HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-07-14, Page 6t Pa«e Six The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, July 114, 1954 NEWS OF CORRIE FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE ‘SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E. Holmes Listowel LAYING AIASH Several Teachers in Howick School Area Are Re-engaged The following .teachers have been engaged in schools in the surrounding engaged in schools in the surrounding community for the senool year com­ mencing in September: No. 1, 'Mrs, Leonard Sanderson, Gorrie (re-engag­ ed) ; No. 4, Miss Marion Toner, Gorrie; No. 4, Mrs, Janet Day, Wingham; .No. 7, (Gorrie) Archie MacDonald, prin­ cipal, (re-engaged), Mrs. Ruth McDon­ ald (Jr. room), re-engaged; No. :8, Tom O*Krafka, Gorrie (re-engaged); No. 10, Mrs. Wm. Wright, Wroxeter, (re-engaged); No. 13, Mrs. ZEdfth Mc­ Lean, Wroxeter (re-engaged); No. 14, (Wroxeter), Campbell Brown, Gorrie, principal (re-engaged), Mrs. Les Doug- Jas, Wroxeter, Jr, room; No. 16, Miss Kathleen Lane (re-engaged); No, 18, Mrs. Sarah Donaldson, Gorrie R.R. 1, (re-engaged). Silver Wedding .Mr, .and .Mrs, W. Charles were at home to their friends and neighbors on Sunday on the occasion of their ,25th wedding .anniversary. A boun­ tiful supper was served cm the lawn to over 50 guests from Kitchener, Walkerton, Ethel, Molesworth, Gow- .anatown, Fordwich, Wroxeter and Gorrie. The table was centred with a .lovely two-stQrey wedding cake, a gift .from JMr. .and Mrs. Clarence Hop- kin, .Brandon, Man. The bride and gro.Qm of 25 .years ,.Qgo were recipients of lovely gifts amid showers of con­ fetti. Mr. and home on Hospital, eral days at the home of Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Fordwich. Mr. Cleve Vittie returned Friday from St. Joseph’s London. Mr. Melvin Finlay spent a day in London last week. Miss Mathewson, of Atwood, visited her sister, Mrs. Alvin Simpson and Mr. Simpson last week. Mr, and Mrs. Dougald Lunn of Fer­ gus visited Mrs. A. Toner on Friday. Mrs, Helen Sanderson and Miss Kate Hazlewood of Wroxeter, spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nuhn, Merna and Anne are holidaying at Barrie and Elmwood. Mrs. Fred Dowdall, of Toronto, ited relatives here on Thursday Friday. Mrs. R. H. Stephens returned week from Goderich, where she spent the past two months with Vis- and SHUR-GAIN JW LAYING MASH SAVES 30 LBS. OF FEED ON EVERY CASE OF EGGS ■ ■ Farmters all over the country are putting their pullets on SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash this year. ■ K The reason? Less feed to produce a dozen eggs. With more energy and greater protein, mineral, vitamin fortification in Super Lay­ ing Mash, laying hens don't require as much to reach high egg production. •ww B B = You can SAVE 30 lbs. of feed on every case of eggs B you produce with SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash. See us today about this “high efficiency” feed. 1 n g! I s H H ■ 4 Il i ■ s I J ! i WINGHAM GET AN "EXTRA YEAR" BETWEEN PAINT JOBS AND SAVE $1.25 A GALLON 1.69 ■ Quart Gal.— 6.15 210USE PAINL Spruce up your home for Spring oAd Summer with long- lasting ARMOR COAT HOUSE PAINT, Rich, full-bodied pig­ ments and the choicest raw materials combine to give this fine paint a greater weather - resistant finish. It lasts longer and looks better. Wide colour range. One coat <loe» a perfect two-coat job on previously painted surfaces. Self-cleansing —«tay» white. SAVE ,cTc SAFELY ‘V 0 •IN 2 Phone 164 Car Accident Allan (Addie) Harrison escaped with * cuts and bruises when his car was in- i volve.d .in A .collision with a car driv­ en by Harold Rachar .of Mount For­ est early .Saturday on Nq. .9 Highway at an intersection. Both .cars were extensively .damaged- Newlyweds Presented Mr. and Mrs. Bob Edgar, ®ae Kath­ leen Ford, were presented with a corner china cabinet at a large gath­ ering held in the Gorrie community hall on Wednesday night in honor of their recent marriage. An address was read by Eon Irwin and the pre­ sentation was made by Miss Feme Cook, Mrs. Don Irwin and Bower Far- rish. The eyening was .spent in danc­ ing to music by the Fprjwich orches­ tra. Refreshments were nerved. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin Gwendolyn, Brussels, .and Mr. Frain, of Cabri, Sask, day at the home of Clarence Sparling. Miss Kay Cathers is to the West Coast, j Mr. David Haskins, called on acquaintances in the vil­ lage recently. Mr. Cecil Grainger went to Toronto Monday and visited with his father, Mr. Wm. Grainger. Mr. Mrs. W. C. King and Mrs. Cloyne spent Tuesday in To­ ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. JardinS spent last week-end with their daughter, MrS. Jack Hodges and Mr. Hodges in Chat­ ham. Miss Edith Walker visited for sev- r ^!W8gB3ff Kfc-i. k.M and Joe , spent Thurs- Mr. .and Mrs. of Burlington, CASH — if yoji Jive. CASH — if you dig, Protection for the family Comfort for your retirement All in one policy, Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life I. WINGHAM, ONT. Ij «r 2.89 GAL. BARGAIN! GLOSS OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT PRE-SUMMER SAVINGS I This Gloss White House Paint is made from the "overspray and residue" of the finest ap­ pliance enamels—contains "titanium", the whitest, longest wearing white — same as on electric refrigerators, etc. Save safely! Auto Touch-up Aufo Touch-Up Exact factory color - match for General Motors, Canadian Ford and Chrysler pro ducts. Easy to use. 4-oz. .59 1/ 21^ARMOR GOAT CAR ENAMEL Worth 2.95 An "«rmeur-plaf«" of diirobW ond •xelHng mmf. colour for can, boots, bicycles and outdoor furol nlture. No special skill required to obtain •! profeiktoiMl "body-shop" paint lob that.will «441 many dalldrs to your oar’s resale value. Use tMal fine product Indoors or out brush er for perfect, lostlne resulte. •» r II i.A A WINGHAM; ONT. Robin E. Cqmpbelt last has her son, Mr. Mervin Stephens and Mrs. Stephens. Mrs, Albert Heibein returned to London with her son Bill and will spend a few weeks with him in Lon­ don. • Miss Mabel Irwin of Wingham spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Em­ ma Irwin. At a special meeting of the LOBA on Wednesday evening two new mem­ bers, Mrs. Pearl Kaine and Mrs. don Underwood, were initiated. Service of Holy Communion held in St. Stephen’s Church on day afternoon by the Rev. W. Bram­ well of Blyth. Miss Irla Newton was home from Toronto for the week-end. Mrs. Harold Robinson and Carrol spent a few days last week in To­ ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Giles, of Sim­ coe, spent the week-end with the former’s cousin, Miss Etta Burns. Mrs. J. Garnet Armstrong, of To­ ronto, visited Mrs. Jas. Armstrong. Members of Gorrie -L.O.B.A. No. 80 and L.O.L. No.. 767 took part in the i parade at Kincardine on Monday af­ ternoon. Many from this community also spent the day there. t Mrs. A. McKenzie, Harriston, and her daughter, Mrs. C, White, Levac, visited with relatives here on Tues­ day, Mrs, Marshall Adams and daughter, Miss Vera Adams, of Stoughton, Sask., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin. Mr, and Mrs. James Adams and family, Hamilton, were week-end guests at the'same home. Miss Jean Macdonald accompanied Mrs. Carl Mayberry and Mrs. Eric Whitfield, Listowel, to visit relatives at and Ottawa. Mrs. James Ma*offJn> of Fordwich, visited friends here last week. Mrs. H. Ferguson and Mr. Robert Ferguson Jr. attended the funeral in Grand Bend of a relative, Mrs. Love. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dustow _and Oliver, and Mr.,and Mrs. Charles Per­ rott, visited bn Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs- Harvey Robb and fam­ ily hear Amberly. The Metcalfe family held a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe on Sunday af­ ternoon. There were 44 present, from Lion’s Head, Oakville, Fergus, Wing­ ham and Mildmay. Tables were set on the lawn and all enjoyed this annual get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogan and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vogan spent a couple of days in Guelph last week. Black Drain Jas. A. Howes, (balance of account) .$200.00. Geo. Thomson, fees $50, by­ laws $30, survey $16, $96.00; Geo, Greenaway, survey, $16,00; W. Jack Willits, survey $8.00; John MacTav- ish, survey $8.00; H, E. Elliott, $4.00; Daily Commercial News, $6.00. - Road Accounts—Geo. Galloway, $22.- 50; W. A. Hogg, $24.03; Geo, Galloway, $231.84; Wm, Mundell, $224.00; Wrox­ eter Telephone, $7.15; Dominion Road Machinery, $1,57; Ross Hastings, $3,80; Pollard Bros., $1287.95; Canada Cul­ vert, $536.00; Cathers and Gallaher, $50.00; Br, American Oil, $220.16; Dept, of Highways, $74.25; Howson & How- son $2.30; Joe Kerr, $305.04; Harvey Coupland, $24,60; E. W. Sellers, $10.50; Beaver Lumber, $2.88; B. H. Moffat, $1.10; Lowe Brothers, $358.36. Willits - Foxton—That we now ad­ journ to meet on August 3rd. John V. Fischer, Reeve Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk I DOON BALER TWINE ■ B All Canadian Twine Manufactured in Kitchener | GUARANTEED 225 FEET PER POUND | Regular Price $8.90 § In Lots of IO Bags or over .................. V ■WE HAVE A CARLOAD IN STOCK CHARLES HODGINS YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER Gor- was Sun- HURON SEEKING OLD THRESHERS Anyone got models second J3r third types machines used in Ontario? There’s little chance of a -trade-in arrange­ ment, but a man looking for such a machine today is Joseph H. Neill, cur­ ator of the Huron County Museum here. Mr. Neill has a model of type thresher used in the set up in the new wing of the museum, and has room for the next two els. , The first machine, owned by Stevenson and operated in the field area from 1871 to 1875 is an up­ right 12-horse power boiler type, which was drawn by horses. It was made at Brantford. The next model, says Mr. Neill, which was in use about 1885, has a horizontal boiler, and then came the steam-driven tractor. . Mr. Neill recently completed his chain of time pieces at the museum^ from an ancient sun-dial to a modern atmospheric clock, and including primitive forms of Greek, Chinese and Egyptian clocks, most of which‘work on a water system. Pioneer the first province, mod- John Ash- ■ B i s ■ ■ of either of threshing the INSTALLING TELEVISION ? ? Set your sights on Maximum reception on ALL Channels. Have the Wingham Antenna Engineering install, a genuine HIGH GAIN, T.V. Antenna. “You can/ See the Difference.” You’ll need more than an Ordinary Antenna to give you uninterrupted entertainment. More Stations are on the air, more to come, have your Antenna Installed" while weather conditions are good, and SAVE MONEY. The Latest developments in Antenna Engineering have been tested locally and are now made available by the WINGHAM ANTENNA ENGINEERING. Bob Carbert Elmer Purdon 422-R ’ 372 CONSULT ONE OF OUR DEALERS Warren House Furnishings Pattison Electric DISCUSS DRAINS AT TONBERRY COUNCIL I _ The regular meeting of Turnberry council was held in Bluevale Hall on July 5th, with all members present and the reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last, meeting were read and adopted on motion of A. D. Smith and W. Jack Willits. Foxton - Mulvey—-That .By-laws 6 and 8 on the drains be read ally passed. The tenders the Underwood Drain and the contract awarded to Clifford Symington for $300. He was also given the contract for digging the outlet pond on the Black Drain at $250. These contracts let on motion of Herb Foxton and A. D. Smith. A letter was read from A. H. Mc- Tavish regarding a drain on Mr. R. A. Downey’s farm and on motion of W. H. Mulvey and Herb FOxton, the clerk was instructed to reply explain­ ing the necessary action. Following the reading Of the engin­ eer’s report on the Elliott drain and subsequent discussion it Was moved by Herb Foxton and A. p. Smith that the report on the Elliott drain, be re- Black and Underwood the third time and fin- for the construction of were opened Lllv ICjJULL UI1 viltJ JLUIAAAJUU KZVr AV ( ferrod hack to the engineer, asking H AiilxrAvt rtVAOGi. *■■■him to state the size ’of culvert cross­ ing the sixth concession. A request was received from Keith Johnston to have the Elliott” Drain continued past the back line of Lot 17, Con. 7, this was referred to the engin­ eer. The tenders were opened for the Black and Mundell drains and on mot­ ion of W. H. Mulvey and Herb Foxton the contracts were given, to Rod Ing­ les. The Black Drain at $3881 and the Mundell Drain at $1433. ' By-Laws No, 9 and 10 were read the third time and finally passed, Wiillits - Smith, following accounts be paid. General Accounts—Wenger Bros., $21.73; Municipal World, $5.08; Hos­ pitalization, $40.60; Hugh Gilmour (BruCellbsis Inspector) $4.40; Ross Willits, (COtnp), $47.25; GOO. Thomson, pL salary $40, postage, $1.00, telephone $1.40, $42,40; Relief, $40.00; Jack Mc- Burney, $3.75; Norman Ross, $25.00. FREE ESTIMATES . . . GUARANTEED . . . REGULAR SERVICE Each job Custom Built. Talk with one of our Customers. FREE FREE FREE Win a LATE MODEL ABSOLUTELY f FREE CROSSETT MOTORS LIMITED ft Wingham IF YOU PURCHASE A NEW OR USED CAR OR TRUCK (DrawBETWEEN JULY 15th and SEPTEMBER 25th / be made Saturday night, September 25th, at 10.00 p.m.) AT CROSSETT MOTORS LTD., Wingham You are entitled to a FREE chance on this car. Watch your local newspaper and listen to CKNX for further particulars, The Car Will Be on Display