HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-07-28, Page 4•« # ‘ZKtf tHSl ■ ■Uhl*! w,*h S«, •=.. [Wtoto#eg. j! Th# yrewit jwt office wa« ewtM 'an what had tormerfy been toe pro* 5 petty of Henjamin Willson. Mi® res'a fdefieo ®tm>d tat (tetilre fdtreet, the ’ khijifft naw owupied by Mutiny .tahr^ '‘Matt, and faeed </o®ephific with the fv j t ranf %Hio tN nlutn In fWQ ha pawn® beauUfuily terraced. Thi® /awn rr'brfi tram Hila hmilncfis and with \v/as a favorite spot tor young pez/ple n hro»tor if H Willsmi, operated j! ,t narrtfb bnnh and imiUmied In this? f.i'itt'b unm lip’,y whi n ho was z/fferad j <■ rnnmigf ftship nt Um Hank hf Hilta h i d to* *<p«i/Jng of a hthivit 'hare Well Known Local Banker Was Towns First Mayor Thomas A. Mills Donated ft Aerial View of Main Street llOt Wltkra It^a h # woohoo1 zmh n? Dr J r/ - tfWf tolto ami opzrm'4 0/ n, i h.G,'r. I: fl'R/WPlf WJRmj. form h-P'tf' ne ^a>' .. at rklltauiln atvl we; pvQmo/'d lit iffll fh‘tt nafl hi-- h'S-.e"fwr j tl> rA '*<10 n«d n laiitifh nffhe, and Iwzz years urr-« tA ‘'>t' ihr j| / hi t ntn/ hoipi eiitt and eventually ?<• „y..' t, f Mr Willem tmunUit fl lit the employ ; me flunk of Hamilton and to mow4 h? Winnipeg whnra hatod tittiw/i pddnntMitp id days ^atia Vy, as Mr. Willson had ti tennis, <autt that was; rmiMdcrcd to bn Mtn at lha lifirtil in !Uwn at the Tmwrmhip at Turn* hurry in to72i '/g, before the irtcarpar" Ali/m at Wlttkhtita m n vlltoga, he was ffonfcktod to the pmdfton, making him the first reeve at Um village in W'/4»W. Mr V/ibson waa again reeve hn and 7g When Wiagham was iricnrpnrated as a town ha waa elech cd Ural rzmyor by mularnuikm. Han Willsan wm a wry prominent figure at the tov/n and imd'a. kindly dlapuMthm which gained him the <<m* Udadcc of ev'eryom’. He was married | to a daughter at Mexfua Kent and Ulere ware two ffons, (kav/ell and lto° bort Mr. Willson died in Vancouver In 11124, •whan he v/a« to yeura of age, He wa« a past master of I he Masonic, /bodge, ami n past Z of the Chapter. Parish Hall To Church fmc of the mrM pmgrcsaiive and rmm Wjftgham has ever km/wn was Thomas A Milfo He v/a» born in Lanark fkmnty Ontario and spent hi» early years in the east­ ern part of the jtwvime latter he I'Mfie la Western Ontario find im'atczl at Htorn, where Dele, one of the to that dtetrlcL ha married a Miss fk/M known families new St I'gaJ’s ehrsreh became a ho- fe®sity„ he attended a meeting of the members- In toe old ehurch. located west of I-eopoM Street and or, the north side nt John Street. The rec­ tor, Rev. L. 0. Wood, as chairman, called tor promised aswtarm* in the erection of at worship came from and father of Benjamin replied, "I'll give $500". Mr. Milla, 'TH donate that will be required church", and this he did, in he came to Wtogham and i entered' upon a stiecesMul business’* career as a grnmtol merchant. The two-storey brick building now or-cu** pied by The Advance-Times was erect-1 cd by him and In which he carried on business for <14 years. the prapor.f-d nrrw houtxi and the first response Crowell WilLson, ex-MFP Willson, who Than tfpoke the brick build the 1 all to I Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Tamlyn Contributed Much to Community d t11 111I riiT r l Mr 1 II d iCARMICHAEL’S 11 » f rui.\ riot I fair j UK. >L K TAM LYN \vat < h< ww > In the this the ih lid A Liberal Jn pollltos, he was an hHJvo member nt hits putty In early years to» had been a XTesbyferlan, but utter intirrlti&tt became an Anglican. When the question (ft the erection nt a An he abut up his the lid of his high them. Then he turn- in the intruders, with itdH t l< III tl csp< ''Star yvnv birth K wt nt :io w h Ic t VlK tfll or foe of di- tn ver sought municipal some years served as made social know, ,0 to the P o row featuring The next drunken weeping ‘ eokl college, practise aso ’ll WO I‘| lilevou ollorf li dlh Hi kind and considerate g Ui’titi, slorloa th' Whigham lomiod 111 not worst. Mills m rs but for town auditor, o V 'etc d quiet purchased an unused ig across the street from il donated it to ho the Dr that church. It was >V Tamlyn exempli- onc case who was and horn was ,rglcnl i cldcnl nmp of ho. I what icorpoi'iilloii look a, k<- pci'lalnliig is of I he n lien Willson Flrsl Mayor Carmichael's Mills had suffered a bro- mi accident, he turned jinosB to it nephew, Allan notor accidenti only n few Mr. mid Mrs, Mills were A view of part of Main Street, the Diagonal Road, and the Fry & Blackhall Factory in the distance, THE FAMILY PRY HOOPS OF W1NGHAM WO I1' Wx'i'O mil t ■ l. MILLS W STILL CANT BEAT 1 A'ac/mm'i',' (hienN Tr IWidresf Nosiery il I ■ rd* Is rlWHWUtlWMlWHiCiriiiHWilifliiw We We/come You! I Ghildrcn% Liulics’ and Men’s Wear * extend greetings to old and youn^ alike on this the 75th Anniversary of onr TovT. ITT I rust you toill Inwe a happy thne and l/hit il mill be our tnHxtleye In serve you tvhile in iomm Yours Welcome Visitors to WINGHAM'S ANNIVERSARY! A EVER By W../, Ftouty An all-round family physician mid surgcmi, a shining light in his pro* P'fidifm, was Dr. Jarnos ICdgm1 Tmn- lyu, who arrived in Whigham hi IHdli, and was the third of Ida calling to fiotlh' In lltla oormnimlty, Ito wait an Phigllalnmiu by birth short time became practitioners, village In IH74. ilo lorosl In ovorylhlng welfare mid progro pnlily, Homo jwo.pl gruff In Ills nuinm know him host wor Fenian Scare Had To w n s peo;p le W o cried louring Um latter part of nuu on the "F'otilau Hear ftprontl by ignorant mid portmliM that ,11m Rmniui Ontario Were Joltiiiig for i^iiinna to inaMMiioco tin on Clirltitums lCv limy had plkcH and guan tilddon In Uwh’ chm'olma and wore bokltog am orct maoUngii. With Htieh.p'lid (ants In Upper ftiat'nied, They bought alidt and powder and prepared ’for the The 'exoltomont can one midnight when Lower Whigham woe the nown (hat the bVn (ho village. Tho Outho Ing women and chili much Wild tali mbit t'ull) 'CM V .VrotcHtnnta It wns said Unit Tim where take place They then ham to find that all the lights w mu and everything serene, ' day it was dUawered that a man Had been turulng his wife and family out into the Ftomemie'ii ihmginntlon hud and it was later (Qurnl that the Catho­ lics had been Just as frightened of the V'Qniaua as the Vtotvstants, No doubt many mlsuuderstandlngs haw had as Utile camax ig add ,‘iwonr.l ‘hers gathered attack was t but all reumh' cheeked with Upper Wing Th In trail; of diameter fled to a marked degre in particular, A young man employed with a arlaua that wan vhilt* big town hap. Tlii town ab cd out i knowing train wi iilepped Ing Bonn tactlng i about h found u early htr wiih give wail con hclmigln, iiqmiro. I lilclnn ni Wlnghm HHllcil 0) Umtlom Wiifi Ince HtlUUlOH I to a cnl the stre gugl UM uuYbi tontton was not know ox whli WllH of a the I mon lor, Bible coni' town own i lyn SV hi st ; to nt i, had met with «sei'IdiiH mis* io clriiiin was pi lling out of iouI midnight an d had b lek- on the rallv/iiy 1 )l'idge.(Not < In tliu ibirkiu SB, that the uts not on tern fl rm a,ho frohi a cm.' mid wont piling- o fifty feet to Hie ground,'OH- a heavy piece of irldgc Lin ibor itilf way down.Ho was not mill about fi a.i il., when rd came across hl n. The al arm on mid the unfor umite vl<41m ivoyod to mi on pty building ig tp the town 01 (he mn rkot Dr. Peter Mncdoi aid, Ilio .ihy- nd surgeon for li io (LT.R.for m mid district, i nlui'iilly was Ji to give tlu» yo Thin lie did, bul 'hrted at Ibi’v.p, and at ifnuv lui'd hlu Limit room adjoining ee in u building he nor of Victoria a alii. Here »h<4 .provide •d a man to care for tirin', llivcry surgical provided. Dr an the young ng Dr vnlilni? circum- i removed his motll- owned ut Josephine cl a bod, him mid euro mid Tamlyn did man's niur *BC Of sevorill Albert Nix, a 'torn Ontario. l of hhi son's ,p; comm tin lei g him to (i his son's ’ time the hml his si ’. Needless r JC d with tli everythin 'Ifure. hither removbd to i add, Dr. T wool until When rod lea,- io doc­ s’ pos- Tn 'inn* hi. to impcnscrt for tl attention. This ly typical of the e was well known If the d hi men's affairs of the town, so was Mrs. Tmiilyn n loader In all work to which wtimon wwc .interested and was li. shining light In the indies' depart* moot of the Turnberry Agricultural Society's fall tor was keenly interested | They hud :i Washington ,ealed in th ' graduated a; states course. I nian>‘ U is predicted that | llothlehem" will appear the sixth limo wineo Christ. This star Is said to appear toolly north of the north star and be visible In Us daw.Ung light at neon * eidont, ho \ days* it is a solar orb many times pis father the magnitude of the sun and orbit is yet unealenlatod by any as-, ttonomev. Nows item • t.\sdar posts haw boon placed on the I ground to form a crossing from but- ; field's corner to the Hank of Hamil- News item dgar vdti- andschool. mi a Vnited of one soln Henry 1* Tamlyn,who ’ was YVinghatn n doctor t 1 le could not. in Canada, but on if critical illness o was of untold assistance m? It v/a« a habit of Mr. Mills to do hbi bookkeeping after store hours. About 12.30 one night he wan made aware of visitors. He thought it was only a ripuple of the town men com- j tog in to have a chat, but as they ■ approached hlrn he turned around and; faced two hunky looking strangers, i He said, "Hello, what arc you fellows | doing at this hour of the night?" j One of them replied that they had come to town on the late train and were going out to blast Wawanosh on a visit to friends. One of them said they wanted to buy something that would have tain collar. "Walt desk," he said, books he lifted desk to deposit od briskly to fm a large revolver In his hand, and de­ manded "Now you fellows get out of here," They did not wait to be served what they had asked for but this in­ cident put rm end to T, A.’s midnight bookkeeping WELCOME Old-Timers! DURING THE CELEBRATION WHEN YOUR FEET HURT AND THE INNER MAN NEEDS SAT­ ISFYING, WHY NOT DROP IN FOR A SNACK OR A CUP OF COFFEE AT .Later (‘hurch bi> St. Paul'r parish In known ill was and AV After Mr Icon over MUli year klllc The building ou Victoria Street known as the Lennnex Carrlagv Vae- lory has Iwn secured by the now; firm of Kobins and Hutchison and1 next week will be opened as a, steam ' laundry and public bath rooms. Xlews i item MKR >1. K. TAMLYN Jie ulldli s an all f Mills Memorial Flail and use of for Sunday School gatherings. The building is i as the. Masonic Hall. Restaurant Where You Meet All Your Friends W/NGHA/W from SERVING YOU SINCE 1928 EAST, CAREFUL SERVICE Head Office WINGHAM Phone 152 Toronto Office 500 Greenwood GE3368 Down Through the Years it’s been MILK FOR STRENGTH Happy Anniversary! MODEL DAIRY