HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1867-3-22, Page 2al It , WW 1;7!' 1 aa­,�,­� 7 'r 7 v lf , � " , %, �, -q , k I i I f f Tr Va% , , 1190F , " g "M '*�T, A 7 T,�T W 'e, �j 1 �,t i 14 iil v, R �qa�. a. feet@ at ties resed that 411manshil, Ask"Awd. JOLLT TA" 704 THE WWf.-Capl lot adosse pis -,'AID 4,TAJ Me 011wilwaWT, CAwmA­ 4 1-8 to fight the V.-76 of Cosa&- .0 Kew ass I do *gone IR I'll diiiablex: be" $eased law do Awavam, fit. I on, :ra UWC4-,*, I'D to C .. de, to right 000 m, " Cold Lim .4 lots way to where D@Hamy, connaadw Of & The Doris at Assists Bud V,, ,,*W f The pass, ask asset 161911-6 r4se. i we *"140 the,* with Autonomist so ............ itdial is the sure. t;bWJestim Droper, mow I) iug al (lu*Wo. bank ban ordered sy blea, Ieane;:30 a.m. Sgt. itfulkne-A the good arged they fail Pound ye& aIas bw4 Red the Th* has& of As I "diem &n*wo' @P*us' PRL'Ver imetword, and will be follow" by ties, a4liaLre TO one wood *,OCJ in iho others 6.4 know .0 , ft. Use @ft-. afwm Issued is many Peru Ork ill& . .............. 3:00 p.m. a Sim- timing, they mot* Ovc1PQWmsgg by DOW torday (Thalway) atheneum 2. B. whenalred Monaco, fritist uIlliorm, ad thartme robstab eomnwd*d the wor i.tiet.t�q WWI kwm. L60 P"IF6 of Clus.4111111a sisfour omtimwt, bass boom ad eked, but DUNGAN110N. abay.............. sa ............ "TO by ties ODUMv Ale somi..,s Zee of the Calmise., Shoals! somemb to the of my the Irish ru, he presto of jermiag Shems, only am - 'A' iosdwg flow d I@words of isfes flameout, ammid tummy, allapea Just Read. Has. Caleb Lyme, as a ir�gkrot at I be &at of them ase,ifice 4111, film Em'st publeo likeneobW, pm"& peoplive e,.d red for the Unsure. Boo valuable colleagues %. present Ch& may they &&.a th,awolvvr a grow " of t pan ... 5:00 r handed "sw� at %lin sides the local members of the Lar we is to 4741ifurnia, mot -with a party of cvm W=Mtt that a-Nae,o -hick; trouble, and tLe halsoliar of dgaug Ili Cos.% a"gain frumet. The Brkskikk�u noticed several gvtatlemen of the 'rube In the British Ifulteace The majority Of the Cabinet a.u. maltaygmems. Heep,heull Shouskil lodusess, and aooertained that they A lialleall ------ DL 11111L RIOT AT itgogiQUT_F&&RrtL L 90"All. ingat. entered tat* Miami derstrai'le .e. I &Ted .at the r saws. pre,sailat, wo @&ad that a mistake, &fill used those weapons Which in into& from Toronto and "wher. I*efmau MM ease The extito.ent that reig, aid ail skit ue,Ah, "y the% I came to the ennelmotas that it ass of Ond was via& to do umras�i work, slid tribes Law* boon superseded by ralles, or The nAlowing geutiest* or the Grand Tien Einark would a, Ito I by irces-pointed arrows and spears. borhoud of I be I Pat at this gradient, Wks polls Big kipsokelfig b,,prihemas, our shisty, placed I., tile PosiLio2 in 06itb .0 fur Story kadmalaity offirried to his,, be Call"Imseesseat sameacault the ftrxiolt Owens *I Jury umserwl to Llcir uamme% wad mom am, elieur4fied with the awful respoventimlity of be envisaged a Lii,,%*"d ties". tie He f; was. whates could wasofteLure I -am &led face cs.wdod reistial the spot 004069,)ri-ig to Settle this great ti-mastion. to the battle of 11-alipmaly, where 4" bad matheme &,ad at all parts a, the offi,gre key tr..p "woro* alle.611ver 6-04.6 it was whipped 1'60111, bi-alot. ouldiam, ail -1 Saw him at sturk Is the Rome, so the evismaing of Ili* stable ma"I"ll 00 Ere cf &INS, process, of which he wrote mad led under foot' oil To- fam,ved IW evemon that our prodircres, rovato wai lilgiamed uses, a ago.11 scale. mfro. Ili- most gb"tiy wavands. John Holmes, Esq., foramen ; James the Earl at Derby "ad aim could nit frovess a Successful mo"uiv Ism many m -i be call over Our laweedis thse will oummaniamated In like Austriono Ntlitanalls- IM67 L -.A leveed t"'em the �- Craig, Robert Costs, Win. Chimney, lash ihoeiagh fit If I- ."At the .1fi,ers, Before yet, lordships proceed to whatever this -abject, arad aming &I&. the be somebody besides Judge 'A items to ad- gical Society the following dooripLioa INSOLVZZfr ACT UP Is". rhousealcadie'Joha Elliott, Win. Viu- 0 offood be, it in few of incurring their fate, my be the be&,,*" of the ee"Lx, I think importance Of not rallo-kil this quoouu- to that city. AlLhough wet I" The Shoals Iiidian seated himself upon bUR NEW YORK LETTER. *halo b. onto standing missim, Crai aalay, Juhu Leirr, liable KAy, John 1,ou. it a due to Tamar I-dalsorge, to title promises $%mad is the way of families business, hen %be sew ..old be renewed, the A", and layisig Ilia &tons anvil upon Tt 1` by, wet* be," off else �. louutimiJ. Utilities, dubm, JW Mtrislaughtfle, James Me- attairs. that I should stake to You, Io keep &live p"pletuml and ex..te or where it would be ii-agaued, the speak k, .at at 16 LAW lihis knee, which Woo of sionuiallecial L&6m T 39 M-,-. -a the Town, eellay PATIIIWCL DAT IN Tgo mmewel.se.- who lead time hardihood to remselin its the without thin slilbtm& reserve, the position of meat in the eumstry-1, tole my part, obst- or CaMood m favor of tackii Comes.. isisall riel I, ewaakeousay The tooth day savisrucalbaks or In lat.a.- Dowall, robs Potty, Chat. Rildout, Rbt. the govommant, and title cimemitatie" by over reareL I Might @XpGrwuce in separatitag orged various itemosimis which we coonct re- &late, with 000 blow or his agate chisel he , day vicistay, stood by pa's and trembling, ww *1 ft o(A plea -at. al the boorms ure of the stock I. ftpi,. at the eight they would fair. Seattle, Win. Sailysiour, lifory Stamp, hick t6m pusluou 4" bases knou4tat about. to in those of my &Stressed oulicagen who at We ilg (*war V it" OMMS 10 be Ili* fillead pot , parated the obsidian plabbile iota two bet., emosierm,iff east - another bills, to the ill.04M *&I A'. Iflags th,ir views. seve"' John Sweet James cott, James W atoon. I remet " wall forgive is. if, in laying be cowd not be ins their convicnione into emotions my of the orlanimasitun. He thurigbi ki Not part&, then giving CIA -I" an Aresquale, 1. Wb� be my �ke -wait rolAt's LTTACCLO. fficers from various parts at tile provenance to you quit* opinely ared .tb.UL 6.1 aw- --ill Chase, .1 the ramaiudiir of the C.1finfor, improbable afloat Uncle Sam might want to fractured ode, Ise split off a :b the ob.,V. A.19. a H 101ino AND 11111T.RaLtr II4AT1AC--mAmrUJ AMD JIM iutelkialeuv3 .1 ill - ifliurbonce Is addresing the Grand Jury, Ilia s=r, both the cool" which has been par. Ilch it my duay, seabor to throw up the poself tat C leads. swLich be could do in sweaty fourth of an inch if, thickness. g Lhs�el I ColimmiLb, to the Casualty , Hems, 'DUSTIN* SC"= -116TILAILAL of TMX SUIT -2 he arrived us auto%% i but ibis no" not be allowed. be the pig" agiumu, Life meavil With Lh..huts the awl Lasailifilip xALA thwat it ime was lak in open- mod oad the present suats, of allesi,ti, I refer which I hold not to abandon ilsse hope of filis Cluthow fth day ol Alwash, A. D., IK -1. JANCS WATSON. sortalter the men m -.der toaskagi fact coasocu4 with the lovitudget carlyi-gsgefo,W Hill. I havi, 4-torm&mW "A Catemedo in the key to liberty, and rem tiold Sugar of ban 619 hand, be ecousenced TONS go liftains. my 041lonsgusce mod I took office. AL to as ing forward amed earaboi to pwli.Ewul, want to groop it in on -4 iog the Court, it was no fault of him, but c ed th a writs of ocinuamous blisims, 6" agate of &W"�Aw Lawtvoag. (Vreo "a Special Corrimposim"i.) Brown. mad tagrees. all fillifUllisil war a MR b my r battle and open to the side at their prostrue commdes, bet because the railway Lautbonties did not Use% arm* Her H.jestv's 0,, be h such ani%tance an I con atilasa, the lack. C."fas is %'to country @made by nature Name Yeasts, March 19. on b which clippt-d off fraermaints of them liantLie lY to contend against %its keep Their ougAillel.e." a, to timm He Ie-r),,,g Vis I(.., ve, fill, 11hil MeWWM what Ill It wait at filet Intruded to an- used o;daturd bv Guall throu,:b attack link 1, 'ISOLVLNT ACT Of istifil. St. Patrick's Day was celubrated bere whelmirail tau'fabom whack closed r d they had introdoced in the House or com troduce. but wt-ich the easeumagallhotoesit UW I arty must be stusis el. The sleaker here pit, aub@UUM. It gradus owned to op. I. ItT s tone felt it to be their duty-vard I qveotiuu have explaiwall to your loisithips W us fr it to vote wit"hof Irefund W7 ever Zpo= quire shape. Allor the bank of province of U&N, yesterday with mom than .20.1 wth,,i. And "lls"ed flat, with suare,club ju'A"sord, regretted to @ft that there was a bass' "so th 1. 1 he C.N" Cases rds valselitwer they did ma rightly or wreungly- that m,)uee,,t to atmeneints. That mers"re wai I with England, mad else urom me 111-161 they,too.succumbef uml 1.11 bloodiest to lender than amal, There were I thf arrow head, (the Wheal. boi,.g little really at Humaw lcons.yfil.. "a &moos the Irish, by it grini civic too tarsh, war be immolated "rJvoL. a. was, th,m- be it, a very short target laid before tire other was to %66 sa80 sharles of &rem,, by which the ICA t' res"I" office' "d the Q" r an iooh a, lorlith) be Ito" striking Ilmse Matter of LamaW hicTavaus, I and military parade. Not% ithafterling fl- me The riumershad 111PU*i their Creugoonce, left without a government. U odor Horsiest, of of Pailusuatent. I trust that by the --- gentler blowit *wary one Of whigh I al- LAN Wada-makily thothwelimmilb day fu.y a.", meant the destructions, of ishoolst stay ki,.W� -WT &- 60 julge sums, the heavy snow storm of'Sun-lay, tile sun fly cutting do.. ail the polacecian who decal items circiamististraces, I felt myself unable to expiration of the Inrelsont weak we &hall be I'MIN VO.NFJ-,DKAATIO.'V peck -d Would break It ilelciplitselleA 1411111, ka's. oulker t ke Semi 44. to cassfirfamet tbem--and maut one o&"r sell- ofiluilding. Unlike the Is England -tat thl appeal Made by tier .janty that I lkbl* tie replace adequately or not- the eel. obaske I%rightly overlw&J, and the wilither was in the fit iuity abrunk from the coulast- t a did not requiw.0"hat there would (was � iniffiestry, ..J ill doing so I an leagues whole we have had the wrisforkine such was big adrUIL Application, has &kill Tom 'Nth they of Mactle. A. lll�, wad somplaratir. ly propitious for the Ins.is, f the in as see bold of Slow Win our eta of dt,leauk trio ew"eminiii.ity of offil, perfe--tly to Late At the expi.atiou of this week we In the , sew ut C�mm.,* an the 5th iwi anal d"Llsarity, that is little over us hour D. MoTAYINK. Fret -cclasiou." Early in the morning W40 I.Tl 0.0(mwiw in the street, should be %be Cauliject of lie aliall he sale to printout a comi lots mail unit the House want auto curnsmitisee am tbw Hot- No PrOdUftd A P�rfOOL clinicians arme-kkeed. MALDOAMS end at r beat- Ili ll&=Ptllt uPoa him 1111141 simple Snag of soy *Ian of buildirr. the form. At the "sew time, I must say that ad Cationei, wad 1 trust that at no dualitaL fish America bill. u,e classes I Ig I then requested him to serve as one Atiformay Aw I "a suarisetair were crovded with those of ban. d,L,*­ a "If., way, van at thereat rm-le property of another, is a fclosty, whether almoat irutftediately alter the lormaticam of 'ad so tilrell be pisquamed to lay nature ru" The clan" miatese to ilia preafaimel from the rvMaIMS at's broken battle, whica INSULVZNT ACT OF 1%4. bftb "Zed who dell,;ht to honor (?) the 'i'll -0 tiectiody atmeularearily at the I-otwas the Goverreastat, My colleagues &ad I came the matilower lail,lis a Interoolonrof swulway, and Mr. Aytomn had f I I" rev) be stieweded in �oi the intrut to defraud, the rimpleallipsal with mgLard to a' lwt the detailed dug lie there b., fraduletat intent or not, and the to a usimmitureus sajoareavin that it was ithe determined to sotruduce; " we hope, and giv. 1. notice of his ti -a to nook its 1"gairmoss surcease for his ill sueommk of 0 &&as, to %be rmark, Coost memory of th, Patron Sjint of the F Jot &,to stone trio, lutely timpussiulst that we could alto,,lither hope most e&r"*tjy, that we shall be vChis, 0(160 bore soylature I" the latter crime would be equally established it a rejection, but am an appeal beirre amadiff to Longff Hrarc�. SW ", and the military and suatuelly t iinore that great smad famstaing question i and to bring it to a satisfacuoy conclusion darnal; him by mr.0figailikand tavlore Life bill Cut into he did not tauderiftsitad the grain air the *1 He" PNO Of tb@ bloody 00010" CAPWA livIlDe, 14 this M -no 01 Wlil-0 gaill A141samed Cow.. men fw,�v kept busy all the fearencloo all,, ..a at the core er al t lluton in an mtL fire to his own property so an to trio question which then naturaiij, licensed oo the poment �tion. I annual express the counmomotife, oiwo to perolowns ire his alm-d glaw. No scelpLor ever baudicd a chisel Talking the Canee-wary preparatioas lir The *led East Birellaralf. a" ankfatcad of endanger that of ancel bar, but one could e; arries, confindetiall foe W.uce of oar pred, tesiret I feel at partin with Orres, of the Inagansch so tam g.maing dug act c,,wagot with greater prvi...-ion, or More "I trolly On Wallifteddle, tk- thlroce-th day 08M.Yea". -coernu so tainted sweet, -4 - destroy his own property if in the middl wa�asors. although they had the support of a mint tin;Qrtant Aad inotat valued of OY cOl i he House to 4e.,mum a logo tbeat t t., Iss measured Lim Wright and eff ct of every tie* "ad.-@." l pipty 1. tat j.. arlast woo or 'in a W 1- . it- kmanp,. .,k, be 6.4. ORAND PASADN awl ouslaiway . ilia Serxrmni Bisrm�t majority of the Otiose of Cummons in what halo", to whom I am utaited by iiiia.ingsli'l raised for the construction al life railway, bet blow, thou this inamilm a Indlan, for orso ve t Door' iss euvotess, tam isit day of Merck. A. of the high soci-tics and regimentse. and th.ee amen,wilosam lie bad r Clam: of a field or other detached J,,­esition, just manner we might bri..g to a sue"nlul low, political and perso-aill Iriendeallial : but I I w.th,treor the lteivelter, amojig th us arrow w&kiug to a distinct lsb7. . firs i.-ty, proceeded to the eneof the ia. m,,C he could destroy or throw away his a question which, for mot* than stlevarn yea., had mot ndever,o-tall in go I 1fewid have the the qu,ronara a- pit, WILUAM COWAN, About 12 o'clock the line wall formed, where ilory were meat by a citted trade or prolasuears, which Lu4uy atwo mobad bafficel the offorts of every preceding, I&i:od in my drift to %bor publw and to my - 91.11WARL) 04UWAN. own money if be REM foo4*h eciough to to Mr. Ad serleer what vc, al to be &be amount but in Which fw at &in exalit,ocisa. 9. S. MALrousoN and a signal rise 1113 search was fired bood,­4 streanir. a backs seervied very aftemoO government. 'Ify lords, I I'Lli, as have had ociveteign. And whatever pain I may look of the 1 -is, an P- 2. fim, to his L4 Ii at Flying to plu already in the on account 01 Ibis sepat-i.va, I truel that the ",hot a he st'led that it "em 1.r' nuerstoud the capacity of the an I terial Alldessay Ow Insolvents. from the City Hall Pork, &nit the 0.1 In beat oil a. I. hief, tied do W. Still, if a Man ft$ logan, al L3,000,000 humid be tat. which the captain And boa sm- had wer lilt a, own property, without euderagering that ceu," of the printer, t ifewon, that it was st reaman,der of My , ues wiA be ""I %,, Card. . hich should be sr-mutesed fly site l-,- he wrought, atead listrom t trifling too filet tomiou Lb" moved down East Bri4divey gaub!s in me. tier *,I TolfAlow thelliber or otherm, fear the purpose of'obtaiiiing ill- question which could not be emitted by the the occasion, mad the course of the periall jr-cranuseqt, but the Lea Isamil 01 ill* blow, by oustirtyriag we r lablo, be could Insolvent ACt of 1884. &%,I thathim fitr,ett) the Park, where aims able bad malmady left iii.a limseemplialkim � tl,&.t WL,, , felony. In care., ad ere authority or iiefluence at way govern pressinat iwasion we may britag to a successful clause did not I,, Mo.&% the H.,mme w that judge -fitnevat"Ifellity ag'Well as tile scullo they fircre reviews -I I -y the Mayor am.1 A at tb nalit,t, but so al,i,ro"ni.ill 11,4lis it at* ar*.n it muset hat proven that there iron a howler, and that if the overument core legion he, ,a,, "al pammonat'qlaer Ion Mr. 1,olveffaid he sh,,u.4 better lo judgea of Use istriectiscas If a block t;~ f ka3ba a-" to =.it* soy attack willfmit 'if last ysa�r woo unal a to mitts its question, whievis he# so luni b.Mad all adman itratica, tbvogbL that the collision the Hotels both hairdo of ties Common Council, s4- &A merely an rattemopt, but an actuil 6'. ot'P&ri4n- mArble. In a LiometaL all fit.& al ha Us the& shismested - sall Lems orms this proust gowerommeat likely ((;baverfr). bet he suppos-J they Mist take Her Addes- -ct hir"tla I.,- ad- ffew , of the building sought to be des!ro3. toeable 1. a,ch a w.j, rity I�y a on in. pull of the g,I,-,,. ponied by the Her. Father Quinn, of Iflumset of the Elation, h precioet " iag lasul read u" the eut,jc Written by of kh, Seventh, whom law awl. a 1.110. d Until rtucintly glCis Was Puts- w'u d `rly "40"'Asure CAIPTUME OF A that at dnl not. It hord Ill. if,,. learned and spertulative antiquarians of Slowly oato"Al. a Ili. battles ill volo". W 0 t he t.haeewe we 'a a he rim I St. Peter's Church, and J,4tn Fronat, own en .0 , odor We found, therefore, that the ..all wde wall d iolus- the dureemat . 8 �"-4 Le- bt based, the madesufgamaj well appl,, be "Or"ty, mad ,W "C,.,," in money,.. Isemble i,h dealt,, and the., rho hardleasuag Cal'oloppear for the workin 1ind, who ill t I s ecatmal mbly with their lasamens. 9 rWo circu ' -that the only pr P I of Cork. Irt is'nes", it wag & capital open to us Xet -Lich Wolourafrouttive Hamilton Spectator of Fueled, and -Ii other el,mme bait tr h­rn OfflialL &JLe*, "arse CILUNU RAJ arrow- to the J -dim -1 Ch. -ad roars Law domichaterse go. A here were several cakes of .,a held out to, an of a success of iss,ie to "tordal, th at an oraqw, wit arrest was so" AL— of Lear the tat I passed lbroakill, comwitive - heads, Catinflasea before the aimpk*4 cljeww, 19th March. A. D ,M. 49A a proutioent positi.)o on the pi g- H:l4W-._=arCI& we.& to work to cast Go 01,0-r T tier late good t his wou;Z men, throw of whom he Voted is a abliling, oats which point Ilia 1,ord.hip eta- after andertaking-morks to proceed by esbut I on a Irdin Of the Garret Wrisiera folkway as Looteler. use.chau inill PIIXMS. I ii that the World W-T-HATO fonts. The 69th regiment Phenix I a sb&",y Interval lying on title Street an' my eel I a sort of tentative process, and to it eemal the Smasiweasion bridge nit Saturday, I i ed he late very lucily, &fitaing the VA. lead been better me. Tie, d lead tb,y al. iron 79 Ationtry, far I"Wvo"� Zemsaves (Vllth regiment), &aid the lilt I othens its houses to which they, bud bar, Is a's t in ite bare of different political and that th-ma k iittle doubt that lbe proson;r Dcatraegive Fare &I lsockwell. 14 Battery of Artillery, headed the Tie 'carried by citations aftoc the rioters bad left d ffr . cc" between ouuinsed, cutting, and in the House of Consulting to consider whether a a sen,able Fenivin Silly, who bea, Des, The Pea low stad tile plow . loom. INSOLVHN I' ACT OF I 84C re"em' the "ew olug Wounds, and dwelling partiam. laymeriarrelingerment which might boomore or ling in tbucily &00 in the county of NIA -eh 19. I" the ; -?me Flivits. rialcly t r it forgotten iii�previo#Ay. The al,tee- A firfe bro�fr out here 1"4 night. about C:�o 11slearly a. in -To ..,( 4­� *-it; The si,m, and immediately after c -,m mu DISTURBANCE 7 upon ilia ixtemil with Which the loom at-cepitible to various parties in lea arm eOriginate "ft 0(t6 . Lea 4 cn'C� banners I ED. crion was committed. Them was one hat. p�o e,ght it I 1,wla, in clear of the Crui liat cool. sivia moicti&N bearing aloft green 11 so e us a we this gn-at question five pol lcq of ibis city have boon keeping, an amaLlasougai with curious devices. "to Is the H.Wmistm proceeded op Lw a me of horwatealitig. This was an of- be sernw-el.t. �y lorallf, it was with eye am " ea amoverinteato of cartel. sue; i". mad ;,I ten minor" it wan one Mau town, Ohio. sew greatly maro'knested at .4 -.0-vt -ass isal that we deurrinimaA in tire first looking jS knew (or me,erj days p.gt,b.t they ftlaovae. Erattod..,it.the, Yalta... 11'eme, amnantmofectly a.ke:1 0. -i:p ne0id "ill it � a sumbsto of' handsome Americas Steel. after leavitit Grand street. tlen-3. f nee punishable with more nvcriiy than areout to proceed by a Bill, but by in cae­ffod their business so adrutily th%t in, and cr�iii; Haiti Sam* 1. cove p "I with a chase, to Is us u hill door. He On at- tiontral, day oftleg., oI fir a,)� fatigue or another slutoked a citis a rAmary Limist a of ljie�ny, lat-cause a home trud,acii X a sri, a uf reou istrouth th-ugh I I ksell, I. the ftungwo. ., Ch. also bortaig, in the procession, hot the �d Lahim; sets two ufficent al the me I : iac�as a evidently Never swpeted ill.% a imp nected with Barater a Exch.-fre offiep, the a. taken off the herse n-arly lrrmwn, Judi- -1 the all -I .1 b�ch�b�, ' i al ould not be protected, and 4 loan which he had boiled! to elica from the House, swallowing laid forLbuism. On Ss.-sh, .,,. Commercial Ranks, mmJ other board,nim. dticted to a bre, hhsnk�ts th-wo servandill'" asoisawlt, kill vreraillimit; color everywhere the wTo tarn- Talk perreissel, managed If,mun Cal* awl Do -i" gmaty of it not only stole the sanimakI, bat of Comments the views they took ulion the ofthew wieners left the city for ;JA;illl,# About sierly build we .,* tOn"uwd, thawed usit and led. A boarder rosegnmed I all* wet" 'a big rescue, war@ vies ap, udo, Ilia -of Act, -ed yeates day wan greems -,, witering of the Ili@ mesas or knecapigag with it. Ilia main quotations which woulJ be seece-A,lacied by a shrewd alletwis. Tlor' IAM Critelli at lltl�l ill 160,0011L 11 .11 amad seriously ibry re x $"" I Lim as a ina� inmate of thin ecomy infir. Doted at u ocirm he to ke Goo 0( awes, anelthat py, an he mhwquent ly prov4 . be, Lal -.y station lamoser-muldvolMoreb.A Pei 7. ""'"n Lordibillexplitioed at �eogth [he nature t I groaffs'-grom banners, green regillian,, alaLabiwAcuL@ttomsaotdoLod"avm a" Salary. 2 vaguely mA hell 4ifibroorime of atibornatioo of perjury, ieradistirietlydrarva; no, ditties vous not to over his objelder V a arriving at H.mil re fire not less that% sit Lim.vs. It a � fersdt Z CO, Trs grames feathers, and plumes, green 189 1`011,119D. poorly clad, and ca,ried a well 611*4 ask -bet officell seem "Tod by great exert -n. i-Eunu After Wlli, he the J ury wall directed to enter pledge the Government to a specific point fuel be out ".a oeat rise time that the fire w­ld extend Lee I THU MARKETS. imka.* green dr�--Wees every- A large numble, Of the praiies wore NPWWW by. be PETER STRA, ithimag one coul-I think of -and mom I ly, *all perhaps fatally firouralled ; t aewy.~ up" it@ duties. up,,n any oce of those rew,ILti,i at GaVO late. &A be it, -penned all at rare, and o.io,od lure pile of orerld at the but owing X C-CAHILH0.1 iof them being cut, stale" or njured endeavorto entlemin ill* central cl,antoei of :,euimtuwucrAp�- observamalun-a ma.gotal to he extraordinary exertions al the cal Cosistuce,Mar 22, 1867. in many essentially decededlygreea-loolating go lummi fit&, they had tabs saffrri�mwayloeo, 92' Than will U Di viale swrivue..in -.8f. the liouuofconmo,lsos Lowhoat Clueseliteris hisliart which eotl%l:'Ctd the 4etecti,im a was Speciag llfkmgm,,L� ..... .. � 1 36 (4 1.44 " Finaegaren." After paying a parting uldical tiendi Andrei Church, on " slabath first, 24Lb lost., would Us like,ly but be sweptable. My forum. Ilk., be bed 8 guilty collateral A cities MIS& Fall do ............ IJII:60 rag 1:75 Farm for Sale. sulai� in trout of the City Hall, the pr- SCLOLB AT 709 STATIQ3 HOUSIL at I the Illinois. of Catamaran has not thought fit I am it was kept us big mow*m@&ka, NW tlo (tiout I ................ 0:.15 0-. Conamicato moved out of the P,rk and march- As the wcemaded yalra were Isrought into the to entertain the is opsed Claude ol'proctwdin,, moment the train arrived [run the semi he Floor ................ 6:00 7: 50 o&m mar sal., Settle bar 4 consequently we were deprived Of the, I ONE or D431tffl. STousits.- TLAA 16. oow III. Lack sidl up Broadway. All along the line of statiols, huu a the at.wous it, k, immediate SW There is not a particle of"'tirtath in hurried on t-uard seed took a quiet ofti in . 0.0 at O-Coam� Barley ................ 0:45 0:50 -we ait's oid of-irs aimed to be Wilasonalle.73 ad allX�efat advan age. -I beria)(aVe tocoilect wb..t e four. A roup:e of det,clives ra'so entered Fe as .................. 0; 65 0:63 art, ar that Rom. D. McDonald was the opinalsol of the Hum" at Cummons- ft* car and arromp-ied him i and & few mi ablolat - Mae Hussey. He, falser in% a g­Isww,.#�-k rana­g lef,­46 a. A ti�wsrcrh The proop.moson was cheered by vicinity sore crowed by an excited crowd al the genetics, crowds CA* idlerti, half -drunken Irishmen, �l an I women, find in 0 short aimase of , m to a r. rom, tile Lmin teaselled 11" hridge I&Wy ']I (is all Orrowel), dionsigaing of the bulk 'beep ................ 4: 04 5! 00 asambil.. test, quite a ourat-or witim turosell out of i a iujor 4 Mli were brought itac) I, wan 16hing for a nominatiJn in can of Oil the Daiwa Pul""' wl-ich we de4i sea Us be B�(. V t -c .... ...... 6110 6.50 I rim To to of Ilia station they won surrvo 4 Ch$ f1dinfill Of UWVC t -in, I :* not, of calls,, any that a* were Waisted him that it *.*,-tomsy to IN, at his fort-st to put,.ic chatrities. at ben b-6 I I dnQ r"a) .......... 6: 60 (at 0:00 Cfad Ithe bars, a good title ranks and divost-d of.their colors felt pewparred to adopt An smode of proceeding 111,WIC411 search- d I-efore ross,rig t be brid to low upon his drain bed, has b,,�k"pr bt %or :: 14 9: 15 bananas 1111,j, Apple, .1 the 1, -mw a. sadbyth-orfiiends, the manage crjIng and hich t H ft- "Led him how much he had its Him ALEX. C AM16fiefrot. iuJuWag too freely in " I'strick'm pot." ­nakerii their hanals in anguish, slid the men, AW The requisition men are being ill owe of to,o�,�4 all thin. ilk ftmo...Ir,ted, c Cranium ,st be it" Mary. if* rap i -4 trial he bad left be, prwows ....... ........ . 60 0.75 CIW=ie 14 mu.6 St. low. Frishimen wiU celebrate the day by imrti-vLawly their fellow officers who had fit, lautf= we d-nred w lemurs au what ., 'thing ­ contraband ' i a big Pronereasplas r- If .......... 2 Oe I." headed off in grand Style throughout the armangmenereto might be made, what conepro 91000, which would do Teat well if she oad .... * drowniag the shatarook " and drinking b go on .)ther posts, &.ad who bad riot learn The defertives. what -fin h, doutwers, , ok for more I, d a,lir son of C. I I lefty, now Vtom ........ 8.00 fit Ole f Daiwa wait like!y to be acceuted and in what ofA basbad. -1 Heart. . to the " health 4 SL Patrick," but it was ad 140 Inato of their componi,as imail rinieved Biding of Smith Home by thin rrieo& a Zoser weramight withost any o'crifies of revenue ropeakalk filet here file, the,. cried lb� him" keeper F-"fo, � ............. .. 0:16 rdif 0 'O To tho Fliefli i plopess, noth.124 in the course &'rev me, Chi,k#,A .............. 0:20 0 evid*M yesterday AbU hundreds of them Dallas; their tooth in anger &red offering Messm 4,'smamn Brad Giblasson, who are no, tortap this a -#Acres -hat or -.old ever I its iw' C 2 Lim h&bAU a flued deal ban d,p i beat I., mw &bat ir n thnig 'if"Ifro- with she M-ar, she h" T.,hwys ............... 0,30 :40 ani,r*CSAICnS AgIUM link ry .1 . I in -so, I, it the rioters. ]a ing to work with a spirit that most en- a -0=0 House Core. a ,,, yet - Wit; he als �, a eight to All The manot he'd K" ,4r wree !0504 in his rwm.ulo. he w. be am cry tr , ' Path .................. 4:00 4; 50 ir the reformers mocicalk howeve haven shawn firer difirn :114fre"d 16 proceed. When the train imp mishaid lie dyiL.g f.lb rate y or relent and ma,iy an eye that bad been want $mre succefrof clanation to Pei d I my of red,liallor. holner tbooght at lem-er ra,oaa ;' ad be least no "a' icilan of the superior marnift of 16a TIER 1110TA, to; a Y. the brid.,to he was taken into a ban" end ssa&rth, Nw. W IS67. �!aa a amumlfenei upoo seen" of blow tithe or their 0111 SC I Sol en take in ad limit a r.illecil that gave Mae M A cLoadcon C.Imomern.1 College, and &mio. i And We &.ad heeling expense a wish th.,t a 11.11 or, hortly offer I o'clock, mis tke IV ill teare mod the lips of more [beat fiave no ferar,i, with reggird to th,�ir spirit, should be � trnaticed with the least perefable bed and 4incomentm were foand on 1, Fall Whetted ............... 1:166 1:73 I" an ad,frn.o ofil.5,0 . year ass eat,.iffagalmlat Y, has. 41leadeady, bet" 0 well established aim wan moving along, their pkaige was ten* sturdy plearoiamene quivered with emmoti- sagloricaus victory awaits them. which Allowed clea"y that be .40 a Fee, d4ay, H 97 M jetty a g v -riono-t (fit out "Oro an bar pirrag wk"l ............. 1.30 1:65 -be Barley ................... 0; 43 0:40 be was& of 'be Canadian Volarl.c. Thai, �,l wwwhat obstructed by a truck which at the fesh, Ill the lel;uws mal I y lay bleed - - besitalte. notuatesianduag th" Krellt J�egmlvmea. py. He bad a plan of the .aism, sworth is be to be apprecistatd, 'in d plains Of the banks &,ad pranc,p.1 lao,ld.op 13 A T V1 CL D. re, alter hich they now labourrd to a& Tse HAIIII, Or -We command ........... ......... 646 411115111 ifirineve is ths ebecome Isocninel in by a mass of' i1q; from tte;r tarrelde wounds, though miter fx, 2� i,4 so word of corepliai'a. r ro,memo, the names and reseal,racem of I'S 96 folloessoo taken train a me ............ 0:60 0 00 12 on %,hiclum noor the jueetion or iLlest uraid- to briag forward a oneisium, ; &!ad it jurors whi sat on the meant Fenian trials, Cersamhers' Eigamillorg, I n-sustater of P' y and Grand street. Tom ARItX2TIL A very agreeable surprise took platele them b"Km,- flat Auty of tie" Cabinet 1. Is JollilraAl to [he rem, to P-rusto" tier bumbet ....... Des 11- 6,11, UPWARDS OF 200 STUDENIS Although %Lt: he ..am,g ,I the judge.. and of the pround,. color attention, of all war readats histen with :ge Are stow :*G"Cted with our clumn, which is driver of thi truek took opeci al a ire n,,t A cousne.1fir immoil-litely without a miawte't de I&wye , even Floe, per hill ............. 7:00 7 Two men named rnpoct:vely Baiverard here on the cycitin of the 13th insat ),Im"l ......... 5�011 is g and ftlat The Via cocoellits #Crskmdi.'-6wgv .8 am th� ten disit,arb the order of the procession, by Clark, a member at she sociery of the quarr) - fly the protege -tie of rivir a Bi�l us they saaamp bud *I on i . - eu"bwdly, war- than are in attend.. al go number of the erigregition him on the now eta" of would be euntr-buturs to a periodical Venter Itratter per the 0:12 .1 0-14 mine and Thus. vamm arrested do,- Or ther th.u-,hi t,.oy e,oald lay upon the Cattle .1 her. of he keeping him brareme close to the curb out- the witttralsou by the Seventh preci pot Rey. Mr. Dire, Wimileyars ini,eter, the Haase. Olcous!the main proolmons jurors nm:4*, and uib - co"c'esone off a 1 be rialleal 11111111int grlga c�lew*.o in their .,,. E!g@ per dou Any Other two Commerto t air fogns counseled with c,rrorM,ty .,Ili -pas 1 0:04 0:10 aide this line of march, Ise lots calle upk ore Bill half been the subject al nz;om th,i, revision". rbis Shoals( that he W If-( do ............. &M 0-10 cial Collegesin Ca - lots olid be firmer of whom was engaged in fast A icked from diffeurent parts of the circui;, its regulations. here Is n r Is ..... lay my" of the atilliaceris of the Fourth G,and IlLai riot. " be freely coaresocs *"off in the Cabinet for B.� Una Inmate been 0011alanio nf.,.io,, (or he ", ol.,ho another aloctwn 1akon, me large -I- err ,, k"pirs par hmh*l .......... 1:" 000 diviion to or*,, 1-1&0 01113 Of ills by streetts Newman ora, it is alleged, one or the to. headed with various kinds of delicacies, but mi hadnal,optothat period. actually lsmay b- c.11ej� the appetite. directs.... TSZ&ba.lds who miht come in the de.4 at nada: So soon as he had heard the ordery the �Caa who stwckd the fficer in Eut 11 ofid kc-, and having met io the Churvis PM (regard a Bell, and it, therefore, beeen" w- Ili Rod amemossmale those who were ,, Instead at .'it 141,1110r Pat,%$ 10 intake thelu- Hialles rem- 100 The .......... Ito consider what the provisions of in the promweed, a of the Feelings. _& ed sea malum� 1: 25 And. what is d .-fit the style and beer, Skins .............. 0.90 I driver attvatapted to reach one ol' the may. bill who d d such fearful ex. c-,eded to file parsonage, where a ooralult- His Pork. ;we 100 lbs ......... 4:37 6:40 sit more oncours ibis with ba Award dornac the 61 f I'l.ilieLloff, "c' 01 them"Iff"al Is lboyfavor with ineit site P by streets, but to do No, it was necessary ichif be. Too 'ere so* curmation's gone, havelver for some time, *aid T 0 Word, per e owd ............ I'" 2: so incretfusing. V: ..pc., f AT ill Orlined Street is, said to men 3 it. omtion of the Castanet, faryinill fn,� th-ra is a prethishis fly at a fees aide to @",a out such ad,. 0. =7 a too of ladies seen arranged things for a the, fall, a great deal too much Pat'.&. guy, IT . . .............. ff:OO 1& 9:#0 that It will eflnitione to do a for, we base for him tn Snow the line of mare -lit, which kiyq lie is dowribild ses lievinj tlev delicions feast. After thi:t la,lies' delpart. from sell other in that ow;,tooJ famartwular- the penitentiary being @glp to i idualle ins may tie common else tend. d that a Thearoughl rr.,ii. name Y, Chintion. M.P. fl, 11117. y hi ou*=pLed to do, As his fit ten, ion bL.' "fal,ca;a" term perfectly so er man at Ike went had b --en simply JdAlt With, the limaeuff,ot th,,, eartensi,,u of the y be kept at the Pub oded b a a ni the .,I,Lor, err even of ilia prop Cal TIX . r Beat Training,eomplegaill with "lot Lmauifea as, outcry was rined a- ime that he struck down a. werfal or the of. lie Prialemse fea a wr nevi seed their �nu�ripts thruu,(b Fall Wheat ........... $1:70 1:74 o4rietiattantrity analwaftsineem, regard fortimir 14 frimenchuss. One -11. raev.em-e was more twelve monihatlefortow"jf be should mot b-dra, instead a! by The amml elkLorervol. f terins 40 ...... ...... 1:65 1 :33 Wellturn of one was sure. Sooner or an I pro- *rho al,Im exten beir t Win by the mars,als &ad siat; on &,ad did amorms saxerA ion from ban el#� John Robins road an CCAJ, seat- I extensive than the ottier. - be fund vi be a fit *abject for taganinfix in fazolle"i and, in order not to create an) Israel premiere on horseback with his floord ed the Rew. )It. Dym with a well Alled Cana 000 may say, was that to a hich our - could ficarce-y m&4 A gri-ater Mu"A"" i to, Oats .................. 111:111115 9:4111, the ' puddling" bvwom with, lyoch sand me loser, to able the 200&&DC* Of the community trouble, be drt!w his vehicle oil to the than dA any four of him loan with their slow". tionste, orwiu illy pointed, still seem Mahon. taking an taintless ews, of -let 4merlary ................ 0:410 0:45 at harbre. Th. faster in ohm two, bars fully they would fie half also leven arrested and locked op in Purs' of mtm'eY 1111-1 111 beautiful oil point. 4 fifth resolution, which. though call tat -best' case- nervesely, bat they the Pe . .................. 6,54 0.46 demonstmik al that I his w" 11 correct cookie. frorb and otiolloped, ventartied to "it coe it)* sttio.-ho"M. ing by 31r. Thomas Cook or Varna. M r it less . Oliver a- Ch, private fricn,b, of tie* adna, Ban. 0-16 otbren forromedy communicated to ofthe prociminnedeialp, an beditf so, 11510GOICATICO.N. aims. We fatality thault the Public for their he B. Dyr* replied d. -pro riately, though your leardsh,p's Win" at, I Italy in .face, :11"I that upon that ground 'how (more or large) park, ..... ........... 4:5 "5 patronage so liberally larsuceved, and would. 9 they expoewd mitts to do ir tb,iy t- the effet Chat the introduction of a system A leading Americas joarook opeallin �ma to be va ci,ratralautorst, �hfua, an invade. POLAi9el ........ I ....... 0:6 0- 75 at the same time, snare them. that, is this, Would not permit& him to crom Grand at., deotly overwhelmed by the occasion. A o'plurvality of votes might allow us to reduee on Position are They nlacing him in 7 Tilavir womtmo, mar. 21. 118411. fulumil as in as pearan it shall be on, comskmt M, Those conse f a riot in California, in which a party or contributions cowl be either fit for J�� -, Without doing so, he woull Lie enable TV& I i wet so 110 try to got few hours waire very ples-ellattly spent with the franchise lower than eouA be done under 0 Floor-Soperior Extra ..... 0 50 a 1 73 &in, to so deal with and teaeb car gto&mta, 10 color one al th?- by strettill. up Is feeble objection to Mr. Cameron be- a Tocial imp interspersed with short other circumstances, and to establish it on a Irish attacked some Lbiry Ubinestbortied or 6*61. If the former. why is it nefteamery IV ki'lls an . ......... 1 66 : 91 60 *$to Secure the airline approval a( allor GAUNO he is a lawyer, should retatember "POceff" firm and dai basis. Trio other was a ind the ved,onr of tire `Acq""- Ove-P,r 32 like .......... 0 111 A3 V'iw AW the Zr If we 6v* the Otter CCWXKNI'LUCYT cf rem Row. to when the time of neparat- 1 their dwellings, dcatroyed their provi. so "" As Clots, wiiisams detigmug to valawar his that the leaders of that party In Parlis. ly considered by my colles,,ues SiOng &-,ad kills . one of them, rentarks ;- allows a,d h,m ? If the Clatter, they at. %9b, quIssatiou or hasm,; any al ego I a- Pitts 60 6 fi!, we base promotion in I his in; arrived, all flilt pleased with the scheme of Icas extent B -oh of th"Cie sclarafters tmicar which la%apenis to eatist between limm. arliew-fler 48 Ilis ......... 0 66 a 0 SIT reatio; of %boo. we easnot WI to or. pion I'lamh brou;ht them together, 00"S asnzi')" -@bell which or* as h llilon& ore, &aid always have been, "I simply endenvurinar to make him act e-trar, Their n%rch (or a in oneut to &I dri with and mysel"Cand though one very distinguished The Irish are impatient 4 the ri. do Powl& first .......... 6 95 a 7 00 1the gmtheasing Hills." We *old, their amiable Pikelor, and with the man- meml-or a the Cabinet eutorkai4ised Alm"x valry of any other f;)rciAn labor in tale to his ooeftien", and to Lite igloo wessattal of h' to pass, altholigh his truck tn,A beat lawyer, I . a Cape e I Of arse, private Cliliew. War. It, IAC67. Therefore, say to &'I who Are Illbollet to to tile a -ow-lk that almost d,,uble in. Cal,raher, not in which the evening had at. objection to be course we were endeatro,mil country. The Chinaman are among the 0 ' 0 ploy to line' t a c' c' Wheat ................. 82 40 (to 1 41 hurt in B"twIn Week N(an mW to Hobab, 'A Own who war* I-- the how sk,tild ba,k EXTIMor.-Toe Loudirs, da, so pursue, Tel he fiel, 1,, in older to most powerable, orderly, and ustl'jl ol'the I twadoul allillors have s rnotbliptiot I,, con " rome With an and we -ill do ill" good. Ism that x I-lio-P ji�� theirreatobjectiat perfect mani,inity inthe tribal* to has pirmuldic if as other fulks, but C,,rn f a ba . .......... a 704,iil, 0 76 avalked on withoult be.4i olmi its thel, onovervativisto hog no existall'sio in Cents. laboring population in California, of for, The L,,,d bath spoke" good Concerning Anumb by the vot-icle, vertical somen, larolie fro Cabinet it was ties duty I. naive any -bjoc- I they anould forward their propoated contri. Oats ......... . 0 391 (or 0 43 1 Israel. " Our made of imstmocticau in in the um makej.opall.tw %be week &W da at prestriatt slid having been the o-gao Matters are proceeding very watusfactari;y, Umme bernight personally entertain, an he have iissecome wo numerous filet their IZ fleetness Cas others do , and -boa Tejo -te-d, highest degree Tie III som,n�,,c-" broung how rallille their iron or the party, it ought to know. towards the orection in this place, of,% church shaned in our earnest desire that t a question is quite indirepensable. They take no instead (if m.k,,.,f t huff and qu .,Tel (ow atlocrttscmtnts. b-8&4 stalefs. flat content sith throwing 11 t,,y often do,ti they "lloght,to lie, well &we e in foreserelloo with the Church of3coutand. clailat be settled. I bud then okwd that intesext in Politics, b:t attend Ptriattly to M TRTEZ A TIc and PAS AT111111. AL A - him blesed,lig to On bottom of the mhG:lo, a. AW The U.S. Governmert It The pion fees been fied upon, ILIA much of 'n" h that exemption the lai mod more ex their own private iffairs. Ilayin that the I*ult mmit Im who. jr with thalai W I& IN ru 14�, 0 AND We g no ill MrAfted new. fori,.n by tam sight of the meet t�nsivo &chew. would la,arre racei-d the -Me sionee th, 4_.d regimt to the fro, aCenters, they reeteare very little satteotio 4M building materials has boon drawn to thel I A giod tenant for the West hat I of Lot N,. otter advankineres wknikee, sesm, failed that Ouw,d p­lw,ly from the pcK attimoull consent of my colleagues, and we had it been a call f alclubt-whoLletr or n.a jUer, to a fronal the politicians, Tod the Irish, who' he question Am an'$ w1ol. be c"4 no, pit.m"J, 440. W fit only two or three exceptiome all were prepared to subnot that selewever to the should he ccepted- I I in the raintis eoneeniam, Wool division, 10"Was at me saber causinkinor.... &=is& in claseckii-g the Fenian raiders, it I have voters, are allowed to treat theta v� tii�,,dsbop wood have turned the sends, in Colborne, IS? mom lutoly owned mod occapi- oar the= Lea opers his- lire,, thity kicked and the simui around have shown an ex. other woman of I'afli,imsent wheat, to my re i seliall C1113011111hesse. is .11-ged. I grace and, I =my add, somewhat to my sue Much AS tileT pisaw." thiel or." ad by David Cl.rk. E ATDIT 10 ul-Ill ill* body of 1h,1, Wlent Spirit, and have cool, i!eatel.d ch C 1#1 EIR A WALKER, For Circular ad Order afEanneisimplasam, ""fit it rfack d That lister 11 e"crully I Intent, I socerumanted that two al my most wain The remedy proposed is that file ININC ItetAP)m And libsrsllY, birth in a poesiniary way, and able find most distist,runhed cohrujurn, our to" am to figured �r him. M- The N'tor York Stale Legislature by the tra"pomation of material to the free. nese shoul,111 beenme voters under tile PTO. Th, Conner at the His uyCC;- Colligins, North 21, 1867. -94%* fAirese, with stamp, pyrnim,sist impon.rat poolifin the (Jovers. :'On bi,o,day, leat. while proceeding along the AILSIT, 1. OF agg P41 Irts h" Pawd rowlations depreciating Cana. ti,rn of altv ed,fice. Even Harman Thertit, ad. spun a recong.donaticem of the visionit of the Civil Ifighto Bill, when rack of the H. A 0. railway a short disimilare le Ili* off-el,ttime the or a pillev dim Coarederativica. Vetily, we shall soon J. W JONES mod �mbers of the Ricehirty of Fionds have lijil" hich had bar., preallnual to them. thy cold beceralow, an object cr in,, ot the& aide of loath (!r"k, a Woman, blow Remaining in Goderich Post �lfffiee, cra I'ma-ped tessellate f&' -VF who 1--plign-ell 10 be fituri in tb. moms in the conclusion that out process d re-asell -9 bale laws enable to turn, isIlly modso.olit, -Caere he had be.,, IAth' "a geseth =OF' for Pcrtuis- let I a helping )land, and several of the'" who' and importance to the officera of justi d"cove. Load.% C. We S.'as setriangatmereta, mispeets,ij, in regard to this eel a, flowing the trion thet0th arch, 1866. fatibmilify Skit, IA97. se9" @Cautioned to it",. the palsoplo train isterfoning to plant our potatoes at the proper won not asked bore kindly come forward and same@ Monte pOtfttlon under the me 4 @=all bo,making,, rve,old peoduea, -sell am as. 111011 approach, with aderaimbla PrOOPMIM *A it pleased by, na. pe,936-rill their laid. The church is to be twoksive and in�.nom effect %net the V wore thnesellat aid presence of mind. boosted her Racon A. C. King Win hasirs. The Irishaten of the led rrostmag James Krerr Thomas trustees 40 the i,mak by the a or hire' brick, with a @feet* foundation 41 compelled ta nith4,aw* the adlaii which SLAile,; will Appreeisite 9116 compliment in red shawl re a of real go wWo ill* Pnz. sor &ekett A. L. -se Alexander 9P 40 3& flarnamset to Ilia NI'Mk Ispoll Ili- drive, A few ewo,.ini ego some thief feel I,, bight ; the ditarnsiot.si are 57 (*at by They bad Itiven to the pror.all I need the paragraph we have quote.1 ; it shows ,I Ili* danger. be care town camp thunder- Burns flatial I Islutit Jamas to the a" and ja ped opon the stole onme Worth of cloth ft= 44. the mde wells ballislif about 23 feel high hardly my that withdrawal To loved the other the estin.ation is which they &To be,d incAlong, illattention Of the &,,rr lknott E Worri4ore Angus kmak-evir-ad having mm ibis Vbmes Stock to protect The the a 'a .0.1 roof corresponding. There obligation uneder which be might have felt Anstrieste politiCial'S. It is quiLe a we "i Woman to "'do'-$ 141-0 to al, -p. be loyed ary iles Middleton Charles Treatment Chief 211 --dolleard 1. him Mae* or am& be ..a felted to the 111a,11' nif fit* veroc t v ; the wiudous are to be colleague of whom I have spliken from any and the ho,n4 att,.ctol by 69 fifteltic fif-ts of he llmdnv Jobvi Ill.r.-Iii-on A Thl flannel risen Vanilla, 1. The Ma�. Aw he door a X r. B, loth 'a store. The goods i -be re"Non theY Mrs tolerated a -red Allosiandaw. or shot Twelve trasupIA Trader foot is The wft, bratal mom aTh' shugaidly as wan lternd Caere "Obweltiontly found bid away is a, is 6) be 4 %*a there sto to himself p save. I and my colleagues wore phoserest, too. for the fid al reflected, thue in all tnoleglai4a) flisir Wm (2) John b� sr, -bassin bolz ends". Woo by be a ballry &no be a novel now placed in the painful at having J), tr In of.j us- i% what nisiziet Lee* revolitall in a llnneit Win r ft I of "IV fuld saw, h, ,J,wg il, ill, bee� book yard, but ill* Kew thief b" Contrived to tioe in the Vnited "eye who hastened , haten is 91111reh bell ng!bla the rural ail. ft) reconsider whether we oboe al proo--gat I. StAL,11, that foleigners me I,," laccialont. We m,derstarad the coma,.- Camp,�II Angus Morass, J"lan Sou. go &if@ at their w )tbor 011111-r. be keep 'body... e trial or the West. had .,If realid many of Parliament that whisk -a believed to he elan only secure th protection of the law@ L,.y have gr.rC14 bar a 4 A or a desperate iair t4 tile pass via sho rood CoArill"Catlements Miss Jons, a (1) D. CUMMING. -I file 114PY Intl In their desirable and the mor.. 411tto. ire by blossoming vollors--fif pretty ,Ak of of. I,) which meaof,r she is juglly S,.%itld. Jose" lure two. &I b I saw gaio�o of Their somsians.- POI -I It@ of happ? oxile,inces I, I be;, micro Nichol Rohart (Inalarri. he musee, sake 1"7. P -ma LONDON 8MRTT.-We have Ted Mother emontry. Accommoilanom is to be assinsure of R.-rurs. when such froesod-1111 Nirs ocrtainly.-C91,4a. t like be's IN worthy of the bribes, immune 041ouldsLion Alex Dot they Clear* a -mm on ill- llnal. provAsed in Ibis 6104 of the church for 400 would losed to our marks be iiii by pmios.' from W. C. Cbrwott & Co., To ato the C,lonk job. Philip Was Mrs PereIN6 -ad pro-ision is to be no& for the ilel 11,hat "1eb0*rutk.*9 if Cyril NCL Of Ibis riplar madid book- 14 May warmation of a frant Itatery, In %be areat of 1$6 8kdo, all of thou men nr *up charge RVFIFAI60. The P,rig Nullifier Him fit We Morioka land of she Leverad.,ol, C -the Thou.% (2) SISH IND DOOR be .8 they owl wirW G, letters 1560 "fitl.ild 6 purihosed of Moorhouge. r*]-ied. Allike"ble, The atretg ow is the Cabomet. and all at them at. ohe There woo a larre meeting of ir,aniame ,,,,po Robertson Am We "r elate. Tl,.,o. I'tom F, A J (2) Fkc,rkokRy. storm brain rhou�4 Colat, Armith Ann Win nolom leading -hit the .91.m *.old I'd rawtv -art of the Church se in their several have d4l*y;l in 84.10 on Sunday fl,ght lost to be, all the -long a( it, 00'em mith A J Him be by M*mUmLn oidiry ability. ( leer, Israel. 4.1fertma. who made a l-, tbooit or). It a [but &*-'(-a da,mvialood I. �k* a des regi. OW' We make room 9&day flaw, deep ilftbs i&01'4t*om Sod wealth ofibe surround , �f, Pam 08 l0e.6 of fit- I war " 2 0 0: Z"'t"ruall, ilia If interesting "Rossi of Like pew ie'Nsw SIX deficits', Who*. basil houses Imad hL h. W Robert Angus T 08*4wr Pat theri, shilowere to the 'Ohio, ly v may or we navy not b*'e '"no to the llla�ilch of lho�uswal Fenton 8,Yl*. ' After to York firms nor ar@eial 44livated L-1444 sargrt .0 ft; right oof,elosion. but I coiitom that I could plaskennif nib., entities FAlward (lea 81&nt,,. Gentgo C.PiNhItzeal ft" eaar ow"W. OW or- as t At As..e Min fil,hofflold Mar to *easy am ullis biomass etel m6"io;t� "WUMwg a C."Pleirly !1.0, the .0fams. lavaitifir England to The Ill of hot befri be f votes. that had Noe thiCt. 4 in a cortima Yme instead of usly flia. The helium mot links CAP my owe min to $0 p-infel spoke of F -,gland's dome* "to make a king bank A. "elrit for 1;: ob-I falt be g1mg, sever, it, Keermy rattailvin Sprow.-We he is Wheigh worbialp is st present performed, N four" or procedure ma long u y real 0 been Shtre, a 0amd., got Iran the a." .1 To been favored with Ili' *" dom a" oar la.,rd.ro--the hind 10 be a bei -11, fell. and the Miliult John Solely Murat" Mile Bash Z)oors, Blinds, a" soll Al me@% 406 90441 Our the siongreallukage, Jbionak Per 1A be' -0,410111 of A less ifn�.' We t le ranno- ,ceopying it high old-f-hio*Q onan, storm low By is introd A rise#, -dwi and a, set= *711.1mrs compromise bej of- following Foolknor Jorwmialm(3) Soray Mr y c the 11-Illt'- ILI PlAorrel ..A a part, AI the Fialmy J -he F0.1i Was iftok self sitting area t Comir It". 6'.4 r..A"I fairly by It. %w col'the Fieflav Wan Tboompon H."ry on" CH sow ON06 bly life flOwm 1,,, 16 fine and 9"Sky (2 1 at and 220d). Grim old -1:2.002"ame" Is am. fueled. lfz than- Irelings, I is 'k* for:- Iron a report in to a' il;;llunv, Flooriv* 12,1,102 he,* be." ,,W in Spain I Oahe I mourno e"ow oweis M*WAGWN. Is is I of the CAbefloi eliminated to insbrl, a Anwr:eant thoeld look &I this i it is an 0.1braiih Darripoll T',marepso. insist Pei-- they W viol., a. ".Mly taken him hold. Biding, "Led to th. froud, who lie,&. 1 -.4 trump. land, Proposed Is wership during The seenwi to than sea* of comments hich. I pen fainnao and an insists, but shoteld Caceffilluftfled by the nkforse A Welsh John madam kite& of me -7 411- J:JP- Title Ud tam the CMmwsi,l notable, -If%" is the noffiblearamig gross or is ddftl% W" Mot Perfectly S&ti6f&C&4)ry, bet beeme soe,.My Ulawak .4440 fully it other@ have be" trcd 10 Ports. rho apar Otima" Thomas Wet-" Jnhm VC W 41131 Im JKI Asagolloy begins as April 3,111. All ba . UP C�@"P@r'g b46r&. Thomas, 0 is 000�00. Which 0 hoped bight (of & tam* Nestle thin re"11113-11 -f the rohliery &War to how. Wili the wilivaralh a fin,mbime sabbmb sob" igawass question. I, lord@, it I A , h-esitisfram rell:Y @Pon l,laboon to aid bass 1. 1164911f that Under enter asy Th. Poll Heitman 11davril Within John Watch - cf.* tesed Caulable #so Md oposom of afilahe *w -Out Illustrate. be bills MA to *saw (w the heiring mad se., .4 Bible clan, sionegargod im, noun gking, very shortly Offials lial" 04 "**flow ode Car long e(dillewity. We AT* folledIfell together correlation *hie% pm,&ilg so ,amite. final "ifigivas Railroad wallserat J M Kim (2) They 1111ifed, giving the* ..PWO.M ft rwomy Mother A* now of Uncle Rm, for pow* of languid detections fib*, John Walsh Mercer" Him 'be' those mea love ameawtion is am woo IVAN, alkingdal be prepared I a do so ft mow imsed Aoodh. the d.�m did that favelifilwaiiis woo ilk o.,n heated at the Assival at a short damittery )-mr, a" Sea but plvellalm Compt4g. forth 60. Kate Arrow gm Warren 0 Mrs hm --ill nall fit Qf1be nr4 arfam the beglo"Ing of the we= so P "Wklo. gralignal Wfteulry ?O"rAms. it am *at 6"&Pt*d -ned *9 sum an ad ralegIva, ties he6.8 came]. -I* the day an not to, dewoo,t .%.a so snail 0_up timetairn a GT4; to ft,... Wild Ili," fers, .,Megomwola awk a" tbfto *be witiff to Tom hisellis �Nma� been Now thmulk by the members rd the 1 A young mr,ratess, faint an games Ameba% (2) Williams June mto @comes eir I -I a- iota by We mapterosess of the al Kmapp Assets v Whit-tv Itobt Mrs J*s lItIgNAINw- d aaunsoil's ddhms orliti, we a* dstributed OINthe owsmiame doom son hommor flike litillariitieg is oww&rw upling. DATI D mom .0000 be "a 6 saftfs ge flowed arit-*. she C""4 og"uig r) So Illoodi foe from aAftHISALD Dl' 00111 Of this cost -mat t- the other. lie we ON in JAI ALZZAXR!�, Odwilb. nook 46, sm. t W, aNe, a0 A&