HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-13, Page 5HERE, THERE, ANYWHERE, ANY TIME . PHONE 65 DOUG AITCHISON TAXI NEWS OF BELGRAVE Belgrave, School Fair Concert Draws Large Attendance The Belgrave school fair concert took place in the Forresters’ Hall on Friday evening, Oct. 8, with a good crowd in attendance, Chairman was Leslie Bolt, president of the school fair. Judges were Rev. B. Watson, Bly th; Archie McIntyre, Wingham and Mrs. B. Hall, Blyth. Results were as follows: Ross Bie- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF Huron County Cream Producers’ Association will be held in the Agricultural Board Room in Clinton at 8.30 p.m. on TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1954 GUEST SPEAKER FOR THE EVENING WILL BE HARVEY LESLIE OF SEAFORTH, Chairman of the Ontario Creamery Association. Huron County Cream Producers are urged to attend this meeting. Gordon M. Greig. Recitations, Grades 1 and 2, Wightman, Belgrave; Douglas man, U.S.S. 7, E. and W- Wawanosh; Hennie de Yong, Belgrave; Freddie Brewer, S.S. 10, Morris; Patsy Craig, U.S.S. 3, E.W. and Morris; Grace Mathers, S.S. 8, Morris. Recitations, Beginners’ Class, David McDowell, S.S. 13, E.W.; Marilyn Taylor, S.S. 13, E.W.; Alex Blair, S.S. 13, E.W.; Marjory Smith, S.S. 13, E.W.; Ronnie Howatt, U.S.S. 6, E. and W. Wawanosh. Recitations, grades Wightman, Belgrave; S.S. 13, E.W.; Lila E.W.; Jimmie Taylor, S.S. 9, E.W.; Donald McDowell, S.S. 13, E.W.; Janet Beecroft, S.S. 9, E.W. Public Speaking, Grades 5. and 6, Susan Wightman, S.S. 9, E.W.; Shir­ ley' Johnston, S.S. 8, Morris; Betty Blair, S.S. 13, E.W.; Lorna Bolt, Bel­ grave; Ronnie Snell, U.S.S. 6, E. and W. Wawanosh; Karen Anderson, S.S. 5, Morris. Public Speaking, Grades 7 and 9, Doreen Howatt, U.S.S. 6, E. and W. 3 and 5, Anne Linda Coultes, Black, S.S. 13, Wawanosh; John Bylsma, Belgrave; Margaret Wightman, Belgrave; Ron­ nie Jopes, Belgrave. Spelling Match, Helen Whitehead, 5.5, 7S Morris; Margaret Wightman, Belgrave; John, Finelon, U.S.S. 7, E, and W, Wawanosh; Jim Coultes, S,S. 9, E.W.; Lyle Smith, S.S. 13, E.W.; Bill Thompson, U.S.S. 7, E. and W. Wiv wanosh, Scrap Books pn Our Canadian au­ thors, Janet Beecroft, S.S. 9, E.W.-; Ruth Michie, S.S. 5, Morris; Linda Coultes, S.S. 13, E.W. Highest points in fair, books on natural history donated by T. Eaton Co. Ltd., for girls, Yvonne Rath, S.S. 13, E.W.; for boys, Murray Scott, 5.5. 13, E.W. Highest points, in school work, prize, 3-ring binder donated by Simpson- Sears Co., Helen Whitehead, S.S. 7, Morris. ' , Showmanship, prize, calf halter do­ nated by W. A. Heughan, Wingham, Doreen Howatt, U.S.S. 6, E. and W. Wawanosh. - Rhythm Band numbers, school chorus, boys’ chorus and mass choir numbers completed the evening. The musical' numbers were accompanied by the music supervisor, Mrs. M. Mc­ Dowell and. Miss Margaret Jackson. Trinity Ladies’ Guild The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Angli- The Wingtiam Advance-Times, Wednesday, October IS, 1954 Page Five Over 300 Delegates Register At Annual W.I. Convention minutes, treasur- the ad- can Church met at the home of Mrs. Claire VanCamp for their October meeting on Thursday afternoon, There were fifteen members, one visitor and seven, children present. The president, Mrs. Wm. Brydges, was in charge of the meeting and opened it with a hymn followed by prayer. Mrs. Lawrence Vannan read the Scripture and the secretary, Mrs. Jack VanCamp, read the Mrs. J. C- Nethery gave the er’s report. . Mrs, Mel Bradburn gave dress which was on the early days of the Anglican Church in Belgrave. Mrs. Clare VanCamp was in charge of the music. Plans were made for the annual ba­ zaar, which is to be in November in the United Church basement. —’ meeting closed with prayer by Brydges and lunch was served. Baptismal Service Baptismal service was held in Knox United Church here on Sunday, .Oc­ tober 10, with Rev. Charles D. Cox in charge. Babies baptized were Brian John, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey, and Donald Harvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar. A quartet of George Procter, George Johnston, Bill Coultes and Ross An­ derson, sang a number. The choir also sang an anthem. The Mrs. MERCURY- LINCOLN - METEOR At the sign of your Authorized WHY SAFE BUY MEANS YOUR BEST BUY! 1. NEXT-TO-NEW APPEARANCE X MECHANICALLY RECONDITIONED 3. SAFETY-CHECKED FOR PERFORMANCE 4. GUARANTEED BY YOUR DEALER 5. FINEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY i w Here’s where you can buy with confidence anytime you’re in the market for a good used car or truck. Wise buyers make it a point to know the dealer before they make a deal, and that’s why our reputation is built on a long-term , policy of sales integrity and complete service. If anytime means now for you, call in and let us show you why Safe Buy is your Best Buy! f > > I NOW is -the best mo 1 BEST SELECTIONS * LATEST MODELS • FAIREST PRICES TERMS TO SUIT YOU! Three hundred and thirty delegates the Women's Institute Branch, said” registered when the 14th annual W.I. in her address, “Homemaking is a, convention was held on Thursday and profession as important as teaching; Friday at Memorial Hall, Ontario and we must give it dignity and Agricultural College. They came from ■ status”'. She urged the women to ’ give mere time to the Institute. Mrs. Gordon McPhatter, president of F.W.I.O., gave a report of her first year as president. She told the audi­ ence that in addition to five regional scholarships which had been set up^ enough interest had accrued to es­ tablish a scholarship for a student from Jamaica. Her announcement of' the Korean Relief project to which the members had contributed amounting to $7,021.86 was received with applause. $3000.00 of this amount will be spent on sewing machines and looms and the remaining amount invested in a. building to be used as a service centre- in Korea. A distinguished guest was Mrs, Nancy Adams of Sasketchewan, who is president of F.W.I.C. In her address Mrs. Adams challenged the women' across Canada to help in the constant fight for freedom. "If I didn’t feel that women had a most important role to play in the world today I would not be so many thousand miles from home and family”, the speaker said. Mrs. Kate Aitken, Toronto, famous’ radio commentator, was guest speaker at the banquet held in Norfolk Unit­ ed church and attended by 500. Mrs. Aitken spoke of her early life spent in Guelph and recalled happy mem­ ories of her childhood. She compared the women, of Canada with those of other countries she had visited and said that Normandy, Sweden, Den­ mark and Finland could boast of the keenest female minds. India also is coming ahead in leaps and bounds. She closed her remarks by sayk’g the problems of the world would be solved if women could have faith, work, courage and the gif£ of prayer. Mrs. Hammond presented Mrs. Aitken with a gift on behalf of the delegates. Guests were welcomed to the ban­ quet by Rev. Bruce Hall, minister of the church, and Mayor Harry Worton- Mrs. R. D. Hendry, of Galt, board, director of F.W.I.O, replied. Mr. and Mrs. Millar Hammond also Mrs. Dron, all of Moorefield,' provided music. Mrs. Marjorie Banks, a delegate to Uni,ted Nations, gave an able address on Friday morning stressing the im­ portance of study and support for that body which is working for peace. Mrs. Ford Sudden gave humorous readings. Mrs. M. Hoover delighted the audience with her chalk talk. Dr. Margaret McCready, principal of Mac­ Donald Hall, told of her work and expressed appreciation of the never failing interest of the Institutes in the students. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton of Blue­ vale presented the list of officers and. Miss Lewis took charge of elections' as follows: Past president, Mrs. Ford Sudden, Galt; pres., Mrs. Alex Ham­ mond, Moorefield; 1st vice president, Mrs. Norman Smith, Shallow Lake; 2nd vice president, Mrs. E. V. Thomp­ son, Arris, R.R. 2; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Edgar Chalmers, Poole; Conven­ tion secretary, Mrs. W. J. Small, R.R. 5, Guelph; Board directors: Sub. Div. 10, Mrs. R. D. Hendry, Galt; Sub 11, Mrs. W. A. Davidson, Chatsworth; Sub. 12, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton,. Blucvale. the combined districts of Halton, Waterloo, North and South; Welling­ ton South, North and Centre; Grey South; Perth North; centre Huron East; Bruce North East and South. The theme for the two-day meeting was “There is no defeat except from within”, and was ably dealt with by chairman Mrs. Alex Hammond, of Moorefigld.6 The delegates were wel­ comed by Dr. McLauchlin, president of the O.A.C. Rev. W. A. Young led in a sing song at each session and was accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Kidd at the piano and Mr. Kidd organist. A humorous skit depicting the Flutter' Mutter Institute, with twelve mem­ bers taking part, was enjoyed as were prize-winning pictures in the Salada Tea contest^ and the handicraft win­ ners in competition for a summer out­ fit for a six year old girl. The pic­ tures were Canadian landscape in oils. Miss Anna P. Lewis, director for THIS WEEK’S 1953 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Two-tone Embassy Brown Metallic Tahiti Tan_top. Slip Covers, Custom radio, very low J ~' mileage. A premium car .................. 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN Fresh Air Heater. Excellent in every respect. Finished maroon ....... 1953 METEOR SEDAN Air conditioning . heater, two-tone Automatic Transmission, Slip Covers Don’t miss this one .............................. 1953 FORD CUSTOM COACH Air conditioning heater. A snappy d* 1 K two-tone finish. Custom radio ............ MHW/U 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN Fresh-air heater, slip covers. Finished 1 Q Dark Blue. A drive will sell you ......... M* A 1951 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Air-conditioning heater. Finished in two-tone Blue. Custom Radio, Overdrive Transmis- d* 1 OQ C sion. Very clean nside and out ........... A m w 1951 FORD SEDAN Air-conditioning theater, Sun Visor, Cus- (t 1 1 Q E tom Radio. Maroon finish. A good car 1 1 «> 1951 METEOR COACH Finished in light blue. Air-conditioning heater. Custom Radio. A standout in “Pep”, “Power” and “Personality”..................... 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN Air-conditioning Heater, Slip Covers. Very clean inside and out. .................... 1950 PONTIAC COACH Finished light Blue, fresh air heater. Don’t miss this beauty........................... 1948 FORD COACH Heater. Finished Black. O.K. in every respect. A real Buy..................... 1952 MERCURY Half-ton Pick-up. Heater. Greein. 1952 MERCURY 3-ton Chassis and Cab. 1950 MERCURY 3-ton Box and hoist. 1948 FARGO 1-ton, Heater. Finished red. 1947 INTERNATIONAL 3-to;n chassis, cab. Good one. 1947 HUDSON Half-ton Pick-up. Heater, radio. 1947 CHEVROLET 2-ton Chassis and cab. $1775 $1725 Blue finish $1750 $1175 YOU CAN DEPEND ON THESE LATE MODEL BEAUTIES JUST TRADED IN FOR NEW METEORS AND MERCURYS SAFE BUY Used LTD Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Dealer - Mercury Trucks &Telephone 459 Wingham, Ont. Morris Council Bans Pheasant Shooting The Morris Council met in the township hall on October 5th with all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Stewart Procter and Ross Duncan.- . ElSton - Shortreed—That we give' the usual grant of $25.00 to the North Huron Plowman’s Association. Car­ ried. Duncan - Shortreed—That we give a grant of $25.00 to the Belgrave Community Centre. Carried. Shortreed - Elston—That we have the reading of the engineer's report on the Lamont Drain on October 10 at 8 p.m. Carried. Elston - Procter- That the nomin­ ation be held on November 26 and the election if necessary, on Decem­ ber 6. Carried. Elston - Duncan—That By-Law No. 9. 1954 prohibiting the shooting of pheasants in the Township of Morris be passed as read the first, second and third times. Carried. Shortreed - Procter—That the meet­ ing adjourn to meet again on Novem­ ber 1, 1954 at 1 p.m. Carried. vThe following accounts were paid: The ratepayers on the Kelly Drain,. Government grant $1468.40; L. EL Cardiff, grant to Plowmen’s Associ­ ation, $25.00; Emma Johnston, turkey’s killed, $44.72; Dr. McLennan, diagnos­ ing injured cattle, $7.00; Herbert Garniss, valuator’s fees, $1.60; Town­ ship of Turnberry, Messer Drain, $234.12; L. Vannan, grant to Belgrave Community Centre, $25.00; C. T. Dav­ idson, Bonds on Tax Collector, $11.55; J. A. Gray, Blyth District Fire* Area, $76.00; Municipal World, supplies, $4.04; Advance-Times, advertising; $1,86; John R. VanCamp, sidewalks in Belgrave, $637.03; Geo. Radford, Blyth Creek, $205.00; James A. Howes, part fees on Lamoht Drain, $200.00; Ed* Garniss, Lamoht Drain, $4.00; Ear? Seller's, Lamont Drain, $10.00; Ross Button, Lamont Drain, $8.00; Wm. Elston, Lamont Drain, $6.00. RoaM $3,283.82. Bailie Parrott jReeve, Geo. C. Martin, Oldrfo