HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-09-01, Page 8Eight The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, Sepember 1st, 19M
(Intended for last week)
The Belgrave Women’s Institute
held their August meeting in the
Community arena here, on Tuesday
afternoon, August 17, This was the
Grandmothers’ meeting. The roll call
wa^ answered with the history of
your home.
The vice-president, Mrs. Clarence
Wade, was in charge of the meeting
and also led in community singing.
Mrs. Albert Vincent gave the address
and also read a ppem, Mrs. Stanley
Cook gave two readings about Mothers
and Grandmothers. There was quite
an interesting display of old jewelery
shown at this meeting,
At the business period it was de
cided to have Fred Cook and Jesse
Wheeler plant tulips and add earth
to the cemetery flower beds.
There was a discussion about the
new curtain for the Forester’s Hall.
Members were asked to bring arti
cles for the hospital rummage sate
to the next meeting. Mrs. George
Michie conducted a geography match
and lunch was served by Mrs. Fred
Cook, Mrs. Charles R. Coultes, Mrs.
Albert Vincent and Mrs. Clifford
Turnberry Township
School Board Meets
Bridal Shower for
Vivian MacLean ’
Mrs. Frank Collar was hostess
cently when some thirty-five ladies
were entertained at her home in hon
our of Miss Vivian MacLean, bride of
last month,
Those assisting Mrs. Collar -were*.
Mrs. Douglas Gallagher, Mrs, J. Fal
coner, Mrs, R. Collar, Mrs. B. Mac-
Lean, Mrs. G. Scheifele, and Miss B.
Recent visitors with Mrs. John
McCarter and Miller McCarter were
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Bobby, of
Toronto and Mr. J. Waghorn, of De
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole, of
London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. James Michie.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and
family, of Orangeville, are spending
a few days with Mr, and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vogt, Heather
and Trudy, of Stratford, spent Tues
day visiting with Rev. and Mrs, Chas.
D. Cox.
Mrs. Louis Hayes, Miss Jean Hayes
and Mr. Jim Schue have returned to
their home in Elyria,
spending a few days
Thomas Brydges and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
and David, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Cook and Bobby, spent Sunday at
Niagara Falls.
Misses Joan Brydges and Florence
Cook left on Monday for a week’s
motor trip to Ottawa and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
visited on Sunday with Mr.
Joseph Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hartlin,
rich, visited on Sunday with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl And
erson. Z
Miss Mildred Higgins has returned
home after spending the past six
weeks on a conducted tour of Wes
tern Canada and the United States.
Mrs. Wm. Fryfogle, of Wingham,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Wilkinson and Miss Annie Baker.
Mrs. Thornes Walker, of Brussels,
and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walker
and family, of Timmins, visited with
Mr. Martin Grasby on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Campbell and
family, and Mrs. Henry Smith, all of
Hickson, visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Elizabeth Campbell.
Knox W.M.S.
The W.M.S. Auxiliary of Knox Pres
byterian Church met in the church
for the August meeting with Mrs. Mc-
Burney presiding. The meeting opened
with The Apostles’ Creed repeated in
unison and singing Psalm 47.
The reports of the secretary and
the treasurer were given and were
adopted. An invitation was received
from Belgrave United Church W.M.S.
to attend a meeting in the United
Church in September to hear Miss
Plans were made for taking part in
the Presbyterian Rally on September
11th in Seaforth and following the
roll call and the offering Mrs. Nichol
son read the Scripture passage and
Mrs. Dunbar led in prayer.
The topic was taken by Mrs. Ander
son and dealt with the first part of
“Flight Around the World” from the
Study Book. The idea of the tour is to
gain an idea of the church as a whole
as it exists in the countries visited and
these were Japan, India and Hong
The Glad Tidings news and prayer
were given by Mrs. Bruce. Mrs. Mc-
Burney gave an account of Miss Isa
bel Taylor’s life and work. Miss Tay
lor is a missionary in Formosa, This
had been prepared by Mrs. Purdon,
who was unable to be present.
• The meeting closed by singing hymn
553 and repeating the Lord’s Prayer
in unison.
Baskets of pink and white phlox
formed the setting in the Presbyterian
Church, North Mornington, on Satur
day afternoon August 14th, for the
marriage of Muriel Isobel Shiell and
David Allison Neilson. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Shiell, R. R. 1, Atwood, and the groom
is the son of Mrs. L. Neilson, Gorrie,
and the late Mr. Neilson.
The Rev. J. A, Armstrong of the
Anglican Church, Milverton, officiat
ed. Miss Helen Guenther was organist
and Miss Jean Sparling, Gorrie, was
Entering the church on the arm of
her father, the bride wore an ankle
length gown of white nylon net over
satin, topped with a wedding coat of
net and insets of Chantilly lace in
flared skirt. The coat featured long
Jily-point sleeves. Her flowers were
red sweetheart roses and rose buds on
white satin streamers.
Mrs. Jack Gray, Atwood, as matron
of honor, was in a sky blue gown,
ankle-length of nylon net over taf
feta, fitted strapless bodice, with mat
ching lace bolero, and carried pink
mums. Miss Verna Shiell, as brides
maid, was attired in a yellow ankle
length gown of nylon net over taffeta,
similar to that of the matron of hon
or. She carried mauve mums. Little
Susan Neilson, as flower girl, of Shil
oh’, Manitoba, wore a dress of pink
nylon net over taffeta, with short
puffed sleeves and matching head
dress. Her flowers were blue baby
Assisting the groom were his bro
ther, Captain John Neilson, Shiloh,
Manitoba, and Campbell Brown, Gor
rie. Ushers were Stewart Strong,
Gorrie and Jack Gray, Atwood.
A reception in the church basement
followed at 4.30 p.m. where the bride’s
mother received wearing navy blue
nylon sheer. Her corsage was pink
carnations. She was assisted by the
groom’s mother gowned in navy crepe
with blue and white collar and cuffs,
and corsage of pink carnations.
For a wedding trip to the United
States, the bride donned a pink linen
two-piece suit, three-quarter length
sleeves, fitted waist with peplum flar
ed below the waist, and white access
ories. The couple will reside in Gorrie.
i Guests were . in attendance from
Shiloh, Man., Listowel, Atwood, Bras
ses, Clinton and Gorrie.
The regular meeting of the Wing
ham W.I. was held in the town
hall, at 2,30 pm on Aug. 19th, with
the president, Mrs. N. McLaughlin, in
the chair, a«c| Mrs. N. Keating and
Mrs. A, Coutts in charge of the pro
gramme which featured Historical
After the usual business the secre
tary, Mrs. Wilfred Henry read a letter
from Mr. J. Brent, thanking us for
our entry in the Anniversary parade.
A cooking school, led by Miss Helen
Downey, will be held in the town hall
between 1.30 and 4.00 on Nov. 3rd
and 4th. All interested members of
the community are asked to keep
these dates free.
Some of Mrs. Jim Henry’s comments
on the motto “Do it now, it’s later
than you think” were: “Do those kind
acts now before it is too late—espec
ially in the home”, “If some child
fails to achieve a good life because
he never had a chance, remember that
you may be the chance that passed
him by”. “One good adult as a friend
would give each child a chance”.
Speaker from Toronto
Mrs. J. Baker, of Toronto, spoke on
“Time and people make History”,
She paid tribute to the interest of her
mother, Mrs. Bower in the Women’s
Institute for creating in her a sense
of responsibility to give service to her
community or Jive an incomplete life,
The W.I’s. motto is “for Home and
Country” but there was no W.I. in
her community so she chose the Home
and School Association, whose history
she traced from its beginning’ by Mrs.
MacCready in Guelph in 1905 to the
forming of The Ontario Federation
of Home and School Associations
corporated during 1919 £ 20 with Pro
fessor MacCready as first president.
Later the first International Council
of Home and School Organizations
met in Toronto but the president of
the American Parent Teacher Associ
ation became its first president. She
urged all parents to become members
if possible.
Mrs. A, Coutts, then, displayed the
treasures brought and asked each
contributor to tell the history of her
Tells of Casa Loma
Mrs. N. Keating read an interesting
paper on Casa Loma (the House on
the Hill) illustrated with pictures.
This castle which cost $1,500,000 plus
$250,000 for stables and $250,000 for a
wall, was mostly paid for by the pro
fit of buying a farm cheaply and
selling it as town lots. It gave em
ployment to 300 men for 3 years.
Since 1938, the Kiwanis Club have
operated it, unfurnished, as a tourist
attraction for the benefit of under
privileged children.
Bulletins on Ontario peaches con
taining recipes were, distributed.
Current events were given by Mrs.
A. Coutts,
Mrs. W.,Henry drew attention to the
error in closing date for peach recipes.
It should read Nov. 1954.
Well Responded To
The roll call was well responded to
but showed a great number
bers were absent. Visitors
dially invited to all meetings
members always welcome.
It was decided to ask the executive
to plan a suitable way to celebrate
our 53rd. anniversary this fall. Two
of our charter members are Mrs. J.
Linklater of Kincardine, the first
president, and Mrs. Jno. Tervit of
After “The Queen”, a dainty lunch,
convened by Mrs. Bower, was enjoyed
by all.
of mem-
are cor
and new
At the end of 1953 the Federal gov
ernment had 40,000,000 pounds of but
ter stockpiled as a result of price-sup
port operations.
A meeting of the Turnberry Town
ship School Area Board was held ip
No. 11 school on August 12th, at 8.3Q
p.m, All members were present.
The minutes pf previous meeting
were read and op motion, of Kirton
and Holmes adopted.
Powell - Mundell—That the outside
of No. 4 school be painted, carried.
The Board would like to draw to the
attention of the ratepayers that those
who have children starting to school
September 1st., that the child must be
six years old by December 1st., 1954.
Powell - Holmes—That the follow
ing bills be paid: Joe Kerr, gravel,
$15,00; Mrs. L. McDougall, supplies
$2.05; Jas. Hardie, telephone, $1.80;
Harry Templeman, painting Np. 11,
$193,80; L, D. Balser, repair to motor,
$6.50; Gordon Messer, cutting grass,
Kirton - Mundell—That meeting ad
journ, next meeting to be at No, 3
school, September 16th, at 8.30 p.m.
Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas.
Durham Agricultural Society is
sponsoring a “wool exhibit” at the an
nual fall fair, September 7 and 8.
The Canadian Wool Bureau of Tor
onto, js sending a display of woollen
materials. A spinning wheel and fin
ished garments as well as the process
of manufacture from the fleece..to the
finished garments* will be displayed.
A fleece wool competition is also
being offered with $150 in prize
On display will be an all-wool mural,
16 by 8 feet, a product of the Mari
time craftsmen, made for the sheep
Children playing with matches were
blamed for a blaze jn a mail box ip
Stratford. Rost office officials said
two pieces of mail were badly dam
aged. The rest was salvaged. The fire
had smouldered put when discovered.
Telephone 23
afternoon, 2—4 p.m., or
by appointment.
Frederick F. Homuth
Phm.B., R.O.
Carol E. Homuth, R.O.
Mrs. Viola H. Homuth R.O.
Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Wingham, Phone 48
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Money to Loan
Office — Meyer Block, Wingham
Insurance Company
Est. 1840
An all Canadian Company which
has faithfully served its policy
holders for over a century. _
Head Office — Toronto
H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency
as you pay for it on the (22) budget plan!
Why lug water by hand any longer? Install a
Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running,
water as you pay for it. Save time, save labour,
cut operating costs.
of Gode-
and Mrs.
Produced by Imperial Tobacco
Company of Canada, Limited
as d public service
One hundred years ago the Canada
Company granted Michael Murray
farm land near St. Pauls and last
week a grandson of the early settler
celebrated the anniversary. Wilfred
Murray proudly displays the* original
deed to the Downie Township land
which has been in the Murray family
since his grandfather settled on it in
KITCHEN—running water cuti
kitchen chores—laundry and
dishes are done in half the time.
BARNS—So much eailer to
Water the stock,,. and >o much
extra protection against Ore.
BATHROOM—oil the conven
ience of a city home to protect
your family's health and add
to your comfort.
Mfg. Co. Limited
A fire which Started in 'a grease
pan in the Paradise Tea Gardens Mt.
Forest, caused $250 damage to the
Walls before firemen put it out.
The walls of the restaurant, owned
by Gus Blume, and of the apartment
upstaits, occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Nick plume, Were burned,
for pump, fixtures and installation, too
The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your com
plete water system-pump, tank, pipe, kitchen
and bathroom fixtures, taps in ail buildings
and the cost of installation. You can have the
‘ whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the
next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the
cost of labour and material worked out on the
EMCO Budget Plan. Then consider how much
work it can save you, the extra leisure you can
enjoy by installing your water system tight away
Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay