The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-12-15, Page 12Page Twelve The Winghaxn Advance-Times, Wednesday, December 15, 1954 NEWS OF WHITECHURCH Proudly Sold and Installed By « Officers Installed at United Church W.M.S. Annual Meet The famous Timken Silent Automatic Wall-Flame Oil Burner blankets walls of the heating plant with a natural­ burning, blue-hot flame. This scientific placement of the flame at the furnace or boiler walls, where it does the most good, is one of its biggest fuel-saving features. Furthermore, no pressure blasts the flame into the combus­ tion chamberwith theTimken Silent Automatic Wall-Flame Burner. Because there's no pressure, there’s no noise, no dirt, no costly wasted fuel. The ■wall-flame oil burner is guaranteed to save up to 2 5% on fuel--often more—over ordinary gun-type burners.. A respected name in automatic heating for more than 25 years, Timken Silent Automatic is your most economical oil heating buy. Just ask any of its hundreds of thousands of satisfied users! TIMKEV OIL HEAT WALL-FLAME METHOD The wall-flame burner it the heart of every Timken Silent Automatic oil-fired unit. There's a complete line of furnaces, boilers, conversion burners and water heaters from which to select the right model for your home. Easy terms free surveys and estimates. HISELER and SON Phone 426 Wingham The W.M.S. of the United Church held their annual meeting and quart­ erly birthday tea on Wednesday last, at the home of Mrs, Garnet Farrier, with twenty ladies present and with the president, Mrs. Jas. Falconer pre­ siding and leading in the Christmas program. All sang the Christmas car­ ols to the accompaniment of piano and electric organ, Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan led in the Missionary prayer, speaking of friends now residing in Japan. Mrs, G. E. Farrier represented Canada, and Mrs, Millan Moore, India, in the candle-lighting ceremonial, telling how dark- these lands would be with­ out the Light from Christ and the Christian religion. Rev, R. A. Brook was present and gave a short talk on the constant far- reaching work of the W.M.S. societies, and what they mean to the life of a church. He then installed the follow­ ing officers for next year: Hon.- pres., Mrs. Brook; pres., Mrs. Falcon­ er; 1st. vice, Mrs. D. J. M. Moore; 2nd. vice, Mrs. Ezra Scholtz; assist, sec., Mrs. H. Laidlaw; treasurer, Mrs. Wal­ ter James; corres. sec., Mrs. B. D, McClenaghan; Mission Band, supt., Mrs. Millan Moore; assist, supts., Mrs, T. H. Moore, Mrs. Clarence McClena­ ghan; Baby Band supt., Mrs. Ben McClenaghan; prayer com., Mrs, W. J. Watt, Mrs. Mac Ross; music com., Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mrs. J. H. Laid­ law; visiting com., Mrs. E. Scholtz, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mrs. Ernest Casemore, Mrs. Ernest Beecroft, Mrs. W. J. Purdon; temp, sec., Mrs. J. G. Gillespie; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs. W. R. Farrier; stewardship and Assoc, members sec., Mrs. Albert Coultes; supply sec., Mrs. W. James, Mr. T. H. Moore, Mrs. G. E, Farrier; auditors, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Case- more. res, sec., Mrs. Ben McClenaghan; lunch com., Mrs. R. Laidlaw, Mrs, Geo. McClenaghan buying com,, Mrs. W. R, Farrier, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, Mrs. E. H. Groskorth, Moore, Mrs. T. H. Mrs. Gros- to meet at Officers of W. A., pres., Mrs. J. D. Beecroft; 1st. vice, Mrs. John Purdon; sec.-treas., Mrs. Garnet Farrier; cor- Assorted ELECTRIC RAZORS , GBD PIPES and others CAMERON'S BILLIARDS 1 readings were given by Mrs, Robert Purdon and Mrs. Ross and Mrs, And­ rew Gaunt sang. The theme of the Christmas pro­ gram was,? Let us go unto Bethlehem, and Mrs. McInnis, MrsT Ross , and Mrs. Gordon MeBurney led in the different parts. Reports of the year’s work were given by the different secretar­ ies, and all enjoyed singing Christmas carols. Mrs. Jasa, McInnis closed the meeting with the Glad Tidings bene­ diction, The next meeting will be held in the Church, Fordyce school, held the schoql con­ cert in the St. Helens hall op Friday evening, with Mr, Stanley Moore, as chairman, and with a splendid at­ tendance, All enjoyed the program of recitations, dialogues and musical numbers, and Santa came in time to distribute the gifts from a loaded tree. •Lunch was served and ah enjoyed the social time together, HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA AT HOME PROGRESS RAPIDLY LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ALL BOOKS SUPPLIED If You Send Your Name & Address Now Wo Will Send You a Free Sample Lesson and 44 Page Book Write AMERICAN SCHOOL 71 Lome Crescent, Brantford, Ont. * Mrs, Ezra Scholtz sang, korth invited the ladies her home for the January meeting, and Mrs, Falconer pronounced' the benediction, and all enjoyed the birth­ day quarterly tea and lunch hour, Women’s Institutes Meet The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Tues­ day last in the Memorial Hall, with the president, Mrs, Frank Ross, pre­ siding, The roll-call was answered by each member giving a gift for a shut- in child. The ladies decided to donate $10 to the Wingham Hospital. Mrs. V. Emerson thanked the ladies for their splendid help at the Federation ban­ quet, < The ladies have a Tweedsmuir book and Mrs, Emerson and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie were appointed to chart out the material and.JMrs. Owen King of­ fered to type it for the book. Tweeds­ muir* books are records of the history and important people and doings in a community, and the ladies are to be commended for gathering and tabu­ lating these interesting records. The president divided the commun­ ity into four parts for the purpose of winter entertainment, with the Lang­ side district providing the first get- together in the holiday week. Mrs, Emersoon gave a Christmas reading, Mrs. G. E. Farrier sang, “God Rest You Merry Gentlemen”. The special speaker, Miss Joan Cor­ mack, of Lucknow, health nurse of Bruce Co., gave a very interesting talk on her work in communities, speaking on immunization, vaccina­ tion and nutrition, telling them how they can take advantage of Health services and chest clinics and help in Christmas and Easter T. B. drives. She stressed family unity by saying, families that play together, and that pray together, will stay together. Mrs, Frank Miller gave two Christmas readings, and Mrs, Millan Moore held two interesting contests. Mrs. J. G. Gillespie invited the ladies to meet at her home in January al anthem closed the Was served. Personals Pte. Harold Goyeau, of Camp Bor­ den, spent a few days last week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Aldin Pur­ don and with Zurich friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lambert, of St, Catharines, -spent last week end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Mylis St. Marie. Mrs. St, Marie has been under the doctor’s care during the past week. Mr. Ross Errington, teacher of Mrs. w. R. Farrier spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Sam Reid, of Lucknow, Mrs, Duncan McGregor arrived home from Wingham Hospital on Sat­ urday. Her sister, Mrs. Gordon Small, of Toronto, is visiting with her this week. Mrs. T. H. Moore spent last week as a patient in St, Josephs Hospital, London, having further treatment on her eye. FIRST CLASS ; WATCH REPAIRS AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com­ pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Williams Located In MASON’S STORE t & *1" IX" ■I :<<? £ It /i ji L? vs and the Nation­ meeting. Lunch W.M.S.Presbyterian The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Robert Ross, with fif­ teen ladies present, and with the pre­ sident, Mrs. Jas. McInnis, presiding, Mrs. Dawson Craig led in the respon­ sive reading, and gave the meditation talk, Mrs. John Craig led in prayer, and Betty Ann Conn sang. Christmas ij I Hi :,1 W a IJDRESS SHIRT by Forsyth, the ideal gift suggestion $4.95 - $11.95 W • TIES — Novelty jacquards and panels,' fancy neats, accordion pleats and dressy silk plains, $1.00 to $3.50 HANDKERdHEFS-Flne Irish Linen, woven novelty borders in colors, neatly initialed linens, hand-rolled and bordered stitch­ ed linens 25c up rca Victor SOCKS—colorful selection of kroy diamonds, nylon diamonds, fine wool imported plains, nylon plain and nylon & wool blends GLOVES—All wools, leather faced wools, deer skin, goat­ skins and imported capes, lined or unlined........................$1.95 up d! For bedroom or guest room Phone 70J *3* SOMETHING neat omzL HAT GIFT CERTIFICATE— the simplified way of choos­ ing his Christmas hat. Give him a certificate from $5.00 up Hats by Stetson & Biltmore. FOR CHRISTMAS In Walnut finuh. Slightly higher in finithM •> S limed ook or mahogany. ■ by Hickok PERSONALIVED BELTS by- Hickok SWEATERS What more thoughtful — more useful — more pleasing gift than an extension telephone! Day after day it will be a pleasant reminder of your consideration, for a second telephone in the home stops those “through-the-house” dashes to reach a ringing telephone, saves many a missed call. There’s more privacy, too, because you can make and take calls in a quiet room away from tire noise and bustle of family activities, You’d be surprised how little an extension telephone costs! For just a few cents a day you can have another phone placed anywhere you please. You may pay for it now, for a year in advance’, dr you can have the extra cost tacked onto your monthly bill. WHY NOT CALL Pur Business Office rightnow and arrange to have an extension telephone delivered before Christmas >— attractively gift-wrapped if you wish, all ready to place under the tree, We’ll connect it right after Christmas. no problem to install another phone if you already have one, because extensions do not require separate lines to the exchange, r g -For kitchen or laundry For workshop, den, garage, playroom For her, or hls, own room The bell telephone company of Canada IT'S THE NEW 21 INCH RCA Victor "TALBOT' Beautiful 21" fable model with exclusive "Deep Image" Picture. Super-sensitive "Magic Monitor'* circuit system* Phono-jack with switch oh rear. • Attractive matching table-typa stand availably. ’ ' . fiS) todayCOME IN CHRISTMAS SPORT SHIRTS— Your choice of pitrwale cordu­ roys, authentic tartans, rich toned plain gabardines in all the popular styles....... $4.95 up JACKETS—Wintertime favour­ ites—Bomber jackets, stroller coats, station wagon coats and utility winter lined jackets $9.95 up Complete Line of Boys’ Gift Items SPORT SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS JACKETS TIES » i? BELTS and SOCKS SWEATERS Whenever Quality Counts