HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-12-08, Page 13f “nerves”. YOUR FUTURE depends on them Don’t be hindered in your work by the headaches and gastric disturbances resulting from defective vision. The only safe plan is to have your eyes examined at least once a year. It’s the smallest invest­ ment you can make—and the soundest. Do Jt now. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST “A Complete Visual Analysis” During 1953 Canada recorded 1,657 business failures, up 10 per cent from 1952, Not all employers make money. (■ Around the Clock nnn.rwnn * CHUCK’S TAXI.... - ... • Phone 185 Record Year for Huron Museum Huron County museum at Goderich had a record year in 1954, according to a report presented at the County Council last week by Jos. Allaire, chairman of the historic committee. Mr, Allaire reported that 10,706 visi­ tors went through the museum up to November 19th, and that $2,340.00 was received in admissions, He said that 334 historic booklets had been sold, and recommended that a copy of the. booklet be placed free of charge in each school in the county,, with a rubber stamp indicating where fur­ ther copies could be secured. A new addition has been built at the north-east corner of the museum at a cost of $1,150 and a new work­ shop was built away from the build­ ing at a cost of $425. Fifty feet of new show cases was constructed during the year. The Wingliam Advance-Times, Wednesday, December 8th, IftSi Page Thirteen By BOB GABBERT Give Her 60 Gauge NYLONSNomination Time nomination time has rolled around again, and we are getting ready to listen to the election speeches of the candidates for the many muni­ cipal offices in the surrounding areas, In some districts, all is quiet, and the last year’s council has bden returned by acclamation, while in others, some local bone of contention has brought about an election. Nominations are not as fiery, nor as exciting as they once were, when we had more people of local colour, who were not afraid to say what they thought. Today, most folks are con­ tent to sit back and let things take thejr natural course, unless there is something drastically wrong. We have fewer individualists, fewer characters, fewer statesmen. We are living in an age of generalities, and it seems that there are few folks who would dare to^ump up in a nomination and speak their mind, and take their neighbour to task for something he has done, or hasn't done in his municipal office. As we drift more and more towards the security of oUr generation, with so much dependence upon govern­ ment grants and social security, we lose the pride in that used to pack nation time. If you were to ing of a school, or the paving of a street, the building of a bridge, or the surveying of a drain in the old days, everyone took an active interest for they knew that they were going to have to pay for it themselves. Today we pay for it, that’s true, but we don't feel it quite the same, for we pay for it in a couple of dozen other hidden taxes. So the commitments of local government seems to be small, and folks say, “Oh well, it doesn’t amount to much, for the Dominion and Pro­ vincial grants will pay most of it.” Our age of social security has bred a generation of indifferent lethargists, who takes little interest in community affairs, local government, or for that matter any government. Their state of indifference is a disease that needs treating, once and for all. Empty halls on nomination night, polling booths that see few of the voters ex­ ercise their franchise. These are the systems that we see every year at this same time and again whenever there is a Provincial or Dominion election. We need more men of character, more individualists. More men of action, more men of words. More people who have backbone, ability. Yes, it’s election time again, but it will be a quiet election by old time standards. There won’t be much fire, much campaigning and even less en­ thusiasm by the voters. Lethary is described by Webster, as “An unheal­ thy drowsiness, a state of inaction or indifference.” Is that your attitude toward the district politics? I hope not, for your sake, and for the sake of your and my children. Hon. Vin­ cent Massey, Canada’s Governor-Gen­ eral, and one of our great political figures, has said that Canadians are losing their ability to think for them­ selves. Could it be that we have been floating with the tide too long, and now we have forgotten what to do with the oars? Those so-called “characters” of a few generations ago who livened up the local political scene, knew what to do with the oars, and they took pride in their ability to row upstream. We can save you 10% on your Christmas Shopping of Men’s Wear. We sell for less. See our window displays. sure In Wingham it’syour■f mail Smoker’s Sundries suggest the build- Christmas! Shur=Gain Swings the Scales in Your Favour tion local government the hall at nomi- k » W. J. Turnbull Deputy Postmaster Genera) is in time CANADA POST OFFICE Hon. Alcide C6t6 Q.C., M.P. Poetmuster General ✓ the pillow JUST RIGHT for you PILLOWS MIRRORBRUSH ORDER NOW /VWA.? S/ I Beautifullv Gift Packaged with every Doll "EXTRA-PLUMP” $8*50 . UP MAIL NO-RISK COUPON TO-DAY from our new collection of “REGULAR” HEIGHT $7.95 UP White, pink or blue sanforized cotton covers. Slightly more in zippered and satin covers. Beautiful Dresser Set to Comb, Wave and Braid her fine washable HAIR SALLY DOES EVERYTHING! Solly Stepper l« one of the most beaut], tlfvl dolls you've ever seen . . . even to small def Olli of dimples, finger nails and creases In her chubby arms and legs. Sally has long llfelikh Holr that can be washed, combed, Waved and curled. Sot or btalded, She can be washed, dressed and undressed tn standard doll costumes. Sturdily made of .a now shockproof plastic for years tmd years 61 loving play. Salty Stepper Is the doll your favourite little girl would choose for herself. Order Now al this special low price. STRATTON MFG. COMPANY 47 Colborne Street, Dopl. Toronto, Ontario ... —— ----------------------------------- Slraltpn ^gnufacturing Company, e , FImsr rush Saliy Stepper Welkin# Dolls & $3.95 and Include cemptaU free 3’ploce dressor set with each, ft Is understood Uwt k I am hot delighted full pur* chase Mice wilt bo refunded. NAME *« • «♦ « *• tw*• «h *'«n• •'• <»•« H • • • • • # ii Hr W*' ADDRESS.. ! charm* PLAYTEX REGISTERED TRADE MARK for their At Walker Home Furnishings OlriewethM /McurttonA- 1 All Mail for Local Delivery Should Be Posted by DECEMBER 17th. 2 Mail Earlier For Out-Of-Town Points—-Ask your Postmaster for Dates. 3 ’ Unsealed Greeting Cards 2c. 4 Address Securely-Wrapped Parcels Fully and Carefully. for Cigarettes, Tobacco and WEAR WITH PROMPT REPAIR Sally Steppe Just.like a real little girl walking with her Mother BSEFMAKER THERE’LL BE NO "BEEFS ABOUT THIS KIND OF FINISH* Many of the most cost-conscious feeders find that it pays to use SHUR=GAIN Beef= maker—because a small amount of SHUR= GAIN does such a BIG job of beef produc- The reason is simple—beef cattle need a balanced ration to make beef just as dairy cows need a balanc­ ed ration to make milk. SHUR-GAIN contains what grain lacks, - - - the nutrients needed to produce beef quickly and cheaply. Try feeding Beefmaker to your steers—mixed one to seven with grain. You will find the extra finjsh means extra profits. Call in and Let us Discuss your Beef Feeding Program CANADA PACKERS LTD WINGHAM SHE REALLY WALKS! Turns, her head, as she walks STANDS. SITS* SLEEPS WASHABLE f ? < Like a “Bigger” pillow? Prefer the “Regular”-, size? Whatever your preference, one of our new Playtex Pillows will be just right for you. All wonderful Playtex Pillows are made of the finest whipped-foam latex. Millions of microscopic air cells give you extra coolness, extra sound slumber*. Only Playtex gives you the ^protection of the Gold Seal Guarantee... your assurance of unexcelled Pillow quality. No lumps or bumps Never gets hot Allergy, dust and moth-proof Completely washable Fits all standard pillow cases For nights of real comfort... for lifetime wear ... choose your Playtex Pillow today *. * you’ll sleep better tonight, GUARANTEED WALKING MECHANISM• It’s so easy to set her hair in any style You cun wash and dress her I > IIU COMB Nationally Advertised at Much Higher Price NOW YOURS FOR ONLY SALLY IS SO BIG! i-------- I I IIII { MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 10 DAY TRIAL OFFER If you era not at delighted at fh« ftttlo girl herself when you open the package, return package for* full refund.