Semi-Weekly Signal, 1867-3-19, Page 2lS�_ is
M___ =- - - - - __ -
TA U 1, V, 4A. T. 119 five abilities at all mad modry who wish Thl c)VII.ItIng (of the M.misibef for fill the I. Mature a" Of fW -'all &&,oaplio%ed. adleaset I Illoat 0" 14 1 ba h:81im, r..-. ,.bar laid dows on the @the *Doss&&& IP&rmloe. papers ""M life
A --' to a's their names in priat, him was Rover 3ultb Paging in the Laacal Leguisfave, u shunity at large, 'has to fv*d" 04106111 who worse them NOIAM &L%96&g the DOW& ammill will rusbably have at in fail m Isiremill
WL)+.IWU DIP -11 -ICT I show p000sd*4 with-g,,ing Mr. Robust ups ties in kbe *If.- Pon talf 1111011 ifichim,
own suistakou its his life. Dr. we" I agromicible mad astilifectoly title intorsawn bw Ou thinking over the coal 04 my way tow" it* *oil fsummwr, or early its ss� I wait vvrl Smash struck whona ia &-otimW 66*"W Now than at any Proteins, Time this
I Gibbel It -boding simajenty ot we room firrown a orhow from one ftepo"i" decline home ban Browillord um own conoi0a.
O*m of fromin. ma pan of our over all. " t town. It Test. katierley, xSetinst all adds. by the oute,p,me ar 116.itial far --- It is **sees.
7`1me. .94 lab. altaitoolo, o(shmardy *no,-abab" thing Is � a t. hat .1 the
OUS11% to kilo 9 that it is The others hum man. a *It point- as J edge and -ocates. Amil while, gas- also otewnd to xe nincls I act ages, Dow
ades"im, ................... 1,40 cluty, mis a liberal Joumaliall, to advocate ad as the ballasting lists were :-Mr. 4rob. stations, I sordially accept your amuma,% of would ralecive as of the Outlets, qW, let lbw -1147 11% 1 Lima years. to ti- Miiim.-The ..,be, of
""an ul Whill W viliefies, licivisig already. Z coo�aemoe,t of a be� of .is.: The
................. . . 3*00 fil the cause of a man who may be an mill ibel limbil Ur* W T. Cos. Mr. Calling, %4fil and assistance in the dimcbarg* of my wait fit selill a portion Will am, stock bMI"t to losses store allhallod to I a assets (Lbe D%,lb, some W. to Alums pool Pat ltiftUO VielliesS Lbly Mudon X.W licide is
........................... 10: so I. I and Mr. 1111 -re. I duties, I trust that I may be Sol ego enable an to control the Boniest. I am. Howw) the Property of lbs ummulmat Use. me drainage, limits$, and other i asproveo'cat'so holl a" the rush kom the 11todes is
11111PAILT. pol whether be taken made with the Mr. Gimistas r.tunwd thanks for the pass. stassily to bear in =wait theme p,wb6fl all 04mic�"W my deals wits -no of the Stroallibird Illief"Iserso, who being long ems"jobed be,* Not idgubt his the Jim, "44 givel; It.u. and SW SWISS is expected to be al times
............................. 5:00 0990-tvativro or eadeavors to slip is el liestal in which be bad boon F4.". He (svit ociod-i arlisch you suggest. said which it is directors. who at care entered ioto my wkill oulloys The respect and gol will of every thus. who sid bin with capital confide 'see at greater. Alto 8 those sit 4 is,
'a high kanour, and want#, if *lol do or divente sold dely W observe Agaim I andso did the Scott IS Pt*O" Sees
wise between both parties aa a weatrail -leasa its and womud abigbimirsed traveller, Wr but ord-riiness a profitable rote.. I but belong %line the,@ is tb*'* - easy smal California. Said Asavil.
a small .................. 10:60 isso this& to lorwaid the interests of the cost. sincerely simalls you tot you, address (ilusterich, who reacted to the rescue .,iik a towLemy end losopsishlity. 111m. 111,11"llmrsou tbe I.. llijitaces resulting feces a betwer *do 1" 1010" wilosift 1,41111 experiences will be .,
................... 1:30 lil I [fad he came out boldly &S a r,farm eng stitmenoyp me be bad always it.)", is tirm, will. The result was. chat at if,* elect am, bell likowum in commut at omot,iiso large DOW CaLZILlit is customary fill that suallm, Raj "it to accovot, and owed with great advna,
dnlate, it would have been vcry difereat Relforms make. Aed NOW that his bad con. quAgifiriblict x6coslo,%ill.
Led to stood he satsioded to prosecute the ing 0( lite Wood every director out a( Bribut lavurn, oss Sensuality and stabling so' appreciation and *xemims, ofthis educatiob. sr. I t Us "A that .0 laws them S" Chase
but he did not do so, &ad we are satisfied "cao 'rho twinsing criminal cameo won dilation. told was a -t adrilL Our daresuire were all tion, equal to mat" ol your city botqh,� Be- Tbid remark will ap1ly sloo to The farm ago now on their way here from Sea 1psm�
Device vigorously, Died limped to how. ilia �msst of 11rantlard esempt a couple at linat. eidon, I" %bar* are two b!sc"mitb a shot*, overawe, laburtirs, an allopliords, I'D comi eiew, to anickThe amisims.
Pit of at the Social WILLCII Closed On !1446r. ford was. 41mil advance
That we Safe perfectly right ill i4boring liberal and hearty support of all present 4ul
him. %itb tbosid of hiagood All ["I 'A be. I&. OMIW Rul -holes al S.A. .ffl6in "it unejower a sbuV, fit either of which, as all read wild wills A Southerner wooden party Is shinly tapactod- Kingumuss Ifti
friend, Mr. Id. C. Cameron, he W on . doulit 'he Q'A"a V#' Al 11 Snyder'-Larsonly- ,..w1flowh`X,w,.,0( iis" we".1XmIss `l 1 "" she tood worliandusturtsial be turnei out No there how the Scutais sea pay seek mnU I Isivi *my The Diam4nd Mumn of ifinxil._The
hit. wasy (Jws van I,, any p.,rt is he province. I ban down Small fin land in hedge room and diches, E6"00 Ld(OA@r says: "We base recon'.id .
0 10f, C. W., Marrb 19, IM67. of the amecculal kave at the contest. but "Theling & `aich-guillb Sculauthed to three =-U- lot the ILke that* immediately below, we II nallfieldm, and Umber. Scottish farmers. who, Imns Mr. U. U. Lane, who has fast
NORTH Bauct.-The Owen Sound tbvy "it plenty of -ask L.,dj. Two months in County G&A *I hard labor. of 'it- oll to. -luraw 1 -df- liodwil . rook, th. persevering laconly of the Thurburits, oil, used to a moister clikusto than ours, do not visited the dismmmd ruiril of Brazil, Sued 41L.
-still& p,ments were now to the 6 111, Mr. D Tins Queen go. Win Walton,- Learcon kar amess, I Thas
I Adorrtistr says that a Rulliorris jut y- the samorom patty of whom &-a busy preparing fur the oil way. succeed an well South &oil seat. lb
If I 190-N CAN fill- whim, held at Port Elgin recently, at which K t0lus of Stanley, Sod Mr. Ionic CArl,,,,, There were throse separate charges or thiril -17 1 X " hat In taking the Soma (term th, earth a
St la-swal Y.- assuld costumes's fil oil all Sits uAve scale, at the complain justly of the want a( intellige drivel Pa- him gains affisived in a
DA I LS. of E metAr. The" were not atem, who "14 SIAloal this it .1 whi,b Iw a- the procia, hot the a, fitted enterprise of in our laburom, and at insufficient house room Sitters the Saws ate found "it polls out the
I "" see is curuju, test liv Mr. fill and -ccommod-tiuR fur loan mod boast. My earth in the wassir like gold W-bom Tim
steps were takcri to procure the calling of be foui,J with ILdlorm symulill and would subs found As., senonced to County iss lin, bitim wl .1sirl us 11 years"versod.56-
b G
an. Cameron and Gibbous are now 0OUTeution 10 DoLuisAte candidates to have to be combated (Applause). T . "I at.hwl I I) weeks on emich indict I, ner %isrAwn I We. W r.russo, NJ by .,M but,, Senior is the kichalt (if )it. Thurbarn Sl Isimads am appresuAting mom and negrow
foitheal strudglo would be espeated be Sol the 9-hissum I obtained paves so a- usbect, to present them seemli.g
a the 114d as candidates fir the pres, 'it the Biding in the Federal and an ljonion-,wid his pannor Mr. MvPhemn, in fit* more oil -stake war foledingubstances, and no the diamonds In IbAr clothes. They are
41nont faud Is be .I.`l .1 ..,
out of the gremistict they bad it. -.1sellest bodowousulived construction ofs, fine longer &cold we for roc assuding plenty of required to ISO* the overseers grid forbidder,
Dag ever had It, The Q teen vs. Thee ronnolly.- Larceny o-"
of Canada and Adeciably of I. may sou,alwasiny. iftinvit, be inalaing ream... A
leical Parliaments. The Reftirmers of Canada- (bear anti applamse)-an4 %hill such -witaillog a all Prisoner 1>,viit incur C.
n, respeorticiely, and the re!urukeit I . I is lot Our lake trade, ilia joint piolserty of the coke (coding am a sum rueams of growimis to raise a hand to the fes. least they shesuld
North Breov accoLIA the no -party cry, owits plain at t`lm uumbel, &flat though rigib's and having been previous y convicted is'Quell -9 -as wil by A, % anvil -ill" by
the , Me ul Thl voted owask. 1. mine."d his, 1.1w seemed young men, sad al they in- plenty of core. -Mr. Micki. seallowe the jewels wbea found. yet they it
C'magrimi were buts sit tb of totally was canvicted of &have , It C.ail " J. -it It I -
"Wing calls reason to col y g off up a n- ows. W. 'A.,&. 4
ratuiate, and appil coultaittolus to make ll he bee .-dociedds. L,ud to have mAy for launching abal the entry them away, b000miug so ospil
01' narty-ery, thoy were working tooth aud Red and 044LOnced to too yea in P wine i it r water. or early in harvest, A Corso an Ike Fenian&.
tire organization or ae fail their Dam party. and mover made each ls�newntiary. as he United c� ur Haven sad arms tog Visor a.. 0 Sul that they call fusli I am ol Their Argon
t�lem- lvs Upon having secturid two t -f I rAwtunts for rS to b- 1 1%
tkl,:.l y Act bigfib drawls" to mw free the pan to [be mouth without facthe 1, is hot While Irchinlit to his people a to. weeks
the Street meta that can be found Reforin party and fur the election of 14. oxmijam, as they won doing this time. The Qol vs. Amos Tattle -Lareervy
ild .1 pit, who. S's Liam you will per.
&a.009st us. Cameron is a man at' gates. Applause). Prisoner was tried on"iwo.,epente chat hw . ago.the Dr. Moriarty, Pmmm Cainalso
m �-1. I b... awassip I. p. me, ceive Mr. and a,. I trust will your
On motion of Mr. WiLimsom, seconded 01 Theft and bring found guilt, was sent %V..b rv,_O .. y Pon. readers, that although we live up susnowit bishop of Kerry, acted the fulloal stal
Can rest I H of the Joan INS,
grant energy of character and uuJ*ubteJ III Mr. 11 favor, the twainsti6a is tj,e cow ad to 6 weeks in County 0.1 .. Dutch neY- "'I Iale ib F v.etion at &pit P.W.
.ear the northern limit of the county of language miardin
atility, and when retu.-nedl we feel I TRE REPO FLM covEioN a Mr. Gibbous was media ammatitDou IT labor. IH -If we gonst Co. too Leh vouthol To the Independent
AT CLINTON. Beiliji wes, t osel with for the The Qll rs John Ingraham and otba be 1'.. when rA.-d - eon 'be
owtisfil he will be, Lriasul4autly-bal lwaye. dans- arts, we am not altogether beyond the is Is. Imaill j....d In fit-$ cor-spiraticy, he. much
represomisition in%= ;Zoral Legislators lot -Assault- es" airising da, iag the Co.., re" aw sw� laZi boundary ofattellectual or the civil rts. Electors of the South
I will Am credit to Lis coni in the ID R IN .1, *111-0 � ud oil -J anlow else Yours, u"t we not execrate the conduct Of the"
01' C,INDIDA- kwNo,,h Biding ofthat county. The fist witnesses not 16 sitlea4ance, calls wall &,ayers t.w; 4M, awl second 11".0b. J --- as a Ian!! DI iRY. de4,.ing vdlimima who have boon antrapping Riding of Huron,
important chumbaw for whi, b be is a cal loing s the resiAll I fdr Gibbon, 23 i Mr. "4 Ilone Z t Court. e ---it Isharts th lestaw barlsor iomo�mut nib slid organ.soug this work of GE.V rL EMEN
J. Whitehead, 17 ; hoservillo, 3. be, vital
diclats. The fact that he is a lawyer Our duties as Secretary at the Coo %"I did all that 4 -Id on so my possets", I. ISEAFOR 1117H. aria- I rha God they a- totthour people;
Mr. (ijbilsou actepted the comiustivu and AW The schedule of Convictions is in Ik.,-,,,r . a-,, . asawl lll W. all If they were, they have last v Irish chat. Having Pvc-ind the momia-tion at the
flows 14- ra the Gmn seshld
out of this I -A West. MO." ko sell ul the repm Will! -a of America. But beyumd Cuunatiun hold in Clinton. on the 16th iset,
d@" Dot at All iQjUl6 his popularity, for rentiva on the J.sth ' having precluded returned thanks. type. but has been arovil The weather in tin beginning of last week al in the cille
we have maranans from all parts of' tile the postal of s.k,nK noLes, we take This bal�utiss for the L --Al' Legidlaism. small W Leslie wed 1 wed the Painful ad vois was very mi;d, The issues disappearing so fact them there are criminals of a far deeper guilt " fteform Calsdidsta for the Lll A."
the liberty ofu-ing the G"s rellart. North itiding, Save Mr. J. WLitaheal issue. It will Appsar tj�xt week. - Il soushe ol -the weft who, while they wait itivir dopes "lubly of Giltal fit South Bursters
be el the that farmen began to pmpwv for spring - d r, am fetull no the scl
ridishic that he will rou an vfitliu&lasl e �riLy of I � ore, all III* rest. I flare Were atin hallas accepted the "a" I am Dow proper.
support. Ut the friends of IibLrAh%tn r. Jars" Somerville Ur C. Wintellead Letter from r. fluffiness Id the Fla),,ty Art. MA I at$, rt M . Weeks &ad major makers began to Lap, but 'a"
Lflell Mr. C. Marrow. %It. 1). �tgvffdl middle oothe week Ill to c re not to endanger " flecks of the own liberal support.
rally around him, and il is %; large and ioduentiAl convention Of Mr. Jn I - ;ostrodwasis wad, U. the but ho the h, of C- .... pecris :XNear York -tbw execrable swindWs ecl 10 take the field wA hope to receive &
is, who in so del gate from the varions 110111oicipalitles 41011613, `Jr. f-G3,ni,dock,and Mr. U. Hu,tou. 1101.1111l March IG&h, 1867, W (a, format wary bard, Slid Suad*y b. ought a re- be trust them, he G.m not horr many are As this election will Soft probably, take
Of Mr. Ilibill &Jr. Whitehead awd that he co.ld at I To the Editor of the Boron Signal. J_ wrldy t,so we h) �h ,
"Oet". of the County r Hrnn will held in rul w.,_ :ulde,ed bt the rebel or hasaged by the place for some time, I sill be able at the
wall I bale -&it, thl W he Cutest allow Storm.
we Need onl) say that his ling tzparience, Core's Hill, Clinton Oil FriJay afternoon. Stecept the nomination Nadel jury Ivircum. SIR, -While discantinA on my mirils of stroff arm of the Law, provided they cal ge& proper period to make a personal Q,ovmw of
of municipal file wilivirably 9ual'AOS him Four delegates from a sell mulliolplity auc-ea, I he felt highly fiatertl by t be Ad.. the. eIThe supply or tsis warket last weak has . Supply of dvimrs either for their piessurve the Ridillir, wbel at atail to be appoint
in to at 10 stand. de�rits so a Camidste for I'arlisme.,Lsry eearus al ocus, been liallolsil, &Ud she demand hava. Fall or for th.-ir want,. UIT I God's boviest curve ad, the .see of both parties am be board
Ir fu"i f9r. Waiiiaboad to accept hono.s, in your last Signmat, amougat at A. ad' -howt. S.idog ol and "to stil- n -His bacang, blighting Carlo- &ad -Ofuls" ; and in the obligations, I trust
0 bar shoted in r be, stion d.r. p-t-Lul very do., &,.d means, but Do them. I firraxilaIl to you I", Sunda You will not plaidge yourselves by mquiattoo
-witicity sha sotelia-id The .1 b w- oUs me saw still aboat filisly'lIbli as soon late can be of othervisms 1. Sol other candidate.
elected, he will prove to be " tine right Vol y great on. e no nee*ujt &WJ a second ballot. thin2s you were pleased to say -U Mfor the duties of local IwcixJAT,l sud.orbas tSe two ri,ling� were in attandAnoo, and h r man to cite right place." out ballot gave Mr. Somerville 13 " r. Ifulases is by no means is bad sort .4 IOL %am, eternity of boil's 4orwents. Homes
I Some my. Mr. KIwl 6 �npl� thessiew, fite opened* motion 6 itic ... led tat mail "it a . horrid word I have ibis It to be.
If art*, diess for proceedings. James Somerville, of Ucknow, was ofasain in private life ; his cbs,,etor Is Coo man he it- --- Ussoull two I be-, tn weed I he people bore bekn to tells politically. I and wb,) cut, bear it ll But %hSm we look Gentleman,
our candidates, and works muLn, with a I
uSilitlifiesill his IlItest-un sid-md irreproacliable, and we are not pre
The we re not to at and, there was *mine debate mis to pared to say that any of the errors of his you Wal SUN -. f- fit. . last Next A ril mseotmIt -- held in E44il do-, to the fethouiloom depth this Infinity Your most obsedbect servant,
t School house. and "of delegates to the Clic- a the heads of the Fall an oaspsrac,7, we
long Ghdml Mar.h Iffib, Jag?.
llNORTH She. Was ii be done, which r,.*..:ted in a public career, grow out of corrupt or on. air, 7- Willy. on Cuove,.twu va the 15th last. The names multi ackousll that tiol is not ROBERT Q1BBON5,
AanriZLD.-W. Mallough, Rohl. expreawou of fieliess, in favour of Sir. worthy matters. 80 far, so zood, and yet X HOLME o(Gibb..0 ana"Cssolistron, us
Socal villa atJ his being chossen by a onani the memat notice in d &vice would rather have miss from (4vilotich, Mcreants
JOH. wars mentioned. eu,m,4b our lcss�i hot eoou4kk to punish a
0 L IA il CII-ndining, Joe. ur,lxh, TboL Ander. oil know that esorablv "IT 1 -:1 llO �he
MM Vol@ (01 the Loctsd IsPgJall A it. neglitive guadussim way lie if, those who ASHIPIELD. and oils t-wo some other par% I the ridiag, Free and Inde-
sessta!iumc of luer-Mr Job%& laylor, Lt. C. sufruand us, many a norovively good sort of M nell t,ils us tb.tL Le dsl not i - but wh -u asked to unnio sowe our, did Out Ali ARMLIESS X Shot;& -fu the Housto of l pandent Electors of the
IV AWA -10311. EAAT.-JAn MeCal. 'via' Mr. Jno. 31 -pay and Mr. Brace- body is of uo too- 0 use in P-r1lawl t ham a T, the or the H.o. lIl of any. t,qjounli in London, on the 6th first., Mr.
man appotated to act Mr. Somerville's tobacco in would has excevt for voting I SaUth Iiiding Huron,
intend to mum for North Unroll. r. S. loss, Thousas Sho o. W. Birvh, 0. Mae- intention@ with respect to The nomination. I Dials' a' me. EDITOR, --Porcemaor Obst you, cut- . fhe Feutan excite.went ban &,so, bel
would base emade a capital representative key. purposes. and even then, the thence. m K-anasidi, the saw member to, Wexf-od I
Or It asset resolved, that in the sections war* that, Ill no very cluArly-Jefiii-d opirsioni Dallas from time to tinse admit of a variety of it anual, we are to be ual,L it, a feruaduL %hit County, Ireland, having neither hands ,or I GETLEME.V:
monomer aanby threats &ad pel rwvk f"t, -as brought to lie table it, bes P
had he been rotor I. `TVAVIl WrsT.-Charks Oirm cOmilitten am nut found, - their it eZsfieo -in my mlatriacit its -,,I place half cuatritlations front the rural districts, slid as i d Having received the ammalmon, nore.
Joho Foages J. Taylor, Robt flow lbeo� Ro'.l chat, t -I Ise sworev. Tbe hoDoi mWell
pressoutforom such ournamitteses, vi or III% yule$ I,, be uapow, tomig. by way of bli- I *in led to cillaider that each correspond. The fe111-4 he to that the malitiA on ht fter tOkici the oath. stilled the paro val notice, at the C,sinveritwo recently held to
beir object the forwarding of the obje"s of race, for fear that the bar list
MR. W H ITEIII CA D ACCEPTS. --John Goo if, L J. I Chosen. for the Wpre"nt*Li" *(your Bll
I if Wish . one* hu frequently am interesting Sill on to be armed and driulled am well as the vula try -11 by placing the Iwo bet veon *ad IS& in the Canadian Houses at Comm and
Brosse, W. Doughs, S. Biwk.m be Coure.ticia. beco toupanticr. It be does 1 1,1. X,�tb. I Oscar
The Commander then adjourned. Site generality of Your real as *iiciting teers, loch Would enable Cameda toull a( his arms. Us Disposal Lu write with joest having ac�v�)lqd list nowain too, I &
(15, ill HULLCT.-John oselands, the irtevere- GJ�thiul wolthy of remark tit the general *hurt work with the nd fi.v,cy. After his name lit ol to at in now
Thicinall claims that he its*@ s little b m, *,,it henve
it dDaltitude vote him a very c rip is the field :-a Caudislaste for year iniffnZes.
Wastlingloa Ouv%rument execute the Irish ilu tie wool way istroil to the 8,�rakww. to sui t a liberal stiol generous support S,
CliaLon, March 19th. emo, Jmica Urethane, H. Sul in ridge." prormss ofsociety, or the pointing out rf free themselves trom L'sat
MoitiLts.-Dunald Scill P Th r, with %It due dererence for your tarding i"114 -oces where such majr exist, and Eig And ",of the Southern States to free am, in times sockets and turusiums, screws
A deputation of ii,fluenti.1 gentlewto British Control, let whole he 4owed, slid then, by pmeopl,, him 0
yoof heads.
waited upou J. WhiLelicad, E -q., to -day, son lik's. Armustiong, C. A gembersill uprising ofFenisas in I to- muperior krowlel In Such M,tlem, allow me operate, as barriers to the spirit of improve. theantelved from Yanky coutrol. As tb* Elections will ", in all probability.
ifoWiCIC.- Richard Your.9, William land was expected on Sunday nilit, but, I � bay that I think You bar* made a ali-,ht which ope.rstvJ own the whoels of his chair, take place for S,al# tmontba,,sats,
urging him to come out as a candi J3!0 McK,rLhef,JWI PVV,'ra, rhos. Gibson. mistake it, this chip to poll waiter went ; hold, as local virtues or vices, it, what. AccimmT.-A little child of M-. Porter'&. I he passed ..I of the llousts. C.uwJ*l ease. .old be itsexl.dwo OCTua
as yet we hive heard no speiial ne in order is) Put . And over spbere of life they may mainams, themil Tell out -1 - hail cist-roage &ad curiosity -as m-wileated, kit ",a, *I home- - I the
f6r North Huron, suit he has determin- GRay. - Peter 11oDuasid, Win. Grant. w y )u ri4bi. I wil take the I , se Of the Contest, May I hope that is the
ad to do al It is undersL�nj that M r. Arch. MaDociald, Thin. Strachan. long the Auserican frontier the F. liberty to reier you to a few of my a,teev. a Ives. are equally elipble to pralse or evil- I 1111roke its area, aside, the big ucauisgvm�ot of able members wont to the tal to inetwet you, geuilemen, will withhold
McKILLor.-Thl G,Ycnl,mk, James are Sol donts b,,tik Or 'll it is uow well. I Kl. X-mbeigicasitoaLure. Aftertbe Wouse
Oilboom will run forthe Assembly, which ing a threatemig atti I Jo. -,I itsum. I bar. c.IArd lbst.fd. putting sketch- I file Sir. D. 6M&rvb..,t, Captain G,~t - your Dames lium such reliIIII -nt is oil the alert, tnd lile. As to Malliclumi WALLOrs-I Ol 0:#Ctgd 0 0 -On Mr. Celuspbell's farm Mr. uow being inJustriosell circulated in t�le
I Surawserville, hot Itis arm Seriously injured and Colonel Furwl were engaged In find
be pril and Mr. Whitehead for the' 'IICDJwc 11, W. N. Watson, Jaunts Prin- Our GOverota, of Council of I1.r from this rolmotecoroell the county abigill S.A C:IDKXT'-
n is, mit ia'arvils prove a mite in the Son" by It sawing machines. lase a suitable place ic ilia House lot the best
KIP. troopw are se, disposed as to be imuccel at, the first resolution 1.0 ..-U that I Isolse Will us'er prevall it4 camoddis
Coastal The Reform p2rty is now , '168 .!,rd". ( I Most uft British fill and a"
COLSORNE -James L9Yo`iogtOn, W11- available at any threatened point. Council ; sold, alkhoogli entirely motacquain fievan"l of 80t4wortly eireuistaiie. So;,. 1 Visa.- rho large u*S, ill gran4r be. steel member during the &holes E VeLvrit-who prive a fair. rose. " homme
ready for action. liAnu Ureen, Johu Glenn, I"der Robert- ed with municip-d matters. y
I trbel are pe,sit,st, posits, then. t.%t 'ran have sancli.ned tire , longing to Mr. Jonathon ( arter, was burned abl, c.mcest far above and beyond a we*
soft. W- Our' Kippco our. and othcr in- vingin this C.)unty today who will Mloct, pr14tal obery I would ressmak in g-usd test tight, or about une o'clock A Lady Be,i*J Al, -e. -In the early fill IstuporstrypoVilital irisoull Rod that you
0- with will refrain Imes plwdgitg your influence amd,
- the eo ebulerait symptoms, Sol Aral tiartnen safls)-t to my opponents until in the Cauvan
.19 matter is laid over till DCXL tax of are, penny per pow it one pary bushols .1 ul and a good d-1 J pork in .
39K- I!01.31111l LC*rTER. CLINTON Whitehead, te resti I swas no droae in that hire. We lewi�d a this career of "I'00 outry. occupying sl atiout 15.0(jo O(O,Lbwi"t them dn,d at P,.m
X. Holmes, C. A. Hart, The@. Jackson. inue. ad No ift ofCoont Bersolicil i. After the funeral
Mr. Holmes inflicts upon our read- per acre oil 941 lands : be, the CmwwjA (,,um I"IL proximity to the Dorcill re,:iJ ;uverad by insurance, the weleas and throughout the Coctl I shaq have
BoUTU RIM40. pa, -7. -bo then held 600,000 acres, mfustag and which. by some mistaken estimate. Carter bad moned the I W" the 1"l was d,pooksid in the
in apperlsony, befos YON, of meeting Awle fare
*To an unmereirully 10ag letter, in Goi)xeicn Tow.m. -M. C. Cameroi, SW We are reluctantl� obliged to To pay more %Iran Gal and 011"i,;ht It of the political Jistribution of tLo pub!ie lauds house I
any par acre, we, to 1113, decitutd levy (or Sam n a Mr. Tud Win has not been h!,e Camp SIR until 1% cOejd he l"Safe'ved 10 10 face, "SPI&I"ing MY views &ad axisewriding
a To-, sapp-imsed to be the work of a, be h.,ch .1 khe %be tomb my principive and you shall have W an or�
which be sets forth his public life for the R_ Gibbons, C. Cribb, L. C. Moore. abbreviate our Sumforth correopsoudean ta.dinests in which was beniz 1-io.)ared best been compte.c.
past twelity-eight years, and proves that GoL)F.JLICII Tow.istnill Hall. OX any tax" Until Auphst Some of the there to weverthe;sm & Sl&l ilicendiary, Mr. Carter'* loss will be very he tomN biwing fiumbed a few day% since portunity at thus judgingbof our respective
some of his act& were illsigol and many of James Wilkinson, James Torrance, Wil- District olli�lata we" determined to to,ce the heavy.
liner MUTunigall. BLACKWOOD AND TUR R]tW!XWS- tax. sold a I I was considered for the big trust we "sit &A
t-opilfcA all i's A14 ftel spirit or improvement constantly 17119ANATIC.-Tho LinfordIville Me the corps aDs tincovered, When the fact beca- your hands
thencia extremely distasteful to a fall the affai-.1 was to be dil'791OPing itself. S!acib I be"me a d!uiun assoclaltjo -1:1 live ...other ,4ht, me evidt 'it that The lady had Meantime, I have the humr to his,
STAXLET.-Jarnes adermon, Jarl We have received from the Leonard Sott i matic need in her coffin whole be was Tell
he ob"N't 'a like see 00 of Liters, sell only *Implied Len @bar& sea,#, &ad i.onatert Fr� or, 22ud March, f Th. beadi -am bitten, the face vu
Scoifid, Joshua Ca Is .1. T y9ho-eve,,'ailed to their istooditl -, il or a: I Latta f
number ofthose he reprcmented. By 1l Josiah Patilishing Co. of ece York, the current 1, is,
hisawn showingone of the first act@ he Way- number of Bl&okwo,)d ani the Westamin- I'llm amin ""ion of Parlissamt the levy gwa to piece the prcs�nt asinct or the cou-itry in lorll known %along ,I tho gentlemen of ol lace'aled. the tour disordered id torn. Th- r a Sit obedient S-firstat
If AT -David Woolens Isue Blin, R. little and North British c to list which it the.� exinb,led the I it is comi�t-d, a full buisel. is predicted. lid .1 it. bad been forced up, &.4 the M. C. CAXEii�N.
Wait ercgage� in on entering the Coutilics Reviewp, all of it* hand illegal. and an vidair was passel I Goderiels, March ISLh, Iliffil.
Brown. If. Lose. to have she m.)npy that we$ paid by all t -a result is certainly of S ell gratlfyillg muse me were coatialeAed by the vlo;tat willart We&
Council Wallis declared to be illegal, after STLFURV.-John Parsons, James which contain articles of deep interest to partird is 1413 allowed in their taxes of Daiwa than o -se could anticipate, from set. A I'lls"hol %Urderer. �Lbat had beer, vNsl The unhappy lady. FARM __F____
Ithhad been delicate, wast, a.*, OR BAT,
which he Takes a "It over ten years. In the tbovichtfal reader. Theta invaluable 1844. 1 now films iver a number at years to eamory observation, antrallnelled by the dull eddion stuatil wild Sol she ovinceJ
ONUAINING 50 memo Ofg-;,nJ Fermin.-
MaLbescon, Charles Brown,SLephea flog- woi its are produced at a Udive of Lb ir the year 145?, durot which ii:ni it wil: oil rowed of CEPS, irate. At the fire, I referred no Met. 711011 d C I'A'A abow 33 acres, of which are clear
his almost of the contract ion of the tl arth. a Paris, Feb. 25, 1867 - rho . I a, it -sa presented she Was &
way debt we cannot " that he does more cost in Britain, and should be on the table pear $rura toe miont" tliat I wait Moir, ho on the 26,1L D�embsl mus,f,."d. rho so oP�olel led to her being
UbBOIL-4K.-A. Bishop, Charles on- all professional slid 11 who actor in all matters of importance. IN June tO, via : tell years a4a, or even later, almost a laundress num it Boinville, wbome. Ioil, it is we] I watered, 1,,g boost, and berest
that. show that he wait Phr wd enough to With, A. D. Freeman, It. Minuing. a a a ul-lic in it 0"Id his its Vlach.
urtiti to keep pace with Lho Lill fuel e.v ties lodel t am whil block torming the Western division fsolitir wasaboui to 'nasty, el tirl to itu-ted 2J miles Irons the willwite of fees.
OSrwas hold its k
soncost-a schesue for rointroling the holed TUCKSHANIM-P. Rammy, George prtv. or the age. U. cut the ity of %isking *limit I., oftbill towaship of Ashfield. could Scarcely be the Ass.ze Court of the Selov, to ta6e hit Ficking fill as rim. water on too gravel road. will be SjbL A
V% Ikcr James Broadfoot, Thames John- r, race tilts BogA'4 awl limlitford K. It. Tive Mayor Sold to have 98&4 1110 effort of emseirgi fair from 0 Is apply 14
of directors, after thc mony Ad been srtF infuse, &c., see the advertio-imeat of Buffalo, M, Christi-, H P.P.. and all I trial, alit The 14014 chal to tb III- ba,gson I For pal
scialcAed up by outsiders. We think his I at page. th-, gemlietneu fow B.trilu, B,-,-tl,,,d its Prinsval shades; The little Vil:s' thetument were all ad O'Ltpd by the prison.r A Youn-' n31l 0 ev, sl,sat *;'.4 :ttlers o Ill
ze or purl with . epousl u �P4 xle el. a wgo ssab F. Sal elsexh--ris, were present. After the Albdrt, or (for Pol Salir) Avocu. with ...I srhiclivadieds thri I ul h,r,, line tMr. L. C. Moore, of GoJerich, occup Oil
position with regard to the If uron Gravel ied the chair, with %Jr. W. T. Cox, of Address 10 Judge Britoil If -ch 10, ILS67.
Itord scheme was even worse. fit- j lined Huron till acting as So"GLAry in -eting wait adjnurne-1, a Gin, il or lb i'm saw all Vat said Sild tonal Lorerns. Toe, lived l Ilia lather i, The Criairman opened the proceedings Tl,e following in the address read to Jdl Caunlies' Coullell was appointed to confer s4rroundd by a few $Write acres of ri4.,@ 10 Hu. do Cho rea L. a' the head of it ful: -f h,,P- and cort6dr,ce SHERIF'S SALE OF LANDS.
1'.rw 'that Ins sh -ht -in 0 op!of ment. T,e
by explainiag that the C)Tution hot Ong a ;mith hwh Ill to the letter fit tee simp
in with those Au wished to secure the Bi h t The recent th the d,l.jptes, n,.m-iy. M losod, brisiling with charred stom;.s, Still C.- w In lrs�d flays, fit fw,�
reads in such a way as to advance the in- W $'n I S,,r:ileman heard wliat he had to say. n of a West
-inz, Wallace, J. C. &ulth. slid lour humble se, wasoline thisilloss, and bible sail'thim a litt'e been h,;Id to 01601, C&nlilMtft for L,e 711 1/## frionor "Ircatz IlsouGall, Fagi lo-waim seotor is a lokiwith, a -d his ever hZ let�s,s h"'i jr, and than han-let aew ort. -w Out
t0festPoftheir own municipalities, Who- County, for the Lo. y& I besets to film, m-y,n,. " Vits we n,tbio,i, I r C-orty ( Users me The usnjej
&I mad Folerril fill iTis to to., and O'be., his In lmsir tl.� I ad r -I ad l., Jud of Me County Court oj"As Coma- TARL Ad Ch4inswin. Mr. %V,dWorth addmm. hole in the to, sist, with its brush rences,air r him in he bussum". H - .a ; .4
ever might be this sufferers in a )oNcqqeno,. latur�a. It,. at tLP Co-orl slid arter a lung speech ing but partial protexTion to a fsu, Patches 11166, be s4id, it, answer I,, some obvil -11 Jan t,, do, &it." the lions, mail 1*11 him ad A L).,W
MAv IT ll Tora flopoR, COnClUl With Ibis 1,ilowilli w,),& : 11 11 on Part sink with... him fit him m.ely to C1 rk ad J o- l ., I.- ., g f I he R..L.
The peel of Goderich township, finding Santa discusion ensued at the out -set grain a it Other VPlotables, &fit in pristine �Pf no father al 1L9 tril Of ties I a, bu at into from. But there was n,, he for 'A rove wirmill and tak.a F:1Sm,,mo
'rho merntstses of the Huron Bar Sell the Count'" Lake stock t(i the dollicant of sit tnty edifice y:eldin, Sri equa ly sorry sicart t3 business, that it oumid the , 00. sine,
net in w0wh the delgaLes thilm opportunity, at y,mr fimt Can't, f ex. 11231000, the road will be coul t-, er to 'he toil racked polover, bl the Daly there Was oue-wouth less to feed. 'p
that they were to reol hardly dollar as in tho loan it, so he rn&4e him how and rvii el. A. be -11 and As ri arI of Wait! and wait a pin ly,",# on th- pa-m-rit. m rsead,,, lot. T,-."h.p 'vs C o,,,i on none "ter"'113 Yvaws Of age, determined to marry s4ast, He ad do *it picked it up an I then be Goons Y in Ilislow @ad -the majority wort year appointment to the Judgeship of th at tb,t Nutley will be expended within tsw vx ; pa-plic road& there w L Stauturin ]AILairti. Senior. thou4b 68
soft or the 140,000 to be raised for the "hould vote. Scono member advocated pressing The general gratificastiou affurd*d by go 'a leas 'ban two J"ol every IO`nDY "Ifucli lr-)m the natural wilderresm. tterads, was passing in fruat of the hwidi-sX. the
gravel roads, while they were Fad dled voting by resolution lit"Oul'
k it owitaniag by ad�m�.t ._ hundred Seems
In favor orvotin%( by bAllot, and the latter County. The re tions of the list &a fit -a, and you will never be asked to cc�t o,ae ! rise survey, it listed of r�oal existed to, ..J Dec pled 6y, Nine I carelu, Y'u jd,-r the net. � be Ilso --a being -p-d f o,
p ty arm in"n, e of the in inar, I he Uum;hoy only in idea. indexed fly a chip backed Out eteot:The geoileumn Win whoto he bad just been asonfr Western
with a debt of about 62,00) a year, felt course Wait ultimitaly resolve I on. For Bench are of such an important nature, bth 11-40m of his cc
that be was not in iha& cape it chip in! c,itivomicow of consultatinn the delegates to The parties thousal and to the goothral "' I p,,y the interest It mature@, until thn, the nio of a free, and imp.,ulde at all in It a III where *be lis ed with aileakin, was standin( it the winelow. slid d-- of bas ".it I. towship, uoh Lewis *Sd
road is their mill will bit. puints, from swampy iftlervenous. slid St. "p-rta"ols Te"-.,. I Awl off. so sob.. .1 my office, 0
C)MMU-111y, as to awaken Wide slid live:y her doighter, . Sol Of .,,it hot tonk place. In an instant the be Come% How e, . til oPorridge-linving done them a grows in- 1.111 i -sell ri ling art aeffel in the hall 16timilL in every change I , lIbe judiciary; fur Wd.-orih, what you say is ai that wo cars unst interwinabli debris rit Wien tre-, oft*, 1 11 he * frounrapprontive. Tne mi44e *as fix -d bt it hinthatibeyw., omen 1.0.17 ink day fJ next w The
jusiticia-and they told him plaialy enough It was also r-ooived that three orutino"ro it is Well understood, that .1ion the healthy del wild more lball we expected ; but causing divergeomm; from the Prucier cost", It, tal place0o flee. 29. of as to stdp of , ar A -k. 0-0"
.list "uslante# w,;, you V,ve first what you 'a tollousis sm
be appointed I'l om the North Ri Jinx and cond,uon ofthiss" mistions depend. not only . _ On Dec 20 Y'Iun4l Who that they W021J iii future fin4 some hil i brese fosa The South Riding-thwe rrom t so harmony and cI Wence that elevate and 0 . lisp of the Le,otur. (scied JY),, b.....g as". L,,iov,J th,t in @,,ch a suoncot or 4144pri-i-tall and JOHN MACDUN'ALD.
9-YwlilbeucOl-Pi,Wd." Ile-opli-d: multi t -dm -m eteekA orrivulelswil whIch him father Sam rone ot is, dine With a friend Pick up A -on it make a @"to] business abariff a.
vent better to their laste. The Tdrdiot tbeforgatr to bescrutinacra for ibebjl!ot- r,fine the Interco.,"* abic� the Jule must - I no Ku4mothow to frive but my word tb;s mettion or the e0anly 'Lbuundo. As my told Mrs. Us= thkt bsA 1-ther wanted In man. IT, men, immediately, and .;led him Sbe,ifrd office. God
of AshfielJ, Colborne, Griderich tc latt�r, &-.d vior sit to I. The onnhave With the counsel practicing mind honor." Sev*ml of the members of the purpose its however is nt ibst of a speak to her, ., III by foal meet's 'is luced her back.
Wavraillosh would have beea the I ::.n :nl appointed for On or tb Ribing " film him, but to a very lot Cmimitio? at once said tma as quit* suffl. Sell I will U,t weary your readers by He rare him & hinist 111411 March, 111167.
-it and Mr ri4hIS and Oscurtties of those w -me Iu w much &til is 1c,sl descriptsons.- fly th t As soon by
;,-To NIr . TV. Hal, Mr. Brom 10 sale"& the clent, S44 that it ol ridi�uloua to "it Lair 10 &CVGFMPWIY bills fit I&* rooms occupied in his estatiltaliniont. From that he row
With regard to the Ila rbor of Refuge, we lorl it,* *object of Ajd.caii.n. Your And . w. Ihe stock Was twivs. During abuti "U' it '" for the efol Its" 'he various its, shut the motor door, : an $he got inside degrees. till he became th. principal part7-r
think he did little or nothing. rz reunion. For the 8 Ri 'Wr bol meant at tire Bar, your long sold .. allon was chai'm %, of 9 salismilion, The drawtabcks referred to have b's" suippi4ated a rose ound her neck, a it attempted so pass in the concerri. and el@r'lUaly S Man of
fit a' -
R. Cleudining, Mr. Uirvoo and Mr. Null- intimmU experience in its ri4bis and duims, Visa tee, and the Raill, th watch tin inter, merino al s,`I tho, chief banker iu 1psr'i 9NERIFF'S SALIC OF LANDS
was broadly hinted at the times he put in e. 0:3 Cufliffillittem by a better older of thing, Rod shot ,.a bull dest to bang bar to a stronst nail, wl he SO much low, goad careful babits
ig &if* reputation fit t 1.4knriums Fro a which it would appil III It if.* Wells -
a good word fur Inverhuron, will it Balloting then prosoandocl, with the fol- study andl riiescrob, len ssna of mna b's ban ahad already driven into the wl for tive Jim,
inlog hot. Of Llm Council did out edhoijer we a. least proposetiunase to its own ensgrptioe, and v .1
W770's BydsTts=1- was amerted, he held considerable Ph Sh restated sufficiently to prevent him Mit. I'9A1loI1T 70 Tax Pror.1 0 out 04011er 1LI.j,ety-. s -may (,.9,1 �l III* U ntes
proper. al result. whidh was announced by the ray. *biah bat prosceded your %ppoiriloll porridA7. I that that enterprise a constantly (&I left, , I,
ty. Me Holmes did introduce several Chairman pill us the certain somrance, that wbi-v at Ithe Railroad C nowittep of that year or with v as fastaniust that top*. and then -upon a, the une-,l mrsplicati-ins majoc-tT othwis"licent. oand I'llosel ad J,_Wd
which I woo a member at a Nutsequent ' cry row "Se"PtIlon" '#I the ZSCOndflot took s poniard, a'so in reavii.som, And stabbd to churchs. public =k low Lmdo ad Routh Itidin - (Metober for Federal ON" privilestall " Advog4this will Its ful y re. Novel 4�als, bein4 gradually augmented by the her in twenty places, "we"'exl"l 'hce"Ipts ... been compelled to Ich. = I - I fie
.11111do and upheld by you, 09 *me On Ing, cl saying : 44 Your I rising demand for farm Prodiuvo and oncour- in Or -If of 1.a- jo.�. I be"
-flistuent)-fil hich a -&I tar the later" Committee would turtkor witflive the Id ad itBills in PArlicl some of will It be- P used their toport by 4selsi,nillr rvptatedly 11
le r� M. C. Cameron, God Into h:w althouill -be would lot bt hatoged, Pbe chat "I sefialowing Pon -
Came law, (was not On,� OF them for the -a entrained to s4ed by a fresh induz of Isopul&tio 1, expl a limit the following loiter, which will doubt. pen v a ',S, light fit). ad interest of else
19-Iiiing a majority or 13 ever nor care Lally ooea�ijaslly barrel list ill &I lorlely of exomircising a control over the rur.o. Noce, & pubac spirit, coofido.t in stick be 1i@ All the "me. and that be would from Set the effect of Initialling the boI mid (Ii -le d..t Oil it, or ou=r I I is the 11-toet ion of wild geese 7) 1 bile others all g -wase nained who were --Hon. D Pitaid ways receive inda;gent nieanknit wvwJ in the" COu"tIw8 With a r till the low of Llood carried off. enrres"nifence for the future: - "Mr. Oeor4o the still that is. that, hitherto, rhe "c"n, f the uidrtwisto we as, - arval Is Of Inle Dail or Read, be
lot Pashody, ioteodisz seen go leave for F lool of Bries, and connty of Velvet. -.fine.
,ng_ -
were strangled by the Lords, or died of I Icr)onAld, Mr Thomas Otbacia. and %IT. er, I ot be atl6buted to disivI v low to I -ave Innecona-Y interests advise ibut allumnot ot"uns corner of the county, the mod t tie concierge and other i n,ml o7tim [and, deems it a duty due to himself to in� .60
i, their own accord i but we ratoomber that Mr. .11. C. C:imcnon roan and returned Jounceff personally or for the office win, If "'o aromewind 1010 be obtained in such common I)Usl,,eag a, Ill, with , 2 wil Lauds and Tesoncen &an
p Some you at our he I& Onl0lints Only as may be fusmif set &A pec-uanly been. Slid 44or 10 t1ba door farm all those wh I, during his visit of ten a w"b"o 01 my usle., in the And while *a are unity &leoliflc he which she opened at
it was extremely difficult to g. -t h* hicere th3nkq, but reiter4ted his state us it md, ulsout of industry an I C3l to a;& f 00derses Tonal she fell
I to I:eles"cy ll the Plros-cationt of it them tali dead on 1 " Months its his oatly,- country. hwe written to 4 o(momfterst'st&M red that in older to prevorve the relations the ways, isst on, bid@ fair is, & in no mean degree staircase, at the test ofthe persons who come hills 641wift-1 loans of in )nov, donations to it. -ey that he coul'i niv, in justice to himself "4u be., she " -mwithosaidiog he resolution, of comparison with that of war,, older and to her smastance. The Lou do or wall secured
between us in a healthy tone, arepablo to
iatro,f,iose the Hill f.r Legalizing the d, slid tenjily, except the nomination. ou -solve* &,fit beneficial to the community Wadswort It liv 114ithe we sm got bold of the mom Insured me sit throqhout ilk loognedgmill. ry institutions, aullocriptions to eburebas,
fective 11rovel Rotd By Low. In ct, 31r. Oiubons holled Mr. Cameron wolld Live Jad4o waft repo" a libersl con6deoce He e-nifoo-d thef)m the Judie Sheriff, me
money, o,mil the r ad to Brantford. did I province. tied tee Council favored I I "hire chalit-@4, Ac., or Sli4t%nC* for illeal,
all gral meat of Brintriod. and III It 1 0 1 or,
although Of much impl it was be induced to alter his decision. U is. I I the h-loor of the roverail members of his a. with & eneirshotio" of be gravel road this a ,�ruc a", and repeated the conceal Ill Still oth -ex, tb,t the great nuall of
IIND40d ull to motor one 6:,a to be attend doubledly, Mr. Cameroi was the beat man B&I", *0 are equally Sustained that that ronfi. stopped for West Or fends. our wazon Year, . irrest majority of the 0 trial, that his intention sales after these *W hrosty 19". ws
I , vommunimirms has tendered it im-
ed to. We have not time is) tod"te r. for the post, and damage wool I result to done@ can only be mAinumned utibrokeu by final time to time, reported to the Council Would l,tooply no,@ live Settle" here basil M,.. HislAvIlle. to Set bar d&u4ht*r possible (,it him to rise 'The eePoLOPorwild fill ToWay the
I n, as it were, in the and "recall 111W his ro,im And to pon them in person. rho. letter dety has 111111 day of blerch,st the &vZom flow god pmg@.
ISO Reform party it that gootleman still t be sOnvictiOn 00 Year part triat we accord that be could do n,,thoug ; trial the Buffalo enjoyment of* now hold ofe ' sa or answer, or even,
U. throagh his laud ifoory epintle, hot our ,at oarsel support a d noonstanes in The lolls h-4 it sit their owl) way, and would give part of the difficulti 91"OrIC0,119 most dispomis, of them in The dome way He hoped them
peraistcA in his course. .a under which they no* to eireel,he I how. al ithoos cold@. tll*n for@. been assigned confidently 10 olh@rs
real will agroc with as that hi has not 11 WAL: discharge o( your onerous dutivis, and that In 1854. eW.Men 'Mmm to 1460"', w U;d berm bill- b - I And as man of the or I
r. 0100 1121U that IF linSy did Not. or goes tioag lend rather to )@"on and site. team *10' , Who b�wtoJ that he would take 0 11 , he would La,. laid in West far his father's J r, am ale requested I h. %Nnv* sale is (driller pomps" till
PC rW of the Aisle siter at', getz strong man likie Mr. Cam -ran, 11119y, 7to than to easoarresi your judicial ]aAcces. 'he bell b; The born*." and bring 9" being l attributed to the Of It* -omilct home and murder him. Alter that be I that theor ftopii- ato, a should be kept see mt. 191b March, 1967, new hour and place.
ocals -0 the spring, " 1411 1 ol .,at. Thai be line 'him
AVINIATIN t A.VDIDA-TE. a poor change to carry a While pro"(11168 our Own co"gratulations to'), am Z.uers4ly the beat seasons for the dimpos; mal to nearly
.0 Id I th:tat@
have Bolfalo gPntq to the right a too,. ROL be, 7"Nabi-if tiould here t.k,-n .11 the money and value.
most found th It hs Was powe,ifte IJIPd of, the two households, said have The above is 0.10 farther post poew wbi
the warranwd of saprm�ng the gratifies. -be e to have a
candidate in th it riding ; but with him n year elov"il to the Beach. we are also At &I of country produce, and test harvest lkil off some gone fPvf tholssad, in her burned in his poison
TVs are inforivad that r. 46.6 of I'll nothing. I he first mwttn:orceencil 4a Isdilit, &;@ (of- very untir.pitions in really in the failure Sam_ wrest lark with the thus relieving their apprehensions still big C*' Toft"y We 36lb Memb. At same bianisesid
.,I till ?fr. leave in older to tort too -h.eb ycmr app,,intment b loosil motion was passed, which I i I ul III de knew that he should be caq4bt remponittsdity." own place.
the we as given to in we libined in the wheat and potaine crops, the ?
gjq, , # If fing ' voirbacrin: M .ad by fit. Woods, ",.and- AdlantaXe gained by the ho.vl prices of He Was so'l plan bad not age-
yels and III@ right head supical ter here I his community. Your former position na
of the convention on the subjelly. moved Is 84F of '. es! by Ur Hers. Thai Taking into eensidern- them eum Ol are little &hired 1:1,11S1,01y, but was detteral first to enjoy 5,991"S SALI Or
tb Pro-infir and the reptitmi,o
Q, MM it to write letters 10 the Clinton that there be a vesnica of* sallan of tion be long services at hir. Ifolmes in Ibis who have in remain as home, .16 y lbo" fis"ded. So for Irises having any Mill Air Arwrittl fill I j,"don
"as v ynor Irgail "viroments suall high *red
z. denouncing the Sifflisalin no Assour. Mr. Lacteres, to st,inrl to,. the Federal Council, "it prior to its existence in The seat* favored neilhifeurs car, dr* "'" their he would try al at be bad Ittsinpportanity pipersays, a rem4rk4ble amphibious Sol- U01ftlYOf"6m",? tfy Wnstiev, q 0 well 01
Principle have impres" the p&Vl* of Jim -
District ;oenell. services wall &ad
ad Terms, biomass Parliament -Carried amidst sprlause. I&ij%rully at NOT *fiction. So secure The beat prices Ul or Ili "a' kind, which wout on I t-1 Ventilation Lrxpmooasd
it would not permit r a with the conviction lithat in year ban& 'we "'to 10 n only be would wariage better., 10 wit:
M r. M. C' il with intshigool fornissi,slith nowssel swal and l4itionew, this, chftpon suppliam, gut "Mrs Iron, this _ptor*i at Fnl shallow, word Set a, "Ne N@jm.,s
V ithe" &dvDc4wY Of this el-killl of the r. tic .,it "fit be am I incere in his desire !Zre of opinion that that VoussillCourt oftba(�hswty of weetwpel
D Cameros rose said spit1buse, j.6insto will be will ad 0111"lliol hasoh. about one harldrod Milos
firm 4A d , - ality. Is 9l onward Pa" in :h4 Merely agri, Two Questions Il 11 Amutwored.- Why 11 of Hokittim, Niles Sell It in we
an "a 4ii! MACAP Harrm lisp worthy of The h hurt honor which we can am, 8@0" oflemprov, @il shen --at hastruce, 7 beivatio. they are I wilinnis I)STh011y
parliamentary bottom, although IT be the 1 4::1 1 wr
as (t Jr A
not `O:1,%0#T Sam , but With so annui. me is I an, to a. martin. is now being exhibited at of fohn M.A." at I be Me,
Maine winter; Real licut John Holmes, 1 -1 1 Met I be," Seized %ad (&ban
has IWV*r been bills"I Of hitherto in 'N- livaring that his services were 0. bachallol the Ed1I ., other speculations wh It give fair pr -mise if a groat Protection to theme% and lings, and bar, no 1'. appe.rnce .1 I.`o
N14 great e0o"qu0ni'" to the fill as a el he our I'll for the present year.-Csr- Nefultiribet portion of, sell orlsout *ad pr�
Vlf,�116 A i seconirm all ON
Tied anarisions,tt." pod, will ultimately we add bet-iien the Its head re lows wno�. trials &'it hotel is the I a
amnewinn with politins. Why should i hys 8(
Not having dc'f or success. and it is h.,c much to their perAo-al a d.j..d,h.frb7.__ at
It In fbuLh bellefit to the P*rlj#s closed, I Monte
to- be felt is a defy to sacrifice personal To which Ups Honor replied as followl it al r, solved at the Ant frissaing offilsic *a * 9"op-l" that Of me English terrier, except
Sbd*W the liviters alluded to when giants- foolial sort interest, suit come for." el use "dr I he Cdcasty .1 gre�m. by
at GETTLIL2997 Or THE BAR or 11risov I'll inte-mil and .)to to the g.rroaudirg wallem?, Sauce" when used for coulike, that thslivers are Merely rudimentary. rt#e
It I !;,:Pdh111 tTiita to lad out, if -life, jinthIrliso, it ; amongst his h a., be no eWd@ tickling Is %L# body S still Its asimsenswershrot one heedred memo of load be
ag ever the solutions or our village orn I receive with pleasure your address or led tritest, linvarinven, ke., saincial propels the nnwffen,� Im,aom boor maill, of
V The recently elected in. Ministill an� I..
it"fron the Ill or il water he 84"8 of two
vv11hOUr1I25=bl not
IT ronfiratulaticith on my apr.)i.two,�t to tile ScI Q the IS I", ol, 1 #7 act like a ch. lot lowl&*~Ial an of
"t i r into I 'll be -is df?P@m in the to rt of I
The It'.teris air' "Ji. the property "or
NN"sfj, We Cam -not fully appreciate the f7m fall I 'Ad of The (10-merva, Jd."Iblp tif tbei Coorl ¬ &back You could got a iatisfavion. The of yt,s moo them, pkwaielans ree vaes, .0 The (�Stvr=
completed to sit" Menem ritchard -)Mmwnd them, In reps is body , and kamuse, Seance Isads and -
stiev's Of the Praeow and the turill end W the p�ow.t &*section he was heart, which has lately rommonced opomul an and singers and pahlic apsl l,,y lhp, it, 1: bl lis toil is allow& fee I , K&W 18 the CONIM A=. 1" 160
ivo ad I inch's long. The wl ToW`Q 1we"=17 hot w.* -a -r. , wvl
Militated. but if the, are Satisfied we do coast only 1, ash The a most sincerely far the thank yaw too for friendly silwiftn to in, asset Ad attempt am made to borrow the gasuen, lint? �becmiifvl end o[I laws lumber so at such complains. Sold by &I, acedours Pretty quickly firon the ground. an,l al Is do w at Poorest at the how of , S ve
determined to emotions the gifoll all Hq me (mlyefor the Cordn" ""Pt'n" you Record actors. 11troal their enjisiber. stated ib" the very beat masilicine in vxmicame row the h a
y coming among" To%' 1 flov" 'a 0106 00 woold Ill the road to Ouderieli. 'a turning SqSm Of Doe bG-vmea lissonlooke join- a th
Met bagwindr. the luxury they, have indoig. great bovour confer ad as his, and my that career at the bar. thical article bsib,eto Shelf In mq all. " 'elf
4d lot. If %Dr Slaist has any Jac, otp'r� 'a Jose lbrOsIb 0o"Of"ral but (&,$ad. Tbrmgb ,Pat and chliewt dal at 25CU1. Par Item it "Linn is the -.for is p,.d.e*d by mill 14 the al wi.06".
litimi 14 the *:Be led I goage, ol I as �omieve, a is some M The ickdoer4a of Mt. Call". $9,000 dAIm to be Pro"und ; wblldt 00, thwest at A other[ over and over, and pi-opollinj itself feet, al
that be .! 04 his sifttme 'be, slow'd JOHN PACDONALM
d .war be a steady the enterprising stom, it y t:Jw Lat's Wife panel 8band ki�.
prikelo", or aW;nm no the per _Liesons", .(for the manner .(a screw. 114 cry N goa'
"or 041, 11bol c 45�. codwimb,
Rotorce p,ine;pl,o ; Send at the ansadvobejogalvoer! aperees too Slid b"Y"W'd my mod beirreved from the for -onto fjoi-rai 'em hing like the bark of a dogs but
I rft. Bat be�oser gratif�ying 0 as I Me. I'mmor, is fill rimmiliig I am J."arl. 1"7.
lifertim Nw". be ONwid .00464, the- in I jl term, he would % able IWO SOOG" wait life money obtainsect timnly. he Dead ANN, 1l
IYOOI &"To" on pmoeWgr-adik I is,@ took PI&M. oves director ill fair to eftnopkism with ame., ,,now b peculiarly
Ineb in his "O'sols' to %
that '9* Pl " Sell Set fall $ban. &ad be sh"11'
blk* nals" to triesR, Illin command, I
111111111 A*" of so Adma, *blab we wimW it. SOPOS' h0ton theist Rod *how dome the to -tow, Gentleman, that my CmM$mtion is 1. Arshoinsforml him &RST it was Loi -g ul The shows Sislol S boa eml lot
'st- rem of the Many bad Sol of hiqlg,mtiy Subsisted by The tree -10 edition rumbeld naorkj to one and well 0
y 69 hNIM Is pabitA lit nor wall rates seat , bad gones security strisehrod promise. hot Pablo of affitolim, for our Part we are Much incloncif to doubt it' The RoraWss Van Cne I*ttor. We The Still of ustricli, 1 r., ponsid
a be Illms ; bet if be thinks -y that Whatever be sedes ON&" Pbflm Wwstsil&iwe for the "I Swl�hig La ilk* West of eammosiny 11botlechtwe too b"lt&tiOn 'a 64Jl the( 61AIPS that 1111,0114111 Ffewsh lroqpg h rich 20d,
ban& (App4&�). in continuing, be me d exprow" is your e"ma air &a to customers a sapply ",fftz not
to 4i be el als"d --hel bo*wem tLa Judo Sold I ad"
ON oft to #ow a pow owersm Ilbr or$ ewrW age, stad is this face see The clopuban 0( The &W. ram. zu"",Sti no it" amakew. I be t, a The abovs, siole is further
abuse be #arts Incestions, comestibles Itself time. 0m" prelvarts, Akb No,* IN7, Sao" Piece 6d
nkt� spel to &.60 of the so,* 1.1116.
A, *"N" bal" came up together an the be ( I'l elisfood the city other the
a be wet to elf, I.. whi a sissy oft *4w"d, IMA 06 five, C" elfar famous" I " 1 :41;, :: dpighboin4 county If 1, a is be "CA .,J..a Pat
4414111 1pr~h bad ock 1, .4 WA Marimilims ol
care SW r Opel of the a" of IIV ',�. si$ nioll' am Membeirm No
wad a This &boost age ;;;;be, 4=stmw
ric ob,pa'sks? Sill I elosaft n 4 on" Ity":eNce's ituAm %Well am Visit. locality she Will diely 4#
socillfristocii , tar whielb purpose bol Try also. S'L"'s at states. At
as* .me ow pluo.
00o, whip,
_C is 01
4, 1
f, 4, q if 0 1— 0� v,
q I
1 ".*1,; 47
�,,l is: