HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-07-07, Page 4CLASSIFIED THEY TELL THEY SELL NEWS OF CORRIE Page Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, July 7th, 1954 FOR SALE AGENTS WANTED COMING EVENTS NEW PIANOS^ Save $100 on a new piapo at Schuett’s, Mildmay. Also used pianos. NEW UPHOLSTER­ ED FURNITURE. Large selection including Chesterfields, Davenports,1 Spacesavers, Studio Couches. You 11; save at Schuett’s, Mildmay.307b, REFRIGERATORS at the Mildmay j Furniture include Philco, Frigidaire, } _ 1 " h0"ie DEADSTOCK uiges,! e_________ 307b { Norge, freezers, washers. WANTED: Man for steady travel > among consumers in Huron County.1 Permanent connection with large { manufacturer. Only reliable hustler ? considered. Write Rawleigh’s Dept.- G-453-131, Montreal, P. Q. ENTERTAINMENT at the Palace Gardens, Formosa, Sunday, July 11, 2.30 to 5 p.m, Reg Bittop, Rossy Mann and Ernie King, the Ranch Boy Trio, C7b Orange Lodges Hold Annual Church Service in Gorrie WANTED Also bargains in 1 air conditioners, ranges,. Schuett’s Mildmay. < ‘ TURKEYS—AU sizes, 7 to 24 lbs. Oven > dressed. Laidlaw’s, phone 366J,. Wingham. ______ 3O1'rb I removed from you,r farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb I CARD OF THANKS | I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mrs. Morrey and the nurs­ ing staff of the Wingham General Hospital while I was a patient there, also to Dr. Palmer, friends, neighbors and members of the Canadian Legion for their kindness in every way. Bert Harris 7* CRESS WART REMOVER—really ’ does it. Your Druggist sells Cress } Corn Salve for sure relief. i SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE— Steeb reinforced cement septic tanks, 61- by 3% ft., 5 ft. deep. Capacity of 450 Imperial gallons. The design and construction of these tanks has been approved by the Huron and Bruce County Health Units. We de­ liver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter’s Welding Service, Lucknow. 16rrb j LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead, dis­ abled horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone collect, Wingham 561J or William Stone Sons Limited,' Ingersoll. 28rrb CARD OF THANKS TWO OR THREE BEEF-TYPE heifers, wanted. Phone 658 W 4 evenings. 7b I appreciate very much the visits and the many cards from friends and neighbors during my recent stay in East General Hospital. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who showed kindness to me while there, and since my return from Toronto. Mr. Wm. A. Cathers 7* HELP WANTED CHOICE CEMENTING GRAVEL for sale. Building sand, lane gravel, fill and top soil at reasonable prices. We will try to fill all orders in 24 hours. Call collect Arthur Ruttan, Bluevale, phone Brussels 44r6. 307b WOMAN or GIRL wanted, to clerk permanently in store. Apply by let­ ter only, to Box 178 Wiiigham. 30rrb REAL ESTATE BIRTHS ! ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and j stamp pads sold at The Wingham i Advance-Times. i SINGLE STOREY BRICK HOUSE for sale, three bedrooms, tiled bath, oil heated, spacious basement, 40’x 24’. Large lot, fully landscaped. Ap­ ply W. G. Sell, Phone 291, evenings or Saturday. 16:23:30.7* 24x40 WHITE THRESHER for sale, ■' complete with shredder and grain i thrower, on rubber, practically new. 1 Apply N. XI, <J,ham, Phone 733W4. 7* } ________ ____________________________________ ____, 1 IS STOREY FRAME HOUSE for sale in Belgrave. All modern con- on rubber, practically new.: veniences. Apply Mrs. Elizabeth '. Greenaway, R. 3, Wing-} Campbell, Belgrave, phone 634W2. 7* McCORMICK-DEER-1SEVEN ROOM storey and a half6 FOOT CUT 1 ING Binder for sale, nearly new; I also quantity of hay. Apply Alfred} McCreight, phone 626w3. 7* j house for sale, with furnace and bath, easily heated. Central location. Apply Hartley Smith, Minnie St. 7b GREY CONVERTIBLE baby buggy } for sale, in good condition. Phone ? 674R. 7b . ! FOR RENT QUANTITY OF SUGAR SACKS. Ap­ ply Hamilton Beverages, phone 485. 7rrb CABIN TRAILER for rent on lake front from July 10th to 31st and August 7 to Sept. 3rd. Accommo­ dates four. Phone 79. 307b i LADY’S CCM BICYCLE for sale, in good condition. Reasonable. Phone 445. 7b COTTAGE FOR RENT at Point Clark, last two weeks in July. Good location. Apply Frank Hopper, phone 462. 7b THRESHING MACHINE for sale, Red River, 28”x46”, on rubber, 100 ft. drive belts, 18 ft. grain elevator. Apply to Tom Pletch, R. R. 5, Brus­ sels. Phone 12r23. rrb POULTRY FOR SALE 100 SUSSEX-RED pullets for sale. Ready to lay. $1.80 each. Apply Box 44, Advance-Times. .30b 150 HAMP X ROCK pullets, for sale, 5% months, starting to lay. Harvey Wright, Phone Wroxeter 19-18. 7* 175 NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS for sale, ready to lay. Apply to Stewart Procter, phone Brussels 32- rl2, 7* UU. TOOK FUR SALE 7 PIGS ref., y to wean for sale. Apply George r..ner, Whitechurch, phone 747W11. 7* 1 20 PIGS, 7 weeks old, for sale. Apply Stanley M .ras, phone 729 J 4, Wing­ ham, 7* PUREBRED ABERDEEN ANGUS Bull, 2 years old for sale. Apply K. McNaughton, Bluevale. 7* ELEVEN CHUNKS OF PIGS for sale. Ben McClenaghan, Phone 402J1. , 7b MISCELLANEOUS POWER AND HAND LAWN Mowers sharpened and repaired. Phone 553W Leslie McDougall and Alvin Stacey. , 2rrb WANTED TO RENT YOUNG COUPLE desire house or apartment, furnished or unfurnish­ ed. Phone 251. , 7* TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until Friday, July 9th, for the installation of one deep well pressure system, a basin and a bub­ bler, also for installations of flush toilets or semi-flush toilets for No. 2 School, Turnberry. Plans may be seen at ‘Eldon Kirton’s. Turnberry School Area, Alex Corrigan, Secretary-Treasurer R. R. 1, Blue vale AUCTION SALE 7b AUCTION SALE of choice Dairy and Beef Cattle to be held at Bervip or No. 9 Highway, 6 miles east of Kincardine on Friday, July 9th, at 8 o’clock in evening: 15 Fresh and Springing Holstein Cows and Heif­ ers; 6 Yearling Holstein Heifers; 3 Jersey Heifers, due soon; 10 Hol­ stein Heifer Calves; 10 Hereford and Durham Calves; 20 Choice Durham and Hereford Heifers and Steers, (Yearlings). Every buyer has chance on free calf as well as 3 door prizes, open to all. Tickets to be drawn at end of sale. Come as buyer or visitor. Elton McLelland & Sons, Prop. Donald Blue, Dome and Doris McLelland, Auctioneers. 7b IF YOU are buyihg 2. car on time! payments be sure to get our rate j on the financing and insurance. Our j service is complete and inexpensive. I Phone now and ask Stewart A. j Scott, Phone 293. rrb ! FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Water­ loo Cattle Breeding Association be­ tween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sun­ days. Phone collect Clinton 242 or Mildmay 130R12. WE DO CUSTOMWORK with our j new McKee Harvester. Phone 512J12 > or see A. J. Burgers, Wingham, R. R. No, 2. 7* UPHOLSTERING MORRISON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 30th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morri­ son, R. 1, Lucknow, a son. MacTAVISH—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, July 1st, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacTav- ish, a daughter. KING—In Wingham General Hospi­ tal, on Thursday, July 1st, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Wing­ ham, a daughter. CURRIE—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Thursday, July 1st., 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Currie, R. 3, Wingham, a daughter—Ruth Ellen. BURT—In Wingham General Hospi­ tal, on Friday, July 2, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burt, Holyrood, a daughter. CLOAKEY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, July 2, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cloakey, R. 4, Brussels, a son. IRELAND—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, July 2, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ireland, Tees- water, a son. COWAN—In Winghani General Hos­ pital, on Saturday, July 3, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. Howard Cowan, Luck­ now, a son. RITCHIE—In Hospital, on Saturday, July 3, 1954, to Mr. and ' Lucknow, a daughter. DICKIE—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Tuesday, July 6th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie, R. 5, Luck­ now, a son. COPELAND—In Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday, July 4th, 1954, I to Mr. and Mrs. George Copeland, a j Wingham General Mrs. Leonard Ritchie. son, Daryl Stuart DOWNIE—In Kincardine Hospital, on Monday, June 28th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Downie (nee Norma Bry- dges) a daughter—Joanne Elizabeth. ST. HELENS Nethery, A special prize was award-! «(1 to the handsomest farmer, Aaron Fisher. A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. Albert Shaddick, Clinton, to all those who helped to make the reun« ion a success. M 1955 were: Pres., Earle Noble, Blyth sec.-treas. Blyth. The officers elected for■ The 9th annual Nethery reunion was ’held at the Belgrave arena on Satur­ day afternoon with 112 signing the register. During the afternoon games ’ and contests were held, with the fol­ lowing winners: Bubble-blowing, Mrs. Jack Nethery, Blyth; whistling, Miss Ella Nethery, Blyth; clothespin con­ test, Mrs. Jean Potter, Clinton; name contest, Miss Stella Nethery, Belgrave; bean guessing, Mrs, Jean Wade, Wing- ham, | A bountiful supper was served, after Mrs. Gilbert Nethery, ofHowick District L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. j Elgin. Mrs. McKenzie was a former lodges held their annual .church ser-: resident of the Howick-Minto boun- vice at St, Stephen’s Anglican Church dary near Clifford and is a sister of on Sunday afternoon, when over 40[Mrs. Graham and Mr. Douglas, members marched from the hall to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong visited nh.ivnv. Tn T7! Rnc«oi nnnrinnFpH1 \yjth friends in Toronto on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Gerald Galbraith returned last week after spending several days at Port Elgin Beach with her mother, Mrs, S. Fydell, i wa,o gqiwu, Mr. Alex Graham, of Toronto, vis-'which the business meeting was held, ited with relatives here for a few days.j conducted by the president, Alec Ne- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Merklinger, and thery, Brussels. The welcome address Mr. Carl Cook, of Kitchener, were was given by Abner Nethery, Wing- Sunday visitors with relatives here. I ham and the minutes and report of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall and'last year’s meeting were read by the Jim, of Stratford, spent Sunday with 1 secretary, Clare VanCamp, Brussels, the former’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Mar- i Three minutes of silence were observ- shall. ' ------- -" ” The Cochran Newbigging Reunion was held at Memorial Park, Listowel, on Saturday. Members of the family of the late Alex Edgar attended. Mr. and Mrs. Harold David and Kenny spent Sunday at Port Elgin. Miss Edith Richardson and Mr. Ray Adams, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Adams. Mrs. Murray Edgar and daughter, Miss Grace Edgar, returned Wednes­ day after spending three weeks visit­ ing relatives in Rosetown, Sask. Mr. James Shera has been confined to his home for the past week. Friends are hoping he will soon be able to re­ turn to his shop. Mr. Mac Hutchison, of Newtonbrook, spent the week-end at his home. The L.O.B.A. and L.O.L. lodges of, Gorrie will attend the 12th of July i celebration at Kincardine. | „ Mrs. John L. McEwen and Miss Hel- .most recently married couple, Mr. and uu wimuui ram uua wevn. auu wusia- en, of Wroxeter, visited Sunday with (Mrs. Jack Nethery, Blyth; lucky chair, 'erable haying was done on these Herman Nethery, Brussels; oldest areas. Approximately 25 per cent of the church. F, E. .Russel conducted • the service and chose as his text Rev. 1;3, “Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this pro­ phecy and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand.” He showed where many of the prophecies had been fulfilled through the years and in the Protestant church. Mrs. Wm. Stinson Word has been received here of the sudden death of Mrs. Wm. Stinson, of Detroit, on Saturday, June 26. She was the wife of William Stinson, for­ merly of Gorrie. Besides her husband, a son and daughter, both of Detroit, survive. Burial was at Detroit on Tuesday, June 29. Miss Etta Burns attended the funeral. Improvement at Park Those interested in the Gorrie com­ munity park have been busy erecting a shelter and tables to be used in case of- rain. This will add to the attrac­ tions of the park for picnics and re­ unions. Gorrie W.I. to Visit Guelph Women’s Institute members are re­ minded that transportation is being organized for Friday, July 16th that members may spend the day at the O.A.C. and enjoy the program arrang­ ed for W.I. members’ holiday week. Cars will leave at S a.m. Those wish­ ing to attend are asked to get in touch with the executive of the W.I. Personals Miss Irla Newton, who has been teaching at Alliston for the past year, is attending Pre-teachers’ College, tak­ ing the summer course for the second year. Mr. Riddell and daughter, Miss Flor­ ence, of New Hamburg, Mr. Bob Laing, Mrs. Albert Laing and daughter Jean, of Shakespeare, spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stewart, Ston­ ey Creek, Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Fran­ ces Gray, Hamilton, visited on Sunday I with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King and in j Mr, and Mrs. Ted Newton spent the afternoon a picnic was held at the ' last Tuesday in Alliston, the guests home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl King, } of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Morrison. Miss which they attended, along with thejirla Newton returned with them. Lloyd Workman, Lynne and Murray, RESULTS AT GORRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL To Grade Eight—Honors, JKaren Mi­ chael, Bruce Grainger, Ruth Ann Hue- ston, Kelvin Buchanan, John Brown, Douglas Whitfield. To' Grade Seven — Honors, Edith Scott, Sandra Edgar, Faye Edgar, Margie Hastie, Ruth Grainger, Wayne King; pass, Kay Lawrence, Tom Templeman, Gerald Lawrence, To Grade Six—Honors, Corinne Rhame, Joyce Ford; pass, Connie Ab­ ram, Donald Peel, Archie J, H. MacDonald, Principal To Grade Five — Honors, Evelyn Anne Stephens, Alex Strong, Donald Whitfield, Linda Jane Durst, Nadine Cooke, Maureen Buchanan; pass, Gwen Hyndman, Bob Templeman. To Grade Four—Honors, Alex Ham­ ilton, Ruth Edgar, Joanne Strong, Car­ ol Robinson; pass, Carol Keil. To Grade Three—Honors, Larry Simpson, Bobby Grainger, Brock Hue- ston; pass, Wayne Lawrence. To Grade Two—Kenny Farrish, Gary Lawrence, Morris Abram. Ruth M. MacDonald, teacher I I ed in memory of those who passed 1 away during the year, Miss Mary Hollingsworth, Sault Ste. Marie and William Black, Rydal Bank. Albert Nethery, Hamilton, read sev­ eral letters from people to whom he had written inquiring for information about the Nethery family tree. Short speeches were given by Alex Nethery, Sarnia; Henry Leishman, Goderich; John Black, Rydal Bank; James Mc­ Gill, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gal­ lagher, Kindersley, Sask.; Mrs. Celia Anderson, London; Mrs, Wm. Doug­ las, Lucknow, and Mrs. Thomas Fair­ service, Londesboro. Correspondence was read by the secretary, followed by a story-telling contest won by Alex Nethery, Sarnia. Prizes were given out for the largest family present, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Nethery and family, Wingham; young- lest baby, Rhonda Wade, Wingham; i i Crop Report G. W. Montgomery Some sections of the county escap­ ed without rain this week and consid- Mrs. Mae Jackson. , . ____ ____ . _______„ ___ — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacklin and fam-'married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Henry the haying has been completed in the ily, of Brussels, visited Mrs. Chas. [ Leishman, Goderich; person coming J county and the hay crop will be an Kitchen on Sunday. I the farthest, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gal-. average yield. All crops are making_______________, the farthest, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gal-. average yield. All crops are making Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Switzer, Bill and lagher, Kindetsley. Percy Barker, good growth. Fall wheat is commenc- Bobby, of Mount Forest, spent Sunday, Goderich, brought a carton of salt ing to turn colour and most of the with Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. from the Goderich Salt Co., where he spring grain is now out in head. Cul- Misses Edith Timm, Marlene Fei-( 1S employed. A block of salt was giv-| tivated crops such as corn, sugar gel, Colleen Donnelly and Faye Ed-|en to the oldest farmer, Gilbert Neth-1 beets, white beans-and soybeans aare- gar are spending this week at Grand erY» an<^ to the youngest farmer, Jack 'making exceptional growth. ;Bend. I Mr. Llovd Workman, Lynne and Murray, ’ Mr. and Mrs. Glenn King, Ronnie Brussels; Mrs. Flem Grainger, James-'and Bobbie, of Peterboro, spent the town; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earls, j week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lynne and Leone, Mr. Joe Jopp, Wrox- King. eter; Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean, Dori- I Mr. Frank Harris, of Detroit, spent na and Murray. Wroxeter; Mr. and’the July 4th holiday with relatives. Mrs. Ken Hastie and family; Mrs. Em­ ma Hastie, Mrs. Archie Miller and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth, Wingham. Grant Day received injuries to his foot when it was caught in the mow- He was taken to Wingham Hos- no bones was sev- er. pital where X-rays showed (broken. However, the foot j erely bruised. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swan, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Vittie. Johnston Farrish, who has been with the R.CN. in Vancouver, is home on a 30-day leave. On his return to B. C. he will be stationed with H.M. C. S. Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Toombs and family, of Queensville, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling. Both families spent Friday in Exeter and Grand Bend. Windsor, Members of the Zion Orange Lodge ..will attend service in a body next Sun­ day morhing in the United 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd ren of Stratford, who have daying at Bruce Beach were week-end visitors with his mother, Mrs. D. Todd, who had also spent a few days at the lake. Miss Margaret MacPherson, Reg. N., of London, and Mr. Keith Black of i Centralia, were week-end- guests ofspent Sunday wi(h Mr and Mrs 1NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of WILLLAM DEANS late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the thirtieth day of March, i A.D., 1954, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty- ! fourth day of July A. D., 1954, full« particulars of their claims in writing, i Immediately after the said twenty­ fourth day of July the assets of the ( said testator will be distributed j amongst the parties entitled thereto, * having regard only to claims of which [ 13:27:10:24rrb > the executors shall then have notice. I ___________j DATED this thirtieth day of June, | “__| A. D., 1954. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON,} Wingham, Ontario , Solicitors for the Executors ' • 7:14:21b specialize in re-upholstering, guaranteed. One Also repairing, re­ appointment call RRB We Workmanship week’s service, finishing. For Fairyland, 487J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I Church at Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Whitley, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mac­ Donald, Orillia, were recent guests of ; Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Whitley. Misses Karen Michel and Sandra Edgar are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar at Port Elgin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pyke spent July :1st at the Highland Games in Embro. ! Mr. and Mrs. Bower Farrish and and child- been holi- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Colmer, Donna and Gary, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Ripley, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dane. Mrs. Ethel Bradnock spent several days last week in Toronto. Mrs. S. Zimmerman, Harry and Billie and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade at­ tended the Sothern Reunion in Lis­ towel on July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Johnston and Linda spent July 1st at Point Clark, Mrs. F. E. Russel and son, of Sar­ nia, have joined Mr. Russel at the rectory for the month of July. Mr. Wm. Stinson, Detroit, visited his uncle, Mr. Sam Stinson, for a few days. Mrs. Etta Pyke, Mrs. Margaret Wil- litts, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitch and family visited Mr. Reg. Newton in Westminster Hospital, London, on Sunday. TEESWATER SCHOOL PRINCIPAL NAMED Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron were honoured when relatives.and neigh­ bors dropped in on Saturday evening to observe their silver wedding anni­ versary which occurred on Sunday, July 4th. During the evening an ad­ dress of congratulations and good wishes was read by Mr. Wm. Ruther­ ford and Miss Mary Murray, Mrs. Al­ bert Taylor and Mrs. Frank McQuillin made the presentation of a tri-light lamp, a mirror and a silver cream and sugar1 set. Miss Anna Stuart was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. C Stuart. .---- -----, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling lire ^nd . Wirrnine?311 attending summer courses st Westers l are »” a tr,p t0 Wmmpeg. ....... ........................'"I " ' ” ........ I Cecil R-huebottom at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Graham, Mr. James .Douglas and Mrs. W. E. Whit­ field were in Port Elgin on Saturday for the celebration of the 90th birth­ day of Mrs. Alex McKenzie, of Har­ riston, at the home of her son in Port Ronald Hill, of Culross Township, has been appointed principal of Tees- water Public School to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Harold Remus. Mr. Hill has taught school on Con­ cession two, west of Culross, for the past two years. PERSONALS —Mr. and Mrs. Bert Machett, of Hazel Park, Michigan, visited Mr. andGebrge Hazel Park, Michigan, visited Mr. a | Mrs. George H. Tervit, on Sunday. University, London, while Miss Lois Webb and Miss Flora Jean McQuillin are at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nolan of Regina, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott and Mr. Elwood Elliott, of Holyrood, were re­ cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller. Pr. George and Mrs. MacGregor, their daughter, Mrs. Kuhlhorn and her four boys of Chicago, were week­ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart. Procter Family Reunite in Seaforth was NOTICE All Accounts with ery> and to the youngest farmer, Jack 'making exceptional growth. DRS. CONNELL & CORRIN (which partnership terminated June 30th, 1953) ARE NOW DUE AND PAYABLE Accounts1 unpaid by July 31, 1954 will be placed in the hands' of our solicitors. Signed Daisy M. Connell B. N. Corrin Only CROSLEY L?O W' $ # x:: B i c % Gives You DEEP DOOR DESIGN Check these features —Through the generosity of their bus driver, the pupils, with their tea­ cher, Miss Frances Walker, Lower Wingham Junior room and some of their mothers, recently spent a very enjoyable day at Goderich. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MiUer, Wind­ sor visited over the week-end with Mr' and Mrs. Robert Golley and at­ tended the 100th Anniversary of the Golley Fatm on Monday. —Mr. Arthur McLaughlin, of Larder Lake, and Miss Meta McLaughlin, of Toronto, are spending their holidays with 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N T. McLaughlin. Jack McLaughlin and Miss Ruth Holder of Ottawa, and Muir McLaughlin of Sarnia, spent the week-end at the same home. THE BIGGEST, ROOMIEST, MOST CONVENIENT REFRIGERATOR IN HISTORY—Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rousselle, Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brydges. —Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, Toronto, was a week-end visitor with Mrs. David Hamilton, Minnie Street. —Phyllis MacLeod of Toronto, and Shirley Anderson, of Cochrane, were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacLeod. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Galbraith and Mrs. Alba Rahlves, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and<Mrs. W. A. Galbraith last week. —Mrs. Margaret Young and Mrs. Jennie Brown, of Toronto, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Gurn­ ey. Misses Barbara Bates and Beverley Ahern, of Detroit, Mich., are spending Push Button Automatic Defrost Exclusive Deep Door Design Full width Freezer holds 50 lbs. • New Butter and Cheese Safe Handy Roll-out Shelf Plumbing Supplies for Cottages Cabins Motels Homes AND MANY MORE! I The afternoons & week<3 vacation with the former’s ThTyounS grandmother, Mrs. Frank-Angus. member present was Marjorie Proc- ’ —Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod an<3 ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donald, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Procter. Brussels; oldest couple pres- Carl Clark, of Petroit, visited with ent, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Procter, of their mother, Mrs. Janet Buchanan. Wingham. There were 47 members who sign ed the register. The annual Procter reunion held Thursday, July 1st in the Lions' Park at Seaforth, program included ball games, races, games and swimming. T* _ . List Price.Other Models NOTICE TO CREDITORS | ALL PERSONS having claims against I the estate of Dr. William M. Connell, late of the Town of Wingham In the I County of Huron,. Physician, who died on or about the twelfth day of June A.D. 1954, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the seven­ teenth day of July A.D. 1954, full par­ ticulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said seven- , teenth day of July the assets of the 5‘ said testator Will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, LOOK TO A BRIGHT FUTURE— Everybody eats ice-cream, own i vice help or ice cream experience requir- ? having regard only to claims of which ~ a ' r.-., .Ji —. — tlu. JI ii l&ft eTinll Lriiiirt nOVn iii’ArlHA _ _ ' ------can and operate your own self-ser-, ice-cream franchise, large pro- ? assured. No dishwashing, noj I —Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bates of De- ____ ___ _______ „ Stroit, Mich., are spending a week with I ed the register. The cofnmittee in Mrs, Bates' mother, Mrs. Frank An- I charge of sports was Mr. and Mrs. gUg before leaving on a trip to the ’Western States. j —Mr, and Mrs. Peter MacLeod, of 1 Minnie Street, attended the graduation ’ exercises of their daughter, Phyllis, A thousand printed words; the executors shall then have notice, could tell you no more. This is a! DATED this twenty-eighth day of ground-floor opportunity and a ttfThfrtnctGNof ybur own. Small capital required, j CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Fdf an interview Write to Ken-Mar« Wingham, Ontario, Co. Ltd., 1231 St. Catherine Street! Solicitors for the Executors, West, Montreal, Que. 3071421b 30714b Jack Higgins and Charlie Lloyd. ’ The president, Robert Procter, was. in charge of the election of officers * fdr the coming year and they are as« follows: Pres., Wilbert Procter; vice- j —- pres., Jack Higgins; sec.-treas., Miss»Canadian‘Mcthercraft p , Ruth Procter; sports comm., Kenneth}10 Toronto, on June 23rd- Wheeler, Mrs. R. Procter, Mervin Ste- ~~ * TT’' phens and George Howson; lunch comm., Mrs. J. S. Procter, Mrs, Clar­ ence Yuill, Mrs. Walter Kerr and George Howson. | —Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ernest, Michael and Michelle, of Frederickton, New a Brunswick, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. , Clayton Thompson, at Port Elgin, for 1 three weeks. Toilets - Basins - Bathtubs Showers - Sinks - Pressure Sys­ tems - Sump pumps - Copper Galvanized Pipe & Fittings, Etc. " ‘You pay no freight” Write for free Catalogue S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE Phone 352 Open Wed. & Fri. evenings till 9.30 p.m. 7:14:21:28 & $429.75 Deluxe Automatic DAP-105 F‘“" $259-75 T° $649-75 BURKE ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING and REPAIR A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE