HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-08-18, Page 4use Page Four . The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August 18, 1954 FOR SALE COMING EVENTS V MOFFATT 4-BURNER table-top elec­ tric range for sale. Excellent con­ dition. 6 months guarantee, easy terms, Burke Electric. * 4b CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re­ lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes goon. CHICKENS, fresh killed, weight 5 to 7 pounds for sale. Phone R. J. Mac- Murray, 735J3. rrb MILpMAY FIREMEN'S BINGO, on Wednesday, August 18th, in Mild­ may Community Centre. $2,300 in cash prizes. This super special must go, $1,000. 3 special prizes, $200.00; 14 games, prizes $50.00,, Extra and special cards for $1.00. Doors open at Games start at 9.00 p.m. WANTED QUANTITY OF SUGAR SACKS. Ap­ ply Hamilton Beverages, phone 485. 7rrb TWO-BURNER Sunshine heavy-duty range, automatic oven, in perfect condition.. Phone 703W21, Glenn Appleby. % 18b HIGH CHAIR for sale, good condi­ tion. Apply Mrs. W. Conn, phone 662W1. 18* HARD AND SOFTWOOD SLABS for sale. John J. Gaunt, Whitechurch, Phone 401w2. 18,1* FRIGIDAIRE TABLE TOP RANGE AND FRIDGE for sale, 4 years old, Easy washer, modern blonde bed­ room suite, like new. Phone 554-M. 18* ON ANY RINGBINDER purchased at Kerr’s Drug Store, they will stamp your name in Gold Letters FREE. “ 18b SEED WHEAT for sale. We have a limited quantity of Registered Gen­ esee winter wheat, cleaned and treated. Howson & Howson. 18:1b WHITE ALL-METAL CRIB for sale, 27 x 51 with or without mat­ tress. Phone 679J. 18b SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL— Septic tanks, cesspools, wells, cellars, etc. pumped and cleaned with sani­ tary modern eqiupment. All work guaranteed satisfactory. For quick service write or phone Louis Blake, Brussels, Ont. Phone Brussels 42r6. 18rrb THRESHING MACHINE for sale, Red River, 2S"x46”, on rubber, 100 ft. drive belts, 18 ft. grain elevator. Apply to Tom Pletch, R. R. 5, Brus­ sels. Phone 12r23. rrb SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE— Steel reinforced cement septic tanks, 6% by 3% ft., 5 ft. deep. Capacity of 450 Imperial gallons. The design -and construction of these tanks has been approved by the Huron and Bruce County Health Units. We de­ liver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter’s Welding Service, Lucknow. 11,25b CARS FOR SALE 1954 PLYMOUTH hard top convert­ ible for sale. Two months old. Phone 668. 18b 1951 PONTIAC COACH for sale, A-l condition, reasonable. Apply C. G. Cooke, Gorrie, Ont. Saturdays only. 18* IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our service is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293. rrb 1954 FORD V-8 for sale. Custom tu- dor coach. Exceptionally low mile- Like new inside and out. Be- of the Mrs. W. B. 1118b age. ing sold to settle the estate late Dr. Connell, Contact W. M. Connell, Wingham, or Anderson, Lucknow. REAL ESTATE 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE with as­ phalt siding for sale, centrally loc­ ated, near both schools, 3 piece bath. Apply Dudley E. Holmes, Listowel, or Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, rep­ resentative. 11, 18 lb 63 ACRES CLAY LOAM for sale, 13 miles from road. School, close. Good Good house, hydro throughout. Yungblut, Auburn, Ont. Goderich, on Collegiate bus, bank barn, hen furnace, bath, Mrs. for $1.00. 25c or 5 7.45 p.m. sharp, 18b BIRTHS Wingham General ROOM AND BOARD for about eight men in private homes. Also house­ keeping accommodation for one coppie. Please give full particulars in your reply. Thos. Ainslie, Lam­ beth, Ontario. 18:1b WANTEp—Two heated housekeeping rooms. Partly furnished, convenien­ ces, Reasonable. Protestant pension­ er. Apply Box 110, Fordwich. 18b SMALL HOUSE WANTED, rent, lease or buy. Phone 143M. 18b WANTED—A pet coon, 1 year old or younger. Phone 686 r 32, Hensall. Apply to Bob Faulds, Kippen, Ont. 4b DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb POULTRY FOR SALE O’KRAFKA—In Hospital, on Tuesday, August 10, 1954, to O’Krafka, Gorrie, a son. STECKLY—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Thursday, August 12th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steck- ly, Gorrie, a daughter. FISCHER—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Thursday, August 12th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fischer, R. 1, Wingham, a daughter. WALL—In Wingham General Hospi­ tal, on Thursday, August 12th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wall, R. R. 3, Wingham, a daughter. GRAINGER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, August 12th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grainger, R. 2, Wroxeter, a son. ADAMS—In Wingham General Hospi­ tal, on Friday, August 13th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams, Wrox­ eter, a son. HASKINS—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Saturday, August 14th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haskins, R. 1, Clifford, a son. Mr.and Mrs.Thos, and Mrs. O’Brien and with their sister, Mrs. A. E. Newman, Mr, Newman and twin daughters, Madeline and Mau­ reen, Windsdr. .—Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cushman and family, of St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Miles Over­ end, Tym Overend, who has been vis­ iting in St. Marys for the past month, returned with them. —Miss Ruth Burgman P. H. nurse, of Vancouver, B.C., is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Burg­ man. She was a bridesmaid at the Hol­ land - Anderson wedding in Sarnia on Friday. —-The local Women’s Institute held their picnic in the council chambers last Thursday, owing to the inclement weather. A large crowd attended and a good afternoon enjoyed. Tables were spread with abundance of good things to eat after which bingo was played? —Mr. and Mrs. John Aiken and Nada, of Elora, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton. Douglas Hamilton is spending this week at the United Church summer camp Goderich. —Mr. and Mrs. Slim Boucher left Monday for Montreal, where they will take up residence. Mr Boucher came down from Montreal last week with his parents and brother, returning with Mrs. Boucher. —Jack Pym commenced his duties with the Kincardine Public Utilities Commission on Monday of this week. •His family will be moving to the lake­ side town when accommodation is available. —Mr. and Mrs. Ermin Copeland and Misses Phyllis and Marguerite Johns attended the wedding of Miss Mar­ jorie Anderson, daughter of Mrs. An­ derson and the late Rev. J. F. Ander­ son of Sarnia to Mr. Howard Hollands, also of Sarnia on Friday, August 13th. —Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. DuVal were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smale, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. and grandson, Gregory Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton, of Detroit; Mr. DaviA^Somers, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Somers, Gregory and Val­ erie, of Midland; Mrs. Jessie Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Andrews and Bar- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchison of Lome Wood's; Mr. Ken Carter, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hutch-. Clinton, was the guest speaker, choog- ison, Miss Nell Hutchison and Miss; ing as his subject “Prayer”. Meta McLaughlin of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore, Carl and Paul, of Ajax, were in Wingham for the week-end and with Mr. and N. T. McLaughlin, attended the tennial celebrations in Fordwich Saturday and Sunday. Exclusive Franchise Available Mrs. Cen- both 150 NEW HAMPSHIRE-BARRED ROCK pullets for sale. Five months old. Phone 703J2. 18b FOR RENT 3 ROOM APARTMENT for rent, suit­ able for middle aged or childless couple. Apply Box 52 Advance- Times. 18b A NEW MODERN 2 bedroom apart­ ment for rent. Apply Currie Furni­ ture. 18b FEMALE HELP WANTED GIRL WANTED CLERK wanted for store. Apply to Box 51, Advance-Times. 18b GIRL OR WOMAN for restaurant work. Apply Foxton Dairy Bar. Phone 9. lib GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK wanted immediately. Apply W. J. Clark, phone 141 or 186J. 18* AGENTS WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well estab­ lished. Excellent opportunity. Full tune. Write at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. H-1453-189, Montreal, P.Q. 18:25b ARE YOU SATISFIED with your present income and chances for ad­ vancement? If not, investigate the money making possibilities offered by a rural Watkins Dealership. Sell nationally advertised products—ne­ cessities for home and farm. No investment. Previous sales experi­ ence not necessary, between 25 and 55 and obtain a car, write for full details to Dept. O-W-2, The J. R. Watkins Company, 350 St. Roch St, Montreal. 4:11:18:25b If you are have or can immediately UPHOLSTERING We specialize in Workmanship week’s service, finishing. For Fairyland, 487J. re-upholstering, guaranteed. One Also repairing, re­ appointment call RRB MISCELLANEOUS FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Water­ loo Cattle Breeding Association be­ tween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sun­ days. Phone collect Clinton 242 or Mildmay 130R12. 13:27:10:24rrb WMS, WA Meet W.M.S. and W.A. met on Fri-The day afternoon at the church. Mrs. E. Robinson presided over a programme which was arranged by Mrs. Tom Armstrong. Mrs. J. R. Thompson read an article on Christian Stewardship, the Chapter in the Study book was reviewed by Mrs. S. Chamney. It was decided to send a bale -of blankets and clothing to Northern Ontario in the near future. Dianne Chamney received the offering. Mrs. Norman Thompson presided over the W.A. meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Harold Woods, Mrs. G. Naylor and Mrs. N. Thompson. Personals Visitors during the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney included: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Martin, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cham­ ney, of Windsor; Mrs. Olive Allen, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Graham Cham­ ney and family of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Craig and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chamney and Larry of Au­ burn. Barry and Mary Helen Thompson, of Wingham, visited last week at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson. Mr. Walter Tisdale, of Kindersley, Sask., called on old friends and neigh­ bors around Donnybrook last week. Mrs. Mina Sherridan has returned to her home in Oshawa after visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. John R. Thompson. Other visitors at the Thompson home included Mr./ and Mrs. Stewart Large and family and Mr. Frank Sherridan, of Oshawa. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Charles Cooke wish to thank Mr. Martin and the assembly of the Gospel Hall, the Salvation Army, relatives, neighbors and friends for floral tributes and all acts of kindness in our recent bereave­ ment.18b CARD OF THANKS Miss Annie and Mr. John non wish to express their thanks to Rev. Father Durand and Dr. W. A. McKibbon for kind atten­ tion to their brother, Hugh, in his illness. Also to thank neighbors friends for help and sympathy for the many spiritual tributes. McKin- sinceje last and and 18b county, village house, water, Myrtle 16b TENDERS WANTED DUE TO ILLNESS must sell solid brick house in Hanover. Six rooms and sunroom. Hardwood floors, oil heating, large lot in good location. Beautifully decorated. Double gar­ age. Immediate possession. Apply Box 801, Hanover. 18b Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to August 21st, for the contract of transporting pupils of S.S. No. 3 to S.S. No. 2 school, Cul- ross-Teeswater school area. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. James M. Reid, secretary-treasurer, R.R, 3, Teeswater. 1118b CARD OF THANKS The friends of the late Mr. 1‘Webster wish to thank Dr. Corrin, Dr. Palmer, the staff of Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital, Rev. D. J. MacRae, to those who sent lovely flowers . wreaths, and donated cars for funeral. * Jas. and and the 18* CARD OF THANKS We would like to express cere thanks to our friends, and neighbors for their shown us during our recent ment. Special thanks to Dr. Mills, Mrs. Morrey and staff and Rev. Mr. Powell, Mr. Stephen Taylor and family. 18* sin-our relatives kindness bereave- AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of Household effects property of late Mrs. Good, Queen St., Blyth, Saturday, August 28th, at 1.30 p.m. Mrs, Fbrrest McKay, ex­ ecutrix; Lewis Rowland, auctioneer. 18* COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1955 Assessment Roll for Morris Township will be held in the Morris Township Hall on September 1, 1954, at 10 a.m. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 18:1b LOST % SECTION OF EXTENSION ladder belonging to the Town of Wingham. Will party having same return at once. James Angus, foreman. 18b CHINESE COPPER EAR RING lost bn Maih Street Saturday night Reward. Phone 683J. ISb CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my relatives, friends and neighbours for all the lovely cards, flowers and treats sent me While I was a patient in the Wingham Hospi­ tal. Also those Who visited me. Special thanks to pr. Palmer, Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses for their kind- hess. M:rs. Jim Hudson 18* CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thartks to our neighbours and friends for their help and expressions of sympathy at the time of our bereave* ment. Thanks also to Dr, B. Corrin and Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses for the fine and tender care given Mrs. Snowden. Special thanks to Rev, Hugh C. Wil- son of Clinton fdr his service in the absence of ouf minister, Rev, C. C. Washington. Jas. C. Snowden, Ernest and Caro­ line Snowden, 18* —Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carbert and family are on holidays this week. —Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Gorbutt are on vacation this week. * —Mr. and Mrs, John Strong and family left on Sunday for a couple of week’s holiday at the lake. —Mr. and Mrs. Michael McPhail and family returned last week after a week’s holiday at Port Elgin. —Ross Vogan is busy these days building his new house on Diagonal Road. —Mr. and, Mrs. , F. K. Wescott of Detroit, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crawford at the week-end. —Mr. and Mrs. R. H King of West­ mount, Quebec, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. MacLean. —Mrs. E. Ryan and daughter, Cath­ erine Arihe, of Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Elliott. —Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger and family spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Litt, London. —Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bloomfield, of Windsor, are visiting this week at the home *f her sister, Mrs. Gordon Godkin. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Fleuty, of Niagara Falls, were visitors last week ' at the home of Mrs. Maud Dodd and ' Mr. W. F Fleuty. —Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Currie, of Montreal, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Fenn and sister, Mrs. W. F. Burgman and Mr. Burgman. —Mr. and Mrs. Don Rosenhagen J Stapleton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beecroft, at Muldrew Lake, Grav- enhurst. —Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moffatt spent the past five weeks in London with her daughters, Mrs. A. J. and Mrs. A. I bara, -of Providence, Rhode Island. C. Edgar. —Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fine and Miss O’Brien and family during the Currie Jean Kilday of Johnston City, ^Tenn., ] Centennial and Wingham’s 75th anni- are visitng’with Mr. and Mrs. E. Web- versary celebrations was the latter’s ster this week. '"sister, Mrs. Rush McElroy with sons, —Elmer Wilkinson and his staff (Duane, Ted, John, and daughter Ida have been engaged during the past Mae, of Hillsdale, Mich, and Miss few weeks in decorating the interior of the Bluevale United Church. —The hearty congratulations of the Advance-Times are extended to Mrs. pavid Hamilton, Minnie” Street, who celebrated her 87th birthday on Fri­ day of last week. —Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rann of Brus­ sels, left on Monday on a week’s trip to the St. Lawrence River and Mont­ real. —Margaret ’and Phyllis O’Brien re­ turned home after spending a pleasant holiday with their brother, Alphonse at on •Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Mich, and Miss Racheal Currie, Galt. Mr. Robert Currie, grandfather of the ladies sett­ led on land near Wingham in the year 1854. —Mrs. Chas. Aitken of Kincardine, Mrs. Robt. Meads, of Toronto, Mrs. Harvey Niergarth, Mrs. Irlma Jen­ kins and Mrs. Arthur Stapleton, all of Turnberry and their husbands motor­ ed to Port Huron, Mich. ,on Sunday, the occasion being the 90th birthday “At Home” of their aunt,'Mrs. Arthur Gregory. She was the former. Mary Ann Chandler. —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hutchison, Everybody Drinks Coffee & ST. HELENS and Mrs. Bob Miller, Susan, Sherron and Sandra, of Cobourg, were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bryan and Mr. John Bryan, of Orangeville, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. James fciow- ■den on Wednesday afternoon and were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice. Judy Wilson, of Whitechurch, was a holiday visitor last week with her cousin Terry Wilson. Eddie Gaunt and Terry Wilson are attending camp Hiawatha at the Unit­ ed Church Summer School near Gode­ rich this week. Mr. John and Mr. Charles McQuillin have returned from their trip Western coast. Miss W. D. Rutherford is a with Miss Florence Stuart of ston, Ill. Miss Rutherford will some of the sessions of the Council of Churches being held in Evanston. Miss Lois Webb is home after completing her summer course at Toronto. Mr. to the visitor Evan- attend World Mr. Harvey Sparling was the guest speaker in Hamilton United Church, London on Sunday. The service here was conducted by Mr. Don Cameron, president of the Y.P.U. assisted by Mr. MODERNIZE YOUR HOME with a beautiful 5 ft. steel RECESSED WHITE BATHTUB $65.75 Blue, Green, Coral, Yellow $78.75 Delivered We carry a complete line of plumbing and heating supplies. Write our mail order Dept. S. V. JOHNSON Plumbing Supplies Streetsville Phone 352-3 [ '.v' and operate' your own automatic coffee bar You can own self service For more sales, more profits are yours from every location with a self service automatic vending bar, typical loca­ tions where machines can be placed— air terminals, amusement parks, ar­ enas, apartment houses, ball parks, billiard parlors, bowling alleys, bus terminals, cigar stores, city state county and federal buildings, dance halls, department stores, drug stores, fraternal clubs, gas stations, grocery stores, beauty parlours, golf cLubs, hospitals and homes, hotels, motels, industrial plants, locker rooms, men’s clubs, military camps, naval bases and institutions, office buildings, railroad stations, recreation halls, schools, theatres, truck terminals, waiting rooms, warehouses, and any place where people work, play or congregate. “A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY” No Dishwashing - - No Help Required This Will Be in Wingham SEPTEMBER 1st, 1954 Have your Piano tuned by factory trained Phone all Orders to or Leave at Advance-Times Office WIN BIG MONEY experts. KEN-MAR CO. LTD. 1231 St. Catherine 'West Montreal, Que. YOU CAN DEPEND ON JOHNSONS Open Wednesday & Friday even­ ings until 9.30 and all day Saturday. is a year round business, with unlimited earnings Small Capital Required Large Profits Assured For an interview write to : PIANO TUNERS ■ Notice to Water Consumers This will be strictly enforced, BIG TOP BONUS Goderich Business College OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1954 SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, , Music Teacher CFPL RADIO FREE! TCA TRIP FOR TWO NEAR RETAILS DAILY ON THE SHOW ft Practical instruction in all Commercial Subjects, Modern equipment — Friendly experienced teachers. High standards — Placement service. TUITION: Our Tuition Rate is STILL only $17 per month . PROMPT REGISTRATION ADVISABLE In order to obtain best results, we urge all students ft to commence on the opening date. 1 Call 428W or 1272 for appointment. Ask for the 1 Bulletin.of Courses approved by the Canadian Busi- g ness Schools Association. ft The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.ni. to 9 a.m., and from 6. p.m. to . 9 p.m. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes, and is charged on the June and July bills. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service, will be billed accordingly* Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. Shera, Superintendent