HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-13, Page 11GODERICH BAND IS REORGANIZED Frank Schubert, a member of Goderich Bluewater Band, who one time conducted his own Aony band in* Europe, was elected conductor of the band at a reorgani­ zation meeting of officials last week. Harold Jeffrey was elected presi- the at sym- BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY f A. H. MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER Telephone 23 WROXETER—Every afternoon, 2—4 by appointment. ONTARIO Teeswater . Wednesday p.m., or Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS Phone H8 'Harriston, Ont. < & 4 dent, Howard Fowler, vice-president, and Charles Hawthorne, secretary­ treasurer. . X The new band officials and con­ ductor succeeded Don Jolly, former conductor, Art Curty and L, G, Young, former president and secre­ tary-treasurer, respectively, all of whom resigned recently, Barristers, Solicitors, Eta. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C: Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company , Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham -AIM ITEP Presents these two contestants THIS SUNDAY AT 9 p.m STATION CKNX George Andrinovitch, Norma Lewicki Oshawa, Ontario Winnipeg, Manitoba Baritone Mezzo Soprano CANADIAN INDUSTRIES (1954) LIMITED Pupils of SS 3, Morris Sanderson—Hayden Listowel, on October 2nd, Rev,In C. E, Bell officiated at the marriage of Grace Leona, daughter of Mr. Ben­ jamin Hayden and the late Mrs. Hay­ den of Jamestown, and Robert John Sanderson, son of Mrs. Mary San­ derson and the late Mr. Sanderson, of Fordwich. » , / The attendants were the bride’s sister, Mary Hayden and the groom’s cousin, Donald Sanderson, of Kitch­ ener. Following the reception the couple left on a trip through Northern On­ tario and Ottawa. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson will reside on the sixth of Howick. United Church W.A. The Women’s Association of the United Church held their regular meeting in the church parlors on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. George Richards, the presi­ dent, opened the meeting with Hymn 19, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Mrs, Fred Hambly read the Scripture. The theme of the meeting was read by Mrs. Harold Doig, "Giving Thanks”. It is a good thing to give thanks un­ to the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy Name, O Most High.” This was followed by prayer and a hymn. Arrangements were completed for the fowl supper to be held next month. The next meeting is to be held Nov­ ember 3rd. Members are, asked to note the change of date. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. Mrs. James Warrel, Mrs. Wray 'Cooper, Mrs. Norman Harding served lunch. Bride-to-Be Honored Pupils of SS 3, Morris are shown in a recent picture taken in the yard of the school. Left to right, front row "Sre Ken Noble, Cora Smith, Barry Pl etch, Doreen- Smith, Pauline Smith, Murray Marks, Ross Yuill. Centre row: David Workman, Stanley Marks, Billy Workman, Ronny Workman, Adam Smith, Jimmy Yuill, Joe Smith, Don Noble. Third row: Dorothy Marks, Marjorie. Workman, Nancy Smith, Carolyn Smith, John Smith, Frank Workman and the teacher, Mrs. Earl Somers. —Staff Photo. NEWS OF BELMORE Mrs. Carl Stewart entertained Wed­ nesday evening at her home in Lis­ towel in honor of Miss Beatrice Har­ grave, bride-elect of this month. The living room was decorated with pink and white streamers. During the evening several contests and games were conducted after which a mock wedding followed, with Miss Elaine Patterson as the bride. Maid of honor, Grace Wilson; groom, Louise Wilson; best man, Donna Mehring; mothei* of the bride, Mrs. Marian Horne; father of the bride, Isobel Mc­ Cann; mother of the groom,. Doreen Hallman; father of the groom, Donna/' Wilson; minister, Mrs. Maxine Elliott. The wedding music was played by' & Serving Canada Through Chemistry for a few cents The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 13, 1854 Page Eleva* st. Mrs. A, L Taylor Passes in London Mrs, Albert Lavelle Taylor, James St., London, the former Emily Elizabeth McCrackin, died at St, Joseph’s Hospital, op October 5th. Daughter qf a pioneer family of the Bluevale Rpad, she had lived in London for over fifty years. She was a devoted member of the church of England. Surviving two sisters, McCrackin, Service was conducted at the George E. Logan Sons funeral chapel, Friday afternoon by the Rev. R, P. D. Hurford, of Christ Anglican Cixurch. Interment in Woodland cemetery. besides her husband are Harriette and Burdetta of Wingham. was conducted Varsity Professor In Riots, Was Son of Former Winghamite Many of the older citizens of Wingham will no doubt remember a young, man named Thomas Bell McAndrew, who was a nephew of Thomas Bell, proprietor of the Bell furniture factory in this town. Mr. McAndrew married Miss Shore, of i Stratford, a sister of Ferand Shore-,, another employee of the Bell factory, who later was ordained as an Angli­ can clergyman. • To Mr. and Mrs. McAndrew *were born two sons, the eldest being a pro­ minent citizen of Hamilton, and the youngest being Prof. W, J. McAnd­ rew, on the s£aff of Toronto Univer­ sity, whose name was mentioned in the reports of riotious actions number of Varsity students in onto recently. Fortunately Prof. McAndrew not seriously injured. of & Tor- was Good Attendance for Play In Aid of Library Fund Here In spite of the fact that the play “Small Town Romeo” had been given in many of the surrounding places, and many had seen it, there was a very good attendance when it was presented here last Friday night and the proceeds netted a nice sum to aid the Library which sponsored it. The play was much enjoyed, especi­ ally so, as those taking part are well known here. The actors were well chosen and each portrayed the char­ acter they represented well. They spoke out clearly which adds much to the enjoyment of the audience. The Library Board wishes to thank all who helped make it a success in every way possible and invites every­ one to come fh and make, use of the books* it has to offer. » McIntosh W. M. 8. The October meeting of the Mc­ Intosh W. M. S. was held at the home 'of Mrs; Alex Sangster last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Dustow as leader. The theme of the meeting Shirley Gabel and was very much en- was Jesus said, I am the way, the joyed by all. An address on behalf truth and the life, follow me.” Hymn of the girls was then read by Mrs. 577 Carl Stewart and Beatrice was pre-, Come was sung sented with two blonde step-up tables, ° J for which she made a very suitable reply. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and several friends. In few other parts of the" world do so many people enjoy the comfort, con venience and prosperity that Hydro pro via 'The industries and business houses that make many of our jobs possible and contribute so much to our prosperity, are almost wholly dependent upon electrical power. On streets and highways in homes and in buildings of every kind, you ate protected and served by electric light. Public Utilities Commission Your local Hydro takes pride in the planiiing, control and main ten ail ce which bring you the innumerable benefits of electrical power. “Come Ye Thankful People f after which Mrs.] Sangster read the 1st. chapter of' John’s Gospel. The roll call was responded to by a verse on Thanksgiving. Hymn 578 “Sing to the Lord of the Harvest” followed, then two very interesting readings were given, ofie by Mrs. Vogan- “We grumble when it rains, but who would desire a sky”, the other by Mrs. adians have real cause giving.” A duet was sung by Wright and her daughter, Winona, Miss Nellie Doig had charge of the topic based on the first chapter of the new book “The New India’’. The meeting closed with the hymn, “We Plough the Fields and Scatter the Good Seed on the Land” and prayer by Mrs. Dustow. Family Night Cancelled The Women’s Institute “Family Night" announced for October 20th, has been cancelled. Miss Mary Stokes Passes Miss Mary Stokes passed away at her home here on Sunday afternoon. Though Miss Stokes had not been in the best of. health, her death was un* expected, and came with a shock to all. More particulars next week. ’ United Church W.M.S. The Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Fred Johann on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Doubledee, as leader, opened the meeting with the theme for the month, "A Nation be* fore GfOd”. A hymn was sung* and Psalm 723 was read in unison. Mrs. Johann gave a splendid reading on temperance “As It Is in Heaven” The roll call was answered by a verse or promise from the Bible, that had helped the individual responding to the roll call, Mrs. Roy Rutherford read the last chapter in the study book “Your Own Back Yard.” A hymn was sung and Mrs. Johann closed the meeting with prayer. A social half hour was then spent, and the hostess served a dainty lunch. Belmore - McIntosh YJP.U. The regular meeting of the Belmore, McIntosh Y.P.U. was held on Tues­ day evening, October 7th in the school room of the McIntosh church. The meeting opened with singing a hymn, after which Audrey Mahood read the Scripture and Wilma Has­ kins led in prayer. Another hymn was then sung. Vernon and Jim Inglis gave an in­ teresting talk on stewardship and training. Following the singing of an­ other hymn, ReV, Harold West show­ ed some pictures taken On his recent trip to Florida. - The hext meeting will be held on October 14th. The meeting closed with the repeating of the Mizpah benedic­ tion, Darling, the service convener, was in charge. The meeting opened with the sing­ ing of a hymn followed by the Lord’s prayer, repeated in unison. Another hymn was sung after which Ralph Dickson led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Beth Leason and Tom Inglis sang a solo. Lillian Darling presented the topic on Formosa. The meeting closed with a prayer of thanksgiving and the Mizpah bene­ diction. Honored on Anniversary • About 25 friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Neil on Tuesday evening to honor them on their 35th wedding anniver^ sary. The honored couple were the re­ cipients saucers. Lunch wishing Mr. and more years of wedded happiness. Surprise Party . Mr. and Mrs. Fred |Doubledee and family attended a surprise party on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harding in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wray, who this past week celebrated their 25th wedd­ ing anniversary, Euchre and Solo The teacher and pupils of the Bel­ more School are sponsoring a euchre and solo party to be held in the Bel­ more Community Hall on Friday evening, October 15th and the ladies are asked to please bring lunch. Thanksgiving Visitors Some of the visitors over the Thanksgiving week-end with friends here were: Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fitch and family of Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch and other rela­ tives; Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Findlatter of Hamilton, with Miss Nellie and Mr. John Doig; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Death, of Weston, with Mrs. John Inglis and other relatives; Mrs. Geo. Harkness, Miss Jean Harkness, Miss Ella Gardiner and Mrs. Mary Brown of Toronto, with the Harkness fami­ lies; Mr. and Mrs. Barney Keemar, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Fitch Sry and other relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomas, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy; Mr. Roy Dustow, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Dustow; Miss Jacqueline Gilmar, of Toronto, and Miss Joanne Gilmar, of Orillia, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gilmar; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and Mrs. Ar­ thur Lincoln, of Milton, with Mr. and Mrs. Lance Lincoln. of some lovely cups, and was served and ..all joined in Mrs. Neil many G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. cloudless Gilmar “Can­ tor Thanks- Mrs. Gordon ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ROUND STEAK or RUMP ROAST 59c LB. LEAN MINCED BEEF PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLL Store Sliced SIDE BAGON (Rind on) Fresh Sliced PORK LIVER Swifts Premium BOLOGNA (By the piece) • I 29 c LB. 43c LB. 55c LB. 27c LB. 25c Presbyterian Y.P.S. regular meeting of the Y.P.S. Belmore Presbyterian Church The of the Whs litsld in the School room on Sun* day evening, October 10th. Bruce g YOU CAN’T BEAT GEORGE CAMERON Authorized Ronson Repair Depot All kinds of Lighters and Pipes Repaired Cameron’s Billiards WINGHAM ONTARIO WANTED Salesman To sell direct to farmers in north half of North Huron County. Agriculture background helpful, age no barrier if active. Sales assistance given. Product well known and estab­ lished. Apply to P.O. Box 522, Lon­ don, Ontario, giving age, sales experience, address and phone number. IGA GRAPEFRUIT 27c ■’48 OZ. ST. WILLIAMS " CHERRY JAM 39c SHERRIFF’S 3 PKGS. LUSHUS .... 25c IGA 10 OZ. Instant Chocolate .............49c DOG HOUSE 15 OZ. Dog (Food 2 for 23c CARNATION TALL MILK........... 14c 24 OZ. I SNOWBOY - 344’s DOZ. ORANGES ..35c CELLO PKG. TOMATOES 19c .CELLO 2 PKGS. CARROTS .. 19c WIN A CROSLEY SUPER V TELEVISION SET IN THE BIG IGA-VAN KIRK CONTEST GET THE DETAILS TODAY! REMINGTON’S * w WE DELIVER L » > •