richmond Hill and <X G. L T. j to toe EO.B.A. -contribution io the| On December 13th, toe Gorrie C.G. • British and Foreign Bible Society;! Mr. John Feurs has bought toe farm s were made. ]i owned by Mr. and Mrs. Kay, lot U, | blrs. Alex Taylor installed the fol-| con. 33 and has moved, with Ms family Mowing officers: Past Mistress, JUrs.^of A 3£r. Feurs and wife came from ; Lottie Thornton; worthy mistress,;; Holland 3 years ago. He is at present ijMrs. T. L. .ilclnxes; deputy mistress, j! employed as a che&semaker at Blyto Miss Margaret Dane; recording see./Mr. and Mrs. Kay have bought the Mrs. George Brown; financial sec.,5 farm formerly owned by Mr. Tom Sirs. Beta Carson; chaplain, Xilrs.«Wright, north of Wroseier and have j Mri Harold Pollock, of Fordwich, - . . - * «vof ceremonies, Mrs. Wm. Smith; ]i has been appointed township clerk. ve are g^t^ng ready, ^representing^ the ^turers^ Taylor, Mrs. Irring^ Mr; Nicholas (fook recently ^cele- t needs lixtle to persuade reading. The second candfe "F^end-Hreassrer, Mrs. George King; inner'• down to a family dinner in his honor. w 2?xr"Sa jrmz'5 TMF«i sJ*«' .......-* » ' IDSie aje-Am ainij, TJ^ -World g-iato, ATr-g. J.--—-.- V.^rA-Ar Anglican Church News ? ij The annual Chrisunas party for the ] ehSdren of SL Stephens was held in'; the Orange Hail on Thursday evening. 1 A'"short program was presented by| the children and Christmas carols j were sung. Mr. F- EL Russell presided and showed films of the. _ __ Nativity. A beautifully decorated | The offering was received by four | Christmas tree gave a. seasonable j members of the ^Gssfon Band, Joamae | setting. Santa, Qaus arrived and dls- I Strong, Carol Robinson, ^‘xadine Cook I tribuied treats and gifts, after which and Elaine btilier. This annual vesper I r<3f ^eT served.j service affords .all Canadian Giris .in s«rveu_ | Training, their parents and friends, fan opportunity to share in the work: | of the C.GXT. Committee of the De- ipartment of Christian Education of’ |the Canadian Council of Churches.; | The committee sponsors and promotes i the C.G-LT. movement throughout the j whole of Canada. j Fifty-Sixth Wedding Anniversary j ,, Best wishes of the community go] I to Mr. and. Mrs. Thus. Short, whoi i marked their 5Sth wedding anniver- |sary on Tuesday, December 21. They] a have been residents of Gorrh for] j many years. Mr. Short faaving^been ’ man Is happy this day because of that small sacrifice of Ji 0^*35 y^re7*He was hum te^Fng-j ours. tlend and earns to Canada in, 1SS5 at’ ftbe age cf nine years- He reca-Hs fhg i So we encomnass all £he world. Relatives and friends!voyage from England and also hi§l difficulties in school, when the teacher: , insisted fee drop his English accent: and many a strapping resulted- , Mr. and 2»£rs.. Short enjoy fairly: igood health but Mrs. Shorts eyesight :is very poor. However, she is stiU jab’e to- do some household duties. ! Celebrate AnDiversiuy l Mr. and 3»£rs. Leonard Ruttan were honored at a family dinner to mark their 45th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, December 15th. The ■celebration, which was a surprise for them, was held at the home of their dren ag^in “just for tonight", as simple, as affectionate. as wholly trustful and as innocently happy thBt the heaven’ The famny and grandchildren, num- °Pen,and *e unseen, unheard "chorus of angels Mrs. Fraser was a waitress at the wedding dinner 45 years ago. _ During the evening bfr. and Mrs. f 'J ...A. el _a:;tSo we encompass ah the world. Relatives and friendshwws /rem England and also his far off and long missed; we think of them and wonder andi"’"~’^’~ wish and make determinations to write and seek and J comfort. Who would deny these enriching emotions on| such a day! For is it so long, good madam or sir, since!’ you crept silently down to interview, unauthorized^ that| all-too-small stocking, bulged with the orange at its toe. but with such street, if modest, astonishments concealed) in the mysterious leg of it 1 Not so long, perhaps too long, and not long at all: since we could do it again even notv.' Perhaps we Will; perhaps this Christmas we will be chib' Miss Jean Lohr underwent an ap- ij pend&etomy in the Wingham General fHospital on Friday morning and on I "Wednesday Bill Nay was also operat- I ed on for appendicitis. Both, are mak- Iing a satisfactory recovery. The draw for the Christmas prizes in Stephens’ store will be made by a member of the very yonng set on Fri- ,'day about -L30 pun. shall fill, no* only our homes, but our hearts. It might help. For Christmas is but a brief halting „ ___„ _ _______... space of remembrance, before the days die and we come presenied a ?atg® that grave storic-takmg, which no sensitive mortal can -i woman’s Association avoid, whh the birth of the new rear. Christmas is ourL A M G^nfo united Church last chance. The last chance to get ready. The last chance| hGm./?£ thuS before that similitude of earthly mortalltv—the dvlng.vear; evening. The pfogram sxveeps us swiftly past another milestone* The last chance i&T to dean the house of all hatreds, uncharitableness, long-|TayI®r aK£ taking held jealousies and Htde-mmdedness; last chance to re- Th?%Sf 42 tatefope?E@d with Scripture readfog. A C&ristmas foeditatfop was present­ ed by ifos, Tayfor and Mrs. Buchan­ an led in prayer. H’ectioa of ©ffieets for the eotaing year resulted as- foltews: President, Mrs. Gordon Edgar; viee-S = president, ifos, T. D. Mclnnes; tee.*| see., Mrs. A, Heibeln; fin.-sec., MrsJ Fred Hyndfoan; treas... Mrs, Allan! Hyndman; parsonage enmmittee, Mr&I H. Ferguson, Mrs, A. Hyndman, Mrs J W. Strong; pianist, Mrs, Harold * Hyndman; assutant pianist, Mra,f Ken Hfefttfo; flower and cheer fund, Mm. W. Trimble, Mrs. J. TMWhrtk»f guest, speaker Mrs. W. E. Whitfield, Mrs, T. Tu Mcthnes; church .floWeta, Mr*. M Taft^r, MM W, Strong, Mrs. Reta Caifon, ite Wood; nominating committee, Mrs. Russet Adams, Mtit ' M Whitfield, Mrs. ® X Fftttish; pro-1 lease the true goodness which, if she truth be gold, never utterly dies, however unwatered, in any human heart; the last chance to be the man or woman that, so many years ago we dreamed we might be, loving the world and beloved of ft, kind, affectionate and charitable —E.W.L.C. Qhte IBittjktor Abirattra-Simes Pnbhiihed at ’WfogfoaM Ontario Wenger Brothers, PubUtoers, W. Barry Wenger, Editor Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorised aft Second Oaaft Mall Post Office Dept. <• fub^riptom Rite — Che Year *2-50, Six Months *L25 hi advance AdvntMng Ratet <m agfifcttfaift *■ £I * FOR CHRISTMAS (5oob Will ta all men . *. this, in its deepest meaning, is our wish at Christmas. -■ "’k- r v*8*^ ■ 'i I si ■ ------J 11.00 p.m.—Carol Singing 11.30 p.m.—Choral Communion * * * Christmas Bay 6.30 a,m—Hospital Communion 9.00 a.m,'—Quiet Communion 5,00 p.m—Bishop of Huron Christmas Broadcast CKNX. 8.30 a.mHoly Communion 11.00 a.m.—Moming Prayer & Sermon 2.30 p.m.—Children’s Christmas Service 7.00 p.m.—Carol Service $«*’»»’» Grwtin«» to the Citizens of Winghem