HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-20, Page 5Value Scoop! NYLON SS10. Morris Township $£.99 For Boys and Girls 3 to 6X Away Below Usual! • Zipper neck to ankle • Quilted kasha lining Nylon for wear - quilted kasha for warmth—here is a wonderful snowsuit value! Zipper from neck down leg for easy on-and- off, snug-fitting knitted wool cuffs, shirred elastic waist for fit, double knee patches and helmet to match. In Red, Navy, Green and Brown. All these out­ standing features for a mere $6.99! ’ GET TWO! Walken StoneA, ■ J ftI Ln The Store of Quality Merchandise at Lowest Possible Prices. the customers of the mill for theirthank all and hope they will continue on the Would those having outstanding accounts please on December 1st. I woul$ like topossession♦ ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce the sale of my share in the ' \ Wingham Sawmill to Harold Pocock, who takes patronage, same friendly basis with Mr. Pocock. call to settle them by December 1st. JOHN FALCONER In your time of need, we stand ready to help — to give your loved one a service to treasure in your memory forever. & J. Walker Jfuneral 3bome Patrick St. „ Wingham Phones 106, 189 Pupils of SS No. 10, Morris Township, are seen above in a recent picture by the Advance-Times photographer, Left* to right, front row, are: Bill Heth­ erington, Bob Adams, Dale Breckenridge, Wayne Johnston, Marlene Nicholson, Garry Ruttan, Barry Hastings, Rosemary Gowing. Second row: Ron Peacock, Jim Warwick, Joe Nicholson, Bill Wright, Jim Adams, Bob Hetherington, Rose Marie Nicholson, Anne Peacock, Ross Nicholson. Third row: Glenn Plant, Allan Campbell, Neil Adams, Wayne Ruttan, Keith Nicholson, Edith Shaw, Fay Fraser, Back row: Jim Shaw, Mary Lou Wright, Barry Adams, Dorothy Shaw, Thelma Gowing, Ronald Adams, Rae Breckenridge, Barry Breckenridge and teacher, Donald Kai. —Staff Photo, NEWS OF WHITECHURCH W. I. Ladies Plan Work on Whitechurch Memorial Hall The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Tues­ day last in the Memorial Hall with the president, Mrs. Frank .Ross, presiding. After the opening exercises, the following business was brought before the ladies. ^Mrs. Robert Ross and Mrs. Jas. McInnis were to procure someone to cut a door from the hall into the kitchen at the top of the cellar steps, to have the kitchen cup­ boards and other shelves built in as soon as possible. The ladies donated $5 to the Bruce County Children’s Shelter. The Hall committee have been asked to cater for the turkey banquet of the West Wawanosh Fed­ eration in November. The following program was then given: Mrs. Albert Walters gave two readings, “A Woman Talks", and “The Hills Ahead’’, by Edna Jacques; Mrs. Thos. Metcalf gave a very inter­ esting account of their trip to Van­ couver last June; Mrs. Victor Emer­ son and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie gave in­ teresting reports of the Guelph Area Convention, that they attended October 7th and f 7 , ertson played a piano solo, Black Joe." Airs. *• — -— charge of the topic, How we are gov­ erned telling of the municipal, 'pro­ vincial and federal governments, and explained that each was patterned after the form of government in Britain, and that Britain is called the Mother of Parliaments. The November meeting will be a pot luck supper and Mr. Steve Stoth- ers of Lucknow, will be the special speaker. The ladies are also inviting Mr. and Mrs. MCCosh of Ripley, the district president, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed, of Dungannon. Mr. Reed has taken this group on many bus trips. The National Anthem closed the meeting. Scholtz - Levesque A pretty fall wedding was solemn­ ized at the Wellington Street United Church manse, London, on Saturday, l on 8th; Mrs. Alex Rob- ’ , “Old Nelson Pickell had £■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■£ Now’s the Time to Order ! SAVE (FUEL COSTS AND THEY’LL PAY FOR THEMSELVES ■ IN TWO YEARS! s WINGHAM ORDER NOW — in time to get them painted and fitted I-See STAN and JACK tor Estimates ' _______________________ » WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF— LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS - PLYWOOD PRODUCTS," GYPROC PRODUCTS PITTSBURGH PAINTS PERSO NA L SER VICE — PRICES RIGHT CAMPBELL & GORBUTT Phones bs» 481, 340 Business 1J * October 16, when Rev. J. W, Hunt united in marriage Miss Laura Marie Levesque, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Levesque of Charlo Station, N.B., and Clayton Eugene Scholtz, only son of Mr, and Ezra Scholtz, of Whitechurch, and Mrs. Cameron Simmons, of don, were their attendants. ’ The reception for the immediate relatives was held at Hook’s Dining Hall, London, after which the happy couple left on a motor trip for Nia­ gara and the’ U. S. On their return they will make their home in London, where the groom has been associated for the past four years with the Central Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Company. A reception for them will be held this Friday evening in the Memorial Hall here, groom in wishes for life. Attend The following ladies from the In­ stitute attended a grandmother’s meeting in the Recreation rooms, at Lucknow on Friday afternoon: Mrs. Chas. Shiell, Mrs. Alex Robertson, Mrs. Victor Emerson, Airs. Jas. Mc­ Innis, Mrs. Robt.' Ross, Mrs. Frank Ross and children,- Mrs.” Owen King, Mrs. Metcalfe, Mrs. Nelson Pickell, Mrs. Albert Walters, Mrs. Percy Cas- lick, Mrs. Frank Miller. With many of the ladies in costume, Mrs. Met­ calfe won second prize and , son Pickell, third prize, in parade. Mrs. Pickell assisted in ’ gram 1 Frank Miller gave a reading. Ladies were present from Holyrood and Par­ amount Institutes and Lucknow lad- 1 ies danced an old-time square dance, . with ladies and gents all in old-time costume. The social hour was enjoy­ ed when Lucknow ladies served sand­ wiches and coffee, cake and ice cream at the long tables. Personals Among those who took in the plow­ ing match at Breslau for a day last week were, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Purdon, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon, Myles Ste. Marie, Thos. O’Malley, J. p. Beecroft, Alex Robertson, Elmer Ireland and Bert Thompson, Mrs. R. Currie, John Cur­ rie and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGee and Linda, Mr. and Mr. Levi Bieman, Mr. and Airs. Gilbert Beecroft and family, Wm. Rintoul and son, Neil, Gordon Caldwell, Mack Cardiff and Alex Pur­ vis. Quite a number took the trip on the bus on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs-. Carman Farrier and children, of Long Branch, and Miss Winnifred Farrier, of Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives here and at Belgrave. Rev. Baulch, of Lucknow, had charge of the Preparatory service in the Presbyterian Church here on Friday evening and at the Commun­ ion service in the church on Sunday. Elaine Conn, Kathleen and Mary Fish­ er joined the church at this service. Rev. R. A. Brook also held commun­ ion service at the United Church on Sunday, when Don and Velma Stap­ leton, Fred and Phyllis Moore, Joan Casemoro ad Jack Coultes joined the church and six others joined by letter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery, of Belgrave, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer. Fourteen o’f the pupils of S. S. No. 10, Kinloss arO now out of school with mumps, the latest arc 'George Conn and Joan Tiffin. Garnet McNall was a patient in Wingham Hospital for a fexv;. days last week. • Mr. Thos. Hill was taken to' Lon­ don to St. Joseph’s Hospital last Thursday and Mrs. Russell Ross has been a patient for a few days in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, of Ripley and Mrs. Wallace Conn visited With those, rela­ tives in London on Sunday. ' Detour, detour, detour, wherever you go around this community over the week-end. Several have found that the usual five or six miles from Wingham to this village, were stret­ ched to seventeen miles. The river side-road was closed on account of high, water around the river bends On the road. Even the tops of the cement culverts could not be seen, •the ‘water flowed deep oVer the road at the east of the 10th con. bridge. Mrs. Mr. Lon- The many friends of the this district extend best a long and happy wedded Grandmother’s Meeting with a 'piano solo, Mrs. Nel- the grand the pro- and Mrs, Many turned to low gear and drove through, many preferred to go around by Marnoch, Many found Kinloss concession roads flooded over for long stretches of deep muddy water. Culross roads, over shaky sinking places, with water on the road or up so high along it, were equally hazardous, while some went nearly to Teeswater to find a really safe road to Wingham, Mr, Gordon McGee spent the week­ end with. Mrs. P, Simpson and fam­ ily at London. Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin accompanied him, and spent the week-end at the home of their dau­ ghter, Mrs. Gibson Armstrong? Mr, and Mrs, Vernon Stockill and sons, Jim and Francis, and nephew, Dale Purdon, of Powasson, thought they picked a very poor week-end to motor here, and visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and other Falconer and Purdon relatives, with so many detours and so much heavy rain and many flooded areas. Mr. Robert Laidlaw and sons spent a very busy Sunday, when they found that one of their cows had fallen into a shallow well that is under the barn. In some way the boards spiked over the well were off, and the animal slipped in backwards, and a wrecker had to be used to pull her up and out and give' her a chance to recover from the cold water. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mr. Russel Ritchie arrived home from their trip to relatives in Saskatchew­ an, on Thursday last. Mrs. Thos. Inglis arrived home last week after spending a month at the home1 of her brothers, McKenzie, < ' ~ McKenzie, of Turner' Valley, Alta. Despite rain that on Friday night, a good crowd gath­ ered at the United Church for the turkey supper and program held un­ der the auspices of the W. A. of the church. All enjoyed the program held under the auspices of the W. A, of the church. All enjoyed the program, the male quartette from Lucknow, Mr, Chas. Hoffman, soloist from Bluevale, the saxophone trio, with Garnet and Russell Farrier and Don Rosenhagen, Clifford Coultes with his humorous readings and the pictures of the Niagara fruit belt and Quebec and Gaspe Peninsula shown by Car­ man Farrier and explained by Miss Winnifred Farrier, who had taken the pictures on her vacation trip this summer. Many were delighted by the music provided while supper was be­ ing served, by Mr. E. H. Groskorth with his solo-vox organ attachment to the piano. Beecroft relatives in this district attended the funeral of the late Miss Mary $tokes at Gorrie last Wednes­ day, and Mr. Gordon McGee visited with Mr. and Mrs? Hector Hamilton. Mr. Russell Chapman has-been un­ loading coal during the week-end. Mr. James Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin arid Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz were in London on Saturday for the Scholtz-Levesque nuptials. Mrs. Gordon Elliott spent the week­ end at London with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Underwood son, Teddy, of Toronto, spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ilrath. Mr. and Mrs. David Carruthers, and Mrs. Elliott Carruthers, of Holy­ rood, also Mr. and Mrs. Ronald For­ ester, Lucknow, visited on Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. George Fisher, when visiting with their mother, Mrs. John Carruthers, who has been a patient in Wingham Hos­ pital for the past week. Mr. J. B. Morrison has been a pat­ ient in Brantford Hospital during the past week. Mrs. Irene Paterson' of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Marsh and Mrs. Pete Watson, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ait- cheson, of W. Wawanosh. Mr. Jim Cumming, who started to Quelph Veterinary College in Sept­ ember spent last week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cum­ ming of W. Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry and children, of Port Albert, visited on Sunday at the home of his aunt, Mr. Robert Purdon. The Looby and Armstrong Con­ struction Company laid their men off on Friday morning on account of the rain and road conditions. Mr. and Mrs. Harold ed on Sunday with Mr. Elliott, of Teeswater. Watt men- have been Mr. Kenneth of Calgary and Mr. Rod the storm of wind and tore through this district Walker visit- and Mrs. Roy ________ ___ ___ in the village during the past week taking out the old engine in the chopper, and now will install a new one, that will de­ velop over 100 H.P. for chopping and provide quicker and better service to farmers in this community. Mrs. Bert Moggach and children visited with her sister, Mrs. J. C. Moggach, of Chesley, last week, while Mr. Moggach was at Breslau with Allis-Chalmer machinery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman and children visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Inglis, of Walkerton. Mr. ponald Dow is laid up this week with an attack of jaundice. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBurney and sons, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hardie, of Turn­ berry. Mrs. Leslie Wightman, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Mrs. Mason Robinson and Mrs. Chas. Shiell from Brick United Church attended the W.M.S. Fall Presbyterial meeting at Ethel on Thursday and Mrs.’Wightman presid­ ed at the meetings. Mrs. J, G. Gilles­ pie and Mrs. Jas. Falconer attended* from Whitechurch* United Church W. M» S. # 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman and Susan Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald, of Strat­ ford. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft and sohs, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip McMillan, of Lucknow, quak PPubH dHtqan The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 20, 1954 Rage Rw ST. HELENS You are invited to the Anniversary services to be held in the United Church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Mr. Ralph Howlett, of Elora, will be the guest speaker and Howlett the soloist. Mr, and Mrs. Lome Woods Donna were visitors with Mr. Mrs, Mel Brown, at Kitchener, ing the week-end. They were accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner and Caryl of Zion. Caryl left on Sat­ urday by plane from Kitchener on an extended visit with her sistqr, Mrs. R. W. Ranter, of San Jose, California. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston (for­ merly Miss Betty McNeil), of Wes­ ton, were guests of honor at a gather­ing in the Community Hail on Friday evening. After lunch Phyllis Bar­ bour read an address of congratula­ tions and good wishes to the newly­ weds and Joyce McDonald presented them with a purse of money. Mr. Johnston made a fitting reply and all sang “For They are Jolly Good Fellows." Music was provided by the Aristocrats. Mrs. Alex Murdie is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown and Bob Murdie in Kitchener. Mrs, ano and dur- YJMJ, Meets at United Church The United Church Y.F.U. 'held’ their regular meeting on October opening with a sing song led by Helen Haines, The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read, followed by the roll ball, Business was conducted by the president, Frances Walker. Helen Haines conducted the wor­ ship service. A hymn “Have Thine Own Way, Lord" was sung, followed by prayer by Mary Lou Dunlop, Fol­ lowing the Bible study the collection was taken and jean Rintoul read the Scripture, The hymn “O, Master Let Me Walk With Thee” was sung. Bill King directed the recreation* The meeting closed with “Taps,” Westlake-Frey The wedding of Lila Frey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Frey, of El­ mira, and Garfield Westlake, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wetlake, Wrox- eter, was solemnized in the United Church manse, Elmira, on October 8th. Rev. Metcalfe, of Elmira, offic­ iated. Attending the couple were Miss Lena Buehler, of Elmira, and Bob Westlake, of Wroxeter. After a wedding trip to Buffalo, the couple will live in Elmira. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. A. H. WISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC ONTARIO Teeswater Wednesday p.m., or J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C. TEESWATER Telephone 23 WROXETER—Every afternoon, 2—4 by appointment. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham Extra Pants Free! With every W. R. JOHNSTON made-to -measure SUIT Now - - get “EXTRA MILEAGE” in a suit that is made to your exact measure. We give you extra trousers in this amazing two pant suit sale Come in now, select your own style and pick the fabric and shade of your choice, we have all the ■ wanted tew charcoal shades for fall. ARMITAGE’S The Sullivan mine at Kimberley, B.C., produces gold, copper1, silver, tungsten, iron ore, coal, lead and zinc; It is one of the world’s leading producers of lead and zinc,