HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-12-22, Page 1With which is amalgamated the Gotrie Vidette and Wroxeter News WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1954 Out of the Ashes of the Old old the Practising in U.S. ft a WINGHAM COMPANY COMPLETES RAILING for REVIEWS ACTIVITIES were meeting, which PROCLAMATION HOLIDAY HOURS NOTICE DeWitt Miller, Mayor the office—the 34—and we’ll for you. No choral Paul’s night, music, and decorated with and other seasonal theme will also be morning and even- A good deal of the main build- prevent possible We liked particularly the bit about the mite. As flames levelled the temporary H-hut buildings at the Wingham District High School on Monday night, one of the things still standing in the area of destruction was the sign of the architects and the contractors, who are constructing the new' high school at the rear of the old CHRISTMAS VISITORS? PHONE IN A PERSONAL! that the main building endangered, a bulldozer, the Joe Kerr Construction was brought to the scene of of in on after Both Drug stores Will be on call Sunday, Dec. BOXING day special 5.15. buildings. According to high school authorities there will be sufficient accomodation in the new school available by January 3rd, to take care of those students made “homeless” by Monday’s fire. —Staff .Hhoto. Kerr’s Open 19 a.m. till Noon McKibbon’s Open 2 p.m. till » 5 p.m. NOTICE The operators Of the town plow wilt not bo responsible for any damage to vehicles left On the .streets of Wing- ham. F15,22b INITIATE SIX AT Subscriptions $2.50 per year, 6c per copy ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian NO TROUBLE NOW—And it was less than a week ago, at the last meeting of the high school board, they were wondering what to do with the old H-huts . . . 0-0-0 THANKS, FELLOWS—R. S. Camp­ bell, sending in a renewal for his subscription, also sent along this little poem: Lives of great men oft remind us Honest toil don’t stand a chance. The more we live we leave behind us Bigger patches in our pants. Then let’s all be up and doing; Send in your mite, be it so small, .. Else when storms of winter strike us We’ll have no pants left at all. 0-0-0 PROPHECY?—Reading in one of the neighboring dailies, we noticed a heading which read “Air conditioning to be installed in Wingham School”. Looks as if they have it at the high school. 0-0-0 COLD COMFORT—Seems like only the other day that some forecaster (?) was predicting a December “milder than average”. He’s probably sitting out the wintry blasts in Florida. KINSMEN MEETING The regular meeting of, the Kinsmen Club was held at the 'Queen’s Hotel on Friday, Dec. 17th at 7 p.m. with the president, Lloyd Ellacott, in the chair. This meeting took the form of a Christmas party with' paper hats and other favours supplied by Kin Andy Scott. An air of gaiety prevail­ ed throughout the meeting with a - very lively fine session, the maximum being raised to a higher level than usual. . ■ One raffle prize was won by a new member Murray Stainton, the other went to “Tommy” Thomson. At a previous meeting names were drawn for Christmas presents (not more than 25c was to be spent and strange to Bay many very useful items were handed out by Kin Clare “Santa Claus’’ Cantelon. M During the business session six new members were welcomed into the Fellowship of Kin. The following were Initiated and received their pins: Charles Perrott, Lome MacDonald, Wm. Grover, Murray Stainton, Car­ man Loucks and Freddie Templeman. Free Kiddies* Show • At Lyceum Theatre Alton Adams’ Christmas show the kiddies at the Lyceum Theatre, will be held on Thursday, December 23rd. this year, at *2 p.m. AU children in the district are invited for the free matinee, as guests of the manage­ ment of the Lyceum Theatre. A spec­ ial western picture “Pecos Trail” will be shown. The free Christmas matinee has be­ come traditional with the Lyceum Theatre since Capt. Adams took over the theatre some twenty-five years ago. The Lyceum was one of the first theatres in the district to follow this practice. Medical Association Names Dr. Crawford To Hospital Board .0 Dr. W. A. Crawford of Wingham, has been reappointed as representa­ tive of the Wingham Medical Associa­ tion on the board of the Wingham General Hospital, at a meeting of the association last week. Twelve doctors from the Wingham district were given an outline of Huron County Co-Operative Medical Services by president Harry John- atori, of Brussels. President Dr. Phil* Up Leahy, of Teeswater, presided at the annual Christmas dinner Held at the hospital. i ||1Ip#®!th: If you are having visitors during the Christmas season, or if you are going away for Christmas, your friends would like to see a personal in the paper about it. Give us a call at phone number is write a little item charge, of course. AT ANNUAL MEETING ' Gordon MacKay, who has been butterniaker at the Maitland Cream­ ery for the past twenty-five years, was presented with an automatic gold watch for his years of faithful ser­ vice, at the annual meeting and ban­ quet of the United Co-Operatives of Ontario, at the Royal York in Tor­ onto last week. Over 800 members from Co-Ops all over Ontario were present at the meeting. , Three other employees of the creamery were previously honored for long service in the persons of Jack Cleghorn, Roger Oke and Percy Har­ ris. Sx Manager Rod Macintosh attended the meeting with Mr. MacKay. LIONS CLUB HOLDS CHHISTMAS MEETING The Christmas rfteeting of the Lions Club was held at the Brunswick Hotel on Friday evening, where a turkey dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed by members of the club. Hap Swatridge and Earl Heywood, musicians from station CKNX pro­ vided music for the was much enjoyed. Four guests were George, guest of present: Dennis Don Nasmith; Larry Sampson, guest of Gordon Bu­ chanan; John Crawford, son of Harley Crawford and Hugh Allan. Messrs. McKinney and Buchanan acted as tail twisters, providing the members with lots of fun^and lots of fines. Speaker of the "evening was Rev. D. J. MacRae, who gave an inspir­ ing Christmas message. Tickets for a turkey* draw were sold to members at 50c each, and winner at the draw was Debbie Grose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Whitney Grose. Christmas gifts were presented by the members to Mr. and Mrs. Whit­ ney Grose and to Harold Victor Pym. Mrs. Grose and Mr. Pym expressed their thanks. Special Christmas services are plan­ ned for Christmas Eve and Christ­ mas Day in several of the churches of Wingham, including Christmas music and carol singing in the • tra­ ditional manfter. ' A candlelight service will be held in the Wingham United Church at 11 p.m. Christmas Eve^ “The Story of the Other Wise Man”, by Henry Van Dyck, will be a feature of the ser­ vice, and special music has been pre­ pared by the choir for the occasion. The church will be lighted by candles along the aisle, Christmas trees decorations. The Christmas carried through ing services on Christmas Sunday. Christmas Eve will be celebrated in Activities of the past year reviewed at the regular meeting of the Huron County Industrial Promo­ tion Board, held in the council cham­ bers at Clinton, on December 14th. Members of the board agreed that the work of the board during the past year had been worthwhile. The secretary was instructed to send a letter outlining the activities of the board to each council and municipality which had supported the organization. . It was also decided to ask munici­ palities foi* two representatives from each council for the year 1955, instead of one as formerly. The board is open to suggestions from anyone with ideas which might help bring industry to Huron County. The next regular meeting will be held in Seaforth. Councillor Earl Hamilton has been the Wingham representative on the board. Commencing Saturday, January 8th, Wroxeter and Fordwich Branch, Can­ adian Bank of Commerce, will be Closed all day Saturday/ Extra service will be given on Friday afternoon, from: 5 to 6 o'clock, F22:29* a manner which has become tradition­ al in the Church of England, when a service of carol singing and communion will be held in St. Church at 11 p.m. on Friday The choir will sing special and a choral communion will be held at 11.30 p.m. Private Christmas communion will be held at the hospital on Christmas morning for members of St. Paul’s .Church at 6.30 a.m. and there will be quiet communion in the church at 9 o’clock. Christmas decorations for the church will be arranged by the Altar Guild. Private Christmas communion will be held at Sacred Heart Church on Christmas Eve, at which the children will sing special hymns at 11.30. The church choir will sing special music for the Mass of the Angels at mid­ night. A mass will be .sung., at 7 o’clock on Christmas morning, the Brussels congregation celebrating their mass at 9 o’clock. Christmas services at St. Andrew’s were held last week, and there will therefore be no special services this week. The regular service will be held on Sunday. At the Baptist Church Christmas services were held on Sunday last, however special Christmas music will be a feature of the services this Sun­ day, and a special speaker, Mr. Ron­ ald Patterson, of Toronto, will preach at both th^, morning and evening ser­ vices, in the place of Rev. Coyle, who will be preaching in Toronto, Capt. Belanger and Lieut. Fuller, of the Salvation Army, will conduct a special Christmas service on the Church of the Air, over station CKNX on Christmas morning, The broadcast will be at the usual time, from 19.30 to 11.00 a.m. In the afternoon, over the same station, Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, will broadcast a Christmas message from 5.05 to Parents, Note— Reports Are Out! Wingham District High School re­ ports for the autumn term have been given to students to take home. Par­ ents who wish to discuss a pupil’s progress with the Principal may do So any time after school begins, Mon­ day, January 3rd., by telephoning the Winghahi District High School, Wing­ ham 128. New Schoolrooms Ready January 3rd As Fire Levels H-Huts at X .Buildings and contents to the value of $40,000 were completely destroyed by fire on Monday night, when the Wingham District High School H-huts, erected 8 years ago as additions to the school, went up in smoke in a spec­ tacular blaze which could be seen all over the district. Efforts of the Wingham fire brigade to subdue the flames were fruitless, and as late as yesterday afternoon the charred ruins of the building were still smoulder- in&- X The blaze was discovered by care­ taker Wilfred Seddon shortly after 10 p.m., when he was doing his rounds of the buildings on Monday evening. Mr. Seddon had checked the fire in the new school and was returning past the H-huts when he noticed a glow in the central part of the huts, which houses the boiler room. When he opened the door of the furnace room he was met by a wall of flame, and he quickly left the building to phone in the alarm from the school. Firemen Almost Overcome- Wingham firemen responded to call with two fire trucks, and found the wooden buildings enveloped with smoke. They had the greatest diffi­ culty in effecting an entrance into, the smokefilled huts, and two of the firemen were almost overcome by the dense clouds, thought to have been caused in a large degree, by smould- I Injuries resulting from twelve ac­ cidents to residents of the area were treated at the Wingham General Hos­ pital during the past week. Mrs. Pauline Douglas, Wingham, was treated for a lacerated and dis­ located middle right finger last Tues­ day, after falling headlong out of her back door. She was allowed to go home after treatment. Howard Fuller, Wingham, injured his left shoulder on Wednesday, after slipping on some ice. He was released after a bandage had been applied to the injured part. Miss Elizabeth Cummings, of Luck­ now, 78, fractured her upper right arm when she fell on cement steps at her home. A cast was applied at the hospital. Carman Whytock, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Whytock, R R 1, Holyrood, suffered a fractuerd toe when a log fell on it. A cast was applied. Miss June Collyer, Lucknow, fell off a chair on Saturday, while decora­ ting a Christmas tree. She fractured and dislocated her left elbow and suffered a possible fracture of the pelvis. She was admitted to the hos­ pital, where her condition was de­ scribed as satsisfactory. Peter Cook, age 44, of RR 3, Luck­ now, was struck by a sledge hammer about a week ago and has been ill ever since. He was X-rayed for a possible skull fracture at the hospital and allowed to go home. Also X-rayed was Len Crawford, of Wingham, who suffered a painful toe injury when a bearing puller fell on his toe two days previously. Tape was applied to his foot and he was allow­ ed home. Gail McLennan, age 2, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Scott McLennan, Blucvale, caught her right hand the washing machine wringer Monday. She was released treatment. Thomas Wilson, Wingham, received painful injuries to his back, on Mon­ day, when he fell while employed at the new hospital construction. He was confined to the hospital, where his. condition is satisfactory. Alvin Seli, a fireman on the Wing­ ham fire department, twisted his ankle at the high school on Monday night. He was treated for a sprain at the hospital and allowed to go home. Mrs. Ruby Hastie, RR 2, Gorrie, Buffeted a fractured left wrist and injured her collar bone on Monday, when she fell downstairs at her home. She was admitted to the hospital suffering from shock. Her condition today was described as satisfactory. 15r. Thomas J. Lockridge, D.V.M.,. who has become associated with Dr. Leslie Durant at the latter’s office and animal hospital, Manchester, New Hampshire. Dr Lockridge graduated from Ontario Veterinary College in 1954. He was born in Wingham and is the son of Mr. Alf. Lockridge. As a student he worked in Newport and Manchester in New Hampshire and at Brampton, Ontario, before establish­ ing in his present location.X ON AUBURN BRIDGE S'The Wingham Metal Fabricating Company completed and installed the wrought-iron railing on the new Pat­ terson Bridge at Auburn yesterday, and county officials are highly pleased with the results, k' Work on the 720 feet of railing started at the company’s Wingham plant six weeks ago, and the instal­ lation of the railing took 2% days. The company has been making a name for itself with its bridge rail­ ings having made and installed one last 'year on a bridge near Thorndale. Roy Patterson, county engineer, and son of the man for whom the bridge was named, told Herb Fuller, of the Wingham company, that he was more than satisfied with the work done by the company. at the request of a number of Citizens I hereby Proclaim MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1954 BOXING DAY AS A PUBLIC CIVIC HOLIDAY for the Town of Wingham and I hereby call upon all good Citizens to observe the same. ering insulation in the walls of the structure. Firemen battled the blaze for over three hours, but were unable to bring it under control as more and more of the tinder-dry building, became cover­ ed with flames. Fearing might be owned by Company of the fire and the passageway be­ tween the H-huts and the main build­ ing was demolished. Meantimes boys from the school managed to rescue a new planer and a new machine lathe stored in the H-huts in readi­ ness for installation in the new school. Started: in Boiler' Room? Hampering the firemen in their efforts to control the blaze was the fact that water from their hoses was freezing after hitting the sides and roof of the building, water was played on ing of the school to fire damage there. The fire is thought to have started in the boiler room of the buildings, possibly from a defective furnace. The H-huts were heated by their own furnace, separate from that of the main building. 'As a result of the fire, the entire contents of eight classrooms in the H-huts were a total loss, including valuable equipment in the home econ­ omics room and the shop. Also lost in the flames were books on loan from the Huron County Library* as well as books and personal effects of many of the students. Desks stored in the building for use in the new school were burned, and older desks, used in the building, which, were intended for use in the new school were also lost. Insured for $49,000 Buildings and contents were insured for $40,000. Personal effects of pupils and teachers were insured for $25 and $50 respectively. The high school was normally scheduled to close for the Christmas holidays today. Because of the fire there were no classes held yesterday. However the staff was busy estimat­ ing the loss incurred by the fire, and preparing reports for the insurance company. It is expected that seven rooms in the new school will be ready for oc­ cupancy by January 3rd, the day the school would normally re-open, and it is hoped that accomodation will be provided for all the students by that time. Contractors working on the new school are rushing the job of unpacking furniture during the Christ­ mas holidays, so that accomodation will be available. According to pres­ ent plans, Grades 9 and 10 will hold classes in the new school and Grades 11, 12 and 13 will continue in the old school after the holidays. School authorities regard as for­ tunate the fact that work on the new school has progressed as rapidly as it has during the past few months. The H-huts were originally pur­ chased from the War Assets Corpora­ tion in 1946, and were formerly situ­ ated at the R.C.A.F. Station at Port Albert. They served as temporary quarters at the school, after the high school district was formed, and it became necessary to enlarge the facil- ites of the school. ■