HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-13, Page 2ff’age Two The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 13, 1954 • NEWS OF GORRIE Women’s Institute Sponsors Hot Supper, Variety Program On Friday evening the Gorrie Wo, men’s Institute served a hot supper and later a variety program was pre­ sented in the Community Hall, Mr. E. H. Strong was chairman. Those taking part were Ella Lamb­ kin, Fern Bast, Marguerite Byers, Irma Klink and Yvonne Sparling in a Bubble song; Corrinne Rhame, violin selections accompanied by Mrs. Harry Rhame; Evelyn Simmons and Horne Seifert, duet, accompanied by Mrs. L. Seifert; Mrs. John Baylor, readings; instrumental music, Mr. August Timm, Sandra Yvonne duet, accompanied by Mrs. Clarence Sparlig; Marlene Feigel, solo; Mrs. JEIarold Pollock and Mrs. Anson Eemerling, members of the Fordwich W. I. a skit^ A feature’* of the program was a style show with costumes dating ; instrumental Keil, Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLennan, and Faye Edgar, Sparling and Irma Sam solos; duet; Klink, FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holmes Listowel MEN NEEDED To help take care of our expansion program. Ages 25 to 60. with car, neat appearance and good character. If your present earnings are not enough for present-day living costs, why not let me come to your home and discuss the possibilities’ of bettering yourself? Interview in the presence of your wife preferred. Our company are leaders in their particular line in the electrical appliance industry and are willing to invest $10,000.00 to start the right man up in business for himself with no investment on his part. This is not a salaried job but offers employment with no lay-offs and exceptional earnings. Apply Box 66 Advance-Times the ST. HELENS I k I i loOl o at any branch of . and contests. was served to conclude Advertiser* are invited to ask for a copy of our latest A.B.C. report,' This newspaper Is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. / Till More than 650 Branches across Canada from 1880 to a wedding gown of 1954, modelled by members of the Gorrie W. I. Mrs. Pearl Kaine was commen­ tator. Women’s Auxiliary St. Stephen’s W. A. ipet at the home of Mrs. Ernest King, for their October meeting Thursday afternoon. The work of the afternoon was quilt­ ing, Mrs. Harry King, vice-president, presided for a short business and de­ votional service, leading in a prayer of Thanksgiving. All joined in the Lord’s prayer and the member’s prayer. Mrs. Geo. King presented minutes of the last meeting. Every member responded to the roll call “Whfc,t the W. A. means to Me,” and many in­ teresting and inspiring thoughts were brought out. Mrs. T. R. Bennett read a Psalm of Thanksgiving. Mrs. Norman Wade read some Thanksgiv­ ing poems by Grace Noel Crowell. Mrs. Harry King read a poem and closed the meeting with the benedic­ tion. Refreshments were served by the hostess with Mrs. Ernest Harris as­ sisting. Gorrie Girl Honored in Toronto Misses Betty Wylie and Joan Chap­ lin, of * Toronto, shower pesday, Carson, of the School On Thursday evening, Mrs. Ern Robbins, Toronto, entertained at her home. Miss Romelda Taylor, Wing­ ham, Mrs. Reta Carson, Mrs. Irving entertained at a at the latter’s home on Wed- October 6th, for Eleanore Those present were members staff of Williamson Road where Eleanore taught. Mrs. Toner, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Carson and Mr. Arthur Gibson attended. Mrs. Reginald Hobbs Pearl Sadie Harrison, wife of Regi­ nald Hobbs, pf Preston, died at St, Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener, on Wed­ nesday night in her 50th year. She was born in Gorrie, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Har­ rison, and resided here until moving to Preston 12 years ago. Her husband survives, also a dau­ ghter, Mrs. Samuel (Jean) Pinkerton, Preston; a son, Stanley, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Robt. Fleming, Galt ancTMrs. Matilda Hall, of Saskatoon; five brothers, Herman, Breslau; Rob­ ert, Wm. and Lloyd, Gorrie, and Mel­ vin of Peston. A son Elmer, died in 1932. Funeral service was at the Galt Tabernacle on Saturday and inter­ ment was in the Gorrie cemetery. Presbyterian Anniversary The 73rd. anniversary of the pre­ sent Presbyterian Church in Gorrie, was observed on Sunday when large congregations were present for morn­ ing and evening services. The special speaker for the day was the Rev. C. A. McQarrol, of Knollwood Park Presbyterian Church, London, a for­ mer minister. There was special music by the choir of the church with Miss Mar­ garet Heibein, ‘organist. Selections , by the male quartette, “No One Cares Like Jesus” and “There is a Beauti­ ful Land’’ were enjoyed. United Church Anniversary On Sunday, October 17th, the Gor­ rie United Church will hold their anniversary services at-. 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The Rev. D. J. MacRae, of Wingham, will be the guest speaker. Baptisms On Sunday morning last the Rev. W. J. V. Buchanan received the fol- lowing infants baptism: Barry and Mrs. Tom Robert, son of Grainger; Gary and Mrs. Wm, Thornton. Wedding Anniversary We extend best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary which they celebrated on Saturday evening, when over 30 relatives gath­ ered at their home. The couple were recipients of various lovely gifts. Friends Fete Bri(le-to-Be Mrs. Wm. Smith entertained in honour of Miss Eleanor Edgar, bride- to-be at a pantry shower on Thurs­ day evening, when over thirty ladies attended. A social evening was enjoyed with readings Lunch evening. into the church by Thomas, son of Mr. O’Krafka; Murray Mr. and Ms. Alvin William, son of Mr. held at autumn in Nov- Octo- th& Chas. Mrsi They BllIEHLE United Church W. A. The Women’s Association met in the IJnited Church on October 7th, the president, Mrs. Stanley Darling, presiding, A vote of thanks was tendered the committee, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. J. Wickstead and' Mrs. Chas. Bosman, for their efforts tyi securing suitable carpet for the rostrum of the church. After routine business was disposed of, arrangements were made for hold­ ing a bazaar in October and commit­ tees were appointed, 'W. M. S. Meets The W.M.S, met in the United Church on October 7th, in charge of the president, Mrs. Milton Fraser. Mrs. S. Darling and Mrs. Alex Mc- Crackin were appointed delegates to the W.M.S. convention to be Ethel on October 14th. It was decided to hold the thank-offering meeting early ember. The W.M.S. will entertain the Baby Band and Mission Band in late ber. Mrs. Wickstead introduced study program on India, Mrs. Bosman, Mrs. B. Garniss and M. Fraser also' taking part, told how missionary enterprise is changing social customs, providing education, medical treatment hospitalization, also training in cultural methods. There is a crying need for. doctors, and nurses in a country where only one trained nurse is avail­ able for 43,000 people. W. I. October Meetig The Women’s Institute will meet at the home of. Mrs. Gordon Mundell on Thursday, October 14th, when Mrs. J. Wickstead will speak on “Flowers.” Presbyterian Mission Band The October meeting of the Pres-, byterian Mission Band was held in the Sunday School room with the president, Elaine Burton, in charge. The singing of the hymn, “When He Cometh” was followed by prayer by Gail Kirton. Phyllis Grant read the Scripture from Psalm 123. Fol­ lowing the reading of the minutes and treasurer’s report, the offering was taken by Francis Paulin, ’with Doris Paulin giving the offertory prayer. Mrs. Gordon Mundell presided for the study program. All repeated the Mission Band motto, "The World for. Christ’’. Mrs. Mundell told1 further stories of Joseph with the aid of flannelgraphs. This was followed by and agri- more CWL Presents Medal To Member Leaving The C,WfU held its meeting in the parish hall on Tuesday evening, Mrs, C. Borhp, president, opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Pete Mc­ Donald gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Frank Caskanette read the re­ port of the treasurer. It was decided to send a bale, of clothing in the neai" future. A letter was read by the president from C.N.I.B., and the meeting de­ cided to donate $5.0Q. After discus­ sion it was decided that more of the members should attend the sewing at the hospital. Prior to Mrs.. T, Rafferty’s removal to Kitchener she was presented with a miraculous medal and sterling sil­ ver chain. Mrs. Chris Newman read the address and Mrs. Joseph Brophy made the presentation,. Mrs. Rafferty graciously thanked the League mem­ bers and, wished them continued suc­ cess in all their future projects. The meeting closed with prayer by the president and a dainty lunch was served, by the executive. 4 ♦ a contest and. a piano solo by Hugh. Mundell.. The meeting closed with the hymn “Blest be the Tie that Binds’* and the repeating of the Mizpah benedic.- tion. Presbyterian W. M. S. The first autumn meeting of the Presbyterian W. M. S. was held in the school room of the church on Thurs­ day afternoon, with Mrs. Roy Turvey presiding. Mrs. Bernard Thomas read the 23rd. psalm and gave the comments. Others taking part were Mrs. Walter Smillie, Mrs. Andrew Lamont, Mrs. Cloyne Higgins and Mrs. Burns Mof­ fatt. Two; bales were sent this month, one to Korea, and one for an Indian student. " Appropriate hymns were sung with Mi’s. Higgins at the piano. Gave Thanksgiving'Message Rev. R. A. Brook gave a message for Thanksgiving in his sermon on Sunday morning urging a thankful spirit for the benefits we enjoy. The choir sang a Thanksgiving anthem. Mr. Edward' McKinley; Knox Coir lege student, preached in the Presby­ terian Churchj on Sunday. | mg a good type o f bird and using good man- | agement methods.. = It also> means.feeding a. good ration because the cost | of feed’, represents a large part of the costs of egg | production. That is why many poultry operators are swinging to SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash for their flocks this season. Since this inew type ration is a “high efficiency” feed it takes less to produce a dozen eggs than on ordinary laying ration. Drop in soon and ask about SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash for your flock. a 1 1 CANADA PACKERS LTD. WINGHAM THE CANADIAN BANK OFCOMMERCE The information the grocer refers to is found in reports issued by .the Audit Bureau of Circulations. This is a. cooperative, nonprofit association of 3,575 publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. The work of- the Bureau js to furnish advertisers with audited informa­ tion about the circulation of its publisher members. At regular, intervals the A.B.C., of which this news­ paper is a member, sends 110 an experienced circulation auditor to make a thorough inspection and audit of our cir­ culation records. The FACTS established by this audit are published in an A.B.C. report which tells you: How much circulation we have; where it goes; how obtained; howi much people pay for out paper;) and many other FACTS that' you need in order to KNOW what you get for your adver­ tising money. Miss Anna Stuart, of Toronto, is a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd, Andrew and Janet and Mary, of Stratford, spent the holiday week-end with Mrs. D. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown and Bob Murdie, of Kitchener, were visitors for the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods and Mrs. Murdie. Mr. Ralph Howlett, of Elora, will be the guest speaker at the anniversary services to be held in the United Church on Sunday, October 24. Mrs. Howlett will be the guest soloist. Mrs. Irvin McCabe, Marion and Bryan, of Windsor, were visitors with relatives here. They were accompan­ ied home by Mr. McCabe, who had spent the week with Mi;. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin. / Miss Mary C. Rutherford, who suf­ fered a severe stroke on Wednes­ day, was removed to the Wingham General Hospital on Sunday. Her. many friends hope for a speedy re­ covery. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Head, Wendy and Paul of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott and Mr. El­ wood Elliott, of Hoyrood, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller. Mrs. W. I, Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller visited on Sunday with Mrs. Gordon McIntyre, who is mak­ ing favorable recovery from a spinal operation in the St. John’s Convales­ cent Home, Toronto. Mrs. T. J. Todd and Miss ISobel Miller visited her on Thursday. “It is my business to give the people of this community the very best in food * values, prompt service, courteous treat- . ment. The kind of merenandise that goes on my shelves has a lot to do with my success, so I buy good products that are made and ...........................itu.packaged in accordance with the well known standards of quality, \\y> weight and measure. Buying and selling on the basis of thepe standards 1^5. / protects my customers and my business.” know from experience that good newspaper advertising is the best way to tell people the news of my store. In my opinion, newspaper advertising ' is not only the most effective way for me to advertise, it is also the safest way. When I spend money in newspaper advertising I make my investment on the basis of verified circulation figures and values that are as well known and important in advertising as the standards of weight and quality that I use in my own business” 4 p 4