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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-13, Page 4
JPfcqte JFour The Whigham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October & Reminiscing M FORTY YEARS AGO Clint Godwin CONGRATULATIONS. CHAMPIONS! Once again it’s our pleasant privilege to congratulate Winghani boys on the acquisition of another Ontario championship. This time it’s the Ontario Juvenile “C” OASA title, and it’s the fourth Ontario championship to be won by Wingham in the past two years. Many of the boys who are on the winning team this year were members of last winter’s midget hockey team and last summer’s midget softball club. The majority of the team members seem to be equally proficient at hockey and softball, and the citizens who formed a voluntary welcoming and celebrating committee for the occasions on which the boys win championships, seem to have landed a permanent semi-annual job. Wingham is proud of ‘this group of boys who have wun so many honors. It is proud, too of the team’s coach and manager. Vie Luughlean, 1 ’ ’ ...........* ‘ \ bring’ the bovs to their present peak of perfection. Dominion l-or. even more important than winning, the bo>> ha\eldent „.hIle fllUng ui;t el,sas„uc„1 at shewn themselves to be sportsmen ami gentlemen m tnejthe Dunnviiie Fair. The balloon had z.,.,, i,,.. W »k„ lx-,m-i * 'been cut loose in the usual mannertru-i >eu>e oi me w oui. « , , . . .... . . ,, , . . , land had risen some fifty teet wheng OllgratmatlonS. Cdaiupiotl>. rOpe attaching the parachute to] • the balloon broke and as the; distance was too short for the parachute to ] act, the balloonist shot to the ground Ilike a plummet. On being picked up and a medical examination perform ed. it was found that the extent of her injuries were a broken ankle, I over Canada. ] two broken ribs and a severe shaking | Clint's a native of up. That Miss DeVonda escaped in- Saskatchewan, thereby reversing the ------; L ...2-----1--- -- L j tributed to the life preserver which j she wears while making her ascen- . . . - ] sions.the £aet that parents must see that their . On Wednesday nigl!t some person chi'drCU obey the directions 01 those engaged m tratiiclor persons entered the store of Mr. patrol work.’ Otherwise the whole saletv program will l. a. Grisdaie, Lower Wingham, and •* , ' I carried off a quantity of soap, to-CO11 V to liaugnt. . -bacco. etc. The entance was effected The responsibility oi seeing that children cross atjthrough the window at the rear of patrolled crossings and keep to the sidewalks of town ishjy store. Goods to the amount of the responsibility of parents, and no amount of safety taken- - - - - ■ - * " * j service to North Huron Tele- i phone subscribers was in bad shape I for a few days early in the week. The ’ trouble was caused by work on the | cables in town and was remedied as i early as possible. The management | was sorry for the interruption in ser- | vice and some was remedied as early ? as possible and it is hoped that sub- ’ scribers will in future receive "best kind of service. Thumbnail Sketches » * A slick swindler is operating in Ontario. Upon entering a town he lays in a supply of small glasses, cost ing 10 cents each, These he fills With earth into which he places a couple of short stalks of milkweed or any other plant, .and then anoints the earth with attar of roses. He is now prepared to furnish customers with shoots from the celebrated “Ceylon Rose” at $1.50 each, and does it as fast as he can handle them. Those people who do not read their local paper are generally the first to get bitten. Dorothy DeVonda, the famous lady balloonist, who! made the sensationalwho has done so much to-ascension and parachute drops at ■' ‘ ’ Day celebration at with a serious acci- isr her engagement at champions ’ & A GOOD IDEA Police Chief Bert Plan’s ne\\ h‘instituted safety patrol program will be a good thing tor the town, and should do much to alleviate the ever-present risk of accidents with children on the town’s streets. The Chief is to be eonj^ gratulated on starting a safety program which has beenUtant death is miraculous and is at- badly needed in town for some time. _ • > Now that the safety patrol has been organized, therei still remains Perhaps you don t recognize him on the street, but you’ve probably heard bis voice over the air on stat ion CKNX. That confident and well- modulated voice is the twenty year's experience result of in radio all Marienthal, .........— i---=.............. -...........- - sidewalks Ot town is|tll<? Store. Goods to the amount of .. I patrols will have.any effect it the parents lose sight of thisl fact. ' .. w . T5 ; > s:. ~ . SHOULD BE EASY > The industrial position of small towns must be irn-j proved if Canada is to continue to grow and expand, an! Ontario trade and industry expert said recently. lie added’ that last year out of 13b new Ontario industries, 110 of« them located in the cities, and said that he thought the- small centres have not been receiving a fair share of new, TO^XTr.Fn’E years ago T XU J 3 ^1*1 We should think this would be easv to arrange. After Xo s£ardin= events happened all. the Ontario g'overmuent has a planning department jcouncil on Monday night, The-Mayor Which We presume is for the express purpose Ot assist- ] reported thatja joint meeting of the ingf industries to locate in the most advantageous places; Executive ana the uuimes Oommis- r - 4 sion. the offer of Russell Consiruc-Ir it is government policy to decentralize, as we are DiteiMt|on co., of Toronto, ©f 33,000 to drive told, then it should be a fairly simple matter to steer] piles at the dam, was accepted, these industries towards the Smaller Centres. ] The members of United Church When all the small towns in Ontario get onlv 26 new^w^-s”. 01611, husoaLds 84143 industries out Ot a total Ot lob. It would seem to US tliatjthe school room on Friday evening, government plans for decentralization are not pruceedingiOctober 4th, to do honor to ^tiss verv rapidly . ’Caroline Wellwood, our missionary in < China, on the occasion of her birth- ‘ ] day anniversary. BROTHERSJN-ARMS 1 Mrs. R. E. Hamilton, Mrs. Talbot and sons, John and Alex, of Grand A’alley, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. jW. R. Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean, of Ar thur. and Miss Harriet Carruth, of Harriston spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McLean. ^Mr. Alex McGregor has disposed of his fine farm in Culross to Holmes * D - 0 - 9 role of so many people who started in Wingham and ended up in Sask atchewan. His father was a traveller for the John Deere Tractor Company, and as a child Clint lived in quite a few small towns in the West before going to the big city, in this ease,' Brandon, Manitoba, In 1934 he got a part time job with radio station CKN in Brandon, doing odd jobs and character bits for a drama series, on that station. It was. duping the didn't find part time work a^ very sustaining other work of a more menial nature, such as dishwashing to help keep depression, and Clint program. He obtained body and soul together until radio recognized him with a full-time job. Two years later he was rewarded with the position of transmitter op erator, announcer, and, with the ex ception of the War, he’s been in radio every since, Clint recalls that radio was in its infancy in those days. Everybody had. to be able to do any job on the stat ion, and the whojfe staff, excepting the man on the 'transmitter, used to knock off for lunch and supper. Following a hitch with CKX, Clint was sccessively with pqdio stations in Winnipeg; Yorkton, Sask.,' Kenora, Fort William and Sault Ste. Marie, gradually working his way east, as it were. In 1942 he joined the R.C.A.F, as a navigator, but was later grounded and given the job of flying control officer. He helped organize the land search and rescue organization in Canada, with headquarters in Van couver. Later he acted in the same capacity on. the Northwest Staging Route, based on Edmonton, and carrying on rescue operations as far away as Whitehorse and Aklavik, and on the east coast at Greenwood, N.S. He was finally posted overseas and engaged in flying control operation work^with a search and rescue fighter wing’ in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. He returned from overseas in 1946. Following the war he worked on stations in Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie, St. John, Halifax and Woodstock, as well as a brief session in the United States, before coming ,to Wingham, last spring. . Clint is an ardent and will probably be the long, low, lean driving when he first came to town, ahd for the sporty-looking MG sedan which followed. His wife, who works at the Public Utilities office, is the , former Jean Lambert, of Deer Island, New Bruns wick. 15 \‘ sports car fan, remembered for Jaguar he was the I [ at own Looks as if Canadian veterans are a little behind the] times. Some of them are getting all worked up about the, release of Nazi General Kurt Meyer. Others are alarmed? and despondent because German soldiers, who fought and; killed Canadians on the battlefields of Europe, are quail-1 fying as brothers-in-arms by joining the Canadian ArmyJ Don't let it throw vou. fellows. Things are a bit ----------------- , more complicated now than they were m the dayb whenjvalaahIe property success this all we had to do was beat the Germans—or else. And at I prosperous family, we welcome Mr. least army authorities aren’t letting the new recruits ivear ?and Mrs- McGregor to town, their Iron Crosses. „ J On Friday afternoon. Mrs. Thos. mi, ,,, I, slnw Abell was hostess at a trousseau teaThtse modem ,lend* ^oax De vOlltU.in^. they jgiven in honor Of her daughter. Miss CVCn have you. wonciernig' what all the HISS was about Bessie, whose marriage is to take in 1914 and 1939, things being the wav thev are todav. ’place this week. Those who assisted But. in the words of rhe song, you'll'get used'to it. XX? And If you can’t, put it down to the fact that all of US iringville. and Miss Satah McLean, of “sweats". '14 or '39. are getting old. . wingham. Mrs. A. Ney, of Seb- 0 - 0 - 0 SOMETHING WINGHAM NEEDS Catherine Keating You know, our town council, and a' haps after one or two drownings, lor of our well-known1 citizens are ’ take place, this town will sit up and perfectly satisfied with this little ■ take notice. Wingham of ours. For a town whose Anyone who has ever done any population stni hasn't . reached the swimming at the upper dam, here in 3000 mark, we have just about every-. Whigham, knows that it is no place thing a small community could ask fOr snlall children, especially those WESTERN CULTURE Others Opine tiHiiiaiiim • • • ; •w TALK IS CHEAP—BUT NOT ON PAPER From time to time we have the unpleasant task of explaining to some in*- dividual why we did not publish the lengthy report submitted. This is quite prevalent during the fall.and winter months. Approximately $15,000 is required to produce 2000 copies of The Chronicle each week for a year, This figures out to about $6.35 per column pr almost a cent a word.When a report of a meeting occupies half a column it means $2.67 must comp from advertising or subscription revenue. Some readers tell us to publish an extra page, but there are no nine-page newspapers. It is necessary to extend to ten pages and to publish the extra two pages requires another $74.9Q.It would be easy to publish everything sent in—excepting for space limita tions. When your press reporter tells us: “The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, and the Queen and grace closed the meeting. ..." That costs The Chronicle another 19 cents,—Durham Chronicle.** SO1T' TROOPS DIE FIRST Korea seems to have taught U. S. "military men something that they should never have forgotten from pioneer times, namely that soldiers must be tough. In Canada nursemaiding of troops perhaps has not gone to the same lengths as in the United States. Maybe we just haven’t had the money to throw around, or perhaps our greater'experience in the'earlier and; less vic torious parts of the two world wars has made us more cautious about over loading with luxuries. Nevertheless as anyone who will compare living con-> ditions in the first world wai* with the second will testify, we have been lean ing in the same direction: both in supply and recruiting policy. Perhaps we too should re-examine our tactics. •—Financial Post. FOUND AT LAST When the chairman of the Ontario tlydro Commission has been talking about “your” Hydro we have often wondered where his remarks were dir ected. On many occasions he has been quoted as saying there will be no rate increases. Somewhere most Hydro users gained the impression that the changeover to 60 cycle would not cost them anything. In the past two years, however, there has been an overall increase of approximately 15% to most Hydro consumers in Ontario. Like most folks we sometimes wondered if it was “our” Hydro to which Mr. Saunders referred. Now we know one of the communities in Ontario to which the chairman had reference. In Wingham a rate reduction of 9% will go into effect immed iately. We’ve always felt that Mr. Saunders was not a man to make rash statements and we were therefore pleased, to locate the Ontario municipality which fitted into his assertions of no rate increases. We wonder if there are any other municipalities in Ontarfo in the same favorable position as the Wingham users of “your” Hydro?.—Acton Free Press # ❖ * THE FRIENDLY WAVE When we were kids we took every opportunity to go down to the railway tr^ck. to watch the trains pass through. As the thundering engine rushed by the engineer never failed to wave his hand in greeting. z At the lake, when boats pass by, there is always an immediate response to the friendly wave. Did you ever see a scowl on a man’s face as he raises his hand in greet ing? No—there is just a broad grin. There is another wave of friendship which we motorists can well heed. Have you ever stopped to let another motorist out of a side street or lane, where he has been- stranded due to the continuous flow of traffic? As he pulls out in front of you he acknowledges your courtesy with a friendly wave., When the position is reversed and Some kind motorist gives you a break, you immediately respond to his consideration by a smile and a wave. Oun highways would be safer and our lives more pleasant and cheerful, if all obeyed, the' golden rule of the friendly wave—a greeting of friendship, tolerance and thoughtfulness of others.—Blenheim News-Record, population still hasn't , reached the s, UW. -..... ——. ’’ — —— „ —--------------- ----- - x.XglidXXl, xv.iv.va VX1C.U AU A^ Al. thing a small community could ask fOr sniali children, especially for- jwha can’t swim. A pool would solve We have beautiful churches, mod- the problems of undercurrents, deep era schools, a wide variety of rec re-J water, disease, etc, and the same life- 1 ationel facilities' such as artificial, guard would go along with the pool, ice. hall diamonds, a golf course, and ‘ of course. Ffer a town the size of other privately-owned places of en- ‘ Wingham, surely more could be done teriainment. for the safety and health of But for a thriving town like this, children, there is one thing lacking and that Nearly everyone sets up a thing is a swimming pool. This past1 about the cost of a pool, but what is summer, after a number of near-fat- that compared to the life of even attips .a great step was taken for the one of our boys’ or girls? A few safety of Wingham’s small fry. Theyears ago- the town was well able to services of a life-guard were procur- ' afford a recreational director and afe ed to dismiss the fears of the parents that time he was considered some- ■of children whom swam in our Matt-. what of a necessity. Wingham- has no land river. shortage of service clubs and inter Complaining won’t do much good ested individuals who could make a now, but the life-guard wasn’t hired real success of “Operation Swimming until after the river water had be- Pool” if just given a push; wirne so- dirty and the fear of polio ’ October may seem rather an odd had become so -strong that no one' time of year to be talking about swam in the river anyway. Artificial swimming pools but wouldn’t it be a ice never seemed too big a project for ■ good idea- to get it started' right this town and we do hate_to be put away? to shame by smaller communities All it takes is a few people who are close by who are able to afford such interested in the welfare and happi- a luxury as a swimming pool. Per- ■ ness of our citizens of tomorrow. i the howl The new lanolin-wave HOME PERMANENT, so quick it named itself! This is IT! Piefc the Quick that's right for you • Super • Regular • Gentle • by RICHARD HUDNUT noli ze d ten minute waving lotion i Contains lanolin—^no risk of dry dullness when you use Quick’s waving lotion. Quick curls are soft, shiny, easy to manage. Faster—short hair takes one hour, including everything: winding, waving, neutralizing. Easy as pie! Just wind, wave, neutralize. And what a neutralizer ... it vitalizes, too. Make* curls livelier, longer-lasting in one Quick step. Pick QUICK if you want a longer lasting, livelier wave that you can’t tell from naturally curly hair! j FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Acmlunn* Awards may come and go but in Wingham J two local pair of bowlers took] The anparenth. ‘he Western movie goes on fur ever. And thelpart in B10 douhies at Han- reason mr this is uie simple tact that to many oi the active ;Crawford ^ning fourth prize, movie-goers in the district the old oat opera is the height! of celluloid endeavour. We’re not particularly partial selves, hut perhaps that's 1: can always remember, albeit dimlv, the da vs when men, j Mr. G. R.. Scott, of town, was re cently honored at the Listowel office to horse-ttionies OUT-j of the Prudential Insurance Company because we’re old-fashioned. WeIXvh'6n he was presented with his five year certificate and button. Mr. Ro land S. Barber, superintendent of were mem when Western heroes such as Tom Mix, Buck!the Stratford district, made the pre swept across the station. as such men of action should be. There Clayton Fryfogie has had two acci- Jones, Ken Maynard and Tim McCoy screen, as silent were no talkies in those days. Your modern cowboy is a sissy by comparison. Not' only does he tote a guitar, but he has the temerity to sing to it We doubt if some of them can ride a horse, let alone fan a six-shooter. Wingham’s taste in movies may be deplored in some circles, but there is one thing you can say about it. At least Jesse James sand the Daltons are just .as popular as Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. Published at Wingham, Ontario Wenger Brothers, Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, Editor Member Audit Bureau -of Glfttdatloti Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Dept .Rate ■i— One Year $2.50, Six Months $1.25 lit advance S. year ; Foreign. 'Rate $3.50 per year Advertising 'Rates on application * dents while showing his horses at : fairs this year. At Ripley he was I thrown out when a wheel of the buggy buckled, wrenching his side.f At Owen Sound, whille driving “David Guy*’ his speedy sorrel, he was thrown between the buggy and horse. The horse was travelling at full speeci and the hoofs kept pound ing his as it sped along the back, stretch. Clayton talked to the horse and eventually got it to stop but. not before he was badly bruised and cut up about the legs. He was up and about a few days after the accident. Mr. Goldie Buckingham, visited over the week-end in Mount Forest. Several carloads of friends motored, to Grand Valley on Tuesday to at tend the funeral of the late Mrs. W. Logan Craig. Misses Norma Coutts, Isobel Fowler and Ferrol Higgins attended the Tea chers* Convention en route to New York and the World’s Fair last week.’ I We notice that the citizens of Tor-' are quiet dells canopied by lofty trees (onto have finally discovered autumn..' •I Or at least an enterprising daily-l j newspaper of that city has done at l ;for them. f Toronto Telegram, which j seems to have a new gimmick up its sleeve every week, has come out with] a planned autumn color tour, com-] jplete with map and built-in eon ven-1 I iences. All you have to do is follow j ! the red arrows there and back. En I I rbute you’ll find that Telegram’s out-] door editor to tell you about the out-{ doors, an ornithologist to tell you about any birds you might see and -w color photographer to tell you how to. take pictures. There’s even a church service along the way for those#*Wlfo like to go to Sunday church and have their too. 0-0-0 the Telegram’s point of view, see that the idea is a rather drive From we can good one. No doubt about it, it does add interest to the paper. How-to-db- it features are pretty sure-fire these days, and there’s no reason at all why the theme How to Go on a Sun day Drive wouldn’t be just as popular,, say, as an article on How to Build a Four-Place Cabin Cruiser# The paper’s readers seemed to like it anyway. Approximately ten thous and of them were reported to have taken the tout last week. 0 - C ■- '0 Nobody Is mote partial to Sunday drives than we are, especially In the fall, but speaking for ourselves, we can see a slight flaw in this one. Seems to us people. According where only a waterfall or a blue "jay break the silence”. We doubt it. We can picture ten thousand cars, or was it people, roaring through those quiet dells, kids screaming, horns blaring, Hollywood mufflers burbling. We doubt if you could see the lofty trees for dust. And what bluejay would stay around with that now going On? 0-0-0 ] Of course Toronto folk live under i certain difficulties, and perhaps they" don’t mind the crush. It doesn’t much matter where they go—it’s going to be bumper-to-bumper any way. So perhaps they might just as well be going in groups of ten thous and along the Telegram’s Autumn Color Tour as anywhere else. Sunday drivers are much the same within a radius of sixty Toronto. anywhere miles of 0 -10 - 0 there would be too many to the Telegram “there Personally, with all due respect to the Telegram editorial offices, We like to plan our own Autumn Color Tours. There isn’t much planning to them, actually, except that we head the car in a general pre-ordained directiori. Apart from that we dike to travel We're perts But tours, Wingham Arc aware Of the fact that there’s some pretty nice autumn col or right Around town. You don’t need a newspaper, a map or any dir ections. Just take any road leading out of town. as the spirit moves us. Perhaps allergic to red arrows ahd ex- planted along the way. reading about the Telegram’s we wonder if the people of KERR’S DRUG STORp QUALITY MEDICINES ' JLjl K>4 Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity LOYALTY SUNDAY 8.30 a.m#—Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Loyalty Service 2.00 p.m.—Visitors meet .at Church 2.30 p.m.—Visitation of the homes 2.30 p.m.—Church School *5.00 p.m.^—Visitors return to Church 7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer withdrawn for Anniversary Service in St. Andrew’s • Presbyterian Churcln * * ♦ Moil., Oct, 18th—8.00 p.m, sharp—•Evening Guild meets at the Church. «■»