HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-08-18, Page 8Page Eight The Whigham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 18, 1954 HERE £ WINGHAM MOTORS » ■w They know where they can get the quickest, most reliable service. Why not bring your car in for a check-up today! J" ' o Comp. Ill; &:$: Comp. II; IV; Botany for $1.00 Each ticket admits one Adult or two children Upper School Examination Results At Local High School The following are Upper School ex­ amination results at the Wingham District High School: Armstrong, Marjorie: Eng. Comp. II; Mod, Hist. IV; Botany, IV; Zool­ ogy III; French A. IV; French C III. Church, Margaret: Eng. Comp. Ill; Eng Lit. I; Mod. Hist, III; Botany IV; Coultes, Clifford: Eng. Comp 1; Eng, Lit. H; Mod. Hist. IH; Latin A. Ill; Latin C. IV; French A. II; French C, II Coupland, Donna: Mod. Hist. TV. Cummins, Mary Ellen: Eng. Comp, II; Eng. Lit. Ill; Mod .Hist, in; Alg. M£T U5 SERVICE YOUR CAR • i GRAND BEND Tri-County Rural Day HORSE SHOE TOURNEY Watch Crack Doubles Teams Throw Finals in Afternoon TUG O’ WAR CONTEST Eliminations Start 10 a.m. Sponsored by O’KEEFE’S BREWING CO. LTD. Apply to Pat Harrison, Grand Bend, for Entry Forms. Picked Teams from Each County Preliminary 11.30 a.m. Final 4 p.m. . Sponsored by YOUR LOCAL CO-OP Western Ontario’s Newest Farm Day Wed. Aug SPECIAL RURAL PLAY DAY FOR HURON, LAMBTON AND MIDDLESEX 3 Big Tri-County- Sports Tourneys ON GRAND BEND SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD Adults 50c Children 25c ALL-STAR SOFTBALL All-Star Team from Each County Preliminary 10 a.m. Finals 2 pan. Sponsored by Your Local Dealer of MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON ENJOY FUN AT GRAND BEND Swim — Picnic — Boat and Midway Rides Dance — Roller Skate — Bowl — Golf Western Fair Tickets Now Selling Here Western Fair at London, September 13 to 18, is synonymous with a good time, and you will want to attend the largest Fair between Toronto and Windsor. Advance sale tickets are the same price as last year—three for one dollar. And please remember this: Only holders of advance sale tickets are eligible for the draw for three motor cars on the evening‘of Septem,- ber 13th. Just mail your advance sale coupon attached to every ticket strip to Wes­ tern Fair, London, with your name and address written plainly on the coupon. This coupon must be address­ ed to Western Fair, London, and must reach the Fair by 9:30 p.m. Septem­ ber 13. Only advance sale tickets are good for the draw Saturday night, September 18th, for three T. V. §ets and two Bicycles, It would be a good idea to buy your tickets right away and fill out the coupon and mail it immediately. Then you- will be sure your coupon is in the draw for three cars. Not only that, but .when you buy advance sale tickets three for one dollar, you save 50 cents on the regular admission price of 50 cents at the gate. Remember too, that one advance sale ticket will admit two children to the Fair. Western Fair tickets are now on sale at Mason’s Book Store and at Station CKNX. IV,; Latin A. I; Latin C. Ill; French A. Ill; French C. III. Dickison, Helen; Eng. Eng. Lit. Ill; Mod. Hist. IV;'Zoology, IV (Donahue, David: Eng. Eng. Lit. II; Alg. IV.; Geom. I; Trig. II; Phys. IV; Chem. IV.; French A. IV. Edgar, Donald: Eng. Comp. IV; Eng. Lit. Ill; Mod. Hist. Ill; Botany III; Zoology, III. Ford, Marguerite: Mod. Hist. II. Foxton, Shirley: Eng. Comp. I; Eng. Lit. Ill; Mod. Hist. I; -Geom. III; Bot. II; Zool, II; French A; III; French C. IV. Gallaher, Berva: Mod. Hist III. Gaunt, James: Alg. IV; Geom. II; Trig. I; Phys. II; Chem. I; French C. IV. Grant, Nora: Eng. Comp. II; Eng. Lit, I; Alg. IV; Bot. IV; Zool.-II; Latin A. II; Latin C. Ill; French A. Ill; French C. II. Hall, George: Geom. IV; Trig. II; Phys. IV; Chem. IV; French A. IV. Holmes, Kenneth: Trig. I, Irwin, Jean: Eng. Comp. II; Eng. Lit. II; Mod. Hist. I; Geom. II; Bot. Ill; Zool. II; French A IV; French C. IV. Keyes, Shirley: Eng. Comp. Ill; Eng. Lit. II; Mod. Hist. II; Bot. II; Zool II. Laidlaw, William: Trig. I. Machan, Helen: Eng Comp. I; Eng. Lit. I; Alg. I; Geom.-I; Bot. I; Zool. I; Latin A. I; Latin C. I; French A. I; French C. I. I McKague, Ivan: Eng. Comp, III; | Eng. Lit. IV; Mod. Hist. IV; Zool. TV. Rettinger, Arlene: Eng. Comp. Ill; Eng. Lit. Ill; Mod. Hist. II; Bot. Zool. III. Sinnamon, Hugh; Eng. Comp. Eng. Lit. Ill; Mod. Hist. I; Bot. Zool. I; Isatin A. I; Latin C. II; French A. I; French C. I. Stainton, Neil: Alg. Ill; Geom. II; Trig. I; Phys. IV; Chem. II. Stewart, Erlme: Eng. Comp. IV; Eng. Lit. IV; Latin A. III. Thompson, Lois: Eng. Comp. Ill; Eng. Lit. I; Alg. I; Geom. I; Bot. I; Zool. I; Chem. I; Latin A. I; Latin C. I; French A. I; French C. I. Webb, Ruth: Mod. Hist. I. West, Roger: Eng, Comp. Ill; Eng. Lit. Ill; Mod. Hist.’ I; Geom. I; Phys. IV; French A. Ill; French C. IV. Wood, Kenneth: Eng. Comp. Eng. Lit. IV. Freudeman, John: Trig. IV; III; Zool. II. I—75% -or over; II—66% - 111—60% - 65%; IV—50% - 59%. Crop Report by G. W. Montgomery Intermittent showers the early part of last week considerably delayed har­ vest operations. Practically all of the wheat has now been harvested and yields of over 50 and even 60 bushels per acre are quite common. Practical­ ly all of the heavy feeder cattle have now gone to market. Pastures, hay aftermath and new seedings have greened up considerably with the re­ cent rajins. FOUNDATION LAID AT HOSPITAL SITE Concrete foundation work on the Hanover Hospital wing has been completed and it is expected roof and brick work will be finished before winter. Eric Winkler, hospital board chairman, told the board work is progressing satisfactorily. Hospital revenue for the first six months this year totalled $25,431. Ex­ penditure was $24,282. « / IV; ii; ii; III; Bot. 74%; in FOP n With the increasing hazards of highway travel, there may be a big market ahead for a new lightweight aluminum crash hel­ met developed in Europe. It not only takes unnecessary weight off your mind; tests proved that it also exhibits less “dent depth” when objects are drop­ ped on it — with no one under­ neath, we should add. Sounds like a sensible cha­ peau for construction workers too. Certainly lots of aluminum articles developed for one use have been quickly adopted-for others ... a process which has helped build heavy demand for Canadian aluminum both at home and in foreign markets. Aluminum Company of Can­ ada, Ltd. (Alcan). Mrs. Jas. C. Snowden Buried in Lucknow Mrs. James C. Snowden died Wingham General ’Hospital, on Aug­ ust 8th, after an illness of several weeks. She was in her 68th year. The former Agusta Maude Haines, she was born in East Wawanosh, and was married there -in 1913. She was educated at S. S. No. 7, East Wawa­ nosh, and was a member of Donny­ brook United Church. '• Surviving are her husband, one son, Ernest at home, three grandchildren, Billie, Linda and Ronnie, a sister Winnifred (Mrs. Wellington Nixon) of Lucknow and a brother, Evans Hain­ es, of Slocum Valley, B. C. An infant son predeceased her. Funeral service was held from the home on August 11th, with Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, of Clinton, a former pastor of her church, in charge. Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow. Pallbearers were Roy Irwin, Thos. Jamieson, Gordon Naylor, Clarence Chamney, Bert Thompson and Mark Armstrong, all neighbours of the de­ ceased. Friends were present from Grand Valley, Laurel, Orangeville,, Georgetown and Toronto. i PREMIER TO OPEN MITCHELL FAIR Premier Leslie Frost will open' the Mitchell Fall Fair September 29 it was announced last week at a meeting of the fair board. A parade of antique agricultural equipment will be one of the features of the fair this year. Just think of what that means to you! No more annoying drips ... no more wasteful leaks . . . no drip stains to scour away... no more washers to change. What’s more, Magic Action Fittings and Magic Line Accessories won an award from the National Industrial Design Council for form, function, originality, good value and consumer acceptance. A matched set of Magic Action faucets for basin, bath, shower and kitchen sink will go a long way to make your bathroom look ‘ better . . . and they cost no .more than ordinary taps. Come in and see our full line of EMCO 7 * plumbing equipment. HOWARD MACHAN Phone 58 Wingham EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED LONDON CANADA DUNDAS STREET, EAST T3.54 Building Supplies Tongue and Groove Ceiling Tile Gyproc Products Panelyte Full line of Trim and Molding Asphalt and Cedar Shingles Twindow, Pattern and Penvernon window glass Prizes valued at over $7,500.00 Only ADVANCE SALE TICKET HOLDERS ore eligible for prizes including 1954 Dodge 1954 Meteor 1954 Pontiac 21" Sparton Television Set 21" Emerson Television Set 17" Emerson Television Set 2 Bicycles Special .'Opening Night Awards Three 1954 Cars Special non-admission coupon attached must reach Western Fair Association by 9:30 p.m. Sept. 13. 19S4 to be eligible for opening night draw, \ ! s GLITTERING HORSE SHOW EXHIBITSSQUARE DANCING 9 ■in 1 MUCH HARNESS racingFARM MACHINERY / I C ft Q Ji MIDWAY WW CRAFTS DISPLAYS CANADA’S FINEST CATTLE SHOW cVEVElAND BROAD I’have t For ample protection at low net cost, see your local Mutual Life of Canada representatlvai I It happens that we‘ - when they were i this country. But none favo „ Canada, Company 01 / You have full permission to use my letter of January 25, 1954, In any way you deem best. I shall be highly gratified If it can be used to call attention of a wider public to the advantages offered by your company. «jo me, Sash and Doors 2 x 4 to 2 x 10 all lengths Plywood products Plywood sheeting Sash and Frames Pittsburgh Paints Prompt Delivery CAMPBELL -----and----- GORBUTT Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Res. 340M Phone 1-J Res. 481 SEPT. 13 TO 18_- LONDON, ONT. W. D. JACKSON, Manager Tickets may be purchased at MASON’S BOOK STORE RADIO STATION CKNX that your policy paid me more in dividends than I paid out in premiums r/... says Mr. R. B. Blyth. 25' January The Mutual Lite Assurance Waterloo, Ontario. Gentlemen: ' Let me express my deep appreciation of your promptness in* forwarding the cheque in. settlement of. the quinquennial dividend on-' policy 53970. I,want also to express my great gratification at the suits of this policy, taken out by me when I lived in Victoria, B.C. Not long after I took out the policy, it seemed advisable for for health reasons, to <come to this country, where I have been ever since. Had I remained in Canada, I certainly would have bought more insurance with your Company, but living on this side of the line, I secured several policies from other companies. While I^have been pleased with the records of some of these policies, none of them com­ pares favorably with the one I*have with The Mutual Life of Canada. It happens that we have five children, for each of whom I took out a policy when they were in their '.teens—in five of the better companies? in this country. But none of these policies show a record that compares favorably with the. record of the policy T hold with yofi. I presume you have the policy result before you. It is one of which you may be proud. To me, it is astounding that.1 should have received in dividends from the policy an amount more than equal to the total,amount of the premiums I paid out—while the policy still offers the protection it'always did. It is a mar-''11 mis record for which I am profoundly grateful.. records kz.~ — J»aid out—while -'^'vellous Sincerely'yours, MUTUAL IIFE of CANADA OFFICE WAUPlOO EsIcihUhed I 869 A M A District Representative ArPHAII WINGHAMjlva* jlif JLVJI JI JI / a JI tV JI JPi VJ JI 1 a > XVI I