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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-07-07, Page 5
Announcing SANEX MOTH PROTECTION with regular dry cleaning service Saves You Money — Saves Your Clothes We not only carefully clean your garments but9also make them moth proof. You pay not one cent extra for this wonderful new service. Sanex moth pro tection is odorless and colorless and we insure each garment 100% against moth damage. So don’t take chances. Get quality cleaniiig plus guaranteed moth protection today. Templeman Cleaners Phone 323 Wingham Formoaa Community Centre TUESDAY, JULY 13th to' the music of Bobby Gimby of the Happy Gang Direct from Riverdale Terrace and Mart Kenney’s Ranch Dancing 10 to 1 WHITECHURCH The Sunday Scheel of the Church here are holding their picnic at the lake at the end 12th concession of Ashfield on Sat urday. Children of the community are welcome to come along and enjoy the day, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watt and daughters, of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Rev, and Mrs. W. J. Watt and other relatives in this district. Rev. W. J. Watt charge of the service at Gorrie ited Church on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. R. D. A. Currie children are spending this week at Kincardine. Rev' John Pollock, of Wingbam, had charge of the service in the Presbyterian Church here on Sun day. Mrs. Gordon Powell and Margaret and Cherlyn of Vancouver, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. John Guse and Donna and David and Mrs. A. R. Goudie, of Kitchener, visited on Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan. Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer, Wingham, took in the Kitchener celebration on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McLaughlin and Joan, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of her brother, Mr. Clar ence Chamney, East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft and family were at Brucefield recently, be fore her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson and Miss Janet left by plane to spend 'a few weeks at Vancouver and through the West. Sacrament service was held in Brick United Church on Sunday morning with Rev. C. D. Cox in charge of the service. Mr. Jim Irwin of Hamilton spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Jack Coultes left on Wednesday to work with his uncle, Mr. Alex Leaver, for the summer. Mrs. Cecil Falconer left on Monday with Detroit relatives to spend 'this week at the home of her brother, Mr. Hector Purdon of Sarnia. Mr. Jack Gillespie and Mr. Athol Purdon have purchased a farm at* Recce’s Corners, near .Snaria, and are working at- construction work with their asphalt machinery. " “ don spent the week-end at in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mason Bryon Robert, of Wingham, are spend ing this week with his parents, and Mrs. John Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer Allan spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Chas. Falconer, of Glamis. Mrs. John Mason and Mr. and Harry Cook of East Wawanosh in the I.O.O.F. bus trip to the 1 fellows Home at Barrie on Sunday. Leaving Whigham .'about 9 a.m., the men and women <eritertained the oc cupants of the home at dinner on the shady lawn, .and returned home in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, Wing ham, spent Sunday with relatives at Brarit'ford and "Mrs. John Falconer, who has been visiting relatives in this '•community for the past month, return ed -home to "Caledon with Mr. and Mrs. Wlconer. ©ver 150 Falconer and McInnis re latives met at 'Teeswater fair grounds on 'Thursday ’last and enjoyed an af- CWNA Award Winner Pa«e riw United annual of the The Winghsun Advance-Tirries, Wednesday, July 7th, 1954 t YOUR FUTURE depends on them hindered in your work by the headaches and gastric disturbances from defective vision. The only 1954 WINGHAM’S 75th ANNIVERSARY JULY 31, August 1 & 2 Don’t be "nerves”, resulting safe plan is to have your eyes examined at least once a year, It's the smallest invest ment you can make—and the soundest. Do it now. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETRIST “A Complete Visual Analysis” Mr. Pur- his home •and baby Mr. and and Mrs. took Odd- ADMISSION 1953 Meteor Black .Sedan Heater, xe^y Jo.w .mileage. Like new.$1895 1947 CHEVROLET COACH $750Dark .Blue Beauty. Visor, radio. Many miles of . good driving. 1952 DODGE CORONET SEDAN Heater, CfrxtHinatie Transmission. A real buy.$1695 1947 FORD MAROON SEDAN :Heater, new paint. C EQE .A Bargain price of 1951 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Visor, Heater, Green $1295 CHECK THESE USED TRUCKVALUES 1951 METEOR BLUE SEDAN Visor and Puncture Proof Tires, 4? 1 OCA Radio and Heater A real steal l&Uv 1952 MERCURY y^n PANEL Real good shape $1095 1951 CHEVROLET HARD TOP Two-tone Green and Cream 4* "I QC Goodvtires and clean. Heater. 1952 MERCURY %<on PJGK4JP Lots of .real good work left in this truck.$1050 1950 CHEVROLET COACH Heater, Two-tone Green, <1* 1 AQ E A steal at iJHUiKJ 1950 MERCURY %-t<m PICK-UP vGreen. Used for a car. ■^‘*7 1949 METEOR BLUE SEDAN A Real Buy at <$760 1950 CHEVROLET 2-ton STAKE actual miles.. New paint jJzIzOv 1948 CHEVROLET COACH Black, new motor, good rubber. A real clean car.$850 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY A real buy for someone. One of the highlights at the annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association (Ontario Division) is the award ing of the trophy for, the best agricultural reporting done by a weekly newspaper in the past year, The winner at the annual convention just held in Toronto was Dick Pearce, news editor of the Simcoe Reformer (left), Don Fairbairn, (centre), well known ■ for his work with weekly newspapers in .this province and for his popular radio program "Neighbourly News", acted as judge this year. With the two D’s is the chairman of the Awards Committee for the Ontario division of the CWNA, Bill James (right), editor of the Bowmanville Canadian Statesman. ■ MASSEY-HARRIS NEW HOLLAND E= I ternoon of sports and friendly chat, i chased a new car to take home. A picnic supper completed the get- Mr. Lloyd Smith, millwright, of Mil- together. verton, who has been working at the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and remodelling of the E S. Watt chop family, with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Coul- Per bere, bad the misfortune to fall tes Morris, and other East Wawa- ,on the second floor last Thursday, nosh families and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. from the top of the elevators, and Hackett, of Ashfield, held a family broke four ribs and suffered bruises gathering at Harbour Park, Goderich, to shoulder and chest. He was taken on Sunday. I Mrs. Will Conn and Mr. and Mrs., Wallace Conn and family spent Sun- ’ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har old Johnston of Parkhill. Mrs. Conn was celebrating her 84th birthday on Sunday. Nurse Olive Terriff returned to her position at Listowel Hospital Thurs day after a month’s vacation. I COMBINES 60 Combine in PTO Engine Drive and Self Propelled First choice for average size farms. I Hackett, of Ashfield, _held a ’family I to the Wingham Hospital and his bro ther came here to finish the work. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Purdon and family, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Purdon, of Lucknow and with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. On Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdon and ,family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleghorn - -—----- --------- and Ronald, Wingham, and Mr. andMrs. Fred Bagg and Miss Hazel, Mrs. George Tiffin and Coleen, of of^Willowdale, spent the week-end at Langside, visited with Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gros- Falconer, korth. j Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dosman and children, of Mildmay, visited last Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Duncan McGregor, and other relatives. Mr. Cecil Stapleton, of Montreal, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stapleton, of Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. Randal Buschlen and Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Falconer at Gla- family, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan pusch- mis. len, of Toronto, spent the week-end • Mr. Wm. Forster and daughters, with their uncle, Mr. F. McK. Pater- Of East Wawanosh and Mr. and Mrs. son. Mr. Paterson has a freak lamb, Walter Elliott and Paul attended the I born to a Leicester ewe a week ago. Aitcheson family picnic held at Vic-1 Its wool is almost two inches long ----- and almost pure white. Mr. Thos. Inglis, of West Wawanosh, jumped off a load of hay when it was about to upset on his farm last Friday and is a patient in the Wing ham Hospital with a broken pelvis. Mr. Inglis is in his 80th year. Sheila and Lanny Scrimmageur, of Goderich, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips of West Wawanosh. Mrs. Clarence Lewis, of Grimsby, visited last Thursday with her father, Mr. F. McK. Paterson .and both vis ited with Lucknow relatives. Mr- Lewis was at Harriston in the bowling tournament that day. I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phillips, who ’ London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher, were here for the past two weeks after of Kitchener, spent the week-end with the Phillips-Gaunt reunion, left last their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George week for their home at Bosmon, B.(C. Fisher. and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Howlatt, who Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lambert, of also were here for the same gather- ,Merrican, spent last week with Mr. ing, left on Sunday for their home (Mjrs. Mylis^Sjte Marie.* at Hythe, Alta. Each of the .men pur- 80 & 90 Self Propelled Combines Finest Combines ever built, greatest capacity, 10 to 16 foot cut, up to 90 acres a day. Massey-Harris Balers, Mowers and Siderakes New Holland 66 Balers P.T.O. Drive & Motor Drive New Improved 77 Super Baler with electric starter, wagon hitch and loader Higgins Family Has Reunion at Seaforth 1 ■ 1 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw and daughters, of London, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Laidlaw, and with other re latives here and at Lucknow. Mr. Pat Coulter of Chatham spent the week-end with Mr. Sam Coulter and with Mr. and Mrs. James Falcon- 1 er and Lois visited on Saturday with toria Park, Kitchener, on Saturday. Over 100 relatives were present, with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Aitchison and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Aitchison and fam ily of Wingham also attending. Mrs. James Wilson Sr., Miss Merle Wilson and Mrs.' James Wilson and Brenda spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fair brother, Toronto. Mrs. Wilson Sr. will spend a few weeks there. Fairbrother returned with them will visit here for a few weeks. Rev, and Mrs. Graydon Cox Donna and Ruth Ann, of Fonthill ited one day last week with her moth er, Mrs. Mac Ross, and with Palmerston relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Louheed, of Marilyn and and vis- ■ ■ King=Wyse Bale Elevators in 34 and 42 ft. lengths. ‘ USED Farm Equipment 1—44 Used Tractor 1—No. 4 10-ft. Swather CHARLES HODGINS YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER Phone 378 s I ■ HH I I I B I I I I B I I i m i B I I I I I H i A happy gathering took place .in Seaforth Lions Park, on Saturday, July 3rd; 1954, when members of the Higgins reunion gathered together once more. This is an annual event and many friends enjoyed .the happy privilege of all being together. The weather was ideal and .sixty-nine people attended coming from Guelph, Long Branch, Mitchell, Belmore, Wroxeter, Gorrie, Wingham, Bly.th, London, Clinton and Brussels. The afternoon was spent in social chat, races and sports which were well taken care of by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham, Ronnie Higgins of Wroxeter and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Higgins, of Mitchell. The friends were all very happy to welcome one of the older members, Mr. Richard Rann, of Brussels, form erly of Wroxeter, who has not been in good health for some time, but was able to attend with his son, Alkin. Being the oldest member present, he received the prize. The youngest mem ber present receiving the prize was Bonnie Lynne Pletch, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pletch, Brussels. The most recently married couple prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Higgins, Brussels. Everyone sat down to a bountiful lunch provided by the ladies. One minute silence was held in memory of Mrs. Vernon Higgins and William Rann, who have passed away since the last reunion. Mr. Edward Higgins, of Brussels, president for 1954, presided over the business part and officers were elect ed for 1955. Mr. Gordon Higgins, of Brussels, was elected president for 1955 and Mrs. Gordon Walker, of Wingham, secretary-treasurer. It was decided to hold the reunion next year, July 2nd., on the same grounds, | Mr. Gordon McGee and Mr. Charlie i Leaver visited on Monday with the latter’s uncle, Mr. Fred Graham, of Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fells and son, Robert, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Payne, Tor onto, spent the week-end with the Tiffin families in Kinloss, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hays and Betty, of De troit, also visited with Tiffin relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coutts, of Wing ham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross. Mrs. Turner, who spent the .winter with Toronto relatives, returned to her home here last week. A large crowd attended the recep tion held in the Memorial Hall here on Friday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Fisher, newlyweds. Mr. Ew.art McPherson called the couple to the front after lunch, and Mrs. Angus McDonald read an address, and .Jack Gillies presented them with a .purse of money. The groom humorous ly .thanked their friends for their kind .gift. Carruther relatives provided music for dancing. Mr. Joe Kelly and family, of Goder ich, spent Saturday at the home of ,his grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, and Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook, of Gode rich, visited there one day last week. Mrs. Harvey and her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Buckard, Ann Louise and Mary Jane, of London, are spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman, of E. Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Mitchell, Elean- ore and Gordon, also Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Anderson, Phyllis and Donald, of St. Catharines, visited there on Saturday. Mrs. Anderson and her children and Elcanore Mitchell are spending this week here. Mr. Harry McClenaghan, of E. Wa wanosh, has purchased the James Wil son home on Maple St., Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffatt and' children, of Langside, visited on Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Martin. Mrs. Mylis St Marie has been a pat ient in Wingham Hospital, over the week-end. Birth CURRIE—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, July 1, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Currie, of East Wawanosh, a daughter. | Wingham "iibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibiiibihbiiibiubiiIbiiibiiiB • ISIIIBIllBlilBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIllBIIIBIIIBillBIIIBIIIBlIlBIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBIII^ ■SUPER LAYING MASH new Sl/Ptf LAYING MASH SAVES 30 LBS. OF FEED ON EVERY CASE OF EGGS ■ ■ ■ ■ Farmiers all over the country are putting their pullets on SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash this year. The reason? Less feed to produce a dozen eggs. With more energy and greater protein, mineral, vitamin fortification in Super Lay ing Mash, laying hens don't require as much to reach high egg production. You can SAVE 30 lbs. of feed on every case of eggs you produce with SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash. See us today about this “high efficiency” feed. CANADA PACKERS LTD WINGHAM £ £ g ■ =£ ■ H £