The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-12-15, Page 14someone hasn’t already done It, that ia, A week that naturally springs to mind, of course, is Be Kind to Edit­ ors Week, We could think of a lot of promotions for this one. Readers coujd write letters to the editor say­ ing that they found no mistakes in the paper. Others could sign affidav­ its that they agreed with his editor­ ials, Advertisers could organize testi­ monial banquets at wffich after-din­ ner speakers tell of the effectiveness of advertising in his newspaper, The shock might be top great for ye poor ed, but it would be worth it. How about a National Fishing Week, when all anglers are allowed a week off to pound the trout streams? Or a- Keep Your Ray Weekj when people who have liens against your paycheck, including the government, renounce their privilege for a week? Perhaps a Stay at Home Week would be a good idea for those who find all their evenings taken up with meetings and other social functions. We could think of a few others, too. For the children, a Speak Kindly to Parents Week would be a nice thing. Sleep In Morning Week would do us all no harm. Ban the Xmas Tie Week would be a natural around the beginning of December. See what we mean? There’s nothing wrong with special weeks, except that the current crop is pretty dull, from the United States in LitUe want ads carry weight. ■F 9 lady doubles, Mary Adams, OUR CHRISTMAS PRICES ARE TWO EXTRA MILEAGE 1* *i Travel; A record 13,786,500 cars and trucks crossed the border into Canada 1053. o-o-o • Page FourteenThe Vplngham Advance-Times, Wednesday, December Iff, 1954 -Genuine General Motors Parts and Accessories ar ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS • Geo. H. Doucett, Minister MaybeWarnmiq Backache ia often enlisted by Iwy kidney faction. When k'ldneya get out of order, excess atid* And wastes retain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or Hint tired-out arid heavy-headed feeling may soon follow. That’s the time to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s stimulate the kidnteys to normal actiteti. Then you fteej better**-sleep better—work better. Get Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. St •w * YOUR FUTURE depends on them Don’t be hindered in your work by the “nerves", headaches and gastric disturbances resulting from defective vision, The only safe plan is to have your eyes examined at least once a year. It’s the smallest Invest­ ment you can make—and the soundest, Do it now, . R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST “A Compfete Visual Analysis” TURKEYS Lades League for Thursday, Dec, Mabel Madill, 1340; Vera Lloyd, 1306; Ethel Spry, 1275; Yvonne Mc­ Pherson, 1234; Wilma Kerr, 1189; Marjorie McKinney, 1155. High 379. • 1 SUPEHTESl SASH FRAMES CUPBOARDS PITTSBURG PAINTS GLASS STAIRS SCREENS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork * Carpentry ■» Building Telephone 260-w Wingham Lowest Yet OVEN-READY OR DRESSED LAIDLAW’S | Wingham Phone 3 66J | DORMEYER MODEL 7500 '-doww FOOD MIXER things you really need „ Commercial League The last game of the second series was played on Tuesday night. There was an interesting game between Or­ ioles and Bluebirds, they were a tie and were scheduled to play together (you should have heard the noise). The Orioles won by a close margin of 4 to 3. Therefore the Cardinals and Orioles have qualified for a place in the finals. Standing as follows: Cardinals, 25; Orioles, 20; Bluebirds, 19; Canaries, 14; Bluejays, 14; Wrens, 13. High scores for the night, Ladies high single, Miss N. Felker, 265; Men’s high single, J. Smith, 303; Ladies’ high triple, Miss N. Felker, 647; Men's high triple, J. Smith, 303. High Team score Bluebirds, 2675. High score for the series, Ladies high single, Miss J. Bain, 285; Men’s high single, J. Smith, 303; Ladies’ high triple, Miss N. Felker, 647; Men’s high triple, J. Smith, 657, High team score, Cardinals, 2716. 0-0-0 Town and Country Club Spitfires, 2413, 51 points; Flying Saucers, 2353, 55; Sharpshooters, 2312, 24; High Flyers, 2290, 35; Hot Shots, 2058, 9; Fearless Six, 2035, 33. Ladies’ high triple, 574, Mrs. Ross Robinson (sub); Ladies’ high single, 251, Mrs. Ross Robinson (sub). Men’s high triple, 617, Rutherford Reavie; Men's high single, 221, Wil­ fred Henry. C. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist * Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Evenings by appointment FOR THE PRICE OF JUST EDWARD F. TAMAN F.C.B.A. PUBLIC AGCOUNTANT CLINIC BUILDING LISTOWEL, ONT, Phone 403 SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES CLOTHES DRYER Gives you all these Features: 5 Full- powered speeds . , , full size beaters... Finger-tip beater release . . . one- hand operation. Stands on base for easy draining, GUAR­ ANTEED. Through Town FOR RENT DEMO Bring a basketful of damp clothes down to our show­ room and see for yourself how nicely the Dryer will do them. Every day is a good drying day with this new Dominion Dryer. Beats the sun, because if drys without exposure. No worry about wind or tain or ice or snow, Drys quickly — BUT ONLY AS MUCH AS YOU SET IT FOR. Dryness is regu- lated by the control dial. Stops auto­ matically — load it and leave if. Keeps the clothes as good a colour as the sun gets them — saves coloured things from fading. Has these features: Thermostatic control ... Vacuum Drying System preheats air; has highest drying rate, costs less to operate. Air-cooled cabinet,, . easy to clean lint trap .. . outdoor humidity vent when needed. Handy clean-out duct.Handy clean-out duct. TERMS We’ll make it easy for you to pay — will pay for itself in the time we give you. COME IN WE’LL BE GLAD TO SHOW YOU A Thousand and One Weeks Around about this time of year some editor realizes with a yelp that this is National Cat Week. And a diatribe on the viels of all the var­ ious "weeks’’ usually appears in his editorial columns the following week. We don’t know what it is about National Cat Week which brings out the beast in editors. We like cats. And we figure that of all the 1,001 weeks celebrated by somebody or other, National Cat Week is about as sensible as most. And there are all kinds. There’s Cleaner Air Week, Transit Progress Week, National Posture Week, Kraut Pork and Apple Dinner Week, Nat­ ional Cage Bird Week, National Swim for Health Week, Hearth Bak­ ed Bread Week, Merchant Marine Book Drive Week and National Rais­ in week, to mention only.a few. Some of the publicity boys who are con­ tent with less have organized a few "days” instead of weeks, and we have Newspaperboy Day, Freedom of Speech Day, Felt Hat Day, Straw Hat Day, Expectant Father’s Day, and Spirit of the. Law Day. Others have gone the idea one better and promot­ ed a few “months” like new Indus­ tries Month, Ragweed Control Month, Better Breakfast Month and National Sandwich Month. Scheherezhade had nothing on to­ day’s publicity boys. Editors tend to become a bit peev­ ish under the weight of all these supposed celebrations. Especially If they are expected to commemorate them all. Fortunately most of the promotions never get past the publicists’ desks. The ones that do serve a useful pur­ pose in providing harassed editors with grist for the editorial page. AU you need is a list of the special days, Wo figure that it isn’t the quantity weeks and months, and you have a never-failing gusher of inspiration. Most people seem to feel that there are too many weeks already. Not us. so much as the quality. If people would dig up some more interesting themes for their weeks, we figure the idea would be perfectly SoUhd. In fact we have a Secret yen to promote a few weeks of our own. If HARDWARE HOWARD MACHAN PLUMBING AND HEATING | Phone 58 Whigham g SilliiiiiMMiittlWlliilililiitt^ L KILLS/ alk„.drive Rt, be sure to please with... GIFTS EHR