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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-06, Page 6
t fl Png*’ Six Tiie Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 6th, 1954 WEATHER CLEARS IIP FOR HOWICK FALL FAIR (continued from page three) lor, Mrs. A, P, Douglas; pickled beets, M. McElwain, Mrs. A. P. Douglas; chocolates, M. McElwain, Mrs. Geo. Brown; maple syrup, Mrs. G. Rich ards, M- McJElwain; collection of jelly, Mrs. W. HeimHeJ; collection of can ned fruit, Mrs. John Baylor; coljec- Brown; mustard pickles, Mrs. Sam Johnson; maple sugar, E. H, Strong; sweet pickles, M. McIlwain, Mrs. G, of pickles, Mrs. W. Wilson, Mrs.! dresser scarf, Mrs, W. Heimpel, Mrs. Johnson; school lunch, Mrs. El- Alex Taylor; Giles, Mrs. W. Wilson. I' .. _ - ■ 1915 1954 Wingham’s Oldest Esablished Grocery Special Values ! KING'S CHOICE PUMPKIN . NIBLETS CORN FANCY QUALITY HOLLY PEAS .. AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL . CHERRY VALLEY PEACHES. AYLMER CATSUP ♦H • oakleaf SOCKEYE SALMON .. 28 QZ. TINS 2for 35c OZ. TIN 19c OZ. TIN 19c OZ. TIN 32c OZ. TIN 22c 11 OZ. BOTTLE 21c i/js 37c 14 20 20 20 KEILLER’S FINE JAMS & JELLIES (Imported from Great Britain) Ginger Marmalade Little Chip Orange ^Marmalade Little Chip Lemon Marmalade Dundee Bramble Jelly Dundee Orange Marmalade Fresh Fruits & Vegetables = Frozen Foods (Including Campbell’s New Frozen* Soups) CauliflowerCranberries = Turnips Sweet Potatoes = Parsnips = Squash = Etc tion Sain mer ..... .Magic Baking Powder special for'gooed; cushion, any other kind, Mrs. ■white layer cake, Mrs. Robert Gibson, W. Peel, Mrs. Ju, Statia. Mrs, Ken Graham, Best variety of baking made from one batch of dough, Mrs, John Baylor. Best Best Best son. House plant in bloom, Aldyth Bust, Mrs. Ken Graham. Best un-iced cake from Weston’s cake mix, Miss L. Matthews. Apple pie, special by Canada Pack ers, Mrs. L. Statia, Mrs, S. Johnson, Mrs. W, Peel, Layer cake, special by Canada Pack ers, Mrs. Robert Gibson, Mrs. W. Wil son, Mrs, C. Carswell. LADIES’ WORK Ladies’ nightdress, Mrs. W. Heim pel; ladies’ pyjamas, Mrs. W. Heim pel; ladies’ houseedat, Mrs. W. Heim pel; ladies’ house dress, Miss L. Mat thews, Mrs. W. Heimpel; ladies’ tail ored blouse, Mrs. W, Heimpel; bed jacket, Mrs. Willard Peel; kitchen ap ron, Mrs, G. Baker, Mrs, Ed. Hamil ton; fancy apron, Mrs. Ken Graham, Mrs. Wes. Heimpel; ladies’ slip, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. G. Richards; ladies’ hat, knitted or crochet, Mrs. Graham; Miss L. Matthews. Men’s Wear Sport shirt, Mrs. G. Richards, W. Heimpel; pyjamas, Mrs. K. ham, Mrs. W. Heimpel; fine socks, Mrs. L. Statia, Mrs. W. Heimpel; coarse socks, Mrs. W. Heimpel; knit ted gloves, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. W. Peel. ; fancy cushion, wool, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Albert Donkers- dressed chicken, E. H. Strong, picture, Miss L, Matthews, house plan, Mrs. Robert Gib Ken Mrs. Gra- Children’s Wear Dress, not smocked, Mrs. Ed. Ham ilton, Mrs. W. Heimpel; cardigan, Mrs. W. Peel, Mrs. L. Statia; infant’s jacket bonnet and booties, Mrs. A. Donkers- goold, Mrs. W. Heimpel; best article of boy’s clothing, made from used clothing, Mrs. W. Heimpel; same, for girls, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. Jim Hud-. son' , Household Linens Luncheon set, Mrs. Alex Taylor; bridge set, Mrs. W. Heimpel; buffet, set Mrs. L. Statia, Aldyth Bast; guest, towels, Mrs. W. Heimpel; pillow cases, embroidered, Aldyth Bast, Mrs. W. Heimpel; pillow cases, any other kind, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Aldyth Bast; sheet, and pillow cases, Mrs. W. Heimpel; POULTRY WORMER 0 — 'tab’it t s'v'^ww StMy kill ROUND anti CAECAL wormt Why feed worms! It costs so little to keep poultry worm- free with Pheno-Nic YvioBm Tablels. 100 for $1.00 Ask for information FREE DELIVERY onsn2 PHONES CALL 82 MULCH UY Arthur Stapleton, of Wingham, winner of the car given away by Crossett Motors in their recent contest, is’presented with the keys by Lorne Mc Donald, ’manager, Crossett’s would like to thank the many customers who purchased cars during the contest, and look forward to meeting and mak ing new customers in the times to Jcome. Quilts and Rugs Bedspread, Mrs. Ed. Hamilton, Mrs. A. ponkersgooed; quilt, cotton, pieced, Mrs. E. Hamilton, Mrs. W. Heimpel; quilt, cotton applique, Mrs, E. Ham ilton, Mrs. John Baylor; quilt, cotton, fancy quilting, Mrs. E. Hamilton; quilt, nursery design, Mrs, E. Hamil ton, Mrs. W, Heimpel; braided rug, Mrs. W, Heimpel, Mrs. E. Hamilton; hooked rug, Mrs. Clarence Carswell, Mrs. W. Heimpel. Miscellaneous Ladies' slippers,. Mrs. Ken Graham; shopping bag or basket, Mrs. E. Ham ilton, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Hobby and Handicraft Handmade ■«doll, dressed, Mrs, Robt. Gibson, Mrs. W. Heimpel; handmade toy, cotton, Mrs, R. Gibson, Mrs. L, Static; artificial flowers, Mrs, W. Heimpel;. specimen of feltcraft, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. Ed. Hamilton; pe tite point, Mrs, W. Heimpel,; brooch and earring set, Mrs. W. Peel, Mrs. R. Gibson; shellcraft, Mrs. W. Heim pel, Miss , L. Matthews; greeting cards, Mrs. W. Heimpel. Howick and Tumberry Residents Quilt blocks, Mrs. W. Heimpel; cot ton quilt, Mrs. W. Heimpel; infant’s jacket, bonnet and booties, Mrs. W- Peel, Mrs. W. Heimpel; childi’s pull over, Mrs. W. Heimpel; kitchen apron, Mrs. Geo. Baker, Mrs. Ken Graham; tea apron, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. E. Giles; house dress, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. G. Baker; men’s woollen mitts, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. M. Allan; men’s coarse socks, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. A, P. Douglas; men’s fine socks, Mrs. L. Statia, Mrs. W. Heimpel; men’s long-sleeved sweater, Mrs. W. Peel, Mrs. W. Heimpel; man’s dress shirt, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. George Baker; pot holders, Mrs. W. Heimpel; pillow cases, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. M. Allan; tea totvels, Aldyth Bast, Mrs. W. Heimpel. Special for Canada’s official food rules, Mrs. Jim Hudson. Special for collection of baby’s bath needs, Mrs. Jim Hudson. 4-H HOMEMAKING CLUB Samples of bias binding, faggotting, shell hem, Mrs. Jean McDonald, Doris 11Doubledee; darn on wool sock, Mrs. 'Jean McDonald, Doris Doubledee; patch on printed material, Doris Doubledee, Mrs. Jean McDonald. INSTITUTE PROJECT Best decorated table, open to Gor- rie, Wroxeter, Fordwich, Lakelet, Bel more, Clifford, Molesworth branches, first, Fordwich, second, Lakelet, third, Howick Juniors, fourth, Gorrie, fifth Molesworth, SCHOOL. FAIR WINNERS Calf, steer or heifer, Sandra Wright, Gary Giles, Morley Brears, Claude Martin; dairy calf, Margaret McCann; showmanship, boy. or girl urider 15, Margaret McCannt .Alec Strong, Sand ra Wright, Gary? < Giles; market lamb, Mary Alice; Brown; Leghorn cockerel and pullet, Lloyd Gibson, Fraser Pollock; Barred Rock cock erel and pullet, Bob Rumple; Sharon Pollock; Hybrid pullets, Ronald Hib berd, Norman Wilson, Sharon Pollock; Fraser Pollock. i Vegetablse and Fruit p Table turnips, Bruce Grainger, Neil Campbell, Ruth Grainger; mangolds', Ronald Hibberd, Ruth Grainger, Bruce Grainger; carrots,' ponald Peel, Gar field Gibson, Phyllis Wilson; beets, Jean Lawrence, Phyllis Wilson, Jim my Hyndman; early potatoes, Mur iel Haskins, Donald Whitfield, Ivan Mawhkiney; late potatoes, Bryan B Allen, Bobby Grainger, Gary Giles; ■ onions, Paul Doig, Donna Renwick, g Alex Strong; tomatoes, Jean Foster, = Wray Stewart, Maureen Buchanan; B fall apples, Roger Gedke, Gerald Gie- ger, Garfield Gibson; collection of ve getables, Calvin Buchanan, Phyllis Wilson, Ian Campbell; bouquet for living room table, Ruth Anne Hues- ton, Mary Johnson, Fern Bast; bou quet for dining room table, Mary Alice Brown, Mary Johnson; foliage slip planted in spring, Joanne Strong, Car ol Keil, Helen Adams. Writing Grade 1, Kay Powell, Kenny Farrish; Lorraine Gedke; Grade 2, John Forde, Katherine Edgar, Sandy Gibson; Grade 3, Alec Hamilton, Rae Ward, Carol Robinson; Grade 4, Gwenn Hyndman, Leone Harris, Don Whit field; Grade 5, Larry Buhrow, Marie Brown, Sharon Pollock; Grade 6, Fay Edgar, Fern Bast, Robert Askin; Grade 7, Anne Douglas, Cecil Horton, Karen Nickel; Grade 9, Margaret Mc Cann, Ardelle Westlake, Marian Duke. Art Grade 1, Jean Brown, Karen Cars- well; Morris Abraham, Kenny Far rish; Grade 2, Janie Hambly, Jack Ruttan, Elizabeth Dicket, Larry Simp son; Grade 3, Donald Lambkin, Ruth Cober, Ruth Edgar, Larry Sider; Grade 4, Alex Strong, Maureen Bu chanan, Gwen Hyndman, Don Whit field; Grade 5, Connie Abraham, Fra ser Pollock, Joyce Ford, Angus Smith; Grade 6, Edith Scott, Fern Bast, Eu nice Martin, Katherine Barnard; Grade 7, <DOug Whitfield, Elizabeth Cooper, Calvin Grade strong, dersOn. King; collection of insects, Carol Rob inson, Kent Ankenman, Corinne Ra- hame, Jean Foster; safety poster, Marguerite Beyer, Sharon**tJollQCk, Larry Marriner, Donna Seifert; foap carving, Alberta Haugh, John McKee, Audrey Demerling, Fraser Pollock; stuffed toy, Ruth Anne Hueston, Eu nice Martin, Margaret Wallace, Gloria Gibson. Industrial Arts and Crafts Farm gate, Larry Buhrow, Bill Demerling, John Brown, Tom Tempje- man; model of bridge, John Brown, Ruth Woods, Wayne King, Tom Templeman; electric table lamp, Tom Templeman, John Brown; any mech anical model, John Brown; magazine rack, John Brown. School Project First, Wroxeter Senior, second, Fordwich Senior, third, S.S, 10; fourth, S.S. 11; fifth, Gorrie Senior. Special prize for best decorated bi cycle, Yvonne Sparling, Phyllis Wil son. , ’ BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY growing GIRLS’ LOAFERS FOR THE TEEN-AGERS Ever-popular loafer for school or dress wear. $4.95 $6.95 Also Saddle Shoes g in Blue and White | $4.95 $5.95 I CALLAN’S S SHOES = Wingham Phone 12 SfiiniHiiiniHiiHiiiniiniiniiniimHiii^ ------------------------- -----< 4 Buchanan, Claude Martin; 8, Jean Brears, Marilyn Marjory Moffat, Jamie Arm- Sa’n- fALE4A4 II SERVICE ................... y Miscellaneous Grades 1 and 2, paper cutting, ard Feigel, Bryan Pike, Jack Ruttan, Kay Powell; Grades 3 and 4, paper cutting, Maureen Buchanan, Betty McClement, Carol Robinson, Gordon Raster; Grades 5 and 6, false face, Lenore Feigel, Ronnie McClement; Grades 7 and 8, model map of England Dohald Lambkin, Roger Gadke, Nor ma Harper, Marguerite Beyer, Open class (individual work) • Collection of woods, Lcnorc Feigel, How- "iiBiiiMiiiBirtiiSniMiiMinMiiwiiwiHMnMiiwHfBifiMiiiiiiMiiiMiiwiMiiMiittiiiBiiwiiwiiMiiiBiiwiittiiMiiMiiiBiiBiiiBnMiHBiittiiMiiMS16111 D6ig’ Lorne Ankenman, Wayne Barristers, Solicitors,' Etc. Whigham, Phono 4UI J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S, HETHERINGTON, Q.G. * A.H.MTOISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2—4 p.m., or by appointment J. W. BUSHHEU), QI Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eteu Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wlngfaam Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. , Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. WELLINGTON FIRE i ‘ a'Insurance Company ’ ‘Est 184© An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its’ policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham ■- ■ < YOUR FUTURE depends on them 'Don’t 'be hindered in your work by the “nerves”, headaches and gastric disturbances resulting from defective vision. The only safe plan is to have your eyes examined at least once a year. It’s the smallest invest ment you can make—and the soundest Do it now. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST “A Complete Visual Analysis” Gee. SASH FRAMES CUPBOARDS Custom Woo< Telephone 260.-1 Wai PITTSBURG PAINTS GLASS Jwork Carpen pole STAIRS SCREENS HARDWARE try - Building Wingham The TELEVISION SERVICE DEPT AT WARREN HOUSE e % >■ is complete with the latest equipment and with k n 0 "w Ci A > ' 1 Is* . S ,r ; V5 /<' I Glen Schiefle fully trained technician in charge. You are assured of and reliable service. I I f , / prompt a t WARREN HOUSE Where SATISFACTION Can Be-Assured T &