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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-07-21, Page 4
Four The Wingham A<lvance-Time-e, Wednesday July 01, 1954 WOMAN RECEIVES EMPEROR’S NOTE An English woman, visiting for six months in Windsor, had a pleasant little note from Emperor Haile Selas sie, of Ethiopia. Miss W. E. Parker, of Brighouse, Yorkshire, England, was employed at the home in England where the emperor stayed during his exile from his country. She sent a note pointing out the coincidence to his private secretary w'hile the em- porer was in Windsor recently, The reply came on royal stationery from Mexico City. B"iQEioisasssssnoiaoEss ===3OE3OX=====lOr3l0E=m Beef Producers Difficult To Organize, Says Fieldman © o o © D o o n © DEYELL’S MEAT MARKET Fresh and Cured MEATS Poultry in Season PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 22 Wingham OE3OK 5OE3OE 1 g■ I ■ ■ i I I i f 11 I I FREE FEEE o n o © 0 © o 0 o o n 3a Win a by Jim Powers The beef producers across Canada are going to be one of the most dif ficult groups to organize of any farm group. Having had discussions with farmers in western provinces I find a percentage of producers who oper ate on a large scale are satisfied they can sell their produce as efficiently- as a marketing board. This class of producer is usually quite aware of ' market trends because he is special izing; he also has the acquaintance of processors whose direction he can "take it or leave it” but broadly speak- ' ing this type of producer is more I willing to gamble on his own ability , plus the fact large numbers of other ; producers, smaller operators, are easy 1 G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham ' Phone 770 Evenings by appointment. When Service is Required on your Lighter or Pipe send it to CAMERON'S BILLIARDS WINGHAM ONTARIO FREE ■ SSJ I LATE MODEL ABSOLUTELY at a? ft CROSSETT MOTORS LIMITED Wingham be miade Saturday night, September 25th, at 10.00 p.m.) The Car Will Be on Display I IF YOU PURCHASE A NEW OR USED CAR OR TRUCK BETWEEN JULY 15th and SEPTEMBER 25th — (Draw to AT CROSSETT MOTORS LTD., Wingham You are entitled to a FREE chance on this car. Watch your local newspaper and listen to CKNX for further particulars. Motor.? Limited WINGHAM.ONT. . ■ ■ ■I -I victims to a disorganized method of selling livestock. A marketing board for beef will not work under present conditions. First of all our beef will almost through necessity come under dressed weight and to introduce it at this time would leave the producer with no bargain- . ing power with the processor, it would be the same as hogs were sold for some years. They were dumped at the processor’s door and the farmer wait ed to find out how much the proces sor would be kind enough to enclose in the cheque. The Manitoba Federation of Agri culture and the other western provin ces were thinking of introducing a Hog Producers Marketing Board which would have formed a national marketing scheme but the Farmers’ Union in Manitoba, having no exper ience with marketing boards, decided to go all the way with a livestock marketing board. This board aceord- . ing to the proposed plan would in clude pork, beef and mutton, it would | regulate the entire livestock industry j within the province at the cost of 2% I of the value of the animal. Also if I 100 or more producers write to the I Minister of Agriculture, he may re- j quest a plebiscite. Such a proposal for livestock mar- | keting within the boundaries of a | single province is next to ridiculous. | It will and has discouraged farmers I from voting for such a proposal, not | only in Manitoba but in other prov- ! inces as well. | So it appears to me that with large | beef producers not favourable to the | plan, processors naturally opposed, I and small operators confronted with | fantastic proposals without construe- | tive means of operation, the beef in- | dustry is a long way from a producer | controlled marketing Board. I Holland Marsh Tour Features Potato Day The third annual Provincial Potato Day will take on entirely different form this year with the growers and processors on the Bradford or Holland Marsh providing a tour of that fam ous vegetable growing area and visits to storages and processing plants on Thursday, August 12th. The potato committee met with the local committee last week at Bradford and themselves made a “test flight” of the three-hour tour which has been planned as a come and go open house sort of informal day. Instead of a programme of speeches, there will be guides aQGGinpany each group to ex plain points of intferest and also com mentators at each stop on the marsh or in the plants1 visited. The committee is preparing an illus trated folder with a map of this seven thousand acre garden, giving some of S'" i i ■ I ! 1 ■ 3 th© highlights of its history, develop ment and economic place in Ontario agriculture. The Marsh, located 35 miles north of Toronto on Yonge Street, or No. 11 highway, straddles the Schomberg River which divides York and Simcoe counties. The committee, for the day consists of W. M, Cockburn, New market, Agricultural Representative for York as chairman; R, E. Goodin, Crops Branch, Toronto, Secretary, and J, K. L. McRuer, Alliston, Agricultural Representative for South Simcoe, As sistant Secretary, with local growers, plant managers and vegetable inspec tors as members. ■ a a I Cec. SASH FRAMES CUPBOARDS Walpole PITTSBURG PAINTS GLASS STAIRS SCREENS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork - Carpent ry - Building Telephone 260-mT Wingham CURRIE’S SUPER SPECIALS Floor & Table Lamps Price $98.75 $48.50 $46.50 $46.75 NYLON FREIZE CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2 PIECE YOU’LL PROFIT FROM OUR LOSS OTHER STOCK PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED FOR TOUR BENEFIT « 2 Pc. Chesterfield SuiteJL Velour Reg. $157.50 2- S78-75 ! 4 pc. Bedroom Suite Veneered Walnut «i Reg. $175.00 $87-5° 2 SPECIALS Boshart Corner Cabinet, „ Reg. $119.00 $ DAYS................ Lane Cedar Chest, Walnut Reg. $63.50 $ DAYS .... Lane Cedar Chest, Walnut Reg. $59.50 $ DAYS Boshart Cedar Chest, Walnut t Reg. $59.95 $ DAYS Reg. $179.00 $ DAYS {140 7C SPECIAL FRY & BLACKHALL CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2 PIECE Reg. $257.00 $ DAYS <f917 99 9 SPECIAL S R. A. CURRIE & SONS FURNITURE Wingham Phone 51 Ontario ta Wft' WORTH MORt.-tito J? BIG DAYS that will mean $ and $ SAVED by NYLONS © Top of the list—Super Sheer, Flattering £ 60 Gauge, 15 Denier, First Quality Pr. T* A MENS SUMMER WORK SHIRTS Short and Long Sleeve 9 for (£9 QE All sizes - $2.00 ea..........................." v .$$$ SAVINGS FOR THE YOUNGEST MEMBER OF THE FAMILY CURITY DIAPERS 21” x 40” wash easily, dry quickly No hems. $ DAYS SPECIAL dozen Y4*1 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Large size, first quality (£9 QC $2.00 each or ... ............ ........... Pair WHILE THEY LAST These and many, many more such bargains will be yoww at Carmichael’s DURING $ DAYS Shopping at CARMICHAELS SUMMER BLOUSES In Plaids and Checks $1.50 Sizes 12-20.............. .........................$2.00 DRESSES Summer Prints, Crepes and Cruise Cottons Every Dress Must Go - All Sizes $1 $2 GIRLS’ SHORTS Cord and Cotton.....................................$1 2 - 6x and 8-14............................... „,Pr$2> BOYS’ JEANS 8 oz. Sanforized 2 pr. for $4.958-10-12 ................Pr. $2.50 CARMICHAEL’S “THE FAMILY STORE” See you all at the 75th Anniversary *