HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-12-15, Page 4uEEmiBi VffllJ ^lU ktPl Fage Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, December 15, 1954 FOR SALE EVERYONE APPRECIATES a box of fresh Laura Secord Chocolates. Christmas stock has arrived at Kerr's Drug Store so, why not drop in or phone 18 and have your supply reserved. 15b __________FOR RENT____________ A HOUSE ON third line of Morris, for rent. Equipped with 'hydro on ploughed road, very reasonable rent. Immediate possession. Apply to H. Nethery, phone 32-10 Brussels. 15* FURNISHED APARTMENT on the lower floor, six rooms, two-piece bathroom. Phone 421M. 15* PERSONALS —Mr. and Mrs. Del Ewing were called to Collingwood last week ow­ ing to the death of his mother. —Norman and Bruce Anger, who AUTOMATIC DRAFT CONTROL for furnace. Perfect for sawdust or coal. Phone 74. 15b CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re­ lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve, wear stylish shoes soon. CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Apply Bill Lockridge, phone 458M.1,8,15,22b PORTABLE FIREPLACE, cream marble effect, complete with brick logs and glowing red fire on 2 brass andirons. $18.00; High Chair, $2.00. Hammerton, Shuter Street. 15b CHRISTMAS TURKEYS for sale; 45c per lb. Order now and have them dressed and dellivered the day it suits you. K. McNaughton, phone 15 ring 3, Wroxeter. 15b BRICK COTTAGE for rent in Turn­ berry, close to the Royal T. Phone Wingham. 300, 15b WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED to rent, in good condition and central. Apply Wm. Bolton, Listowel. 15* WANTED COLONY HOUSE WANTED—12x14 ft., or larger. Phone 2rl Wroxeter. 15* WANTED TO BUY—Cash paid for organs (with stools) in playing condition. Also a number of wooden kitchen chairs, round or straight backs, (not high)." Contact W. J. Roberts, Box 43, Listowel, phone 537. 15b SEE OUR FLASH Cameras from $5.90 or make this a movie Christ­ mas. All types of cameras at Ham­ merton’s Studio, Wingham. 15b SAUERKRAUT for sale, 15c per pound. George Baird, Town Plot. 15* SINGING CANARIES for sale. Mrs. J. Rogers, Scott St., phone 571R. 15* WINE BABY BUGGY with cream lining for sale. In good condition. Phone Wroxeter 23R1. 15b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KLEENEX BUSINESS—A business that operates 24 hours daily, no overhead or help required at any time, can be placed in any business location of your own choice, full time never required. Very profit­ able. Figures available showing high returns. Good weekly earnings assured. For conference write to Duncan & Douglas Co., 1255 Univer­ sity St., Suite 111, 24,1,8,15b BIRTHS SEDDON—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Wednesday, December 8, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sed- don, Wingham, a daughter. BOYLE—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Friday, December 10, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Boyle, R. R. 2, Wingham, a son. McGUIRE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, December 13, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Mc­ Guire, Wingham, a daughter. HAMILTON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, December 13, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamil­ ton, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a son. de BOER—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Tuesday, December 14th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer, R. R. 5, Lucknow, a son. have been sailing on the Great Lakes returned home on Saturday. —Mr, and Mrs. T, R. Dent, of Woodstock, spent two days last week with Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Hammond, of town. —Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer left on Friday for a visit with their dau« ghter, Marjorie (Mrs. Doug. Gallaher), of Dallas, Texas. They intend to stay in Dallas until after the New Year, and will spend the rest of the winter in Florida. —Mr. and Mrs, Athol Purdon and children, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Purdon, of Lucknow. Mrs. A. E. Purdon was presented with a Life Membership at the last meeting of the W.M.S- of Lucknow Presbyterian Church.' TWO PAIR OF FINEST HICKORY Track Skis about 6% feet in length, with poles, etc. for sale. Half price. Phone 272. 15b PAIR OF BOY’S SKATES for sale. Size 7. Worn one year. Contact Stewart McGill. Phone 600W3. 15b ATTENTION READ CAREFULLY Do you want a business of your own? Serve consumers with large Rawleigh line of Home necessities in locality consisting of Townships How­ ick, Grey and Morris. Pleasant and permanent occupa­ tion. Good profit. Real opportunity for a good man. Write Dept.—L-453- 217. Rawleigh’s Montreal, P. Q. 15b LARGE BROWN ENAMEL COT, Spring Mattress; Station Wagon Coat with mouton collar, size 14-16 for sale. Phone 604J4. 15b ORDER YOUR TURKEYS NOW for Christmas. Fresh killed, all sizes. Mrs. Charlie Campbell, phone 727J22. 15b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE HOLSTEIN COW for sale; to freshen in three weeks. Call Bel­ more, fir 31, 15b Opening Available Ontario Automobile Association Due to increased volume of business, it is necessary to add a salesman to our staff for WINGHAM and District. The man we want must be aggressive and desirous of high weekly earnings. Pleasant working conditions. Must have a car. For confidential interview, state age, experience, phone number. Write BOX 817, LONDON, CANADA. 15b TENDERS WANTED TWENTY-SIX PIGS for sale, ten weeks old. Phone 74 or 566. 15b CARS FOR SALE TENDERS For Construction of Drain CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all the nurses and Dr. Corrin for all the kindness and treatment I received while a patient in the Wingham Hospital. C. McWhinney, Bluevale, Ont. 15* CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends for visits, cards and treats received while in Victoria Hospital, London. William G. Keith. 15b CARD OF THANKS The Salvation Army would like to thank all those who so kindly assisted with donations for their recent tea and bake sale, 15b NOTICE Wroxeter, R. R. 1., December 9th, 1954 I, Walter Ward, will not be respon­ sible for any debts or any other bills that are charged to me after the date, December sixth, by my wife, Mrs. Gretta Ward or any other one of the family. Signed, Walter Ward 15b notice GARBAGE usually collected Saturday will be collected Friday, Dec. 24 and Friday, Dec. 31st. Customary Friday collections will be made as usual. Gordon McGregor. 15* IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb 1948 GREEN CHEVROLET for sale, good inside and out, slip covers, heater and defroster. Apply Don Stapleton, phone 604J4. 15* MISCELLANEOUS Tenders will be received by the un­ designed for the construction of the Greenley Drain in the Township of Howick, comprising, (1) 650 feet of 10 inch tile drain, (2) 2460 feet of 12 inch tile drain; X3) one catch basin; (4) a 12 inch culvert at the outlet Plans and specifications may be procured from the undersigned. Ten­ ders to be in the hands of the under­ signed by 12 o’clock noon on January 4th, 1955. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. 15,22,29b Why not? A clever young lad, just out of High School, was invited into a fraternity to have a drink. He declined pleasant­ ly. “Why Not?” That isn’t the picture I have of myself”. He was a star ath­ lete. He was keen on modern science. After a University course and post­ graduate studies, he went into an air­ plane factory. When war broke out the government requisitioned his ser­ vices. He did research work on wing strains, ice formations, moisture den­ sities. Certain it is that he was one workman who did not let our flying men down.—Advt. 15b Men’s Town League Aces are still leading with 48 points, but the Rockets are a real threat in second place with 41; Burke Electric, 33; Lees, 32; Kinsmen, '21; Murray Taylor, 14. ■ The high triple went to Hap Swat­ ridge with a whopping 841. Cal Burke bowled the second high triple with 680. Hap and Cal were in there again with the two high singles, bowling 293 and 286 respectively. All in all, it was a great night for Burke Electric. 0-0-0 CKNX' League The CKNX bowlers reported in strength to the Wingham Bowling lanes this week, with the following scores. Ladies’ high single, Shirley Boucher, 228; Ladies’ high triple, Joyce Lang­ ridge, 552; Ladies’ most strikes, Joyce Langridge, 11. Men’s high single, Hap Swatrirge, 258; Men’s high triple, Hap Swatridge, 654; Men’s most strikes, Hap Swat­ ridge, 11. Teams, to date, Kilowatts, 27, 1, 28; Jets, 26, 3, 29; Skyliners 23, 4, 27; Sparkplugs, 16, Bye, 16; Thursday Nite 11, 0, 11. Following the bowling the staff of CKNX journeyed to the Royal T for their annual Christmas’ party. Candlelight Service At St. Andrew’s The annual candlelight service will be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church as its regular evening service, Sunday, December 19th. Music will be supplied by the combined regular and junior choirs, consisting of solos, duets, trios, piano and organ duets, and preceeded by an organ recital at 6.40 by organist and choir leader, Harold Victor Pym. DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. Irrb 24 HOUR SERVICE On all furnaces and oil burners. Apply Hiseler & Son, phone 426. 15rrb KAY’S HAIRDRESSING, cold waves, permanents, hair coloring, manicur­ es and facials. Phone 444M. 15* LOST TENDERS The town of Wingham is calling for tenders for a 3-ton truck (1954 or 1955 model) suitable for town work and snow plowing. Specifications may be had at the town clerk's office. Tenders to be accepted at the town clerk’s office not later than December 23rd, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. 15b THE Getting a T V Set for Christmas ? For top notch reception, you need to team that set up with a Guaranteed Antenna Installation . . . LOST—At C.Y.O. social, Wingham, December 5th, new overshoes. Please contact Frank Gibbons, or phone 398 for exchange. 15b DEALERS WANTED ~ RELIABLE^I^^aTDealer in Town- ships Howick, Grey and Morris. Ex­ perience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profit­ able business where Rawleigh Pro­ ducts have been sold for years. Big Profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept, L- 453-163, Montreal, P.Q.________2:16b REAL^TAT^BFOR SALE ~ SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale. Four piece bath, hot and cold water and small barn on property Which consists of five acres of land with small fruit trees and berries and could be used for building lots. Apply to Clarence Ritchie, Bristol Terrace, Wingham or phone 187w. 15* LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of WALTER LOTT, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Gentleman, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day of Nov­ ember A.D. 1954, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty-seventh day of December A.D. 1954, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-seventh day of December the assets of the said testator will bo distributed amongst the parties en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this fourth day Of Dobember, A.D. 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 8:15:22b INCOME PROPERTY for sale, on Centre Street. White brick, double house. Phone 742, 15:22* Wingham’s biggest bargain counter is the Advance-Times want ads# 0-0-0 Pub your advertising * message in the Advance-Times — Where every­ body will see it. WINGHAM ANTENNA ENGINEERING are prepared to supply you with any of the following .great names in TV Antennas. Sky-Wave, Sky=Line, Super Katy, Inline, Channel Master, Anti=Ference As well as Single Channel Yagi’s. Each Installation, custom built for your location. Each Installation, Guaranteed and Inspected. To See Better, Better See THE Wingham Antenna Engineering ELMER PURDON BOB CARBERT 372 422-R M w- or —. Your Local Television Sales and Service iiitJittjB jilt jtitjtn iiirwiiiDiioiMiiii jBjwi jw iwjmijmjwmi jMuwjsnmmMi ■ WESTFIELD Personals Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and Mrs. J. L. McDowell, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gear, of Wat­ erloo. Cecil Campbell of Exeter, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell. Mr. Thos. Cook and Mrs, I. Snell, of McKay Rest Home, Wingham, vis­ ited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McBrien, of Goderich, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell on, Wednesday. A Christmas concert will, be held in S. S. No. 6, East and West Wawanosh on December 21st. Mrs. Gordon Snell and Jasper, visit­ ed on Sunday with Mrs. Annie Wal- per, of Auburn.. The Sunday School Christmas con­ cert will be held in Westfield church on December 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden enter­ tained eighteen at a family dinner on Wednesday in honor of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Cook, who celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary. Their son, Garth’s 11th birthday was also celebrated. Mr, Kenneth Campbell, who spent the season on the boat, Parkdale, ar­ rived home on Friday. Mrs. Raymond Hanna and baby, re­ turned home from Wingham Hospital on Sunday. Miss Violet Cook, of Goderich, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Fred J. Cook. W.M.S. The Women’s Missionary Society met on Wednesday, December 8th for their Christmas meeting, with a candle-light service. Mrs. C. Smith opened the meeting with a hymn, with Miss Jeanette Snell at the piano. Mrs. Edgar Howatt gave a reading and prayers were given by Mrs. Alvin Snell, Mrs. Alva McDowell, Mrs. Walter’ Cook, and Mrs. Ernest Snell. Sketches on India were given by Mrs. MODERN HEATING Complete Forced Air Heating System for a five-room home $525.00 Write Dept. W.A.T. or visit our showrooms. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. S. V. JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies STREETSVILLE PHONE 253 - 3 rrb Norman McDowell, Mrs. Howard Campbell and Mrs. John Buchanan. Readings were given by Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Mrs. C. C. Washington, Mrs. J. L. MacDowell. Roll call was answered by 21 mem­ bers. Lunch was served. Mrs. Ethel Bradnock, is suffering from a sprained ankle. Mr. Chas. Hooey, of Toronto, is vis­ iting his sister;* Mrs, Robt. Dune and Mr. Dane. ■iimiiwiiHiiiHiiiHiiiMHiKiiMiiMiiiwiiHiiMiiiMiiHiiiHiiimMiiiwiMiiMiiiMiiMiiHiiwiii H Mg IN APPRECIATION The Kinsmen Club of Wingham gratefully acknowledges the wonder­ ful assistance given them through donations of merchandise and cash from the local merchants and many ,out of town firms. Without this co-operation we could never successfully promote a Radio Auction. May we also thank everyone who helped in any way, to make our Auction a tremendous success. g i gI g ■ g Kinsmen Club of Wingham. g i i SIIHIIMIIHIIMIIIMIHIIHIIHIIHIlHIliniHIIHIIHIIHIIiniWIliniHIIHIIMIIHIIMIIHIIMIliin FREjE! FREE! You will receive a LUCKY DRAW TICKET on this Hawkeye Brownie Flash Outfit with a 50c purchase or over of Photographic Equipment, Photo Finishing or Film! Just think, a Flash Outfit for. Valentine's Day can be yours! Our Photo Finishing IS GOOD, our prices are RIGHT. Bring us your photo finishing to-day — you will like the results! • Developing your roll 10c • Prints — 116 - 620 - 120 — 4c • Blow-ups bound in a folder 7c PHONE 53 WINGHAM’ — \0lUG STORE/ • . & MIRROR COMPANY Come and See them The Finest Stock of • Mirrors bar none. We’re sure you’ll agree! | Gift Suggestions From Currie’s SMOKERS CHROME FULL STOCK $6.75 to $14.75 Plate Glass MIRRORS Tri-Lite FLOOR LAMPS CHROME . with Fabrisheen Shades (Washable) $18.50 to $25.95 VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM GOSSIP BENCHES WALNUT $27.50 to $31.95 PICTURES 32” X 27” Beautiful Reproductions Must be seen to be appreciated. ONLY $11.75 NOVELTY FURNITURE END TABLES......,$6.75 - $24.95 LAMP TABLES .. $19.50 - $34.50 MAGAZINE TABLES $11.75 STEP TABLES .... $19.95 - $28.50 JARDINIERES ................. $3.50 MAGAZINE RACKS $7.50-$10.95 COFFEE TABLES $26.25 - $34.75 NESTING TABLES .... $34.50 up jS Christmas Budget SPECIALS CORNER CABINET By BOSHART Walnut Reg.$nw $98>5o CHROME SET 4 Chairs with spring seats and extension table Yellow and Grey Pearl combination. Reg- $91foI $79.95 SPINET DESK by KRUG Walnut Would grace any living room. Reg> $67^b $59.95 LANE CEDAR CHEST | 44%” x 17” g Walnut I $63-50B $48#S0- High Chairs “A Mirror for every room in the hous$” $4.95 to $24.95 2 Year Guarantee. Folding BRIDGE SETS - 5 PIECES Steel Construction —Walnut <fc Red —Chartreuse & Beige $26.75 to $29.95 Rockers r- Kindergarten Sets, Etc. !k®/ WINGHAM R. A. CURRIE & SONS FURNITURE We Deliver Christinas Eve $ PHONE 51 B