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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-09-22, Page 6
Page Six The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, September 22, 1954 FOR SALE COMING EVENTS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re lief. Your druggist sells Cress Cai- Jous Salve too, relieves quickly, QUANTITY OF SUGAR SACKS.~Ap- ply Hamilton Beverages, phone 485. r z 7rrb SAWS TO SHARPEN—hand, band and circular bench saws, machine Sharpened. Apply H. L. McGuire, Belgrave, 1:8:15:22* SECOND ANNUAL, Kinsman Kami- val, September 16, 17, 18, 1954 in Walkerton Memorial Arena. No admission charge. Bingo, Games, Rides, Merry-Go-Round, Monkey Show, Pony Rides, Draw for $200.00 Bond Saturday, September 18. Fun for young and old. Square Dance Competition for Carling Trophy. CE15:22b Mary I. Campbell Wed at Bluevale Knox Presbyterian Church, SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL— Septic tanks, cesspools, wells, cellars, etc. pumped and cleaned with sani tary modern equipment. All work guaranteed satisfactory. For quick service write or phone Louis Blake, Brussels, Ont. Phone Brussels 42r6. 18rrb BLACK PERSIAN PAW SHORTY coat for sale. Size 40 to 42. New. Phone 394. 15b HERE'S GOOD NEWS FOR thrifty housewives. Four big days of “two for the price of one plus 1c bar gains", Example—Two packages of Rexall Pu retest Halibut Liver Oil Capsules (100’s) for $1.91. You save $1.89. More than 250 such bargains Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 13, 14, 15 and 16. McKibbons, the Rexall Drug Store. 22b BIRTHS LEGGATT—In the Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, Sept, 20, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Leggatt, of Wingham, a son. WILKINS—In the Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilkins, (nee Grace Cook) a daughter. —Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton have just returned from a trip to British Columbia and Banff, by way of the United States and returning by the Western Provinces. —Rev, and Mrs. Harry Jennings of Lucknow, and Mrs. Charles Lawrence of Gorrie were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Anger. —Mr. Ken MacLean, of London, vis ited Mr. John Crawford this week. FEMALE HELP WANTED Shiell—Zimmerman Rites Held in Gorrie —Mr; John Crawford has returned to Victoria College, Toronto, for his second year in General Arts course. at TURKEYS FRESHLY KILLED for Thanksgiving, banquets and recep tions. Special price for turkey sup pers. Oven ready. Purina fed. Graham Work, Phone 12 J 18, Brussels, Ontario. 15:22:29b STENOGRAPHER wanted for law yer’s office, Walkerton. Rbply giv ing particulars. All replies held in confidence. Box 195, Walkerton. 22:29b ELBERTA PEACHES, Bartlett pears, and McIntosh apples for sale. Bring your own containers and come to Govenlock Orchards, ^i-mile north of Forest on No. 21 highway. 15:22* HELP WANTED—MALE TWO FIREMEN wanted. Apply to Wilfred Caslick, not later than Monday, Sept. 27, 1954. - 22b TEN PIGS 7 weeks old for sale. Call Joe Schneider, 505W12, 5 22b FIRST CLASS MECHANIC wanted, with license. Apply P.O. Box 539. 15rrb HEIFER for sale, due to freshen first of .October. Apply to Ben McClen- eghan, Whitechurch, phone 402J1. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 300 SUSSEX PULLETS for sale, five months old. Apply to Ben McClen- eghan, Whitechurch, phone 402J1. 22b EXPERIENCED SECRETARY re quires position. Familiar with all types of office work, or would con sider other employment. Mrs. Lew is, phone 434. 22b ROOMERS WANTED OIL HEATER for sale, in good con dition. Apply to Box 59, Advance- Times. 22* ONE or TWO GIRLS wanted as roomers. Phone 592. 22* McCLARY white coal and wood an nex for sale. New condition. Also 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN with air conditioning, radio, undercoated, in good shape, Ring 254W, evenings. 22:29* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County Trade well establish ed. Excellent opportunity. Full Time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. 1-453-189, Montreal, P.Q. 22b A pretty wedding was solemnized the home of the bride at 2 p.m, on Saturday, Sept. 18th when Bonnie Mae Zimmerman, daughter of Mrs. San ford Zimmerman, and the late Mr. Zimmerman was united in marriage with John Gordon Shiell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shiell, R. R. 3, Wing ham, by the Rev. W. J. V. Buchanan, Gorrie United Church. Given in marriage by her brother Mr. Harry Zimmerman, the bride wore a waltz-length gown with tiers of nylon net over satin full skirt, with strapless bodice and bolero of lace with pointed collar and lily point sleeves, silk illusion finger tip veil and matching headdress. She carried a white Bible and sweetheart roses. Her sister, Miss Betty Zimmerman, of Clinton, was bridesmaid and was attired in a waltz length gown of yellow nylon net over taffeta with matching bolero and headdress. Mr. Murray Shiell, R,R. 3, Wing ham was groomsman. For the reception, held at the United Church parlors, Gorrie, the bride’s mother, wore a tea rose tricotine dress with corsage of blue flowers. The groom’s mother chose frosted rose tricotine with corsage of yellow flow ers. For the wedding trip to Ottawa and other points the bride wore a navy blue with grey twill suit with navy and coral accessories and corsage of sky blue mums. The couple will reside on con. 10, West Wawanosh. —Mrs. Maude Roe, Mrs. Dorothy Millar and son, of Atlantic City, visited Saturday with Mrs. Clara Scott and family, enroute to Ottawa and points east. —Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Galbraith re turned last week-end from two weeks’ vacation which took them to New York City and Lake Simcoe. During his stay in New York Mrj Galbraith, who is an ardent camera fan, visited Willoughby's, the largest photographic store in the world, and enjoyed look ing over the large stock graphic supplies. —Mrs. G, G. Richmond Smith), of Toronto, spent end with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkin son. of photo- (nee Nora the weeli- —Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hobden are visiting friends in Orillia. —Miss Jean Irwin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin and Hugh Sin- namon, who left last week to attend the Stratford Normal School, spent teh week-end at their homes here. ENGAGEMENTS of of DROP LEAF KITCHEN TABLE, wooden arm. chair and one kitchen chair for sale. In good state of. re pair. Phone 394. 22b ENGLISH 3-speed racer bicycle for sale. Girl’s model, new condition. Phone 650J12, Wingham.” 22* BLUE-GRAY Station Wagon Coat for sale, size 12-14. Good as new. Worn only one year. Apply Mrs. Carl Fitch, Wroxeter, phone 7r4. 22* MANUFACTURER’S Clearance o f white paint, flat or gloss, interior or exterior. Gallons, $3.39 and $3.49; quarts. 98c. Apply The Wallpaper Shop. Phone 228. 22b RELIANCE PETROLEUM LIMITED has a number of service stations for lease in this area. We are looking for men with proven retail merchandising experience, men who recognize cleanliness, ser vice and courtesy as the basic fun damentals of retail merchandising. To the right man we can offer the most reasonable rental arrangement in the industry. If you are qualified, have a minimum of $3,000,00 to in vest, and would like to become con nected with an aggressive, rapidly- growing oil company, please write stating full particulars to Retail Sales Department, Reliance Petrol eum Limited, Box 353, Seaforth. 8:15:22b SALESMAN WANTED SALESMAN FOR THIS AREA FUEL OR PART TIME SELL CANADA?S LEADING AUTO CLUB MEMBERSHIPS LOST Our members get much more for their membership dollar. WINE RUG, 6’ 9" x 9’ with pad for sale. Also wine chair. Apply Mrs. F. Sturdy, phone 341. 22* DAFFODIL BULBS, tulips and hya cinths for sale for ten days only. All bulbs guaranteed No. 1 grade. Lewis Flowers, phone 101, 22b BLACK STEER lost, weighing 800 pounds, from Con. 1, Lot 7, Morris Twp., on Sept, 12. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this steer kind ly phone Watson Bros., collect, Blyth 46rll.___________22* WANTED Address all applications to TRANS-CONTINENTAL AUTOMOBILE ASSOC. 365 Richmond Street SAWDUST BURNER for sale. Apply Cameron's Billiards. 22b HARDWOOD Baby Crib for sale. Al so baby clothes. Phone 517W. 22* DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR DON YOUNG LIMITED. Irrb LONDON, ONTARIO WANTED to buy — Revolver. Apply Cameron’s Billiards. 22b EXTRA! EXTRA! There are big bar gains for everyone at McKibboft’s Rexall Drug Store. — Two for the price of one, plus only lc. Over 250 bargains to choose from. Wed nesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, October 13, 14, 15 and 16.— McKibbons, the Rexall Store. 22b UPHOLSTERING We specialize in Workmanship week’s service, finishing. For Fairyland, 487J. re-upholstering, guaranteed. One Also repairing, re appointment call RRB WINGHAM CLASSIC white enamel cook stove for sale. Excellent condi tion. Used two winters. Phone 601W. 22* 60 SUSSEX x Rhode Island Red pul lets for sale. Laying. Priced rea sonably. Phone 611W, Wingham. 22* BABY BUGGY and jumping chair in ilew condition for sale, Phone 252. 22b CARS FOR SALE 1948 DODGE SEDAN for sale. 25,000 miles, In very good condition. Phone 121W. 22b IF YOU are buying a car oft time payments ^be sure to get our rate oft th© financing and insurance, Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Fhone 293. GARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Mor- rey and her staff of nurses, Dr. Mc- Kibbon and all my friends who visited me while I was a patient in Wingham General Hospital.—Vernon Reid. 22* CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. David Neilsori Wish to thank their many friends for the love ly gifts and cards they have received following their recent marriage. 22b CARD OF THANKS ♦ May we express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many kind friends and neighbours who extended their helpful kindness and comfort to Us during our time Of anxiety after the passing of our beloved —Murray and Louise StaihtOft. IHB VOICE OF TEMPERANCE This is the story of Alcoholism in France, amongst children, as found in “Time”, July 12, 1954. Seven-year- old Pierre was brought by his pros perous parents to Child Psychiatrist Dr. Suzanne Serin. A bright healthy boy he often had strange visions. “Wings not hands, white things which dance on the bureau. ... It is awful.” "Despite 26 years of practice, Dr. Ser in was scarcely able to believe her own diagnosis, acute alcoholism. Alarmed, Dr. Serin alerted Paris’ clinics and soon uncovered three more cases, Luc ien, 5, Yvonne, 3, and Maurice, 12. Certain that there must be a host of others such as these, Dr. Serin per suaded the Ministry of Health to con duct an investigation. “The results were shocking.” In Faris Dr. Serin reported findings to the Academy of Medicine. Dismayed, its staid mem bers promptly launched a big anti alcoholism campaign schools—a difficult and delicate job, for any French peasant will confid ently insist, “a little wine never hurt anybody.” It is rather significant that the American Medical Association has decreed a. ban on all liquor adver tisements in their periodicals. They know that "Wine IS a mocker.”— in French HOUSE WANTED to rent, With con veniences, 3 Or 4 bedrdoms. Reply to Box 60, Advance-Times, Wiftgham. 22b WANTED TO RENT READ FOR RESULTS and Mrs. Adam Shoidice children, of Camp Borden, visited with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Noth* cry, Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, Blyth, announce the engagement their daughter, Mary Eliza, to Mr. Al bert Charles Turner, son of Mr. Albert H. Turner, of Ottawa and the late Mrs. Turner. The wedding will take place Saturday, October 16th at 12 o’clock noon in Blyth United Church. F22b Mr. and Mrs, Adam Darling, of Mildmay, announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie Margaret, to Mr. John James Tyler, son of Mr. George Tyler, St. Marys, and the late Mrs. Tyler. The marriage will take1 place in October, F22* Mr, and Mrs. Roy Irwin, R.R. 2, Lucknow, announce the engagement of their daughter, Iris Juanita, to Mr, Charles Clare Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopper, Wingham. The marriage will take place the part of September. latter F22* Craw-Mr. and Mrs. John Harley ford, of Wingham, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to John Richard Lloyd, son of Mr. Richard Hilton Lloyd and the late Mrs. Lloyd. The wedding will take place early in October.F22b Hilda Pletch Wed At Huron College An all white setting of mums, glad ioli and candelabra formed the setting vale, was the scene of a pretty ' _ , ’ding on Saturday, September in the Chapel of St. John the Evangel-1 when Mary IsabeU Campbell, daughter 1st, Huron College, for the marriage' Of Mr. and Mrs, diver Campbell, of of Hilda Catherine Fletch, and the RR 4, Wingham, was united in mar- Rev. Errol Joseph Shilliday. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and i _ T _ Mrs. H. Fletch, Brussels, and the. T'.S ^2. donble groom is the son of Mr. and Mr, Mount Forest, ofRcwted at the double t j ring ceremony. The traditional wed-Joseph Shilhday, Kerrwood. I ‘ xr i ding music was by Mrs. Nora Moffatt,Dr. W, R, Coleman, principal of ttiei soloist Bruce Robertson sang “I college, officiated, assisted by the y<m Truir and Walk Be- Rev. G. N- Luxton, Bishop of the Diocese of Huron, and the Rev. M. J. R. Tipping, The Rev. Harold Thomas-, son provided the wedding music and'riage by her father, the Rev. Clarence Mitchell was solo ist Given in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a bridal gown of white -net over satin. Th'e bodice of the gown featured a pearl trimmed neckline and the skirt, styled with a front panel of accordion pleat ing, swept into a chapel train bordered J by Chantilly lace, A Maderia lace i cade of red headdress held her silk illusion veil ’ Her only ornament was a five strand anl she carried a prayer book crested pearls, the gift of the groom, with white gardenias. Mrs. Lawrence J, Gall, Toronto, was sister of the bride, was maid of honor, her sister's matron of honor. Mrs. She wore a strapless ballerina-length Gilbert J. Sauve, Toronto, another !gOwn Of ny]on net taffeta with match sister of the bride, and Mrs. Gordon jng headdress and mittens, and car- Chappell, Riverside, were bridesmaids. rjed a nosegay of yellow and mauve Miss Barbara Ann Armstrong, Tees- mums, water, was junior bridesmaid. The attendants wore identical waltz length gowns of white tulle over blue iridescent taffeta with matching caps trimmed with white tulle. They car ried bouquets of violet shaded gladioli and orchids. Mac Zuefle, Windsor, was grooms man. The Rev. Thamesville, the Brantford, and ushered. Blue- wed ding on Saturday, September 18th, I rjage with Murray Crawford Shean, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Shean, of Yvonne Elva Gardner Married in Manse St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Manse was the scene of a double-ring ceremony on Saturday, September 18th, when Yvonne Elva Gardner, daughter of Mark Gardner and the late Mrs, Gardner, of Wingham, waa united in marriage with Roy DeGroot^ son of Mr. and Mrs. A'dam DeGroot,, of Holland, Rev. Alex Nimmo offici ated at the marriage ceremony. side You’*. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a blue suit with navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bride, who was given in mar- ' L„ LT- -> entered the | " * • ■ • ...... .f church in a strapless floor-length gown of nylon tulle over duches satin, with a topcoat of imported French lace which fell in a train %and button ed to the waitsjine, and lily point sleeves and Peter Pan collar. The veil of illusion net, which fell to a train, was held with a tiara of seed pearls and stephanotis. She carried a cas- roses and stephanotis. She was attended by Mrs, Ivan Gardner, who also wore a blue suit with navy accessories and a of red roses. corsage Peter DeGrpot, of Belgrave, 1 of the groom, was best man. Following the ceremony a lunch was served at the home and Mrs. Ivan Gardner, after the couple left on a motor trip to London, Detroit and other points, frother* buffet of Mr. which Miss Bessie Campbell, Wingham, On their return they will live in Wingham. Sales of Canada’s retail merchants "topped all previous annual records In 1953, aggregating $12,092,174,000. Miss Gail Shean, Guelph, sister of the groom, and Miss Lillian Campbell, Wingham, sister of the bride, were bridesmaids. They wore gowns similar to the maid of honor in mauve and yellow, and carried nosegays of yellow and mauve mums. poultrY’ wormcr . William Rowles, Rev. Cyril Ladds, William Pincombe, PHENO-NIC TABLETS Softly kill MUWgsi CAKAL Why feed worms I It costs so little to keep poultry worm- free with Pheno-Nic Tablets* *TvroBm Miss Jane Campbell, niece of the bride, was flowergirl, wearing a yellow nylon net over taffeta gown and car rying a basket of summer flowers. I Wesley Shean, of Stratford, was the • groomsman and ushers were Hugh | Campbell, brother of the bride, and A reception was held in the college Jerry Barrett, brother-in-law of the refrectory when the bride’s mother,1 bride. gowned in Dior blue crepe with navy i Following the wedding ceremony a accessories and gardenia corsage, re-' reception was held in the church par- ceived guests assisted by the groom’s l]OrSi which were decorated with pink mother, in plum colored crepe with. and white streamers. The bride’s mo- matching accessories and corsage of‘ther received the guests in a navy Talisman roses. For a wedding trip to Lake Couchi- ching, the bride donned a navy ben galine suit-dress with navy and white accessories and white rosebud corsage. The couple will reside in Kerrwood. The bride attended Stratford Gen eral Hospital School of Nursing and the University of Western Ontario School of Nursing. The groom attend ed Huron College, London, and University of Western Ontario. PHOHE S3 &£) WINGHAM the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hunter, Luck- how, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Freda Geor gina to Mr. Malcolm Robert Scott, of Belgrave, youngest son of Mrs. Scott, of Wingham and the late R. J. Scott. The marriage will take place early in ; October in Zion United Church. [ F22* | Cyrus W. Scott Was Belgrave Resident Cyrus Walter Scott, a well-known resident of Belgrave, died suddenly in Wingham on Sunday. He was in his 77th year. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Scott, of Belgrave, he was born on the home farm near Belgrave, and was educated at S.S. No. 13, East Wa wanosh. He farmed in the. township throughout his life. He was married in 1914 to Lizzie Cunningham, who predeceased him in 1952. Mr. £cott was a member of Belgrave United Church. Surviving are one son, Bruce, at home; a daughter May (Mrs. Harry Rinn), of Belgrave; a brother, David, Belgrave; and a sister, Isabel (Mrs. Alex Gordon) of Pre Ste. Marie, Sask. Funeral service was held on Tues day, from the Currie funeral home with Rev, C. D. Cox officiating. In terment was in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. crepe dress with white and grey ac cessories. She wore a corsage of red roses. The gloom’s mother assisted in a black nylon lace dress with red accessories and wearing a corsage of red roses. For a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Cleveland, the bride chose a winter white knitted suit with navy accessories and a corsage of red roses. Guests were present from Stratford, Mount Forest and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Shean will live at Downie Street, Stratford, on their turn. Modern Heating Complete Forced Air Heating System for a Five-room Home $525.00 126 re- Write Dept. W.A.T. or visit ■•our Showrooms. S. V. Mr, and Mrs. Melville Bradburn, Belgrave, announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Jean, to Mr. Donald Murray Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keys, Brussels. The wedding will take place oft October 9 in Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave. F22* MacIntyre—Dennis A quiet but pretty Wedding place on September 14th, at Maitland Street Baptist Church, London, when Mrs. Gertrude A. Dennis^ of Blyth, Was united in marriage With Russell MacIntyre, of London. Rev. Kitchen, of London, performed the Ceremony. Mts. Kenneth Esterbrook, Sister of the bride, was matron of honor, and Mix Kenneth Esterbrook, was grooms man. After the ceremony the couple and their attendants enjoyed a dinner at Honk's Restaurant, in London, Mr. and Mrs. MacIntyre Will live in London. took Bluevale Speaker at Womens Institute Mrs. S. Bateson and Mrs. J. Henry were in charge of the program for the September meeting of the Winghani Institute. Mrs. N. McLaughlin presided for the business and further arrangements Were left with Mrs. J. Henry and Mrs. Bateson for the short course, "Supper Dishes”, to be held in the council* chambers on the afternoons of NOV. 3 and 4. Further plans were also made for the 53rd. anniversary to be celebrated the evening of October 27th. Mrs. N* McLaughlin was named a delegate for the Area convention. Mrs. A. R. DuVal introduced the guest speaker, Miss Ruby Duff, of Bluevale, who gave an informative talk oft “Health and Diet.” Mrs. Horace Aitchison left many good thoughts on dealing with the motto, “The Chief Ornament of the Home Should Be its Owner?’ jDonna and Jack Moffat favoured with two piano duets, Mrs, Win, Field thanked all those who took-j>&rt and the meeting clbsed With a social half hour. BELMORE T-he Play “Small Town Romeo’’ on by members of the Friendship Circle of McIntosh Church, has drawn large audiences wherever it has been presented. They put it on in Mild may and Gorrie last week and have quite a number of engagements ahead. put JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies STREETSVILLE, ONT. AND SAVE $ $ $ Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. " I wouldn’t have any part of IT" •‘And neither would my Dad. He knows the Value of trust Company experience in looking after an estate. He wouldn’t be without it!H So many wise men to-day rely on the experience and co-operation of a trust company. Write for free booklet headed: “Blueprint For Your Family**, covering Some aspects of estate ad- ministration. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION OFRCB ♦ BRANCH OFFfCl WX Boy1 St* Toriirtt |«g Puniop SL into — ............... ——..............................