HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-20, Page 7H. J. CORNISH & Co. Certified Public* AccminHintu H. X Cornish 294 DUNDAS L. F. Cornish ST. , ] D. Mitchell LONDON, ONT. Dec.Walpole SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE ‘ Custom Woodwork * Carpenl ry - Building Telephone 260-vir •Wingham FULLER 48th Anniversary Sale To celebrate this special event, your Fuller agent has lined up several money-saving offers BRiSTGECOMB BARGAIN TWO SPIRAL BRISTLECOMBS WHITECHURCH fl (Intended for last week) Mr, and Mrs, Gershom Johnston and Mr, and Mrs. Chas- Wcod and family, of Seaforth, spent the week­ end at Windsor with her sisters, Mrs, Longman and Mrs. Garner, and her father, Mr, Wm. Elliott and With Mrs. Elliott Johnston. Johnston fam­ ilies attended a reception at Monti crief on Monday night in honour of Mr, and Mrs, James Johnston, who returned home from theirhoneymoon last Monday. They are making their home on the 6th of Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Neilly, of Port Elgin, and their family visited on Sunday at the home of their niece, Mrs. Johnston Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shiell visited over the week-end at the home of his brother, Mr. Ale?c Shiell, of St'. Thomas, and at Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. John Carruthers and family, of Delhi, spent Saturday at the homeof his sister, Mrs. Geo. Fish­ er and’ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Loug- heed, of London and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Fisher of Kitchener, spent the week-end there; Fred and Harry Deacon, with the help of other local neighbors, finish­ ed erecting the barn for Mr. Handy, of Clinton, last week and now are 4* X One packaged for gift-giving. Regular value $6.80 Anniversary Price $4.75 Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, «x- " hausted solely because body lacks iron, For new vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies iron you, too, may neeckfor pep; supplemen­ tary doses Vitamin Bj. introductory or “get- acquainted” size only 60tf, 'At all druggists. Shampoo Brush plus Cream Shampoo Reg. $1.65 . Reg. $1.25 ■ " Both for $1.95 FLOOR CARE SPECIAL • Liquid Wax • Paste Wax • Floor Cleaner All three Anniversary Price $4.95 Wm. Bolton Your FULLER Agent Phone 575W Listowel I Important Notice to Holders of Government of Canada 3% Victory Bonds Renew «» A good shoe can be brought back to good condition through the modern equip­ ment in our shop. busing moving a barn from the back of Mr. Elmer Arbuckle's farm to a foundation that Elmer has built be­ side his other burn. Mrs. Lome Scott received word on Monday of the passing of her aunt, Mips Mary Stokes, of Belmore. The funeral will be held on Wednesday from the Gorrie Funeral Home to Wroxeter cemetery, Byron Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason, of Wingham, and Marion Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.* George McGee were baptized at Brick United Church at the Sun­ day service, with Rev. Chas, D, Cox officiating. Miss Helen Louise Pocock, of O.A. C., Guelph, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Pocock. . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Pocock, of Lambeth^ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mitchell and family, of Toronto, spent the week­ end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Will Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and family, of Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ vin- McClenaghan and son, Michael, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ben McClenaghan, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Watson, of Brucefield, and Miss Janet Watson, of Aylmer, visited on Monday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tay­ lor. Miss Matilda Armstrong is spend­ ing a few days this week at the home of her nephew, Mr. Mark Armstrong, of W. Wawanosh. ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore and family, and Mr. and Thompson and family, spent the week-end at their parents, Mr. and Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watt and dau­ ghters, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with his parents, Rev, and Mrs. W. J, Watt. Karen Groskorth, Muriel and El- wyn Moore, Wayne Farrier, Bruce McGregor, Percy McClenaghan and Judy Wilson are all laid up this week with mumps. . Mr. and Mrs. Rhys. Pollock, Rich­ ard and 'Donald, of Hamilton, were visiting with his parents and other relatives in Wingham last week, and with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, be­ fore they left on Wednesday for their new home at Jacksonville, Florida, where Mr. Pollock will work at the manufacturing of “ fibre-glass for boats, Their many friends in this district will wish them success in their new venture, . Mr. and Mrs. Mylia St. Marie visit- Mrs. Basil of Preston, the home of Mrs. Arthur HARRY BROWNE A■■■■W"**' SilPERTESl Holders of Canada 3% Victory Bonds can get more income by selling them at the current premium and reinvesting the proceeds in Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine. The investor receives an increase in income of $2.50 per $1,000 per year. And the proceeds from the sale of Canada 3% Victory Bonds not only cover the cost of the same amount of 3X% Canada - Savings. Bonds, but also leave cash in the investor’s hands. Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine are always worth 100 cents on the dollar. They can easily he converted to,cash at any time at their full face value plus accrued interest. Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine are available in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000. Each individual may pur­ chase up to $5,000 principal amount. We strongly recommend the purchase of 3X% Canada Savings Bonds, Series Nine, either for cash or in exchange for Govern­ ment of Canada 3% Victory Bonds. Order, yours by mail or telephone today. 36 King Street West Toronto 1 • Telephone: EMpire 4-432] EXTRA MILEAGE FORTIFY YOURSELF WITH WAMPOLESQ t Coot Liver / <r»<f tohk with SirtWdn° ed recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lambert, of St. Catharines, and with his parents at Kitchener. Mrs, Jus, Leaver, of Winghum, is spending a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes. Mr, and Mrs, Rennie Wightman, of Flint, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walker, of Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs, Ross King, pf Turnberry, visit­ ed on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman, and Miss Eleanore Wightirihn, of London, spent a few days last week at.her home here. On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wightman, of Welland, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman, Joan and Susan, they attended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Young, of Lucan, .where Mr, and Mrs. Frank MacDonald of Stratford, were celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mr. Roy McGee, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with his brother, Mr. Gordon McGee, who spent last week in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent a few days last week at Caledon at the home of his (Sister, Mrs. Elgin Welwood, and with his mother, Mrs. John Falconer. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Farrow, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mason and baby, Roger, of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Mason and Keith, of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mason and Mar­ ion, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason and baby, of Wingham, also visited there on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mulvey and sons, of Belmore, visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lome Scott. Wedding bells are ringing this week. Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs. Frank Ross and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, also Mr. Robt. Reid of Paramount, and Mrs. Watt of Teeswater, attended the Women’s Institute Convention at Memorial Hall, O.A.C., Guelph, last Thursday and Friday. On Thursday evening they attended the banquet, prepared for the 500 delegates. The ladies were billeted in Guelph homes for the occasion. Mrs. Emerson is Area delegate, and gave the conden­ sed report from the thirteen other districts in this area, pertaining to Agriculture and Canadian Industries. Mrs, Ernest Casemore is the voting delegate from the South Bruce dis­ trict and Mrs. Gillespie is the dele­ gate from the Whitechurch Institute. Mr. J. Holmes, of Clinton, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laidlaw. Mr. Pat Coulter, of Chatham, spent the week-end with Mr. Sam Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chapman, Shirley and Gary, spent the week­ end with Aurora and Markham rela­ tives. The local Women’s Institute have been planning to cater for a turkey supper for the E. Wawanosh Feder­ ation in the near future. Communion service will be held in the United Church here on Sunday. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the funeral of the late Mrs, Robert Mowbray, of Wingham, on Monday, and extend sympathy to the bereaved families. Mrs. Mac Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Marjorie and Dianne, spent the week-end at the home of Rev. and Mrs. G. O. Cox, of Fonthill. The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 20, 1954 Page Seven CLERKS BECAME PERTH HISTORIANS Municipal clerks throughout; Perth County will become historians under terms pf a motion passed at the clos­ ing session of the County Council in Strutford. Council adopted, in the form of a motion, a suggestion made earlier in the session by Reeve Alex Anderson, pf South Easthope Township, that township and pther municipal clerks be provided with a form on which to enter various municipal activities for historical records. The completed forms will be filed at the county courthouse here for re­ ference when future histories are compiled. Ottawa collects about $30 million a week through indirect taxes. FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham # | REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holmes Listowel Wood, Gundy & Company Limited O Effective to use Easy to fake No fishy oily taste ■n’HONE 53 WINGHAM MY E66S ARE GRADING OUT BADLY, WHAT'S 1 WRONG WITH MY BIRDS ? . 39 . BIRDS LOOK ALL RIGHT, NOE, AND YOU'RE FEEDING ROE VITA-LAY EGG MASH SO THAT'S OK- LET'S LOOK AT YOUR EGG ^HANDLING. HERE ARE MY EGGS FOR THE PAST WEEK. THEY'LL GOIN ON MY NEXT TRIP TO TOWN FOR FEEDER I DOE-IT LOOKS LIKE YOUR EGG TROUBLES ARE . CAUSED BY YOUR d " HANDLING, NOT L YOUR’Bl RDS. 2. REEP EGGS UNTIL \ SHIPPED IN,CLEAN COOL, NELL; VENTILATED ROOM. ’■—■—h— it SI Sj- ^5 1 fj Jf s. 1 IN WARM^- j WEATHER GATHERS ! E66SATLEAST& 1 twice daily in „ OPEN-WIRE g . BASKETS AND ® COOL QUICKLY When Service is Required on your Lighter or Pipe •end it to CAMERON’S BILLIARDS I WINGHAM ONONTARIO USE only clean egg CASES ANO FILLERS SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES FOR RENT ALEXANDER’S HARDWARE To sell direct to farmers in north half of North Huron County, Agriculture background helpful, age no barrier if active. Sales assistance given. Product well known and estab­ lished. Apply to P.O. Box 522, Lon­ don, Ontario, giving age, sales-experience, address .and phone number. Typists, Stenographers, Clerks Steadily increasing business necessitates addition to our Head Office staff. We require typists, steno­ graphers and clerical workers, with or without ex­ perience. We offer good graded salaries, 5 day week, 2 weeks vacation with pay, excellent working conditions. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT WRITE OR APPLY IN PERSON TO— The Equitable Life Assurance COMPANY OF CANADA Waterloo, Ontario Expert repair work is your best “buy" in safe motoring. Name the job , . . from minor adjustments to major overhaul . . . you can rest assured the work’s done RIGHT at the RIGHT price! Precision Repairs for Safe, Smooth Driving WINGHAM MOTORS By Roe Farms Service Dept. IN SHIPPING-AVOID / CARR!NG AND EXTREME d TEMPERATURES r^\ E//1 / z ■^d^FORHIGH PRODUCTION OF TOP QUALITY EGGS'-FEED ROErctL) r<UC VITA-LAV £66 MASH OR PELLETS EGG MASH Dmancsl pOUAMSHUUHt C’ VL-31 HoWson & Howson, Whigham Belgrave Co-op, Belgrave Ross Anderson, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co., Bluevale J t