HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-12-01, Page 6(f ft use Page Six 4 \\v W/SINUS The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, December 1st, 1954 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re­ lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve <!-- wear stylish shoes soon. SMALL SAFE in first class condition, putside measurements, 2 feet high, 17” wide, 17" deep. Priced for quick sale,. Safes bought, sold and open­ ed. J. W. Locking, 464-llth St., W„ Given Sound. 24,1,8,15* SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL— Septic tanks, cesspools, wells, cellars, etc. pumped and cleaned with sani­ tary modern eqiupment. All work guaranteed satisfactory. For quick service write or phone Louis Blake, Brussels, Ont. Phone Brussels 42r6. 18rrb CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone who helped us so much and in so many ways, in our recent misfortune. We will always remember it. Lloyd and Janet Hockridge 1* COMING EVENTS DRESSMAKING FOR YOUR FALL DRESSMAKING and sewing call Mrs. Harold Elliott, Bluevale, ’Phone 709w4. 13,27,10,24k -Mr, and Mrs. Joe Earngy and Jo Ann, Hanover, and Mrs. Jim An^er, of Listowel, were Sunday , visi­ tors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Anger. —Mr, and Mrs, T. F. Jones, of Lon- doon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank’ Spielvogel, Mrs. T. J. Baker returned to the home, of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Spielvogel, after spending few days at Britain. a LOST McGREGQR,—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, November 25, 1954, to Mr- and Mrs. Clark MpGregor, Whitechurch, a sori. KOSTRZEWA—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, November 28, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ludwik Kos- trzewa, R.R. 5, Wingham, a daughter. Baby expired Nov. 29. Those Terrible Headaches in the darkened areas of photo now may be relieved by Tablets. A 1 n GOOD’ USED SUNSHINE BABY BUGGY, one jumper and baby crib, good as new. Phone 389. lb SEE THE DISPLAY of gift items, Christmas candles, table centres, silver and red poinsettias at the Wallpaper shop. lb CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Apply Bill Lockridge, phone 458M. 1,8,15,22b DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb BAZAAR AND HOT DINNER, Gorrie L.O.B.A. will hold a bazaar and hot dinner on Saturday afternoon and evening, Dec. 4th, in Community Hall, Gorrie, Bazaar at 3 p.m. Hot dinner 5 to 8 p.m. Admission $1.00, Children 40c. CE1* STEER STRAYED from lot 23, con. 14, E. Wawanosh, black in color, weighs about 750 pounds, left ear cut straight off on end. Finder phone Lance t Grain, 626J1 Wing­ ham. 1* PENNINGTON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, Nov. 29, \ 1954, to to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pennington, R.R. 2, Teeswater, a son.$ NOTICE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OLEAN EASY MILIKING MACHINE for-sale, used 4 seasons. Phone lr3 Wroxeter. 1* CHOOSE AVON FOR A GIFT. Call your Avon representative today to help solve your gift problems. Gifts for the entire family beautifully packaged and so inexpensive. All Christmas orders must be placed no later than Saturday, December 11th to assure Christmas, delivery. Local representative, Mrs, E. Hey­ wood, phone 497J, Wingham. lb HARDWOOD for sale. Phone 735w3. ‘ ... lb KLEENEX BUSINESS—A business that operates 24 hours daily, no overhead or help required at any time, can be placed in any business location of your own choice, full time never required. Very profit­ able. Figures available showing high returns. Good weekly earnings assured. For conference write to Duncan & Douglas Co. 5206 Decarie Blvd., Montreal, Que. 24,1,8,15b NOTICE TO GORRIE DISTRICT Those persons who owe accounts to the late James T.. Shera are hereby notified to settle the same with the undersigned by December 15, 1954. A. H. McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, 1:8b Solicitor for the executors. NOTICE—Mr. James Cameron’s school bus is now owned and operated by Mr. Geo. Cameron. lb MAJOR OIL CO. has an established service station for lease in Kincar­ dine. Apply Box 75 Advance-Times, lb LEGAL NOTICES SUFFERING FROM Backaches, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica. Lumbago is over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist. 1* KAY’S HAIRDRESSING cold wave permanent, hair coloring, manicures and facials. Phone 444M. lb LARGE SIZE OIL BURNER for sale, perfect condition. Also,,100 gal­ lon tank. Phone 467. lb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YOUNG RABBITS for sale. Apply Art MacEwen, Wingham Sawmill. 1* 2 SPRING CALVES for sale. Apply Robt. Moffat, phone 632J2. lb 9 PIGS ready to wean, for sale. Apply Stanley Marks, Phone 729J4, Wing­ham. 1* CARS FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Robert McMichael, late of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, Retired < Farmer, who died on or about the second day of December 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or be­ fore the fourth day of December A. D., 1954, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourth day of December, the assets of the said testator will be dis­ tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. * DATED this tenth day of November, A. D., 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 17,24,1b Former Resident Dies in Owen Sound Carl Vanstone Dickson passed away in his 54th year of a heart at­ tack in the Marine General Hospital, Owen Sound, on November 24th. Born in Wingham, he was the son of Mrs. Thos. Dickson and the Thos. Dickson, Wingham, and was educated here. He is survived by his wife, the mer Mary Hodgkinson, of Lucknow; two daughters, Mrs. Isobel Allison, Owen Sound and Mrs. Doris Bum- stead, of Alberta; one son, Edward, of London; his mother, Mrs. Thos. Dick­ son and two sisters, Miss Zorra, of Wingham, Eva (Mrs. Joseph McGill) of Belgrave, and'four grandchildren. The funeral service was from the Kyles funeral home, Owen Sound, on Saturday. late for- 1949 green Chevrolet for sale. Good condition inside and out. Slip covers, heater and defroster. Apply Don Stapleton, phone 604J4., 1* NOTICE TO CREDITORS IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb WANTED TO RENT IN THE MATTER of the estate of JAMES T. SHERA late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Blacksmith, deceased. • ■ TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the es­ tate of the said James T. Shera, de­ ceased, are required to claims duly verified, with signed on Or before the of December, A. D., 1954, after the said date the Executors will distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they will then have notice. DATED at Teeswater, Ontario, this fifteenth day of November, A. D., 1954. A. H. MacTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. / 24, 1 8b file their the under- fourth day and that HOUSE OR APARTMENT wanted to rent. Phone 38J. lb FOR RENT SMALL GROUND FLOOR apart­ ment for rent, on Main Street. Phone 356W. 24,1* FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT for rent. Three-piece bath. Low rent. Phone 668. lb HELP WANTED—FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER -WANTED for fam­ ily of one adult and 3 children while mother works for 5 days a week. Apply to box 76 Advance- Times. 1* HELP WANTED WANTED CAPABLE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT (WISHING TO EARN SOME EXTRA CHRISTMAS MONEY) to compile an accurate mailing list of select names in the Wingham area. Write R. L. Mc­ Kenzie, 170 Christina St. S.. Sarnia, for information. 1:8b TENDERS Tenders will be received up until 12 o’clock noon, December 8tn| for the position of caretaker for the follow­ ing schools: No. 2,‘3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 11, of Turn­ berry. Lowest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted. Alex Corrigan, Secretary-Treasurer, Turnberry Township School Area Board. 24,1b HELP WANTED—MALE Wonderful Opportunity Ontario Automobile CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank‘all my friends neighbours .who so kindly sent cards, flowers, and treats while I a patient in the Wingham hospital. I also wish to thank the nurses and Dr, McKibbon. Casey de Haan. 1* Association Immediate requirement for sales rep­ resentative for Wingham and District. Above average earnings earned by diligent salesman. Protected territor­ ies. Car an asset. This is a wonder­ ful opportunity for a man desiring a career in the sales field with a future and security. For confidential inter­ view, state particulars, selling ex­ perience, phone number and write BOX 817, LONDON, CANADA. lb RELIABLE MAN as Dealer in Town­ ships' Howick, Grey and Morris. Ex­ perience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profit­ able business whore Rawleign Pro­ ducts have been sold for years. Big Profits. Products furnished oh credit. Write RaWleigh’s Dept. L- _ 453-163, Montreal. P.Q. 2:16b ” “““WANTED CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation for the floral tributes and kindnesses shown us during our recent bereave­ ment. Special thanks to Dr. W. A, McKibbon. The Metcalfe Family, lb CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John Johns­ ton wish to express their sincere thanks for the many expressions of sympathy Shown during their recent 1* WOULD LIKE KNITTING TO DO. Reasonable prices. Phone MrS. Wallace Conn, 662wl. . 1* WORK WANTED CARD OF THANKS We wish to express dur sincere thanks to our many friends for their kind expression of sympathy, With flowers and cards, duriftg the recent passing of our Dear* Mother. Special thanks to Mr .and Mrs. McKay of the McKay Nursing Home and their Staff, $also to Dr. w. A. Crawford and Rev. J. D. MacRae.Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman. CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING reason­ able by1 the hour. Apply to Lyle Montgomery, R. 1, Clinton, Phono Seaforth 841 r 31. 17,24,1* HOUSE FOR SALE, Xvith three piece bath, Milt in Mpboardd and fur­ nace, phone 327 after 6 p,m, or Sat­ urdays.* 24,1* IN MEMORIAM GAMBLE—In loving merhOry df a dear mother^ Mrs. Mary Gamble, whd passed away two years ago November 29th, 1952. This month brings back sad memories, .Of a loved one gone to rest.And, those who think of hfer to-day, Are those who loved heir best, if Always remembered by daughters Janet and Vera arid Families, 1* Mrs. Robert Hickey, of Edward St., had a premonition last week, and it paid off to the tune of $600. She “had an idea’’ she was going to be called on the Mother Parker’s radio program, and sure enough, they pick­ ed her number. For identifying the song, “Some­ body Stole My Gal” she won the jackpot prize of $400, with $400 go­ ing to her dealer, Harry Merkley, of the Red Front Grocery. Mr. Merkley has since announced that he intends to give half his win­ nings to Mrs. Hickey, and distribute the other half among the clerks in his store. This will bring Mrs. Hick­ ey’s winnings to’$600. Mrs. Hickey says that in spite of the fact that she was waiting by the phone during the broadcast, she was pretty shaky when ’ the phone rang and she was asked to identify the tune. Not too shaky, however, to give forth with the right answer. Although the money won't arrive for a couple of weeks, she already has plans to use it on improvements around the house.' FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham ‘ REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing; > Dudley E. Holmes Listowel These sufferer* 90 all out .In their praise of the wondrous relief from these Tablets. Gel a bottle today- TRUMAC TABLETS ATOMIC PRODUCTS (HAMILTON) STATION I On Parade! By Windy The RHQ and 99th Bty of .the 21st Fd Regt RCA held their regular train­ing night on Monday 29 Nov. and was in very good attendance, including' visitors from headquarters, London, in the person of Major Pawley the area paymaster and Capt. Boyd. They are the people we like to see—espec­ ially at this time of the year. 0-0-0 At this time this unit would like to congratulate Bdr. “Bob” Hickey on his stroke of luck. Actually it was his wife that won the prize of $400. last Saturday night on a radio pro­ gramme, but a husband is responsible for his wife’s debts or vice versa, in­ cluding all incoming cash. But as they say, how lucky can a fellow get? 0-0-0 Gun drill was under the direction of Sgts “Buck” Sinnamon and “Bill” Wells. Bill was looking for a tin can to represent a drill round to close the breech of the gun. I have heard of 25 pounders throwing everything but the kitchen sink, but never tin cans. Sgt. “Buck” meanwhile was teaching the fine points of a dial sight. And what a session. For awhile I thought RSM Ronald Britton of the Guards was amongst us, the way he was bellofing. If “Buck” keeps it up he will be a good RSM or the champion hog-caller of Ontario. - 0 - 0 - 0 - The QM stores was a, busy place. As the annual stocktaking is drawing near S/Sgt Casey Casemore and Sgt “Dig” Dawson are trying to make fifteen battledress into twenty. It is impossible we say, but Sgt Dawson*' says nothing is impossible. I wonder if he ever tried standing a dew worm on end.0 .- 0 - 0 • Yours truly was teaching Officer Cadets “Stan” Hisler and “Barney” McIntyre how to wear web equip­ ment. After a few practice tries they got the hang of things, and it all seemed to hang from the shoulder's. After telling them all what went into the packs to make them heavy, they figured a man had to be a pack horse. After all we must be, or how else would a man weighing 100 pounds (with a soaking wet great coat on) carry 165 pounds on his back. 0-0-0 The MT section were very busy over in the old fire hall. Capt Jackson donated his old truck to the armour­ ies, and now the boys are tearing it apart to see what makes it tick. After they get through it will probably never tick again. 0-0-0 The trumpet band was practicing as everyone could hear. If they don’t get together soon and play as a band the drug stores in town are going to have a booming business selling nerve pills. You know that old expression Oh, my shattered nerves”. 0-0-0 Here is a gentle reminder to air you battery members that Christmas pay will be on 13 Dec and the annual banquet on the 20 Dec, with the kiddies party following on 22 Dec. So come out and have yourself a time. TELEVISION The Ideal Family Gift For Christmas B 100 Tablets $5.00 At your Drug Store NOW Thank you for your co-operation and your confi- = dence in me during my term of office as Deputy- | Reeve in the past year. S \. ' ' , . ! I will make every effort to serve you faithfully in .the = same capacity during the year to come pf the Twp. of Howick t season ALEXANDER’S HARDWARE and me was G. N. Cunningham Phone 520 - Open any evening by appointment. from any member of ST. PAUL’S EVENING GUILD * Complete installation & Service. at Joe Kerr Friday, Saturday 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. Other hours by appointment only, For information on new location, phone Wroxeter 33 BTCH REPAIRS at Moderate prices Owing to lack of space, am com­ pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Williams Located In MASON’S STORE....... Get Your 64 page COOK BOOK 50c V / To the Ratepayers Elect Melville Allan for Councillor for the year 1955. The Emerson with the Golden Filter NEW LOCATION The office of Dr. G. F. Mills, Wroxeter is located at Gorrie in the former Walmsley residence. Office hours:: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Vote as you like but vote. Wishing feveryortfe the compliments of the coming, festive && ...MW 000.^ RUDOLPH The Red-Nosed Reindeer- & Illustrated wi\ [WlffUiiW stereoscopic pictures IN THREE DIMENSIONS See Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Rein­ deer, "come tt> life" in the breath­ taking realism of three dimension full color kodachrome pictures. Other children's Stereo-Story sub­ jects for use in View-Master Stere­ oscopes and Projectors include Mother Goose Rhymes, the Christ­ mas Story, Wild Animals, Indians, Fairy Tales,PerformingElephants as well as “'travel'' scenes from all over the world. Stereo pictures are mounted in durable View-Master 7-sCene Reels. See for yourself. STEREOSCOPE $2** REELS 55C >ach Eight Out-of-Town Rinks at Bonspiel The Wingham Ladies’ Curling Club held their annual bonspiel on Friday, November 26th, with eight out-of- town clubs represented, Owen Sound, Midland, London, Guelph, Woodstock, Walkerton, Palmerston and Kitchen­ er. The winners for the day were: 1. Mrs. C. 'Davis’ rink, Midland, 2. Mrs. C. M,_ Elliott’s rink, Woodstock; 3. Mrs. Kay Scott’s rink, London. The consolation event was won by Mrs. Bruce Fox’s rink, of Guelph. SHOTGUNS A$D RIFLES FOR RENT Don’t forget to get storm win­ dows from CAMPBELL & GORr BUTT, for a cosy, draft-free Christmas day. See Stan and Jack for personal service.