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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-3-29, Page 3
- - - _ - � _ - — _ -- - lttekt*Wpest ASK1r T o the Independent To the Free and Inde -1 2,0 PER CENT i JU 1' T l AGaAIN3 e 1 J U� U U Ut I BH�BIFF'& SALE Oi+ LANDB, Mortgage dale of L a+rd / 1Tr1.,htnatr..i (:.,:.c(a think. t►a..a.ra` Electors of the South gendent Electors of the _ I l'uYPly a) HYrw ` �) mien. a tYY. 1, tr of �•uLT (AeY,p. ice.. mrd. 1�a, ,.I /e -( tau hen, e}„s" all bn+keu Vth nks t lie LE unlpa. O Lith >t lac gll Olt '� T Y W 1 t AtrY Pwn P„a+w. wend "(• ; I- I& r , I rM Ira J,o. 13x11 (Yen It•iding of Huron, o R K r , I,A.i2C l.�er .4LL FwaaR 001 , )'. wrari-,••'otlurtke lou rp. e, y ily'Alyw4r•v- tbore a renes." to be:io,e flat it may spas! ID I >g � O U N T rt udfrr M• r l C .IY L'u.n W the Loud N) Iranne Aale ter Fpro raiby W LM r0W I{ Coons. of Hurn. ad ill- ' %d loco Jn.gaM pe6 I'W au/luwu,t n enol w a-nll b� l0 Mnemic d • wict wrtc4 is not kept aw OIiNTL64/6N : - I?J/ VTLB.1/E:V : I.e,o r law L•rJ, and T.,ronr.l+ d M aaer PY bi. Awuw u u. Ad. ' SU FlAh's Armenian [ • HOTOGRIPH GmitYibYI L' Air a.,Wrr. .ltW ofd. r. NYf •. ll. Ll. bourn .. IM lY6 eiander of the h;dre mud ueimats iuporl• Having teeei,ed the oemia•lioa at the Haviu received lbe umaia,muus n•ni+ ATING Ull THE MEAD OF MY anti.a4 low.. J. Era, 1 6.vw arta .l aril W fma the North Oarmuu rt.. Secrrtnr a11ow'ed Qo x11 purebaaty tit H Twcatj-l1lr� day of April Wit, It it Pt, , GVQvegUea hada i.I.hadOa, Qa iia link hal., ttahos, sl the (.muv&UUUn fetaUliy by ld 'd, , F.mJY, a.J ,laMyn, !u r<la4 f++'W ca+awl qtr. u, Ea.cenlw IAe (••Il.wu'+ prePrnr ria Mecullar:b, uflbe U. S. 7 wnawy 4.4 ;cooed as R,fi)rm CaLd;dole fur that Ujislativs Aa ChaWu. f,r the Reprecaffe ata of y•.ur RA ! T N {� P �-i V (� C ans'etr, 1 >hnl Jupuw.(.I all the nth: idle .pJ �r+r,.er 1,1 :ko > J drto" s circular dlreatin Cotlel'tors Yi (actual to sembl of Oularin, Lor South Hurun, and ill ill the Cs+u,dqu 1100" ul ('utemane, rod y 1 1 1 a +-)r ! anL m .0 11•i i•.1 num 4+r r, via 1. tar r smith rat• rads, *east Ila ��oowo,. coploprd n tM ,r W e&rl tbe Isand ' ail' meal, crulr mud ' K Miscellaneous Books ( K'1 I'H A •r.•n.p e,1 the Yeoman , 1.1 Un•, nr she,'nav�,) W Y„r'/ ata, a,d:- 4•ts..elbev U.• sa tke of- ppsOs g having aacel-tell the scuta, lam now prepar having accepted that uun,nwuun, IYu, ,e.- �iIIODEL FRUIT FARM Huron pswtau,wl, ae itu.w,d 1.wo t„ if a&dow bur l l•f. and t a Ydtwre m we'll arta of Wer ilda& roam Ibuse ports. A similar prec%uliva ed W take, the field, &aid hu to r9c0%ar a In the field ;-a CaudiJ„te fur our •tad,■„ea, New & Mil nificent Sk L1 ht ■ l i• in forceimcausle, M+u •hi ale es z A]o li i• ! lironrvin•,wk4klwr+l.•uJlrw-+°ul•I.Arh rrM.lalka'IuwrurUutMY•rfl. 9aruar+a..r 1 D(1 - IiM:rul rat/,blort. truaUn W r liberal ar.d <nrruw w url rl r w „air�r Nelr. rel n,''LfR r• air rare a uun Ih'w, ,1edA. aced a, he slr.n u I Powers rw- Aathe vection will not, probably, take yourh.uds. o f1' AND SPLENDIDLY FGRNI ULD , : Iasi wa.f ) x411 P p•oW, N rtl mirlrkn out, Irom lhn ;u1rCIeJ Iq the euptre ,f the n•u Pia. h On ha W ail U.wr.rh, un+1'.r.l+r 'r, L•w. q,ar1 :u ihrrW Mu a r, u, nrmr err diMri&le in thea tin end Uu: uriCktu boost laco Ihr some time, i .ball le able at the Bab►Jit® Seb00i LlbrafieK $ O t) 11( !4i I I.w.0 Aay w Mr) ural. r ise Moir ullsfrr■ • lata appy to p 1[o P Ae tlr Flrctiuuarill out,;call ywbabihty, ' then cluck, r„ata. D, SHADE GOODiNO, w ONWg1uw tilde mlghf w0ic• to sprreJ the pruprr peei, d Io mrkt a prwunrl ca•,ram of trkr piece for some muaUu, wd • Doul �f- &TOS©ISIk1 AIt10Ii.• j J,)fix It.'Ir NALP. ) Boak'rurA. Mor1ap aisk•••s throe bout tho Prvvmce. Ua the that Ridw , wil at nor•ings to Ler int ' 6 X VI'm taken would M ie .tits, , old a tit the amounlm to A10 air ur'r, dunug the t1IN Uurt Dsld INi Jeaasrr. hf/. vamr ls that •' F'revruLiuu u bettor %lana n 13 Dila*a)s)iu >. peisail, so Ihr mors of bulb prtt re can bat hnr,d ors u1 1be a«hest, m., I hope Ihr' io they Ee �10 J011'1�ON !(krf ru try vAh .J l' ( Dan, It tDnrvfure )whorta the Cu.+tr,,n• mud tum srtd ; mid its the mrunlimr, 1 trust I v Fraud . ;All �lY,. l wA IDISOLv8N1� t is Ui IfiK embantin W kee a strict wblcb, said nut I y e r osis e, tiro gsuch mon, •ill withhold r 2FUS lav . . that .• aid atr 1 I t U.r old,- �t 1 Y -� , P ,uu wd'I out pledge yuwarlvr. by nywuuu” oar Ita11M from Web NE%T 30 DAYS ONLY B rnrr.flr, Ihn hr bat, .1 umrk axil uw.l 3- ACEI►� T r! (si•IIIGut M are J Pr ► • tlowwosly eapow tba treme s of this cuuulry air otherwise lav nu her candid,te. send u kr• nruuo, .n +7LEN'ARttl' Xew Wen 1, 11 (� .L 3110VI. THE Cndda t +{ tY+ radelrpad aro ami[n1 "� uuar bring st tit, 136ti prarti ed d the V i w ran of tM Law ,abs Yf h.'i- the M lie esaroow lues rbirh hal eJrvady bra )herr the honor to be, ll Ntu,k. vrnr. air Ilan„fin. atnwt ease 3 we,, 6.�n fruit Trcap, 1,100 Parer Trmr, H;diuq (s must ata lirilieh pnctiep, u.J avec 't par\COl'rl'C UM' IU 1'hIt e'I:rT Uaa er"ll u, ,u, la a .I, Ir a. W Nadlsr tine the 500 Cllerr -' '404, 'iaW ” Tama Moore. +a the low. M Galen, A; fp 1\r /allsn lbs lrrm.r• of SuglruJ, through • Gnnurmst4 that I hope will +over revall with Canad;oo Ansi in them y 1 1.1. ITT—, j. d hie,) L, the tote fir.., of it rwaty of Herr., air w•drts"l IM 1sr1A Any p aru,l h e,1- Ihn bra a,fa Trav (,r 1►. •a I a;wlar trate. J Yuur must nbrdi.,'s•nu.1 ALLON'F:U O'r .I1.1, P1'It/71lREM 7aert&ia Qartieaw 800 Apple d,;.f nV marl, e•T'rvr h, mer air hook dApJ oat. uihe M�uta tee tithe ck.-k to 1►ncbw J . Etrafon -who nix r fair, far•, and buuur 6cruw ,kwnurul ,a n-.r.;ar owl ren his .kli.*1r -- ----- -r ROBERT GIBBONS $able e.,nteel ferpabove old be and • mere a aWi Lr/Y111111 ,til. 1ul Jr ruu.ul hevrak Plt• rh h, AIA„ arc •orrr, ern nyuw,rJ to pry the ► wu to tM fu•rrws, f.r the prypXM�� ail rorrrwe ratty• IrlIEIB FENiAN PET*. ' 1 • rrntsn(hasaan.e,sodefy•an'i sp Aseilant, Geddtlrieb, dlmtla 191b IB67, w8 IemporWy ul:herl Ilium •h , 61141 th°t uu Anon \71�GTU 8 00 Ir ora of (J. F. Sivwrrt 6t once, aoJ an,e coats. _ , V 1 ) , i + r to w\um br may wb .e sestgpetaeat amlilr o _ -.4 ____„___-- will refrain Irxm p1aJ,iing your;uilueuce end C II 1 L 1) I2 I: I ONE OF TOE FINEST H011[E8 R, A 0, Fa STE W A KT. ,be abort Atr, i'he New York 'Tunes matt the %11ow- wppna to my uppouenl, unAl in ah. CanvaaR AT TIIG o+kwa wall plearhnnat in the a"arno,lr• I G' Jerirh Frh I7,h, IIxh7. Il ilia AOta da (.a Akre►, A. O . IW7. d Bmoa. isg�iuleJnlsrr4 rbuut tb. TruuEleaoms �Slhmmhlrlure oattrsl,Iahr'1 lairav Pl10tOg1sl)Ilf (sk0IIi1II erOTj lstyje I\TIIF: SL1Tly _ __ __-_ _-___ y JAMEe WAT80X. Ta the Electarg of the V i , P A SIGNAL OFFICE �'�" _ _ Yin to Faniuu, unarm tbn hrrdiQ •, Au North Biding of Huron pp° y' , . of meeiing him free l,.rwu w the a", and uhf Au.6-type• .wl 1)0 11th Aar cavo• and nm-h.,ww••. Tk. t'I-- SHEit1FF'b SnLE OY Lurei. TG118'k MWItE. N amwtmeut :"' tY (HCC, -f tn;.iu sa vires acid et oupJin I pwrrol)')rrr •opld as Pl...wrwph., A lure U.r•1 ..1+°1.. 1 1 1 u, the nunhwc.L h.,.",, ( b..r:irure kir Iaeslvwat. wt t is about time that some limit be defined GLNTLLLC9, m, principle.. uud you Shell have hw1 ,.n u1, `tonal[ of G. I'Va, R•rr-Www Prmue• sins). un orrr *loo varm,.• +a a ,w,�, •, wnA Ieaun", Cu.nh' W Hn•ur, ++ )' coats.• ail • N'r,t of _-' as W bow for Penia s may go to ¢swing lilt portuni y of thus judging of our respective iu1w. At.. Af.NUM+, vrryrhwp, Vo .l c l.,br,!ar. slid .A LwJ. .( utnu,..,al,l •1'e, W,t : ` �� Yw.Jnesu. EtP•m.,s es- INSULVEVT ACT OF I3d4. Uaftd yt ilea t. p t] fur pre rrntny Saida n+tJ �t tbn N'qur&t Of many LI Mtore Cl qurli6nUons fur Lbe jeigh frust we tort rt I t:. L. J , in re io.itte V'..►. wr the [bml 1nr . ren 1 out M err May c)'e (...nett C. -tot ••I the -'- rh• le....e.•,ml.anr II ruu ns, w;ih .11 rm mfrs■ tlesada. 1'beav bat brae cuusdrrabin mule, our lljdia' I air ire bcinm a Candidate our bands P.trursaF ail af� wr, av-I...1:.e•J ohrt -.-.I m;, Iv ,. 51.14" -at, sed lav ur'bra tr•, ."...'a Pntloav .(l'aaris, ( 1. Ils"ouply C-01 .Ahe Y dr P {� n Y E V E R Y T H i N G V 0 U W a N 1 °n pro,,. r I. wJl re,' hh• Gun f' mord • e.al,uu• 1m Wucem....1'. bn.unl .•n hake V. hors., ,h. L.oJa and I"sPetaea, W J• ►n CWy, a IM couar a )lurw Cw.ty .( Hume. spent its this msudrr already, but n erred Fur Parliamentary h0uourl at our first Meantime. 1 ll the buuur to be, anew sod me,ea>c W Ihr same, whirr vin, e...t huod._I. uf.te...... Iw.>„E a ,, rJ L ---A Moran 5aauk .rid AT,en cnuth tr a►e�fa star of Ii.al U41 a,ws a• lnwlveat. asppooed the expenditure was t. fee InWR,J i Gesltamea, R. L. 1 ,H' Rr)N, barkw.ad..rW I u-.nla,.11.1 u, a en ht, ar s Fre,n-r, L A+r♦ se'ad awl wkrr an Fsw•uh w the lJ• N ad.<wlsy 1M lAlrtefpl& dsy o1 May neat. Toto and over slsia, as often re lM Feoisn eltcliou. Yuur utast obedient Servant. 11; Qua erish• Slareb 1• Ito',. wtitl clay r.wl r. ser tato asrt•eo city Csuvgn, 11:.,, tv! .•wont P.o *try. %to : mil .all ..'t.'.r to.- The aniereareel will nrply 10 the JadAe d tM leadomchoose to raise a &care. Properly I am M. C. CAMERON, --.--.--__. wail y..ar.We it'... Irv, 1, uy+aat. air ,.,.la oflswla said par .:w r,JCounj4oall ek.sr.%.d.rlkr set. (}entltmcn, (iuderieh,MuchleQy 1887. wu8, H.utw•aIt.,M.Wthi.IJoaraaaadiumra,.;I,..adu.oeInna.od1«u.a.ptheTown•b,p..lrural. i),I.JuCtrnfos.lb,.laul yu(MaerMA.D.. aoa&ideird, lila orqulization in. one couutr, Writing Paperat, Envelopes, h.rF nrggd the Wra ret w.►,wa the Ju�pp.rl ' Iwrn. •n Ihr l nn ly rel Ili run. at,d P,.,a:nre of 1767. d o(eiped;ion ttguuat 6uuthar is limen u( YYs! mamt phBdlCot berHnt. uu. VoJrI Rut Fenn, with t•eea..w.l rr,ry.psy, �4*.o.J*. +•um■......a, by .J.'er ruin+ "Amy V. reTAVDIH. JOHJI HOLMES. —��- t'., Ihebw. ora N.mwr.I d,a "huI ave, w The r a .n S. MALOOM90N 1Y••m ought uol lY be wffa rid, bol to mak* -r l . i� f 11' +haws orrr. k ihr w , ' - . r 1.->., Ira11r Dom• ' carr Yonder Iiia' a mfllltai, bear w still wore!. �,� 11I, P, Y. of Hurosk Brnoe. Notice t0 W001 droWerB• a w ' ' A" lraouu plan '!'ll, 1•Aluwo.r u a l. I IW ata' .'d.Arrf,Jlkr w out,. -I I -.l oundrriwenor-Are ANuney Iur lnsdtMt• w!m Ne•tribelese our GuvernMnt has taken • ! 'i e14A1•.sy� the ar1Y•l..4.4 Ike aulil ufdrewut. r vurr .wu.0 C,'J ohm r+W Ti wo.l.apAtal roN IV mild view ail the subject, raid hes cupie11led Holmeaville, March 1867. '!>,f1E undenigced wueGtbell to inform has OFFICZ STATIONERY, Gy �' f r'IxST. wrre,ly fLltv.a,. Illw wr+l-1.1'rM's.-t•w. IaSx)LL'Lar?iT ACT Or 1tl6t. /fill wllb ndrrp,rirg wDeo aolual hwtil;l;re lI ^`f+' rv��e�JeJ•� Thr•ro will I,r o-. d 1., nrc'°Irn C,ru6l�p,vv vr)nllu'wa -.mrw ►1 Y.,k.-'. try w.rialo„ vus+oms,w a+d the pnb " that be wiif �. w - I orYnai data th. astir ,tar ,4 14,etubev. A U Pnwin of lJaaadar Ia tM Cougly Cryrta(tM have tommeticed. _- - - -__ . . - _ fair ,” Gil .A. re., . .. aerA q.Mbrt u..• IWaa l sga;a,dwius ilia year, lav (du ptrwnilly 'r ._I,_. •'._lo oflbe wDak• .•1 k• u ties. is the or H, w (Curet .a ainnat 1..5'•,(pu urolw.,•.co'4 unr,d -boli w,.l r'.Irlr rr Pot not, ought it to be underltaad 'hal EBROIIt tJ OF YOCT11. Imp �rted dlrecf• from the iwrM,-.., n ruts., o'.•n I', .r T'.e rW Tuo a• 4 tM inter M w'd!um a0 Lrdward Cowwy m attendance al the Walla' C•.+diug d Cloth- tb• 4"Ader a,,,°e film +T i t.oe,.Von_- a a. Ill— A, .a.+ a, lbs %.'.Trott like ..'ors M a►,• rad lovel,we't. N en not et user with Ruglrnd, said, Ilial A Uoalarn, wa.wfered for )r jP Irom Nrrv'as in. buaint'. rt the old nand, t'atwr il:a, t• as If.• rw.rJ .d p•cu.nu„>, ” 1'1 • 1 )' ibis that easer, cannot ..Allow aria -J` attacks I Whihty. Prsertuv lbleily aid .a,h. Idl r ./y'wlh- y p ' original Manufacturers, 'oar ro t'....I m as 4, •oleo , rev tit Sept. ta ow Wodrrtient - . ehMy, 1.k Ae,Judge r the g unJ hi! iter factor its se he c/m le l7 t ole :1.' a o rr rho 1, ier aid roar air ti law- tbe ..drwq■.J wJl aepafr e. a4• Jadp a W ttpM oar rwlgbbon by Frnianr, tuft the' the � W uw'.er.u.q. w'u ren tA. rte .,raar,..l u.+arny y ��r rpt 7t �,1 kyr May Amerige people ought not to be d,m!wlled I aewofrnwsll .how d d. o4• reef. s.d,l r .-Ww.l..' •nil hrrinX had the mach; eery Connrclr LIS OF rREMIU111+7• ler, A. U. I► 5• who.da lunla wnJ tr arrraq I r,Yl l•wrr len n J,r Aa.fe rnkr Ilia Nei sfh CHEAP FOR CASH east) r6I 1r•r alt, at env a.A:r re, the Genn D.TI I a Claeaea, tar Ips Jay of M,i c I eaiuy,sr wnv+•,<enra7 b^ w4.cahe wurumJ, nava- with tba acme put its goal corking lice, uu W foot the bill mon than Direr. W hon Ihr en w.,n.ne, pr.s1 oy lie Wrerwer•. eapnrper. dor hu own rnw'rl ■u rinlenduice, end U.aw, an eM wwu W (;.dena•n. ata h,rwley Ile p., 1fA,, iut raid took lace ;t wit a dismal future• I rat, d. w toy•ddreMlq 1' _r_-. __ _ __ - tie, t -Th. Model fault Ton........13i.000 aalevoth d.y W Ajed rrht,r, the hour W totivt WILLIAM COWAN. P JoHK it•OGDCK, Ideal may rely upon satisfactory workman• Af 7ii 1'. ji {fr1w: .w.,ri� Y--tl,(nn' u. k;,r,0_ k.,••••••• Moose 01 thecl.r'k.L.un. 1DUWARV VUWAN. ►wtU wasoughof thea Odrprnlreddy. linea Na, Is. CAaweew rel.. New Yd. ship. \ Auction & -rt1�Esion. 3-Osr.p&u.u.ai,.pol:.y H..n.., JOHN IRAI'WYAI. n. ff. MALCOMat0.4 luardeee enorgh of tbelr emu rl read,. 1C hen N B. -In rcttimiog •har.ka for the liberal win, e:,aun Tup Caro.,;. alai t ill n. Auonay fur lawlvents. olio Osaseal Mead* fnn4ed bomtl and lid the ____ _ $ICiN1�L Oi'1E'IOE• _ "Aro, oI tbu iri.h Repub ;e" first yev, be support of framer ,r4n io Ihr •hare made- (3 fJ 1)I':1tICM CLINTU� 10 voya ' ' • -. • • • • • • ! -She nA'. 011e, fIbl").4, T nrM, be Lupus by grill .Igaliuo l0 lbs qW 4-l.re wprr6 O+{ Yumu.r. Yaoy Ihb M+n•k Ihn,. I w• rnsol0ent q4 0: rW-I TO CONsti)rPT1iYb. Ma•d.l.ue avw h kl, vahw... I.'.o0 did act esppem that ,be process was to ten w still receive a abate of Public Patronage, 1:Ia111thI1•the,tl I f-Ai3U. 6 -On. P,a'w, (f'6,, as Dina)• , atm, SHEBIFs 8 SALE OF LANDS P•ev,aee of c.naJa � T - The Co.isfy Coon a>( repeated every year, air pndlnbly he w„ula Tile. add uaa . bsrp's W'u r.A.,.d 1. barnh 'a a TdOS. LOOAY. -- W• � 11 net have been w rne,oul. I I'. Fco;ais .. w..s. hy. r y.+.plr "toddy al'O.""s .a(- `ALEfS of Murrltnnf".a VioTwnv in C.Irr:eh Tbr nen was J•+wit Ly mr el IM NunM 110va no ritbt W Csuoe t6r eatye,+d,ture tit sr.d fir sse<rw yrhw wpts.e orrr lu'q nae. awn u.' Godeaiell 251b, Morel, 1867. a9tf 1J western lur.s I hwo■e ; Vekd tS- Cuu a d Hun... I BY' tat. m:. w"t .1/ Ven t ounq .( HYi H vice kst. ay N Hain*. •very-.turd.y, and w Chu(on iter • Wr.l- ' Y b til. Maur,. H+dry Haehe, as Ia+W mer 1. 6-•••'.nnavmpte,r artul uarep w. ... '1'u Wu: t du�uu EaIwY,.• i..wJ NYnq aAerrbr avw t►.I 'w Yt>r6r Ib, that drrM Aa*dao nom a�.,n- ,. us u.us ,.. mak., _ Blhies Church services •••,t+Y• t. kuiwuurr,m nen rc awl M Mer Ma o t .moon l=~%of llu Vnaau t hbt coact b lbs wry it ;s afoot. tort tie t t r^11. r p- • .... foo I ' Y Y tenant-er•eo'h a Mn wst, at IM brwr of pp t'e.- „'bat ,show-wlfrrn.Ih, orro. tail, tare. htnory o.IranrrJ nn P psy I.f imnw.lisly ,-W.I.,?, ll.n+.r, Franc- A„Iw y J"7 firtxoomstuaoard,aaA i:■ Irw trouble- •P„,11,re,.a.,arr'Ls.wd,.r„aar.yn.w,h.P.r.- tAN spirig ¢boor f0 (n mrut lwtu lel k-7".0 w.J 1l .ire ,+rgvofl A.I ","r N ,h. I. 1 •i Fund pn,mpt n-wrna rradq, I;Iwr•, ' I'st h't h, ' a 1 ln.Y- ruuW stn l l L.M. we.' I1r esot liwsaa, +re J.rr.1pla teats ihr . IOM b ;n /M lweaour..w ra pita ae �y & F'.rn. �I,Ak and .Mil 1A.li. on,wil ly atenJ- a{oe: ". It:I Lrm'a al 0 •1 ma'am.:” tf 1, w.- oous•+1 au b• kadW, tlr ...1tn,Anw1 wJt ePPll them be *ulified That we roe tired u( their 1a•inrwud -.win :u+, ruv. will' •Ary wdi avw w s.. e W Sprin Goods 1 p' °r!'' AO-' Mrrou Ur , ..I Ike w11I W I.rlll'a Java•..... I esvr a _a+ . rn.,v, Arrr 'll any "r ):,., d.. a'. od to tklwarit ad the ('Malys 5 -Un. >10t 1J n...•. • • . • • .. / w t4 Jods. of Iho ase wart fW • dwbarp me. soasen•e. If Americo is is ruled Ar F'rniul.a• t'.” -..,6M rY'C6ru.1 avw lav„g Adrrurw. Thr tau:) at'j' 'f 11 F P rr er B Ook-i Ill all and U. SL I RL E I1A5•:A Aurbon Men, A -Out a._°o ew.rt W'Par;or ► wain d and gkrs m Etrrul ,w. Vw (uhdwu'g lana- de u. rel AcI. let wklww it, bol sat lVll,(sa Amr,icr as Sul- •harn.hMa.Jrrrtrrr'a w,duy,he,',tr•rrl..w.,'v i ' w61 Y a rkvl` y u.rc, Ue.de n ch p' tF'1• long, O.■:-aU flim Mil, uiNsad a$awnr ,J 146 C-*Jorb,)fna Mach. I.Q 1p rla.all 'orn't *Il either b .►Ura air ado ted American/, ,,:..m IAe alewtrd. w .prr..l,.n ammo. ehirb h. / F u.I . ..... ... 7W .rW INW.0 net :n a. d a f r'll.'” 1, ,r Ihr 6+M J P re,.er,rr.lavhsw.rol.W4 a„eA.h'Pr. • . •nGn CHEAP CASH STOR Blnala . 1><D to Loanon Rest Estate, I0 -41x! cmn'Plwt h1 41'8allwf lar fnlMrar.r u.1a11. W I f DY'h.,. cool, 'n Ihr W. (r, HAI Ml her not be pl$aeue4 and p!uudrr.J L, ata w .Ilia h s r.mrd7. cul wall cowl IAe.....lime. a 1 E F f Pure, torr . ........... 700 tuwn.Wp'•(tlra,d, awl c.M,Ia .•f Vnw r,eaou. - ,f aid Y forlrew.eae; n.sy 1' "'',•less' A PPR r'ER t° tfe'1'rw• •end Lase C.'myrn) 1! -ilia Poiubnt,% Lmrulr....... li%, It,.) seen, .h.•4 La.,6 enol'farrrae,.,. 1 sh.11 INSULVEN Y ACT OF 1364, asl►oriaed aaJ 'llegat sch gimes of loour tri I p ptv } � A VV.' lr- ., ttl+.k,n: tun.... - . ^"4 .�I,r low mitt, ./ .r Lila•.•, m IT,e t'•rn Hwa. P.nrn rn.Mwr,4e orf r..nax. hY relurq aenil r ailC Honda. vsgoo Irom Dor about or acroY Our but .dt.-.1dNrss yA IVOIfr Da1vOt, rrlorDcoD aid a1. TR C ESI AN, IJ- I- IsJy N'a.hu.afw., call 'r it. loreW liaderw., ,” I�".b1e)' 'Iw drib Pro,veeofC nada,S Lrt4Oawaty amps Dube be1r Rer. P.U7.tPD A, ITILeON, J1'ft opened ■ Large wG, 5lurlrl -'q w,r, l„ !r wl, 1J- air.. (rout...... 15u .Lr ufMu,k uric, at Ili. 4••u u, ('..t. W IW Ca6ay u( Itrron, c troy.( Hero. »_ 4,11'snW q. li ami. C.-Krw lf.ra. 15- ra . w r l:rn .kin ___ sa6ortma[t of! Pla1n, ars- •• Diapid W,b.I,r.., !230 den mer• J 1I, DONALD, I~xp•rP,., spa PeirrAlrMah,, mal�Wwtly iraia Reforse Blll. 17TttANUE, NI'T TRCIE. _____ ---- 17- UIIN )t. to 1 ` Gli�TS' said IIOY-S' Al Int LIwiBT R,Tsp, el the 1.- 11"ynuti .Pari a,.,.. Tho bbend,a IrwJre„ts. 9i 7vt•uq Tally.aJ,r-rl..a,»n,hr Cwnrd slow _`-+ •' 7 f"l.ce. Wit...... Y8u yher4'.(MIrr, O'W..i' h, I U■ lWtbrseal dsvufm.v P.M.stt.r aftho Our tale nm by the ('able says that Mr. for Mw aro hllA a maxi• math W Ihr" adral'ate 1:, ll f ElT a^rmm to- ' ,• float ebar 116.9 175 (I,,,,,. pronounced aq.iml tba Jt" r ,;;r msd Fr-ol rhsr,o. I,r .1-1 • oR,be lomler. & STRAW Land •JWC '. .... laid P. al 1. tle'2�- wt po r'k. a lie Gro.. n, lh. u.+Mrut sea wdl era form Hill of the alu,;ary. Wain fine defec npor.o. mute k.,uq (ru..•f brn�e nnmr,urra•d wdl ��°'llal U iCC !al -Cee C+Inn.y u,gr 1,3 nr_! 1 tfie ., RrOIPTER of ImprureJ-l'u read W,W ! -Vile M.nor. F,ru'.A pinta..... 15tr WywtM JuJ.r unAr rdt-it,a►wchaa.brw, u1Jyr b, nW wAY ,Tot.* Tll. Al;anhrn w 11 panar & 1 -and Our :tale, St --Un. Rr.rw,ow M.lhta-tat Va,s. 71x, sh..Yr r V v p .1p•arJ ,.II Ta.e. At IAe 'a'he Tewn 'd I:arlerych, r■ erkl fuYnl,, Lir a tiaa is the ConMrat;ve ranks indicated b) the aa1tW lbQnirdlrya MrvaeL w 11 I Iir1`RwL+ n O Al. TI(L' CS1AN, F • • • � 1711, dry ail Al..lr a .6r w'w,• u.o. •■d paw. drtYkagr under that a" Aa. reineleut of the lhres srcntarin of : tote, TUaIp. F. CNAP.II.i N. Godt(jch, )larch I Otb, IRG7. U'de.ich, Starch 1, Ilk ;. Against, err T.blr,., - • ' ' ' ' too — DOW .IUoderwh, .. tin County of Hw",' ens -17,60 NI Boatav sr. Krw Vara; ¢1 b 1.. 3t mr! l.rrr-Tin o.., aa. 'hr N°ood dsv W Mar: IIA U , 180. lhsoppoesuoa of the Liber,ala uodcr Nr. _ and Cloth CAPS, ae•wica Mrrhiwea, 6150 mach.. I,.MA Thw flbrr eAls is IurlL••r p•.tponed 11iI PETER JJTIAITHaMI Gladstone .Quid Ire more then suf8uent tu - I .. _ ___ 19 w 72 me)wm,e-Fav, fireLisse, 17th 5larah, 1867, am" hour al.d place, uEvRUE L0cm u seal the doom of the mesoen he,ural a }rr. WHISKERS ! N 1115KIMA!I FROM 30 CENTia CP, - - - � grammar Mnhn...,3U."s sek.. k!5 r•o-psnrl,w and adre*ters. Nothing is tu;d of the tealurrs of Ila. L. 0, NuvT.i'C-I1du The eroategt-Imn __�, Se�07�V sTOrFS ' i. Tenn Va•-a Frrych NW omni with Tle alvve iew.11+ fur,h►r ywrlponed •Nit Pfi7i>R STIlA1 rH, Ipd,raeWly. etebwv lee w••rtd. wdt tuna W.•fok,ram Mu•• s a e 1.•bae /lands............ too the Hall to wflch ofjrc'Vui is made and we prAw ten pow o. Ike rruwna'h'' nr ,'hon.; AI sIO-Opo 1400 pan N C] • • i0 -(til N "TamiI with•il,"Weq IJ TlordaJ tM Yuth Yteek. At sem•' lime and !t C.CAl1IRUN tan 01111 wait ful lie inform.lion un lbs oohs ani► hewn W faith SamPle fur ted we,, few of Ladies Ga. , N hr •+ C Y A N C E R Y SALE � Fbhcflox (w fp•dvenM. _ jell. 1 U lav be regretted Ih't the ►Fated Ip any a'ed,<,nw..,(I",af Qa nae,,ts. AOdra's. and Chrldmal.' H jAa-'o' i'4t 4Mnnn M.r •Case ,h ataktas aft 7 INSOLVE,4T AVT Of 1864. gaeation sst•me to tae u1 danger of briu� guaver.k,Co.,Ttl As.wu`,»., S. Y.. to '-1 U -:)air Morn leech ta Law. , 50 The sbo,. sAe is Tu Tbr, Ir)atooneJ until , throw. see tmr.l.+'gar pari rel, .nlr ,he edel.11«*f•k*•'•ulw Pnp•Id) w29 BOOTS AND SHOES, ( "TF N i y ,l•�, l•STOy; i, lila R pina.dg ant,<ipnt:oon of re, t►rf, setdr- ------------- --- C}L'tfntSl/ka CHE.1P 1''Ok C.(SH. ��LU�BllL�y 1OW11 UOTS. s H - rlYeriandahou9tb daisy Ap,d neit, at e•melPrwintooiC•rada IrtMCoftngCoaef, p Couf+ty of iter», of tM Coantt .( went to which late tree, is gave rise.- NlotMere, KrUd 'Pita - Ilollu- lH IIn Gnderich. 5larch 2T, IRV. f ' Y, tt'..m, I"s, req.. said wlr Tra 't. ACHESON ah SY'TH. !s •rill: x u i Tm Wil: Harof. 17eba I fwG'.rm... ,'hrnr,,.. d ..Ad.Ka A, w w . ma THE IWIRD Of RE/1LRS — ., - --- er t Jn seer osotvY floderleh. )furl 2G, 1867, w19 p E H '�'-T-s�� is LM wH o N n1r xis I t ,-.h rr,snan.d. I Inc, ,hat ,.,w errat ,..» - _ _ TOWN OF GODERICH• CI `� -- rt�_- A+r,h •.rare rb,.:*run Inwp. tC.•.0 aGror.r rutst, d �,'/ Art .M. rin,:,.P—d or.•• IA. non n. nr pan'rn m• �` - T __ wu.l Ai llsua �1 tM Must "" dal 0h j'pei wat4 via Fr!llrra011rrr. .rr.,nr..t d,»r.1, .uin.:e v ; .nnn•.w. fsy .. 1' \�rhalC . lar Fn 'ANTED nV ?tN. >U Hn1,SON, o Yawns O .ad rl mtd r a iachi to aid Jaegs wt d. u. e.ada.drrnudwe,nryap„r .end .rue nail... P1 a"1 Me^ M pend aaWcea., who a dean,-.. ul,.be end Cavort (sr • diseb&rp audLr flim soil -- din,.,d,,r.+h.wrrd•T(1ht.,r.un.. .,l nr Hurd maw„ W a p •u,dy.ot JrWa.Vy.-pl•Ir my herr pr.•Irw, ..r .d Tberc r no bamud or ►niastion a w the 1"RSI"ANT to a Dccree &till own order. Itf 8t St. Jose h Mic .n.,.! ill. PA -.'re, •be rayl Oifi_, Wan +et. R 1p ern•,rarr. Arw.l avw•"r ,V... u.'-1'hr Ld1.1.-1''- 'Tlit, ImdrniOnrJ having .-d hfe Plom,nX P w.A.- to a rtrt.w ,.use prvdi°e lav Ili. :Q r7 1"' globe that ever has or ever will h*tmfm,m ;. ase • u-. W c,e re'i ,, a.,x,+• ,y.,•'•;n( a1^f J,. sir- 1 )A.tt sa'J F.ua Fere, 0 Q +frr'•q rL.knra Uaud d the Tow* of Crod*riob, is tt o em trod so man elements which ate in rh,4 air menu« J ray H'....uy :dor..tt,•.I +prni,r raw- n' I° Ira Messrs ; H.- t;oua t tit CLrnccry ui ,r •y ,flak Ilan h, howl -- . _-_ - _- -_ 7•f L'(u ,t e,1 1; uron, this 19th dry of i7ebra•r71 awed.slnop urr.,drr.'re a{r .r (rre..wa pubotl' •'be a.,, Low.0 amt Altundn;M iia Town; l -I 0 31LL7• 1, 1--(j 7. _`____._� T eternalConfimtasthe-Masomcorg'nmmioa y'eI-.tdk,th,dtsrta,,ft 4n..pkuddao..,1 n.t°aril•I•11,naler.te,fwkuubyNoteor&wk GI(iDG\,yrs. iICTCHIY60\, i� 'L ST f"�ir LET7ER8 l u•riset. R 1 JOHv ,TisW AaT, fife wig foaoden J n ever fid aero -organ• IAe a,a!y. •aanr46as or..':�'.,..1114 ...m 11 ..y+/w'- acruwd, ata Ih,wr In wlww M mA.Ma1, enol tkero will be old wt Public Auruner bJ b b !icma;4l4� its GodetjCh 1'aat r16Ce, ,,s I rolls A )AOUREI rata„• vas; 1r" ap n'r r..l rid ..'.h.rn 'a,ly.'1e x 11-1 once aid .aloe a he utivanA up tb. bust• I ' iced it upon r Ir. s;n.pit but c.r:iowl load• .a,.,,,.,,,,,,, , nraa) v,,.. r,. p,. 'wet,u.. av- acv. - marks, what4 command the aP1rrubatrn ped•nord..h,el,•fuldn.a..r.,,,.�,p'du.Iwaa,'.A r •f b. Cu�tJ11�G. 1 GEORGE ^• TRVEMAN ISi A-tamntitl.V min hp anpni11ted In eoprr;n- ¢fill-Uth Marefi, i8s0. I !Sol;c;t,-.s for lewlraal. bw7m ^ lend tt, ,::...irl of ilia Prises, l the Armellwn J&m�e Kerr Thoma& ata t A JA,♦ ttQQQQ�� lay tit hOld+rpun the wR c•iuue of tis imi ATh"ar'.. p+I.ftmt sod•r:f-.1m4,rrr.ito .. ch+h� Gorden, h, Sl•r)h L 1.. f•67. 'swb3lt AUCTIONEER, 1 1 M Ilonicuttubl it'd Agncu;Isr.l Surieura of IL,eon A. C, `•thing Wm 11113���ela Ali O� iQV7 &lee, sod which (arui.h un a: ,, v of con• _-dr . ,.au.. ".. In •:,bah.. , re. n., __ -. trorerr], admot no amprn,e n,.n t, .�.d iol-rate caa-W` . Iwai, d+• ,n.,.+u-.h ...„ Tann - ail his Autuuu 51st, its the Tuws of Gid _� Alichigsn, c0mpsed exclrively of Pfuit. Iteekat A. town Alenndrr wA4 u... , rr.•n, ,a.d.Ln.,••.ne • ao.,r u, nr tato - I er.th on m �� Growers aid k'annen, nun.* of .hem akall Rorie I4Lid 1' u' J.mv au chf.ge. 7 h, law. ret alns.,rl are r w.PMq..n, c.at.f'. _rata hr .•r uI „Ili.. w.n'n SASH AND DOOR ttrtmrdrr, l Stle'u(Agrrt1,1B8i, c1 :64 /f the matter of a,Aarfes Days, •s fweall fired, immutr6!r, and eternal .e m.them•wra:,aw (� i Aare tiny unenal whalrvrr i': Ihr draeing. lknutl E 5lorfitun Angus ep„y, at,es. Cr, t:..h t.•.enm.w• mf rar..u.dr ."".,I.-- + „ , lith tl.v app,u0otlon of henry M.,'Dermuu, ., , , M `ilia*paur ♦ ,arra+. 5r.,a.tG•, C. tv., w4., wrc Its. y (` [) Ilra,lny John Murch 1 A 1' .,n}e .(the a■.h"T" rested in rs. se "age” •1'he old Palnarc!, t:,. -.r!, i..=e.:b' d tFev war d..e.,r . �+ r`1V 1 U1{ liaq., 5lrtcrul to ria Cuory at Gaw{•rieb. , *e �� I,n,t I Boyd N+ry ilfN Ma41J!rlun rrlr ar6.....w 4,I..Wv +w.oed a.i-.a. .JN N. Ia --,ki,-r rr.Ji-V Immo ).,erne- wnJ �_ the fulluwip valuable 'town Ln Imit: . , a h �p.urna,un o/aAr M„nrrr. 1 nkn11 .,fir par .sir Ir •poo • 1 illar o(.turw, end vxn+mat,d Tl.em I")" a ts' R D' 1(Irir tYn. (•) ah..un Joho nr cavae R.vur . Iaa.Tu.as(gad o%.&.rr rssea� mar as„ah... „(1 rw•.J '.y u; u,r Jru'.o.e a, ,r.•!. r. HE xndrn,gn'•d harm: n ,wb dwisbw u( Hots 2 and 3, -in Con. •' A.” A 1'L,1 L_N _IL N L3 N,\ `t l• � ltenoelt Wm 11 a -Dona• h E n.,wr,OA',., .,f Frwu.rr n•n. n T.rl.• e'elee{r theu•J:b that mr,hty [t..A ; \,nth tn°tAl •hem .a orr.b•awaeffer. arrrrwArra_ »erel1. T p rea:aanl the 1•tgin- AA solar. An the awards an made. • rfeet n Malt avid -4-1, rr (.:ry owned, and o,- lormrrly in tho wwusbip tit' Gudencb; nu- i1e Cam hell Ang-na McKwen K Juhn\� ' X11 Ve r't •t, uu. old ,wirer J1ae Na wiener. W two of hi• sons upon The-urn'lot .,f the I -p —`Y"'p , ,� / by In,nnhf funn,nnt. sir we, and 111 lbtl lU-LL rel 1, U,1Cll.lb kuuwn w the 1Cd !t = N �P ,� . title to the different Premiums will be furnish. P , a.w a, flap ,.p'•.' r,el MI.,.daad pn--la ,►rat veered innunlan where L a u4 wsm'd whoa. VII tical'. 1T 1s NGLISH RENEDT <'ro carr un the hail of n.•b setur eI C.rll.All .,." rm 51 ids d-hol ru Japx& .��0,. 7,• the nerd sulsided, end ILA earth Liuum.•.f s Y A wit ,Serve ed to the fortunate h°IJern of certificates. r.amv .11 'Iw._Jm n arae a'rawn•r d Mrwp. $ash, 7ioors, Blinds, ] —°-- On receipt of f2 wo will forward one mr t)wrke Jrlllee NuAol Itmlrr rt ,wun"osrw.,.rrr, hr ase ata• rawer Iwai M6 and hlwhad again with minx and fruit p,.Jrr . vas : 'l own Love lr 2, S. 4, b, 6, 7. R+ COii.i1 OILF 1_t ^f pan..flrw n.rl,wn+int,-Lw,•ne i5eae, wink lislof tugrarin,rs, from which, Corm1 Jan»•• Osbnldt ion A e% ' , h.si row•wbgNTa1wb..ry, dJ tae tui Blit JAale:4 CLARKE's 9, l0, 11, I3, 14. 1✓, l6, 17, la. 19, 20, 2;, IAlI1M John Phili %Vin Mas tMr .adbr%.ap, «.L lila ori Ian ; Nooes lernaed them from the Iwries 'mar sa:oet any °°e levy mat elooM. P a..1�I'\.,w.t. y. ).;. C[; the rat un tie hauka ,d (he Ndr ; Ili tt`AI9 Aced• F61n1►Ie pitta. Mou ld in S, I1 loorin 22,'13, 24, 256 26. 27, 2R, 29.30, 32, 36, J, l� 11'IIULI:SA1,1: ANll ItF:T kIL. rhe F;ngrrr,nlnwill nomAerorer56viereut Core Illalyit, Mas Pattie lal.rish men of Oebet earrrd them on Thr rocs r,I'e /'re}.rrred wt yt prrerriptirm of Jit J. Slding, :IB, 40. 42,'43, 44. 45, 48, 49, 50. SI, 5S. yaneiiey Int nava rice of whisk ip j2 sack CnnUv '{'lninra (2) 14,Aw S A J (2) Ir-rtA o oaei&IAr,arrm ler H.! l� of the Mad;ternnnan `k•. ; So'umun end lbs Clarkt,Al.JJ.>, hpar('run Ett►u ardifwr) and all.J;inJa of Sul, Si, i•5, L6 uI, 58, :i9, G^, 616 6i. 6a1 b�` !'tial Uil l.ompp, d,o. dGC. Old Iris, p Wit, two H+rains cul!etted lhrm its •oriel cud- IAe Qatr•. 64, 65, 66, 67, A8, 69. 71 72, 75, i6, 80, (''.aper, Ifs..., N•....I P i,e,a..nJ tbr,p SL is. in Pla An ens-irret a t y r ceiv* 't Cr.prn TM•m.s Sini%huns Nis N'm nwrwh, sats Ieei. � wa1A1 at Jenaslem, and IAe bui"Jean avid rlhd�ldcr, i 1 II �'' I' 1•i ��r i.) tZ 11 s a(, 82, 85, 86, 87. 88, 896 90, 91, 92, 9J, 94 ('ltu ata eachaahc, Plta&e Obs^ire thnt you ttceirw ,ire worth C,llaas'Ihumna Capt tim;th Alio alts• _ th.Ie orrr the, w urld Thar my■In in b me .a unlul,n¢ m the �•.,h a.l7irrk and fm,.thu• +sal And Futuro, 9a, 94, 97, 9N, 99, 100, 101• f •2, 107. 108, 1 S. 1 • . TORY. of your money at mile*, and at The awe time Dmater George timiUa A J \lits 7Le ►bop tats ik�ostponed till TtIT WaT, ail lee Temple eprc.d - an opportunity u given you to wrurr pat led.. n m'whan Rotrrt Satleerland Angus the 16thday of April balit, al the above time and Ihr wen Vusmiltrd W on in I•grnduy •' '"d all •h,.< puna, and Janten'ui dotseae Ta,y Omar from Ibeir ,i(4rle.rr le Fecl.ry 109, 112, 113, 114, 117, 119,.,1'-'0, 121, 1'22 �- AW Sign of llc targe Caul. Uil Bartel ndel.l furtues (air fife, the asmn a 51 r. A. FAward Geu Stanton fir• . g r . 'aid plait.. tee: roLWC1t, 1 'n »v..••e ,hr feMale sun Vtuuun ,..ue)F,1, II W,ra. That Ih,y , so pne> t,slathun to all who 124, 1'15. 126, 121, 128, 129, 130.1135, 1:16 Uo,lt, u 1a. Morch IH, flaR. IeF1f FlFntt Aaue 5tiaa khoffdd Mr , d/a (Ms: lines, as well as to the lair•, ch. Is who,u- ,,,.Ir .h•.•il F.'r•,rnd h• auceaatln!ntr.cbnne, ms•ay..r lAefn with ..-a!1, _-.--_ _.-_.-- -.-;), Lee. e. 1 Pram. du R"h•r, what Tine.,hs fr Cil, 138* 139, 140,.111, 143, U{,'lar lJti, Elliull Julia timi'y M+rguel Un Goderich,Frb. 12, 11187. wtldp lwb.l,d And claimed to own til❑ gnat .run- r,,,1 •,f,r, ly Turn m. 1x r d un N.•!f.-A liberal dr''ela t 1. the trade. Cf01hY Operw Iinlann, tai ('l,fgg n, nn {kr :1st ` ] ae JA 3 Rl;i'l1ANAN, tae 148.$TENSIDE SALE F.ulknrrJenm;aL(.T) Apr•/ 5(r -- tr be1.ore our forefathers distureral iL- TD as1ARRIED ADIE$ Ther low are afar lie shore of Ln a ail J■.wan, I• (;T, -ilia a single fiekat tit f; 5, Jad sk;n ivA. 0,h.udredsofuthrn.con,Wem; ht+evutin„ FinlwyJuhn f:rhndrrnm SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. g ! tssruniudy -rill«) If al -1 e e neon time, DgTI:) 1.tW;iUN, Hurun, atad ata yer�dreinbly ritual d fm i1A F'imler ICw Thom • Henr ba.nr un IAe monthly Iwu.d nnh gulrrav• JA.i AhEXAfiD$li, Auildio a • Daae. ten recent diacorrr of 'jr� 9 t6nt here mala thern.elret ••shy by Iba 1'•e, 1 -- Tuin k/&rth 2.>,-ICussuth, now rceidi•'T Ewan Iwo Ue, pure Ose WIIAr. ntAe (goat y),,;<6. M■n•h 'nil• 1F6, .wSS A P �• ' OF R M AL ESTA i E n•mPle mvea(ntrnt d(°ne or two dollaw. fief brYllk DNn1eI T nmp+,.,, Je•.ie Mim CuunTy of Ilarua, ) 71♦ rrrt ave of n w.M in this sit bas mitten •letter proV•tting .•nn.en( =qvy of Urcat RnumI.P, *Fat c.*a• esla it file ne,gbborhood will nu -00.01 hire Kesry F'urm•r ruJ 1l• rlieulgriat aRoutd Gln.er•n kdward' ¢Vel -h J„lin b we, : ) IJ F,an Frtloa new I snafus the arrangement mode !'etweeu ll w, eriets. the 04rel mf rapidly increasing %iepoPulAhOo ) of Hrflas- Y, Corn rT� lit: Subrn'•er h, reerfred m.t'dowa fn,m reel se, interest In soleur;ug this be&ntdut home G;Imnn Thomas W ilsrrl Jwhn rlweea's )Mn, b..M to tyle d,rtetd .go”: that C 41"I'll' ' n I Of Ibe Iowa. j Aln. en P'r. r•'k SER. Tn nArr (air wlc L Land. end 'Ir .oea'w M Mar Ko+ell, sI gat, end the Emperor of AunU•a. 1y„n Pi/b .A.,r/J n•-rM r.,bg Lr/. safe rirj o, m� „ �, h.a'b 106 will be pal up separately, %I.* Putti, Au, ft ,n, ata >' fur hi'�etlf and YrmJ,, llwirewn PAwsn1 Wair John l ondon, Much 25, mi 1r,ighL- in the aAr N1KN'1 TIIK66 J♦tfrh2(JY aI H1g;ina Edward N'atTen J M Stir (1, sue of Hamneu ,lou. I \ase .r ed ae� lekra !4� .• A1r pure A:r+er at vice lime of ri! eb•If Hannah John 11'rl.h Marra et 'lir a pro y• )sec M Roust of COmmoos lu-ni rht, the debsl•• nn ,lawn,, .. rby pre a.o Ia Mian e• K' F' __ \ kr' darn a JApu,,,l. equal to J:10 for every £1UU 'SatUidB J, 7th day of April, 1.67. 6serte.r the /••If ,;van ren •'sM: d t Ill IM 1(efurm Rill was resumed. Mr. Oi.4 r•n'r,,Jw ar .ay stAn tar, rA.y sell.- ?' * Alli Annan Mim Narnn h Mre •.wail t$a h sea int r.%, of the rail M L • 1a end ra.n ref. ,er ,w use ,r,ta-I Alb cae*e, > r of the pu,chuse Worley and a euflicftnt tum st the Il uron Au''fnn Dlart 1f not Pnvmn.ly and 1e 1►Wa. oil bar ol, in t and teem d JMd Kern , Amimy (21 White,, Jan,• Alrs .nate lyi lend 4euq ta o,e io t..rp of Allo, none Wade • e h in which he decl►rrd E ,p O a wllhin two weeks Slur the wla to maks 01' d.:;,u•en vl, the nudernoronuesd a`. PKe Ps m..n the In r4 .rel hrmtw, 1 serum ..n e6 hT gg against tM fi orernmwnt plan of helmet, sed a,rinn, P,lp.lnr'MI otter Hear,, 1fy*tam'. ■pd �� `. B O {Z1 our fourth of the murchoae money, ihr b.l. L The Horticultural Ina lrtler i►aapp Amea Rer Whitrl♦ IG.bt ahs ,nvlF, re, TAw rounfy tar Nrurr, ronu.mnr I,r earned the second re&dlng of the Refdlm Whitea,tbeee P,;1s w;N e1Tia(• eon .Mr ail a r'w H 7 g n P J QaluabACi Prope2'ty! ARCHIBALD N('fisa)V ..rrwrrmrelfwoAu.Jred corn (fixed br 's' all'. ,rlrr nesuu lore baerl I orad d'hoprh' fen war. - -. ; l ap C! to b! u•culed°b wort ase, n able va _ ___ - same m.'n at► ,era brim` r.,wpo4•A W O, fel rem•1y, du not eo.tun iron• rrlumr�. ani• a Tj I,,.l three equal yearly paymclAs -nh u.tt,vxt at OF $T. .IO3P:PFi, 11tCi IT., P y'IMrr,_ -• 111 aria art, ;w the Ntfib cMrk.laA, A Pans correspm,deut of the Lindon Sun- t "'n or.nvthinr hunted Io n.rrnunnoVun. - t, eight per centum I— am;um, fine mortgegr ■fpl�YYa Tllli r■ ,hr riur R.•aA W cse Mara..d Iuwr•hl, of lay Gazef(q ..,. that 9tephrras and a num- Full J,reruun, ,.,are ,•mnphiet Armand werh •.0 r s C lav be propured h, The Vecdoas 'd,t+1, r I TOWtJ {i•■ 600AnR��N: I8 NO GIFT ENTERPRISE, F'AhM Fort—sei.E. +,n..k, wA.•4lwnie aid fenemefl•. I l.ltodw Dar ret Amenr11 s thAt ■re in Pana quite in. Paekerse, wh.•b -ha'W Ile a•*. efn,ly pe,• tread, ut the ex sense of Ale purcb■aer, ,a oTlr, brt a of my all -lo a us Clay How. r iM bocenl of the rid;. i• Inland whkA took Roleageauorfhe I1n.le.1 Mlaar.■nd t'an.daa, a o a A A •'i 1 i - (tONfAINIV; 50 serfs of R-r,d Pa,ming "'we, of Ualerb b on '1'uceday Ihw (i+6Ytwath R JUll Ho ed Iivlr.nd rr, Y.Y. c reap"is tir: c„ud+uuns ail sale .ill Le the jj I,,,,n v... 6,3 and K• 0, I)mg w the Swath owe L My ail J.nuaatt, al 1N bass of Twwq of the thsm by egrpriea, F. a-31.do and ns twee stavwr ssoloetd .,� � 1 e l standing coud;tun, of the Court of Chu.eer,1 „f 6t,n,V.lrn St.r••t, mplraalr rhe rc•edrale of And moot not tx eonfnonded wish ebe 1>nl Lu.d rlv,gt :15 wrrpA, of otic , air cl,u cluck acoa. to an rn,As.00 a ggrn' oto msun a ,wWa cup• a° '• M Rr r Maas) .,d may be uba;ned spun epplicsr,un .I th. Jun„ U' "on t:•ra , nn Ile- Pn+pepsy a6cro 1> . lar gift rooll aid humbugs which he,, rd• n is wnl. w'nlerr•d. to$ haus- and bars, JOHN 1Nf;U01a D. The Op(wioas Nalilaaa(t, of Psrit, hm to 1 0 Lww Utrius u( .ter+ieuu 'fume k Nature, in g"•w'Iwr!hn. I,uu.., a s e. u,d ....t aa., ah been dreriecd eo eltebsively throughuot the wiital•d 2l milia Irom the ,RIArs n( fee► r'. h( wren &tt;cle on the F•e1ri.11 Moerma,.4 ta which tun,ag Ally PJia, by return mail: y/ YoltI'HRIaP A LYNANr 3 /• .l.' d raper; r. s'pt,:rdnl aa.ntrninl MaAa ) gavel road, will W old. A Lei. Nkse*k IMilni ll,,,,�� "1 the 1b.Y of GoJe, ich, said a the Chumben H,nirer Yrmt Trocr, linnet lush*•, ,a rirel. o°untr ' waV•r nn Ind it hiot% Lhet the United states Government Ne All le, a'. W., paer.l g 09 n 2. y of the said Nater, burZrin I PJr }r'tirnlw • ly Ln ' henA'e Ueda, Uode•rb, l y' cowieed.l the rebellion in ihr inirrr•1 of •lent IorC.nsdA, IoM onl.r. `� pppp ma It.rek, Ie•7. f IfENRY M&cDERMOTT, -rh,.ulwh•rAwr would perivailnrly call the at. JU/1NLU'iAN, Russia as a means of emMrtaimi g Fngl&nd ,r 9uld .n O..dr•rtrk by Parker At cattle and q- H tentiun ail l Wudu,r pe, r, ba.•n lid lbrl,.le u the Tees n,tr r p. a, ret aanUlal moment of her dipbm.Cy on alio F. Jonl.n; (:a„liner m Ca. Rayfield f James it # sCr l Myler, r t u .n flee i 4 art M the t..wn..ad JI)tE�IFF'S SALP.'OF L.f.aA aflq. ,- r yy ( - p .•I'^' )' P Th• ARtnclatlon wnahl respectrully rarer CulrlMe, atarcl, 10, 1867. .a Br.l hu n,. Nara, v'Oe f J. Pneilad 6smN { J.H. t II ISAAC F. T 8, mu,.t I,r naiad on the dsy ui e■le rl nW prrTwuly to the following gentleman • T ..natty of H°raa Y rinw •f Y M+rq d Eestere q.enios. L v Fy 'rvM.. W retro A )claw a tta, an 'flax. M a'at i �t ¢doe .li•hcjbt. d+'P"vA „f. H rt J if h ,tun, 11 C ; lion Mor s• Sher T+ f ��,}e, '. .' : � � ,: Fst,s• w.Led kin l,irerPool Mvcb 26 -The leviathan P„w; E. H.a'*,•n,-Sr+alurq, cad ail alr'hIT 1i' - Dated %hit 25th or March, 1867, w9.3t I Rn terms and p.rncnl•ro spl4f w Ihr stab I R i arm flit ' r n •� ^' wood' ns den N rano re, Ward .(1'rr M•)ra,y's Came,, Cutin M Iba UmtM sleamsblp dreat f aalern soled froom Th,e •'7A-1♦ '. p __ . seriLer. H "r , i r wf Usal•w, a .. s Q _-- - -- I fI C } 1 1 t �,mm,.. H*won sof f &end to ink” port .t noon lav day Im New York, which - - r� Il Q NOTIOE. James 8me11L KingI lm O,i James E3l,Mail R F �HP. 1111. Ilwun nr ,,., lu hilt-. T , �r ,la.'.n aAr Lend. and lrnrmroe• M Ardrirw K. 01 ) Kin O W Urirtt, 4t Jrr• h, Alit\ • C F) I M a.. 5 U Lr..' i .6 'well o..P •. ,'ovoakvk, .0 the sand Jahn N~ ia&• city she will lease on iM 16th of Anel on 4 $ > Q r. .4ueUryO erial $, V l tfaw.n•-4.75 ern nyo.r'1 and oro ronm.l, her first to to Brest. As the (!teat F•astern v 1 finlwkh, 4C Y•nL, I?rf7. ,a•Qd Steell 1'hhashe 111 1 k II LnwronF*, Mokrr; !,roam' end tef� ii Ysr.enmr IW � . P Amunr •he meal unPortrnn rel modern mtdacal (p ft Imo. O 'y1HE Court of Revision lot the Townshi of� _ web ll armory mirk oted. s IhrMlph 11. A 4 1.41 L p' - ---- - -' Ili l J n is icken on in e p L 1466 tar, Anrnrs good l.i firers, fen,* nr*Js as - .-a.. Las he s mylrill k sena n0M W4 (Md 4141 wr shoat W oil tM stern cspetwn Mesdrn- J,ar ,renes standa'ne CCC ” Ooeerich, will be br{d &t H•oltrtsrtlle i 111 J E 1);ckenenn err • Yukio A Urvit dw,Nlwa kinase .,rh uwmf adhU •s, two b' 1M wen J.•tewdwt w and t., Lel Mm6.• tsny slipped,.insiAntly killing Iwo men and CANAnI114 PAI\ 0E,TRvyER! lr: � inn. , J V t, SHE3LFE#5 SALE OF LANDS 1 ' pb'P.. /0'an nn Nonda the 29iF den Ot A rel ori .warn Ln,.' •purr w 1ha r ail hr'asaJr woundia se,srsl lalhwrs, s aid wauke•, 1V ie ; wine, Rlack, )hrlrniq mw wt oar conn end ores +1 IM• In,rn, a g'ar, 14e . unnt r Huro)� wAa•. Icwds •.A Tsec- j M • Fa.n.f Mr•da•tnv, d it Pell a„d (•t•0oabl, / ” y x O far the pnrpuse Of favoring np1'"ll araiOM MieJI ; tYllliam jinn, Nilas, Mien H Y iw.nnt.•n'nwN. Ap1A st the RAME1. •o 1 niton, Nareb 76th, evening-Tko Bng known, n•I,rrin w .u•.nA. from P•IM m Ihr T^ pmr.gmrnt AC• Courlr oflluron, { {�Y thin. of • wnl nr Abell• Lica o, 111 ; W ■ Wa11a0r, Doder• ALS.,\. C.tMh.RuV rnfr 1 A,•olt Derr Fr N•N, a m) &0k r, r tOp lash Ulaverlrrerr hu deeided not to proximo m 9kle, Hack and je.d.C„ush., rWdo. •sero lhrosl, G s• H l/.t JOHN sHAtV, � Id wit: `.a/ iemL•,,,n, Fs prate. a.d j U,.Irr„•h, Af.rrk !I• InsT__ w0on 1 'we, H',me. in ,t1e T..rn rl U,rd/Isb, oa T'6� olaimin the nndi(inn of Lnai» r"ndn the ,J pr., nn, "maria, Crunp. 'a ISe ,toma,be 5 a%' Frrrf Farren Err ranine, wain.+i tint u1 Hr• Mnjr.. irk C. _ den] ,bet. ratty A,U dsy .J ease nett, fa t►a isej g a1n0 — ,nnrbda.nv-,nlerv, Hnwel ria- G iR► O j� }vemd To.wh;p Clerk. k”. C,,,n, 'If N■se.•e vv .. .rid u, m. dim rl ' ..f lwll•a • (the d°ek, .me. French lorrar, who was 144611 from Cwnnda I'do.1., Horn., Aeatd., Vrmm, Hit", `j \ Marsh Z ith, 1 Rti7_ _ 9J ypka., (Ar rlon, -1 •rnrmmu ,.r I0hnr lime 11m. ea �`� �� Jrj ; d0filt ItiLCIMMALD� under the Fair id.tion 'f reply as It is el.,m- Ate., at'. &c' y y - -- -- - ilia .M 9 ,% k )nen.,.. W.Cash »,re, ,.Iro. n., a e `l , , aid, ii1quily • b*t rernr the fight to do p Th, (IANAUTA-4 PAA DF,aTNOYF.K \ata l•t ■ • N= Q Zv 3 -Y Jn*'P)I rA arli"ne fn'nw' 1tom all drfrwlwm.;l lar. 1J s TF wicw/aMfdea•iwFarrr-hweu •h. nRh4 title nen APPijcat!ons fur r.s,tifia.ka s6nwW be ad R I:•►.6e,so Iq.O+.kr,h•� should ,t herufflot deeid& to n -ow the den now barn M,e,rz Vie pa Mr' Air a , Nev r I.I,hw . AT 1mww.1 . r ,Iw • .d I Is *o J.,A,,.e o d m b.lh dceawd to O e ■ 'rO RENT. M.reli aA, ,M,. re m►lido end wherever *r••' r .►sly lined. saver tabor ,. - aeaer's 1T,. I►. tat, r mad se «, m .4Tre ra vn„•n yin __..s.r.rl<.ral.n,ee,pv.rroaanentreb,f-Ire- . Ii1tYHT1.7Cit!'1CN'r16 , r4nrnr. as,gn•.faII,l".r,•Mhmr.Mm• &'noon gMITH WHITTLER, 11fEWF.1.1.KNOWN `SHBB•IVrIStLLZ07 T+ —� J ` L A NQS FU lir SA L N�. '�11rP r Wanwm 'll' h - , 4 "I M N - r.,nalrin B �•� Aa 6e, Ila_ e _ 1wlaatl IeMif 1 Im ly lived, ani wr have never aouwn a sin k Lent oil J.6Aortgag©• ( earu(dw.ai,+f ~r% Arles. the dire flit heart ewMrawJrm.m ren . •n s ye, err>. e a .r M (Al iia own rick,) P. O. d.wer A IRT, •r 1171 .f1� 1M� ♦T� I{ hw[ores nCr.iling et7tlltaMOpM in Rngla liaison pro, rr, lull,wed; Iwh on the am liely,all wkirh ►rid. uai u'111 . ,khan dor a.r saw a rr C/IIC.iGO, IL/w 11L ait�and w aaiV iio{Jpllf•nbetl••f Nnrei. Y vinm ei 1 wA .if APpl, at ,dere re, Ind erne al,.ar in .hr Tnww ds;,.Mnrk..w, To W,1 : Pin hula. Wal&/ 04 ape &.belantiA! reasons for declining •n rc- pe, ,kLf,uF. wnA its n,a r.,mns, a.d .Pale in R'1l. R. B.(J N's T"r•d.plh<•h,nr•h MyM Apra; Or S, n IAe hestd ,! Nor Ma).wly'. V, ,rty C'wps M ilia Vai' aslht in the fndiao rniet :' "a'hrn w man •Ac A,sta"i term• of its v,rrar..ed mistreat at- JlaMer(fwr e�e th0 t•Il•weg111aAe Twearr.( s..1.ra, m -r. All fatten eonlsininl over 110 please reg ITUATKI) .. ins tw,..r of Ike Nvelb.r. rrrse vi JONK MACINIVALD, later SGrorrl Rood b, Lu,tnuw. oc, awn (nm, . Arlt WYwrk.r.d lel ■* b•Sicd Dow in Is&* lhialas.(the lea, the hogs in his 1.Me. s 1 - Chenrery sand Jeno OR;cr, Crebb'e block Ak,nif.flirrr. ,it aha tees Cl red 'I'e - t of Mbar Wsn..k from aspenenee to tbrmmw, Mr- C.",aeh, cad wnms nae &ended and uia // bed, moega;l xs Ices and sicknem something ,wt tan d n m.•rnnlhly..n.l t"e rh,n IhrrAr who A Farm In Tuekersmlth, 00derieh. 4 wheel, C11rr. r<,I.wkh, (} Agents waatad is •mar] tows and 1 ('lark o.•1 JIIas seloa N od sic a Iw wi-a ( Munn throw hoot the !•,,ileo states. to opt''H-16 1'udr•ni falAl.i WORKy aowta p/ta„rrrea"Im•rorrd.N akea@Mg%&ttk■ ie wanlsd to mage him aa, .01, an .uflrnnr Irom any of tee re, Iahtinto fur God.rieh. if itch RIh, 1 61. sen 55 fM4 MarA, fort. wO T R opo il,fl, Il pr.+,,r•nrJ• lreas'IIMIy rnpd Ihr Alin w.a(pn•,Nlr, v.a t aR •sd afdlt/sr1he1 _ - rhe, r .. nnammr n 1a,l mAy deyved upr n. Pring Int 22, con. 2, horn" Survey 100 p �/ w►oma 406rW dlstowl will bs msda. fwa o !sic W eagiwwi oar ane amt dor ;1{tlo�kdxecttietaextt In.s41'"an isRrnwoy. .n•r 7k of which are .rasa rultivaTlee. KERR PROWH V&r MACKENZIEO - _ -50. rlgArA II. with . Hip fwrnurr tku4 irl.i.p.nrlwr fv1....adprrmwwslrr. I h kmr+C,ohva o& *..v rA toe C■ntd;an Pat. 'rhe land r of ese.116"i gaabtr, ..It water , + \Tt 4cl Afar ra 11 kahy ora, apt s L.r� Mat la claval l ,lal� ,n 1W Tnw p me .a Gaal Clea, m — _ _ _ _ .•-,-._._..__-_ D,olnner in,'unng the Areosw 4,r wha'•L ,l 's rd. stud wiib hardwood OmMe. TM litime H A- M I •L d 1\, C�JONI,YT T��/ V t�, Fj� ura,Aed In". ' VI•s d a r 6a... wh rel Ase •w' ('uwly ar Rnr'.r Md PIN rM al Ginsds Pees Horses. rr^'.mn.•mdM. sort ata .Mad, ifuo nr,eer an Mir. / '""' rkli•r•. '1 M r ai w wrurr f ids r+,ntao,nt by or •eanpsrsaa - nna ►.rind ar.ed _ A1,i i• known to M err o(fir brat en l'prer • .Afwfa.• a ill ter rpsa inn aw rex, b.mg ser e( .hu., Ili'! I+M.r,nr pain• n( HheYmali>m. •Ld o P • ,_ tM roar nr ,M Pnhwr,} •ren, wnf In out P'y plf m,mker avw ,A Il.w unrb r'i116eMkn AMr� TarrM a•u lhlaeaands of poor hnnse dngg• nd,rvons Nervo.s Aff,rrfu•na,.mitas n to s Arab Canaan for F■rm;nA. On ihr Int thin. r a tla wsMr rwgmml k. krMna a �a!l Mrfe m rets thoule eiofonr*, horwri a from rusk m fine hen .J re,n•.11e. aw torr t.rwrae,ots. peat fr.me haaw, (rive barn, and out ANNouNCE TO THF TRAPH TE1A 19W,EfPT OF A PORTION OY T IE1R SPRING f11III i°McriMr a'ww,+ Rpepe the 1u8a1 , d,Meloe w(,M.ed v. Nft wfrak Lida asd R " 'war a .rt• los ofp m from Mrhese, Ikalrn in lulldintrr t ronwpo11l Alm • goad lit- IMrOII'r ATiONS OF 1 Yw tell and hest Stock of AUo fp! Vl�, . sora. sed ,I, Tr Carron n t ,-*, .1 M o x, at ry eine, e w v.neT of diwas•a, r•ader;ng (hem slants, h.'Wr d a Fleteug Mw.. Q ` /'•l (•tw{�,�p {n tM Town M (1++tMvle\. anwaeA m, tAe 1PM IM Crean H+s-a, re, IN Tewa e( Owden p .11 pan.,.' Ile ..,,,'n,ry lar Inr1Mr wpPlre•, and HOISERY & GLO Y RS 1, 1 1b wathlea.,tf di w0ald M de incl to w beefily "I 1eNdyang .a w Iba ,.mora" npr,I r,o. rl ar6• al VoL.nne a.eea, a avraer ,'r edl. en,nl tM 7'a "OKITO 1\. tw.atfy k .y u eve *sin m �"" 'STAPLE ANeD FANCY t�i�Y GUODS. F•ood,I Poste, wN• & atrR Naw.* safe her Iw•as0 a/ y�+re<kwt. a•).nunite.ndition, and a value divan to gi,re FARMS {N INORRlt3r Fnran'ahleLiarearl JOHNiAeDO"1rA � a►em of which Their owners never Irerm.d, The Caearhse I'r'e Dole *T'. ne•nynd. re, IN -CHB (JOliNTIF.P. would tM but *M lM inmns williio tae r rMe tmlt.n,nrrolwT Alt anlrwrJ,lslalM k+•I 'Ren 350 acres. eomprao•d n( R t 3 and 4, _�, CHAA. R. ARCHIRA61n. •And also Lot MSO, 1017. J I .1. Pn Mar..I., sod pat ,T ; .ad no larmly eon, 1, 200 ■erps 125 aer�s nnAe• rnluve. Gsde•ieh, Anent 2lod, 114". aw 107 la tM Tewn M (1hadeneh, MM -ed da IM '0a rb �• � t1•ddpibh. } rescM From 1 to 1 gOefriR►& fit �31dt/ A will M �Jlna n cher nor. ny,AA n. IOt► lrarc taOT._ Arabian Hope Re t •ad ndnI.n �Ardi Pricy nil !i .r u r ,.rfM, inn : be find being of Ont q*sFty tic's ;/s Tba will oea%iom ton n oat dofWlt t}a pr&aaet manor •very cnmi.lµa &&•nrlmeat a w/w w IssM Mre•a. «. Ibe RsKr.oN twaa.r, �, t� Y y pe, .a\ • gwrd Yawdr 11*na* V Ilige ltlakA 11Tar'► W�1� rine win {s nR /rep pefJdwei • md0(bclrll•] iAll ,rtAe•n M.r*1d M krNwp,�M mrwt d••Mnhka farm. AIM 6S. i 19 ton 1, O,wA$ ..itablw tot the ODey �,-- m, eT result i hundrwk ba,o tm*&A thin fact- RURIH t f a LTIIAA, 160 a*rre.�an P•anng I and 0. i evil. t IR, AeWttkle•erha green 41rtM wtsla t7:•mpmber the w,f1m, cad em 'kat Ili• N.wrerts,c' W., inn 3, 50 ams. ►II i.fel mit♦ ed Istli, r� {�_�g (� (� �fy� (� (�►� �flj TM.hmp p..FM wM be seal m ...,.ebfu A iOW Wall M bd WlA tkO 4t tri xh ai tan of Ilrtd (senersl Aft", (-rCao&ds. q �� i � (rn �� Qyj A; (1jL Qjj' INt II1 ({1) 1),; P ON *Ory nrsesoi4 terve. Arp171° te.rw.gwul n Marv. ►er part.wNw eNfy 11. rr Ibe rill► Neel R•tf Ce. b ee pacb Tnrrs ntennsMa ind' lair utl«. Por J !� b7jJ SSJJ i11 U utAQu(LJ 17 paekate. WIllold In Goll.neh Ly Farker &a Collis ■end .. a t, IMIL iitrMer ser.. Or.&• a • a t+,etbee*e, 'ft *&MI. ball a" V l.rdan a7ard.•.a. `` i'e. a•1 t !sews psniertare and twain snnI to B. L itOT f1. M. TiIIz.1% Odwnel•, ev Iba rbrnlw. et y Vale" (aleck A i NowlArcl + 1,racrt•, Nowewtit, C. W.1 V )"'t �„(enrlls• l Pacltald Aa.Atrl ). N. A,71 cAk•PRRLI• rush cad rom ; d*&ieM den Prrtlhlarl tn•iMd to call an,1 ioep►N. Re -ace. mw Match. pre,priwlon Ihr Ibe Ceara- Bold by al, fJ ", ¢Yaw a 1e�h Cllmo lle,+tf•f, (Mall' tel 22, 2nd Mn. Trekofs.10 . � P M Mf •g J Atenlrt�p Its.j• M C,Jkwrr C. 6HAMaUN llll('1. )♦ i.cim dminn. { 1s mol E. Nw4.ee. t':.6re. and •n M••I- w Seatnrth p.o , March 21, i447. uA 71m pyillrm, Yve► A, IR(i. •T A Gndrrfab, 9th Jan. iMS, w5d lye Parts. -rt �M, fi,^ Iyw1 k OoLMaa, 7laeai 1l( 11!'• . 6l 4