HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-06, Page 9NEWS OF WROXETER / Around the Clock SERVICE ' CHUCK’S TAXI Phone 185 Four Winners Within Mile For Turnberry Calf Club At Fair . ............... " . ..I”.... lllllllllll II........■Illllll.............■Illllll......Illllll ........ I.!! Box 473—Letters to the Editor The Whigham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 6th, 1954 Pace N1m» A king-size apple pie weighing over a hundred pounds was recently baked for the Washing­ ton State Apple Blossom Fest­ ival. The specially built alumi­ num pie pan — the largest ever*'’ made — measured eight feet" across. Made us wonder how .big a pie you’d get if all the apple pies baked in one day on regular­ size aluminum' pans were put together. And that brings to mind all the different aluminum cooking utensil? used today in homes and hospitals and res­ taurants ... No wonder Canada is stepping up her production of this light, bright metal to one and a quarter billion pounds a year! Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). r Congratulations to. four members of the Turnherry Calf Club who walked off with prizes at the Hqwiqk ” on Saturday, which was this held at Fprdwich. Ian Mundell, sop of Mr. and Gordon Mundell, took 1st for his and fifth for showmanship. He also won a special' silver tray for having the best yearling calf in the calf qlub. John Mundell, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mundell, took first for his heifer calf and third for showmanship also second for the best yearling calf in the calf club, Marjorie Timm took second place with her Poll Angus calf and Merilyn 3rd prize. All four teenagers live within ap­ proximately one mile. They .are to he congratulated on their success, The progress they have made shows the value of the 4-H club work. Honored on Birthday Honoring Mrs. Jim Doig on the occasion of her birthday, a fowl dinner was served at the home of her daughter’ Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Gal­ braith with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Doig and family and with Mr. and Mrs, Mac Doig and family all -of Drayton as guests. A birthday cake, flowers and gifts added to the happiness of the special day, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doig attended Fair year Mrs. calf ♦ 3 I anniversary services at Molesworth Presbyterian Church in the morning when Rev. Leggatt, pf Arthur, was the speaker. Dinner followed at the Brunswick Hotel. They called on friends during the afternoon and then went to their daughter’s for the family gathering. Mrs. Doig's many friends in the with her family in many happy returns. Birthday Ken Edgar went to Sunday to call on Mathers Avenue, West Vancouver, , September 24, 1954 Editor, Advance Times Dear Sir: London, Canada September 30,1954 to wait get by, weeks, HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT “Immunization Clinic” The first in a series of immuniz­ ation clinics will be held in following schools: S.S. No. 7 Howick (Gorrie) October 8th . S.S. No. 4 Howick October 13th ......J0.00 S.S. No. 14 Howick (Wroxeter) October 15th ...... 10.00 a.m. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or reinforcing inoculation^ for Diph­ theria, ’Whooping Cough, Tetanus, and^Smallpox." community join wishing for her 90th Mr. and Mrs. Molesworth on Ken’s aunt Mrs. Stewart who was celebrating her 90th birthday at the home of her daughter Mrs. Bill Simp­ son. Open house was held in the afternoon and in the evening a re­ ception was held at the home of another daughter, Mrs. Oscar Nichol, of Listowel. Mrs. Stewart is in good health though she has to wear a hearing aid. Three years ago she flew from the west and enjoyed it. Many friends called on this happy occasion. Postpone Meeting Owing to a local tair being held on the regular meeting day of Wroxeter Women's Institute, th.e October meet­ ing will be postponed for one week, to October 13th. The motto, “Every Privi­ lege Carries Responsibilities". Mr. Reg Thompson, of Listowel, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Allen Munro will give the current events and the roll call will be a flower poem. The hostesses will be Mrs. Wm, Hart, Mrs. Roy Hunter and Miss K. Hazelwood. The meeting will be held in the Ma­ sonic club rooms at 2.30 o’clock. My sight is So poor I have for a bright day in order to and this is the first one in That’s why I have been so slow to acknowledge the 75th birthday number of your paper. I was 88 on August 18. I enjoyed the Anniversary number of the Wingham Advance-Times, In my young days those two papers were at each others throats. I remember the early days of Wing­ ham school, when it had only two rooms, with a single board partition between the rooms. I was in that of the principal, a Mr. Molesworth. He looked so funny with his nose shot off. . 10.00 the a.m.t a.m. Make Place Name The Farrish family on Highway 87 between Gorrie and Fordwicb, have just completed a novel place name for their farm. Behind the Maitland River, which crosses the farm, is a steep hill. Here they arranged stones marking the name "Maitland Bend”. A coat of white wash gave effect. The Farrish farm, on- which purebred cattle and chickens are raised, is registered as “Maitland Bend". The place name, made of stones from' theii’ own farm, is quite attractive. Nearly every hour of the day we could hear Mr. Molesworth threaten some pupil with a flogging.' Flogging was the first and last order of the day. , | Wingham had sdme fine men, Mr. Flack, of Lower Wingham, was one of them. John Buchanan, cousin of George Reid, the artist, was another. When I was about eleven years old, I went into his harness shop to pick up some scraps of leather to cover a ball. When he came upon me he said my selection was no good. Too thick and spongy. He picked out something thinner and firmer and also showed me how to stitch on the cover. Respectfully yours, Wm. A. (Bill) Elliott The Editor, Advance-Times, Wingham, Ontario Dear Sir: Feeling that you and your public will be interested in a public meeting that is being held op Friday, October 22, at 3.30 p.m,, at Convocation Hall, University of Western Ontario, Lon­ don, I am enclosing press release. This meeting will take the form of a panel entitled "The Experts Look at 55", and is well timed because it is the season of the year when manu­ facturers, retailers, and all business­ men are beginning to wonder what lies ahead. The meeting will be chaired by Nor­ ris R. Crump, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. The American prospect will be pre­ sented by Professor Kenneth Gal­ braith, professor of' Economics, Grad­ uate School of Public Administration, Harvard University, and former As­ sociate editor of Fortune magazine. The Canadian scene will be dealt with by Dr. O. J. Firestone, director of Economic Research, Department of Trade and Commerce, and Economic advisor to Central Mortgage and Housing, At the end of the discussion, preview copies of the poll of Canadian executive opinion will be distributed and the results will be discussed over coffee. The cost for this feeature will be $1.00 and is open to all interested, even though it does form the first attract­ ion for alumni during homecoming week-end. Yours sincerely, A. Gordon Huson Professor and Editor The Business Quarterly Simcoe Car Recovered As Pair Attempts Theft A 1954 model car was recovered by Constable George Sauchuk, of the Simcoe Police Department before it was reported stolen, On pat/ol, the constable noticed the car in the middle of Grove street at a standstill,8 Two men in the front seat ducked down when they saw the officer. When Constable Sauchuk went to investigate one man ran north on Talbot street and one ran south on Talbot street, The car was owned by Violet May Smith, 106 Stanley street, Simcoe. It had been left parked with the win­ dows rolled down, The two men had asked people to help them push the car to get it started. When Constable Sauchuk arrived, they were attempting to get the car started by joining the wires. Oxford Fund At $84100 The drive for an objective of $1651000 for the Woodstock General Hospital has reached the half-way mark, of­ ficials reported today. A boost of $8,000 was reported by the campaign committee, bringing the total to $84,100. Included is a donation from the Woodstock General Hospital nursing staff for $1,150. WEWS OF FORDW1CH Honour Family Before Moving To New Home in Meaford Sunbeam ELECTRIC RAZOR NOW $29.75 HASELGROVE’S SMOKE SHOP ARMITAGE’S BOND 2 PANTS SUIT SALE STILL ON- » $39.75 Suits plus 29c extra trousers $49.75 Suits plus 29c extra trousers $59.75 Suits plus 29c extra trousers PHONE 172 WINGHAM Annual Convention The annual convention of the North Huron Section Presbyterial will be held in Ethel United Church on Thurs­ day, October 14th, with the morning session at 9.30 o'clock. The theme is "The Christian Mission". Guest speak­ er for the occasion will be Mrs. G. 'A. Wheeble, of London, and soloist, Mrs. Warren Callan, Wingham. . School Nearing Completion The new school at Wroxeter is near­ ing completion. Floor coverings are still to be laid as well as the comple­ tion of some doors and a few other last minute items. The date for the re­ opening has not been set, but it is expected. it will be ready for classes within a week or two. Millar of Han­ over has the contract. foundation garments 7% .GOTHIC Sarong Girdles Pull-on $5.00 with zipper $10.95 GOTHIC Nu-Back Girdles $7.00 & $7.50 GOTHIC BRASSIERES EXQUISITE FORM Brassieres $1.50 to $3.50 s SPECIAL ! Exquisite Form Silf Skis Girdle Fiill-fashion control, seamless $q.95 comfort - Regular $5.00................................... O ■J. 0 Husbands! Wives! Want new Repaid Vim? Thousands of cpuples are weak, worn-out,px- Jiausted solely because body hicks iron. For new vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies ■iron you,.too, may peed for pep; supplemen­ tary doses Vitamin Bi. Introductory pr “get- acquainted" size only 6Q{!, At all druggists. WAMPOLE’S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER This famous year'round tonic tones up the en­ tire system­ helps you regain energy —and is Build Health and Strength with WAMP01EI EXTRRCT COOLIVER particularlyeffective in combating win­ ter ills, such as Coughs, Colds, Grippe and Bronchitis. Wampole’s Extract contains the same number of vitamin D units as standard cod liver oil, 16 oz. Bottle $1.25 Kerr’s Drug StorE Personals , Mr. and Mrs. Rea Gibson, of Guelph( were .recent visitors with Lloyd and Mrs. Townsend. Prof. F. L. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Guelph, spent the week-end with Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John Mac- Naughton. George Harris, and John MacNapgh- ton, who had spent the past two’weeks in the. West, arrived home on Friday morning. Mrs. James Harris, who ac­ companied them, remained in Sask­ atchewan for a longer visit. Mrs. A. J. Sanderson, who has for some time been , a patient in Mrs. Mc­ Cracken’s nursing home, south of the Village of Gorrie, was removed to the McKay nursing home near Wingham on Thursday. Mrs. G. A. Wearring, Concord, and Mr. and Mrs. David Livingstone, of Toronto, spent the week-end in town and attended the Howick Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Lyle Hart, who has been employed in Listowel for some time, has taken a similar position in Toronto. Lyle’s many friends here wish for his every success. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke were Mr. and Mrs. L. A farewell party was held on Friday evening in the community hall for JMr. and Mrs. Wes Gilmore, Shirley and Vern, who have sold their garage and residence and will be moving soon to Meaford. They were presented with a coffee table and wool blanket. Shirley was given a sliver tray with cream and sugar set and Vern, a wallet. Mr. H. Pollock read the address. Wes made a suitable reply and danc­ ing was enjoyed to the Fordwich or­ chestra. Shower Bride-elect A pantry shower was tendered Miss Beatrice Hargrave', bride-elect of this month by Miss Isobel McCann and GWenneth Bride at Miss McCann’s home. The bride-elect received many useful articles to be used in her kit­ chen as well as merchandise for her shelves. She thanked the girls and a delicious lunch was served by the hos­ tesses. Personals Gilbert.MdDermitt of Collingwood, and Albert and Morgan’McDermitt, of Traverse City, Michigan, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McDermitt. Mr. Jack Kress, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arn­ old Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Butchard and Shirley, of Toronto, visited Telatives over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Jantzi and fam­ ily, of Baden, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram East­ man. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ridley (nee Joan Sutton) who were married on Saturday at Petrolia, by Rev. Hugh Moorehouse. ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allan spent one day last week in Kitchener. Mr. Henry Campbell returned home Wednesday after visiting for the past six weeks with relatives in the Wes­ tern Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kennedy spent Barkley^ of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Knox, of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ashton, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hobbs, of Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Mrs. H. H. Mercer, Markdale, spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. Jim Sanderson, and attended Howick Fair. Come in and see our, comparison test. CHARM Lounging Pyjamas Satin and Nylon, beautiful flowered $4.95 and Paisley designs ..................,.........** Crinkle Nylon in plain $4.50 colors with white piping .......... .... *.. * SUPER SILK Whisper Nylon Hosiery 45 Gauge .... $1.45 51 Gauge........$1.50 WHITE NYLONS for Nurses 51 Gauge Si Gauge $1.35 (15 Denier) PURDON’S LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR 4,- T If ALL MAKES OF TV TV antennas the week-end in Toronto. Week-end visitors with Mr. Mrs. Ross Doig were Mr. and Don Seabrook and family and Mr, Jack Doig and Penny, all of St. Catherines. Mr- and Mrs. Wally Gibson and Gar­ field spent the week-end in Guelph, and visited with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Jack Keis who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bride, of Nia­ gara Falls, spent the week-end with the former’s father, Mr. Carman Bride. Mrz and Mrs. Cecil Marriner, of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Marriner. Mr. Everitt Cooper, of Shelbourne, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Graham and little daughter, of Toronto, spent the week-end here. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allan were Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Hibbert, of Goderich and Misses Margaret and Jean Allen,'of Kitchen­ er. • ■Miss Phyllis Keith, of Milverton, and Scott Keith, of Guelph, spent week-end with their parents, Mr. Mrs. Alex Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Spence Brears tended the wedding of a relative in Toronto on Saturday. Bruce Williamson, of London, spent the week-end with his mother. Messrs. Jas. Vittie and Mel Allan attended the district zone rally of the Canadian Legion in Walkerton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker and family, of London, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forester Miss Florence Forester visited the week-end with relatives at dusky, Michigan. Sunday visitors with Mr. and ___ E. Hargrave were Mr. and Mrs. Don Clayfield *and Donnie, of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallman, of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hargrave attended the funeral of the latter’s aunt, Mrs, George Reid, in Palmerston on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jeffkins, of Chesley, visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Priess. Miss Evelyn Campbell, of Harris­ ton, returned home after having spent two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Campbell. Week­ end visitors at the same home were Miss Dorothy Campbell and Mr. Jack Langille, of Hamilton, and JDon Gib­ son, of Harriston. Miss Marian Doig, of Kitchener, and Mr. Edward Doig, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home. and Mrs. the and at- and over San- Mrs. INSTALLED ■ ■ =1 0. SUN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St.,Wingham Phone 770 Evenings by appointment YOU CAN DEPEND ON McGILL RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE When kidneys fail to remove excess aoids and wastes, back* ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidnoy Pills stimu­ late kidneys 16 normal duty, You feel bettcr^sleop batter, work better. Got Dodd's at any drug store. You can depend on Dodd’S. SPECIALS For Saturday October 9 Fresh Roasting Chickens at Market Prices LARD in your own container...........lb. 10c LARD........................................lb. print 15c SHOULDER ROAST of PORK .... lb. 40c BUTT ROAST of PORK lb. 45c FRESH PORK SAUSAGE ...........2 lbs. 75c FRESH GROUND BEEF.................lb. 28c 4 lbs.................$1.00 Rolled Plate of Beef POT ROAST .. lb. 28c SHOULDER ROAST of BEEF.......lb. 40c These Prices Are For Cash A. J. LOCKRIDGE BUTCHER