HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-12-15, Page 7A Christmas tree has been erected at the Bank of Commerce where arti­ cles may be taken. Parcels will also be accepted at the fire hall. BRIGADE BACKS CHRISTMAS DRIVE a The Walkerton Fire Department is sponsoring a Christmas drive for funds and clothes for the needy of the town and district. It has long been felt that a centra) depot should be established where persons who have discarded toys, clothing and other items, could bring them for distribution. INDOORS AND OUTDOORS SPECIAL VALUE 8-LIGHT INDOOR SET Gaily coloured bulbs on long cord extra outlet io at- t a c h additional sets. SET .............. , 8-LIGHT SET — With genuine Mazda bulbs ___________ 1.39 Extra Mazda bulbs. 2 for .17 MULTIPLE INDOOR TREE LIGHTS Each bulb bums independ ently. Long cord with extra­ outlet plug and add-on connector. 7-Light Outfit _______1.89 15-Light Outfit .............3.98 Sets with genuine Mazda bulbs. 7-Light Outfit _______2.29 15-Light Outfit ______4.69 NOMA BUBBLE LIGHTS 8 sparkling coloured candles gaily bubble on the tree.. Series type, 8 Mazda bulbs, long cord and add-on connector_3.69 Extra Mazda Bulbs, ea. __ .25 Noma Plastic Candle-Lamp Set —of 8 bulbs. Complete_2.95 s GAY OUTDOOR TREE LIGHTS Weatherproof Outdoor Lights—Each lamp burns inde­ pendently. Long cord fitted with add-on connector. 15- EL98 Light Set _____________ D 15-Light Set _________ Extra Mazda Bulbs, ea. Outdoor Sets with genuine & TULA A Mazda bulbs.I GEM” LIGHTS a 7-Llght Set _____ 3.19 $ ig 8 series Mazda lamps in asorted shapes of snow-flakes with col­ our ed 0*95 ADJUSTABLE CHRISTMAS TREE STAND Quickest to set up. Tree is sure io be straight, no lean- 4 ,29 Ing __________________ JL PLASTIC SNOW DECORATING KIT — Push-button spray snow with 10 Christmas stencils. Set CHRISTMAS WREATHS 10" dia. — Sparkling red cel­ lophane with candle, poin- settas and silver 1 .09 leaf spray ________ JL 15" diam. Large size with ribbon bow, silver holly spray and candle___1.59 ELECTRICAL SUNDRIES FLASHER — Keep* tree lights wink­ ing on and off .49 3-WAY OUTLET— Bakelite— .16 and .43 EXTENSION CORD — Rubber covered with 3-way outlet. S-ft. set 9-ft. set 15-ft. set WWWf®**** OLD ENGLISH LANTERN — Illu­ minated, in full­ colour vinyllte. For front door or en­ trance hall. With 6 - ft. cord 2*69 TREE TOP ANGEL — Illumi­ nated with sun­ burst halo and star-studded dress. Use also as a nursery 4 ,95 night-light * SANTA NIGHT LIGHT — Illumi­ nated with 6-fi. cord and plug. Also for mantel or table dec- 4 ,95 oration „ JL These are on the “most wanted” lists COMBINATION GRILL E T T E and WAFFLE BAKER — Makes delicious waffles, also for grill­ ing and frying. G 1 e a mi n g chrome; handsome tray base; natural hardwood IO 95 handles 12-PIECE TOOL ROLL KIT Combination Hammer, Screw­ driver and Sockel Wrench sot— 12 pieces, all interchangeable. Complete in handy carryall 2.79 SUPER - CYCLE TRICYCLE Tubular fr a m e, ball-bearing front wheel; s Jus^able saddle. 1% to 3 years * ' 53 to years .. years . rubber tires; : 8.49 13.95 20.95 18 - PIECE SOCKET WREN CH SET — }A square drive, flno alloy tool steel. The rnosi- needed socket# Q 55 and adapters ’ nail wheel handy time - savor at­ taches to wail or under sholf. Holds sixteen 3-oz. glass Jars for 3.39 small parts COMB I NAT I ON SQUARE — With level and scriber. Use as try and mlira square, depth gauge, plumb 1 and level * RACKET BRACE — Smooth - operating, fast- c utting.. 13" sweep, spring alligator j a w s. Ball-bearing A head and handle KETTLEELECTRIC _ — Fast - heat, 1,500- watt element. Super­ chrome on copper, equipped with auto- maiic s a f sty Rhuf- •« 11-98 AUTOMATIC TOASTER — With "thormo - controlled" colour s o I o c 1 o r. Handnomoly fttylod, superbly 24.95 chromod . AUTOMATIC TOASTER — Grace- fully designed to give qti a 1 117 per­ formance at a mod- oralo price. Auto- Eton 16-95 2 - SLICE TOASTER — Sparkling mirror c h r o m e finish, at- tractive 7.45 wide base Others from 3.49 Wishing All Our Customers A Merry Christinas WINGHAM, Phone 1M4 Robin E- CnmpbwH CORRIE Woman’* Auxiliary The annual meeting of the W.A. of St, Stephen's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. Norman Wade on Friday afternoon with an at­ tendance of 20, The president, Mrs, N, Wade, presided for the business and devotional program. Roll call was answered with a verse of a favorite Christmas hymn and a gift to the W.A. The secretary-treasurer, Mrfl- George King, presented the minutes and financial report. Mrs. John Dins­ more gave the Little Helpers’ report. Three new subscribers were reported for the Living Message, Christmas hymns were sung and Mrs, T- C, Vlttie read two Christmas poems. ‘The Keeper of the Inn", was read by the president and the Scrip­ ture was read by Mrs, Gordon Under­ wood, A minute's silence was observed in memory of a departed member, Mrs. H. V, Holmes, who was a charter member, president for thirteen years and a diocesan life member. Mr. F. E. Russell then gave an in­ teresting talk on. "Women of the Bible", giving ideals to be held up as a standard in the work of the W.A. He presided for the election of offi­ cers. Mrs, R, T. Bennett, convener of the nominating committee brought in the following slate, which was accept­ ed: President, Mrs. Harry King; 1st vice-pres., Mrs, Gordon Underwood; 2nd vice-pres,, Mrs. R. T. Bennett (re­ elected); sec.-treas., Mrs, George King (re-elected); Little Helpers’ sec., Mrs. John Dinsmore; shut-ins, Mrs. Nor­ man Wade; Living Message, Mrs. T. Short; Dorcas, Mrs, Earl Underwood; helpers, Mrs. Clara Ritchie, Mrs. J. Dinsmore, Mrs. Ernest King, Mrs. Chas. Lawrence. Mrs. Harry King, Mrs. George King and Mrs. N. Wade were appointed a committee to ar­ range programs for next year. Mr. Russell closed the meeting with prayers. Mrs. R. T. Eennett assisted the hostess in serving refreshments. North Huron LOL The annual meeting of the North Huron County L.O.L. was held in Gor­ rie on Tuesday evening. The follow­ ing officers were elected for the com­ ing year: Master, T. L. Mclnnes, Gorrie; de­ puty master, Walter Scott, Belgrave; recording secretary, Ross Errington, Dungannon; treasurer, Bert Isard, of Wingham; financial secretary, Milo Casemore, Wingham; marshall, Har­ vey Jacklin, Brussels; chaplain, Ro­ bert Hibberd, Fordwich; lecturers, Gordon Nethery and William Buchan­ an, of Belgrave. LOL Euchre "Winners at the L.O.L. euchre in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening of last week were: High lady, Mrs. Justin Will; 2nd high lady, Miss V. Harris; high gentleman, Charles Cathers; 2nd high gentleman, Arthur Stephens. District Council of Churches The Wingham and District Council of Churches met in Gorrie at the home of Rev. W. J. V. and Mrs, Bu­ chanan. Ft. Lieut- Rev. B. Garrett, of Clinton, was the guest speaker, Santa Claus Visits Gorrie Santa arrived in Gorrie on Satur­ day afternoon by train and was met by a gay red truck, decorated with evergreens, and the Palmerston High School Girls’ Band, who paraded to the community hall where films were shown to the large gathering of chil­ dren and parents. Later Santa and his helpers handed out treats. Gorrie businessmen made the arrangements for Santa’s visit, UNITED CHURCH NEWS The Woman’s Association of the Gorrie United Church will hold its December meeting at the home of Mrs. Annie Toner on Thursday even­ ing, at 8J.5 pun. Group 2 will be in charge of the urogram. 0-0-0 The Mission Eand will meet in the church o’clock, boxes. hah on Friday after Members please bring - 0 - 0 - 0 - Sunday morning at 11 The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, Decemberlast week owing to the illness of her son-in-law, Mr* W, Barton, who un­ derwent an operation in Kitchener Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. Austin Fines, Erin, Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T, L, Melnncs. Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie, Mari­ lyn and Mac, of Teeswater, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Douglas. Mr, Ernest King Jr., of Windsor, spent Friday and Saturday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E, King, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Grainger and family of London, visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. Jim Walker, London, and Mac friends and neighbors gathered and presented them with gifts and a social time was enjoyed. Mr, and Mrs. Adams were married In October, Mr, and Mrs. Goodfellow, of Tees- __ water, visited Mrs. James Armstrong j a week ago a stick of wood fell on it. Hutchison, Newtonbrook, spent the" She continued to go around until it week-end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Watson, of Brussels, visited Mr. and Mm, George Dane on Sunday, Mrs, Jack Doig of Listowel, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Russel Adams and Mr. Adams, Christmas parties are the order of the day, Group 4, the Friendly Fours of the United Church W.A., held Jis party in the Sunday School rooms on Thursday night with an attendance of 25, Beautiful Christmas table decor­ ations were a feature. Uowick Legion and Ladies’ Auxiliary held their an­ nual Christmas tree and party on Thursday evening, Mrs, E, King has her foot in a cast since Friday when she had it X-rayed and a crushed bone was shown. Over SHORT CUT PROVES FATAL A cow, owned! by Allen Searle, of Walton, decided that she liked the shelter of her own stable and not a farm about three miles away. On the , way back to the barn it decided to take a short cut and started to fol­ low the train track. A train approached from the op­ posite direction and in the encounter the cow came out second best. There was no salvage value on the carcass and Mr. Searle was out an es­ timated $250, became very painful and a doctor was consulted, Friends are hoping that the injury will be less painful and soon heal, Tlhrifty "Meat GuXS 5 STAR ■ IGA RIPE ’N BAGGED 20 OZ. Pineapple ..... 29c 1 ■ byvxcxus REGULAR SMOKED HAM, whole or half .. SWIFT’S PREMIUM BONELESS HAM, whole or half .. SWIFT’S PREMIUM LAMB FRONT COMBINATION THREE MEALS IN ONE Roast, Chops and Stew.................... FRESH TENDERLOIN END % LB. AVERAGE PORK LOIN ROAST .................... SWIFT’S PREMIUM (Store sliced as you like it) COOKED HAM.............................. 59c LB. 75c LB. IGA 28 02. Fruit Cocktail .. 37c Order your Christmas Turkeys NOW, Our Meats are Government Inspected. GREEN GIANT FANCY 15 OZ. Peas.........2 for 35c ■ ^isivwH!niwiniiHiiniiniHnniiHiiniijniHHniiniiHiin!iiiiiHiiHiiHiiuiHiini!iniHiiHii«iiiwiiwiHiH!iH!iHnH!ii»iih^' 8 OZ PKG. Christie’s Ritz ., 19c WETBEY 16 6Z. Mincemeat .... 25c REMINGTON’S 9 LOW PRICES EVERY DAI Next the white gift service will be when the children will present white gifts. Christmas music by the choir. 0-0-0 The C.GXT. is having its candle­ light vesper service in the Gorrie United Church on Sunday evening at 8 p.m. The girls will have charge of the service and will be wearing their uniforms. It is hoped there will be a good attendance to encourage the girls in their worthwhile effort. 0-0-0 On Friday evening the Northern Helpers will hold the December meet­ ing at the home of Mrs. Cech Grain­ ger. their There will be special 0-0-0 The Baby Band Christmas, party* in the United. Church on Friday after­ noon was attended, by nineteen, child­ ren and their mothers. Christmas carols were sung and recitations given by Jimmy Hyndman and Brent Dane. Mrs. Buchanan told the Christmas story. The Baby Band members placed their mite boxes in the manger. Mrs. Gerald. Galbraith conducted, games. Those who were not present are asked to leave their mite boxes at Whit­ field’s store. ANGLICAN CHURCH NEWS The Rev, L. A. Nelles, of London, will be in charge of the Christmas Communion service in St. Stephen's Church on Sunday. Mr. F, E. Russell conducted installation, of the W.A. of­ ficers on Sunday, December 12. 6-0-0 The annual Christmas party and congregational gathering will be held or. Thursday evening in the Orange Hall at 3.15 pm There will be a short program and Slides’' will be shown. Lunch will he served. Personals Mrs. Albert Heibein spent several days of last week in London, visiting with her son. Mr. Wm. Heibein and Mrs. Heibein. She attended the Earle GORRIE TWO |Terry choir concert while in London. Mrs; Wm. Heibein is a member of the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adams, of To­ ronto, were honored at the home of their'' parents, Mr. and MrS». Rtissel Adams, on Friday evening when on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bertha Plant was in Drayton four mite for bright as the Cotton Jersey Rompers . $1.98 lx a 04 angel Icing on Hie Christinas cake. ♦» sweet as a candy Santa Clai®. Cotton Jersey Dress Nylon Dresses . $L98 - $3.98 and Panties Cotton Knit Overalls Cotton Flannel p-j’s ,$2.98 Nylon Cardigans $2.49’$2.98 Fairyland Exclusive Store for Tiny Tots