HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-07-21, Page 16■ I NEW DESIGN FOR SCHOOLHOUSE"Page Sixteen The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday July 21, 1954 / OilAR DAYS COSMETICS ( Tiffany Cosmetic $ Days Specials Reg. $1.50 Deodorant & Cream for $1.00 Reg. $1.25 Tiffany Hand Cream & face 25c tube Reg. $1.00 Tiffany Lanolin Shampoo for 89c Reg. $1.25 Tiffany Foundation Cream for $LO0 WINGHAM’S 75th ANNIVERSARY JULY 31, August 1 & 2 UM MAN KILLED IN MITCHELL CRASH Duncan McNichol, 40, of Walton, died of injuries in Stratford General Hospital, as a result of a crash be­ tween a light truck and a 20-ton trac­ tor-trailer carrying about 2,500 gallons of milk pear Mitchell on Monday night. Gordon Holland, also of Walton, is suffering severe injuries and is in serious condition at the same hospital. The big truck was driven by Roy McCurdy, 22, of RR 6, St. Marys, police said. Traffic was tied up’ for over three hoqrs on Highway No. 8, about’ a mile past of Mitchell,, when the big. truck turned on its side and was righted only after two trucks attached cables to it) Mr, McNichol was the husband of the former Phyllis Bosman, daughter of Mi*, and Mrs. Morris Bosman, of Bluevale, and a niece of Mrs. R. H. Lloyd of., town. HURON PAVJNO TENDERS SOON Tenders will be called soon for completion of pavement on No, 8 Highway, between Goderich and Clinton, Thomas L. Pryde, MLA for Huron South, announced last week. Paving of 15 miles of the highway - ---------------------<---------------------- & Elizabeth Arden Specials Blue Grass Soap and Puff-Puff Talc, reg. $2.25 for Blue Grass Cologne and Talc $3.00 value for J $2.00 . $2.25 Revlon Cosmetics Touch and Glow Foundation, reg. $1.50 for $l.‘2flf Revlon Lipsticks, reg. 85c for 59c 4 Tooth Paste Specials 2 Tubes Spana Tooth Paste, reg. 69c - 2 tubes 2 Tubes Kolynos Tooth Paste, reg. 69c ea. - 2 tubes 98c 89c First aid Special Curad Plastic Tape & Curad Bandages, reg. 85c value for 69c __Central Press Canadian Sixty equal sides to this model of a school now being built in Owen Sound, Ont., make it unique in Canada. The designers say the new school will make maximum utilization of space and that it is easier and cheaper to build. Marg Rainbow points to the third- storey windows which will allow light into the gymnasium. The design allows for an auditorium, cafeteria, gymnasium and 27 rooms. Crop Report ALEX CRAWFORD AGAIN from Seaforth to a point six miles West of Clinton is under way, Mr. Pryde told the Bluewater Highway Association at its reorganization meet­ ing. j The work will complete’ a link’ from the Bluewater Highway at GodfV rich to No. 8 Highway at Seaforth. T YOUR DOLLARS are WORTH MORE on Smoked Cottage Rolls . (Half or whole roll) . lb. 70c for DOLLAR DAYS Elizabeth Taylor Friday and Saturday Van Johnson • ELECTRIC RAZOR • SPECIALS y2 PRICE SALE BlGillette Razors and 10 Blades | SPECIAL 89c I Schick Injector .Razors with 12 Blades, reg. $1.25 for 98c CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR DOLLAR DAYS $L00 Boxes CHRISTMAS CARDS . Six assortments each one .excitingly different Excellent value at $1.00 Alex M. Crawford represented the Wingham lawn bowlers at a meeting at Hanover last Tuesday, when repre­ sentatives of bowling clubs in the dis­ tricts met with a touring British group of bowlers, who are' on their way to Vancouver, where they will take part in the British Empire Games. .Mr. Crawford played with a rink comprised of J. McTavish of Lucknow, W. L. Rutherford, of Dur­ ham and Alex Muir, of Mount Forest. Only one rink from Districts 4 and 8 could take a win. Overall, the Brit­ ish bowlers captured the tournament with a grand score of 120, compared with the district bowlers grand score of 104. Although the British bowlers will make many stops on their trip, Han­ over is the only town which will be visited. Mr. Crawford had hoped to meet with some of the British bowlers he bowled with in England, when he vis­ ited that country in 1932.. However, none of them were among this group, except Stewart Brown, who had to go to New York and missed the tourn­ ament in Hanover. Mr. Crawford had bowled against Brown both in Eng­ land and in Florida. journeyed to Women’s Institute Members Visited OAC A charted busload of members and friends- of the W. I. Guelph on Thursday morning last and spent the day at the O.A.C. This being. Holiday Week for the Institutes It was International Day. Arriving at the College about 11 a. m. the members viewed the buildings and then had dinner in the dinig- and then had dinner in the dining­ room, the dinner being provided by the O.A.C. The programme was in charge of Prof. p. R. Campbell, Head Dept, of Agricultural Economics, and Prof. C. W. Riley, Department of Agricultural Economics, O.A.C. From 1.30 to 2.00 p.m. organ music and community singing was carried on by Mr. R. Kidd and Rev. W. A. Young; Welcome to the College by Dr. J. D. McLachlan, president; 2.15 to 4.15 a panel dis­ cussion on “World Affairs and You” featuring Dr. Helen Abell, Sociologist and Economist, who just returned from a prolonged tour of Western Europe. Others taking part in the panel were Prof. C. W. Riley, Mrs. J. R. Futcher, St. Thomas and Mrs. J. E. Hauck, of Brampton. This panel discussion on immigrants; into the country was enjoyed by all. After supper the women enjoyed pic­ tures in the projection room by Miss Anna P. Lewis, Director W. I. Branch on “The A.C.W.W. Visit, Canada”. The bus left for home at 8.30, every­ one tired but all enjoyed the day spent at the O.A.C. G. W. MontgomeryRain is badly needed- in most sec­ tions of the County because of this fall wheat is ripening much quicker than anticipated, other spring grains are also turning colour; Fall wheat on the whole is an excellent crop and several fields have been cut in the south end of the County. Army­ worms have invaded the grain ’field's in four sections of the County and" in some cases the out-breaks have caus­ ed quite serious damage to crops. Other* crops such as white beans, soy­ beans, sugar beets and corn have suffered severely from the lack of moisture. Pastures are drying up and there is very little hay aftermath. Dairy operators report _ that the milk flow is dropping off at an- increasing rate. Fire accounts for 7 per cent of the annual forest Consumption.-. 0-0-0 ‘PURPLE CORN’ HITS LAMBTON Shoulder Roast of Pork .. Butte Roast of Pork....... Fresh Pork Sausage - -.... Fresh Ground Beef ...... Lard in 1 lb. prints ....... Lard in 50 lb. tins .............. .. lb. 50c .. lb. 58c .. lb. 50c lb. 45c 15c lb. 13c N - »l I ■ I I . ............................II The Best of Fresh and Cured Meats Always on hand Home Kettle Rendered Lard ■■ I A. J. LOCKRIDGE BUTCHER Our Cured Meats are Home Cured Phone 35 Wingham i As a national asset, the forests are far beyond price. Dur Complete StockMEN o Do o n o A Range of Men SPORT COATS Values to $34.50 Dollar Days Special $24-50 Be sure to take ad-Ladies’ SPRING COATS AND SUITSvantage of this out­ standing offer. BUY ANY SUIT AT IT’S REGULAR PRICE. Reg. Values $49.50 to $59.50 and get -the following ABSOLUTELY FREE (YOUR CHOICE) 1 Arrow Shirt l/2 PRICE O n o SMART STYLESMen’s SPORT JACKETS Corduroys, ^Velvets,' Gabardines Value to $14.95 SPECIAL $10.00 in cotton HOUSEDRESSES s I o As if the current drought enough to worry about, farmers are now being puzzled by a mysterious outbreak of “purple corn.” W. P. MacDonald, Lambton agricul­ tural representative, said he had re­ ports last week of com turning purple on two widely ’separated farms. Sample plaints were being sent to the Departmental Science Service Labora­ tory at Chatham. Normally, purple color in a plant indicates lack of phosphates in the soil, Mr. MacDonald said. In both in­ stances reported to him, however, the purple plants were growing alongside healthy green ones. were not iSambton 2 For $5-0° 1 Tie 20% OFF 1 Pr. of Sox NAVY PILOT IS "OUT OF HIS ELEMENT Matinee Saturday 2.00 p.m. Monday and Tuesday WINGHAM search at Red Sauble July21 and 22 Discontinued Patterns Vittorio Gassman 23 and 24July (Technicolor) Joanne Dru/ July 26 27 HOI IOE3OE I PHONE 53 Wednesday and Thursday CASANOVA’S BIG NIGHT” (Technicolor) FIND NO PLANE DOWN IN BRUCE Ontario provincial police, after an all-night search last week, discounted reports that a plane was down some­ where near Owen Sound- at the foot of the Bruce* Peninsula. Constable Ed. Reid said he had made a thorough search of the Lake Huron shoreline area around Beach during the night. Provincial police began a of the area after vacationing Bay, about. 25 miles northwest of, Owen Sound;i> reported seeing flares and suggested they might be from"a plane in distress. A twin-engined DC-3 was seen fly­ ing low over Sauble Beach. However, it was later established that the plane was one of a flight of three from Centralia, and all three had returned to base safely. ALL MEN’S SUMMER STRAWS ONE GROUP OF SUMMER DRESSES * HALF PRICE ALL LINEN TOWELLING REDUCED 10% Range of Men’s “T” SHIRTS Values to $2.98 Dollar Days Special Fine Wale Corduroy Several shades to choose from. Reg. to $1.95 Dollar Days Clearance ONLY $1.00 PeryJ- A Group of Plain and Dotted Marquisette CURTAINING Reg. 69c yd. SPECIAL . B o n o ALL WORK* CLOTHING REDUCED 10% Men’s Fine Cotton and Linen HANDKERCHIEFS Reg. 39c each SPECIAL J for $J.OO in CONGOLEUM RUGS 25% OFF WHEELING YARN 2 or 3 ply Reg. 69c SPECIAL 2 for $ J .00 All S ummer Sports Wear—Men's—Women's—Children’s 20% OFF i'Group of MEN’S TIES Reg. $1.50 & $2.00 SPECIAL $1.00 A Full Counter of REMNANTS, PRINTS, WASH GOODS RAYONS, etc. t Less than % Original price. Children’s ANKLE SOX . Reg. Values to 59c SPECIAL 3 for $£,00 OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF DRAPERY 10% OFF Joan Fontaine SiittiiniHiMiiniMiiiniHiiHiiliiiiiiiiniiniiiniininiiininiiiniinraiiiaiiMiiiiaiiHiii —Centra) Pres* Canadian Lleut.-Cmdr. Norman C, Eversfield ot Victoria, B.C., and To­ ronto, is whisked from the gundeck of the destroyer HMCS Cru­ sader by a U.S. navy helicopfet off the east coast of Japan. Min­ utes later* he was on the flight deck of the U.S. carrier USS Ren- dova, observing flight operations. The helicopter flip was no novelty for Lleut.-Cmdr. Eversfield, who is Veteran pilot of the RCN. winGHfim "The Friendly Storer’ IOE3OI o n 0 u o o n o o 8 o n (O1? r ' $