HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-07-21, Page 8l*«Mre Eight The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday July 21, 1951 COUNCIL SETS 43-MiILL KATE AT LUCKNOW Lucknow village council, at its July meeting set the 1954 tax rate at 43 mills. On the new equalized assessment of $1,024,235 the 43 mills will raise a total of $44,042. Last year on the old assess­ ment, 54.6 mills raised $35,124. Council had hoped for a 40-mill rate but indigent patient costs, along with other increased costs, necessitated the boost. CONSERVATION ... ioaoK=^7.‘z“ioraou;jxas:sioisioc==ss.‘S3ioiaoi,:‘r^‘ri I COFFEE SHOP | _ ~~~_____ _ . . . . < The Business Girls’ & Men’s Luncheon is inexpensive and served at noon and evening, SERVING TIME 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. SOXStOEX O 0 o n________ OE3OE [OE3OKX o n o __II Algonquin Park, showplace of the Province of Ontario, is to be returned to its pristine state. Under plans of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, the 2,700 square miles of part wilderness, larger than Prince Ed­ ward Island, will, over a period of years, be gradually brought back to where it was when it was first estab­ lished in 1893. Admittedly, this is a long-term plan. But, henceforth, no new leases will be granted for cottages or tourist camps. The return to the park’s nat- i ural state is to be gradual, with noth- DOLLAR SAVING DAYS DROP BACK COUCH $19.95 DROP BACK MUCH $19.95 Reg. $34.95 Reg. $29.95 USED FURNITURE SPECIALS 2 pc, Chesterfield $49.00 3 pc. Chesterfield $95.00 2 pc. Chesterfield $69.00 LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE Silver Maroon $34. Reg. $48.95 BEATTIE TABLE TOP RANGE $249.00 Reg. $329.00 BEDROOM SUITE BEDROOM SUITE Wataut - Double Dresser, Chest and Bed Light Finish - Double Dresser, Chest and Bed $99.50 $109.00 Reg. $129.00 Reg. $139.00 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR OTHER SPECIALS NOT LISTED HERE. Walker’s Home Furnishings Telephone 106 Wingham NYLONS for $ DAYST SHIRTS - Wine, White, Grey, Sand. Reg. $1.35 $ DAYS .... 98c OUR SPECIAL .... 89c, 98c, $1.30 ; ing arbitrary about it, As present I lease holders end their tenure, they ; will sell property back to the Crown, I or, in some cases, donate it to the ; peppie. At present, no leases are granted in ' other Provincial Parks such as Quet- • ipo in the northwest section of the ■ Province, and Sibley Peninsula in the Port Arthur » Fort William Dis- . trict. [ Fearing that commercialism might ; enter Algonquin Park with the en­ croachment of so-called civilization, the Government has decided to return to the original policy as laid down . by a Royal Commission in 1892, In the Algonquin Park Act as passe'd by the Legislative Assembly of the following year, a summary declared. “The pro­ posed Act was intended to provide a public park and forest reservation, fish and game preserve, health resort and pleasure ground for the benefit, enjoyment and advantage of the people of the Province.” Vast changes have taken place since that Act wasvpassed. A highway was built across the southern end of the park and about 500 leases for con­ struction of cottages and camps were granted. But, even so, control has been main­ tained over the years. There are no unsightly billboards, honky-tonk re­ freshment booths or gasoline stations even today in the big park area. There are numerous cottages on the lakes adjacent to the highway but few off the road and, by following the age-old canoe trails leading to the north from the highway, holidayers can still be in relative wilderness within a few miles. By reversion to the original plans, however, it means that no new roads will be built leading off the main highway, no cottages with private fac­ ilities which would prevent the ordin­ ary citizen of the Province from camping where and when he chooses. James Dickson, then inspector of surveys, in his original report to the Royal Commission of 62 years ago, declared: “I would strongly urge that neither moose, deer nor any fur-bearing ani­ mals should be either hunted, taken or killed in the proposed Park for all time, By doing this, the province will have a large breeding ground and harbour of refuge for her game. As the Park becomes stocked, they would naturally spread out into the sur­ rounding country and the whole pro­ vince would be better stocked than it is at present.” That was one policy which has al­ ways been followed. Hunting is still prohibited in the Park, and bear, deer and, other animals walk fearlessly on the road and around present cottages and camps. Fishing is allowed, how­ ever, and, in accordance with the or­ iginal plan, streams and lakes have been stocked over the years. In addi­ tion, some years ago, a plan of alter­ nate closure of lakes was inaugurated and Nature's methods of propagation have made fishing as good today as it eVer was.- Lands and Forests officials emphas­ ize that there will be no drastic meas­ ures taken to bring about the return of the original plan. Persons at present owning cottages or camps in the Park will be allowed to- remain. It is estimated that it will take 40 years before the occupied or leased land will revert to' the Crown. But the day will come when Algonquin Park again will be owned and con­ trolled by all the people of Ontario and “no trespassing” signs will be ended for evdr in one of the conti­ nent’s most noted Wonderlands. NEIGHBOURS AID GREY FARMER About 95 farmer friends of Henry and Gordon Beaton, of the fourth con­ cession of Glenelg Township raised the framework for a barn to replace the one destroyed by fire June 13, The frame 45 feet by 10 feet was raised by block and tackle with driv­ ers of four tractors stationed on the four sides holding the guided ropes. The barn has been dismantled and transported from the farm of Robert Peart, GJenelg, by neighbours about a week ago. Sheeting and closing in the barn and the roof is expected to be completed in a few days in readiness for the hay crop. Harry Allen, Mt. Forest, supervised the barn raising and John Gibson Durham, wag framer assisted by Alex Stonehouse, Glenelg. 1954 WINGHAM’S 75th ANNIVERSARY JULY 31, August 1 & 2 SPORT SHIRTS AU new 1954 stock in Grey, Tan, Brown, Blue Satin Yokes. Reg. $3.95 $ DAYS $3.15 Regular Lines $1,25, $1.50, $1.75 REDUCED 20% Building Supplies FOR A REAL TREAT IN SOCKS, TRY OUR NEW EXTENDO SOCK in many shades, Reg. $1.50 $ DAYS $1,13 ALL NECKWEAR $ DAYS $1.49 $ DAYS $1.24 . $ DAYS $1.01 $ DAYS 69c Reg. $2.00 . Reg. $M5 . Reg. $1.50 Beg. $1.00 our and not NOTICE The balance of entire Men’s Ladies’ Wear, listed, is on sale at 20% REDUCTION from o ur regular Prices While they last, we have a good buy ori WHITE CREPE SLIPS Reg. $3.85 $ DAYS $2.50 SATIN night GOWNS Reg. $5.75 $ DAYS $3.89 Cotton Crepe NIGHT GOWNS Reg. $2.85 $ DAYS $1,89 1 Tongue and Groove Ceiling Tile Gyproe Products Panelyte Full line of Trim and Molding Asphalt and Cedar. Shingles FINE SHIRTS By Forsyth, McGregor, Bluestone. Various Prices $ DAYS PRICE LESS 20% OVERALLS 0ARHA&M Reg. $4.95................$ DAYS $449 BIG MOGUL Reg. $3.35 ..............$ DAYS $2.89 GNJB. SPECIAL Reg. $3.35 ...... $ DAYS $2,89 SILK JERSEY GOWNS AND PYJAMAS Blue and Fink $ DAYS $3,25 Insulation Twindow, Pattern and Penvernon window glass SILK PANTIES 95c Value $ DAYS 59c DRESS TROUSERS Grey, Blue, Pic & Pic, Brown $10.00, $11.00, $11.25, $11.75, $14.25 $ DAYS ALL REDUCED 20% MANY LINES OF BRASSIERES in the famous Exquisite, Lagnon and Oorette, . While they last. $ DAYS LESS-20% ALL READY-MADE CLOTHING REDUCED 20% Sash and Doors 2 x 4 to 2 xTO all lengths Plywood products Plywood sheeting Sash and Frames Pittsburgh Paints Prompt Delivery CAMPBELL and1 gobbutt Sash and Building Supplies Edward St., Wingham Res. MoM Phone 1-J Be*. 481 Renew Hardware IT’S RESORT TRADE SLOWED AT PORT Hot weather is longed for at the resort town of Port Stanley. More typical July heat is needed to boost resort trade that has been slowed down by recent cool days and nights. Lake Erie has been somewhat chilly, discouraging swimmers. Resort pro­ prietors anticipate that business will bounce back to holiday peak if the mercury climbs. Cheaper to A good shoe can be brought back to good condition through the modern equip­ ment in our shop. HARRY BROWNE 4 pee. Cannister Set $1.79 Valuefor DOLLAR SAVING DAYS BARGAINS ! 10% DISCOUNT ON THE FOLLOWING “DOMINION” WASHING MACHINES “DEEP FREEZE” HOME FREEZERS “DEEP FREEZE” REFRIGERATORS ★ General KITCHENWARE ★ ELECTRIC STOVES ★ HOT PLATES COME IN AND SEE OUR DOLLAR DAYS SPECIALS Howard Machan Plumbing Heating Josephine St., Wingham G.S.W. Electric Kettle (fA At $13.50 for .. i Deluxe Proctor Automatic Pop­ up Toaster with color (£1 *7 At control, $21.95 for . . 7 pee. Glass Berry Set $1.00 Value for .. ......... CLIMAX ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE (tOO 00 Porcelain Enamel Tub, All Enamel Wringer ............ 5 Year Guarantee *1 English Pump Oilers 39C Standard size .............Only Regal House Paint—Enamel, Floor Enamel, Satin (£1 A A Finish, 26 colors, quart * © .Manhattan Special Silex Coffee Maker - 8 cup size (tO* 10$3.95 for ...................... >4. IP Hankscraft Automatic Electric Sterilizer & Baby Bottle <|jA At Warmer $14*20 for .. (Holds 6 bottles) * White Enamel Water <|J1 Ot Pail: Reg. $2*25 for Goodyear Tire. Repair O t Kit. Reg. 50c for............ ler’s Supply House I s