HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-08-18, Page 9*■ft » SERVING THE FINEST- I s g • TAKE MOTHER OUT OF THE KITCHEN = BRING HER AND THE CHILDREN TO OUR PINING ROOM g B ——SI’ECIAL CHILDREN’S PLATES I f BUSINESS GIRLS’ AND MEN’S LUNCHEON , g 8 DAILY—ll ami. to 2 pm. - 5 pm. to 7 p.m. ■ I HOTEL BRUNSWICK NEWS OF WROXETER Wroxeter Girls Enjoy Holiday At Lions' Camp Kitchagami DRAIN TILE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ■ Drop in or call i J. A. RYDALL, BRICK and TILE YARD I Elginfield, Ontario PHONE LUCAN 25r31 daughter, Vincent, Timmins, were guests of the Misses Elsie and Marion Gibspn last week. Sally Gibson, of Hanover, is also a guest pf her aunts. Mr. and Mrs. Alien Bchott who have been visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Alien Munro at thejr pottage the past two weeks, returned to Cleveland on FrL day. They were accompanied by Win- nifred Munro and Anne Douglas, The girls will fly home next week. Jimmy Wylie, Owen Sound, is spends ing two weeks’ vacation with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, J, H. Wylie, Mesdames Gilbert Howes, Howard Wylie, Thomas Burke, Robert Gibson and, Bert Martin attended a shower given for Miss Deyell in Wingham, on Thursday night. Miss (DeyeH's mar­ riage to John Howes, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howes, wijl take place shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Moffat attended fun- ■ eral services for their cousin, G. Bow- jes, whose tragic death by drowning took place at Point Clark a week ago. He ,was a nephew of the former Myrtle Bowes, who taught school in Wroxeter some years ago, Mrs, Wm, Maxwell has for her guest, her mother, Mrs. Mitchell, of Stratford. Mrs, Mitchell is in her 92nd. year, and in fairly good health and able to enjoy a drive. She is a former citizen of this district. Visitors with Anna D, Hooper were Mr. and Mrs, Sutton, Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs, W. Percy, Mr, Geo. Stacey and wife of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Plouff, of Hamilton, Mr. Plouff, of Port Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hooper, of Toronto, cousins of Miss Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quantz, Listowel visited Mrs. Robt. .Hupfer, Wroxeter South, on Saturday. Mr. John Hupfer and Miss Hazel Sparling, Wroxeter south, spent Sun­ day, with Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, Lis­ towel, and also called on Mr, and Mrs. Henry Walter and Mr. and Mrs. Orm- ie Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montrose of the local bank staff, spent the week­ end at his home in Simcoe. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright, Wroxeter were: Mr. and’Mrs. F. Millward and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Steurnol and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Draper and family, occasion being a birthday party little Margaret Rose Wright * Tiie Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 18, 1954 M 1$ YOUR HEAD OFFICE >72 Bay St., Toronto THE STERLING C O R p O R v Girls Return From Camp The girl’s group returned on Friday from a happy holiday at Camp Kitcha­ gami, Damp and unfavourable weath­ er interferred with the usual hikes and nature study classes but amateur contests, skits, square dancing and movies' left never a dull moment. The girls too -enjoyed the ball game in which leaders played against council­ lors. A number of the campers were slightly ill during the week and Nancy Newton was taken to Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital on her return with sym- ptons similar to that of polio, Nancy recovered quickly and was able to re­ turn home on Monday, Girls from this district in the party were Marjory Moffat, Elaine Statia, Irene Bartman, Blanche Felker, all four cabin leaders. Carol Millward, Jean Ann Doig, Sharon Holmes, Fay Smith, Conny Smith, Betty Mitchell, Marilyn Mitchell, Bernice Grainger, Nancy Newton, Nadine Cook, Eliza­ beth Ann Cooper, Yvonne Sparling, Jo-Ann Strong. The holiday was made possible by Howick Lions Club. Ken Edgar and Campbell Brown, teachers in Howick schools were in charge. W. I. September Meeting The September meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held in the Masonic Club rooms on 'Wednesday, September 1st., at 2.30 o’clock. Motto "Laugh More, Worry Less’’ will be taken by Mrs. John MacLean, The topic, “Keep your thinking up to date" by Mrs. Gilbert Howes. Discussion on radio evaluation, Mrs. Charles Cath- ers, convenor of citizenship and educa­ tion. Roll call, An item of interest on Ceylon. Hostesses, Mrs. Les Doug­ las, Mrs Frank Earls, Mrs. Victoria Brothers. Haysville Woman Wins W. I. Prize The Women’s Institute Branch and Home Economics Service of the Ont­ ario Department of Agriculture today announced art and handicraft winners in .the annual competitions. The handi­ crafts award for a complete summer outfit for a six-year-old girl went to Crosby Institute, Leeds North. Win- ners in the art competition, A adi^n landscape in oils, were Mabie Grund isch, Peace Can- Mrs. Bridge Branch, Welland, Mrs. M. McBride,. Walkerton, Mrs, J, M. Marbois, Hays­ ville Branch, Waterloo South. Judges in the art competition were Canadian artists A. JL Gussin, and HE, S. Palmer. The latter contest was open in Insti­ tute members only and amateurs. From Subdivision 12 North, East'and South Bruce also East Huron, ten entries were made. Winning pictures will soon be shown by the director at fall conventions across Ontario. W. A. and W. L Enjoy Picnic Members- of the Women’s Associa­ tion, United Church and Women’s In­ stitute, with members of the Women’s Missionary Society . as their guests, enjoyed a picrnc at Seaforth Lions Club Park, on Tuesday afternoon. About thirty-five attended, Mrs. Harry Adams, Mrs, Herbert Patterson and Mrs. William Hart were conveners, and under their leadership an interest­ ing programme of games and contests were carried out. Mrs. Alex McKer- cher received a prize as. the oldest member present. Mrs. McKercher 'treated all present to home-made candy which was delic­ ious. A cold meat supper was served,' Mrs. John Lane spoke words of ap­ preciation from the Institute. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton from the Wo­ men’s Missionary Society and Mrs. Harold former ure' at Do you often worry about the fact that you haven’t a planned estate? Why not put your mind at ease right now by contacting Sterling Trusts? It will cost you nothing to have your estate planned during your lifetime. And it gives such a feeling of satisfaction—a certain peace of mind, to know that all is in order. A qualified Sterling Trusts Counsellor will enable you to enjoy the satisfaction that a properly planned estate can bring; FARM MACHINERY'1 1 *8• j= K------------ ----------7 ----------------- JL economy, New roominess, New handling ease, New ■ * *1n ji 8 *S S 4 I MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTORS 44 SPECIAL—Gas or Diesel Great New Engines, New high performance, New comfort, • £ 33 TRACTOR—-9 styles and models Here is 2 - 3 Plow Power for the average farm, Massey-Harris Plows - One Way Discs and Harrows New-and Used Manure Spreaders I . USED TRACTORS 1—John Deere Model D 1—Massey-Harris 22-3 years old 1—Massey-Harris 44 1—2-furrow Cockshutt Plow on rubber - 2 years old IF—You are using the mortgage plan of buying your home, YOU should know about our special MORTGAGE INSUR­ ANCE. Consult— CHARLES HODGINS FRANK C. HOPPER YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER Wingham Phone 378 -Representative— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT II • 1 WITH /STAINLESS STEEL Double Tub Washer \\ ■t. ALL wool BLANKITSHUT AND PILLOW CASES BATH AND BUIST TOWELS The gift includes TWO Caldwell Bath Towels, TWO Caldwell Guest Towels, TWO Face Cloths, ONE Tex-Made “Homestead” Double Sheet, TWO Pillow Cases, and ONE Ayers "Homespun All-Wool Blanket. Trade-in EASY TERMS ALL THIS WITH THE For more than 50 years the leader. More sold in Canada every year than any other mak$. Washer in beatty Washes cleaner Fast-washing, clean-washing, time-saving washer** have been the Beatty specialty for 50 years. They give you cleanet, whiter clothes in half the lime. beatty wrings drier Beatty Giant Pres* Wringer has never been equalled lor getting-water out of the clothes. Ha* Balloon Rolf*, easy-shift lever and pressure control. Hamilton, of Wyoming, a member expressed her pleas- beifig present. Lose To Belgrave Wroxeter Softball team is now out of the running for this year having lost to Belgrave at Wingham Ball Park on Saturday night by a score of 13-12.’ It was a hard fought battle. Better luck next' time, boys. , United Church News Service in the United Church be taken by Mr. Cunningham, of towel. Rev. E. W. Todd, who is holi­ daying in Ottawa district expects to again take up his work on Sunday, August 29th. Personals Mrs, James Norman, Blyth, also Mrs. K. C. preiss, Belmore, visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kermath. , Mrs. J. N. Allen is very ill in Vic­ toria Hospital, London. Mr. Allen and other members of her family have spent the past few days with her. Her many friends wish for word of im­ provement soon. Miss Rona VanVelsior is a patient in Wingham Genera! Hospital.1 Her many friends hope for a speedy recov­ ery. Mrs. Mac Allen and pick accompan­ ied Dr. Maxwell and Mrs. MacFarlane to Montreal, where their daughter, Frances MacFarlane, has spent the summer vacation. Mrs. Allen, Mr. Al­ len, their two sons, George and Dick, also their niece, Miss Margaret Gal­ laher, will return here for the re­ mainder of the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. David Livingstone have returned from England where they spent the past year and are staying with the latter’s mother, Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Mr. and Mrs. Ira MacLean have returned from a vacation at White Base Mountains, Maine. They were ac­ companied by a couple from Brussels. An interesting visitor with Misses Beatrice and Mary Howes last week was Miss Hilliary Erayshaw. Miss Brayshaw has been a librarian in Ro­ chester for the past two years and was visiting her cousins enroute to her home in Harrowgate, England. Mr. and Mrs. Lwen Vanvessen, of Leamington, were also guests at the Howe home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Armstrong ’ and son, David, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Poculuvko. Mrs. Arm­ strong is Andy’s sister. Mr. Ken Collier and Miss Marilyn MacLean, London, were week-end vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ira MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham arid Ronald Higgins spent last week at Port Elgin. Mrs. Edward Harris, daughter, Jean, and son, Stephen, Brownsville, also Mrs.' Frank Forster and Mrs, I. J. Gamble, Fordwich, spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Remick, Glencoe, (nee Zorra Bolt) called on old friends on the second Line of Turnberry recently. Mr. and Mrs. John King, Hamilton, Were^ week-end visitors With the lat­ ter’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. William Rae, Hanover, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. D. W. Rae. Mt. and Mrs. Rae and their son, Douglas, have just returned from a trip to the West Coast arid report a wonderful holiday. Mt. and Mrs, George Gibson, and TRUSTS A T 1 O will Lis- The for ‘ICE’ SWALLOWER GOES TO COOLER Kenneth Duval, 21, of Kitchener, who swallowed a $250 diamond ring last week was sentenced to six mon­ ths in jail by Magistrate J. R. Gillen. Duval was convicted last week of the theft of the three-diamond studd­ ed ring and was remanded a week for sentence. When he was arrested the day the ring was stolen, he became suddenly ill and an X-ray revealed- the ring in his stomach. Skinny men, women gain 540^15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill! Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollows fill up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly “bean-pole ' look. Thousands of* girls, yomen, men, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely, healthy-looking bodies.They thank the special vigor-building, flesh-building tonic, Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants, invigorators, iron, vita­ min Bi, calcium, enrich blood, improve appe­ tite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you’ve gained, the 5, 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costs little. New “get acquainted” size only 6,0c. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablelts for new pep, vigor and added pounds, this very day. At ail druggists. r I OFFICE St., Barrie BRANCH 1-3 Dunlop Relieve That Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known , FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of .FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, x who will be at my store to. give relief to those suff­ ering from Foot Ailment, TUESDAY, Aug., 24 WEDNESDAY (morning), Aug. 25 CALLAN SHOES Phone 12 Wingham | - BEATTY LASTS LONGER Sturdy, simple, ball-bearinj mechanism. Direct Drive (nd belts) tuns, more smoothly and quietly and Far outlast! other types. 4 5 Produced by Imperial Tobacco Company of Cartadd, Limited tis d public service Careful & Be PHONE 758J2 CHAPMAN’S GENERAL STORE WHITECHURCH Boys and Girls! The KIST BOTTLE TOP CONTEST CLOSES *tea o__ MIDNIGHT TUESDAY AUGUST 31, 1954 MAIL YOUR ENTRY TO-DAY ! HERE'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO ... First — check to make sure that you have all your lucky Kist Bottle Tops and your official entry form. Then wrap your entry securely in a sealed package . , . make sure it bears sufficient postage .. a and mail to: TUCKEY BEVERAGES Exeter Ontario Please do not mail, your bottle tops m an envelope . .. we Cannot be responsible for entries mailed incorrectly. Names of prize-winners will be published in this newspaper and prizes will be awarded two weeks after the contest closes. AND REMEMBER . .8 o £ Hr K- r'’Svi•»£ Kisrl ( rRADE MARK REG'U- 1 1 >Averages Whenever you're thirsty , . . whenever you’re buying a drink at school, on hikes or at sporting events . . . teach for a bottle of ice cold Kist Orange, Lemon-Lime. Cream Soda, Ginger Ale 'or Grape. You’ll agree . . . Kist is the "tops" in pops! I K|SrcAP. P LICENSE itd stMTFOPD CfiN